Re: Rise | #0464

Postby doge fruit » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:31 am

snip so no one steals idea
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby StormSerpent » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:26 am

Username: StormSerpent
Cat Name: FrostBite
Gender: female
Age: 40 moons
Clan: LotusClan
Rank: warrior

soon after becoming an apprentice FrostPaw was taking a break from her mentors strict training schedule, she lay stretched out in the not so warm leaf fall sun, as the breeze ruffled her fur. Until a dark shadow crept over the camp, a large hawk was circling above "so much for my break" she thought, springing into action as the large bird of prey swooped into the camp. Her training all came rushing into her mind "bird attack!!" she called, but almost the entire camp was hunting, FrostPaw glanced towards the nursery in fear, relieved as she could see the kits safe inside. She unsheathed her claws, glad for her large size, she was only 7 moons old, but at least the hawk hopefully couldn't carry her away. She swiped at the hawk instinctively, but missed, she rolled dodging a blow from it's talons, they tussled for a while, not really doing too much harm to each other, as FrostPaw had terrible aim, but great defense. Soon PlumKit who had almost reached their sixth moon gracefully ran out to help, her thin form winding behind the eagle, FrostPaws eyes widened as she watched "no, run!!" she called, silently cursing the idiot kit, age didn't matter if you had no training. The strong kit seemed to have great instincts as she swerved the talons doing much more damage than FrostBIte, but she was far to small for this, the hawk swiveled around and grabbed her in it's talons, lifting off into the air, PlumKit cried out in terror. A hunting patrol returned laughing and chatting, with a nice supply of prey, the looked up at the hawk, they charged forward together, but the hawk was too high up, some of the swifter cats chased after it below. FrostPaws mother DoeHeart rushed over in horror, she looked at what the problem was, and saw a jagged scar stretching across her back.
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby wolfpack12 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:01 am

Username: wolfpack12
Cat Name: Jake, Ghostclaw
Gender: tom
Age: 40 moons
Clan: Crescentclan
Rank: warrior

To two-legs, winter wasn't much of a big deal. Mainly because they could just wrap themselves up to keep warm, or simply stay within their comfy little homes and wait for the harsh weather to end. However, to the white tom who was currently making his way down an alleyway, it was a completely different story. Food had become scarce, causing many to fight over what little scraps were left. It was even impossible to find a good place to rest, and to take shelter from the harsh winter winds. Due to the fact that most places were already either taken over by small groups, or were within the territory of stray dogs. Which only added more fuel to the fire, as the tensions between territories strengthened. It was 'finders keepers' in this cruel world, and Jake happened to be one of the unfortunate ones.

The mostly white tom flattened his ears in annoyance, as a few ice cold water droplets landed on top of his head. Causing him to glare up at the gutter above him, as the melted snow it had been holding continued to drop down. Releasing an irritated sigh, he then shook his head. Grimacing as he felt the ice cold liquid fly off, before continuing on his way. His paw steps barely making a sound, as he silently stalked towards the side of the road. Oddly coloured eyes looking both ways, as he patiently waited for a monster to come driving by. Not wishing to risk the chance of getting hit. Once he was certain that there were no large metal objects coming his way, only then did he decide to cross.

Once or twice he would stop, in order to check his surroundings. While he did know this town like the back of his paw, he was still cautious when it came to wandering around. Mainly because the snow now made it slightly difficult, to pick out the scent of another's territory. Normally he wasn't afraid to fight his way through another's territory, but even he had his limits. One cat? Yes, a whole bunch of them? Not so much. Especially now that his body had been slightly weakened, from the lack of food. A sigh of relief escaped him, upon discovering that he truly was alone. Before continuing on his way, with a little bit more urgency. In order to get to his destination a little bit quicker.

While most cats would fight amongst each other, over the few scraps that they found amongst the alleys. Jake often took his chances with the park, that lay at the very centre of the town. Upon arriving, the white tom paused for a few seconds, as he took in the winter wonderland that lay before him. Only to then snap himself out of his daze, as his oddly coloured eyes scanned for any sign of movement. He knew that some of the smaller animals, would currently be hiding within their little burrows. However, that didn't mean that they would stay inside forever. As his oddly coloured eyes, soon landed on a small grey mouse, that seemed to be oblivious to his sudden appearance.

Smirking a tiny bit, the tom then silently stalked forwards. Making sure that his white body stayed closed to the ground. The snow now acting as his camouflage, as he continued to creep up on his target. Once he was close enough, he then sprang forwards. Claws and teeth at the ready, as he delivered the final blow. It took all of his will power, to not drool right then and there. Proudly lifting his catch up, before turning around to start heading back the way he had come. Only to stop dead in his tracks, upon hearing a small screech that broke the silence around him.

Frowning a little, he then moved cautiously forwards. He knew the screech belonged to a cat. He just needed to know what could have possibly caused it. Just in case whatever attacked his fellow feline, tried to go after him. Upon poking his head around the corner, to one of the entrance's to the park. He then felt a snarl building up inside of his throat. For right in front of him, were three battle scarred cats, two toms and one she-cat. However, this wasn't what caused his anger, it was seeing a helpless black kit being cornered that made his blood boil. Causing him to dig his claws into the snowy ground beneath him.

Yes, he normally stood up for himself. But seeing such a helpless bundle of fur, being ganged up on like that. Just made his fur bristle in rage. He had standards, and seeing such a cruel act was not one of them. Upon making sure his mouse was hidden, he then moved forwards." Hey! Pick on someone your own size!", he snarled. His pupils were narrowed to thin lines, as he made his way towards them. Once he was close enough, he then circled around till he was stood protectively in front of the small kit. Now that he thought about, he must look like quite a sight. Considering on how he had come out of nowhere, and that his ribs were sticking out of his sides slightly.

" You mean, someone like you? Your just a bag of bones! I mean look at you, you can hardly stand up!", one of the toms sneered. He was a dark brown tabby, who was currently missing an eye and one that Jake knew well. His companions began to chuckle behind him, obviously thinking his insult was genius. The other tom was a smoky grey, while the she-cat was a calico with a torn ear. Smirking just a tiny bit, Jake then tilted his head to the side in a taunting manner." Awww, is little Jericho and his friends scared of facing a skeleton?", he asked. The growls and hisses that he got in response, was the exact reaction he was looking for. He then quickly glanced back at the kit behind him, and winked." Don't worry, kitten, I've got this, just stay low alright?", he added. Once he got a nod, he then lunged at the three in front of him.

The lead tom, Jericho, was the first to move out of the way. While his two companions behind him, just stared in surprise at their attacker. Allowing Jake to get the first couple of blows in, as he knocked into the smoky grey tom. Which in turn snapped the calico out of her daze. Causing her to snarl and lash out at him, managing to catch him across the muzzle. The white tom bit back a snarl, before clamping his jaws down on the retreating paw. Making sure to bite down hard enough, as he pulled her to the side. Causing the she-cat to lose her footing and drop to the floor. Jake only released his grip, when he felt pain in his stomach.

The pain reminding him that he was still on top of the tom. Once he managed to break free, he then raked his claws across the toms face. Causing the grey tom to shriek and dart off. However, the white tom knew he couldn't celebrate just yet, considering that he still had Jericho and the calico to deal with. By now blood was running down from both his stomach and muzzle. The pain was nearly blinding, but he needed to keep going. If not for his sake, then for the kit's. Lashing his tail behind him, he then met the calico head on. Knocking them both over, as they began to roll across the ground. The snow now slowly staining red from their blood.

It felt like several knives going through him, as he sunk his jaws into the she-cats shoulder. Causing her to let out a shriek of pain. However, his grip did not last, before he felt something heavy land on his back and sink its fangs downwards. Releasing a shriek of his own, at the pain he felt. He then tried to dislodge the brown tabby from his back. The other making it difficult, due to the fact that Jericho happened to be slightly heavier than him. He then reared up onto his back legs, before slamming his back against the ground behind him. Fortunately managing to both dislodge his attacker, and give Jericho a slight headache. Once he was free, he then sprang backwards.

Oddly coloured eyes watching his opponents, as he took in deep breaths. His legs slowly shaking, from the effort to stand as he waited for the next attack. Thankfully, it did not come, as both Jericho and the calico slowly slunk away. He only allowed himself to relax, once he was certain that they were fully gone." Ok, you can come out now, kit", he said. Before glancing over his shoulder, to watch the small black kit run up to him. Her amber eyes shining brightly, as she ran to stand in front of them. He couldn't help but chuckle, at the admiration that shone in those little eyes." Thank you! Those cats wouldn't let me be, and I was worried I wasn't going to see my momma again, but then you showed up and scared them away!", she said. Excitement clear in her voice.

Allowing a small smile to appear on his face, he then dipped his head downwards." Well, good thing you were in my area, huh?", he replied. Only to then frown slightly, as the kit's words finally settled within his head." Where is your 'momma' now? Shouldn't she be with you?", he asked. Watching as the relief slowly faded away from the young kit's eyes, as she looked at the ground. Her little black ears flattening, as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes." Momma is sick, I thought I could help her by finding her food, but those cats cornered me, saying that I was 'trespassing', whatever that means, but it has been a while now, and I still don't have anything for momma", she replied. Jake felt as if his heart had broken into a million pieces, upon seeing the defeated look on the young kit's face. The white tom then glanced in the direction of where he had left his mouse.

He was definitely still hungry, even after the fight. However, if it meant that this little kit, had something to help her mother. Even if it was something small, and might not change much. It was still something better, than his own shameful greed. Once he had came to a decision, he then glanced back down at the kit." Hey, I caught a mouse earlier, I was going to eat it, but you can have it, if it means that your mother will have the chance of recovering from her illness", he said. He couldn't help but laugh at the shocked expression on the kit's face, as he shakily stood up and walked back towards his kill. The small patter of paws behind him, telling him that she was following." Really?!", she asked. Causing Jake to nod, as he nudged the mouse towards her.

" Yes, but I'm coming with you, just to make sure that you don't get yourself hurt", he replied. Before silently following after the kit, as she began to cheerfully lead the way. Doing his best to ignore the pain he felt, as he slightly limped after her. He was fairly certain that one or two of his injuries will scar. He was definitely certain that the two on his back will scar, since Jericho was never one for having clean fangs." Also, I can't keep calling you 'kit', do you have a name by any chance?", he asked. Causing the black kit to look back at him and nod." Minx, what's your name?", she replied.

" Jake"


The white tom couldn't help but smile, as he watched the two young cats in front of him. A mostly white tom, with blue tabby patches, and a dark long haired mackerel tabby she-cat." So that's how you got your scars", Frostsight said. While he may be too old to listen to silly little stories, it was still nice to get to know his clanmates. Besides, Brackenpaw had talked him into it, and now both cats were staring at the white scarred tom in front of them in awe." Yes, Frostsight, that is exactly on how I gained my scars, old Jericho was never a huge fan of keeping his mouth clean, I was just lucky that Minx's mother knew someone who could heal injuries", he replied.

It hadn't been long since the white tom had joined their clan. Yet, it seemed like only yesterday, that he happened to stumble upon them. It took a while to gain their trust, considering that the two scars on his back made him look ominous. But now, he was a welcomed member of the clan, and lived under a new name, Ghostclaw." But doesn't it hurt to move?", Brackenpaw asked. The young she-cat tilted her head to the side, in an attempt to get a closer look of the two pinkish lines. Her warm copper coloured eyes taking in ever detail, as she tried to figure out on how one was capable of moving with them. Ghostclaw could only shake his head gently in amusement, as he slowly sat up.

" At times it does, but not as much as it once did, although I can no longer run as fast as I used to", he replied. Releasing a small tired yawn, as he carefully stretched his back. Before looking down at the two younger cats in front of him, who were looking at him as if he were going to snap in two at any moment." Trust me, I'm alright now, besides I do not see it as a burden, instead it reminds me of the cat I helped, and to me, that is all I care about, yes, it does suck that I'm no longer quick on my feet, but if I were to do it all over again, I would and I wouldn't ever regret it", he added. Before looking up at the sound of someone calling out for Frostsight and Brackenpaw. Smirking just a tiny bit, he then began to gently nudge both young cats towards the entrance to the warriors den.

" Go now, Mistflight is calling for you, and I think if you don't go now, that you'll both be in big trouble", he said. Chuckling a little to their panicked expressions, before watching both cats run off in the direction of where the silver and white ticked tabby was. He meant what he said. While the injuries on his back did make it hard for him to move at times, it was still something he carried with pride. Because it reminded him of the good deed he had done. Now, as he looked out at the camp in front of him, and felt the sun wash over his face. He couldn't be more proud, than to stand with these noble cats. For as one chapter of his life ends, another has only just begun.
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby Adamented » Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:06 pm


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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby kiffell » Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:04 pm

good luck everyone <3
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby dimi. » Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:12 pm

Good luck everyone
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby denja » Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:45 am

the winner is... ❤TinyTabby❤!
i loved the fact that you made her an elder and told her story as a tale for the younger cats of your clan. elders need more love
i hope you enjoy palecloud!

i'll also be giving out hms!
hms will be going to kiffell & dimi.
thank you all for entering and i hope to see ya'll in later adopts!
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby dimi. » Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:56 am

Congrats Tiny! And thank you so much for the HM!

I needed one more HM and I got 5 for a random cat now, woo!
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby HibiscusBlossom » Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:01 am

denja wrote:the winner is... ❤TinyTabby❤!
i loved the fact that you made her an elder and told her story as a tale for the younger cats of your clan. elders need more love
i hope you enjoy palecloud!

i'll also be giving out hms!
hms will be going to kiffell & dimi.
thank you all for entering and i hope to see ya'll in later adopts!

ahh! tysm! palecloud will be well taken care of in valleyclan, especially with the little apprentices running around the den.
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Re: Rise | #0464

Postby kiffell » Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:18 am

Ah congrats ^^;
Thanks for the hm
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