Re: Kalon #1800

Postby _cherrycat_ » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:39 am

Username/ID: @_cherrycat_ / 982877
Kalon Name: Zhetta
What kind of world does this Kalon hail from and how do they get home?
This Kalon comes from a world filled with darkness and misery. Their dream was to go to the stars like they saw on their Telly. Ever since they were a child they had on their astronaut costume. But war broke out. Their small little happy country was taken over and put into oppression. Even though Zhetta dreamed as hard as they could Zhetta couldn't fight this urge to go to space. It was their dream. Zhetta traveled to other countries but they all rejected him, told him, "You could never go to space.". Zhetta felt the tears running freely and decided to go ask the last country he would ever want to ask. His oppressors. They expected to be told to scram because of their country, but the officials didn't notice. He was given an OK and was sent to space a few years later. It was a dream come true.
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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby recognize » Sat Oct 03, 2020 4:15 am

Username/ID: recognize #941288
Kalon Name: Catmint
What kind of world does this Kalon hail from and how do they get home?

the watery green depths, as free to move in as air but slippery, like jello.
long trails of seaweed growing from the sky, glowing faint blue and blooming lilac flowers.
winds sweeping up great sandstorms from seemingly nothing, silently rippling through the water.
no living creature for miles around.
the ground, cracked but whole, her paws blending into the purple of squishy sponge that gave way under her weight.
shapeshifting bubbles that drifted past, changing into different shapes to avoid contact with her.
the muted colors that danced before her vision, putting on a show just for her.
it was hard to see.
stars rain down, softly dripping into the sponge, never to be seen again and never seen in the first place.
seeds scattered by the wind and fallen to the ground, not meant to grow, melting in the mouth like sugar.

something new, a beacon calling for her, waiting for her.
she jumped, hopped into the air, trusting the water to carry her toward the surface.
chasing the pale light that slashes clean through the green.

she woke up. catmint blinked, trying to shake the feeling of sleep. she's had the same dream nearly every night, and every time there's a strange layer of familiarity with the details that seemed to overlap with one other as time went on. the places she visited during her dreams felt like... home. but she wouldn't she remember if it were home? maybe it is home, but she forgot. this unnatural, barren land she seemed to be in now certainly wasn't home.

maybe the way for her to get back to home, wherever that may be, is to wake up.
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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby Amplify » Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:56 am


Username/ID: Amplify [#426059]
Kalon Name: Nyx
What kind of world does this Kalon hail from and how do they get home?

Book One: Neophonis

    To form a planet, one needs many things, and many more to form a planet that can support life. Rock, ice, gas, and space dust, it feels as if the odds are entirely stacked against you. After all, it’s one in infinity that all the matter comes together in the right way—at the right time—to form your planet; and the chance is left entirely to the weaving hands of fate.

    Even still, having a planet with which to grow from is not enough. In the end there are countless other barriers than just what elements managed to find their way into your planet’s formation. All life is a game of chance—one in which you have no control over your deck, let alone what’s dealt to you.

    Yet somehow, in the same incredibly surprising yet altogether familiar way, Neophonis was born. Billions of years ago, it seemed that there were just enough of those precious elements, in the right form of matter, that came together to create a stunning visage of a planet that challenges the very basis of planet identification to this day.

Chapter I

    Admittedly, the unique features of Neophonis only started to show themselves near the end of its formation. At first, it seemed as if the planet was going to form like any other; perhaps a bit large and with an extra moon or two, but altogether solid and round.
    But for whatever reason, as the planet grew closer and closer to cooling into its final form, several chunks of rock remained in orbit that wouldn’t merge with Neophonis. Baffling to scientists today, they appeared to intentionally work against the stronger gravity of the planet as they instead formed five moons. And as these moons took shape themselves, comfortable in their orbits, their gravitational force began to impact the planet.

    Still trying to condense all its gathered materials into one mass, the planet began to lose its roundness as different areas were tugged towards its moons. Then out of nowhere, or perhaps in a last-ditch effort to save itself, the planet rapidly cooled and ceased all condensing. The result was a vaguely triangular central planet with both the five moons and a ring of debris orbiting around it, apparently immune to its greater gravitational force.

Chapter II

    In truth it goes against nearly every expectation of a planet, yet still it exists. To be considered a planet by standard means, it must not only orbit a star and be big enough to have cleared all of the objects of similar size out of its orbit, but be large enough for its gravitational force to give it a spherical shape.

    Though Neophonis meets the first two listed requirements—lucky that each of its moons are significantly smaller despite their number—its shape actively works against itself. According to all laws of gravitational force, it should be spherical or not exist. Of course, Neophonis exists anyway, because it does not care whether or not you think it’s impossible. Not to mention that it doesn’t stop with a mere unique shape either.

    Alongside the thick, rich atmosphere, the planet seems to have an intermediate, semi-transparent layer located at the very edge of the atmosphere and outer space. As a result, you cannot see the planet’s surface, rather a refracted array of colors from its moons with hints of what’s beneath. Beyond this visual distortion, the layer appears to provide additional protection for the surface by reducing the gravitational impact of the moons and deflecting any debris from the ring. It is suspected that it may even be the cause for the ring of debris remaining in orbit though research has yet to yield conclusive results.

Chapter III

    In fact, research in general on Neophonis has yet to yield any conclusive results. Though the natural environment has undoubtedly been affected by the phenomena surrounding the planet’s creation, it’s impossible to draw definitive conclusions about the causes when the knowledge of the phenomena themselves is so limited. Basic factors, such as the fact that the planet is similarly covered by more water than land, are easier to identify. Still, through visual observation, scientists have noted a variety of features unique to the planet that may also be connected to its shape and refractory layer.

    For example, the plants are made of a semi-crystalline, semi-organic material that does appear to be photosynthetic. However, unlike traditional plants that primarily reflect green and yellow rays, it seems the majority reflect the light that is refracted in the sky above them. Therefore, though leaves do change between seasons, it is not reliant on the planet’s rotation and therefore temperature, but the positions of the moons and ring around the planet. The reason for this is presently unknown.

    Furthermore, because a culture developed that greatly valued sustainable practices, the forests are vast as they are healthy. Many of the trees and other plants with extended lifespans are dated at several thousands of years old, and in that time have grown to considerable heights. It has also helped that clean water flows freely through them, with pollution is strictly prohibited, and the understanding a river is never to be redirected or blocked off if the ecosystem cannot safely be sustained elsewhere.
    This has led to a bountiful animal population alongside the primary inhabitants as well, with an incredible biodiversity factor across the planet. Creatures of the land, sea, and sky, all thrive under the conditions the planet and its people have developed, leading to an overall thriving ecosystem.

Chapter IV

    A thriving ecosystem which includes the primary civilization. Settlements are scattered across the planet but instead of replacing or changing the environment to suit them, the civilizations adapted their strategy to suit their planet. If they could not expand outwards, prior to space travel they had two options: build up or build down. Knowing that building upwards was unsustainable, and that building outwards wasn’t an option, they instead decided to build down.

    This of course had its own troubles, from the time and energy it took to build safe underground structures, to having to figure out how far down they could even start to ensure the environment above would be safe. It took years of development and planning to truly figure out what works, but in the end it took no longer than any other revolution, and ensured their environment would be safe.

    Three of the primary challenges were figuring out how to keep air circulating, how to ensure safe travel to and from the underground city, and how to bring light to the people below.

    Air circulation and safe travel required some terraforming of the earth above, but they had already chosen to live in locations where this wouldn’t have as large of an environmental impact. With carefully placed and frequently checked ventilation systems leading to stations on the earth’s surface, air circulation was solved. In addition, every settlement includes a variety of fortified emergency tunnels in addition to the primary hall for surface to underground travel.

    As it happens, light was the main challenge, to which Neophonis had natural solutions. As they dug deeper into the ground, they discovered biological crystal complexes deep within the planet. Buried over time, when exposed to nutrients and a direct tunnel of light from the surface, the complexes would illuminate not only themselves but all of the crystal particles in the earth around them. No matter how small, they would glow, which made what is now down as a second sky underground.

Short Story: A Journey Back wrote:Though it hadn’t taken long for Nyx to figure out where she had landed—Earth, of course she’d end up there—figuring out how she had managed to crash land took some careful consideration and healing. The last thing she had remembered prior to waking up on Earth was working as part of a team in response to the crystallysis crisis. The thought of never returning home again crossed her mind and she began to hyperventilate as her suit beeped alarmingly in response to her rising heartbeat.

Panicking will help no one; I need to remain calm. What do I remember?

Taking calming breaths, she considered the situation back on Neophonis. Some new form of life was directly feeding upon the complex crystals they need to survive underground, and they had no idea where they had come from or why they chose now to emerge. Nearly an emergency level crisis, her people were rapidly trying to either solve the problem or adapt around it.
Coverings seemed to stop the spread on a limited basis, but they had no way to kill the bacterium or tell whether they have the substance on them. In addition, the reason the crystalline complexes had become such a vital part of their society were because other methods of maintaining underground light were unsustainable, in regard to both the energy requirements as well as their physical needs. While the light from the crystals mimicked the light above the earth, artificial light did not, and over time lead to weakening immune systems, amongst other issues.

There has to be something more specific, a moment I can pinpoint, or something.

Her head throbbed under the pressure, and she gave up on remembering temporarily. Taking a break to assess her situation, she found that the crystal core of her spaceship was partially degraded. Of course, the bacteria must’ve followed her on the ship despite their best precautions. A brief glimpse of sterilization rooms and quarantining danced across her eyes before she returned to the present.

It’s progress, but why was I sent out by myself? Why was I sent out at all when I had so much work to do back home?

For several days she pondered these questions, to no avail. The idea was on the tip of her tongue but just wouldn’t formulate fully, and following sending out her distress beacon, she wanted to figure out why she was there before the earthlings reached her. Plus it gave her reason not to leave her spaceship.

It wasn’t that she had anything against them per say, it was just their societies had moved in very different directions, and she had no desire to see firsthand any of the destruction they’d done to their planet. Perhaps things were improving, and she’s not afraid to admit that their technology is marvelous; but still, she could feel the planet crying out to be saved in her heart. And she knew there was nothing she could do to undo what had been done, or fully change the ways of their people. Which begged the question, why did she end up on earth?

All signs pointed to the fact that this was her destination. Her supplies were nearly halved upon arrival, and if not for the bacterium following her on board, her ship would’ve been fully prepared to return home. It was this line of thinking that sparked another memory. They had been questioning whether it had even come from their planet, and they’d recently had an influx of tourists from none other than the earth.

Of course! I cannot believe I forgot—

This had led to discussions between the two worlds scientists which revealed that the bacterium eating the crystals on Neophonis were an evolved form of a bacteria native to the Earth. It all made so much sense now! She had come to earth to bring a sample of the bacteria for testing with the earthen scientists, and somehow, they’d overlooked the fact that the container was made of a small percentage of crystal. Normally the amount was so negligible that it didn’t impact containment, but it was concentrated just enough in one spot for the bacteria to get out and head towards their greatest food source. Namely, the crystalline core of her ship.

Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be able to reach her home planet on her ship anymore, at least not with a temporary energy core replacement. But with the help of the earthlings, she was bound to be back home with the treatment they needed in no time.

I figured this all out just in time too.

She sighed in relief as the rescue team signaled her ship. Perhaps she’d even be able to rest for a bit now that help has arrived.

[2057 words] [1 art]

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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby ❌ DYNAMIGHT ❌ » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:19 pm

closed to new entries. any entries edited after the timestamp on this post will be disqualified.
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Re: Kalon #1800 [ WINNERS ]

Postby ❌ DYNAMIGHT ❌ » Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:53 pm

zooms in here at lightning speed (:
guess who is already here with results because what else do I have to do while holed up in a hotel room :eyes:

I had an absolute blast reading through all the entries! Everyone is always so creative But I always enjoy seeing the extra stuff that goes into these off the wall Kalons. They truly are unique beings to begin with and you all work so hard to bring that into your character and world building as well. Whether you entered with a super serious entry or something more comical I love every ounce of creativity you guys pour out for this species and community <3

winner -
altior - 376904 || form
I ,,,,,, honestly can not even begin to explain the absolute euphoria it was to read your form. from the first words you had me absolutely captivated and i never lost sight of your story through the whole thing. it was beautifully poetic and gave a fantastic look into the life and creation of Xivi without being too literal or blunt. i don't really have the words I want to describe how reading this form made me feel but just claps fam, you deserve this c:

rus -
in absolutely no particular order because these were all equally fun reads !!

nor - 925608 || form
SilhouetteStation - 676516 || form
Amplify - 426059 || form

hms -
you guys all still had lovely forms but I can't give something to everyone :'c
nermal1999 - 214589
Takk - 158765
honeycreeper66 - 945117
LuciferFalling - 429963
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Postby home » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:21 pm

    oh my gosh i didn't know what i was going into when i started writing everything but AHBDVGSH it was fun and aaaa,, thank you so much for the ru ;o; i can't wait to see what they'll look like and develop them ;o;

    big congrats to altiora! i had a blast reading through your form and i adore the art that went along with it aaa ;o; i'm terrible with words but trust me i loved reading all of it \o/ (you're also welcome to keep my art if you'd like, you can credit me at my toyhouse hjbd)

    congrats to the hm and ru winners as well \o/ i haven't had the time to read through everything (and it is 12am orz) but congratulations!!
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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby altiora » Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:08 pm

thank you sm! xivi has occupied my mind for the last month afsgdh. theyre my first kalon!! im so happy

i think i read through every entry, i really loved how unique everyones is. congrats to the rus, you deserve it

all art will be thoroughly credited ✨
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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby honeycreeper » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:48 am

congrats to the winner, ru winners and fellow hm winners! all of your stories were so unique, I'll have to go back and re-read them!
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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby Amplify » Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:18 am

Thank you so much for the RU! It was a lot of fun building both a world and a kalon to live in it; there were just so many aspects to consider, and I’m really glad you enjoyed reading what I created. I can’t wait to see and develop them further!

I also want to congratulate altiora, the other RU winners, and all the HM winners! Everyone’s forms were fun to read and explore so you should all be very proud of your work!

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Re: Kalon #1800

Postby SilhouetteStation » Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:27 pm

    let me just compose myself for a sec

    first of all I hope that hotel room is treating you good, but second of all I am ?? honored ?? when it comes to milestone kals I just give it my all and hope for the best, no matter what it's always so much fun to throw so much effort and creativity into something, but to win an ru ?? thank you ?? I'm so excited to see them and develop the character more oh my stars *w* <3

    big congrats to hm + fellow ru winners !! haven't had a chance to read through them all yet, but I know they'll be amazing <3

    huge huge HUGE congrats to altiora !! with writing like that, I'm genuinely shocked that this is your first kalon. describing your writing is actually such a hard thing to do, the way you describe things and structure sentences and paragraphs, and the way it flows as a's stunning. it's visually stunning, because of the way the reader can visualize what you're writing about. intertwining it with things from our space? the way you took the inspiration and made it your own? as much as I'm honored to win an ru, I'm also honored to have read such a beautiful and out of this world story (full pun intended). you absolutely deserved this win, one hundred percent, and I am very much looking forward to reading future entries from you <3

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