Robyn Amy Rose ~ Nursery Batch 530!

Postby wandzie. » Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:26 am

PLEASE DO NOT take anything including art, ideas and images from my form hehe cx Good luck <33



Robyn Amy-Rose is a very unique
and inspiring little Bean. She's confident and outgoing,
and as she gets older, everyone is beginning to realise
she will be more feisty and competitive as she grows.
But she's only young, it's harder to tell. She's quite
cheeky and bubbly. Robyn can sometimes be a bit
sassy too, she loves to have fun just like any Bean,
and loves her family very much of course! She isn't
rude exactly, just likes to create comebacks and get
noticed. She can also be quite adventurous and sweet.
Her adventurous side is great for any fun activity! She
has sever dyslexia, which holds her back in school, so
her future lies in the hope of her amazing sport talents.
Robyn is determined no matter what, she tries to not
let it get her down too much. Sometimes it naturally will
get her down, but she is a very even mix of optimist
and pessimist.

      Username ;; ~Wanda~
      JBD Name ;; Robyn Amy-Rose
      JBD Meaning ;; Well, the lovely wing
      on her shoulder made me think of Robyn
      and adding Amy-Rose, still part of her first
      name... I think it fits! XD
      JBD Nicknames ;; Having a long name
      means lots of fun nicknames. Robyn, Amy,
      Rose.. Are mostly used, yet her friends and
      family have other cutsie ones.
      JBD Gender ;; Female
      JBD Age ;; Around 7 years old.



Relationships, Robyn's Family and friends!

Robyn loves her mum very much, and they get on really well. Rose loves flowers, and has inspired Robyn to aswell! Robyn enjoys lying in meadows with her mum making daisy chains as a pass time. Her mum is always there for her and has taught her some vital lessons! Soon Robyn will learn she needs her mum more and more for her support with dyslexia, and her mum will always be there <3 Rose is very supporting, even though it's normally Hart'yel who takes Robyn to sports early in the morning, she always turns up to Robyn's games and cheers her on!
"I love my mommy so much, she always helps me and gives me a biscuit when I work REALLY hard on my work! I love playing with her because she's fun and cheers me up when dyslexia is bothering me.."


Robyn loves her dad, he may be strict at times, but he always tries his best for his family and she loves that. He'll sometimes take her up to the park to practise sports which she enjoys, but they normally get in tickle fights in the end! He's very loving and always there for her when she's down. Hart'yel doesn't particulary like sports, but anything for his daughter. Her competitive side does sometimes cause arguments, but nothing ever too bad! He can get a bit touchy with the dyslexia, because he doesn't realise what it's like... But they have an excellent relationship so they always sort it out.
"Daddy is awesome!! He always takes me to play football and is a great goalie. He tickles me a lot though, so I tickle him back, duh!" *Giggles* "Sometimes he doesn't understand how hard dyslexia is but we always sort it out. Always."


Jammy Dogers
"Jam Jam!"
Jammy Dogers and Robyn get on OK. They have a big age difference and Jammy Doger's attitude sometimes annoys Robyn as Robyn likes getting her parents attention because she is only young. Although, when they aren't nipping at eachother, it's very funny to watch the two sassy girls together! As Robyn gets older it's clear she's becoming like Jammy. They do get into heated discussions and Jammy Dogers isn't too helpful with the dyslexia side, but she likes how a Robyn is a bit like a mini version of her.
"Jam jam is cool. She's so much more older so I don't really have anything in common with her but... " *Shrugs* "She's super funny and I like having pretend arguing games with her!"


Albus and Robyn are the closest of siblings. Because they are close in age, they have a lot in common and Robyn loves his laid back attitude. They play together a lot and Albus is very good at helping her with reading and writing when things get tough. They play a lot of sports together and even though Hart'yel is more Robyn's trainer, Albus is very good help! Robyn goes on adventures with Alby sometimes, they get on very well.
"Alby is so awesome! He's always there for me and listens no matter what is wrong. He always helps me with my work because he's close in age and is great with reading and writing. He won't do it for me, but that's cheating! We also go head to head in lots of sporty games."


"Sa Sa!"
Chessa may be an adult bean and not related to the family but Robyn adores her! She's fun and exciting, and always helps Robyn when she's stuck on her writing. Sometimes Chessa babysits Robyn since she has no kids of her own, and they always go on adventures, whatch films, play games... And of course, do sporty stuff!
"Sasa is soooo fun! She is like an auntie to me, I hope she has kids of her own one day, Id play with them of course. Sasa babysits me a lot because I ask if she can come round. She always keeps me safe and has fun at the same time."

Dekoda and Robyn are the best of friends. Because they're around about the same age, they like the same things and are at the same school stage and all that jazz. Dekoda is obsessed with adventures and Gravity Falls, so because he is always taking about it, he sometimes interests Robyn enough. The two of them frequently go on adventures and have great fun exploring and fighting evil monsters!
"Dekoda is my bestest ever friend! He is so funny and silly and we always go on adventures. He has a sword and saved me from a big huge monster once! I really enjoy playing with him and I hope we stay friends for ever!"


"Dee dee!"
Robyn loves Dekoda very much, but sometimes she just needs to spend a little girl time with her other best friend, Linde. The two are very close, like sisters. They go on adventures, or sometimes stay home and play, bake tasty treats which mostly get eaten and many more fun activities. In school the girls are in the same class and always try and work as a team at every chance. Linde always helps Robyn with her dyslexia, which brings them even closer.
"Dee is like a sister! We're the same age, and in the same class, plus she always helps me! She's SO good at baking and cooking, and we always eat- I mean bake when I'm at her house. Sometimes we'll paint our nails and other times we'll go for adventures, but I love her because she's super fun!"



Quirks and Likes & Dislikes

Robyn's dyslexia is very sever, making writing and reading hard. All the words appear blurry or bouncing around for her. She hates it a lot and gets upset, feeling sort of worthless. But with support of friends and family, she normally gets through it, and always gives 100%!
Left handy
Robyn is left handed! She likes how not many others are.
She is incredibly sporty, which is what she depends on. Robyn has a great future ahead, being amazing at running and long jump.
Chews lips
She chews her lip when nervous, thinking or scared!
Dress up
Wigs, make up, fancy dresses, Knights in shining armour... The lot! She'll sometimes sit all day playing dress ups.. It's great!
Robyn is incredibly clean for her age! Whether it's putting away things, not spilling food... The only time she isn't clean, is when she's doing sports. She'll sometimes be covered head to toe in mud if she has to.

Fairy Cakes
Long jump
Fairy Cakes
Disney Characters
Red things

Scratchy jumpers
Colds and Flu
Long journeys


Stories of Robyn!
The best mommy ever!
"Aargh!" Robyn threw her pencil at the wall and a small tear trickled down her cheek. She looked back down at her homework, English homework. The words jumped around, teasing little letters flying everywhere. Of course, it only appeared this way for her. Rose came in and frantically comforted Robyn. "Oh baby, I'm here now, you know you can do it, alright? Let me see.." Robyn looked up at her mum. Her mum always tried to comfort her but it never worked. "I can't do it Mommy, the words keep blurring and flying around." She sobbed. Being only 7, Robyn was still confused about her dyslexia. "You're nearly done sweetie." Rose stroked her head. "Just a few more words and you can come out with me, this has to be done." Robyn got up slowly and picked up her pencil with shaky hands. She pressed it on to the page and began to continue her work.

"Roar!!" Robyn jumped out from a bush and tickled her mom from behind. Her mom squealed then laughed. "Oh no! I'm being ate by the monster!" She fell into the grass dramatically. Robyn climbed over her body. "Mommy....?" She prodded her mom's shoulder. "Mommy wake up!" She cried out. Rose slowly opened an eye with a cheeky grin. "Hey there!" She laughed and cuddled Robyn tightly. Robyn was happy to be out for once, not doing work. "What should we do today?" She asked, but Rose was already picking some daisies in the field. Robyn tilted her head. "Flowers?" She began to copy her mother and pick some.
"Yes, flowers!" Rose smiled warmly. "I'm making you a necklace... Fetch those roses over in that bush will you?" Robyn scrabbled over and took them off the bush gently, 5 beautiful, crimson, shining roses. When she came back her mom had made a small ring of daisies. "Wow!" Robyn sat down beside Rose. Rose took the chain and tied it around Robyn's neck, forming a necklace. She made a crown with the roses and added that to Robyn's head. Robyn beamed proudly, and had soon forgot about all her worried at home.


A Father that's always there!
A beam spread over her face, a laugh in earshot and nobody could bring her down. She dodged left, then right and fired at the posts, perfectly in the middle. Her goalkeeper (dad of course) missed the high speed ball as it flew in. "Yaaay!" Robyn jumped up and down on the spot in joy. "Another point to me!" She giggled.
Her dad sighed happily then hugged her. "Yup, you beat me kiddo!" He punched her playfully on the shoulder. "Sorry about earlier..." He apologised for the 5th time that afternoon sheepishly. Robyn shrugged. "It's over now." Hart'yel smiled and eased off. They had had a little arguement in the early morning and he was still annoyed at himself for getting so angry at Robyn when her dyslexia took over. It was such a huge part of her life. Just like sports. Oh! The sports! Hart'yel returned from his daydream and laughed as Robyn took a shot at the goals again and it flew threw. "You're such an amazing daughter Robyn, remember Daddy is always proud of you, no matter what." He put his arm around her. "Now! Wanna go for a cycle later?" Hart'yel wasn't keen on any sports really, but it mattered to Robyn.


Siblings no matter what
"Aargh!" Robyn shot past Alby like a proffessional sprinter. The race came to an end with Robyn in the lead. Alby high-fived her. "You really do have a talent!" She laughed and followed him back to the starting line. "Again?" She asked. Alby nodded but took a minute to catch his breath. Hart'yel and Rose stood at the side of their little race track, with Jammy Dogers at the finish line. "3...2....1...GO!"
The two beans shot off, neck a neck with eachother. Alby, being honest, hated this, but did it for his sister. He was fast, but only because he was slightly older. Robyn was super fast, and she was younger! She could get a little competitive though. Her fierce racing attitude made her seem older, than the little 7 year old she was. They were nearly at the finish line when she stopped! Alby, surprised, flew forward and landed over the line. First place?! He turned round, Robyn was grinning. "I wanted you to win one!" She laughed. So Alby got up, laughing his head off, and punched her playfully till she was giggling uncontrollably.



The Adventure with Dekoda
"Let's go!" Robyn grinned happily as she tugged at Dekoda. The two little Beans set off into the little wood bedside the park, where their parents let them go. Their parents thought they were just off on a walk, but no, the two were off on a hunt! A witch hunt to be exact. Dekoda carried his sword and walked slightly ahead of Robyn bravely. "The great evil witch is near! I'll protect you with my life, my lady." He puffed out his small chest and slashed a branch of a tree with the sword. "Be warned!" He shouted, his squeaky voice echoing through the wood. Robyn jumped slightly. The thought of an evil witch scared her. Normally she was so brave but.. Would they make it out alive? Dekoda lead the team ahead, his tail in Robyn's mouth little mouth so she could follow and they wouldn't be separated.
As they walked deeper the trees seemed taller and darker, leaning over them. They were like great big Giants, ready to eat the two little beans. Twigs cracked underneath their small feet and leaves crunched and munched. Robyn was about to whisper something to Dekoda, when he jumped up and slashed infront of them again. "The witch!" He screeched and ran at the air. Robyn followed close behind and kicked out. It was a fierce battle, but in the end, they slayed the witch, who evaporated in a puff of smoke. "Haha!" They high fived eachother and grinned. Robyn looked around cautiously, where were they? The trees covered up the sky and it was dark, would they get home? "Dekoda..." Her shaky voice croaked. "What way did we come?" He looked around with her, staying quiet.
"I-I don't know!" He squeaked. "Let's... Let's go this way!" He pointed to their left. Again, the two formed the same line, Robyn grabbed onto his tail with him infront. Soon they had walked around for ages with no success. Robyn refused to be upset, they weren't lost! Not yet... Not really... Dekoda determinedly hugged Robyn. "I shall find a way!" Another monster jumped out, screeching at the two beans madly. They kicked and fought their way around, when suddenly their feet got tangled in vines. They flew down a slope in the forest, it was suddenly so bright! As they looked around, they were out! "We did it!" They both jumped up and down and hugged eachother madly. "Adventurers for everrrr!"


Tasty Bakey Cakey!
"Girls what are you doing?" Rose placed her hands on her hips, trying to stop a laugh. Linde and Robyn were head to toe covered in icing, flour and of course, cake mixture! The two girls giggled away, having way too much fun. Rose half laughed, half sighed. The two were a funny pair, but boy could they bake! They were only young, but made such delicious desserts and treats. She wiped the counters and floors a bit then decided to leave. "Since the oven part is over and its the icing time, you girls should be OK alone!" Rose took off her apron and smiled. "Shout if you need me!" Robyn and Linde nodded obediently like angels as Rose left, and when she had, they spun round and got back to work. "Let's do this!" They high fived each other then grabbed sweets for decorating, icing and cream. Their beautiful sponge cake lay on the table, calling for them to ice it. They both blabbered on as they worked. Expertly, the girls managed to ice the golden cake, and soon it was finished! "Oh look..." Robyn giggled, a bit too excited with sugar. "There's some icing left!" Linde winked and soon they began to eat some of it. They were giggling away when Robyn accidently squirted some on Linde. "EEEK!" She squealed, the thick sugar paste in her fur. Linde decided to fight back and squirted a dollop onto Robyn's head. Robyn laughed and ran around the kitchen trying to get away. She found a cherry, and added it to her head. "We're the icing sistas!!!"
Linde nodded with a snicker. "You bet!"


What does the future hold?
"Ughhh..." Robyn let out a long, drawn out sigh. The whole day the competitive little teenager had been competing at her sports competition. She was glad she could now take time to wind down. Another first place position she had secured. All the training had payed off! Robyn did this frequently now that she was allowed out alone. She'd climb up the hill near her house at just before midnight, to watch the beautiful burning stars. She loved it a lot because after a long and exciting day of shouting and sports, she could peacefully watch the stunning moonlit City at night. As she gazed around, she watched the cars get lost like ants in a beaming, bright maze. The night street lights flickered and people laughed and chatted away. The gentle and calm breeze soothingly swooped through the air, ruffling Robyn's fur. Her red eyes closed almost naturally to savour the perfect moment. As she opened them again and gazed back up, she noticed a beautiful, bright star fall down and slowly burn out. A falling star! She squeezed her eyes shut again and made a wish. I wish....


Why I would like her.
Working on this form has been amazing fun but hard work!<3 I love Robyn a lot, at first it was a sort of idea, but I grew to love her as I wrote more and more. Her design is so fun to draw, good for me since im not great at art XD I love everything about her c: The reason I ordered art was cause I wanted to show how much I would be willing to be active and spoil her. She would fit perfectly in my small JBD family. Thank you for the chance and good luck everyone <333
Oh, and a little about me!
Well, my name is ~Wanda~ and I'm a quiet/shy user who owns one JBD c: Chessa was gifted to me as a nursery batch after this species closed down and I have never truly won a Bean! I'm fun and loving, not always on a computer but willing to draw on my iPad, not CS c; I love to rp and connect with all my characters a bit too much! XD Just a little info so you know about the try-er out-er! XD


Art credit and thanks!
Thank you very much to everyone who has helped me through support, art, form helps, JBD used and ideas. I appreciate it a lot, I enjoyed putting together my form hugely and it sure was fun! <3 Here are any of the beans used c:
Robyn's family ^^
Chessa Owned by Me
Dekoda Owned by Soulfirestyx
Nursery Batch #630 But it was my friend Frost's Entry
Here are all the art credits, I wanted to save it till the end! Some art here is not in the form due to space, but please, view each one because you could miss a lovely piece that didn't fit <3
Anthro Robyn Amy Rose By Me
Eye glow fullbody By Scootaloo
We are Family! By Me
Dyslexia! By Me
Fairy cakes<3 By Necrogerbil
Scratchy Jumpers :c By Necrogerbil
Ball!!! By KiruRaki
Flower picking with mum! By Me
Robyn and Hart'yel By Me
Sibling race! By Me
Bouncy Pixel! By Becnessmonster
Sleeping Lines by KiruRaki
A walk in the woods By me
Lovely traditional pieces By Glispa
Linde and Robyn By Frost★
Running in a dream By ::Lady Sheik::
Star Gazing By Me
Little Lie Down By ShadyPaws
End of form By Frost★
Adorable headshot yay! By Lierre
Heya! By Girl of the wolves
Cute running Robyn! By Corrosive_limes
Realism headshot By Me
Little Headshot By Me
Hello I'm Robyn! By Me
Playing happily By [ghostcat]
Robyn headshot By [ghostcat]
Running from it all By Me
OOh! Lines by KiruRaki
#29 pieces c: Thank you to all who contributed <3

Last edited by wandzie. on Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:04 am, edited 66 times in total.
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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby thelabradorr » Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:49 am

          let's start this adventure
          Reserved with the name - Kendra
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amara the flower girl

Postby koegami » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:44 am

Amara the flower girl

banner art:
- of her playing in snow
- of her and family
- headshot of flower girl
- headshot in snow outfit
- headshot being cute with big bro albus
- headshot with her owl buddy
- headshot
- headshot
- headshot
- bust shot of family photo
- playing with brother and sister
- sleeping with mom
- planting with mom
- playing with dad
- looking at worms in garden

irrelevant art:
anything i can do

Persona checklist:
- she can't say albus, so she says (a-bus)
- she might call her brother (broder abus)
- she can't say jammy dodgers so she says (jam-jam dod-ers)
- she might call her sister sissy jo-jo
- she can't say heart'yel so she says (harpy) . but usually calls him daddy harp
- she can't say heart, she thinks it's harp. so she calls her father harpy, or harp
- the only one she can say is rose. but she usually calls her rosy or momma ro
- sweet heart, timid about everything
- loves her family
- dreams of being able to fly like her owl friend little hooty that she found in her back yard
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      bjorn avatar art by noch
      you can commission them here

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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby .starfish » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:01 am

If I find time i may enter
Hi I'm Cara and I'm actually a starfish
I am also slightly obsessed with HTTYD, Percy Jackson and Marvel
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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby ryuuhou » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:33 pm

Reserve with the name moose!

Ryuuhou -

I am a Current Non-Owner,
Seeking my first Bean

JBD Fanclub Account


Relaxed - Steady - Caring - Mundane - Worried

Moose Happens to be a Very Relaxed bean, she thinks about what shes go say before saying it, and at time it will be a Long Pause before she replies, And when she does Its not the most creative or energetic response, It is pretty boring when she spouts out her words. She tries to Keep a Smile Upon her Face at all time, keeping in her Feeling at the cost of making everyone happy and know that there isn't a problem.

She cares an awful lot about her and her family, if they are sick she will do everything in her power to try to keep them in bed, feeding them soup, keeping the house tidy, all that and what not. When she feels that there is something wrong, like if she heard a stick snap, she'll cringe and Look around, trying to find out the cause.



Relationship with
Rose is the Go to Mom for Moose, Shes always there when she need her most! When - feels Down, her mother will be able to crack a smile across her and make the Situation better, Just with a hug and "it'll be ok". - and - Have a very Close Bond, Each other know that they are different and They embrace their differences, Without Her - wouldn't be the way she is today.


Relationship with hart'yel
- and - are a little more distant, They don't talk to each enough, thats the Problem here. Cora cares deeply about her father, but it is a Reserved amount, Like if he gets hurt, - would do anything in her power to help him, but in other cases like if he got some foreign thing in his fur, she'll do other things and Hope that its not something horrible.


Relationship with Jammy


Relationship with Albus
They have a very strong Brother sister bond that no other could Break, - believes that -
is the Most special and unique Sibling In the Entire world. - loves the way She can tell Her
Secrets And Problems to Him with knowing that he'd never tell them to another Living soul
without her conceit. no matter their Age, they still Will be the Bestest of Friends, Even if they
have a Fight. Out of all the Family Members, - is the Closest to her Brother- Her mother
and father don't know why She Loves her Bother as much as she does.


Relationship with Herself
- loves to make herself look Pretty, Sometimes she just plays with eye shadow as if she was
a Child who got into the Lipstick. She like to take Baths, Especially when there are Bubbles and littleplastic toys Floating around in the Bubbly Sea. Over all - Loves herself just like she loves her family, She stresses at times when she feels "Bare", like she needs to wear something to cover her face, fur or whatever else she wants to cover.

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Image Family

Image Vanilla

Image Mushrooms

Image The color teal

Image Ducks

Image Secrets

Image Darkness

Image Loud noises

Image Sour foods

Image Alive Food (Bugs..)

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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby ViceVersa » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:18 am

Dropping out. Good luck to everyone
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Real life comes first for me, so if I don't get on for a while I'm probably just really busy.
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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby freybugg » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:08 pm

Internet persona:

-She's a go-to hacker
Possible res

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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby Novi » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:11 pm

reserved with the name Alouette u v u
Now that the existential crisis has passed, I'm not leaving! Sorry for the momentary scare, folks!
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Postby epimetheus » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:14 pm

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Re: Nursery Batch #530

Postby zacherie » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:28 pm

dropping out ; - ;
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