Re: kalon #1446

Postby Chickpea » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:17 am

▪️ Username: CompleteChicken ▪️ name: Cicada ▪️ Gender: Female

What they like best about autumn?

Death... Pain... The dying leaves and plants around her, The fear of kits on Halloween, The negativity,death, and fear it fuels her to continue. Cicada is a creature that feeds off of negative things, an old wives tale come alive. She loves feeling the beginnings of cold nipping at her pelt,Autumn is the time of her year when she doesn't have to feel the pangs of hunger in her empty stomach. Autumn is the time when nights are longer, the time she lurks farthest from her cave.



"Oh yes deary I know I am not a good person! The thing is unlike you,I don't care!" *Evil Cackle*

"You think you can be brave?, not fear me so I will be weaker? Deep down; you are afraid of being afraid" *Lunges at kalons*

*Screams with despair* "Squirrels!!!!?!?!?"
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The Fading of the Life

Postby 【Wildfire】 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am


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Re: kalon #1446

Postby 76heart » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 am

76heartmarisol antionette d'amoreshe/hergif still1,779words
counting paths - matthew and the atlaswillow tree march - paper kites
bloom - paper kiteslike the dawn - the oh hello'sthe journey - dave baxter
j'envoie valser - zazielove story - indila
marisol - sea and sun
antionette - flourishing, beyond praise or highly praiseworthy
d'amore - love
● french singer
● a lover of beautiful and elegant words
● keeps a journal to transcribe her thoughts
● keeps a songbook to write down all her lyrics
● will be close friends with my sheepy girl meriam
● positively ADORES maple cotton candy
● has been told like she looks like it, she doesn't think so
● loves wandering through her city to see the decorations of autumn
● also high key loves fairy lights
● big romantic at heart, and longs to find someone to share
her love of autumn with, and to keep her warm at night
● book nerd
    xxxAutumn, the season Marisol loved the most, more than any other, the one that held her whole heart. There was nothing she did not love about it, not a thing, it was her favorite season after all. She adored the autumnal breezes that turned the air so crisp and clean, and filled it with the most glorious of scents. There were apples, apple pie, apple cider sprinkled with just the right amount of cinnamon, and heated just enough to have a bite, everything one could possibly think of with maple to eat at every festival her town held. She loved the way her little town, nestled in between three busy cities, came so alive when the months of autumn came around and showed their faces, and brought their colors. Marisol adored watching the smiles on each kalon's face as she walked through the town on one of her walks, exploring, and gazing at the autumn displays of light. The faint golds that glowed from within the glass bulbs entrancing her, enrapturing her attention until some other magnificent part of fall pulled her back away, and into it's world.

    xxxAbove all though, she loved watching the world fall asleep. To her, it was the most beautiful, the most magnificent thing in the world.
    xxxThe trees were the first to fall under the spell of sleep, allowing their leaves to grow distant, despondent, and colorful, until the tree was simply to tired to hold them up anymore, and fell into the deep slumber of fall when their last leaf fell, allowing the tendrils of sleep to claim them at last, and keep them cozy and warm until they woke up in the spring, and the world turned from dismal gray to filled with color again.
    xxxNext came the life on the ground, even the earth itself, warmed by the blanket of leaves given to them by the trees. The warmth coddled them and held them close, making sure they were cozy and nestled tight, safe beneath the protective barrier of leaves before they too fell into the world of sleep, leaving behind leaves of such a wonderful array of colors to watch over them and keep them safe, and warm and protected from the harsh snows that threatened to kill the little seedlings that slept soundly down below their blanket with it's icy bite, nipping far harder than the autumn winds would ever dare to go.
    xxxFollowing them came the animals. Small rabbits, weasels, and moles, squirrels and chipmunks, bears and so many more. Once they made their final preparations for the winter, gathering all they could and all they needed to survive and make it through, they crawled into their burrows, their holes, their trees, their dens, and let sleep claim them and hold them close, only letting them go under absolute need. So many were such soft and gentle creatures, and she didn't blame sleep for wanting them to stay, she wouldn't want to let them go either.
    xxxAfter them, came everything else, slowly shutting their eyes and succumbing to the tired haze that had haunted them until they had choice but to give in, and join the blanket of sleeping leaves, the trees, and the creatures.

    xxxIt wasn't something many noticed-most ignored that it ever took place-, but it was something she most certainly did, and it held a placee so close to her heart. There was just something so vulnerable, so sweet, so bittersweet and utterly beautiful to it, and she could never seem to tear herself away from watching it slowly fall into slumber. It was one of her secret things, her most valued treasure, her gold. She loved watching nature change when fall came into place, and prepare itself for a nice, long nap. It was the most beautiful cycle of rebirth, of renewal, of dying and starting again, but with it merely going to sleep, and holding out until the warmth came again, and seeped back into their rooted bones, nothing had to die, only to return again better than before. That seemed awfully tiring, and what did they know of death, what could it be but a void? If the world just died with winter and grew back in spring, and there was no place of magnificence to go to while it waited for the season of life to come around, it would be such an awful existence that the world had. The earth gave them everything, it deserved a good long rest as opposed to a death, and it deserved to not be alone while it slowly turned to sleep too, and at least where she was, it wouldn't have to be. She would always be there, in her home town, watching the seasons change, and autumn slowly, languidly, and beautifully put the world to sleep.

    xxxShe just loved it so much, loved that bittersweet sight that came around each year, and she knew that unexplainable love for it would never stop. Marisol would always love autumn with all she was, and love watching the world fall into peaceful sleep would always remain something she loved even more; it was too much apart of her to not be, and she couldn't just leave her world completely alone.
vingt-huit octobre, 2018 - l'automne

journal le plus cher,
    xxIt is once again autumn in my little town, and I am finally home to witness it, which I am beyond pleased to see. I have missed these beautiful colors, and the nip the cold air brings to my fur; it is refreshing to feel again. Tomorrow I plan to walk through the town, in one of the new scarves and sweaters I have obtained, and hopefully, I will see some lights before my toes turn to ice and I have to go back in. I hate those moments when they happen, but I have not yet managed to find insulating boots that are both comfortable and warm, and I must choose comfort over the heat it may provide. I cannot explore long when my paws are aching and turning red, and the comfort has me out longer. I tried that once before, as I wrote in here about a year ago, and my toes hurt too much to go out for several days, it was horrible.

    xxPresently dear Journal, I am sitting on the sill of one of my apartment windows, watching as the last leaves of autumn fall, their trees no longer able to support them and hold tightly to their stems as they fall into a slumber. It's quite a beautiful sight really, and while I miss the colorful leaves clinging to the darkened branches, it is quite nice to see them on the ground too. They still provide a blanket of color, and bring in so many lovely scents, and I know they'll come back after the winter thaws, they always do. You know, that reminds me of a phrase we French have; "La foi peut déplacer des montagnes", faith can move mountains. The seasons could each take years to change, yet they do not, they follow a steady cycle, and we have faith that it will stay, like we do in the sun rising the next morning, and the morning after that. Faith truly is such a powerful thing, and it shows how far we have come, that now we are able to put our faith in Mother Nature to bring us the seasons again, to wake them and bring them to slumber, and cause them to rise again. It would be chaos I believe if we could not depend on that, we need some place to put trust, some constants to hold dear and count on, even in the darkest moments when there is no light.
    xxIt is also important to have faith, and hope, and trust as well, I think. We would be a vicious people without trust, dismal without hope, and while faith may blind us sometimes, it can, as we say, move mountains. Belief can be very powerful, and can become something utterly wonderful when done with the right kind of heart. A faith- unwavering- things will turn out well, that things will be all right, and free of horrors, can drive it to that outcome, or help one through the times that are hard. My faith that autumn will return, more beautiful than before each year, because every time it comes around I notice something new, helps me miss it less when it is gone, and my part of the world is fast asleep, until it wakes again, and my autumn returns.

    xxAnyway, I have gone off on a tangent, have I not? I will have to save those thoughts for a song later, and put them to use. Perhaps they will finally help me write the song I have been wanting to, the one that shows all the ways I love this season, if it helps to bring out the words. There truly are no words, in any language that I have yet found to describe how wonderful it is, no words that adequately display or rival it's same beauty, and I hope I can find them someday. Even if no others like the song, or it reaches no ears but mine, I would love a word to put my feelings into place, one to hold them forever, and let others feel what I do when I gaze upon the earth donning it's colors of fall. I wish you could help me, you must know a book, a dictionary that has seen countless words transcribed upon it's pages, and one must know the words I seek, but alas, you cannot speak, and that is a terrible shame.

    xxI'm afraid it has gotten quite late, and that I have been writing down my wandering thoughts and day dreamings for hours longer than I suspected, or planned, and I can no longer see any of the leaves falling outside. The moon has risen and covered the world with dark, and that means it is time for me to sleep. I shall bid you adieu my dear Journal, and leave you with one final thought before I too sleep like my dearest autumn; I may have arrived back into the season late, but I will not mourn for the loss of seeing the world fall asleep, and to see it to change it's colors and then lose them all as the snow begins to blow in, I know my autumn will return, and I have faith that I will get to see it again when it is next time for Mother Earth to slumber.
x- marisol

    xvingt-huit octobre, 2018 - l'automne - october 28th, 2018 - autumn
    xjournal le plus cher - dearest journal
    xadieu - a farewell
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Re: kalon #1446

Postby AshenStardust » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:45 am

username: AshenStardust
name: Omariel
what they like best about autumn: Pumkin spice coffee and teaching
extras: This Kal is so pretty~ Reminds me of warm books and learning.
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Re: kalon #1446

Postby chunkypeanutbutter » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:56 am

username: chunkypeanutbutter
name: godiva
what they like best about autumn: the cold weather, it's perfect for goths and she can wear whatever she likes without being too hot or cold. is that weird? she doesn't think so.
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Re: kalon #1446

Postby Neon sparks » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:12 am


Mell's favourite part of autumn, possibly even the whole year, is Halloween. she herself can't entirely tell you a reason why she likes it so much. but as soon as the trees turn orange its close enough for her. she can even say her favourite colours are orange and red. a lot like the trees that time of year. she often can be seen wearing cheesy Halloween shirts around town. she has a collection of pins on her backpack many of which are black cats, bats and pumpkins. her favourite pin is definitely the witches hat. it's a small pointed hat with a green stripe on the brim and purple star outlines across the top of it.

Mell's enthusiasm for Halloween always ramps up the closer it gets to the date. once it hits October she always goes all out. her whole yard is usually filled with a graveyard, differant skeletons hung up all over the place or posed in the lawn. in the weeks before the holiday, she would visit all of the haunted houses in the area. shes gotten used to the scares, but she loves seeing everyone so festive. one year she was actually offered to become apart of a haunted house at the local fair grounds. she took it right away and became the haunted house's new vampire monster number three. it was one of her favorite years terrifying kalons that came inside. she tries to do it every year as a part-time thing, she would never miss out of going out on Halloween night of course. but for the rest of the month shes happy to spend her days scaring little kalons and their kids.

despite her age, she has never missed trick or treating once. she does it every year and the adult kalons in the neighbourhood are used to it. they dont see anything wrong with it mainly because they know her pretty well. shes a kind kalon and could never even think of hurting someone. she has a whole mapped out route by now and visits her entire community in one night. usually bringing home her backpack filled to the brim with sweets. she lives in an area with many houses back to back. a rather open gated community of houses on the outskirts of a larger city. her home is in the very back, with its backyard facing directly into deep swampy woods. she has a Halloween tradition thanks to her parents. she would always take a handful of candy out to the woods behind the house and leave it there. this would be a sacrifice to appease the greedunks, a monster that her father had supposedly made up to scare her. it was said to eat candy and if you didn't share then it would sneak inside and take away all of the candy you had. when she was little this local story scared her to bits. but nowadays she doesn't mind the idea of the creatures living behind her house. she still gives them candy every single year anyways though just to be safe.

username: Lieutenant sparks
name: Mell
what they like best about autumn: Halloween

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Re: kalon #1446

Postby Ohpossums » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:19 am

Greys Anatomy ∘ Camille Laforet ∘ she Her ∘ French ∘
78 ∘ Singer ∘ Suis moi

Paris match magazines


Today I was set to interview Camille Laforet, the french
beauty with a voice of gold. I walked up to a small
little bakery, is this really it? I thought to myself.
Anyway the owner was quite happy to show me upstairs
to miss Camille's apartment, she welcomed me in ever so
kindly. After a set of questions I cut to the one everyone
is asking.

''Camille! What do you love so much about the month of Autumn?'

Camille lit up, she seemed rather detached from all the other questions
but this one was far different.

''Autumn. What could be better! simply nothing of course.
There's few crowds here in France in Autumn, our tourists
rather not the slowly decaying atmosphere it has,
which clears the streets leaving a more of a free emptiness,
than in the summer, when the crowds are loud and bursting
to see our every attraction.''

from what I know, miss Camille spoke softly,
but not of the month of Autumn, mentioning's
of the month seem to lift her spirits, she's rather
fond of the month!

''And of course, the scenery, oh how beautiful it is! Don't
you just love it too? oh every shade of orange filling the trees
right up into the skies, every leaf drowning out the streets
with their color. Oh! don't you just love it? there's something
about it that is just, just everything.''

Camille gazed out the window, smiling from ear to ear, she
turned back to me.

''Do you know what I love? The smell! Oh you wouldn't imagine
a month to have a certain scent, but they do! and you may not
notice it, but oh once you do! And Autumn's is the best no doubt.
I'd be walking the streets and the scent of freshly baked bread
fills my nose, what a pretty, and might I say, tasty smell, oh and
its like this every year, local bakeries are so busy this time of year
are they not? you should try some, oh how divine is the taste of
the fresh goods in Autumn.

she opened the window next to us, urged me to close my eyes,
lean out and just breathe in with her, and at first, I thought it
was rather silly, but I smelled what could only be the scent of
fresh bread! Oh how wonderful. She looked back at me, and
said ''You smell that? it's the smell of Autumn i'm telling you!
I'm really not crazy, I swear!'' she smiled, I laughed along with

'' might I say, the fashion, Autumn brings out some of the best
fashion, the soft yellow clothing, that's my favorite, ladies in
scarves and beret's, gloves and all! And the men in sweaters,
honestly it's stunning! I would say the best time of year
for fashion wouldn't you think? Oh how I love to dress up!''

I think we can all agree with miss Camille that Autumn
certainly does bring out the best in fashion!

''you can only imagine now my love for Autumn, oh how it
pains me every year to see it come to an end. Of course
I couldn't leave you without a story could I? Absolutely
not my dear! Let me get you some coffee, oh you must
taste my pumpkin spice Latte, I trust you, you will
not regret it!''

Camille rushed off to the kitchen, I was all the more intrigued
in her story, and oh how delicious her latte sounded, she came
through with our drinks.

''Right, I hope you are comfy! It all started when I was rather
in my youth, it was a sweet Autumn like always, I was so busy
making songs, and the crowd oh how they loved to see me sing!
I'd have a concert about every day, which I can honestly tell you
was so tiring, anyway, a childhood friend of mine, oh how I loved
him! Such a sweet man, but oh he disappeared after we graduated
and I missed him ever since, and suddenly, while I was singing at a
local restaurant, I saw him! And we stared at each other quite
obviously, I was in doubt! thinking if it was really him, or just another
similar looking guy. He approached the stage ever so gently and joined
me, a duet was in place! although may I not lie, he was rather bad at it
haha, He took my hand and ever since then well,
we've been in love. And we got married in the Autumn. Oh how
romantic it was back then.''

That's so interesting! I'm always one for a romance story,
I was so sad to leave her! This woman
is one of the most whimsical, stunningly beautiful women I've ever met.
We said goodbye and she handed me some of her
delicious pumpkin spice latte, I left her with a bigger appreciation
of Autumn than I had before! Oh what a experience. - Polaroid
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Re: kalon #1446

Postby knifedoq » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:48 am

    what they like best about autumn:

    res :0
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Re: kalon #1446

Postby Softea » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:56 am


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Re: kalon #1446

Postby akame, » Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:19 am

    username: kacchan,
    name: milan
    what they like best about autumn?: when seeing the greens and whites for most of the months, it somewhat gets boring a repetitive to them. they love the vibrant colors autumn promises not to mention that the colors compliment each other so well! its never too cold nor to hot, its their favorite season because of that. they loves to hang around on a bench, watching the v lines made up of birds in the pale pinkish sky as they migrate to warmer weathers. a scarf wrapped around their neck to keep themselves warm with a nice hot drink. if autumn had a specific scent, they would say the scent of honey and cinnamon. the kalon loves the sound of crunching leaves, watching kits jump into piles of leaves and just having a joy outside. milan likes the idea of Halloween, though does not want to see kids begging at their door for candy (that's for them and them only) but loves the disappointment on their faces when they show kits a bowl of dental items to them. the disgust on their face's amuses the adult. at this season, milan feels its appropriate to make a cinnamon rosemary old fashioned cocktail. they loves this drink but can't bring themselves to drink it in any season other than fall.
    extras: congrats to whoever gets this cutie, super pretty.
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