Re: lost kamper #8

Postby undead_darling » Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:26 pm

Possible res <3
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Postby 【Wildfire】 » Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:46 am


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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby stormsurge0 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:37 am

username: Stormsurge0
kalon name: Grel
gender: Female

spooky story:
The kalon walked towards you so they could start to begin their story. Before starting, they took a few dramatic pauses to increase the tension already. They continued on:

"It was dark outside. They were gathered around a campfire, laughing and joking and telling stories or their families and separate adventures. They were practically family now that they have gotten so close. All you could see was the fire and the dimly lit faces of the other kalons from Kamp. You could also see the slight shimmer from the moon coming off of the lake. They were making smores without a care in the world, having so much fun. As it got darker, it began to get to where all you could see were the bright stars that painted the sky and the fire which was almost out by now. One of them decided it was time to do the same old tradition: share scary stories. Each kalon had a different story to tell, so they turned it into a competition on which was the scariest.

Kalon 1 began:
"It was a very dark and ominous night. There were two kalons going camping, a brother and a sister. They walked through the woods, trying to find a place to set up their tent. They saw the glimmer of a fire in the distance, shining bright through the trees and all the leaves. The brother wanted to set up camp where they were, but the sister wanted to explore. The brother began to set up the tent while his sister trotted away towards the fire with glee. The sister's name is Grace and the brother's name is Grel. Grace was running faster and faster, gaining speed towards the light, determined to see if anyone was there. As she got closer, she slowed down a little so she could act as a shadow through the trees before pursuing whatever was there so she would have an idea of what to think. Back with Grel, he had just finished collecting wood for their fire and started to try and start it up. Grace was so close to the fire and could see shadows around it. But when she got there, she hid behind a tree and looked around just to see nothing. The shadows were still visible, but there was nothing in sight that could be making them. Scared, Grace ran back to her brother Grel, running faster than she ever has before. She ran, and she ran, and she ran. She tripped on a tree branch on the way and let out a sharp scream of pain. Grel could hear it from the camp where he had just successfully started the fire. Grel looked towards the light and dropped everything, and he immediately began to sprint. He burnt off some hair on the fire from getting up so fast, and it made his pelt all splotchy but he didn't care. He ran as fast as he could, receiving scratches from bumping into low branches. Some of his cuts began to swell up, but he didn't hesitate. He got to the fire to see that there was nothing there, not even a shadow in sight. He knew she must have gotten scared and ran back towards him. Frightened, Grel ran a different way that still lead back to their spot, hoping she had run there. He saw her in the distance. "Grace! Grace, it's me I'm coming for you!" his voice echoed throughout the trees, his voice gravely from being in pain from hitting the trees. Grace heard Grel, only, it didn't sound like Grel. She could hear something coming after her, echoing to her that it was coming for her, knowing her name, echoing in her head. She looked behind of her to see a swollen up scratched body with lost of missing fur. She screamed, thinking this was who was after her. She got up with a limp and ran with her hurt leg, hoping she could escape. Grel was confused as to why she was running from him. He picked up his paste, catching up to her quickly. He stopped her. Grace screamed in fear. "what do you want from me?!" Grace asked in shock. "Grace, it's me. Your brother. I got hurt when I was looking for you!"Grel explained. Grace was relieved but suspicious. She asked him questions that only her brother could answer. While Grace was questioning Grel, something was sneaking up on them. Grel got every question right. Grace finally decided to believe him and ran up to him for a hug. They started back to the fire, deciding to stay the night because it was already so dark. When they got the the fire, they saw their own shadows. But there was another shadows behind of their own. Grace ran towards the tent while Grel turned around to see a vicious wolf running away. He wondered why it was running, only to hear Grace scream. Grel ran to the tent. There was a hole in the back and a shadow like figure was trying to reach for Grace. Grel let out a gasp of surprise and the shadow creature turned to him. Grace escaped through the back and Grel knew it was his turn to try and escape. Grel turned back and began to run towards the other fire, that was where he had seen Grace run towards. Even if it was just another fire, they could use the tree coverage to hide. He caught up to Grace limping, almost there, and they could hear the shadow creature coming behind of them. Grel pushed Grace and helped her run faster, getting to the fire just for Grace to realize their mistake. She explained to Grel that she had been here before and seen multiple shadows but nothing making them. It must have been multiple creatures. It was to late, they were surrounded by the shadow creatures.

extra art piece: N/A (I can't draw rip me)

res! Omg such a qt! (huge wip)
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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby 【Wildfire】 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:17 pm

Could you possibly extend this, please? I don’t absolutely need one, but it would be very helpful.
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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby riddlestyx » Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:02 am

      extending this to august 21st, 23:59 EST

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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby Bloth Hoondr » Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:08 pm

username: Lloril
kalon name: Shasta
gender: Demigirl
spooky story:
The night grew cold as the moon drifted across the sky and what was once a roaring fire began to die out. The group of kampers had stayed out late, trying their best to scare each other with spooky stories that ranged form creepy to outright absurd...and not in the good way. They were about to turn in for the night when one of the more quiet kampers cleared their throat. Aided by her piercing sightless eyes and a rather ominous shadowing by fire, everyone began to sit back down and prepare for one final tale.

"Have you ever heard of the Pale Man?" Everyone shook heir heads before realizing their mistake and a resounding murmur of 'no's' rang out from around the group. "Myths, legends, folktales, it's amazing to be connected by such things no matter from what part of the world you're from." Her head tilted upwards and she sighed.

"Sometimes, those myths, as unseemly as it might be, sometimes walk this earth and not in the way you would imagine. When I was young, my family would take vacations to visit our relatives who lived out in the plains area. There always seemed to be an energy about it, the moon seemed closer, brighter even. You'd see a car in the distance behind you but once you cleared a hill, you'd turn back only for the car to have disappeared. Lights danced out fom the corner of your eye and shadows seemed to move out in the darkness. But not once did I feel fear."

The group was silent save for the occasional crackle of the fire and the distant sound of someone breathing a bit too harshly.

"It was my cousin's idea to go 'ghost hunting' but not in the way you may be thinking. We don't go out looking for them, we would open ourselves up to being found. It was a risk. There were already stories of a Sasquatch like figure children called the 'Tall Man' but they are not something you want to find. They're a messenger of sorts, everyone I know who has seen the Tall Man has had a family member die within the week...but they're not who my story is about." She drew closer to the fire, as if she were drawing courage from it's warmth. Her ears flicked as if trying to listen for something and stilled a moment later.

"It was a family affair that night, my cousins, uncles, aunties, all of us trucked over to the canyon to see what we could. The trees were sparse and the light of the full moon played along the grass, making it look almost like an ocean. If we listened close enough we could make out what appeared to be drums in the distance beating the same rhythmic tune. If we stared long enough, shadows along the canyon wall appeared to walk ever so slowly and lights flickered and danced. Some of us saw red, others saw blue or green. A figure crashed into the nearby trees, scaring some of my uncles but we never found out what it was, there was nothing to be found and nowhere for someone of that stature to hide."

"It was getting late and the younger ones were taken home, my uncle Jay and a few of us hiked up to the overlook while my aunties stayed at the truck. There was nothing else happening so one by one the others made their way back while myself and my uncle remained, taking in the sights around us and the feel of the moment. We were both silent by nature and without having to say anything we both turned to leave but not before hearing a third."

"He threw his paw out in front of me and I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard it. Someone was walking behind us, heavy enough to make a sizable crunch in the dead grass. I turned to look slightly over my shoulder but no one was there. We nodded and began to walk in step. Left right left right stop, and the phantom steps took two more and stopped as well. 'Who's behind us?' He asked, but the only response was the wind through the grass. We began our decent once more but my blood ran cold when the unmistakable sound of a young kalon answered 'Who?' right in between my uncle and I. It wasn't an owl, all of the trees were dead there wasn't a bird in sight...also I doubt they have intonation like that. But, in that same moment, all of the truck alarms began to blare, cutting our moment short. We ran as fast as we could back to the trucks and my auties were scared. Tears were streaming down their faces and they hugged us. Paws grabbing my face and multiple variations of 'are you okay's' were shouted at us. My uncle and I were in shock to say the least. Once we turned off the alarms and calmed everyone down they asked us again."

"What were you doing up there"

"'It was a beautiful night' my uncle replied, 'It would be a shame to not appreciate the beauty of it. I need to ask you all, though, why did you sound all of the car alarms?' At that, a few of my aunts shivered. 'I'm not sure what you may have seen or heard...' one began 'But there was a kalon in white following you down the hill'.

The flames were almost completely out, a kamper a few seats to Zion's left made an audible gulp.

"They could not have known about the footsteps, or the response, we never had the time to tell them. What they saw only solidified what we experienced on that overlook. Needless to say we went back to the houses after that. One of the kids called to say they saw the Tall Man again and everyone's gates and homes seem to have been unlocked in the time we were gone. But that's a story for a different night." She smiled and stood, brushing dirt off from her pants. "I'll never forget that night. Never."

As she turned to leave one of the younger kampers cut through the silence and called out after them. "Wait! But if people die when they see the Tall Man what happens if you see the Pale Man!?"

Shasta stopped and glanced over her shoulder, the moonlight casting a new silhouette around her and seemingly illuminating those sightless eyes. She laughed softly and continued on her way. "I'll let you decide."

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Postby hellb0und » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:19 am

          ⛧ inferno, xx'xx ala winters xx'xx demigirl xx'xx 2286 words
          this story isn't meant to offend ANYONE who's wiccan or practices witchcraft, and obviously,
          not all of it is true. some of it is from my imagination. but i did my best to research a scryi
          ng mirror/black mirror and portray it accurately.
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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby 【Wildfire】 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:11 am


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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby Rabbit » Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:01 pm

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Re: lost kamper #8

Postby 【Wildfire】 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:03 pm


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