Re: Kiamara #328

Postby briannna27 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:28 am


I can be seen around the fanclub chat occasionally with the same name.
She reminded me of a circus or a party, but I liked the name Carnival more.
Fun-loving / Carefree \ Forgetful /Air-headed \ Bubbly / Honest \ Hopeful / Funny
The dandelions were fully grown, the grass was green, I was with my two friends Kasumi and Alek.
The three musketeers, Carnival, Kasumi and Alek after the best day of their lives.
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby HannahBug » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:30 am


~This amazing kia is a male~



~The smiling one~

~He is called 'Zinger' for short, refering to his bright pelt~

~Seventeen in human years~


Zinger is a very sweet kia, helping anyone out whenever he can.
If there is a worm drowning in a puddle he will save it and return it to its
home. He never leaves anyone in trouble, offering his own home as a resting
place if necessary.
He would never hurt anything on purpose, even if it was attacking him. He hates
seeing things in pain and would never want to be behind that pain. When handling
creatures or anything else he moves slowly so that he doesn't drop them or hurt them
in any shape or form. He would never forgive himself if something experienced pain
and it was his fault.
As mentioned before, Basim hates pain. He is very sensitive to it and tries to avoid it
at all costs. When he's out walking he will constantly examine the ground to make sure
there are not thorns or rocks where he's about to step. He doesn't often do the risky
things the other kias do such as climb trees and play chasing games.
This kia's subject to mood swings! He can quickly go from a cheerful mood to cowering
on the ground as if hiding from something. This causes him to become very upset at times
and rarely, angry. There is no good reason behind these mood swings half of the time and
they often don't have any warning.
Zinger is easily offended or hurt even though he tries to hide his sensitivity from others.
It's not hard to get him close to tears if you push all the right buttons. This makes him an
easy target for teasing and bullying. Being a pacifist, he won’t lash out at the offenders
and it takes a very long time to makes him mad. He often just has to sit there and take it
like an older kia is expected to do.
A sort of awareness resides in this kia, allowing him to 'sense' when others are in danger or
hurt. This sense pulls on him constantly, making him hurry to the rescue of the poor creature.
Sometimes it's hard for him to sleep, his awareness tugging at him, urging him to go help
whatever it is that's gotten into trouble now. If one of his close friends or someone he knows
well hurt themselves he will feel the pain as real as if it were his own.
Since he is subject to bullying, Zinger is quite insecure and self-conscious. He has a slight fear of
what others think of him that he can't seem to squelch. This can make him skittery and nervous
when others try to talk to him. His friends try to assure him what others think doesn't matter, but
he can't shake the insecurity, no matter how hard he tries.
Basim loves art, drawing especially. He often draws with a claw in the dirt, creating intricate
sketches made of mud. He draws on whatever he can whenever possible. He finds it calming
and sometimes he falls asleep while still drawing. He's not a perfectionist and is almost
always pleased by his work. His creative abilities aren't limited to sketching, though. He
will also sculpt out of mud and clay, paint with berries and other plant matter, and
many other forms of art. Sketching is often the easiest thing to do as it requires no other
materials, so that is what he is seen doing most often.
He has a way with words that are always soft and flowing, so he has no trouble comforting
others. He always knows just the right thing to say to calm stress even if the species
isn't his own. A sharp word hardly ever comes out of his mouth, as he tries only to
comfort and not to harm.

D e m o n s
S t o p a n d S t a r e
O n T o p o f t h e W o r l d
L o n e l y H e a r t s C l u b

~Talking with people~
~Tea and warm drinks~
~Loud noises~
~Being alone~
~His voice often cracks~
~Sighs to calm himself~
~Trusts others very easily~
~Can sense others emotions~
~He flutters his ears when embarrassed or very happy~

The young kiamara looks at you with gentle eyes “My ‘story’?” He asks with a soft, calming voice. He chuckles slightly and angles his eyes towards his paws “I’m afraid I don’t have very much of one.” He redirects his eyes to yours “You have such a persistent air about you.” His voice wavers in a quiet laugh “Alright, though, I think you’ll be disappointed.” He looks down at the grass and clears away a few stalks before extending a claw and sliding it carefully among the blades, producing a prominent line. “My name is Basim, meaning the smiling one. My life doesn’t match the name, really. I live in a world of pain, like everyone else.” You watch as he draws swirling lines in the dirt rhythmically with his words. You catch a flicker of his gentle glance occasionally, as if he is trying to see if you are going to mock him. Basim concentrates on the lines once again “Where I live is obvious.” He swings his unoccupied paw around himself, gesturing to the crisp school grounds.

You swivel your head to get a fresh glimpse of the area and a delicate pink petal falls onto your nose from the cherry tree you and the kiamara are seated under. The school’s pathways are carefully carved about two feet lower than the grassy areas like the one where you are. The paths are lined with stones in a sort of cobble pattern and the walls are built from gardening bricks, all in perfect alignment. The school isn’t visible from here, as it’s surrounded by a burst of cherry and aspen trees, but you remember seeing the grand building that would be better described as a museum than a school.

Turing back to Basim, you see he has scooted closer to the tree and was resting a paw on it. He noticed that you had finished your survey and continued to speak “There are other kiamaras living here, around this school and in the jungle behind it. They’re probably all out fishing by the bay or watching in the trees.” The male resumed his drawing, moving away from the tree as if he had finished comforting it “The humans don’t come here often, only in the months of Spring and Autumn. My mother stays inside that school. They take care of her since she’s growing old…” his voice cracks and he quickly stops talking. You watch silently as he lets out a shuddering sigh before smiling gently and looking back at you “My father’s already gone on ahead. My mother’s all I have left of my family right now.”

The kia readjusts himself in the grass with flowing movements before he continues “I have a couple good friends here that I can trust with my life” His eyes move to the sky to watch the clouds glide overhead “Sadly, more of the kiamaras here would rather take advantage of my soft nature. They’ve cause so many bad experiences for me…” Basim shook his fluffy head “Sorry,” he chuckled “I must seem really depressing.”

He rolled onto his back so he could see the sky better “I really should mention some more positive things before I go all emo on you! Wouldn’t want to scare you away.” You can see the quick glances that he keeps flashing at you, filled with hidden uncertainty “Hmm, let’s see…” He mumbles, watching the clouds again “The humans have art classes in a room where there’s a big window. They learn so much, it’s amazing!” Basim’s eyes seem to have an excited spark now “Sometimes they even let me in the school! They let me go into some of the class rooms and learn with the humans. Sometimes, when I join an art class, the human in charge will tell me to come up front so that the others can practice anatomy. It really is amazing.”

The kia stands up in the grass “That’s all I can really think of for you” He chuckles in his soft way “I hope you’re satisfied.” He looks into your eyes for a second then closes his and whispers “Hmm, yes, some of the desire has been calmed.” He opens his eyes quickly and smiles wider than you’ve seen before “I hope to see you again soon! It’s nice to find people willing to listen.” With that he turns and jumps over the sturdy, four foot wall that surrounds the collage and is gone.

Art post
Moonlight walk by Glitch.
Spider friend by Glitch.
Last edited by HannahBug on Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:55 pm, edited 52 times in total.
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby Tatzel » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:25 am

Not trying, but I'd like to wish everyone the best of luck, and I'll be stalking. x3
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby ~R E N E S M E E~ » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:38 am

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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby ghostley. » Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:08 am

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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby Robyn Hode. » Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:25 am


Dont you lady me, son.
Im an Avenger.


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Son, just dont.
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby extraterrestrial » Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:58 am

I must try. <3
no longer active here <3

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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby cece. » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:19 am

Dropping out ;A;
I just don't feel that connection..
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby Pure Dragon » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:30 am

User;; Pure Dragon
Name;; Maxim
Personality;; Maxim is very laid back, pretty much to a fault as far as his teachers and elders are concerned. Despite constantly being told he'll get nowhere with his life, he continues to do what he wants to, when he wants to - which isn't much and isn't often! Because of this his grade quickly fell in school and as soon as he was old enough to legally drop out, he did. A lot of people's first impression of him is that he's a lazy bum, which is one of the few things that gets Maxim riled up. He'll coolly look them in the eye, make a stinging comeback, and walk away with tail held high. But to those who have no such ugly first impressions of him, he warms up to quite quickly, which is one of the reasons he gets along so well with those younger than himself. He is spectacular with kids and makes whatever he needs to make a living from babysitting and entertaining at parties, which are about the only jobs he can get with his lack of a highschool diploma.

WIP! c:
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Re: Kiamara #328

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:49 am


Kai. It means "sea" in Hawaiian, "forgiveness" in Japanese, "willow tree" in Navajo, and "earth" in Scandinavian.
I think the name suits him very well, Because he looks likes a tropical summer, which would mean long days by the sea. He doesn't like to judge people and always likes to give them second chances. He has a strong build and features like a willow tree also.
(sorry if it sounds to chessey but I just thought the name was perfect and in my eyes it is.)


5th of November,1993.

He's 20 in human years .

Sexual Orientation;;

Star Sign;;


Birth Flower;;


He has a very deep and soothing voice.

Kai always tries to be nice to everyone around him but this doesn't mean he lets you in, you must earn that. He absolutely hates violent and only ever used it on one occasion. He doesn't like to be thought of as cruel or a bully but if someone really annoys him by taking advantage of him, he will snap. With Kai's kindness also comes a very hot tempered male inside,but it's very hard to break this wall that he has created for this. The wall has only broken down once and he swears he will never let that happen again.
Kai is a very loyal friend and family member. He always makes room for his loved ones even if it means him not doing something he wants to do. He always stays loyal to his friends and never lets them down.
Kai treasures his friendships. He forms bonds with others that he just can never let go of. He doesn't trust easily so when you become his friend you should treasure your friendship as he does yours. Once someone has pasted the walls he has build then he never forgets that person. He remembers everything that person has ever done,good or bad.
Kai has a photo graphic memory. It's very hard for him to forget something even when he wants to. He only remembers this if the sound/smell or touch is the same. It's more of sense memory. Anything he's touched before he'll remember and what he's done with the object.
Kai doesn't always forgive people as easily as I've portrayed. He can sometimes hate a person but still say he forgives them, even when he knows he right. Other times he'll stand his ground until the other person understand his/her mistake.
-Mood swings-
To say the least Kai has shown symptoms of Bipolar. He gets very high highs and very low lows. He's emotions, all his emotions are magnified out of proportion and sometimes the emotion takes over his mind and controls him. Sometimes he can fight it other times,it's just to hard. He always has someone he can trust with him when he gets like this so they can reason with him into helping him.

Story(a short story to show his kindness);;
A young kiamara walked along in the distance, it's shape only noticeable. The night air was warm as a breeze brushed against Kai's coat. Kai smiled to himself, he'd always loved the sea at night. He sat down on his favorite rock and watched the stars as they twinkled as if saying 'hello'. The young kiamara came to Kai,he smiled "Hello, my name is Kai, are you lost?". The young kiamara shook it's head, "No,i'm taking a walk, my name is Sky, nice to meet you Kai." Kai smiled "Come sit with me and i'll tell you a story before I bring you back to your home" Sky took a seat on a smaller rock and Kai started to tell the story "A long time ago, their lived two kiamara packs, they had been at war for a very long time, longer than anyone could remember, no would could even remember what the war was about, but neither side wanted to call it's off for fear of being made a fool of. One day, a young kiamara, not older than you Sky,Leah, went to the enemy pack and told them if they stopped the fighting, she would agree to marry any Kiamara the leader choose. Now this Kiamara was the most beautiful girl in her pack, all the Kiamara's admired her for her beauty. The leader agreed to marry her to his son,Garth, the strongest brute in his pack. The both packs agreed to join the packs in the friendship of marriage. But what the packs didn't know was that Leah and Garth had fallen in love way before she had come to stop the war, they had met secretly many times before this. One of Leah's rivals who loved Garth found out and they were both banished. They found each other soon after and lived quiet happily while the war of their old packs continued. This is the story of how war doesn't come between love, it shows that love is key to everything. Kai looked at the young Kiamara,sky, "Wow, that was a really good story, but if no one remembered what the war was about why didn't they just stop it?" Sky asked. Kai smiled at the Kiamara's words, this kiamara was older in her mind than she looked,"Well you see, when someone feels betrayed they go into this little shell in their mind, they do things they would never dream about unless they were betrayed, Do you understand now?" Sky nodded her head and jumped down, "Well thank you Kai, for a wonderful story, I better go home now" Sky bounded off at a run, she couldn't wait to tell her parents the story. Kai smiled softly as he looked back at the sky to wear the stars looked as if they touched the water of the sea. He curled up on his rock and closed his eyes, listening to the waves slowly crashing down onto the soft ground sand. He fell asleep, happy he could tell someone a story to make them feel happy.
He awoke during the night at the sound of Sky's voice. His eyes scanned his house, it had all been a dream, a memory,from long ago before she left. She had been his closest friend and he protected her like a sister. To Kai, Sky was his sister, his family, but when she finally grew up she wanted to see the world by herself, to become a real grown up and she left,promising to visit now and again. She still does, when ever she visits her family. Kai likes when Sky visits it makes him feel like he did in the old days. He smiled as his mind wandered off as he began to drift off again for the night.

Kai grew up as any other kiamara does,in a nice warm hearted environment. As all Kiamara's he was loved by his parents and was giving his first feather at the age of two. Though he only has two feathers they are his most prized possessions. The larger feather around his neck was given to him by his father, his father gave him this one because Kai had always admired the feathers beautiful colour's and also because the feather represents loyalty and truth, something his father wanted Kai to have with him always. His mother gave him the smaller feather. She gave this to him as a symbol to stand up for what you believe in. Though the two feathers are very alike they aren't alike at all in meaning. Kai treasures both of them very deeply. When Kai was age four, he left his pack and lands to travel around the world. He eventually found a nice small fishing village near the sea but it was also close to a rain forest. Kai likes it here as he loves the rain forest and all the creatures who live there, he also loves to sea and to fish. He works as a fisher man sometimes but mostly works in a local shop selling items to other kiamara's. He loves his work and his friendly to everyone.

♥ The beach,
♥ making others happy
♥ a good book
♥ peppermint tea
♥ night
♥ Animals
♥ outdoors
♥ spearmint gum
♥ Rain/water
♥ Thunder and lightning
♥ his bed
♥ Sleep
♥ healthy food

♥ Fire
♥ snakes
♥ being awake all night
♥ flowers, he has hay-fever.
♥ being lazy
♥ fizzy drinks
♥ fatty food

♥ Acrophobia- Fear of heights
♥ Hematophobia- Fear of blood
♥ Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten

Last edited by crazy-in-wonderland on Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.








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