Re: JBD # 595

Postby asexual pirate;; » Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:47 am


The name that instantly came to my mind was Pyro. With the blues and oranges and reds, I was reminded of flames. Just a little later I decided Pyro is a little too masculine. So this girl's name is Pyra.


Pyra here is a female. She's not very fond of those who mistake her for male.


•The Black String
There's nothing too important behind this accessory. Mostly just to keep things tied on and in place, as well as open space for new bones that might tie into her worn collection.

•The Bones
Well, the bones. You see, Pyra here is a bone collector. A strange infatuation, but they always catch her attention. From the smallest mouse skull to the largest elephant leg bone. The first bones she's ever collected, she wears, quite proud of them. First is the bird leg on her tail and the bird head on her front leg. Both came from the same bird, a small forest falcon. The dead falcon was, in fact, her first find. Proud of it, she tied the right leg to her tail and the skull to her front leg.
Now, the skull she wears. Pyra is very proud of this one. It's actually a bear skull. Doing her rounds through the forest one day, she ventured a little further than normal and found the scatterings of grizzly bear bones. She searched around the clearing, the bushes, behind the rocks and trees, but could not find what she truly wanted. Curious, she searched harder and found exactly what she was looking for under a clump of sedge grass. Carefully, she tried to fit the broken bear skull onto her head, just to see. To her astonishment, it fit perfectly. She wears it constantly, except for when she wanders out of her solitude into society.


Well, Pyra's first dirty little secret is where she lives.
Where does she live?
That's the point. No one knows but her.
She rarely shows her face around other JBD's, living in her house of solitude deep within the forest. There's been once or twice Pyra's been followed into the forest where she lives, but she's been there long enough that she knows her way around. She leads whoever is following her in complex circles and mazes through the pines, then backtracks and leads them right back out of the tree again, leaving quickly for her home. This first little secret is a shelter for her second little secret.

Pyra's second secret is her hobby.
Since she was little Pyra has been entranced with bones. They are under everyone's skin. They keep everyone who possesses them from turning into a puddle. Why wouldn't they be interesting? So, Pyra collects bones. The forest around her home is rich with them from dead deer to deceased wolves. Every once in a while, she goes bone-hunting, searching through the woods in different places for skeletal remains. She's found several, everything from mouse bones to the bear skull she wears. Anything that interests Pyra, she drags back home and arranges them perfectly.
Too afraid to let others know about this strange hobby, she usually removes the bird leg and head as well as the bear skull mask before leaving her secluded home and venturing into more populated places. Pyra is terrified of what people might think of her, and holds a bit of a phobia about being judged and whispered about.


Rays of brilliant yellow light crept over the distant mountains, painting a watercolor portrait and driving the bitter cold of night far away. A flash of color rippled against the beige pine bark and wiry green sedge grass, weaving her way conspicuously amongst the trees. A stag and his four does lifted their heads from grazing, watching the colors ripple fluidly along. After a moment of this, the stag snorted and danced off into the trees, his harem following quickly behind, white tails bobbing.

Burnt orange and bright yellow flickered in blurred patterns, prancing along an invisible path that bobbed and skipped, occasionally circling one tree, then shooting off in a completely random direction. Her crystal blue eyes stared straight ahead, sweeping back and forth eagerly, head low to the ground. She saw nothing ahead of her, only below, but she saw everything. Under fallen logs, shrubs, even the little clumps of grass and scraggly wildflowers. Occasionally, she would stop, turn something over with her paw, inspect it, sniff contemptuously, and keep moving.

The constant waltz through the pine forest continued throughout the day, only halting at two in the afternoon, when she finally found something.

Bleach white, gleaming in the sun, sat an untouched skeleton. Curious, she walked forward and gazed down at the pristine corpse, resting peacefully in a nest of grass growing up around the fragile white bones.

It looked as if the bird had fallen from a tree branch and gone ‘splat'. Wing bones were carefully stretched out, skull settled perfectly so the left eye stared hollowly up at Pyra. Rolling the skull under her paw, she stared at it thoughtfully. She felt as if she should know what this bird was, but could not place it for the life of her. It took only minutes before her infatuation took over her thoughts.

She played with the threads that decorated her front legs, tail, neck, and toe, trying to decide which one should be used. With a final decision, she carefully lifted the bird’s head, dusted the dirt off, and deftly tied it securely, to her front left leg. Eyeing the rest of the bird's remains, she picked the right leg bone and swished her tail forward, fastening the leg so it dangled from the string.

Satisfied, she inspected her new finds, feeling quite proud of her accomplishment.

---- ---- ----

Pyra’s bone search had started just three days ago when she found a little leg bone cracked, splintered, and old. Nevertheless, she had inspected it with wide blue eyes, turning it over and over in her paws. She had never realized how much bones had really fascinated her before. Overwhelmed, she set out the next day to search for more. And now, she had her first find dangling from her black thread bracelet and tail band.

Today, she decided to search again.

She made the rounds, circling away from where she had searched just a day before. Eager, she started her spastic dance through the woods, creeping closer and closer to where the hills got steeper and steeper, cascading upwards to form jagged mountain teeth. She knew the closer she got to the mountains the more dangerous it became, but Pyra also knew the better chance of a good find rested in those ancient trees.

Tail high above her back, bird’s foot dangling, Pyra race around, head down, eyes focused. And the sun began to creep a little closer to the flat western horizon.

Resting for a moment, Pyra sat, drinking in the warm rays creeping through the thick canopy. She figured she should head back soon, out of the mountains’ base and into safety. Reluctantly, she rose to her feet and began to head back, purposely taking a different route. Not much time passed before she a giant leg bone laying out in the open, stark white against the earthy browns and greens of the forest floor. Curious, Pyra lowered her head and inspected it, declaring aloud to herself that it must be a leg bone.
Lifting her head, she narrowed her eyes and gazed around, spotting a vertebrae lying under some scraggly bushes. Suddenly eager, Pyra leapt forward, wriggled under the bushes, and exploded into the clearing beyond, her eyes widening at the sight that greeted her.

Bones upon bones upon beautiful, sun bleached bones. Something large had died here, most likely a bear. Scavengers had torn him apart, scattering the bones across the clearing and off into the bushes. Pyra’s eye fell onto every single bone visible, searching for just one. Oh, what a find that one would be!

But she didn’t see it.

Disgruntled she paced back and forth, turning over bones and staring under bushes. Still no glorious find.

Extending her search, she peered behind trees, around rocks, on top of rocks, under the bushes again, but still, she could not find what she wanted.

Growing agitated, she stopped and gazed around. Bones here, bones there. Bones making a trail over there. Bones making a p-



Pyra’s gaze shot toward that trail. Vertebrae. Scavengers. Maybe what she sought so desperately for was that way? Trying to keep her hopes low, she raced toward the trail and followed. Up a hill and on top, there she finally found it.

Under a clump of wiry grass it sat. The lower jaw absent, remaining teeth intact, the back broken, yet bear skulls were supposed to be tough. Delighted, Pyra rolled over the bear skull, then paused.

It was about the same shape as her head…


Carefully, she tried to place it on her head. To her astonishment it fit as if made for her, settling over her head. She could even see perfectly!

Absolutely delighted, she raced through the trees until she found a creek flowing down from the hills. There, in a pool of icy snowmelt, she surveyed herself. She felt, and looked amazing. Her new ‘jewelry’ fit flawlessly with her. The skull melded with the jagged horns she had never quite liked. Her usually excited blue eyes looked a little colder. A little tougher.

She headed back home, but found herself too excited to really sleep.

In the morning, she made sure everything looked okay, then went to see how other beans would react.

The others she typically hung out with gathered just outside of the tree line, talking, joking, roughhousing, playing tag through the pines. Stopping just behind a thicket of trees and bushes, Pyra peered out, suddenly nervous.

She wondered how they would react to her new ‘décor’. Would they like it? Would they hate it? Would they all fall ominously silent when Pyra stepped out, silently judging her just to laugh about it later?

Pyra began to shake, imagining all the jeers, accusations, insults, laughing…

Then another question entered her mind. What was she willing to give up? Her social life? Or her bones?

Dismayed, she turned and fled into the comforting embrace of the woods, turning her back on the others.
Last edited by asexual pirate;; on Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:23 am, edited 7 times in total.

My previous username was better version.


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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Ƥɛтαℓƨ » Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:51 am


G e n d e r
Zeph is a male he was born that way and is going to stay that way for the rest of his days. He does not like it very much if someone mistakes him for a girl, however it has happened due to his coloring and his rather... strange personality.

R e a s o n i n g B e h i n d A c c e s s o r i e s
"Lets start at the top shall we?" Zeph asks you with a toothy grin.
A n i m a l S k u l l - "Ah yes the skull, many people ask about that, quite an odd piece is it not? I was told it was the skull of a old coyote. I picked it up in my travels. I like to travel from place to place because after a while being in the same place can be such a bore. Anyway I was in Ireland at the time and on the way to my adorable little cottage I rented out for just the weekend I came across this little store that was very cozy looking actually. I decided to go in and see what this little place had to offer, I am happy I did. The store was filled with marvelous little trinkets! I could not believe my eyes, as a man who loves to explore this store looked as if it had something from every place in the world inside! For a while I just walked around in awe staring at multiple maps,books, and various clothing items then I saw it. In the corner on a dusty old shelf sat this marvelous little skull, not that little since it fits my big head but not huge. I picked it up and asked the grumpy old store manager how much he was asking for it. and he simply replied "that old thing? You can have it for 5 bucks!" I payed the man and left with a new mask. Quite the find with a story to match I suppose."
C h i c k e n s F o o t -" The chicken foot is one of my personal favorites." Zeph says with an warm grin on his face. " When I was a little boy I used to live on a farm, It never really had an official name but all of my siblings and I called it Oak Wood Farm due to the vast oak forest behind the chicken pen. Since I was one of the younger beans in the house one of my chores was to feed and give water to our chickens. Every morning I woke up at 7 am and marched outside to do my chores. The chickens we had were for pets, we never used them for food, however we did gather eggs from them almost every day. We had all hens because we did not want to have a ton of baby chicks running around all the time. I loved the chickens they were always very fun and nice to be around. By the time I was 16 I had saved enough money to move out of that small little farm house and go out into the big world. Some beans call what I am about to tell you a coincidence, while others say its a sign, I guess you can decide for yourself. The day I was leaving home one of my favorite chickens died. When I went outside to feed them for the last time I notice the one just lying there stiff. I called my father out and before I knew what he was doing I had a chicken foot in my paw." Zeph begins to laugh "It is a funny story now, but at the time it wasn't funny."
S h a r k T o o t h - "The shark tooth I got when I was exploring the Caribbean Islands. I was on Punta Cana beach walking up and down the fine, white sand when I spotted something. I got down on all fours and began to crawl around in the area where I saw the slight glint. ( What a sight that must have been) I must have been searching for about 10 minutes when I felt something jab into my left knee. I backed up and then I saw it, It was a marvelous shark tooth! It was a bit bigger then the average shark tooth because it seemed to be in the early stages of becoming a fossil. Anyway I picked it up and I decided since it jabbed me in the left knee I would tie it there as a guard to protect my lower leg. I can't put it directly on my knee because I need to be able to bend my leg." Zeph shows you his knee mobility " I guess the only thing you can ask about now is the multiple pieces of string I have tied around me." He says with a smile.
B l a c k S t r i n g -" you probably won't believe me but even the strings have a small story behind them. after I found the shark tooth I decided why not just tie my finds to me so I never lose them? As you can see that is exactly what I did. The string is a special string. It is a string made from the bark of palm trees. Inside each fine thread is a very thin piece of wire that makes me able to bend it. The strings story is I got it when I was on my trip to Florida. I wanted to go to Florida and visit my brother for his 23rd birthday and while I was up there we passed a small little surf shop. Inside I saw the string and it was on clearance for 2 dollars a roll. I bought a roll and now I wear pieces all over my body."


O n e T h i n g N o b o d y K n o w s E x c e p t T h i s B e a n
Believe it or not Zeph suffers from depression disorder. "True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer." There are different triggers for peoples depression and Zeph found he becomes depressed after staying in one place or living in the same routine for too long of a period of time. That is why he likes to travel to many places around the world. It makes him happy and keeps his mind off of being sad.

O n e T h i n g N o O n e E l s e K n o w s A b o u t T h i s B e a n
No other bean ever knows where he is traveling too. He likes to keep it a secret most of the time so he can have privacy and do things he would like to do. He doesn't like to be tied down on other peoples schedules and nobody ever understood why. One time he was even visiting his hometown and refused to stay with his own parents. He wasn't trying to be rude but he simpily did not want to be stuck with a group of people for 3 weeks.

A r t:
First Headshot (top) done by Coonie98
Zeph in the snow by DoctorWho=Epic
rough sketch by Nebulong
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby cocoa » Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:57 am


n a m e ;;
Gatito Diablo His name is Gatito Diablo, meaning "kitty devil" in Spanish. He loves string like a cat, and loves kittens too!(Only kittens. He's no fan of puppies or any other animal.) Because of this, he was named Gatito by his mother. But other Jellybean Dragons normally call him other names.... "Diablo", meaning devil, and "Skull Bean". Personally, he prefers Gatito, the name nobody knows, to the nicknames he was given.

g e n d e r ;;
Male He is a male, and has never had any problems with JBDs calling him female. Not many females wear the kind of stuff he wears.

m y . a c c e s s o r i e s . . . ? ;;
In order of which he received . . .
The Black Thread Ever since Gatito was young, he has had a soft spot for thread and thread balls. He loves to chase a ball of thread or get tangled up in some! Since his favorite color was black, Gatito decided to wear some thread on him, and be tangled up in the thread he loves every day. It goes with his spooky outfit, so he never has any problem with people getting suspicious of why he wears it. [Earned as a baby, had to frequently replace it until he got a sturdy thread as a child.]

The Tooth Gatito's favorite animal was sharks. He loved just about everything about them, and one thing he'd always wanted was a tooth of them to show his love. One day, along the coast were he normally watched sharks, he found a washed up shark tooth. There was a chip in the tooth that went right through, and it looked like an eye socket; it tunneled through to the other side so it looked like the tooth had two eyes. But if you looked closely, you could see the fracture lines where the tooth had cracked open. Nobody had taken the tooth because it looked awfully similar to a bird's head; but Gatito did not care, so he took the tooth home and made it into a bracelet. Every day he would admire it, but people always saw it in a different view: a sign of bad luck. Nobody knew but him that it was really just a shark's tooth, but he felt like if they did they would view him no different. [Earned as a child.]

The Bird Foot Key The bird foot was indeed a key, but of course nobody ever uses bird feet as keys anymore. This "key" was a family treasure. This bird foot was the key to the "Doorway to Heaven", but really it was his ancestor's key to the King's palace, or some sort of rich place full of food and gold. His parents had let it slip a few times that his ancestor was a thief, and the thief had stolen the key but had never gotten around to actually using it, so the next generation took it but they never used it either. And so, it began to be that it was passed down generation by generation. It was worthless now, but having been held in the claws of his ancestor's, Gatito treasured it so much that he decided to keep it close to him so he would never lose it. He felt bad for the foot a bird lost so long ago, and wanted to honor it's life by hanging it from his tail. This way, he would never lose the family treasure and the bird's spirit could wave in the wind once again from the heights of his tail. Gatito felt like he was doing the bird a favor, rather than leaving it locked up in dusty drawers. People called him "Bird Hunter" and were disgusted at him for doing this, but he had his reasons and that was that. [Earned as a young teenager, shortly before his Father died]

The Skull The skull he wears was indeed real, and it is a jellybean dragon skull, none other than his father's. His father was very superstitious jellybean dragon in his living days. Gatito's father was always very worried about things, and felt that part of his body should stay to look after the land while the rest of his body flew the skies. So that is what he did. Gatito's father had said, before he died, "Gatito... I ask you a favor. Carry my honor and pride, and let me live on.. When I die, take my skull and wear it upon your face. Burn the rest of my body to ashes, my smoke to be taken by the wind, and my ashes to be blown across the world. My eyes will look through your eyes... my skull will give you strength, and comfort to make it through your days. Take the skull to the end, and die with it... and with you, we can fly together anew through the sky, and I will join with the rest of my body and we shall spend our afterlife together." He had died no more than a day after, and he did just what he had asked. And with that, I say, his outfit was complete. [Earned as a young teenager, a day after his Father died.]

s e c r e t s . o f . t h e . s k u l l . b e a n ;;
Will go here.

Will go here.

a r t ;;
To be done.

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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Adallina » Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:01 am

"Do not look at me
For you shan't like what you see
Only this scarred beast"


The name that this bean was given on the day of his birth was Samhain (pronounced "Saw-Wane"). His birthday was All Hallows Eve, or Halloween if you will. Named for this day when the veil is at its thinest, this crying infant would wake up to a world equal to any midnight story.

"Alone in the world
I cry out, waiting for help
But no one hears me"

Gender: Male. This he is sure of.
"To reach out a hand
My soul is finally whole
Reviled, broken, gone"

One thing no one else knows except this bean:

One day I woke up. I saw the world in which I live with naive eyes for one second. And in that second, everything was perfect, and then, I dared to wonder. I wondered the simplest and yet most complex of things. "Who am I?" And then that perfect world shattered.

It wasn't that I didn't remember the world, or what things were, like that the sky is above me and what I am is a Jellybean Dragon, it's just that I didn't know who I was. I looked around me to find a city bustling with people and beans, like little worker bees in a hectic, heavily caffeinated hive. I looked down at my hands and thought, just for another, spiteful second, that it didn't matter if I didn't know who I was because I wasn't alone. That feeling barely peaked it's head out of my heart when a scream stopped it cold. Someone was pointing at me, and suddenly all of those buzzing bees stopped. And stared. At me. With all of those eyes staring at me, that was when I felt it. A heart wrenching, empty hole that sucked me down into it until all there was, was black. The first true feeling that I remember myself having is loneliness. It is always there, dragging me down, the only thing I ever feel. I am forever alone.
"Loneliness in me
A yawning pit of despair
Is all that I am"

One thing no one else knows about this bean:

They all thought that it was a disease, these ropes of blackened skin that mar my face. For a long while I would stare at myself in horror, daring myself to go back, to push away my loneliness. I even started to think like them, that, maybe I could be cured. But they didn't know what it was like to wake up as me. To have a black/red scar covering half of your face, not knowing how it got there or who gave it to you. They all know a semblance of who they are. They all know their families. They all know their own names. So tell me this, human. What is my name?
"Ghosts of smiles chase me
Deep within my shattered soul
Save my from myself"


"Wings I wish I had
To carry me to new worlds
The height of my life"

Reasoning Behind Accessories:

The only things that remove me from my body's mutilated skin are my dreams. The only peace I find in myself and this world. My dreams take to the sky, on bird's wings. Birds are who I envy most in this world. So tiny and insignificant and yet they can always escape to the sky. But that is not always true. They do indeed have feet, and thus always have a choice on where they want to be. The ground or the air? I have no choices here, and never will.

Black is said to be the color of mourning. The lack of color. The lack of life. No one knows me and I know no one, so that leads me to believe that I am only the ever one to mourn myself. That hope can never come again. I won't let it. So I draped myself with remembrance. One string as black as death for every person who saw my face on that first, dreaded, day.

Feet do not always tie you to the ground. Just as people sometimes forget to remember. I will never forget the memory of the bird. I did not know it's name, and it did not know mine. "It's just like everyone else" I thought at the time, with contempt in my eyes. And then it gave me a gift I never thought that I would receive. It looked at me, not with revulsion, but with wonder. I couldn't believe it's audacity. It lay on the ground, it's body broken and yet I could see life in its eyes. It gave me no pity, only a song. That song jabbed at my heart with warm fingers, and I gave the bird it's gift back in full force. I gave it no pity, only wonder. It died then, it's haunting melody ringing in my ears. I buried it, and as I did I realized that I couldn't forget to remember. I tied the bird's broken leg to my tail and it's beak that sang of hope to my leg. I decided then and there that even if I wallowed in despair and loneliness, I would always carry this reminder of hope. Because it was out there, even if I never saw it again.

No one will ever give me a chance. There will be no forgiveness, no forgetting on my part. I know it is cowardly, but even I hide from myself. This mask hides me from the world. Anyone who thinks to wander near to where I am hidden is scared away. Is it so funny that a piece of bone is my only friend?

"Will no one love me
For who I think I can be
In this haunting world?"

"Hope withstands all things
Never is the longest time
To keep me from you"

Dear Berkshire!!!: I'm sorry to be editing after the ending date but your signature says not to pm you any jbd questions so I'm writing it here! c: I'm just wondering if you could wait to look at my form for another day as I have been working on an animation for over a week and I am very close to finishing. All in all I have spent over 7 hours on it so I would love to see it in my form! Thank You! 11/18/13 And it's fine if this isn't allowed-if its not just read my form as it is ^^
All Haikus and art are by me as well as the whole form, please do not steal c:
Sorry it's kind of depressing I saw his character this way.
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Lady.Nixon » Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:06 am

Reasoning Behind Accessories:
One thing no one else knows except this bean:
One thing no one else knows about this bean:
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Evil Muffin Overlord » Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:07 am

Name: Paslaptis. Translated from it's Lithuanian origin to English, we would call her Mystery. But her name is too long in her mind, so she goes by Lapis, as in Lapis Lazuli, the blue gem. Maybe not a perfect match, considering her colors, but she loves it. Lapis is a gem that apparently calms your mind, something she often feels comes in handy. Plus, it's very similar to her birthstone, the sapphire.
Gender: Female. Yes, she has bones as her accessories, but is that any reason why she's considered 'masculine'? Girls can like bones too!
Reasoning Behind Accessories:
Skull mask
A long time ago, Lapis found a dead dog on the side of the road. It hurt her, a lot, to see it lying there, so she decided to give it a proper funeral, with a packing box as the coffin, a piece of cardboard for the gravestone, and some dandelions on top. Several months later, something happened to where the poor little dog was dug up, and all Lapis could find of it was the top half of the skull. From then on, she wore it, so that she could remember to always respect the dead, and remember that death was real, even her own.
Lapis is very melodramatic, and likes to make connections. To her, her life is hanging by a thread, always in the balance. (I disagree highly with this statement; we both know she's quite normal, and not anywhere near going of the deep end... Lapis just likes hiding the fact that she knows it) So, with the string around her throat, she
One thing no one else knows except this bean:
One thing no one else knows about this bean:
Art (optional):

And, I hope it's okay I went a bit of a different route with this, I just... I didn't think of witchcraft or anything like that with this bean. She's just pretty to me. ^.^;
Last edited by Evil Muffin Overlord on Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Yes, we understand that we are muffins,
but we are not edible, we are evil!
Being eaten always takes away precious
time and resources, as well as degrades
our honor. So please, if you value your
life and your goodness as a person,
don't eat the muffins. Please. For
your sake, and ours.
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Chameleon » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:00 am


Tell us... What is your name?

My name is Tiki (Tea-Key). It is a tribal name given to me by my mother. The origin is not what I tell most... I do not want anyone to ask questions... Tiki is... a Hawaiian god . Names are very important and meaningful, which is why I question the reasoning behind my mother's choice. I am different. But... a god?

...I'm a very spiritual bean. On rare occasions I can speak to my mother. And yet, she falls silent when I ask her why she named me after a god. So I cannot tell you why I got this name. Only what it is and what it means...

Well then... Of what gender are you?

I am a male. That is one thing I know for certain.

We are curious... Where exactly did you get your accessories?

I found the skull at the beginning of my travels. I felt a very powerful spiritual connection with it... So I decided to wear it. I feel much stronger with it on. The string is for any other keepsakes I want to put on my body. And... ...

... The bird's skull and the bird's foot, were from my one and only friend. He was a raven, and that's what I called him. Raven and I became friends after I started venturing around the world looking for a new home. I found him in the bushes suffering from a, thankfully, curable disease. I saved his life using some natural herbs I carry around in my pouch. After that, he followed me around the world as I explored. ... He was old though, and eventually, he passed on... He... was my best friend... I kept his skull and foot... So that I will always have him with me as I continue to travel...

Now, without Raven, I travel the world alone... It doesn't bother me though. I'm not very social.

So, what is one thing no one else knows except you?

No one knows where I came from, and what horrible tragedy befell my family. I will tell you though, as long as you promise to keep it a secret... Death has surrounded me since birth. I know of it more than anyone. I was born into a tribal jam that lived in the unforgiving jungle. Unfortunately, I was also born when a disastrous plague had infected the entire tribe. Over time, it slowly killed everyone of my tribe, including my mother, my father, and my little sister. By the time it had wiped out everyone, I was 10 years old. I had not been affected by the murderous plague; my god must have spared me from that horrible fate, but I grew up watching everyone I knew and love die around me...

Now, one thing no one else knows about yourself?

Everyone knows that I am a spiritual bean. I belive in souls, the afterlife, and that there is higher power that created this wondrous world. However, no one knows that my beliefs go much farther then that. No one knows that I can communicate with spirits... It may sound crazy, but I sometimes hear voices in my head. My mother, and my father.... Even my little sister. I do not summon them though. They come on their own terms to speak with me. So, no, I do not have powers. I am simply a spiritual bean that can hear the dead. I do not tell others that I hear voices... I'm sure I would be an outcast if I did...

Do you have any art?

By me~

By me~

By me~

( Note: Tiki IS a spiritual bean; he believes in souls, the afterlife, etc. but he hears the voices because he has schizophrenia. It isn't severe, however, not only does he hear voices, he also has anxiety issues, trouble with facial expression of emotion, and social withdrawal. He believes that his symptoms are because he is spiritual: he has never seen or consulted a doctor and came from a primitive lifestyle so he is not aware he has schizophrenia. Sorry if that's confusing! x:

Tried to keep it short. Good luck everyone! c:)
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby koalanews [QUIT] » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:16 am

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Re: JBD # 595

Postby Sullivan Maurus » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:39 am

: Name :
Nichibotsu No Oni
"Demon Of The Sunset" in Japanese.

: Gender :

: Reasoning Behind Accessories :
Nichibo's skull mask is the skull of his friend.His friend got lost in the desert where they lived and died from dehidration and heat stoke.Nichibo wears his skull so that his friend may live on through him.
The small skull on his leg is that of a baby JBD,whom Nichibo never knew.He simpaly found the skeliton of the baby bean,and was overwelmed by sadness.He wears its skull so that he may absord its spirit and live how it wanted to live.
The many strings that cover his body are not just strings.They are called Soul Strings,a way of showing respect to the dead.Nichibo wears one string for every dead thing he ever saw to show his respect.
His tail charm is the dried out and reserved foot of a baby eagle.He has such respect for these magnificent creatures.He wears the eagle's foot so that he may gain its streangth and corage.

: One Thing No One Else Knows Except This Bean :
Nichibo knows why everything has a name.His theory is that everything chose its own name.He thinks the sky got its name from how you can stare up into it for days on end,and every day its the same.He thinks the earth got its name because it can be hard or soft or both.He can go on and on explaining all this.To the simpal minds,its confusing,but to Nichibo,its his native language.

: One Thing No One Else Knows About This Bean :
No one knows that Nichibo isnt evil.You would think that with his evil looking appearance that he is evil,but he isnt.He has such respect for life that he wears skulls.Yes,its creepy,but that's Nichibo's way of life.You shouldnt lable him as evil simply because he looks creepy.Think about how it makes him feel.This is only something Nichibo knows because no one dares go near him so he can talk to them.

: Art :
Last edited by Sullivan Maurus on Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JBD # 595

Postby ToastingCinnamon » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:52 am

Reasoning Behind Accessories:
One thing no one else knows except this bean:
One thing no one else knows about this bean:
Art (optional):

DeviantArt; Finchlings; Characters;

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