Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SunnyStreets » Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:47 am

    Username + ID#: SunnyStreets + 823430
    Kalon Link: Altan
    Chosen Prompt: [ World Building ] 'Is there a political climate? What’s it like?'
    Prompt Response:
    One could certainly say there’s a ‘political climate’, though Altan thinks that’s too simple of a term to describe it. It could be called complete and utter chaos, perhaps. With a handful of kingdoms insistent on the idea that magic was a basic evil and needed to be wiped from the planet and another group determined to stop that from happening at all costs and everyone else just kind of bystanders trying to help innocent victims, it’s not exactly the easiest to keep track of. Altan is very firmly on the side of ‘magic is good’, which is not actually a good thing for him, considering where he comes from. He’s from Twilight County and was an officer in the Mages of the Crescent Court. Unfortunately, the leaders of this county and by extent the court died and left their oldest child in charge. Lord Keahi is only sixteen but basically kickstarted the already bristling political sides into a full on war after his sister and parents were killed in a burst of uncontrolled magic. After that, being a mage was not really the safest idea and Altan was forced to flee.

    There are rumours about rebellions in Twilight County and other counties and kingdoms on that side of the war. Altan’s goal is really just to get to neutral ground, before he can even consider joining up to something like that. At least there he’d be less at risk from angry governments, considering the war efforts are mostly aimed at pro-magic and anti-magic kingdoms, from each other. Technically, it’s not perfect, because there are groups of furious anti-magic gangs in both neutral and pro kingdoms, and in neutral they don’t do much about them unless it gets dangerous. But it’s the most Altan can hope for, really.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SunnyStreets » Mon Aug 16, 2021 5:10 am

    Username + ID#: SunnyStreets + 823430
    Kalon Link: Altan
    Chosen Prompt: [ World Building ] 'Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits'
    Prompt Response:
    Honestly, Altan sometimes wishes it didn’t. Not that he’d want to eradicate it like some do, but if it just didn’t exist in the first place, that’d stop a lot of terrible things from happening. It’s too late though, because it does. In fact, it started a war.

    The magic is in the earth, really. This is what makes the idea of destroying magic so ridiculous to Altan - it would only lead to destroying the planet. The only thing the ant-magic governments and groups can hope for is that people get so scared they stop leaning into the currents of the sorcery and then eventually how to even do that will be forgotten. This is, quite simply, one of Altan’s worst fears. To lose magic would be to lose a part of himself, to lose everything.

    He’s a natural at tapping into it, knowing the right way to talk to plants or how to harmonize with a river. It’s harder for some people, and it’s no surprise that those people make up the majority of the anti-magic groups.

    It’s not like it can do everything, but if you know how to use it it can be powerful enough to be a threat, especially for those who can’t use it at all. It’s mostly used to enhance the abilities of the natural world. Magic could make a flower’s petals unfurl or sparks of fire be controlled and used for displays. It can make lightning strike a specific place or make rain slow into a drizzle, and it could send puffs of wind directly into a boat’s sail. Magic can send branches of thorny brambles hurtling towards an enemy, or a tidal wave crashing over a town. Altan’s never done anything like that, but certainly attacks like that have been witnessed in the recent fighting. It can’t make more of something, to Altan’s knowledge, although it can stimulate growth, and it’s well known that if something dies, that’s it and magic can’t change that.

    All in all, Altan is thankful for magic, because it’s all he’s ever known. He was born into a family of mages and grew up with magic, learning it and experiencing it and living it. Still, he can see people’s fear over it. It can kill, easily, and especially if someone taps into the forces without realising it. This happens most often with young, powerful children and it’s most dangerous if it goes unrecognized and unexplained. If this happens it usually festers inside the victim until it explodes out in bursts of uncontrolled power and ends up killing both the person who is trapped in the current. There are theories … rumours that this is what killed Lord Keahi’s sister, but no actual evidence. All Altan can do is hope that isn’t true, because if it is there's no way that the new government of the Twilight County is going to back down from their insistence that magic is pure evil. Akamu was probably the most beloved princess Twilight County had seen in a long while.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SilhouetteStation » Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:31 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SilhouetteStation » Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:56 pm

    Username + ID#: SilhouetteStation + 676516
    Kalon Link: Atticus

    Chosen Prompt: Favorite snack

    Prompt Response:
    If you asked him every day for a week what his favorite snack was, you'd most likely get a different answer each time. It's not that he's a picky eater, no - and he's not exactly indecisive, not when it comes to food. Maybe the problem comes from the world having so many good snacks to choose from. There would definitely be a pattern in his answers, though, and that would be that they're all crunchy. He likes his snacks to have a crunch, a snap, a crispness. Therefore, there's an array of satisfyingly crunchy snacks in his kitchen cupboard.

    Pretzels. Salty. Slightly toasty. They had a 'fantastic chew to them', as he might say. Too many might be a bit overwhelming on the tongue, and they're the kind of food you need a drink with, but they're still good.

    Pringles. He can easily get through half a tube in one sitting without even thinking about it. They're not made for any kind of gaming - he's fussy about not getting crumbs or anything else like that near his consoles - but because of how they light they are, they're an incredibly moorish snack.

    Sweet potato chips. Oh, how he loves sweet potato crisps. These he actually makes at home, because really, there's not a lot to them; thin slices, a bit of seasoning, and you're good to go once they crisp up in the oven. They're healthier than his other snacks, too, which is a bonus.

    And of course, there's always the possibility that he hasn't even tried his favorite snack yet, and that's something fun to imagine and look forward to.

    Token Worth: 2 (270 words)

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby glittermintfurry » Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:59 am

Username + ID#:glittermintfurry [588497]
Kalon Link: BOO!
Chosen Prompt:What was it like for them growing up?
Prompt Response:
They come from a long line of “ghost” Kalons sent to protect the forest from those who would venture too far into it. Thicket grew up somewhat isolated from society. Not that they weren't allowed to commune with society, but rather that travel to and from their home and the city was rather dangerous. Typically their family would only spend a week or so every few months. In the fall Thicket and their parents would make sure that they met the appropriate homeschooling requirements, in the winter just before the first snow Thicket’s family would get winter supplies, sell some trinkets, and use the money for seasonal gifts. The spring and summer seasons were always special trips to town lasting no more than two days. This routine lasted most of Thicket’s life until a better, less treacherous, road was developed. Still it is very dangerous to travel at night.
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby solos » Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:44 pm

Username + ID#: solos 866649
Kalon Link: xoxo
Chosen Prompt: Who are their most trusted friends?
Prompt Response: their most trusted friend is galaga-! [event myo kal owned + designed by MeepMorpLazuli]
Token Worth: 20 , busts, colored , shaded , background , multiple chars , pixel
Previous Responses: what is their dream destination-? , What was their favorite childhood toy? , Your Kal just got sent to prison, what are they in for?

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby *Starshimmer* » Tue Aug 17, 2021 3:44 pm

      page 26 wrote:nikitty.: Approved & banked
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      solos: Approved & banked

      page 27 wrote:SunnyStreets: Approved & banked
      SilhouetteStation: Approved & banked
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      solos: Approved & banked
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby solos » Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:32 pm

Username + ID#: solos 866649
Kalon Link: xoxo
Chosen Prompt: Stairs, escalator, or elevator?
Prompt Response: Elevators-!! they feel like theyre traveling to a whole new world-!!
Token Worth: 16 , fullbody, colored , shaded , background , pixel
Previous Responses: what is their dream destination-? , What was their favorite childhood toy? , Your Kal just got sent to prison, what are they in for? , Who are their most trusted friends?

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SunnyStreets » Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:19 am

    Username + ID#: SunnyStreets + 823430
    Kalon Link: Altan
    Chosen Prompt: [ Self ] 'Do they enjoy school?'
    Prompt Response:
    Altan was classed as a typical teacher’s pet from day one, devoting himself to schoolwork with an admiration that rivaled the teacher’s. He loves the adrenaline rush from learning a new thing, loves the smell of old books with layers and layers of magic, loves the gentle scratch of pen on paper as he writes page after page of notes. What he did not like about school were the other students. Although the quality of his classmates improved as he moved into more specialized subjects, many of those in his first few years of school simply did not want to be there and took it out on those who did, such as Altan himself. He consistently found his focus disturbed by bored students, or his lunch stolen by people annoyed that he got them extra homework (he was, by all accounts, that annoying kid who always reminded the teacher to give them homework. This was simply because he loved the extra work so much, and after a while he moved onto simply asking the teacher for personal reading on the side. This, at least, got rid of quite a handful of his mean peers).

    Even now, long after he left school to become a full-fledged Mage, and although he can rarely access a library anymore, he studies his old books when he’s got a moment of peace. Sometimes, learning turns into a chore, when the newspapers are full of painful news about his old home and the war that rages across the land. This is when he wishes he could head back to grade school, when reading was just ‘the cat sat on the mat’ or ‘here is the dog’.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SunnyStreets » Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:36 am

    Username + ID#: SunnyStreets + 823430
    Kalon Link: Altan
    Chosen Prompt: [ Self ] ' “the pen is mightier than the sword,” is this true for them?'
    Prompt Response:
    Altan can’t help but wish he thought this were true, but it is quite simple in his mind. Writing and debating cannot solve everything unless everyone cooperates and is willing to compromise. And quite frankly, Altan has given up on that ever happening. So, he concludes, perhaps sometimes things like quite literally breaking down walls or invading the palace is necessary. Not that he would condone going as far as, say, murdering people, but just a little bit of more hands-on combat can certainly be helpful. It’s not like it’s difficult, either, throw the use of magic in there and you can infiltrate anywhere with ease. Probably.

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