WME: Breeding Auction!! by AmigoGirl

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WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby AmigoGirl » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:32 am

This equid is a 2nd generation foal, out of Patch and Tranquil. Both the parents are owned by me. THIS foal, its up for sale.

Informations about the foal
Gender: Foal/Stallion/Male
Projected height: 13.2 HH

.||CupCake||. wrote:Username: .||CupCake||.
Equid's name: Valentyne { Pronounced like Val-en-tine, but spelled different. } {{ It has two meanings; Love and Strong. Both of which I see in this Equid. }}
Personality: Boy oh boy this stallion is a so much like his father it isn't funny. Sacarstic and witty, Valentyne knows how to make everyone laugh. Sometimes he doesn't know when to stop being a class clown and that tends to get him into trouble. And like his mother, he is talkative. Many don't hang around this WME because he never shuts up! You'll even find him talking to nothing but air, or imaginary beings that acutally listen as Valentyne says, to hide the fact that he is talking to nothing. When it does come to being serious, he will actually be helpful around others and try to do the best he can. That can also be a bad thing, though. Being boysterious and having no self control when it comes to being curious and plain out wild, Valentyne can't seem to be calm and collected like his mother.Though when it comes to socializing and being friendly, he tends to be shy. He's easily nervous, and more so around fillies and mares. Inheritating his father's killer smile and way with the ladies, Valentyne isn't one who likes to flirt and constantly be the one in charge, unlike his father. More so, he is a hopeless romantic who wants to have his soul mate and no one else. Besides the fact that he has a lot of his mother's and father's traits, one unique trait that Valentyne has all on his own is his way with nature. He may be unrully and hard to handle around other WME, but when he's by himself and surronded by the mountains and expanding forest, Valentyne seems to be at peace. He'll help any wounded or sick animal and he'll even nurture younglings back to health. He's a strong believer that everyone needs a chance at life: a Second Chance. Also, he is very fond of his father's crush, Tigress. They have similiar personalities; from being wild and young at heart, to being brave and willing to show other's how strong they can be, and also how they tend to be gentle around young ones. Through and through, Valentyne is a mysterious being that is hard to solve, but it takes that one WME who is willing to take the time and energy to understand this young stally's ways.
Art or Story: {{ This will star - Tigress, Patch, Tranquil, and of course Valentyne. }}
"Tigress!! Tigress!! Wake up!!" Excited about something, the young stallion Valentyne tried to wake the sleeping mare.

"What!?" Tigress's head popped up from the ground and looked frantically around with wide blue eyes. Nothing seemed wrong, so why the sudden wake up? Turning her head to see who the intruder was, the mare whinnied in surprise. Valentyne, again. As usual he needed her asistance. She could have done without his face being pressed so close to hers. "What do you want, black foot?" Her voice with gravely with sleep and annoyance, but amused all the while. The little nickname she used was one she gave him the day he was born. He had one black foot while the rest where a light pinkish color. It was easier than saying his full name, plus he responded to the pet name better anyways, or anything she said since he looked up to her for everything! But she couldn't help surrender to his pleading green eyes or dashing smile. He was just too darn charming and too much like his father, for her own good. With a few seconds to fully awaken, the young mare pushed her body off the ground after headbeating the colt away and shook her tiger stripped pelt; a sign of why she was named.

"I found something!! A-And I want you to see it!" The colt reared on his hind legs and playfully kicked Tigress's chest with his front hooves before running off. What he was to show was something Tigress wouldn't expect... Or so he thought.

"Hey!!" Tigress whinnied at the dissapearing figure that once was Valentyne. Shaking her head and snorting in amusement, Tigress ran off after the young colt before he got into trouble, again. She was always his babysitter, and not by choice either. Ever since Patch and Tranquil had the colt, he seemed to stick to her like glue. She didin't know why. He was cute, but he was so much like his father that he drove her bonkers! But all the while, she didn't want to upset the youngling, or make her lover angery for not entertaining his son. Either way, she was stuck with Valentyne for too many reasons.

Skidding to a stop after running the long distance from her resting place, Tigress craned her neck over Valentyne's lowered head to see what he was cooeing and laughing about. What she finally saw made her groan in dismay. He really made her wake up and run all this way, to see squirrel!! Her tail flicked angerly and her ears flattened as she headbutted the colt's rear end. "You did not just wake me up from a deep slumber for this!?! A baby squirrel of all things, Valentyne!" Valentyne backed up and lowered his ears in slight embarrasment. He thought it was cool, so why not Tigres? "Awh come one Tig, why not!?" The colt complained as he gazed from the little furry animal to the equid before him. "Number one, I hate when you call me Tig. And Number two, because there are thousands of squirrels out here, I don't really get why this one is so important for me to see!" The dumbfounded mare couldn't look at the creature, for fear that she might surrender to the colt's pleads and ultimatly ruin her reputation. She couldn't be beaten by a silly little colt, it would make her seem weak and not strong willed like others view her as. But as she stared annoyanly at Valentyne, she found her hard shell cracking. The penetrating green eyes he inheritated from his mother made her heart melt, and oh god! He was usuing that cute boyish smile. Rolling her blue eyes and stomping the ground in anger, Tigress finally gave in. "Just look at it! You can't help but fall in love!" The colt whinnined at her as he headbutted her shoulder to make her move towards the fluffly creauture.

Tigress nipped at Valentye's ears in a sign of "Okay" before turning and resting her eyes upon the very thing she was rudely awaken to see. Shockingly, it was cute. It had big brown eyes and a long furry tail. It wasn't that old so it very small. Smiling widely, the mare stretched her head down and nuzzeled the little squirrel with her velvet muzzel. She giggled as the creature fell back from feeling her stronog breath blow on it, but it quickly regained balance and batted at her muzzel. "I'll admit, it's cute." She said as the squirrel climbed up her muzzel and along her back before jumping onto Valentyne body, where it rested on his head. "Can I keep him!?!" The colt whinnied excitedly and hopefully, his eyes wide and pleading to the mare. Tigress contemplated the question in her head. She knew she would hear of this till the day she died from Valentyne, if she didn't allow him to keep the animal. But she would also get a lot of talk from his parents if he kept it. Either or, she was melting beneath his gaze. "Fine, but ask your par-" "Okay!" And he was off running to his parents.

Tranquil was grazing below the mountains as Patch stood on a high rock and kept watch over the land. Valentyne came barreling in as he skidded to a stop by his mother, almost running into her. Tranquil whinnied in shock as she saw her son coming and almost knocking her over, but she pressed her head against his chest to stop him. Looking down at him she giggled and pulled at his mane in greeting. "Mom!! Mom!! Look what me and Tigress found! Isn't he cute and fluffy!? Can I keep him? Please!!!!" Valentyne rushed out without a single breath, all the while bouncing with excitment. "Woah!! Slow down young one and take a breather." Tranquil snorted softly in her son's face to calm him before answering his questions. "Yes, I see what you found and it's quite interesting. Yes, it's fluffy and mighty cute. And I guess you can, but ask your fa-" Again, the colt left no time for his mother to finish without running off to see Patch. Tranquil giggled as she watched her son. Skidding to another stop by his father, Valentyne batted at Patch with his tail to get his attention. "Hmm?" "Dad!! Can I keep!? Can I keep!? Valentyne went to the point, a huge grin on his face as he looked up at the squirrel he befriended. Patch loooked from his son with a smile to the little creature on his head. Confusion was written on his face at the sight and his ears twitched. Once again, the colt used his big green eyes to plead his father into letting him keep the squirrel. And once again, along with not wanting to dissapoint his son, Patch gave in. "Sure!" "Thank you! Thank you!! Valentyne trotted off to play with his new found friend, while Tigress galloped towards Patch with a roll of her eyes and wide smirk. "Couldn't say no, huh?" She teased and nuzzel him. "He's something isn't he?" Patch answered with a chuckle. "Uh - huh." Tigress giggled as she watched Valentyne romp and play with the little baby squirrel, whom dodge every move the colt made.

Why do you want this equid?: Well, where do I start? Horses are one of my favorite animals, more so than canines. Being born a horse lover and growning up to still be one, I can't help but love WME. The way they're built strikes me; the unique coat patterns and differences with the large ears, mane types, and long feline like tails. The behavioural aspect of the Equids are similar to horses and that to me is icing on the cake. I always wanted a equine character, seeing as how I have a canine fursona which many others have. To me, equines are majestic, spiritual animals that have been known throughout many centuries and in many cultures. A horse is a little girl's fantasy, and one of mine as well. So wanting a equid is another fantasy of mine. Currently I have none. So trying for this fellow will be my first. I have waited and waited months to find the one, but I always came up blank. Or I found one, but I was too late and someone snagged them before me. So like many other hopeful owners, I just sat back and watched for that one little equid to jump through the screen and catch me.

I am one of many fangirls over your equid stallion, Patch. His markings are to die for and that killer smile that he does oh so well makes my heart melt. But Patch also reminds me of a character from a recent book series I finished. I'm a avid book reader so I can relate to some characters I find that strike me as unique, or similiar in ways to myself. So when I saw Patch, he reminded me of this fallen angel character who was also called Patch. The character was mysterious and hard to read. The girl in the serious, whom he falls for, has a hard time reading him. He always has a wall up to block his emotions and past. It takes a while for the girl to get Patch to let loose around her and let his past become hers. His emotions are usually never read easily, no matter how hard the girl tries or how much the two has been through. She simply has difficulty reading him. So like your equid Patch, this fallen angel character has similiar traits. He's sarcastic, always using humour to cover things up he doesn't want to talk about or hear. Most of the time he uses humour to draw the girl to him, though it also draws the girl away at times. He seems to not take things seriously, though he does very much so. Patch, from the book, also is a ladies man. He knows how to turn them on, with a killer smile just like your equid. But he also has strong feelings for the girl, even if it breaks the laws of the angels to be with her, he simply can't stay away. He does everything in his power to keep the girl safe, including making her forget him and try to make her be normal. Patch cares deeply for his loved ones, though he only has one friend, whom he later reveals is evil and untrustworthy. So you see, I can relate your equid Patch to the fallen angel in the book series I read. It's what draws me to him, and his son whom I want to call my own.

Not only am I a big fan of Patch, but I'm a big fan of Tranquil as well. Her beauty shines like the sun, and her spirit is whole and beautiful. The contrast to her lightly colored coat stands out to your other darker equids {except for Rasheeka} and it just catches my eye and holds them to her. Since I'm a book nerd, I can see another character from another book series, that I can relate to Tranquil. The character's name is Stevie Rae and her personality is similar to your Tranquil. The girl, a vampire of sorts, has this bright and shining personality. Everyone loves her. She's willing to help her group of friends, to any extreme. She's also talkative and loves to talk about anything, with this Okie countrified twang that her friends like to mimic at times in admiration and in fun. Stevie Rae is friendly to all, though her shy deminer can effect that sometimes. Even though I'm not drawn severly to this Stevie Rae character like I am to Patch, her sweet and bubbly attitude is addicting; just like your equids are to me.

Now, enough with talking about Valentyne's parents, it's time for the main equid! So the real question is: Why am I drawn to this particular WME?? Well besdies telling why I love WME in general and the in depth reasons why I love Valentyne's parents, I also love this equid because he is unique and has so much potential it isn't funny. I can see many little stories involving this stallion, some fun, and some tragic. I can also use him to improve my art block and horse anatomy, as I draw more and more horses to get rid of my obsessive canine drawing. But in general, I see myself in Valentyne. I can be crazy at times, rarely, but I can. I can also be shy and not social around others, which is why I don't have many friends. I also tend to talk a lot, alone. I've always had imaginary friends to help with the loss of real friends. And since I don't talk often to "real" people, I like to talk to nothing but air to let things off my mind and allow myself to relax. I'm also a nature lover. I love all animals and wish I could help all animals.

Besides the point, I could write a whole lot more of why I want this equid and go on and on about him, but these are the main reasons why I want him. I'm sorry this is long again, though I tend to write more than I should, but I couldn't stop because as I look at Valentyne there is so much in my mind that I want to let out about it!! So, I hope I can get him, because that could grant my ultimate fantasy, but if I don't, I do hope someone out there does give him a proper home and cherish him with tons of affection that this stallion needs.
Last edited by AmigoGirl on Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby anomaly. » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:37 am

it says filly but has boy parts?
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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby AmigoGirl » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:38 am

i always mix filly with male XD editing.


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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby Solanum » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:39 am

Absolutely gorgeous <3 I wish I could try for it.
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Image
I will be here
when you think you’re all alone
Seeping through the cracks
I’m the poison in your bones
My love is your disease
I won't let it set you free
Til I break you

You’ll never know what hit you
Won’t see me closing in
I’m gonna make you suffer
This hell you put me in
I’m underneath your skin
The devil within
You’ll never know what hit you

I tried to be the lover to your nightmare
Look what you made of me
Now I’m a heavy burden that you can’t bear
Look what you made of me
Look what you made of me
I’ll make you see
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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby west , » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:40 am

    Hmmm... I may have a go :] How can I not? Good luck to everyone else who also tries out.

⊰ Somewhere behind the rider you've вᴇcoмᴇ,
the hours of ᴘᴙʌcтɪcᴇ you've put in, the coaches that have ᴘυsнᴇᴅ yoυ,
the fences you've нɪт, the bones you've вᴙoκᴇɴ, the hard falls you've тʌκᴇɴ,
the loɴɢ ᴅɪsтʌɴcᴇ , the sнoᴙт ᴅɪsтʌɴcᴇ, the cнɪᴘ, the sтᴙɪᴅᴇs,
the ᴇqυɪтʌтɪoɴ, the sᴡᴇʌт, the тᴇʌᴙs, the вlooᴅ, the вlɪsтᴇᴙs,
the ᴙɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ jᴇʌɴs, the ᴡool jʌcκᴇтs on 100 degree sυммᴇᴙ ᴅʌys,
the lʌмᴇ horse, the cᴙʌzy horse, the "ʌᴙᴇ yoυ sᴇᴙɪoυs?" horse, and ᴇvᴇᴙyтнɪɴɢ in between...
soмᴇᴡнᴇᴙᴇ behind all this is the little girl who fᴇll ɪɴ lovᴇ with the нoᴙsᴇ,
the sᴘoᴙт, and the ɪᴅᴇʌ and ɴᴇvᴇᴙ looκᴇᴅ вʌcκ. ⊱

Ride for her.

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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby izauura » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:43 am

I'm so trying for this beautiful boy!
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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby lemondropkitten » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:52 am

Username: lemondropkitten
Equid's name: Echet
Personality: Echet is sweet and shy. He loves to eat clovers, and also loves windy days when his mane blows wildly. He is normally carefree and happy, but can also be worried at times. He respects nature and spends his days in bliss, listing to the sound of birds chirping or listing to the splash of young WMEs prancing in the mountain streams. He is also an explorer, always curious about something new. He enjoys resting under shady trees, running in pure joy, and searching the starry sky at night for shooting stars. When he is worried or upset, it's only when there really is something important to be worried about. The only thing he worries and lingers about is about another colt or filly being attacked by a mountain lion or injured in some way.
Art or Story: In the grass - As a foal - A (better) headshot - Headshot
Why do you want this equid?: When I saw him, I gasped and almost fell out of my chair. My heart started pounding and I just had to try for him. He's absolutely gorgeous in every way. His colors, his markings, his eyes, and especially how the stripe markings on his tails slowly fade. I don't expect to win him, but I just want to thank you for a chance to get this boy. There is more I love about him. I have always admired the tiger-like equids, with those striped markings, and I also love how the brown and white goes together to make it look like he has paint markings. I love his mother's markings, and his fathers, and I love how he portrays them both, but also has his own special markings. His brindle markings somehow reminds me of lightening flashing across the sky, and I love lightning, and really anything to do with storms. The brown on his back fading into dark brown/black reminds me of the evening sky fading into a dark thunder cloud. I can't stop thinking about this boy. The different colors and markings on his legs are, well, beautiful, especially how only one leg only has black and no white on it. The more I gaze at him, The more I fall in love with him.
Last edited by lemondropkitten on Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:59 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby Mr.Milo » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:58 am

(Im blown away by his beauty!)
Equid's name:Keaneu(Key-Ah-new)
Friendly- He has a very good personality towards other horses. It is hard for him not to be friendly unless you get him angry. Though like his father he does not like being around alot of horses.
Bold- His bold personality gives him a love for things that many may not. He is the first to do something and wont hesitate. He does not care what other horses think or even about making himself look dumb. He likes himself and thats all that matters.
Considerate- Being friendly Keaneu is also considerate while he is bold towards hi actions he always considers if what he does will hurt other horses.
Adventurous- Keaneu loves adventure, exploring is his favorite thing to do. From venturing down into the forest to going on the other side of a mountain. He likes to go places that no horses have been before. He hopes that one day he will get the chance to explore the world.
easygoing- Keaneu is a very laid back horse. He does not usally panic in situations and will usally have people have their way.
Loyal-Keaneu is very loyal just like his mother. He would like to keep himself to one thing from a horse to a goal.
Flirtatious- Being bold Keaneu knows he is beautiful. Like his dad he likes to talk to the mares and get to know them. Though he flirts he will remain loyal to only one mare.
Art or Story:
The first one is just a close-upo of the horse in WME in the second picture
Close up: ... nald-1.png

Full pic: ... 89/WME.png

Why do you want this equid?: I find the equid to be extraordinary in beauty. His orange, white, black, and brown colors mix together perfectly. I feel as if i can really seem him in the wild roaming throught the mountains. Its hard to explain how much i wasn't him using words. All i know is that he design expresses me in a variety of ways. His orangy colors shows a bold and youthful personality, His jagged stripes show a spontaneous traits, While the white, black and tan show he is strong and content. He not only expresses me but has a very good mix of his parents.. I don't own a WME yet and have often visited the forum to see if there were any that would catch my eye. Until i saw this one he is the right gender, the right colors and the right design. I do almost anything to get him even if that included making a life sized sculpture or giving up all my chracters just to have him. Having a WME as beautiful as this one is almost a dream come true. Id love to keep making art of him and have him in my signature and everywhere on CS and beyond.
Last edited by Mr.Milo on Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:55 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: WME: Breeding Auction!!

Postby Delilah Nightingale » Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:00 am

Username: . Call Me Rick .
Equid's name: Kona
Kona is pretty much the exact thing you would think of when you hear the word arrogant. He is judgmental, snide, rude, and hates it when others get the best of him. He will never back down from a good old fight. He is a true bad a$$. He is cruel towards mares and stallions alike. He has the mind set of "Everybody should be treated equally. Except for me of course cause I'm just better." He wants to settle down with a mare and have foals, but due to his bad reputation he fails to fulfill this dream of his.
Art or Story:
Why do you want this equid?:
Why do I want this colt? Well for one he's perfect. Just the stallion I have been searching for to complete my little family. I really hope to do him justice in the role play and look forward to seeing him grow as a beloved character.
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