Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby Levina » Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:38 pm

Image Eira (Ay-rah) girl's name is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Eira is "snow"
Image Female
Image ''I love a day when i go sledging down my local hill with my friends on a snowy day you always see the snow glitter as if it has hidden diamonds in it, then making snow forts and throwing snowballs at each other especially when they're not looking! Then finally going home and coming to a nice hot chocolate with marshmallows in them (Or as i like to call them mellowmarshes)
I'm sly and cunning, always up for a challenge no matter how hard it will be. I give my opinions and always say why mine is better because i'm usually right! I will bump into conversations at times especially arguments i hate watching people argue and i'm not involved so that's why i sort it out! I'm not the best of listeners, i usually don't listen to boring stuff but anything that catches my attention my ears will never stop listening! On snow days i have a secret to always winning a snowball fight, I make my snow fort's walls extra thick so it's unknockable and then make around 50 snowballs so i don't run out i never tell anyone my secret to my success cause every time i do i wont be the winner and that is not in my nature!
Me and my friend where at the local hill on Christmas day when i was training for my future success, sledging down the hill for me was training to be in the winter Olympic games and win a gold. ''Your never gonna be able to do this'' My friend told me as i got on my sled ready so go speeding down. ''Oh yeah? Just watch me!!'' I said pushing off hearing her shout ''Good luck Eira!'' I was speeding down the hill top speed fastest i have ever been i imagined the crowd cheering me on as i was about to break the world record i pulled my sledge over to stop it as i got to the end of the hill. ''Bet you can't beat that!'' I shouted proud of myself. She smiled and took the sledge from me as i got to her. I sat on the bench and watched as she pushed off it started off slow but then it got faster what she didn't see was two young kia's with a giant snowball they made with the snow. As she got closer the young kia's ran away and my friend panicked as she didn't know how to stop herself so she crashed head first into the snowball! I saw her feet trying to pull herself out i just started to laugh so bad, i was crying with laughter rolling on the floor. Soon my jaw was aching and so was my chest as she got her self out and got to the top of the hill i saw her embarrassed snow covered face.

Last edited by Levina on Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:14 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby versicolor » Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:16 pm

✷ ❅ ❋ NIX REGINAM ❋ ❅ ✷

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." - Anne Bradstreet

    name: Elisa
    gender: Female
    age: 21 years (human years)
    birthdate: June 21st
    origin: Norway

    voice: Think Tay Jardine from We Are The In Crowd. She doesn't have an accent anymore due to traveling and training herself to lose it.

    favorite thing about winter: Elisa's favorite thing would be the Christmas lights that the people of the nearby town put up every winter. The thing is, Elisa lives in solitude on the mountainside, and she often gets lonely up there. She always looks forward to the lights every year, and she habitually runs down to the base of the mountain to gaze at them longingly all day. The lights remind her of happy memories of past holidays and the warmth and joy she felt in the when she was younger. The lights ignite a wistful feeling inside her, as she desperately wishes to feel that warmth once more. She imagines what is used to be like hanging lights with her family and laughing as her horns got tangled in them. It kills her that she can't ever experience this feeling again.


    Fearful & Distant
    One of Elisa's most prominent traits is her tendency to let her fears control her life. She lets fear and her anxieties take control so often that it often interferes with her life daily and it affects her relationship with others. She has a hard time relating to anyone other than herself, as she is paranoid of bringing harm to them. Elisa has this irrational fear that she will just hurt anyone in her life. She has herself convinced that she is cursed with eternal bad luck, and that others should avoid her at all costs. Due to this, she leads a very solitary life. She can also be rather distant, disallowing herself to become close to anyone to avoid "inevitable" pain and grief. She keeps herself as far away from others a possible, because she thinks it will just end up badly anyway.

    Emotional & Caring
    Elisa is a creature driven by her emotions, and due to this her behavior can seem a bit sporadic. While she is generally composed and regal on a normal basis, sometimes she may just have a sudden, outburst of emotion from nowhere. Her emotions show up randomly, with no real rhyme or reason. However, she is very aware of these emotions and can usually try to keep them under control. Due to her emotional nature, Elisa also seems to get overly attached to certain things. She likes to put sentimental value in all of her material things, even if they may not be all that important to her. It is hard for her to just let go, and she is sometimes a bit clingy. She hates moving on. Elisa is probably the most caring individuals that someone could possibly meet. She is very sensitive to the needs and desires of others, and she cares about those close to her immensely. She would literally do anything to make sure they were safe and happy.

    Graceful & Reserved
    All who have known Elisa would have described her as "regal" or "elegant", which was more or less accurate. Every movement she makes or word she says, it just comes off as effortless and fluid. Her style and poise was often envied and adored my many. Actually, before she decided to leave home, many a suitor would try to sweep her off her feet. She was also a wonderful ballroom dancer, and many admired her for it. She had a sophisticated atmosphere to her, as she was well traveled and educated, even at a young age. Being from an extremely wealthy family, this sort of elegance and graceful was natural to her, almost necessary. Elisa also tends to be quite reserved, and likes to keep things to herself most of the time. She doesn't like sharing things about her personal life, nor about her past. She has incredible restraint, and is very in control of her actions and words most days.

    Mischievous & Intelligent
    Unbeknownst to most, Elisa can actually be very playful and mischevious. When she was younger, she would get into all sorts of trouble and mischief with her younger sister, and that part of Elisa still lingers, if only subtly. She's a bit of a trickster, and is very clever with her words. Her brand of tricks involve word play, and she can manipulate her words just enough to make others believe the wildest things. This makes her an excellent liar as well, though she does value honestly greatly. She can come up with witty sayings just like that, and rarely stumbles on her words. Elisa is also rather intelligent and scholarly, in her free time she likes to study botany or world history. She likes to have in depth conversations about these subjects, though not many like to put up with her tangents.

    Independent & Determined
    Elisa has learned to be independent and self sufficient from years of living all by herself in the wilderness. She knows that she is the only one she can rely on, and that she must be able to do things on her own. She is usually quite introverted and does not really like asking for help. She believes asking for help as a sign of laziness or incompetence, which are not qualities that she values. If she sets her mind on doing something, then she will do it no matter what. It could be then end of the world and all she would be worried about would be accomplishing that task. She has a fierce determination, and it is extraordinarily rare for her to ever give up. In her eyes, everything is possible, you just have to have the drive and will to try hard enough.

    Conflicted & Melancholy
    Despite her efforts to try and be optimistic about things, Elisa always tends to slip into a somewhat melancholy state. The death of her sister still haunts her, and causes her to feel awfully depressed for a few days. She knows she should have moved on by now, but she still can't shake it after all these years. Elisa seems to be conflicted between her longing for warmth and company, versus her fears that cause her to stay isolated. She hates being lonely at times, but she is quick to remind herself that she will just end up getting hurt in the end. She is genuinely happy living alone, though sometimes she wishes there was someone there for her to help her deal with her troubled thoughts.

    → ice skating
    → the Christmas lights
    → her family
    → solitude
    → plants
    → being outdoors
    → chocolate

    → hurting others
    → her past
    → noisy atmospheres
    → spicy food
    → her nightmares
    → loneliness
    → rainy days


    → She is very talented at archery, which comes in handy when one needs to hunt for survival. Her main food source is the wildlife in the surrounding area of her home. She actually does enjoy hunting, though she never does it for sport, only when she has a need for it. She has even competed in archery competitions before, and has won a few of them.

    → She studies botany in her spare time. She is rather interested in plants, and a whole array of them can be found sprawled haphazardly around her home. She likes to read about all the different types of plants and care for her various house plants. She is very fond of her heliotrope for its vibrant purple color.

    → Hurting those that she cares for. She still blames herself for the death of her sister, and since then she could not forgive herself. She believes that no matter how much she may care for someone, she's just going to end up hurting them anyway. She has frequent nightmares about this fear, often by replaying the memory of her sister's death.


    Elisa was born into a very, very wealthy family in the heart of Norway. Ever since the day she was born, this curious little child was plagued with a puzzling dilemma. It seemed that incredible bad luck followed her around like a shadow. Her mother became inexplicably ill soon after giving birth to her. Elisa's mother became very weak, and suffered from frequent pains. The doctors were not able to discern what was wrong with her, just that survival was not likely. Miraculously, her mother survived, after the illness disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared. Shortly after, Elisa's father was involved in a rather serious accident. The resulting injuries required him to have his right leg amputated. These unfortunate events caused the family to grow even closer, and for the parents to hold their little girl a little bit closer at night. When Elisa was a young child, the misfortunes toned down considerably, and she was quite unaware of them at the time. The misfortunes would manifest in perhaps the disappearance of a favored toy or losing in a board game. Though Elisa was a bit quieter than her peers, she made friends quickly and easily. However, her parents did not approve of said friends at all. It was then they decided they should start influencing her life, in order to prevent any falls from grace at an early age. They restricted the friends she could see, only allowing her to visit a select few that were deemed "acceptable" by her parents. They started to raise her the traditional way families like theirs had been doing for generations in the past. She was to be proper, elegant, and lady-like. She was not to deviate from what was expected of her, lest she face punishment. Despite this, she still loved them very much and was obedient to their every order. The parents, relieved that the misfortunes seemed to be a fluke, began to relax and forget about them all together. Though, that was about to change with the birth of their second daughter, Johanna.


    Elisa lay sprawled across her large canopy bed, hardly noticeable under the mass of the light pink comforter. A detailed quilt was draped over the comforter, the image of a fantastical castle sewn into it. Her light blue hair was splayed in every which direction, plastered to the lacy white pillow. The bed looked like something out of a fairy tale, like something a fair princess would sleep on. Intricate carvings depicting forests and whimsical creatures were carved into the posts and the headboard. Soft moonlight filtered through the tall, dusty window that towered over the right side of the bed. Delicate frost painted the latticed window with icy fractals that spiraled across the cold glass. The night was very quiet and very still. Well, until Johanna woke up, recklessly crashing onto Elisa's bed with no consideration for her sleeping sister. She lay atop Elisa, with one hand dramatically placed across her forehead.

    "Elisaaaaa, wake uuuuupp." Johanna's voice was drawn out and equally as dramatic as her pose. One of Elisa's eyes opened slowly, and the other followed shortly. She was barely awake, still trying to process what was happening. A sigh came from Elisa's mouth as she felt the weight of her sister bearing down on her. She shuffled a bit, before rolling over, thus pushing her younger sister off of her. Elisa's back was facing her sister, which Johanna took as an invitation to poke her sister incessantly. Elisa groaned as she swatted her sister's hands away. Johanna giggled a bit, obviously enjoying the fact she was robbing her sister of precious sleep.

    "Johanna, go back to sleep." The grips of slumber dragged Elisa's voice down, making it groggy and slurred. Elisa rubbed her eyes lazily in an effort to wake up, she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

    "But I simply can't!" Johanna let out a very audible and over-the-top sigh.

    "Sure you can." Elisa mumbled, still facing the wall.

    "Hey Elisa, wanna hang the Christmas lights?" Johanna's voice was mischievous, like she knew exactly what she was doing by saying that. And sure enough, Elisa jumped straight out of bed at the mention of the lights. The sisters knew each other very well. They slipped out of the room and tiptoed down the wide hall as to avoid raising any suspicion. The halls were almost menacing at night with their high ceilings and tall doors. Several paintings and pieces of art adorned these hallways, as their parents were rather fond of the arts. Johanna would always swear the eyes of the individuals in the paintings would follow her when she walked by. A couple of tapestries hung on either side of the hall, adorning the family crest. The two sisters made a series of turns in the maze like hallways of the large house, before knocking enthusiastically on their parents' bedroom door. When the door opened, they saw the figure of their father appear, an annoyed look on his face. However, his expression softened when he saw it was his two small daughters.

    "What are you two doing up so late?" He asked softly. He crouched down to be at eye level with the two girls.

    "Daddy, we absolutely must hang the Christmas light tonight or Elisa might just burst into tears." Johanna explained in a tone saturated with drama.

    "I will not." Elisa retorted, her voice somewhat defensive.

    "Alright, but then off to bed." The two girls squealed with joy when their father said this. Then, their mother appeared in the door, stifling a yawn. She smiled tiredly, before asking in a knowing voice "Lights?". The girls sung "yes!" is unison while their mother went back to retrieve all the lights and ornaments. She returned with a large box, overflowing with lights and ornaments and tinsel. The family began walking down the hallway together, the girls singing their favorite Christmas songs as they made their way to the living room. Once there, the girls immediately attacked the decorations box, taking out a string of lights first. The stood before the imposing Christmas tree, wondering how they should go about decorating it. Elisa, being the taller of the two, would wrap the lights around the top, while Johanna wrapped around the bottom. This method made for some often awkward meeting of the lights in the middle, but no one much cared. Elisa's favorite thing about Christmas had always been the lights they would hang on the tree and the porch every year. She thought they looked to beautiful and magical, especially when viewed from a distance. Elisa laughed as Johanna got the lights tangled around her tail, and went over to de-tangle the angry knot wrapped around her sister's tail. Their father had left moments ago, an reappeared with a plate full of gingersnaps and warm cocoa. Wide grins appeared on the girls faces as they bounced over to their father. The family spent the rest of the night like that; singing, eating cookies, telling stories, and decorating the tree until they got tired and returned to their rooms. These were the times Elisa treasured most, times where everything seemed warm and happy.


    She froze. No, no, NO! This was not supposed to happen. A consuming feeling of dread flooded Elisa's stagnant body. She just stared at her sister, her blue-grey eyes wide in shock and utter fear. It was as if Johanna had drained all the warmth in Elisa's body as she struggled to keep her small body afloat in the ice cold water. A pang of crippling fear shot through Elisa's chest, she wanted to scream but she couldn't make a sound. She was staring down death right before her eyes.

    "Elisa, help!" The shouts of the younger Kiamara pierced the air, her squeaky voice panicked and strained.

    At the sound of her sister's voice, Elisa snapped out of her trance-like state. Still, something seemed surreal about all of this. Elisa was no longer present, her body was simply a hollowed out shell of her former self. She didn't quite know what was real anymore. Her actions were not her own. She didn't think as she rushed to her sister's side, plunging her arms into the frigid water of the lake. She's cold as ice. That was the single thought running through Elisa's rapid-paced brain.

    "It'll be okay Johanna." desperation laced her words as she whispered the words into her sister's ears. Her grip tightened significantly as she dug her fingers into the material in Johanna's dress. She had to be okay.


    The ice skates

    Run away

    After, the lights

    note: the misfortunes mentioned actually are just coincidences, but they happened so frequently that it caused Elisa to become paranoid and believe she was the cause of them. She's not cursed or anything, it's just her fearful nature working against her.

    click - by me
    click (unshaded) - by me
    click - by me

    Greensleeves - Unknown
    Blow, blow thou winter wind - John Rutter
Last edited by versicolor on Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:18 am, edited 26 times in total.

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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby m0chicakez » Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:39 pm

[Note: I will use a curling iron if I win her, that's why she got a different haitstyle in my form nwn]
{ Username }
{ Name }
Rahne [reɪn]

{ Name Meaning }
Rahne is an Australian girl name that means "Free to be who you really are"
{ Nicknames }
She prefers to go by her full name, but close friends may call her Rai
{ Why I picked the name Rahne }
I fell in love with the name while watching X-men[I am such a geek orz], as the girl who got the ability to change her shape to a wolf's (with the alias Wolfsbane) got that name. I googled it, and after a little research I found the meaning of the name. I personally think it suits this kia very well, as I see her as a free and spiritual being.

March 14th, 1991
Fourteenth of March in the year 1991
Birth Flower:
Western Zodiac:
Native American Zodiac:
Chinese Zodiac:
Ruling Planet:
{ Age }
I see Rahne as an young adult, about 22 years old
{ Personality }
Rahne is a very calm and gentle soul, a very spiritual being. She is a dreamer and got lots of imagination.
This kia is known for her passion for nature and sense for other creatures -and plants- as she often puts their wellness in front of her own.
She's often quiet, and don't speak much. She isn't shy, it's just who she is. She's more of a listener, and is always there for those who need to talk to someone about... Well, everything.
Rahne is very loyal, but also quite sensetive. She is although very good at hiding her own emotions, since she know that there is always someone who might need her.

{ Favorite thing about winter }
Rahne is a nyctophiliac, which means that she prefers night and darkness over day and light. She loves how the moonlight make the snow faintly glow, and how it glimmers and almost sparks in the crack of dawn.
{ Art }
By pinkaura.
By me

{ Story }
The air was chilly, the land was covered with snow. Yet, it was sunny and birds were singing in the trees.
If you watch closely you will see a few baby kiamaras playing in the snow. Most of them had natural colours, but there were two of them that was different from the others, one with o-like circles and one who almost melted into the surrounding thanks to it's bright blue coat. All of them are laughing, and are happy. Lucky to have each other, and it seems like they don't know about the bad things in this world.
Everyone is smiling while they're playing with their toy, which seems to be a ball.

I watched the others with a smile and made the ball roll over to Celine. I think I pushed it a little bit too hard, since she fell down in the snow, and started to roll down the little hill with the ball in her paws. I looked at her, terrified that she would cry.
But then, she stopped. And she was covered in snow with a sheepish smile. But the ball fell out of her grip, and continued to roll down, and then out on the frozen lake.
"Rai that wasn't fair! Now you have to go and get the ball" She said, and tried to sound mad. Well, all I can say is that she failed.
"Okay, okay. I will go and get it. Calm down, Celine" I said while I was walking down the hill. I stopped near the mouth of the lake. It didn't feel right. I looked down, my throat was thick. I tried to swallow, but it only felt worse.
"What is it, Rai? are you.. Scared?" Giovanni said and looked at me as if he was looking at a small and terrified little girl.
"Of course not" I snapped. I looked at the ball, it was only a few meters away. It's not hard to go and get it... Right?
I swallowed once again, and placed one of my paws on the ice. I started to shiver a little, but ignored the cold.
I took another step, and another.

Nothing happened as I counted my steps and began to came closer to the ball.
Finally, I reached after it and had the ball in my paws. I looked back, and saw that I was pretty far away from the others. I threw the ball towards them, and Celine caught it.
"C'mon Rai, hurry up! We want to play" Matthew shouted with a smile.
I stood up.
"I'm on my way, you don't have to rush me" I shouted back, not noticing the small cracking sounds.
I started to walk towards the others, not aware of the track of cracks following me.

And then, I stopped. The others looked at me, all pale and as if they had seen a ghost or something. I tilted my head and chuckled.
"What is it..? You look like you've seen a ghost." I said.
Celine said something, but suddenly I couldn't hear her.
"Cel, what is it? I can't--" And then I heard it. I looked down at my paws, and noticed that I was surrounded by cracks in the ice.
And then, suddenly, the ice cracked.
The cold was like a chock. I wanted to scream, but instead of a sound only bubbles came out from my mouth. Water started to fill my mouth, my throat, my body.
I was frightened, tried to get up, to the air.
Air... I need to breathe!
Panic started to fill my body along with the water, and I felt how heavy my body was. My desperate kicking in the water started to become faint moves.
My body started to sink, towards the bottom of the lake.
Am I going to die..?
I tried to keep my eyes open, but my eyelids started to become heavy. I began to feel tired.
This isn't the worst way to die at least. It's pretty peaceful down here.. I closed my eyes and felt how something warm began to surround my body.
My end wasn't that bad, after all... I had a good life.
Rahne... Rahne are you awake? Ranhe, stay with us dear... A soft voice said, who was that..?
If you hear me, please... Give me, us, a sign another voice, said. So how many where there? I tried to open my eyes, but my vision was all blurry.
"Oh, god! She is awake" The soft voice said and I felt something warm surround me.
"" I said, my voice was weak. Well.. My whole body was.
"Yes honey, everything will be alright. You're safe" She murmured and kissed my forehead.
"I'm tired... Can I go back to sleep?" I whispered.
"Of course, rest if you want to, my little angel"
I closed my eyes once again. But this time only temporary.

{ Interview }
Me: What's your favorite food and drink?
Rahne: I love fish, so probably Salmon. And uhm... Water is so refreshing, so it is my second favourite. But I simply can't live without tea! Vanilla tea with honey and a little splash of milk, it's so delicious.
Me: ... And fruit?
Rahne: Well, we don't have many fruits were I live but... I actually love cranberries.
Me: Do you have a crush?
Rahne:Sure have -smiles shyly-
Me: Who is the handsome boy/girl?
Rahne: I have a slight cush on Giovanni. We've been friends forever, and we're pretty close... But then I realized that I want to be more than friends. I'm not just sure if he feels the same.
Me: Well, I wish you good luck then! What do you look for in a mate then?
Rahne: NThat really is a hard question! -chuckles-
I guess it would be someone who actually accepts me for who I am, and wouldn't try to change me in any way. Someone I could sit up all night with if we felt like it, watching the stars and talk about anything.

Me: That sounds adorable! And what do you look for in friends?
Rahne: Everyone is unique, I don't really think I have a special 'type' of friends since I'm often by myself anyways.
Me: Oh, okay... Favorite place?
Rahne: My home. It's the place where I am safe, and I can do whatever I want there without anyone judging me.
Me: Haha, okay. Uhm... Favorite colour?
Rahne: Purple or Ice blue.
Me: Ok. Uh.. Do you have any phoebias or fears, and why?
Rahne: Of course. Everyone is afraid of something, right?
Well, I'm afraid of going on lakes covered with ice. An accident occured when I was little that almost risked my life. Sure, I can handle ice that have been there for 1,000 years, but not the kind that only comes once a year.
I'm also scared of being ignored. I like to be by myself sometimes, but I donät want to be forgotten.. I think that sounds strange, huh?

Me: No, not at all. Do oyu have any more phoebias or fears?
Rahne: No... I'm also afraid of being locked in an enclosed place and pain.
Me: Okay, that's only normal. But I think that's all the questions I have for now. It has been an interesting experience to work with you, Rahne!
Rahne: Oh, it was fun to be here. Thank you.

Anything Cold

Noisy Creatures
Dr. Pepper
Poisonous Animals

{ Phobias and Fears }
Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia - Fear of being in crowded, public places like markets.
Fear of leaving a safe place. Fear of crowds.

Athazagoraphobia - Fear of being forgotten or ignored.
Cleithrophobia - Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.

My form is mostly done. I would like to add a backstory, more art etc etc but that might not be possible. So if it's still like this when the competition closes for judging, please go ahead and I hope you enjoy my form! n.n

I want to thank pinkaura. for the art, and I also want to wish everyone else good luck~
Last edited by m0chicakez on Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:58 am, edited 7 times in total.
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literally fite me

Postby capone. » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:21 am

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Name Jeri Wren Tremblay
Age Twenty-two
Gender Jeri identifies female.
Orientation Jeri is homoromantic demisexual.
Birthday December 31st
Zodiac Capricorn
Dictation French & English. East Canadian accent.


Fur Base color of white, with green, black, and blue additions. Trimmed neatly.
Eyes Bright, blue and green, left and right
Horns n/a
Nose Flared, green
Height 5' 6"
Piercings Both ears pierced once
Tattoos None at the moment
Other Usually found wearing a barrette or jewelry.


The environment Jeri grew up in bred a deep need for absolute perfection into her over the years. Good enough was never really good, nor was it ever enough. Every step had to be flawless, better than on cue. She was constantly told be look, act, or be a certain way. The message she was receiving was "you need to be someone else." Today, Jeri's anxiety is generally more pronounced in social settings. Her career was to be judged, and she still feels as if every move she makes or every word she speaks is being judged. Her social anxiety has given her difficulty making friends, and panic attacks—although decreasing in frequency—are still a possibility on occasions of high stress. She has to remind herself daily that she has nobody to impress other than herself, and one way in which she does that is writing helpful messages to herself in places she looks often.
Hope is the center of Jeri's life. His "half-full" outlook on life is what got him through the difficult times. Truly, he does try to look for the best in everything. Regardless of the gravity of the situation, Jeri always has a hope deep inside that everything will turn out alright.
Compassion is gone of Jeri's greatest virtues. He really does enjoy the company of others greatly. Others are just very interesting to him. He considered studying psychology for a while, but in the end decided that he would be the kind to take other's problems upon himself. Jeri can be incredibly silly, especially when around those he loves. He's very affectionate in the fact that he enjoys hugs and holding hands to a great extend. He would much rather videochat than speak over the phone or text. A smile is found on his face in most cases, and he's almost made it his life's mission to make other's smile.


Jeri's mother left when he was very young. Never was he nor his father given a clear reason why, other than that she was going to stay gone. Jeri would never say that it affected him in a direct way, but ultimately it did change a great deal of his life. When he was old enough to understand that she was gone, Jeri put the pain upon himself of believing that it was his fault that she left. The family feathers that were to be passed down to Jeri was one green feather. He refused to accept it for years, such to the anger and confusion of his father. To this day, Jeri would refuse to admit the reason why: it was the same color as his mother's eyes. He couldn't bear a constant reminder of what he had made himself believe about her leaving. He accepted them only after he permanently altered them to a different color. One of his biggest secrets is the story of his feather. If he was to be asked how he received them, his story is that he found it himself. The shame and sadness that he associates with it has dulled over time. He has considered abandoning it and finding his own, but a deep part of him desperately wants to keep whatever he could of the mother he never knew.
After she left, his father resolved to give Jeri the best life a boy could have. What he didn't know was that Jeri wasn't necessarily interested in what the others boys were. Sports held no interest for him; the idea of getting muddy and sweaty while chasing a ball didn't appeal to him. The more vulgar aspects that a young boy loves—farting contests, belching, nosepicking— were a source of great disdain from the Tremblay child.
He was impatient as a child, and it was rare that something held his interest for an extended period. He became fascinated with stars, but they soon became dull and too far away. Ice skating took a hold on him, but the frustration that came with it drove him to another prospect. He jumped from hobby to hobby—pebble collecting, turtle racing, botany, ornaments—but nothing truly interested him. He was bright, but didn't do very well in school. He had trouble learning and memorising the information taught, and because of that he was constantly being told he wasn't doing well enough.
He was popular enough, never really having trouble making or finding friends. But he was lonely. Jeri didn't have anyone to really relate to. The bullying really wasn't bad when he was young, but it was no less hurtful. Getting called gay, being mocked about gender, and being shamed for learning difficulties were all in the repertoires of his bullies. He kept most of his true self hidden behind a false approval and interest of society's ongoings.
He was eleven when Jeri discovered dancing. By an odd grace, this was also the year that he finally took his feathers. He had always kept a tab on music, but it never was a source of great interest. That was until classical music was reintroduced to him.
Dancing soon became a passion of his. He wouldn't do it himself, of course. He felt he had enough trouble conforming with his peers' idea of normal, and didn't want to add another item to the mix. Jeri would watch performances and his knowledge of the ballet world soon became quite vast. He could tell you when and where this was performed the 42nd time, and why she had landed incorrectly, and how the point in her toes were off.
It was the winter of his 12th year, just before he turned 13 when Jeri began dancing himself. He had a natural grace about him that just seemed to make his consciousness meld with the melody. There were no fancy classes or instructors for Jeri; just an icy stage in the forest by his house. For hours a day, he would perfect his dancing by standards he set. It was a brilliant and vibrant source of joy in his life. His father never questioned where he would disappear to; he almost had given up trying to connect with his son. His love certainly did not fade, though.
It was April the next year when Jeri asked if he could try out for an upcoming performance. His father was confused, but cooperative; never would he have guessed that dancing was his son's passion. Jeri went to the audition, fully expecting a dismissal of his talents. However, what happened what not what he was expecting.
His performance was taken into extreme notice. He had performed not flawlessly, but exceedingly spectacularly. A week passed before he was requested to meet with the directors of the ballet. Jeri was horrified; he had done something so wrong that they wanted to speak to him in person.
It wasn't a surprise for them to inform Jeri that he wasn't going to be given a part in the ballet; what shocked him was what they proposed after that. A full scholarship to a quite prestigious performing arts school. Rarely, they said, did they come across such talent at a young age, and to find it in a boy was absolute Christmas. Days of anxious deciding passed before Jeri accepted.
Jeri decided to change some things. Some very specific and important things. The deepest secret he had kept hidden over his years was the fact that he had always questioned his gender identity. He was aware his sex registered as male, of course. That could be proven rather easily. But gender identity was another question entirely. Jeri had been conflicted about who they were ever since they had first been explained that they couldn't like the color pink because he wasn't a girl, ever since he had his dolls taken away from him because he was a girl. Because this happened, and that happened, and everything happened because he wasn't a girl. It was just severely confusing to him because the problem was, everyone was wrong. He was a girl. She was a girl. Jeri Wren Tremblay was a girl and always had been.

The first year was rigorous. It was meant to break him, break him into the perfect student. Many nights he would nurse bleeding feet, aching deep in his bones. Anxiety became his constant companion. The desperate need for perfection wasn't anything uncommon; fear of failing was a thread that connected everyone.
He continued as a student until he was nineteen. A terror of the world developed as he continued; a terror of each and every moment being judged by someone. A vivid memory recalls Jeri scolding himself for breathing too much, afraid someone would think it was odd. Oddly enough, stage fright was never something that appeared in him. His performance opportunities grew until his final ballet. At the time, he would have never thought that it would have been his last. In the middle of the dance, something clicked inside him. It wasn't a bone breaking or anything like that; it was an understanding. The world he had come to love so much was being ruined and poisoned by the stress and fear that came along with it. He was done, and that night, he gave the best performance he ever had.
Jeri currently lives in Toronto, Canada and attends Toronto University, majoring in astronomy. Her love of the stars from when she was young resurfaced, it seems. She lives a relaxed life as a music instructor, giving piano, violin, and ballet lessons. Many times she has considered returning to the world of professional dance, but the stress she put herself through has always wards her off. The beauty and wonder of dance has never worn off though, and she performs at small occasions, as well as teaching. He truly enjoys being an instructor because it allows him to see the wonder that ballet inspires awake inside children. He also loves it because he knows the hardship it can bring; he can be there to make sure that it doesn't just become a source of stress and fear.



Triumph surged through him, alighting the blood in his veins. He was beautiful, he was graceful— he was flawless. One plié, two arabesques, and three pirouettes. His toes held all his weight as he spun en pointe under the stage lights. His tail arced through the air beside him, flowing like water to the rhythm of the orchestra. A leap, another turn, a head held high against the world that told him so many times he would never do it. He was doing it. Oh yes, Jeri Tremblay had made it. Nineteen years of age, he was performing at the Royal Opera House in London, England— any performer's dream. And performing he was. The kiamara was flying. Nothing could touch him; not the ground, not their whispers, not the fear. He was in a world where the only judge was himself. Proud was his father, proud would have been his mother. Proud was Jeri. There was no fear of falling. There was no stress of messing up. There was only wild joy and a deep feeling of accomplishment. He had done it.


Color Pink
Food Linguine
Day of the Week Thursday
Drink Sparkling tea
Book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Movie Cracks
Song Fly by Ludovico Einaudi
Time of Day Late Afternoon


•It's a habit of Jeri's to occasionally end declarative sentences with a questioning inflection.
• Jeri truly hates driving cars.
• She can play the piano, the violin, and the flute.
• Jeri has an awful singing voice, and she acknowledges this.
• Fire makes her uneasy.
• She is very uncomfortable with people handing her things.
• Most of the mirrors in her house stay covered.


Q;; "Hi Jeri. Thanks for agreeing to do this."
A;; "Yeah, no problem."

Q;; "Jeri. It's a nice name. Is there a reason why 'Jeri?' "
A;; "Actually, there is. It's a name of Irish origins meaning 'holly'. My parents wanted to name me something to do with winter, and it just kind of fit. And Tremblay is also of Irish origin, so I guess it goes it together well."

Q;; "That's interesting. You mentioned winter; what's something you enjoy doing during winter?"
A;; "Oh, wow. There's a lot of things. Winter is most definitely my favourite season. There's just so many things one can do: iceskating, snowball fights, cuddling. But I'd probably have to say my favourite thing to do during winter is volunteering at the local post. Every year, we help Santa out and write letters from him back to kiddos who send wish-lists and letters to him. It's the sweetest thing in the world to read the letters just because the innocence of children is so beautiful."

Q;; "That's adorable. That's just a great idea for a community to do. It's so sweet. So, is that your favourite thing about winter? Writing the letters?"
A;; "Not quite. That's a hard one. Winter is just… amazing. To me, winter is hope. It's that one time of the year that everything can feel alright, even when it isn't. It's a time of forgiveness and a time of joy. I believe everyone deserves hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, or just hope that tomorrow will be as good as today was. It doesn't matter if you're a dragon who's fluffy and loves jellybeans, or a fox who wears the stars on his tail, or a terrestrial shark. Wintertime gives people hope. I don't know if it's the snow, or the cold, or the air. But I do know it's beautiful. It doesn't matter what you celebrate, or if you even celebrate at all! For some, wintertime might mean presents; for others it might mean family; and for others, it might mean prayer. It doesn't matter if all you want this year is a hug, or maybe you want a shiny new car. Or maybe this year, all you want is a new character that you fell in love with, like you Jåzzy. Winter is that time of year that people dare to let themselves hope, to let themselves dream. They give others a chance, and most importantly, they give themselves a chance. So that's what I love most about winter. The promise of hope."

Q;; "That's beautiful, Jeri. And very right. Especially about what I want for Christmas."
A;; "Thank you, that's very kind. And well, it seems pretty true."

Q;; "Is there anything in particular you like to go by? A certain value, or a motto?"
A;; Not necessarily, but I do read a certain quote very often. 'Set yourself free of the shackles of conformity. Let nothing hold you back except the air itself. You are between heaven and earth. The rules no longer apply.' It's from Cracks, my favourite movie. It just speaks to me very powerfully, and it's a constant reminder that I have no one to prove myself to, that I don't need to be society's picture of correct. I am who I am, and that doesn't need to change for anyone.

Q;; "That is indeed a very powerful quote. Are there many instances where you've tried to change for someone?"
A;; "Definitely. Throughout my dancing years, I was always wearing this mask of false confidence and the like. I had to pretend I was okay with being forced to diet and change how I looked. I was even told to change my inflection once. I wish I had realised at the time that I didn't need to change anything to be good enough. It's a lesson well learned, I guess.

Q;; "Well, thank you very much for answering. I hope to see you soon again!"
A;; "It wasn't any trouble. I hope I can stick around as well!"

Why do I want this Kia? I am Capone, a member since 2011. Never have I tried out for a Kiamara before. To be completely honest, there were two reasons. I had almost fallen in love with them before, but I was too scared to try out. I knew how upset I would be if I didn't win, and I didn't think that the character was quite worth that. But when I saw this one, that went away. I didn't care how many nights I would need to stay up writing, or how many list pets I would need to give away for art, or how annoyed my friends would be with my newest obsession. There was just something about him that called me. Something more than his beautiful design. I felt the hope that Jeri inspired, I could see the world through his eyes. I discovered so many things along the way of getting to know him. I found that classical music is truly beautiful, I found that winter is more than presents, and I found that when you feel like there's no good in the world, you can find it in yourself. I know my form isn't the most nicely coded, or the most intracate. If anything, most of it was probably rather boring. But I really hope it's clear how much I put into him. I would roleplay him, and draw/order art of him, and write about him constantly. Even if I don't win, I want to thank you for this opportunity to make this character. To expand my perspective on things. This is my final word, and thank you very much.
Last edited by capone. on Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:57 am, edited 35 times in total.

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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby northbound » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:27 am

Dropping out, sorry.
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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby Vazchu » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:30 am

I'm very tempted to tryout for this beauty, but I'm not entierly sure if I'll have time to do it (with a con coming up fast I have to get ready for it, as well as finding a job).
So in case I do find enough time to try out for her, my form will be here in this post; otherwise I'll stalk the thread to see if I find a form that catches my eye and lend a helping hand to that someone.

Anyhow, amazing design!
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Within the darkness two pearls shines bright,
glittering and shimmering in their bluest pride.
Somewhere in the depths there is a silent sound,
a silent song which caused the heart to pound.
It whispers, it tells stories of old, tales of eternity ride,
forgotten within this endless song.

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walkin' in a winter wonderland <3 || jack frost

Postby pomme » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:34 am




I'm not going to lie when I say this. Thaddeus is a bully. He has a smirk on his face and a
sneering voice. His heart was frozen by the lack of Christmas spirit. When he was younger,
his parents died on his birthday. When was this? Christmas day. Everything was so peaceful,
until they were shot. Murdered. And he was a baby… He couldn't take care of himself. At
least, thats what he thought. Although he did, Thade often told himself that the winter did
the work. In fact, he said that Jack Frost took care of him. Therefor, you can tell, Thade is
a naive one. He seems like a hard, mean jerk who only cares about himself. But inside? Well,
thats for you to find out. But I'll give you a hint. He'll never doubt you. You'll see. He'd be the
best friend you could have.
beginning wrote:
name;; Thaddeus Frost
nicknames;; Thade or Jack
age;; 24 years
gender;; Male
zodiac;; Capricorn
element;; Earth
eye color;; Blue
paw pad color;; Navy
tongue color;; Navy
feather color;; Grey-black
horn color;; Grey-black

Thade isn't exactly cliché, but I'll tell you this. His favorite thing about winter is watching
the northern lights. He'll sit on the top of a very high cliff and look up to the northern lights.
I hate to say this, but its one of the only times you'll find him smiling. He likes to watch the
eddies of snow swirl by, and feel the wind in his fur. He feels so… independent. Not a care
in the world. Every now and then, he'll chase a caribou for his own amusement. But every
Christmas Eve, thats what he'll do. Watch the colorful lights illuminate the endless sky.
who are you wrote:
disorders;; OCD
scars;; on tail base
fears;; rejection
dreams;; to have family
likes;; snow, stars, mountains, cold
dislikes;; beach, heat, reptiles


When Thade was younger, Thade always wanted to be a racer. He wanted to race
in the snow and pass all the other runners. He was quite fast. He always wanted
the rush of being in last place, and then finally sprinting to win first. He'd often
race the snowbirds when he was a child. As he grew, he realized he didn't want
the big life. He would have much rather stayed at home and think about his life.
And he was quite content doing so. He still is.

Of course, you can't forget that under the mask, Thaddeus is a warm and welcome
guy. He wants a dream-girl. He wants someone to love him for who he is on the
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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby MegaCherrio » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:43 am

favorite thing about winter;;

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peary;; ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxᴘʟᴏʀᴇʀ

Postby toady » Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:17 am

name;; Peary. Short and sweet and doesn't mean anything. Actually,this is the last name of a famous explorer,Robert Peary,who executed the first expedition to the North Pole.
gender;; Female. I just can't imagine her being a male. It's just harder for me.
favorite thing about winter;; Exploring her house. She hates snow,and so it gives her an excuse to stay in her house. She bought an amazing house with many secret twists and turns so she could explore for the rest of her life. She hates the cold with a passion,and has a great reason. Winter is about 2 months long,so she creates tasks for herself,like finding 12 hidden rooms or clean 3 secret passages. She also loves sipping hot cocoa by the fire while cuddling with her two cats and reading a long book. She has her own secret book reading room that's just a huge bubble of glass.
history;; When Peary was a teen,she decided to explore like her namesake. She ran outside with a camera and a scarf. She padded over to a seemingly frozen solid lake. She decided to walk on it so her picture would show her paw prints. Suddenly the ice cracked and she fell in. She was struggling to get out but her fur grew heavy and she grew weaker. All turned black. She woke up with a gasp. Her vision was clouded with Kia shapes but she couldn't make out anyone. Her nose felt numb so she touched it. She froze. Why was her paw white? It was normally sunny and bright. It seemed all though all the color leaked out. A couple days later she looked into the mirror. Her fur was blue and white,she already knew that,but her nose and horn buds were grayish black. She knew that was not normal.
art;; at least 3 pieces
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Re: Kiamara #398 - Adopt Me!

Postby Clara Erassari » Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:19 am

Ah, reserved~ <3
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