Kiamara 397 - Andromeda

Postby Little Fish » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:42 pm

Listen to this to enhance experience.

Note; this image is not by me.


Name; Andromeda (Or M31, Messier 31, Andromeda Spiral Galaxy) Lucinda Stardust
I was looking at her galaxy markings and decided I had to find out what galaxy she was based off. I can to the conclusion that she was based off of a spiral galaxy. Looking through the spiral galaxies I fell in love with M31 aka Andromeda. Andromeda is not only a galaxy, in Greek Mythology she is the daughter of Cepheus. Latinized from the Greek form Ἀνδρομέδα, her name also means "Ruler of Men". Andromeda's middle name, Lucinda, is actually my middle name I just thought that it was the perfect middle name for this beauty. I picked out the last name because it went with her history and it actually looks like there is star dust in her fur and hair.

Note; this image is not by me.

Nicknames; Messier and M31, she has also been called Meda.

Birthday; February 10, 1989
Her amethyst necklace given to her by her birth mother.
Note; this image is not by me.

Gender; Clearly a Female, the way she holds herself just right off the bat I want to say aw what a cute little girl.
Note; this image is not by me.

Almost forgotten side note wrote:Andromeda has a German accent that comes and goes. :3


Note; this image is not by me.


Note; this image is not by me. xXx
'The Fallen Star'

Long ago an imbalance in the world set a star from a faraway universe hurtling into a worm hole that sent it off toward the world of Kiamara's. Landing in the center of the city, the Kiamara's had never seen anything like this before. One brave Kiamara got as close as he could before scuttling away acting like it was going to come alive at any moment. They gave it a name, and soon enough The Fallen Star had made headlines in the Kiamara community.

Two weeks after it arrived it developed a crack right down the middle of it. A number of Kia's noticed it and that brought more suspicion of the odd Fallen Star.

Nearly a month later, after the first crack, multiple cracks appeared until a giant hole began to form in the center of the star. One day while many watched the odd star start to crack again many noticed a small nose poke out of the star and sniff the air. Out of the darkness of the middle of the star fell out an unusually small Kiamara. Her fur was as black as night besides the unusual galaxy marking across either side of her body. Her hair was jet black and long while her eyes were black with light pink irises. She sat there in front of the crowd for a minute before she started to cry for her mother. Everyone watched as this odd child started crying. Few wanted to comfort her others were afraid of her and many thought that this would be the end for all Kiamara's.
A lone Kiamara stepped out of the crowd, Julianna. She stepped toward the crying child, pulling her into her side using her tail. Staring up at the stranger the child slowly stopped crying while the crowd slowly dispersed. Julianna looked at the small child and her odd markings and hair. After a few moments of looking over the small child, Julianna had finally come up with a beautiful name. Smiling Julianna nudged the child whispering softly "Your name will be Andromeda, for your galaxy markings. Your middle name will be Lucinda after my mother. Your last name shall be Stardust because of the Stardust trapped in your hair and fur." Smiling Andromeda tried to produce her name "Anroea?" Laughing Julianna agreed "Yes little one, Andromeda."
~12 Years Later~

Andromeda sat on the window sill looking out at the other Kia children playing on the community playground. She was fifteen now and begin to notice the looks others gave her because of her past.
"Mama?" Andromeda asked one day after school. "Yes sweetie?" "Vhy don't zee ozer Kias like playing with me?" She asked with her eyes searching the floor as if it would answer her question. "They are just jealous because you are so beautiful and get everyone's attention." Julianna replayed smiling at her daughter.
Believing that was the answer, Andromeda got up from the window will and walked outside to play with the others. Everyone stopped playing and stared at her while whispering to each other.
"My mom told me about her, she's The Fallen Star.” One whispered.
"Her hair and eyes freak me out!" Another one said.
"She's just not right...." A voice said from the back.
Tears started to well in Andromeda's eyes after catching bits and pieces of the harsh conversation. Running off deep into the woods behind her house and the playground, Andromeda nearly ran into an old plank of wood nailed into a tree. Wiping the tears from her face Andromeda looked up at the wooden planks going up a huge tree to a tree house with extra tree house’s on either side. Deciding to investigate, Andromeda begins to climb the old planks up to what seems to be the main tree house. Once she reaches the top she’s tumbles into what looks like a bedroom. It has an old looking bed off to the side with a window above the bed so the moonlight would shine in while you watch the stars, a chest to store stuff and a mini closet with some clothes in it. Pulling out a cloth that caught her attention she noticed it was a beret kind of like the one her mother wore all the time, it was crotched and the color of raspberries. Andromeda decided to keep it, fixing it on top of her head Andromeda finished her investigation of the first room and she moved on to the second room to the right. Walking across the well-built bridge Andromeda entered the room which appeared to be a kitchen, it had a fridge that seemed to work, a stove, counter tops and cabinets. Andromeda smiled widely at this because she loves to cook with her mom and now she had her very own kitchen! Back tracking to check out the next room Andromeda entered what looked like a mini bathroom, it had a tub and sink with pumps to pump water plus a hole in the middle of the floor where there seemed to be steam rising from somewhere. Looking down the hold Andromeda gasped at what she saw, below her a hot spring bubbled with hot water. Realizing this is where the water for the bath and sink came from she hopped over to the sink pressing the pumping and watching the warm water come out and cleaning her muddied paws. Grinning, Andromeda had found her new hangout spot. Going back down the tree Andromeda heard a rustle off to the left in one of the many bushes. Watching the bushes closely Andromeda watched as a white muzzle that had green spots on it popped out and sniffed the air. Jumping back she decided to go around the bush and attack whoever decided to trespass in her new territory. Walking around the bushes Andromeda saw the strangers tail sticking and waving around out of the bush, pouncing on it with sharp claws a loud yowl was released in front of her. Turning around quickly and bursting out of the bushes a Kiamara stood in front of her glaring at her slightly. He had green spots throughout his dark grey, grey and white fur. His hair was white and the tips were green and spiked up all over the place with gel. "Why in the world did you pounce on my tail with those sharp claws of yours?!" He boomed while examining his scratched up tail. "Well you shouldn't have been in my territory then I wouldn't have jumped on your tail to scare you off." Andromeda shot back a little annoyed. "This place is yours? Oh geez I've just been hanging out around here lately because of the nice hot springs, sorry" He said sitting down in front of her. "Erm, that's okay. You seem like a nice guy.... My names Andromeda, but you can just call me Messier, what's yours?" "My names Zach, nice to meet you Andromeda err um Messier." Andromeda giggled saying. "You can call me which ever you prefer you know." Nodding Zach asked "Want to go sit in the hot springs for a bit?" Smiling Andromeda nodded her head walking beside Zach to the water springs. That moment started a life long friendship.

~9 Years later~

Now out of her moms house and living in her old hangout spot, Andromeda is twenty-three and celebrating her twenty-fourth birthday with her mom and childhood friend, Zach. Glad to be loved and accepted by the ones she loves and cares for, Andromeda is finally living her life the way it should be no matter how different you are.

Note; this image is not by me.




Quite - At first you see a Kia that sits off from everybody, mainly because she wasn't born in the Kiamara community and not many have accepted her since then. You decide to actually get to know her unlike everyone else so you walk over and shyly say hi while sitting across from her. A small smile appears on her face and she introduces herself, "My name is Andromeda what's yours?" You tell her your name and she smiles repeating it as if she was unsure how to say it. Soon you start to hang out realizing that she wasn't as quite as you thought....

Bipolar - After a good month of knowing each other you pick up on little things. You begin to notice her odd but sudden mood changes. One day while at her house you’re sitting in front of her just talking about silly things you've done in the past. You decide to bring up a silly memory with your best friend. After finishing your story, Andromeda seems to explode saying "If you like her so much why do you even bother hanging out with me?!?" Once she realizes what she's done Andromeda starts to cry and apologize repeatedly to you. Explaining to you that she is bipolar and can't help it, you begin to understand all the strange and sudden mood changes. You smile telling her that it's okay and suggest some nice fresh air and coffee.

Jokester - A little after that you begin to notice a silly side to Andromeda. She cracks jokes at all the right times and always knows how to cheer you up if you’re feeling blue. She told you one of the funniest jokes just the other day and you can't stop laughing about it. "What do you get when you cross a tyrannosaurus Rex with fireworks?" Andromeda asked with a goofy smile. Thinking for a little you can't seem to figure it out. You tell her to tell you the answer and she giggles a bit before saying "DINO-MITE!" She falls over laughing catching a lot of attention from surrounding Kiamara’s but you still laugh with her not only because of the funny joke but because she's so silly.

Caring - Catching a cold during the summer is no fun, but that's exactly what you've caught! In bed all day, sick with the flu, you remember that you made plains with Andromeda to get some lunch together. Grabbing the phone you dial her number and say "Hey Messier sorry to cancel plans like this but I think I've caught the flu." After a few moments of silence you hear a click, signaling that she hung up. Making a face at the phone, you’re too sick to care so, you hang it up. After a few minutes you hear the doorbell. 'Ring ring' 'ring ring'. Opening the door Andromeda pushes herself inside with some chicken noodle soup in her jaws. Gaping at her you giggle a little as she tells you to go lay down while she makes you some nice hot soup and warm tea and honey.



Flower - Carnation

Note; this image is not by me.

Stuffed Animal - Andromeda stuffed animal Zee was given as a birthday gift from her mother, Julianna, on her 7 birthday. (Actually one of my stuffed animals//I drew this one <3)

Food - Andromeda loves sushi. Her favorite sushi is raw eel sushi.

Note; this image is not by me.

Drink - Andromeda loves the taste of Apple Fanta.

Note; this image is not by me.



Drawing - Andromeda started doodling at the age of six, Julianna noticed this and got her drawing supplies for Christmas that year. After many years of sketching and doing full art pieces Andromeda had filled up her bedroom tree house with countless finished drawings and sketches waiting to be finished.

Photography - Taking an interest in bird watching and colleting feathers at the age of thirteen, Andromeda decided to take up photography. In between most of her drawings and sketch's, Andromeda has over 100 pictures of different birds that each have the birds own feather.

Acting - Once in high school, at the age of fourteen, Andromeda chose to join drama. She's one of the best students, she can cry on cue, can change moods suddenly but with realism in it, and many more things that make her a star student.
Note; this image is not by me.

instrument - In middle school Andromeda joined the band because she loved the sound of the flute and wanted to learn how to play it. She dropped it in high school because it became one big competition and because she was so good she would always get first chair. The others didn't like that and would call her names and try to mess her up every chance they got. Selling her flute was the most upsetting thing in the world, but she needed the money to get her mom a silver necklace for her birthday. After a year without a flute life had become duel so Andromeda decided to go on an adventure. Coming across an old looking cave Andromeda cautiously sniffed the air for bears and of predators. Smelling noting but musty old cave she walked into the cave. It was dim inside, thanks to the little holes in the roof, so she could see that the cave had not be tampered with in many, many years. Reaching what looked like the end of the cave, Andromeda huffed at the thought that this exploration got her nowhere. Turning around to go back a little hold in the corner of the cave caught her attention. Squeezing into it she came out into another cave part that had many bones scattered around. One caught her attention. It was old but looked like a flute had been made out of it, grinning she blew into the bone listing to the melodic tune that flowed out of it. Smiling wider then ever Andromeda had found her new flute.

Skateboarding - Hanging out with Zach all the time, Andromeda was always curious about the little piece of wood on wheels that he carried around. Asking him one day Zach laughed and replied "It's a skateboard. If you want I can teach you how to skate on it." Nodding vigorously and smiling, Andromeda blushed a little and asked "If you don't mind, please." After a few months of training and then getting her very own skateboard Andromeda loved skating and became a pro at it. Soon she noticed Zach had stopped skating as he got older but she never gave it up, she found it to be a very good way to get around town and exercise instead of a silly car.




Arachnophobia – fear of spiders. Whenever Andormeda sees a spider she cries. No matter what size or species she flips out everytime.

Decidophobia – fear of making decisions. That's one of the worst things you could try and make her do. She's always afraid she'll make the wrong one and people will be made at her. After developing to a point where she didn't want to make decisions when people asked she now can't make decisions no matter the difficulty of the decision.

Disposophobia – fear of getting rid of or losing things; sometimes wrongly defined as compulsive hoarding. Andormeda can't seem to get rid of anything she has that's important to her. She throws a huge fit when Julianna tries to make her get rid of anything she owns.

Luposlipaphobia – fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor. (Gary Larson's "The Far Side") (I just thought this one was funny, But it is an actual fear of hers)

Photophobia – hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light

Scoleciphobia – fear of worms. After fishing with Zach one day she had the worst experience with worms. Zach pulled out a fishing rod and a small container that said 'WORMS' cocking her head side ways she watched silently. After he put on the hook he opened the container and pulled out a slimy pink string. She scrunched up her nose at the sight of it but still watched him as the picked up the hook and slide the worm on to it. She watched it's guts spill out like a baby barf, turning around she jumped into the water yelling behind her that she'd see him later. Ever since Andormeda can't stand the sight of a worm.

Thanatophobia - fear of dying. This happened because of the worm incident as well. Watching it squirm in pain she couldn't bare to see the day she crokes, not ever being able to talk or see her family or anything for that manner just frightens her.


Omnisexual - Andromeda does not have a sexual preference and is attracted to everyone equally.

Acknowledgements wrote:Lierre for letting me use their Kiamara Zachary, I think they will have a lovely friendship.
[ Fail In Love ] for letting me use their Kiamara Julianna, she is the perfect mother for Andromeda.
Google for all the pretty photos. :3
Cocoa Studios™ for the picture at the top. <33
.Autumn. for the amazing arachnophobia picture! <33
Tru for the lovely drawing of her wearing Christmassy things. <33
Her eye picture, I do not own the lines just the coloring in. :3
All other art was done by me. Unless stated other wise.
Big thanks to my best friend for critiquing. <3


Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!
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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby Beta. » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:51 pm

So prettyyy *v* Nice job apple! <3
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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby toady » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:55 pm

Name: Celestia
Gender: Fenale

I just really like The Brobecks

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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby Koryu » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:56 pm

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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby freckledfangirl » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:03 am

so  this  is  the   
i  have  been  dreaming  of


ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss

This beautiful girl's name is Cinderella.
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i am extremely inactive here. find me here. vv

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ƁƖƬƬЄƦƧƜЄЄƬ ;; Kiamara 397

Postby castiiian » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:26 am

          ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

          [ ƁƖƬƬЄƦƧƜЄЄƬ ]✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ᵐᵒᵘʳᶰ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉᵃᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˡᶤᵉ ᶤᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵒˡ ᵉᵃʳᵗʰ˒ ᵇᵘᵗ ʳᵃᵗʰᵉʳ ᵐᵒᵘʳᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵖᵃᵗʰᵉᵗᶤᶜ˒ ʷʰᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ'ˢ ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗ ᵃᶰᵍᵘᶤˢʰ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶤᵗˢ ʷʳᵒᶰᵍ˒ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵈᵃʳᵉ ᶰᵒᵗ ˢᵖᵉᵃᵏˑ

          ✩✩✩ "ωє'яє σηℓу уσυηg αη∂ ηαινє ѕтιℓℓ , ωє яєqυιяє cєятαιη ѕкιℓℓѕ ; тнє мσσ∂ ιт cнαηgєѕ ℓιкє тнє ωιη∂ , нαя∂ тσ cσηтяσℓ ωнєη ιт вєgιηѕ"

Hex codes ;;

▊ 131418
▊ 397A7C
▊ 2156A2
▊ 713575
▊ D63078
▊ D14B92
▊ F7AF7F

            ρєяѕσηαℓιту ;
          Apathetic ;; Protective ;; Naive ;; Sarcastic ;; Courageous ;; Stubborn ;; Cold
          Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words

            вαѕιc нιѕтσяу ;
          Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words

            ℓιкєѕ ;
            ∂ιѕℓιкєѕ ;.................

            Sweets and Candies

            Space, Stars, and Galaxies
            Isolation and Loneliness..

            The Cold

            Winter and Autumn

          ✩✩✩ "тнє вιттєяѕωєєт вєтωєєη му тєєтн , тяуιηg тσ ƒιη∂ тнє ιη-вєтωєєηѕ ; ƒαℓℓ вαcк ιη ℓσνє єνєηтυαℓℓу , уєαн уєαн уєαн уєαн"


          yo wip bro
          please dont steal anything from here thanks ;v;
Last edited by castiiian on Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
xxx ⚝ copycat tryna cop my m͙̥ạ͕̠͕͚̲n̫̺̬̺̩͇͕n͉̩̠͚̠̲͓er̠ ⚝
↝↝↝ watch your back when you can't watch mine !!!


CAST | he/they | catboy, gamer, eclown
  • discord + castiiian
    i read all pms, but don't always reply,
    pls poke me if u need a response!

xxx ⚝ copycat tryna cop my g̖̖̥̲̦̟alm̯͍̹͚̘o͙r̦͚ ⚝
↝↝↝ why so sad, bunny? can't have mine !!!
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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby waterstar. » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:40 am

C L I C K P L E A S E;
n a m e ; Capella

also please for more on her history, go here ^^

so sorry if you feel like you've been dragged around, I just put my all into her.
good luck competitors ^^
Last edited by waterstar. on Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:33 am, edited 11 times in total.

- why bees are dying
- what you can do
- green peace
- (my) kalons
- (my) simas
- new youtube restrictions
- trump delays bees
- why bees are important


Hello everyone, this is Acid-tripp. I'm Water's younger sibling. She has since moved and forgotten about CS but is happy. Any activity on her account since around 2018 I believe has been me. I'm sorry for all of the people still active who wish to communicate with her but can't. I wish you all a great day/night and i'm sorry.
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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby bsktcase » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:46 am

Name :; Kendy
Gender :; Female
Personality :;
Wild - Crazy - Funny - Silly - Hipster
Last edited by bsktcase on Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
❝ And I lost you
The one I was dancin' with
In New York, no shoes
Looked up at the sky
and it was maroon
- Taylor Swift

Toyhouse bsktcase ✦ Discord bsktcase#0423
Moon Light Kennels
Lunar Blossom Kennels
The Nexus Colony
The Pumet Region
The Veiled Jade
Tribe of the Bogland

the name is bskt
my pronouns are she/her
i'm pansexual and demiromantic
full time sterile processing technician

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Kia 397: Ira, The Kia with Stars in Her Eyes

Postby Kitty MM » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:49 am


username ✶ Kitty MM
full name ✶ Ira Deskathalias Amirinza
pronunciation ✶ EE-ra Deska-thalias

nickname ✶ Ira’s short enough
title ✶ ”The Wariest”
name meaning ✶ Ever Watchful
why ✶ I’ve seen lots of people pick
names that respond to her obvious
coat color affinity to the galaxy.
I wanted to pick something different,
but not a random name. So I picked
Ira, a name I thought of as merely pr-
etty, slightly lonely sounding. Then I
looked up the meaning and it all fit, I
knew I had to keep it.

height, quad ✶ 75 cm
height, anthro ✶ 5 ft 7 in
weight, quad ✶ 77 pounds,
small and thin

weight, anthro ✶ 120 pounds,
Again, small and thin

length, quad ✶ 110 cm
birth date ✶ june 11 1992
age ✶ 21
star sign ✶ gemini, ♊
birthstone ✶ agate, pearl
zodiac element ✶ air
zodiac totem ✶ the twins
gender ✶ Guess! Guess!
. . . . Female.

mate ✶ no, she's too worried
to care for someone, fearing
they will be taken from her.

want one ✶ yes, on the inside,
but. . . she hasn’t found anyone yet.

crush ✶ like she’d tell
you if she had one

friends ✶ Kitty MM,
her 'owner' -snicker- she finds
they think alike on many levels,
and talks with her often. And
Kochi, a kia of Keero, who she
loves spending time with, just
playing around. His optimistic
attitude often gets through to
her as well, cheering her up.
Like night and day, but they're
good friends.

orientation ✶ bi
voice ✶ light and high
singing voice ✶ soprano
accent ✶ not really, sometimes a
light sprinkling of words, like
she'll say,
It's obvious, no?
slang ✶ no
speaking style ✶ light, slightly old
time-y, learned

main impression ✶ shy, thinks about
words before she speaks

talks in ✶ the lovely deep #000080

eye color ✶ the lovely light c84d90
hair type ✶ flat, wild, and shiny
hair color ✶ bright black
base coat color ✶ black / dark grey
feather type ✶ dark grey
striped with light grey

hex codes ✶

coat markings ✶ galaxy
and glowing stars, 3 ones with
more detail on main body
(not tail, head, neck, or legs)

quirk one ✶ always sits in the
corner of a room

quirk two ✶ never wears socks,
especially when her feet are cold

quirk three ✶ never crunches
her lolly pops

quirk four ✶ is slightly
scared of florists
they just arrange flower's
dead bodies . . . *shudder*

quirk five ✶ always steps in
other people's footsteps when there's
snow, not wanting to be tracked



If I could be human . .
. or at least partly

habit one ✶ when star watching,
often puts her hair up in
a cloth or woven headband . .
You have no idea how tangled
that long shiny hair can get when
in the wind, and I often star-
watch from a tree or the roof
of my house

favorite season ✶ fall,
late fall to be exact

favorite time ✶ dawn, and
whenever the moon is there to be
seen to the carefullest of eyes

favorite season ✶ fall,
late fall to be exact


|honest ✶ intelligent ✶ wishful ✶ artistic ✶ sad from her knowledge ✶ hopeful|

I just want to say . . . .WOW.
When I saw this kia, I felt an immediate connection.
This kia is my dream kia, no doubt. I've stalked kiam-
ara's for a while, and felt connections to many, but sh-
e's in a class by her self. I'm a none owner currently,
she's the first I've tried for. I've seen lots of people th-
row around the phrase 'dream kia', but there is no do-
ubt in my mind that I won't ever find one like her again.
I don't mean to guilt trip anyone about this, I hope she
goes to a good owner! Whoever wins will get all my art
and well wishes (not to mention occasional art gifts and
stalking of RPs). . . but I needed to try out, no matter
how small the chance of me winning was. She for me
symbolizes many things that are important to me, the
wideness and potential of the universe, and relative
insignificance of humans, art and it's many forms, that
great connected -yet so alone- thing that is the cosmos.
And from this, a personality popped into my head. And
a name; Ira. Ever watchful, like the stars and the moon.
And alone . . .


|unique ✶ wise over her years ✶ colorful ✶ alone ✶ shy ✶ wild ✶ dreamer ✶ sad|

The Key Master wrote:Interviewer Ira Zoran Kitty MM

So, Ira, today, during this interview, I want to go over some simple topics: your likes, dislikes, fears, and loves. I don't want you to answer just in these, they're just prompts. Then I'll just ask you a few questions to get to know you better! Ok . . . . some questions could be kind of private though . . . *looks behind her**rubs against Ira's leg, purring* *smiles reassuringly* It's ok. We won't post this on the form after if you don't want to. *takes a shaky breath* No, I can do this. I'm sorry if we don't finish the interview Mr . . . . .uh . . . Interviewer, remembering for her is often painful. *gives Ira a protective look* Ok, so let's start then! Right. Which do you want to do first, likes, dislikes, fears, quirks, what? Hmm. I think I'll start with likes. *settles down onto cushion* *crawls into her lap* Oh there's tons of stuff, I'll just focus on three favorites. I like to stargaze, not with a telescope particularly, or fancy instruments, I just like sitting in my yard at night, alone or with Zoran here, *pauses and pets Zoran* and just look up at the stars. I love the night sky, it's a little peek anyone can take into the hugeness of space. Which is *fumbles for a word* AMAZING! Just the idea of all those little suns, with their own systems, the promise of Life somewhere out there . . . it's just . . . amazing. I like to climb trees as well, and be as close to the sky as possible, sometimes crawling up the side of my house from the balcony and sitting on the roof in summer. I like cats, too, love cats actually.purrrrrrrLet's see, other things I love . . . Your family? *knits eyebrows**pause* I . . . *tiny sob* I don't have one . . . . Oh. I'm so sorry. *goes over and hugs Ira*

Thanks Kitty. *lets out a breath, then swal-
lows* I lost them to the sea when I was a
kid. *looks out the window vaguely* They
always loved the sea, Mum and Dad . . . .
they'd gone for their anniversary, a week
trip around the ocean, no stops, staying on
the boat at all times. They left me at home
with a family friend, Kochi. Kochi was my
best friend in many ways, he was old enough
to be my guardian then, an older teenager,
but he always could act like a kid,

and remember what it was like to be one. We had such fun when he came to babysit, running along down the beach (that was close to where we lived) whilst Mom and Dad worked on the boat, he always cheered me up. It was funny, like the way when I look at the stars my vision seems to clear and focus? He had a gift like that, he always seemed to make me feel so energetic, bouncing off the walls. When we got the news over the radio, he let me stay with him. There had been a freak storm, and while they were gliding over a coral reef, several people's boats, including their's, were dashed into the rocks near shore. The radio called out the names of the boats, and I knew that there couldn't be another boat they were confusing ours with. You see, my parent's boat was called the Ira. It was a show of their love for me. When we heard the news, just after dinner, I couldn't believe it at first. When I finally got it I ran outside, away from the house, away from the bay, away . . . I climbed up a tree, and after I got to the highest limbs, under the cover of leaves and branches, then I cried. I just cried. I don't know how long I sat there in a fog of raw pain. I fully came back to myself at just before dawn. Realizing how Kochi must be worrying, I quickly climbed down, sobbing gently. The first thing I saw when I got down was a small cat, the colors of the rising run. It crept, purring, into my arms as I bent down. Zoran was the first thing that came into my head. It means light of dawn. And so, when the kitten stayed with me on the walk home, purring and rubbing against my legs whenever I could feel the tears coming again, and when we had gotten back home to an understanding Kochi and I knew he wasn't going to go, I knew that's what we would have to call him. Several times over the next few months he would help me, as the tears came quickly and without warning. I would see my mother’s favorite scarf, hung over the door of the attic, and that would be enough to set me off. He could always help me, his purring soothing and therapeutic. Yes, my Milli’s like that too. ^^And I suppose this is the perfect time to transition to fears. Because of that storm, I am scared of thunder around pools and the sea – Oh the sea, it terrifies me. I’m uneasy around fish tanks too, I always see *shudder* kiamara skeletons sitting on the b-bottom. Oh I’m so sorry. It’s-it’s ok. I . . . I’m less scared now. They’re at peace, wherever they are. You said you were going to ask me some mini questions? Yes. Like Coke or Pepsi. Ready to begin that? Unquestionably. Alright! So, Night or Day? Night. That’s the only time you can see that little window into the cosmos. Rainbow or Greyscale? Rainbow. Color amazes me, and art. You can truly put your thoughts onto paper. Arts or Crafts? Arts, most definitely. Pants or Skirt? Pants, unless I’m going to a formal affair. Mountains or Plains? Mountains; to be closest to the sky. Flowers or Marbles? Marbles. I’m afraid of florists, as you know. TV or Computer? Computer of course. Warm or Cold? Cold, there are many more ways to get warmer than there are ways to get colder, so it’s easier to stay comfortable. And sweating! Ick. Especially with my black base fur. Religion or Atheist? Religion, I’m a very religious kia. I think God is very firmly wrapped up in science, if you just keep asking why. My learning about the galaxy and how our earth works just makes my belief firmer. And one last question. Whisper or Shout? Whisper, most definitely. Well, that wraps up our interview! Thanks for coming! *shake hands* It was a pleasure reminiscing with you. ^^

companion animals ✶ my
cat-friend, Zoran

stuffed animals ✶ Well . . *blushes*
I have a little lion toy,
I call him Cosmos. :D

favorite animals ✶ I like cats,
humans fascinate me, and birds I think
have the most freedom of any animal.
Oh wouldn't it be wonderful to fly . . .



Last edited by Kitty MM on Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:40 pm, edited 227 times in total.
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♩♬Notes . . . ♪♫

made a new friend, go gift the
[i]check out my Noodle Cat, Kiwi!
So cute. ^^

My Marble Cat: Kiara
Will trade rares and wishlist pets
for the pet in my avatar!

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in you can be seen the predator's delight,
enjoying the fear in your prey's eyes,
no chance is there for captivity nor flight,
for mercy with your heart has no ties
--------Donut Pig is my sister, so
------we trade unfairly sometimes
--------my deviantArt
-----------The Lionesses


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Re: Kiamara 397

Postby shuuu » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:54 am

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