Stars MYO #527 by vympyre

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Artist vympyre [gallery]
Time spent 2 hours, 32 minutes
Drawing sessions 6
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Stars MYO #527

Postby vympyre » Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:10 am

another kiddo for Demonic.Canine. !
lowkey in luv with this one i may have to snatch /j
for breeding purposes this is a blue-cream torbie under the unnatural colors

also idk if this counts as a muzzle edit? i put it down just in case, but i didn't change anything, just continued the line of the muzzle to meet their bangs

Code: Select all
username: Demonic.Canine.
myo using:
coat description: indigo-violet spotted torbie with mid white, and yellow eyes
[nr] accessories
[c] whiskers, eye shape, pupil, sclera color, ear tufts, ear placement
[uc] muzzle edit, round ears, med. fur edit
[r] unnatural coloring [indigo, violet]
obtained how?:
the spectre system - adult - all pronouns
admin for goobies - toyhouse - my hubby

currently on hiatus!
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Re: Stars MYO #527

Postby Wretched.Felidae » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:11 pm

username: Demonic.Canine.
clan: Cascade’Clan
myo using: 1x Rare MYO
coat description: indigo-violet spotted torbie with mid white, and yellow eyes
[nr] accessories
[c] whiskers, eye shape, pupil, sclera color, ear tufts, ear placement
[uc] muzzle edit, round ears, med. fur edit
[r] unnatural coloring [indigo, violet]
obtained how?: traded to me here
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Re: Stars MYO #527

Postby I Like Bees » Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:21 am

Approved and archived!
Stars Bagel TH hi
they/them CDT
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Re: Stars MYO #527

Postby Wretched.Felidae » Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:08 am

This cat has been traded to ,sayu
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Re: Stars MYO #527

Postby Archaeopteryx. » Sun Jun 12, 2022 5:22 am

this cat has been traded to me!


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