SCS Custom and Adopt #215/#216 by ~HєуRєι~

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SCS Custom and Adopt #215/#216

Postby ~HєуRєι~ » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:22 am

Second Chance Shelter wrote: Second Chance Shelter is a dog and cat rescue where you can come to find a new member of your family. We rescue and rehabilitate dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes so they may have the chance to be placed into a caring home. All of our animals are special and deserve a chance to be happy with an owner that will care for them. The question is: are you ready to love them?

These two playful dogs were dropped off to us by a new owner. Apparently they had so much energy and they just weren't ready for it. The left gal was picked up almost immediately by a new owner so she's unavailable but her kennel partner is available!
PROMPT: Simply tell me about their personality, and try to impress me from there! [My Extra Policy]

#215 Siberian Husky-Samoyed Mix
SergeantWinter wrote:

Username: SergeantWinter
Name: Angel
Nickname: Angelcakes
Short Story; How She Got Her Name: Her previous owner was a baker and they had owned their own pastry and sweets cafe. It was only a small local place and made just enough money to get by, none the less the baked goods tasted deliciously. On the first day that the baker had gotten the Husky-Samoyed mix, they had to leave the dog in the kitchen since their staff kept running into issues when they left to pick up the dog. The issues were making them become backed up on customers orders, and so the baker didn't have time to bring the dog home on the way back from picking her up. So the Husky-Samoyed mix had free reign in the kitchen amongst all the commotion and chaos, which overwhelmed her. Now she is notorious for stress-eating, and once her big brown eyes locked on to the beautiful angel food cake that sat on the counter waiting to be placed on display... Let's just say no one noticed the cakes absence until there was no more cake. The canine had ate the whole in seconds without anyone in the busy kitchen knowing it. The baker was upset but it wasn't the dog's fault, after all the dog shouldn't have been at the cafe in the first place, and on top of that she should have been watched more carefully. On the bright side, it had given the baker the perfect name for the little white darling and from then on Angelcakes remained at the house.
Gender: Female
Collar: Gold Chevron, except can the little charm be a cupcake?
Personality: Angel is an overall very bubbly canine. She is more of a peoples dog and tends to connect strongly with her owner. On top of that she has a good judge of character, and seems to understand humans as well as their emotions. This makes her very loving and confident around people, but with other canines and felines she becomes very withdrawn and shy. At the same time she is very friendly with other animals larger than she is, she just can’t approach them first. So conversing with those animals is very difficult for her, let alone making friends. Her friends are limited, but out of the ones she has they are very well cherished and spoiled. She doesn’t have very many foes either and even with the ones she does have, she never ever treats them badly. Especially when they disrespect her or be rude to her, she likes to “be the better dog”. It is interesting though how she can be kind with cats, and yet she chases after other animals such as squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, birds, and the like due to her hunting instincts in her breed mix. That all being said, Angel does have her down moments and particularly depression when not being outside for long periods of time. Nostalgia is often what causes her “down moments” and she will actually become a bit distant from her owner during these times. She may not even eat or drink until her spirits are raised again. It can be difficult because she won’t feel like doing anything but moping about, so generally the only way to get her interactive again is by acting silly. Kind of like how you might to cheer up a friend. She also has a bit of a destructive or bad behaviour when she’s too inactive or left alone after a while. She loves to jump and is known to clear obstacles in her way that could be a barrier. Such as a fence to keep her in or perhaps it is keeping her out, so things like a gate that may stop her from entering a room. Angel has a bit of determination in her in these cases because she will be determined to get over whatever barrier that is blocking her way, no matter the height. 90% of the time she accomplishes the jump. Angelcakes is also gets into any food left on counters or that is in the open when she becomes stressed out. Despite her overall loving tendencies, she does not go looking for attention all the time. She does like it and it is needed throughout the day, but not 24/7. She does tend to pester for attention though when she manages to pick up on any negative emotions. It’s like she wants to distract you and keep you occupied with happy feelings instead of letting you dwell on what’s got your mind twisted and distorted. Angel is protective of her owners but she is welcoming towards strangers or intruders, with the exception of the stranger giving her the wrong vibes. Metaphorically rubbing her the wrong way, and in which causes her to think they are dangerous. So in the end she makes a great “man’s best friend” with a bit of a sense of humor.
Theme Song: Pharrell Williams - Happy
Basically this song is significant to Angel because she is a happy puppy most of the time, and whenever she isn’t this song can be used to help raise her spirits once again. It helps if you dance sillily along to the song and let loose, dance like nobody's watching.
Quirks: Angel likes to play matchmaker with her owners. If they don't have a "mate" then she is sure to run into every hot man at the dog park or on walks that she can possibly find.
Best Friend: Chris. Chris was the baker's twin brother and for some reason she just absolutely loved him. He on the other hand always claimed that Angel was an annoying pest. He'd bug and ask his sister why in god's heavens did she buy the dog? Now Angel never payed attention to his words because to her, actions spoke louder than words. That and Chris was just always seemingly in a bad mood, such a grump. It made Angel wonder if his mattress was that uncomfortable. Despite Chris's lack of interest in the Husky-Samoyed mix, he'd let the little girl jump up on the couch and curl up beside him after a particularly hard day at the cafe. Chris and his sister Erin both ran and owned the small local cafe, as well as lived together, so that was something else to factor in. Chris wouldn't even give Angel affection unless it was just them in a room, no Erins allowed. That isn't to say that Erin hasn't caught the two of them snuggled up on the couch, knocked out, because she has on multiple occasions. It always brought a smile to her face, and she'd keep it hush hush so that Chris didn't kick up a fuss. If you asked Erin, she'd suspect that Angel loved Chris so much because all she wanted to do was cheer the man up. And not only that, but Angel most likely admired Chris as Chris was infamously known for his passion. His passion towards baking, and taking care of his sister. Angel could sense his gentle-soul needing some pampering since it was locked away in a cold steel dungeon. See the twins were orphans and Chris took to the stand of being the "parent", and overtime he become distant from his younger fun-loving self. Angel wanted to bring light to that younger self inside of Chris, and in a way she had. Overtime Chris did become more happy and easygoing, but it was only slight enough that people living with him would notice.
Short Story; How She Ended Up At The Shelter: Life with the twins was great, they each loved and cherished her in their own ways. Except Angel always had this pent up energy, they never really took her out for walks and she was always stuck inside the house. This wasn't to say it's their fault, the cafe was just so much work and when they got home all they wanted to do was sleep. Chris especially was overworked and often sent the night up doing things like book work for the cafe. As time passed, Chris began to notice that Angel didn't receive the kind of attention she needed and he knew that they wouldn't be able to give it to her. Maybe someday they could, but that wasn't about to happen in the near-future. They were lucky Angel wasn't one for destroying the house when they left her alone for the day. Chris looked into finding a dog day care center but unfortunately they were all too far away and most of them were pretty pricey. They didn't have much money to spare. It took awhile to come to the conclusion that they would have to give Angel up if they wanted her to be truly happy, and it took even longer to convince Erin. But after they agreed, Angel was reluctantly sent to the shelter to find her a home that would be able to keep up with her active needs. There were tears, even Chris let some go as he comforted Erin and made empty promises to her. But Angel would never forgot them and no one could ever replace them. To this day Angel doesn't talk about them much since dragging up the past, causes her to have tears well up in her eyes. And she can only pray to the gods that someday she can be reunited with them.
Favourites: Cinnamon buns, they remind her of Chris. Because just like Chris's personality, it’s spicy when there is too much cinnamon, and sweet if the icing is added. Although they do tend to trigger a depression episode so cinnamon buns are to be used with discretion. It also reminds her of Chris because that is what he used to comfort her whenever she had an episode, and it worked quite well in his opinion. It was always the warm and just fresh out of the oven cinnamon buns that would melt in your mouth and send you to cloud nine briefly.
Fears: Any loud noises such as a vacuum, fireworks, thunder, gunshots, pots banging, blow-dryer, alarms, large crowds, babies, etc. It’s a mystery as to why these things bother her so much, it could be because her ears are sensitive or maybe her hearing is shot and the loud noises all sound like a noise that she relates with bad, danger. It could be something bad that happened to her or her owner from before Chris and Erin. After all the twins weren’t her first owners. Whenever something loud occurs, there is two ways she could react. One way is she begins to tremble something awful and goes to hide underneath of something while she makes a vicious growl. Majority of the time she tries to hide between her owner's legs, unless her owner isn’t around to protect her from the sounds. Although the growl is to symbolize that she doesn’t like it and that she isn’t submitting to the sounds. And that would be the second way, when her owner isn’t around and there is food near by she will eat it in hopes of going to her cloud nine to get away from the noise and commotion. It is like the food is her passage to her alternate reality or her escape from reality. It takes a great deal of comforting to get her out of this state, even after the sounds are gone. The easiest way is to take a risk and feed her cinnamon buns, unless she did the second option. In that case it is advised to play some of her favourite tunes or try to take her for a quiet walk.
Likes: Anything sweet and sugary, learning something new, and she enjoys to be silly with her friends or owner. This makes it easy to train her because she is eager, you just need to make it fun and reward her with treats that she enjoys. Otherwise she will get bored or receive the wrong impression, and the training session will go downhill.
Dislikes: Grooming, particularly brushes because she doesn’t mind a cold bath on a hot day. The brushes hurt and are rough on her fur due to the type it is, so grooming must be very patiently and gentle, slow. Best done in small periods of time without the day. She also doesn’t like to be in a bad mood or have an “episode”, which tends to make her in a worse mood than necessary. But that is more like being upset with herself and not directed at anyone, anyone that cheers her up gets a face full of kisses/licks.
art by me

#216 Alaskan Klee Kai
Spiritstar3 wrote:One of my fave breeds!))


A silly and fun loving boy, Tomi loves to be outside most of all. Though he generally prefers cold and snowy days, if he is in the pool on a hot day he'll still be happy. He's a pretty friendly dog, and he is quite good friends with the gal to the left. He likes to play ball as well, and oddly has taken to nosing around the kids' soccer ball. However, don't give him smaller balls, as he tends to run off with them.

--Impress me--

-The pool
-Soccer balls
-Tennis balls
-Being with the family
-Pulling the mini sled Mitch made for him

-Sudden movements
-Loud and or high pitched sounds (gunshots, fireworks, Georgie's violin so she has to go to other people's houses to practice)
-Being alone
-Staying still
-Flying insects (Namely, bees and flies, the buzzing irritates him)
-Carrots (But he seems to like sweet potato
-Apples (But he likes pears)

father Mitch
mother Georgie
human brother Michael
human sister Georgia
baby Deena
the family cat Samus

Well, at first, he was uncertain of the big white dog, as he could hear in her voice the sarcasm, and she didn't talk nice to some of the other dogs here. However, they became friends soon enough...
The little reddish and white dog sighed as he heard Harlow barking and growling at one dog or another again. "Harlow! Stop it..." he huffed, yelping in surprise when she nosed him and pushed him up against her, curling around him. "They were saying things about you..." she huffed, and he sighed as he said "Ignore them..." "But they were calling you stupid, small, and useless!" she growled. "I am small, and we both know I am not stupid." he said, not mentioning the useless part. She huffed and said "I am still going to protect you though..." He shrugged and said "Fine, but you better not act like my mother if I end up finding a crush or vice versa."
As you can see, she is quite protective of him, in a rather motherly way. In fact, a lot of the time she tries to guard him away from interacting from other dogs (mostly the bigger or meaner ones).

The little reddish (sable?) and white dog huffed as he looked about the place. There were other humans here, which of course made him feel a bit better about all these new dogs around him. However, all these dogs, mostly all anyhow, were bigger then him, and this made him nervous. He whined and cowered a bit when a big almost orange looking and white poofy one approached him, backing up from the dog and realizing as he did that it was a male, like him. Shaking the thought away, he continued to back away, then froze up when the dog whined a bit and huffed at him. He sighed softly as he stood still, shaking as the chow chow mix moved up to him and sniffed him, then the dog yipped at him and pawed at the ground near him. "My name is Laur. Want to play?" the bigger, poofy dog asked, and he nervously said "S-Sure." After that day, they saw each other every once in awhile. Tomi can think of Laur as a friend, he supposes.

The little Klee Kai sighed as he placed his paws over his ears, hearing the farm dog down the road howling again. He realized she was probably that one collie from the three dog 'singing' group that had gotten to the shelter before he and his friend had. Shaking his head, he laid his head down and tried to get a nap in...The next few days passed in a blur for him, but again came that howling which he noticed after the few days of blur had passed. Sighing, he shook his head, and was almost glad when his humans took he and the cat on vacation with them, in their RV. However, after three or so days out, he began to realize he was kind of missing the sounds of that female dog. When they got home, he found himself listening that night...And then there it came, and he found himself howling along this time.
Long story short, he was irritated by Kali and her howling at first, but he actually grew accustomed to it and came to expect it. If they ever meet, he plays with her and sings along.

Art (he and Ikarus- I gave them a ship name too! Sorry about that- Also, gonna say this now: if someone else wins him, PM me, if he's a boy I might want them to like each other or something, if you win them and the gender you picked was female, still PM me bc I might give you one of Ika's slots for them)

#215 Siberian Husky-Samoyed Mix
kk // ee // bb // dd // Slsl // aa // SwSw // mm // rr // TiTi // CwCw // gg //uu
*this pet has 10% Grey Wolf and may act more wild due to this!

#216 Alaskan Klee Kai
'Red Sable w/ Low Piebald and Urajiro'
kk // ee // bb // DD // slsl // AyAw // SpSp // mm // rr // TiTi // CCw // gg // UU
Last edited by ~HєуRєι~ on Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:12 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:57 am

One of my fave breeds!))


A silly and fun loving boy, Tomi loves to be outside most of all. Though he generally prefers cold and snowy days, if he is in the pool on a hot day he'll still be happy. He's a pretty friendly dog, and he is quite good friends with the gal to the left. He likes to play ball as well, and oddly has taken to nosing around the kids' soccer ball. However, don't give him smaller balls, as he tends to run off with them.

--Impress me--

-The pool
-Soccer balls
-Tennis balls
-Being with the family
-Pulling the mini sled Mitch made for him

-Sudden movements
-Loud and or high pitched sounds (gunshots, fireworks, Georgie's violin so she has to go to other people's houses to practice)
-Being alone
-Staying still
-Flying insects (Namely, bees and flies, the buzzing irritates him)
-Carrots (But he seems to like sweet potato
-Apples (But he likes pears)

father Mitch
mother Georgie
human brother Michael
human sister Georgia
baby Deena
the family cat Samus

Well, at first, he was uncertain of the big white dog, as he could hear in her voice the sarcasm, and she didn't talk nice to some of the other dogs here. However, they became friends soon enough...
The little reddish and white dog sighed as he heard Harlow barking and growling at one dog or another again. "Harlow! Stop it..." he huffed, yelping in surprise when she nosed him and pushed him up against her, curling around him. "They were saying things about you..." she huffed, and he sighed as he said "Ignore them..." "But they were calling you stupid, small, and useless!" she growled. "I am small, and we both know I am not stupid." he said, not mentioning the useless part. She huffed and said "I am still going to protect you though..." He shrugged and said "Fine, but you better not act like my mother if I end up finding a crush or vice versa."
As you can see, she is quite protective of him, in a rather motherly way. In fact, a lot of the time she tries to guard him away from interacting from other dogs (mostly the bigger or meaner ones).

The little reddish (sable?) and white dog huffed as he looked about the place. There were other humans here, which of course made him feel a bit better about all these new dogs around him. However, all these dogs, mostly all anyhow, were bigger then him, and this made him nervous. He whined and cowered a bit when a big almost orange looking and white poofy one approached him, backing up from the dog and realizing as he did that it was a male, like him. Shaking the thought away, he continued to back away, then froze up when the dog whined a bit and huffed at him. He sighed softly as he stood still, shaking as the chow chow mix moved up to him and sniffed him, then the dog yipped at him and pawed at the ground near him. "My name is Laur. Want to play?" the bigger, poofy dog asked, and he nervously said "S-Sure." After that day, they saw each other every once in awhile. Tomi can think of Laur as a friend, he supposes.

The little Klee Kai sighed as he placed his paws over his ears, hearing the farm dog down the road howling again. He realized she was probably that one collie from the three dog 'singing' group that had gotten to the shelter before he and his friend had. Shaking his head, he laid his head down and tried to get a nap in...The next few days passed in a blur for him, but again came that howling which he noticed after the few days of blur had passed. Sighing, he shook his head, and was almost glad when his humans took he and the cat on vacation with them, in their RV. However, after three or so days out, he began to realize he was kind of missing the sounds of that female dog. When they got home, he found himself listening that night...And then there it came, and he found himself howling along this time.
Long story short, he was irritated by Kali and her howling at first, but he actually grew accustomed to it and came to expect it. If they ever meet, he plays with her and sings along.

Art (he and Ikarus- I gave them a ship name too! Sorry about that- Also, gonna say this now: if someone else wins him, PM me, if he's a boy I might want them to like each other or something, if you win them and the gender you picked was female, still PM me bc I might give you one of Ika's slots for them)
Last edited by Spiritstar3 on Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby ~HєуRєι~ » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:02 am

Last edited by ~HєуRєι~ on Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Imageℝ𝕖𝕚 ❀ 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪/𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞 ❀ 𝔸𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕥Image
ImageImageImageℂ𝟜ℂ 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕊𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕖ℂ𝕊𝕋

« Hello! My name is Rei, I'm a chronically ill and neurodivergent artist
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:12 am

Ah okay
I'll go with the collar, bc I really like that collar
Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
You are eternally screwed once Castiel turns his big blue puppy eyes on you...


Name: Darkness
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby ~HєуRєι~ » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:38 am

The form has been edited! It's now an impress me *I couldn't think of anything original ;v;*))

Imageℝ𝕖𝕚 ❀ 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪/𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞 ❀ 𝔸𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕥Image
ImageImageImageℂ𝟜ℂ 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕊𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕖ℂ𝕊𝕋

« Hello! My name is Rei, I'm a chronically ill and neurodivergent artist
and designer. I've been on CS since 2012 and am generally friendly if
a bit intimidated by strangers. I am most active on discord so please
contact me there under the user HeyRei if you need anything! »

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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:42 am

Wip for relations, may I use Laur and or Kali in my relationships part of it? (I'll probably end up trying to do stories for that part of it)
Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
You are eternally screwed once Castiel turns his big blue puppy eyes on you...


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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby ~HєуRєι~ » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:44 am

all my characters are fair game. However, I don't own Harlow and I wasn't told her personality))

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ImageImageImageℂ𝟜ℂ 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕊𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕖ℂ𝕊𝕋

« Hello! My name is Rei, I'm a chronically ill and neurodivergent artist
and designer. I've been on CS since 2012 and am generally friendly if
a bit intimidated by strangers. I am most active on discord so please
contact me there under the user HeyRei if you need anything! »

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞: 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣 , ℝ𝕚𝕤𝕖 , ℝ𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟 ,𝕂𝕖𝕝𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:52 am

XP Alright

I might take the thing out for Harlow, just thought I'd put it in there for now though
Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Sharkie. » Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:15 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:XP Alright

I might take the thing out for Harlow, just thought I'd put it in there for now though

I can give you her personality if you want ^^
hang in there while i redo my sig
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Re: SCS Adopts #215 and #216

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:14 am

Sharkie. wrote:
Spiritstar3 wrote:XP Alright

I might take the thing out for Harlow, just thought I'd put it in there for now though

I can give you her personality if you want ^^

Ooo, XP, sure
Good night, sweet Braveheart, we will miss you and never forget you. Fri. Apr. 8 2016
Julius went missing September 19 2022, assumed to have passed away.
My sweet angel, Storm, you were a birthday gift to me. Now, you return to heaven today- October 16 (2023)
-Canines, Cats, Horses, Tolters, SCS babs, Rukami, RWBW, Sprigons, Teacats
You are eternally screwed once Castiel turns his big blue puppy eyes on you...


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