Dreamwalker lore [Do not post but pls lurk!]

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Dreamwalker lore [Do not post but pls lurk!]

Postby BlueEyedKite » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:41 am

IndentionThis will be the hub where I store my dreamwalker lore and worldbuilding! Please, don't post here, but I encourage you to read anything I write! I welcome dms discussing my dreamwalkers <3


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Dreamwalker Synopsis

Postby BlueEyedKite » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:43 am

IndentionFor dreamwalkers, the beings who enter and manipulate dreams, two major events divided their populace. The first, was the event called the Great Sunder. A civilian war on their home planet, Jule, fractured their globe beyond repair. Hulking pieces of their planet float the dream space like glaciers in a starry sea. This calamity of their own doing brought on the second event, The Exodus. The majority of walkers were forced to relocate to the only hospitable planet they knew of: Earth.

IndentionDreamwalkers once saw themselves as above humans, now they were forced to live among them. Some walkers thrived, using the power and wealth they'd accumulated on Jule to line the pockets of Earth's elite: purchasing a comfy life for themselves. The average walkers banded in close-knit communities, trying to eke out a living where they relied on human interaction as little as possible.

Indention Then there is the very small few, the misfits of dreamwalker society: The Fringers. These were the walkers that never left Jule. Instead, they took over those floating rock islands traveling through the dream space. The fragments of their home world is aptly called The Fringes. The only dreamwalkers crazy enough to inhabit such a desolate place are those in dire need of a hideout. Fringers are those dreamwalkers that are in the game of an illegal substance, dream juice. They sneak into nightmares, siphon the dreamers' of their aura, and convert that aura into an elixir. It's this pretty little blue liquid that is the life blood of the underground market. Fringers have to be cautious, go by aliases, and keep on their guard from agents, those dreamwalkers whose job it is to find them at all costs.

Indention What dreamwalker will yours be? Will they make or break their side? Whether an Earthsider or a Fringer? One things for certain, no matter the journey ahead, don't expect a smooth ride where magic is at play.
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Dreamwalker Lore Dump

Postby BlueEyedKite » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:54 am

Dreamwalkers are supernatural beings, in the same vein as angels/demons/vampires etc. They have the unique ability to enter dreams and manipulate them using their magic, which they refer to as dreamweaving. They are morally gray entities.

Although they look similar to humans, they are not. Dreamwalkers can have unnaturally colored eyes. Mature dreamwalkers have horns of any size or shape, but the color always matches their eyes.

Within dreams, walkers look like their true selves. However, on Earth their horns are not visible to humans. Their unnatural eye colors also appear differently to a human. A purple eyed, purple horned dreamwalker will look like a human with no horns and brown eyes. A neon green eyed/horned walker will have no horns and dull green eyes to a human, etc.

As for clothing, it can depend. Dreamwalkers do have traditional clothes from their homeland: these are lightweight fabrics heavily ornate in design. However, since the majority of dreamwalkers live on Earth, most sport the fashion of the culture they reside in.

Walkers, as a whole, are flashy creatures. They like to wear tailored outfits. All genders wear piercings and paint their nails. It's praised to create your own signature look. Fast fashion is not something dreamwalkers practice, their clothing is well made although they may not have as big of a wardrobe as the humans.

Misconceptions: They don't have tusks, claws, or fangs. They don't have pointed ears. They don't have alien skintones.

A walker cannot dreamweave until they reach puberty. Their dreamweaving looks like colored, sparkling light. The shade of each walker's magic is unique and comes in every hue under the rainbow.

Dreamweaving is not all encompassing magic. Each walker will have their own specialty. Some specialities are more rare to see than others. When a dreamwalker is using their magic for the first time, their specialty is influenced by their caretakers. It's not a guarantee, but typically the adolescent will develop the same specialty, or an offshoot, of the guardian they are closest to. Very sparingly a speciality not seen in a household will manifest.

Dreamweave magic has been described as feeling a warm, full sensation in the abdomen. Like the feeling you get after eating a large meal, it's comforting and reassuing. Walkers can focus on the presence of their magic within them and tell if they have a full supply to pull from or if their magic feels low. When your stomach is empty you have a hollow feeling. When your stomach is full it feels stuffed. It's feelings like this that dreamwalkers gauge if they are out of magical amo or not. When they use up all their magic they won't be able to use their powers, simple as that.

A dreamwalker's magic starts out small. They can only use it for a short period of time. Their dreamweaving supply only grows if all their magic is used up. Each time a walker's dreamweave reserve is exhausted, their magic will refill a little larger. The dreamwalkers that practice their magic frequently, using every drop of their powers, grow the most in magical ability. They will be able to perform dreamweaving for longer and create/manipulate on a larger scale the greater their magical skills.

Dreamweaving can only be done within dreams*. Unless, the dreamwalker ingests an illegal substance known as dream juice. This liquid is banned because it is an elixir made from harvesting the aura of dreamers. Depleting dreamers of their aura is prohibited by dreamwalker law. Only walkers that participate in the underground market produce, trade, sell, and use dream juice. Law-abiding citizens only dreamweave in a dream and not on Earth.

Dreams are not creations of humans. They're actually their own plane of existence. Humans, when they are sleeping, project their souls and are drawn into dreams, whether good dreams or nightmares. Human souls, called dreamers, stand out from creations from the dream thanks to colored aura that surrounds a dreamer. This colored aura is only visible to a dreamwalker. If two human souls wander the same dream, they can't see the aura that surrounds them.

Dreamwalkers enter and exit dreams through a dreampath. A dreampath is an invisible thread/path/trail that walkers detect with their dreamweave magic and follow with their dreamweave magic. To a walker, it can feel like a cold trail in the air they can run their hand over but can't see. Humans can not feel or use dreampaths. Dreampaths connect dreams to the Dream Realm. The Dream Realm is a plane that is nothing more than an endless fog. Walkers can wander the Dream Realm and feel all the dreampaths that lead to different dreams. There are dreampaths that leave the Dream Realm and connect to the dreamwalkers' destroyed home world, The Fringes, and dreampaths that connect to Earth.

All dreamers and dreamwalkers enter a dream, top down, and follow an invisible path to the ground floor. It's like riding an elevator down. You can't break free of this magnetic pull downwards unless a walker has magic that allows them to fly, fly off. Dreamers can exit a dream simply by waking up, however, dreamwalkers can only exit a dream if they locate the dreampath that leads back out to the Dream Realm.

Dreamers and dreamwalkers can't die in a dream. Instead, if they are in a nightmare and are "killed" the dreamer will wake up while the dreamwalker is ejected from the dream. Walkers end up on a plane called, The Void. It's an endless forest always obscured by fog. The dreampath exit out of The Void is extremely hidden. Most walkers live all their lives wandering the forest, trying to find a way out. Dreamwalkers avoid "dying" in a dream at all costs. Most walkers don't enter nightmares, the ones that do stick together in groups, and they use all their magical abilities to survive the nightmare and find the dreampath exit.
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Dreamwalker Magic Specialties

Postby BlueEyedKite » Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:25 am

Quick List:

Top 5:

Other Specialties
Beasts/Nightmare entities
Explosions/Chain reactions
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Dreamwalker Specialties In Depth

Postby BlueEyedKite » Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:27 am

Producer: The rarest magic specialty, a dreamwalker can create any object, real or imagined. They are limited by their imagination and their magic reserve. very powerful

Substitution: The second rarest specialty, a dreamwalker can change any aspect of a dream into another. They use their magic to swap out something in the dream: a rock can turn into a tower. A tree into a sword. Skies the limit, as long as an object in the dream is nearby.

Shadows: This magic has many functions. A walker can shroud itself in shadows to hide. They can create portals to enter and exit from. They can create black holes to suck in the dream environment or enemies.

Architects: Architects are the walkers that can change the layout of a dream. They can turn a snowy dream to a desert, a cityscape into a jungle. They do need to store a considerable amount of dreamweave and then release that magic in a huge burst. It's easy to deplete their magic reserves in this way. Architects can sense who comes and goes in the environment they change with their magic.

Seer: These walkers can concentrate their dreamweave magic to their eyes. They can see the invisible dreampaths. It looks like twinkling thread that twists and turns through a dream. They can follow a dreampath no matter how the dream environment appears. If the trail goes through a "wall" they know it is a false wall. They are invaluable at navigating quickly through a nightmare. Rumor has it they would be able to see their way out of The Void, even.


Beasts: These walkers can summon beasts, real or imagined. Their creatures come from their imagination, but they can keep summoning the same beast. When a beast is summoned it appears through a black portal in the ground, if the dreamwalker's magic is spent or the beast is "killed" in a dream it will sink into the same black portal. It cannot be summoned if the walker does not have enough dreamweave magic stored. Sentient dreamweave creations are a constant drain on magic.

Elemental: Walkers with this specialty will further be sorted into an element. They are Air/Wind, Water/Ice, Fire/Magma, Earth/Nature, and Electricity. They can produce magic that falls within their element. It's unheard of for a dreamwalker to be able to dreamweave multiple elements, always it's one specialty.

Illusion/Mirage: These dreamwalkers can produce tricks or Illusions with their magic. They can create a hall of mirrors, use mirrors as portals, even create body doubles of themselves or other walkers. Watch out you don't get trapped in one of their endless staircases.

Gruesome/Decay/Abomination: It takes a special personality to have a gruesome specialty. They often summon crude weapons like jawbone clubs, wear bone armor, can make a dream's environment melt into goop, and they can send a tidal wave of slime at their enemies. Nothing seems to phase these walkers. perfect for nightmare runs!

Cute/whimsy: These walkers tend to get a bad rap for being "softies." Their magical gift is to create and convert pieces of a dream into... well cute things! They can turn quicksand into a field of flowers, warp a scary zombie into a newborn giraffe, their friendship bracelet ropes are perfect for climbing! Sometimes making the world around you adorable can pay off when the stakes are high.

Trippy/Surreal: This specialty is the gift that keeps on giving. Not only can these walkers withstand the dreams that give you extreme vertigo, but they can turn settings into Alice in Wonderland. Trippy users can flip the dream on its head, walk on the ceiling, make solid objects liquid, mess with the weight of objects. It's best to be on your toes when a walker with this specialty is on your crew, things are about to get funky.

Explosions/chain reactions: These walkers can create explosions big or small. They can set explosions to timers. If you hear explosions in the distance, it's probably a walker with this specialty out there.

Experimental: Sometimes nicknamed the nerds of the walker world, they have a scientific brain space. These walkers can conjure beakers, vials, and flasks. They can produce elements that react together. They can whip up concoctions that work as acid, poison, antidotes, or healing properties.

Flight: This is the only specialty, outside of Seers, where walkers can cast their dreamweave magic on themselves. They can make themselves lighter than air to soar, or create a wind tunnel that propels them, or even produce wings to fly as well as any bird.
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Dreamwalker FAQs

Postby BlueEyedKite » Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:25 am

Walker Life Qs

How long do they live? up to 150 years, most live around the 120-130 mark

What do they eat? It's pretty close to pescetarian. They eat a LOT of fruits, vegetables, and grains. While their protein tends to be seafood, sometimes they eat white meats but very rarely eat red meats. Dairy is occasional as well as sweets. They love spicy although it was hard to find spices that packed a punch on their home world.

What happens when dreamwalkers sleep? They get needed rest. Dreamwalker's souls, if they have them it's debated, are not projected when they sleep. Any walker you find in a dream is awake.

What's their sexuality? They don't reproduce through male x female pairings, so in walker society any pairing is accepted. Most tend to be monogamous but you see the occasional poly relationship.

Do they get married? Walkers will have a ceremony to be recognized by their government as a unit. They host these ceremonies in dreams so you can imagine the decor is over the top!

Do they have kids? Some do. We will circle back to how when the nursery opens c:

How and When did they come to be? Walkers don't have all the answers on the original of life. Some have religion, they have a God they believe in called ALL. They would say ALL created them alongside humans. One thing is certain, evidence of their ancestors shows that dreamwalkers and humans are about the same age as a species.

What are their morals? This is individual but as a society they want to be a help to humans. They want to be a peaceful people that does good wherever they can. This is why stealing aura from dreamers is forbidden and agents chase down Fringers, they don't want dreamwalkers to have a bad reputation. If you ask a Fringer, they would say that they were given powers to be at the top of the food chain. They're not seriously harming humans, really, and anyway, that's life: there are sheeps and wolves.

Do they have traditions? They love hosting balls. There is a ball held for each of the four seasons. Walkers have their own holidays, the big ones are the two holidays that represent good dreams and bad dreams. The good dream holiday is called Meliora. The bad dream holiday is Malus. Meliora would be like Christmas and Malus like Halloween on steroids.

Walker Work Qs

What do they do for work? They have the typical jobs to keep society going but the "office workers" are their dream sector. Most work in good dreams as monitors. Those walkers are assigned to dreams where their job is to make the experience enjoyable for any dreamers that wander in. Nightmare duty pays more but walkers have to prove they have the magical skills to protect not only themselves in a bad dream, but keep the dreamers safe too. Monitors have to make sure they are on their guard for Fringers, walkers that sneak into nightmares to steal the aura of dreamers.

What happens if they get injured in a dream? Nothing is permanent in a dream as long as they find the exit. You also can't remove anything from a dream, it vanishes when you exit. If a walker is mortally wounded in a dream and "succumbs" they will be ejected from the dream and be sent to The Void. Try not to "die"

Why is dream juice so important? While dream juice is in their bloodstream a walker can dreamweave on earth. It also boosts your magic store and allows you to weave bigger creations with less draw from your magic stores.
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All about The Fringes

Postby BlueEyedKite » Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:28 am

Ruling Crews

1. Somnus Mortus: Powerful family, all producers, control the dream juice racket

2. Vipers Vigil: Somnus' dogs, shadow other crews, the enforcers

3. Knifepoint: Distribute the nightmare territories, oversee contracts, collect the dream juice

IndentionLet's take you through the life of an average walker living in The Fringes (not in the top 3).

- So you heard dream juice is a profitable undertaking. Let's start from scratch.

- First, strength in numbers. Walkers living in The Fringes band together and form a "crew"

- Someone is chosen as the leader to this crew, they will need to make contact with number 3, Knifepoint, so as not to step on toes.

- Knifepoint approves your crew. You name your crew. All members get a codename/alias to protect their identities.

- You find a suitable floating rock island for your hideout.

- You hire a walker who specializes in architecture, if you don't have one among your crew, and they transform the rock into your hideout.

- The goal is that if prying eyes were flying past these floating rocks, they wouldn't be suspicious that walkers are living there.

- Hideout themes include: a graveyard, a hedge maze, ruins, abandoned buildings. Get creative, make sure your real digs are hidden/possibly underground.

- Now's the time for the grind, you go to the nightmares you've been allowed to pull from. You and your crew enter your dreams and hope that a dreamer wanders in.

- Try not to die in a nightmare, but know the dream attacks you for as long as you remain inside.

- Find a dreamer? Great. Restrain them so a member of your crew can pull their colored aura into their hand. When they close their hand into a fist, and exert their magic into their palm, the aura converts to a liquid. Collect that liquid in a ready made vial.

- Collect enough dream juice vials to make your quota for Knifepoint every month. Sell the rest when the secret auction is held.

congrats, you are a baddie :thumbup:
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Dreamwalker Example Fringer Crew

Postby BlueEyedKite » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:22 pm

This is one of my crews: Wicked Six



The leader of the crew. Specialty is beasts. His dreamweave color is jet black.



Rank 2. Specialty is substitution. Even though he has the rarest magical discipline he still isn't the leader. His dreamweave color is cherry red.



Rank 3. Specialty is architecture. His dreamweave color is sunny yellow.



Rank 4. Specialty is Trippy. His dreamweave color is neon purple.



Rank 5. Specialty is Illusions. Her dreamweave color is hot pink.



Rank 6. Specialty is Gruesome. His dreamweave color is pale green

- Their hideout is a graveyard with the entrance to their underground lair through a mausoleum.

- Note that their dreamweave colors don't have to connect to their design or specialty.

- You don't have to have all your crew members ranked. But Swindler is a leader who likes his crew to know their place xD

Oc refs made in picrew
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