VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby crackerbox_palace » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:31 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; IKEA Lord


Ivanskaya's favorite field of sunflowers is destroyed in a wildfire.


Ivanskaya's good friend, Petrograd, a viscet of flight experience, flies over the
scorched field to drop new sunflower seeds. [ plane reference ]


By the next summer, all of Ivanskaya's sunflowers had entirely grown back.

viscets used; ivanskaya petrograd
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby tiny little box » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:38 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

"come on Lyra just come with us to the lake."
Roman and spade looked at the fire man viscet,the youngen looking up from her summer reading.She was sitting comfortably under the tree when the two trouble makers disturbed her from her reading.She sighed and shook her head a little bit."mama says I better not" she said,flipping a page of her book.Spade rolled his eyes,biting down on his cherry lollipop with a loud chomp.
"look Lyra" he said,grabbing her book and clumsily throwing it behind his back,Roman quickly snatching it up with a slight fumble for it's grasp."You never go outside to play,your like" he rolled his wrist,Lyra glared up at him."someone who doesn't want to fall behind in scho-"
"a huge nerd" he said with a loud giggle.Lyra crossed her arms,sticking the pencil behind her ear."so why are you interested in me going to the lake so much.
Roman and spade gave each other a small grin before looking down at the small viscet buried in her books."the rest of the class is gonna be there,it's like a super cool party the grown up's are throwing...thought little Roman would want to see his favorite hot head at the party" he said,nudging at the color splattered viscet. Lyra's ears popped up a little bit.
"wait what do yo-OUCH" he yelped out in pain,spade hitting him in the stomach with his tail,giving him a look that said to do what he said.He gave Lyra a weak smile.She looked off to the side,grabbing her pencil,biting on it nervously before putting it back."I suppose,if my mom doesn't find out" she said,smiling at them."sure,let's go" she said,the fire on her head sparking and burning brighter in excitement.
The walk to the lake wasn't very long,it ran just outside there little village.How could she not know there was party.She felt a little giddy,maybe the band was going to be there.She should have got her harp so she could play with the grown ups.
"hey guys should I go get my harp,it would be so much fun" spade looked back at her,shaking his head no."I wouldn't,the party has already started,don't want to miss it to get your stupid weird guitar" he said,facing back to Roman who giggled a little bit in response.Lyra huffed in indignation."It's a harp,and it's beautiful" she said.
A they walked Lyra felt more and more uncomfortable,Spade began to walk behind her.The flames on her body getting a little more somber and a little less wild.When roman pulled back the bush she could see the class,just down below the little cliff that let into the water.They seemed to be having a good time,splashing each other playfully.Roman looked over the side,giving a thumbs up and moving.Lyra slowly looked over at spade who had a smile that of a ferocious beast."what are we doing up here" she said meekly,gulping a little bit as she walked toward spade slowly,wanting to get away from the ridges muddy edge.But it did no good because he walked closer to her,pushing her back."come on Lyra,let's join the fun." he said lowly,Roman sticking his leg out coyly,tripping the other back.
She could feel the air escape her lungs as she was free falling.She desperately grabbed at the air until she could feel the cold icy grip of the water.In a flurry panic she arose to the surface,a shrode of steam surrounding around her.The flames had gone out leaving nothing but steam and herself.At first the viscets did nothing,no laughter.Nothing until Lyra could here the loud cackle that came up from the ridge.
"I told you it would go out" he said with fits of laughter. And as if it was a chain reaction the whole lake started to laugh at her.She could feel herself starting to cry,the gripping sensation of anxiety made her want to crawl deep into the lake.She wanted to sink down,with her dignity.A hand reached out for her and she flinched.The small paw nudged her toward land.She couldn't look up until she meet land.She could feel the tears filling her vision as she touched the muddy bay.Making a run for it out of that nightmare

characters used:

all characters are little children,this was before Roman went mute and Lyra's fear of others

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Wobbuffet » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:48 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; Wobbuffet
Everyone Striker asks out on a date turns him down, and each refusal hurts more than the last.

(I apologize for drifting a bit away from the theme!)
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby ~Teya~ » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:30 pm

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; ~Teya~
{words or art}

Azul yawned in contentment as he lay by the beach with his owner, Taffy Bixby, her golden brown hair shone in the scorching July sun as the waves crashed peacefully onto the sandy white beach just to the side the famous Keanu Reefs where the most pearly pink coral grew and a large host of aquatic creatures resided.
It was a busy day at the beach, with hundreds of people trying to find a parking space or relaxing by the crystal blue ocean, Azul glanced back at his owners parents, although they were on vacation Taffy's father still continued to talk constantly on his 'phone' as the humans called them, and he noticed that Taffy looked quite annoyed at the whole ordeal.
Taffy suddenly said, ''Daddy, why do you always have to be on that stupid phone, I thought you were supposed to be taking a break from being Mayor of the city?'' Her father paused, holding his hand over the speaker, ''now watch your language young lady, you may be fifteen but that doesn't mean you can say things like that,'' but then he added in a more caring tone, ''I'm sorry darling, but this is extremely important - I'll try to wrap it up as soon as possible,'' Taffy sighed, with a hint of bitterness and disappointment in her voice, ''Well alright, if you say so,'' she looked down at her fingers, playing with them half mindedly.
Azul whined, he never quite understood what humans said, but he had learned what feelings they had by the tone of their voice and the way they moved, and he knew Taffy was in an annoyed mood. He moved closer to his master, laying his head on Taffy's lap, Taffy smiled, carefully petting his soft silky smooth head. ''You may not be the perfect viscet from everyone else's point of view since you're so small for your species, (5 ft. tall, 9 ft. in length) but I don't care, you're still perfect to me, my sweet little viscet.''
After an hour or two of laying by the beach with Taffy and her parents, Azul and his owner went for a walk down closer to the reefs, some of it being just above the water, Azul could start to make out pink and yellow coral along with a few different types of fish, quietly he stalked a beautifully colored fish, and at the perfect moment, he pounced into the water making a big splash as the small fish made a narrow escape from the paws of Azul, ''oh Azul, now I'm all wet,'' Taffy exclaimed with a laugh, looking down at Azul's big blue eyes, ''well, since I'm now soaked thanks to you, we mind as well go in,'' with that Taffy jumped in with a splash, the pair swam around now completely covered in salt water from head to toe, Azul was glad Taffy was happy, she hadn't laughed so hard in a while now that he really thought about it. Things were starting to look up; maybe Taffy's dad would even be done his work soon and would have more time for Taffy.
It was midday, so Taffy and Azul started to head back to where they had left his owners parents sun bathing by the beach, but out of the corner of Azul's eye, he could've sworn he saw a dark figure move behind a palm tree and heard a large twig snap. 'Why would they be hiding?' Azul thought curiously but still didn't think he or his master was in danger, so continued on his way with Taffy directly in front of him.

Azul heard behind him, twisting around he had had enough, he wanted to know who or what was following them, to his surprise he saw two humans with hand guns in their hands and masks over their heads covering their features, despite being terrified he managed a deep growl and showed his teeth, ''Azul what are you-'' Taffy begun but stopped as she saw the two men standing there before her with Azul making her keep her distance. The two men looked at each other and then at Azul and suddenly uttered a laugh in unison, ''look at the overgrown dog, its trying so hard to be scary,'' one said, ''why don't I put it out of its misery,'' the same man said, pointing his gun directly between the viscets eyes, ''no,'' the other one said quickly, seemingly in charge as he lowered the other ones arm, ''everyone on the beach would hear the gunshot and come running, we'd never get away clean,''
the other man looked disappointed, ''fine,'' he said in annoyance, taking out a second gun and without hesitation pulling the trigger to release a thick woven netting that surrounded Azul, making him utterly helpless.
''Azul!'' Taffy exclaimed tugging fiercely at the net, ''get the girl,'' the one in charge said to the other, the man swiftly took hold of Taffy's arm and slowly dragged her away with effort, ''Azul! Mom, dad, anyone! Help me!'' The boss rolled his eyes, ''gag her you idiot, don't want to attract attention,'' the other man quickly did, as well as binding her arms and within moments vanished into the sand dunes and palm trees. But right before they completely vanished, a group of people including Taffy's parents ran up, Azul growled loudly and whined, scratching violently at the net, he had to get out and go after them, they took his master and he didn't even know why.
''Easy boy,'' came the voice of Taffy's mother, Margaret, as she cut through the netting with a pocket knife, releasing Azul from his net prison, he bounded out whining and barking, or at least that's how they perceived it, ''we have to go, they took Taffy away!'' Azul exclaimed in his own language, Margaret frantically looked around for Taffy, ''Oh god honey someones kidnapped Taffy, what are we going to do?'' She looked towards her husband in exasperation, ''we'll find her, and we'll pay them whatever amount necessary if need be,'' Azul was tired of waiting, and without hesitation he leaped away to the last place he saw Taffy being dragged off too, he was a search and rescue animal after all, he should be able to find his own master, right?
He followed Taffy's scent and the tracks of the 'kidnappers' as Taffy's mother called them for a quarter mile, where then the tracks and scent abruptly stopped. ''How could this be?'' Azul asked himself starting to go in full blown panic mode, the scent had stopped right next to the road, so that meant they got into a car and drove away, ''I can't follow a car,'' he exclaimed, ''or can I?'' he paused, ''they may not have gone very far, there are fresh tire marks to the left, so maybe I'll get lucky,'' without a second thought Azul raced the way the black tire marks had gone, wishing with all his might that he would somehow find Taffy safe, and alive.

* * *

Miles went by, hours went by, but no sign of Taffy or the men that took her, his paw pads burnt and he felt dizzy from lack of water, Azul was losing hope fast, what if... he never found his master?
But just then his wishes started to come true, his hope hadn't given up just yet, he without a doubt picked up the faint scent of Taffy, the road he had been walking down without him noticing had turned into a dirt road, he saw the outline of a house just up ahead. Stealthily, the viscet came up to the old abandoned looking house and looked through one of the windows, to his relief and joy he saw Taffy, along with the two men who were pacing around, the boss one was talking on the phone, ''no, I want $250,000 in cash tomorrow or you're never gonna see your 'lil girl again,'' with a slam the man hung up the phone and lighting a cigarette walked out the back door, with the second man at his heels.
Azul didn't waste anytime, now was his chance, quickly he squeezed through the window and heading for Taffy hastily teared the ropes that bonded her and the two jumped out the window, Azul heard yelling in the background but ignored it, Taffy stumbled, but Azul bit the back of Taffy's shirt swinging her on top of his back and went full speed down the dusty dirt road.
They heard the sound of a truck engine starting up, Azul ran faster but the truck was gaining on them, but suddenly Azul heard the sound of police sirens directly in front of them, he didn't know how they found him, but then he remembered the tire tracks he had followed, the police must have followed them too, they were safe now, they were going to make it.

1,489 words
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby DogLife. » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:16 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; DogLife.
{words or art}

- Kindle and Gypsy
- Mercenary issues
- Summer Solstice
- Massive amounts of Nixx huge battle

wip words using
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Virixin » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:21 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; lady lightwing.
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    wip c: [ words ]
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VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby ABeardedDragon » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:24 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; ABeardedDragon
1051/1500 words
"A what?" Alduin repeated down the phone.
"A croc," replied the voice on the other end. Silence.
"How big would ya say it is?" he asked.
"Maybe five feet," they replied.
"Right," he said slowly before taking in a deep breath with wide eyes.
"You good?" they asked.
"Yep," Alduin rubbed his head, "I'll be there in two hours."
While he was certainly skilled in removing 'problem' reptiles from houses and public spaces, a crocodile was a whole new level. At this time of year he was busy with complaints, usually a large snake or a lizard. That was all he expected when the phone rang. For half an hour Alduin rummaged through every single cabinet, shelf and box he could find. He found nothing specifically made for the job. From the kitchen, he pulled a plain black rag from the pile of spares in the wicker basket. The viscet took his longest snake hook, shimmering silver with a plastic black handle that was falling apart at the bottom. As he went to leave, he saw the phone by the door and stared at it. The screen lit the dim room as he typed in that one familiar number. He hovered over the call button, slowly looking over the framed pictures of him and his brother. Alduin shook a head with a wavering smile.
"I'll be fine," he whispered to himself, though he couldn't convince himself this was true. After locking the door, he made his way to the old pickup truck. In the back was some thick rope ready to go, slightly worn but it would do. He placed his hook and rag in the back. His brown coat already glistened in the blistering sun. The inside of the truck was a furnace, the dark leather seats scorched him. Alduin started the engine up, quickly turned on the air conditioning and rolled the windows down but it was hardly any cooler.

He could hardly hear the crunching gravel as he pulled up, his heart was beating too hard in his chest. It felt like his heart would burst, explode, at any moment. His ears were ringing. The world seemed to spin around him. He knocked. Everything faded. Blurred.
"Good day mate," said the black viscet who stood in the door.
"Oh!" he jumped as he came back to reality, "good day."
"Come in," they waved their arms and turned. Alduin followed and his hands squeezed the equipment he held.
"So this croc," he started.
"Over there," they faced the sliding doors together. Outside was a well-kept garden, a pool in the centre and a hulking crocodile by the side. The chain link fence had a hole, which must have been where it slipped in. A hard lump formed in Alduin's throat that he just couldn't swallow.
"So," he tried again.
"Good luck," the viscet said as he rushed Alduin out of the back door. The brown viscet looked back through the glass to see the shadowy figure watching; a smile and wave that seemed sinister yet they had nothing but kind intentions. For a few moments, Alduin felt himself burn inside as he bit his lips. Go ahead and throw me out here then, he thought, don't bother giving me any help. His hostile thoughts quickly faded as he heard the bulky weight of a beast being dragged behind him. The monster was covered in thick scales and heavily scarred. With a deep breathe he made his way over. The crocodile was quick to hiss and bare its rows of teeth. They stepped and shifted around each other slowly, almost like a dance. A deadly one at that. Once the crocodile charged him, only just managing to move out of the way. Alduin took his chance and grasped the thick tail. What he didn't expect, however, was to have gaping jaws swing back around, aimed straight at his face. Alduin jumped. Screamed.

He held his snake hook out. It twisted as the crocodile bit down and rolled with it. Every muscle in the viscet's arm was on fire as he tried to hold on. Until he couldn't. The bent hook lay on the floor as the crocodile hissed louder, shaking its wide head. Alduin stepped back as the beast came closer, stopping with a whip of its tail. He slowly leaned down to take the thick rope and black rag. His brown eyes never looked away. He made his way back, walking around the side of the croc. Alduin could hear himself panting, his heart thumping, felt himself drip in sweat. With a deep breath he reached out. He grabbed the monster's tail. It quickly span around. Alduin followed the tail. Clambered onto its thrashing back. As he reached the shoulders, he felt the crocodile ready to start a death roll. The viscet closed his eyes and pressed his weight into the beast. His arms and legs squeezed its limbs into its sides. Fought as hard as he could. Still. That was all he felt. It didn't move. But it hissed loudly. Alduin quickly scrambled to throw the rag over its eyes and tie the rope around the top jaw, slipping his hand out before it could deliver a crushing blow. Pressed down on its snout. For a while he didn't dare breathe. He simply clinged on to the beast. As he felt himself calm, he let go of it and swiftly jumped to his feet.

Alduin managed to nudge the croc along a short distance. He couldn't do this. So he waved at the black viscet who stood watching, they came out hesitantly.
"Help me lift it," he said.
"I," they started, quickly stopping.
"Once in a lifetime thing," Alduin smiled. He took the front half of the body while the other viscet took the back half. They slowly walked the reptile through the house. It thrashed its tail a few times, knocking things off of shelves and even shattering a vase. With their last bit of strength, the pair managed to lift the beast into the back of the truck. Alduin quickly tied the ropes to the sides of the truck, with some extra rope to secure the limbs. With that, he said his goodbyes and began his journey to the coast, where he would release the beauty.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby PikachuTori25 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:50 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; PikachuTori25
It was a hot summer day and Kishiko knew this day would come someday, the day her best friend Shimizu would pass on to the other side. He was nearly ninety and tried to visit the goddess every week, but some weeks he wouldn't come at all. It was the third week in a row that the human hasn't come to visit the goddess. She looked sadly at the pools of the new bioluminescent fish that Shimizu had brought her after the some of the older ones had passed on. Kishiko knew that the human had passed on, she could sense the empty void that once was a human that she had a very close friendship with. She couldn't hold the tears back any more and started to bawl her eyes out, the tears dripping into the small pool full of bioluminescent fish who curiously tried to eat them. Kishiko tried to wipe away the tears, keep them at bay but they just kept coming. She needed a hug, a hug from Shimizu but...he wasn't here anymore. She felt the tears well up in her eyes again as the goddess raced over to her shrine, it was much bigger then it was at first. The humans had built it up, making a proper shrine to the goddess. The goddess no longer had a hokora or Miniature shrine... but I full sized one that some humans cleaned up every week. They couldn't see the goddess like Shimizu once had, but they were always nice to the goddess and left fruit for her. Kishiko raced into her shrine and curled up tightly, remembering all the good times she had with the human male named Shimizu... he came to the goddess one hot summer day, carrying a plastic bag full of glowing fish. Kishiko fell in love with the fish, and thanked the human happily. She didn't expect the boy to reply with a "Your welcome" and a big old grin on his face. Kishiko was surprised and didn't reply, staring at him in shock. The boy soon left but came back, day after day, giving the goddess any left over lunch that he had with him. Kishiko had no idea why the boy could see her or remember her in fact, but they became good friends quickly and the boy named Shimizu visited every week...sometimes he would visit more if he wasn't busy. The goddess and the human began to wander out of the cave the goddess called home, and the two of them began to play nearby at first. Then Shimizu began to drag Kishiko out into the city and other places. They went to the aquarium one summer day, which the goddess didn't want to leave. Shimizu had to negotiate with the goddess and ended up buying her an oversized shark plushie which she still has to this day, even if it is wore out from Kishiko hugging it one too many times. She chuckled slightly, curling up even tighter afterwards. She missed the human already, once Shimizu began to get older she didn't see him as much, as he was working. He did make sure to visit every week though. For some reason the human never got married or even had an interest in human girls in fact, so he had no spawn that could visit her. Kishiko played with one of the very many fish toys that Shimizu had gifted the goddess, gently pressing it against her head and wishing that she could see Shimizu one last time, to say a proper good-bye to the human that the goddess was so close with. Suddenly, a white light came down and into the shrine, another fellow god appearing in front of the goddess. "I shall grant you this wish." He said. "I care see your future without the one named Shimizu and it looks very bare and lonely." the god added. "I do not wish this upon a fellow god, so I shall give you your Shimizu back." and with those final words, the god disappeared with a flash of light and standing in his place was a viscet, a male god viscet in fact. Kishiko blinked, staring at the other viscet god. "....Hello?" she asked, wiping away her tears as she did so. "....Kishiko?" the viscet replied and grinned the same grin that Shimizu had made on the first day that they met. Kishiko gasped loudly, and tackled the other god, knowing it was her best friend. Shimizu had returned to her, as a god himself...and the same kind of god. She didn't care about anything other than Shimizu in this moment, and the fact she could now spend forever with him.
(Starring Kishiko & Shimizu)
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby DragonCave » Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:12 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)

username; DragonCave
{words or art}
Summer Get Together Gone Bad
    A group of viscets made their way through the woods, closer to more industrialized territory. Two sisters lead the pack out of the forest and through the winding streets, the rest of their pack behind them. Dustin's pack was on their way to meet with Lucine and Serafina's family, for the first time. The larger one of the sisters spoke up,
    "Hey Lucine? I'm not sure that this entirely the right way home."
    The smaller one piped in, "It's gotta be, see that juniper tree? I'm pretty sure that was Mr. Smith's yard," Lucine said as she spotted what was once their driveway. "Hey! Here we are!" she amped up her pace in excitement.
    "Oh man, I could have sworn he'd be in a home by n- oh sweet."
    The group made their way up the twisting driveway, eventually to be faced by a beautiful home, flanked by blooming gardens on either side, and a adequately size pool visibly poking out from behind the house. Once Lucine and Serafina's pack mates were done oohing and aahing at the impressive residence, Lucine went up the knock on the door. Much to her surprise, a familiar russet and red pelt opened the door.
    "Oscar!" both Lucine and Serafina went running up to the viscet that had acted like an uncle to them, "I had no idea that you'd be here!"
    The large male just laughed before replying, "Yeah, Bella came with me too. Your dads are in the kitchen. Bastion is trying to bake but you know how that's gonna go." It was then that he noticed Dustin, who easily rivaled him in size- something he never liked. The fur around his neck immediately stood on end as his hackles raised. He already didn't like the look of him. As the day moved on, many of the pack members met and interacted with Bastion, Rey, Bella, and Oscar with no problem. There were no problems until Oscar saw something that made him fume; Dustin chatting up Bella. He quickly made his way over to the two, wedging himself between them. He turned to Dustin.
    "Hello, I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Oscar, Bella's best friend," Oscar deadpanned, waiting for the other male's response to hold out his paw to shake.
    The Dustin looked Oscar up and down before finally responding, "I'm Dustin, the alpha of the pack. And you must be very lucky to be able to spend all day with this girl, she's quite a card." His snide response did nothing to calm Oscar, who was now pinning his ears back.
    "Yes, I suppose I am. Unfortunately for you she's not looking for anyone right now." Oscar growled, definitely not appreciating this newcomers disrespect.
    "Really, now? I didn't hear her complaining of any such thing," Dustin replied in an irritatingly smooth tone. At this point, Bella had uncomfortably excused herself to find Serafina, who she could only hope would have a solution. When they got back, Serafina frantically apologizing, saying that Dustin was used to being unchallenged. Unfortunately, they were already on the ground, spitting insults at each other quite vehemently. From what she could collect, Dustin had made a rude comment about Oscar's protectiveness of Bella, followed by Oscar hinting that he may not be the best pack leader by stating that maybe he could learn a thing or two from him. No matter what happened, the two were now fighting on the ground, Oscar very clearly close to being the victor due to his MMA training, and Dustin scratching anything he could get his claws on. Finally, the dueling duo accidentally flopped into the pool and came up hacking water out of their lungs. Serafina and Bellatrix walked over to their respective males, each giving and earful to them for making such a scene over something so superficial. In the end, Bastion, Rey, and the others got a good laugh out of it, Oscar and Dustin were forced to apologize to each other, and well as Dustin swallowed his pride to apologize to Bellatrix for making her uncomfortable and attacking her friend. Once back into their forest territory, Kodiak took care to bandage Dustin up and sent him to his den to think about how he acted.)
(Throwback) Summer Storm
    Bastion and Rey were young, in their early teens. Bastion couldn't find Rey anywhere- which was odd, considering that he was usually running down the hall to meet him whenever Bastion walked in. Bastion had been out doing a few errands, and decided to hurry home when it started thundering. Oh. How could he have forgotten? Rey was nearly deathly afraid of thunder storms, he was probably hiding in some closet freaking out, while Bastion was just standing there dumbstruck. Bastion quickly slammed the door shut with his tail and called out, "Rey! Where are you? Are you okay?". No answer aside from Rey's father telling him to be quiet, he should have seen that coming. Bastion decided to ignore him and continued to run up and down the halls, calling out for Rey. Still no answer, which was very concerning to him. Eventually he realized that he should be looking upstairs, and hauled himself up the stairs with little regard to his own safety. The thunder was louder now, probably getting closer to them. Great, a cliche, what else? Bastion irritably thought while still calling out to his unaccounted friend. After searching both of the bathrooms, Rey's father's room and bathroom, the upstairs living room, and the storage closet, he finally concluded that Rey had to be in their shared bedroom. How was that not the first place I thought to look? Bastion ran once again down the hall and burst into their room. "Rey! Where are you for god's sake?" He called out, finally hearing a small thump in reply. He looked over to the bed, seeing Rey's purple and cream tail poking out from behind it. He walked over to Rey, seeing him curled into a ball, wrapped in seemingly every linen formerly on their bed. Rey called out to him, albeit weakly, "Bast- the storm..", he was interrupted by a startlingly loud clap of thunder, causing him to squeak rather pitifully and curl up tighter. Bastion, not entirely knowing what to do, simply sat down and curled around Rey. He'd wait out the storm with him.
Kodiak's Downpour
    Kodiak padded around the medicine den, hopelessly pawing at the imp, waterlogged leaves scattered about the stone floor. The flood had devastated the pack, especially Koidak, who had spent hours of every day collecting and carefully sorting all kinds of herbs, berries, and leaves in order to store them for the future use of her friends. How would she ever be able to build it back up? What if there was a battle and she had nothing to heal her injured pack mates with? She laid down on the ground, clearly in shock over it all. The pack's camp was already in shambles, and now they had nothing in the medicine den at all. She had to tell Dustin and Marcel. There was no way that she could keep this from them. Kodiak called them over to her den, and noticed Aponi lingering just close enough to eavesdrop on them.
    "Dustin, the flood wiped out everything in the medicine store. I need to go out to find more, there isn't anything in our territory that hasn't been spoiled by the flood." The soft-furred viscet carefully stated. It was Marcel who spoke next.
    "Do you think you have to leave to find more to replenish the store? That could be very dangerous."
    "I know," said Kodiak, thinking to herself, "But I was thinking that I could take somebody else with me, maybe?"
    Aponi stepped into the den then, not bothering to excuse herself, "I would go with Kodiak, should she leave the territory to search for herbs."
    Dustin huffed at Aponi's apparent eavesdropping before agreeing with Kodiak, "If you think it is necessary, then I grant you permission to leave the territory with Aponi in order to to replenish your medicine store."
    Aponi and Kodiak confirmed in unison; "Alright."
    And so the duo set out, and traveled for a total of 6 days before returning to their camp. The two had had to sleep where they could, but Aponi took great pride in being able to assist Kodiak and indirectly the other members of her pack. While what they had been able to return with was minimal, it was enough to last long enough for them to rebuild their store. Kodiak took note to keep a backup store for the future, and took keep her herbs in a higher, safer place.

(1,459 words; Lucine, Dustin, Serafina, Bastion, Bellatrix, Oscar, Rey, Aponi, Kodiak)
Last edited by DragonCave on Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 5

Postby Yugi » Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:49 am

Prompt 2 - Summer Drama (A Summer Gone Wrong)
username; Yugi

In a rush to get the freshly bought doughnuts onto the table for everyone to enjoy, Beat ends up accidentally tripping on the sidewalk.

Beat is completely distraught, knowing that everyone was excited for doughnuts for their summer breakfast party.

Yosuke and Quin go out to purchase another dozen doughnuts for their friends, all while thankful that Beat isn't badly injured from her fall.

Featuring the following viscets: Beat, Glass, Hone, Quin, Trixie, and Yosuke (All owned by me)
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Yugi | She/They | Biracial Asian
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