Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby Ki-san » Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:56 am

Username + id: Ki-san 1025193
Chicoon Participating: Izumi
Choice: stand your ground
Word count/art size: 366
Izumi nodded at his friend, “Sure thing I’ll make sure to stay close.” He turned as him and Mystra entered the dark hall. He had to wait for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the hall, before picking up his pace a little. Not much was really there to see except the maze walls and a few cracks within them here and there. As him and Mystra kept on going, the thought of asking Mystra what she plans to do once they find this blue light or creature crossed his mind. As he looked over to ask her, she had suddenly stopped. Izumi was confused at first but she told him to listen. As doing so he tilted his head to side, “What is that noise? Sounds so..weird?” He continued listening, Breathing, maybe?, he thought, though very unclear. He could tell by the look on Mystra’s face that maybe they should continue, but be cautious.

Doing this Izumi looked into what Mystra had pointed out along the walls at times. But with the hall ever growing more darker by the minute, the two only light was from their tails. At this point even the thought of turning back was looking like a good idea. But maybe we’ll be closer to getting out of this maze or find an opening to a cool part of the maze, Izumi’s thoughts were nothing but hopeful. Because it wasn’t long till the two chicoons heard a roar in the darkness.

Izumi froze in place questioning what on earth could be in these maze halls sounding like that. He looked at Mystra who was trying her best to hide that she wasn’t scared. He nudged her a bit, “Hey everything is fine, we’re here together..” though these words were suppose to lift up Mystra’s spirits, it didn’t help that now whatever was in the darkness, was coming at them!

Izumi’s fur stood on end, but it was to late to turn around and try to make it back to the camp. Only other choice was to stand their ground and confront whatever was charging at them. He stood in a defensive position ready to protect himself and Mystra.
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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby Beezhivez » Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:12 am

Username + id: Beezhivez + 1048050
Chicoon Participating: Fervour (Character Creation Booth Chiccoon - Unapproved!)
Choice: RUN!!
Word count: 275

Her feathers ruffled a bit as she grew a little embarrassed. "You've heard of me? Oh gosh I hope it wasn't anything bad." SHe laughed a little bit before brushing her feathers flat. "Well... now that you've actually encountered me I guess i'll introduce myself."

Fervour chuckled, raising a hand and waving as if to ease Mystra’s fears.

“All good things, don’t worry! Something about a camp and aliens? And something called the Chi.. Chin.. Chitat-ee or something like that!” They chirped, continuing a conversation as they walked down the spooky hall, spirits high!

As the two of you continue to walk down the hallway you start to hear weird noises... It almost sounds like breathing... Mystra points out some weird scratch marks on the wall. The tunnel begins to grow darker as you walk further away from the camp. Soon, the only light is coming from your fire. Mystra leans a little close to you. She looks scared, but she's trying to hide it.

Fervour didn't mind Mystra leaning up against them, observing their surroundings, the scratches on the walls, the sounds. They were on edge, but still kept a confident face. Sure, the sounds and the looks of the area was strange, but they were brave! They both were! They could do this!

"This hallway is... really creepy maybe we should-"

Before Mystra can finish her sentence a loud roar can be heard up ahead. You can hear the sound of running coming from further up the hallway... and you think it's heading this way!

What are you going to do?!

Freezing, both of the two stopped in their tracks, the roaring echoing down the hall and shaking the dust off of the walls. Fervour's feathers were on end, eyes wide as their brain practically stopped in motion. It took a moment, but then their mind caught up with what happened, breathing in a breath that they forgot to take.

"HHHA! HAHA! I may be an adrenaline junkie but I know when danger is near and that sounds VERY DANGEROUS AND SCARY and we're right in it's path weshouldgetgoingnow- gogogoGOGOGO-!" Skidding like a dog on linoleum, the Chiccon and their companion took off down the hall, fear running through their veins as the hallway's origin drew nearer, the light becoming brighter and the cracks in the walls lessening. They didn't even register their yelling until now, shutting up quickly as they ran.

"This is! Enough adventuring for me for a MONTH if I get out of here oh wow! Haha!" They laughed nervously, thanking whatever deity that was watching over them that they weren't pounced upon yet.





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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby case » Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:09 am

Username + id: case // 108699
Chicoon Participating: Everett
Choice: fruit juice!
Word count/art size: 209 words
Art/Writing: Everett handed their friend a piece of the cake. They looked at the two paths in front of them, crumbs spilling out of their mouth as they weighed their options. “I think we should take the path with fruit juice. Maybe the monster was running while eating a huge watermelon! Although I do not condone that. The creature could have choked or gotten fruit juice in it’s eye.” Shrugging their shoulders, Everett turned to see what Mystra thought about that. Although Everett would never admit it, they really did not want to come face to face with the creature. They wanted to take the path that would lead them further from the monster — not toward it. Everett could not think about where the fruit juice could have come from, though. Maybe a Chicoon was eating some fruit and walked down this path, at least that is what Everett was banking on. “Are you ready to go?” Everett asked, swallowing the last piece of cake. They tried to avoid looking at the size of the paw prints on the other path, eventually coughing as his eyes caught a glimpse of the paw prints. Everett hoped and prayed that the fruit juice did not lead right to the creature’s lair.
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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby PrincessAlexis » Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:34 am

Username + id: PrincessAlexis #19227
Chicoon Participating: Aztec
Choice: Stand My Ground
Word count/art size: 494 words

Aztec was just starting down the creepy hallway when Mystra asked him whether he had seen anything odd in the maze, like markings on the walls, or strange plants, anything like that.

"Actually, yeah, I have seen some pretty strange stuff," he replied, "first I came across all of this candy and I was going to pick it up and take it with me, but then there was this cracked bone sticking out of the ground and I felt sure that this was part of whoever left those treats behind. It's like they just got swallowed up by the maze, and that pack of goodies was maybe a trap to lure someone else to the same fate." He shivered automatically, creeped out by the situation and not wanting to say too much more about the bones in case it got Mystra frightened.

"There were also these glowing mushrooms, small ones at first but they got bigger and bigger until they blocked almost the whole passageway. I pushed through, but I don't know, I've felt a bit weird ever since. They were glowing this unholy glow, like nothing I've ever seen before or since. I didn't like it one bit, it felt like really bad black magic or something."

Suddenly Aztec realizes that as they have been walking, it's been getting darker and darker. Only the flame of his tail provides light now, and he has to stand awkwardly for it to reach in front of them, but it's the only way they can see much at all on this dark passage that they have entered. They hear a loud roar and something running toward them!

Aztec freezes for a moment, wanting to turn and run, but then it will be behind them! Whatever it is can't be THAT huge to still fit within the maze, and he'd rather see what is coming for him and die like a warrior than face a coward's death and the resulting afterlife.

"Mystra, something is coming, get behind me for safety!" He hollers, spreading his forelegs wide and trying to block the passage so she doesn't continue on ahead now that he has stopped dead in his tracks. She is his new friend, one of his only friends, and he couldn't bear if something happened on his watch. Maybe they will meet their fate, but he will meet his first. His heart pounds in his chest, thrumming with the beat of his lifeblood, which may be spilled sooner rather than later...

He whispers to the spirits, "Let me become a hummingbird, and live the afterlife of warriors," and then he braces his legs, preparing for impact. His muzzle pulls back and exposes his teeth and tongue. He has many a scars, and those were from a jaguar. If he could survive that, he will likely survive this as well, but he speaks to the spirits anyway, knowing that they are always watching him and hearing what he says.

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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby woofer-moosh » Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:52 am

Username + id: woofer-moosh + 283946
Chicoon Participating: Froge
Choice: Stand your ground
Word count/art size: 503
Froge listens to her response and shakes his head, “No.. But I’ve seen some weird lights and shadows since walking in, and GodFather says he’s been seeing the same, along with small holes.. And building hats? I dunno, I think it’s all old man talk..” He trails off when he hears the breathing.

His heart easily starts to thump in his chest, he doesn’t like this, he hates this! Why is he here again?? To support Mystra?? Still! Why is SHE in here?? He asks himself, his anxiety flaring up as he's really not used to these situations. Why he keeps walking into them? He’ll never understand.

Froge looks at the scratches, gulping slightly, “Are you SURE it's a squirrel plat thing??” He asks, “I feel like a squirrel plant can’t make THOSE” He gestures to the scratches, “Those look like a BEAR or something!! A chicoon could BARELY make those!” He huffs and looks around in the darkness, “You wouldn’t happen to have a lantern on you, would you?” He asks, trying to keep the conversation lighthearted. He’s definitely not the bravest chicoon around, that's for sure.
Froge looks at Mystra, “...Are you scared? C-cause I’m not” He scoffs, he definitely is, hating how ominous the fire is. Being able to see it, even though it’s so far away. It’s odd, where it should be bringing hope, it brings Froge nothing but discomfort. Knowing they're only getting further away from camp. Their safe space, the only space in this entire maze just for them, to keep them safe, to be a safe space.
But now it’s getting further and further away. Slowly being swallowed up by the darkness around them, it's unsettling to say the least. Surrounded by high walls, noises lights, shadows and creatures. How could Mystra keep hanging around in places like these? How does she always manage to find them? It’s odd, that’s for sure.

But he tries to replace those scared and negative thoughts with more positive ones, and keep the mood up with his humour and wit, but it’s hard when he’s scared and afraid something might jump out at them.
Froge looks at her to listen to what she’s about to say, before he can even add to her sentence he looks at where the sound is coming from.
He stops and freezes, the sounds overstimulating his anxiety. But he’s a husband, a father and a grandfather, and he will NOT be taken down so easily.

His wings flap anxiously as he breaks from his frozen hold and gives a loud war honk in response to the roar. He flaps his wings hard and furiously, looking like an angry Canadian goose as he runs head first towards the danger, no one bullies and scares his friends but him! He thinks as he charges forth. He’s not one to back down as he charges, head lowered, wings flapping, neck extended. Thinking of his family and friends! He’s going to take on whatever dares try to scare them!

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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby sweathie » Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:14 am

Username + id: sweathie 703858
Chicoon Participating: sweaty
Choice: Fruit Juice
Word count/art size: 517 words

xxxxxSweaty stares at Mystra as she opens up the secret door on the ceiling of the maze. She looks back at him before pulling herself up, beckoning with her wings for him to follow. He paces towards her, positioning himself underneath the opening and peering into the gap in the ceiling before sitting back down.
xxxxx"But what if something happens in this hallway after we lea-" he begins, but Mystra grabs him and hauls him up herself. She slides the tile back in place, a grating sound of stone scraping against stone as she does, but just as the secret entrance seals off, Sweaty catches a glimpse of something... something he can't quite make out...
xxxxx"Look, there was something there!" he protests, but Mystra keeps heading forward. He grumbles and follows her, looking over her shoulder as she pulls out her notes documenting the creature which inhabits this maze. As they approach the fork in the maze, Mystra pauses and looks back at him.
xxxxx"Okay, you're going to have to make a decision now, buddy," she sighs. "Which way are we heading?"
xxxxxSweaty is immediately drawn, of course, to the fruit-scented trail and he flaps his wings as he dips his head down to investigate. Breathing in through his fabulous nose, he picks up hints of... granny smith apples and white grapes. Neither of these fruits are particularly his favorite, but they aren't his least favorite either. He's not one to discriminate. He dips a finger in the "juice" and feels how sticky it is, turning back around and wiping it on Mystra's pelt.
xxxxx"Hey!" she shrieks, pushing him away from her. Sweaty laughs and covers his hands in the goop, trying his best to fling it at Mystra, who flees further down the fruit-scented hallway. As he runs after her, Sweaty trips over his tail and falls, face first, into the mysterious liquid. His chin scrapes the ground and he begins to see stars as Mystra turns and rushes back to make sure he's okay.
xxxxx"Woah, you good there?" Mystra asks, crouching down next to him as he struggles to get up, his feet slipping in the liquid. He rubs his head with his hand, getting more of the liquid stuck in his feathers and hair, and instinctively licks his lips and nose with his tongue to clear off the liquid that splashed onto his face. Mystra, without thinking, grabs his tongue in her hand.
xxxxx"Ouat ahr ewe loowinh?" Sweaty asks, struggling to get the words out. He knows that chicoons don't communicate verbally, but he's pretending that they are for this situation because it's funny.
xxxxx"Don't just eat that!" Mystra scolds him. "We don't know what it is! For all you know, it could be... monster vomit! Or a significantly worse bodily secretion!"
xxxxxSweaty spits up onto the ground once Mystra releases his tongue, pawing at his tongue to try and get it clean.
xxxxx"Okay, I guess you're right on that one... but now I need to know what this is, in case I did swallow some of it. Let's keep heading down this hallway."
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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby Griff » Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:30 am

Username + id: Griff 254592
Chicoon Participating: Tristan
Choice: Stand Your Ground!
Word count/art size: 206 Words
Art/Writing: Tristan is just as excited as her, pleased to meet old friends gain. He prances in place, small wings flapping as he looks over her notes. "Hey, all adventures are more fun in parties!" He replies. "Truth be told, I am glad to find you again! Maybe afterwards we can celebrate again with supper eh?"

He adds a soft smile. "We're gonna stick together, no matter what," he reassures her. "I would never let a friend down!" As they step towards the creepy hallway he chuckles. "Oh way creepy! But something has to be making the light right? Maybe some chicoons are luminescent? Or have a REALLY cool set of shinies on them? One way or another, we'll find out together!" He winked at her, adjusting the goggles placed upon his head. The mark of any good adventurer!

He pauses, ears twitching as they hear a roar before stepping in front of Mystra. "If we run... it might think we're prey or playing a game. S let's stay right here, and together we will figure this out." He swallows hard, trying not to look nervous for her sake. "We'll be alright, you have a Professional Adventurer by your side and I have an Amazing Mystery Solver!"
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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby blizzard180 » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:01 pm

Username + id: blizzard180//1026652
Chicoon Participating: Amani
Choice: Fruit Juice
Word count/art size: shading clean and backround
Art/Writing: Image

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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby Loxosceles » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:09 pm

Username + id: Loxosceles 944066
Chicoon Participating: Citrus
Choice: fruit juice
Word count/art size: 517 words

“I would love to do... normal friend stuff." She laughed a little bit."I'm not really exactly sure what normal friend stuff is... but uh what kinda stuff would you wanna do together?"

Citrus laughed along with her, “well, if I’m being entirely honest… I’m not really sure what normal friend stuff is either!” He fluttered his wings in thought. “I guess… There’s this really cool arcade near my place! I’m not sure if you’re into video games but I really love it there! Or-or we’ve got a mini golf place? I like mini golf.” He continued on about the mini golf course and rambling about the cool places where he lived, until Mystra started to show him her notes.

“Woah did you draw those? They’re pretty cool… and a lot creepy. I’ve never seen a Chicoon like that before!” Citrus considered the shaggy creature on the next page, “You’ve SEEN this thing? Did-did it see YOU? Do you think it’s dangerous? Should… should we be getting close to this thing?” Citrus started looking nervously around the many passages surrounding them. “Was it… LOUD at least? There’s too many corners, it could be just around here…”

Citrus tucked his wings close to his face and looked around wildly. As they progressed down the hall without being attacked even once, he unfurled himself, his anxiety lowering to his usual baseline.

Though the walk itself was uneventful, he found himself glad for Mystra’s company. The gentle scratching of her writing soothed him. Though the strange glow of the maze wasn’t present there, the colors of their flames tinted their surroundings blue. The maze itself was oddly quiet. Citrus figured if there were strange beasts and Chicoons lurking in the halls he’d hear something, but Mystra’s scribbles, their paws, and the gentle crackle of their flames were the only things he could hear. He closed his eyes to strain his ears even further to no avail. He sighed quietly and resigned himself to memorizing the odd patterns in the walls as they walked.

Citrus had zoned out enough that when Mystra stopped he ended up running directly into her.

“Sorry! Sorry, what did-?”

He gasped at the size of the paw he was staring at, whatever it was that they were hunting was way too big for comfort. Or perhaps, as big as comfort. Citrus’ mind briefly drifted towards Cedar, the god of such things, before being brought back to reality when Mystra spoke.

He turned to look at the other path. The green of the juice threw him initially, but taking a good sniff made his stomach rumble. He briefly covered his face with his wings in embarrassment. It had been a good while since he’d had something to eat, having eaten all his packed snacks within the first hour of wandering the maze. He didn’t have the best self control when it came to dried apple slices and candied orange peels.

“As much as it’s… probably not a good idea to eat something you find here- faeries and all that- but… this path does smell delicious. Maybe there’s something good at the end?” Citrus shuffled nervously. “And besides, it might not be the best idea to confront this beast head on! Let’s take some time to… strategize.” His stomach growled again.
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Re: Mystra's Maze Mystery

Postby imabanditø » Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:57 pm

Username + id: imabanditø 908562
Chicoon Participating: lime
Choice: paw prints!
Word count/art size: clean line/color + shading + bg
Art/Writing: “what do you think, mystra? let’s go this way!” Image
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