Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Atomic Samurai » Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:54 am


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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Grey_Hoodie » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:07 am

    marking! :o
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Zentropy » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:23 am

good luck to the contestants <3
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Ucanthandleme » Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:55 pm

Username+ Usernumber: Ucanthandleme + 809102
Name: Helios
Prompt: Click below
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Amplify » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:59 am

Username + Usernumber: Amplify [#426059]
Name: Lupinus
Prompt: [3006/4000]

    “Tonight, I will tell you a story—and please, suspend your disbelief—about the one who stole the light. Now don’t get me wrong, this tale is far from accusatory, as fondly remembered as he be, our Star Thief. For what he stole was returned tenfold, and our future was forever changed—no longer set in stone, instead before our very eyes was a wealth of possibilities. Though what kind of storyteller would I be if I didn’t start from the very beginning? Not so far as the origins of our people, but the painfully unjust society our beloved thief, Lupinus, once known as Hypnos, was born into.”

    The world was once a small and narrow-minded place for the people of Althalos, consisting of a synthetic environment that could only expand straight underground, and a future cemented the day they were born. The dome was built by the founders when their planet’s environment fell to ruin, designed to sever and secure all necessary elements of life from the outside world. So much time had passed that no one remembered that there was anything outside the dome, with most not even recognizing the dome was there, instead believing the world is no more than the projections cast upon the metallic walls they were forbidden from going near.

    The cemented fate was more nuanced, in a way. They could not predict the outcomes of an infant’s life, nor even their aptitude, with any more certainty than you or I. What they did know how to do was much simpler: follow tradition. And tradition stated that children stayed where they were born. This system had existed for as long as they could remember, similarly to the confines of their world, and they had little choice but to believe. Truly, what else could you do in a world where your parents, and your grandparents, and your great-grandparents, and so on along the ancestral tree, had all lived and died abiding to tradition? That is not to say that there was never any opposition in Althalos’ long history, as there had always existed some. It’s just that they were akin to drips from a leaky faucet; a recurring problem due to the faulty nature of the system, that was consistently met with temporary solutions as no one that could afford it wanted to pay the price to have it replaced.

    Those in power had obvious reasons to keep things as they are. By children staying where they were born, the powerful would remain powerful, retaining it in life and in death through their legacy. For those without power, the reasons are more complicated, due to the finicky nature of time and truth. Over time, the truth, or rather, what is believed to be true, changes. In societies faced with an inescapable fate, people try to find an explanation, a reason for their fate. And when finding a reason, a good reason, fails, as it tends to in situations such as these, creating something to believe is the ready substitute. Thus, the tradition transformed from ‘children stay where they are born’ to ‘children stay where they are born, because we are born where we are meant to be.’ And for a long time, that was the way of things.

    “While I am not one to believe that anything is fated to occur, within a world like this, it is unsurprising, to me at least, that some serious changes were well overdue. Not least of all considering their flawed division of power and responsibility...”

    Within Althalos, there were five factions: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. The system was designed to prevent traditional classism, according to the few that were afforded a proper education. Each faction was given a specific role in society: the alpha faction was responsible for healthcare, the beta faction for record keeping and education, the gamma faction for natural resource distribution and the environment, the delta faction for industrial production, and the epsilon faction for law enforcement and security. In grouping people by skill and trade, no faction was inherently worth more than another as each role was vital to a functioning society, and as an added benefit according to the founders, each faction would be able to run at maximum efficiently by having citizenry that remained dedicated to their predetermined role. And of course, with each faction being reliant on each other to work in some fashion, no one faction would be able to overpower the others.

    At least, that was how it was supposed to work. While each faction had strength in some areas and weaknesses in others, there were two that had, over time, stood above the others: the gamma and epsilon factions. Inside a dome, resources were limited and highly regulated, including the space and natural products necessary for all factions to function. The epsilon faction held power over space, regulating territory expansion and the protection of preserved sites, while the gamma faction controlled the natural resources vital for all aspects of life, including all flora, fauna, and inanimate resources like metals, water, and stone.

    Even from the beginning, these two were arguably the strongest, but somehow the system still managed to work with the two of them keeping each other in check and the other three managing to hold their own in the wake of their disputes. That was before the gamma faction realized that air was also a resource in limited supply that they could have dominion over. The balance of power tipped in their favor, and it was this overreach that ultimately led to the collapse of the entire system.

    “And here is where Lupinus’ story begins in earnest. While there were many elements at play at the time, it was ultimately our Star Thief that brought the world to a standstill and then promptly spun it in reverse.”

    Lupinus’ place in society was unstable from the start, as although he was thought to be born in the gamma faction, neither of his parents were liable to have been. Children were something of a commodity in Althalos. Limited space and resources means birth and death rates were closely monitored, and this was especially true as cross faction couplings became more common.

    At the time, a couple from the same faction would hope for no more than one child, whereas cross-faction couples tended to have more fruitful efforts. People made sense of this spiritually, by viewing it as a reward for the great sacrifice of leaving one’s faction. That did not mean that all cross faction relationships were viewed admirably. For example, while gamma and epsilon unions were begrudgingly respected, their unions with anyone else were not. After all, they would be sacrificing even more than their purpose: their power.

    “While no specifics are known about the blood parentage of Lupinus, particularly his father, it was speculated that his mother must’ve been from the epsilon faction. Though the couple that found and claimed him as their own never admitted to it publically, there were two things that condemned them and the young Lupinus. First, everyone knew how desperate his mother was for a child, and thus her secret pregnancy made little sense. And second, though perhaps most condemning, were his horns.”

    Despite his and his parents best efforts, whispers still followed him wherever he went. It didn’t matter how diligently he worked, or how much he knew; the first thing anyone ever noticed were his horns. They may as well have been painted red and white with a bullseye on his forehead. While a gamma-epsilon relationship was more or less respectable, neither of his parents were known to be of any near enough relation to the epsilon to warrant the horns upon his head.

    The scrutiny made him work harder, though ultimately it was a double edged sword. On one hand, he was even more dedicated to the gamma faction than the average citizen, longing to prove himself and continue his parents legacy. On the other, he developed deeply seeded criticism for the system that cared more for his appearance than his abilities. He knew the natural resources list and distribution protocols by heart, and had even been granted the honor of helping shift between the day and night light cycles on more than one occasion due to his outstanding work in the flora and air circulation sectors. And yet he was still the first suspect whenever anything went wrong. It made his blood boil thinking about it.

    The most outspoken of his tormentors worked in day cycle jobs, which further reinforced his preference for those of the night cycle. While the development and preparation side of things lacked the glory of distribution and negotiation, he got to know the inner workings of the world they lived in. Overtime he collected secrets, some told, some overheard, some found, that slowly but surely weighed on his heart.

    Some things, such as the dome itself, were easy in the grand scheme of things to accept. It was built to protect them, and didn’t impact his life or anyone else’s really. But that was before air began to become as much a currency as anything else. He and his family would never suffer for it, living on the surface where the air was produced. But for the least fortunate of all the factions, living and/or working deeper underground, it was life or death. Some air was required to be circulated in the depths, but that was not enough to keep you healthy, and most certainly not enough to keep you alive if you were sick or overworked.

    “Though no one knew it, Lupinus was, for a lack of a better word, stuck. Any action on his part against the gamma faction’s operations—even just voicing a contrary opinion—would be enough to risk his and his family’s well-being. At best he was jailed. At worst they were all removed from the faction.”

    Or killed, as Lupinus had begun to suspect, the more he learned about the insidious nature of power accumulation. If glory for the gamma faction came at the expense of the rest, how could you justify it? Simply put, you couldn’t. Those benefiting the most certainly tried, though largely they just prevented the truth from being spread.

    Lupinus wasn’t meant to be among the few in the know, but he made ample use of the phrase hidden in plain sight. Once a burden, it was now that he finally benefited from having been scrutinized and suspected for everything in his youth and early career. For after being proven innocent so many times, no one took claims against him seriously anymore. And with the variety of jobs he’d taken in the past, including short tasks to help his coworkers out while probing for information, he could go just about anywhere and people believed that it was where he was meant to be.

    While he predominantly learned faction secrets, he had some inkling of resistance brewing among each of the factions, including his own. Nothing concrete, as he knew better than anyone that the best kept secrets are those that if exposed would certainly kill you, and an uprising of any kind would be met with nothing less. But it was enough to pique his curiosity, and warrant some contribution on his part, from a distance that is. He was too exposed to join outright, both in the sense that it would destroy all his trust in hiding in plain sight, not to mention no one would seriously believe he wanted to rebel.

    “Lupimus was the embodiment of everything the gamma faction dreamed of instilling and encouraging in its people: drive, loyalty, and to some extent, intelligence. All of those things were true, there's no room for doubt, but as we know nothing was really as it seemed.”

    A few secrets here, some specific names there, he carefully wove together the resistances. One faction rebelling, even in its entirety, would not be enough to cause the system to collapse. A couple disjointed groups from all the factions were not enough either. This was proven throughout their history. But an interconnected rebel alliance across all of the factions? That could do something.

    The most difficult part for Lupinus was opening the lines of communication between the different factions before allowing the members to connect the dots he placed for them. If anyone was caught before it was all complete, everything would be lost. So he had to make safe times and places for people to cross over or pass notes. It was unclear how he managed to do this, but between his many skills and tasks accomplished over the years, he found or created holes in the security system in each of the factions through his ready access to the epsilon faction, and then led the resistances straight to them.

    “And thus Hypnos was born. Lulling the elite into a false sense of security while working in the dead of night to upend it all, the moniker the rebels gave their anonymous ally strangely suited Lupinus. Not on the nose, but for those that knew, it made perfect sense.”

    For a time, he thought this was enough. The resistance was organizing, the power grab that sparked this all by the gamma faction was plateauing, everything was in place. That was, until he heard rumors about the resistance. Though it was good in the sense that it meant the resilience was too big to avoid detection, it was in equal measure dangerous. He did his best to quiet the rumors and warn the rebellion, but the moment he heard the higher ups mention it, he knew that he had to do something drastic. There wouldn’t be another opportunity, one with even a hope of succeeding, in his lifetime. He went radio silent as Hypnos after sending one final warning, and began to plan.

    “After working in the shadows for so long, constantly looking over his shoulders, it was time for Lupinus to enter the spotlight. He needed to do something, and it had to be big. Distracting. Something that no one would be able to ignore.”

    Something that had never happened in all the history of Althalos, perhaps. All of the factions had their own electricity, or so they thought. Everyone had kill switches and power reserves within their faction, but the ultimate source was all in one location: the gamma faction. Specifically underneath the center for the day/night cycle operations, which required the majority of the energy produced. This was a place he had been, multiple times; so many that he could probably walk through blindfolded. But first he had to remove all reserve power sources. Having checked the latest word, there were few individuals in dire need of electricity, and they were all conveniently located together in the alpha faction.

    What he was planning he couldn’t possible accomplish alone, not fast enough, and so he gave his first instruction as Hypnos:

      We must destroy the connectors between the grid and the reserve power plants and drain them no later than midnight overmorrow. Confirm a fully charged spare electricity unit is present in the private bunker first, under the primary hospital’s supply drop off building. Once confirmed, drain the alternative reserves and be prepared to move all those in dire need of electricity in the alpha faction and private quarters to the bunker. Don’t let anyone know you’ve done this.

      It’s imperative that as soon as the spare power is drained, you open all vents, force all operations to cease, and guide people to the ground level with battery operated tools and fire. You’ll know when to do so.

      It’s time to act, and there’s no room for error.
      - Hypnos
    He had never acknowledged the moniker before, nor had included himself among the resistance. He could only hope they knew he was serious, and that they acted swiftly. Sooner than he thought possible it was just past midnight on the day that would make history, for better or for worse. Going down to the source of all electricity, he found himself questioning his plan. He could destroy it all, but how would that bring about change? And that’s when he was reminded of something, something he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten. Within this same building, located at the back of the electricity hub, was an alternate grid that fed into the dome itself. With the lights projected on it, there was no need for the grid unless it could open.

    And he knew that the outside world wasn’t what it used to be. It had breathable air. Breathable air that they had analyzed and introduced into the dome centuries ago, as they couldn’t produce enough oxygen to sustain the factions. Hadn’t been able to for a long time, even before the advancements in the delta faction's factories. It was the gamma faction’s greatest secret, and he hadn’t known what to do with it until this moment.

    Instead of destroying the grid outright, he reworked it, directing all power towards opening the dome. With only a few minutes of delay, he rushed from the building, setting off charges he nicked from the epsilon factions weapons bay to bury the entrance to the electricity source.

    “And so was the way Hypnos became Lupinus in the eyes of the masses. First as explosions followed in his wake as he ran from the place he and many others had dreamed of working at, the building collapsing rapidly. His colleagues knew. Second, as the lights went out throughout Althalos, the only remaining lights coming from flashlights and torches. His rebels knew. And finally, as the loudest noise overtook their little world, the darkness replaced with glittering lights as the dome above them opened to reveal a sky full of stars. His people knew. For a moment, he had been the most ambitious thief ever known, stealing all of the light. For the rest of time he became a legend, known for leading the entire populace of Althalos into a rebellion no elitist could ever hope to stop.”
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby VoidRinkusu » Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:17 pm

Username+ number: VoidRinkusu + 889677
Name: Bayard Arcturus

There was nothing special about Eostrix. It was just another island in the archipelago, and it wasn’t nearly as noteworthy as some of the others. That being said, every island has its quirks.

Eostrix was very isolationist, both in politics and commerce. The rock formations and tides around the island made it very difficult to get in or out, so they made do with what they had. The only people who bothered to enter or leave were merchants who couldn’t find a better deal on some other island. At least Eostrix was self-sufficient and large enough for its occupants to survive.

The rest of the archipelago knew almost nothing about life there, and no one cared to. Not until the island disappeared.


A merchant ship heading back to Kestrel got blown off course in a hurricane and found itself at Eostrix’s doorstep. Through cracks of lightning, the sailors could see the sea stacks that surrounded them, and they maneuvered the best they could. The ship was still thrown into them, and the hull shrieked against the stone. They could see Eostrix on the horizon, so they changed course, hoping to wait there for the storm to pass.

As they drew closer, more and more sea stacks surfaced by the island. They grew taller and taller between each flash of lightning, and the crew was starting to wonder if there was more to it than an optical illusion.

There was no thunder for 10 minutes. The crew was completely blind in the storm, pulled closer to the island by the raging winds.

Then a flash.

A flash that never receded. No thunder followed it because it never ended. The heavens lit up as if on fire, and the crew could finally get a good look at the rock formations. Every survivor wished that they hadn’t seen it at all.

Each of the hundreds of new sea stacks was an impossibly massive octopus’ arm rising from the water. The crew was close enough to watch the arms cascade onto the island, and to be deafened by the echoing screech that seemed to come from the very heavens above. The land crumbled under the tentacles and was swept into the sea. Here rose the Kraken, god of the aphotic maw of the ocean.

The winds stilled. The waves did not.

Before their very eyes, Eostrix was dragged into the sea by a crying god.

A whirlpool was carved where the island used to be, and for a moment, the sailers saw an eye at its center. The eye receded into the depths, and the light from the heavens disappeared in tandem.

The storm raged on.


The island’s disappearance was confirmed the next day, despite the incredulous looks everyone gave the merchants. No matter how much research was done, the reason it vanished was never found, and the merchants’ story of the Kraken was soon regarded as nothing more than a folk tale.

All this commotion drew the attention away from one young captain who bought a luxurious galleon out of pocket and never even gave his name. A captain who was rumored to be the only survivor of Eostrix, and not a captain at all.

The monarchs of Eostrix had three sons, all of them with the owl-like features of the royal family. The eldest son was regarded as the sunrise, the younger as the twilight, and the youngest as the nightfall.

Rumors spread about the captain’s lineage until it was commonly believed that he was the last prince of Eostrix. Any mentions of this to his face just earn a scowl and a burning glare.


There was a lot special about Captain Arcturus. For one thing, he was a hell of an unusual pirate. So unusual that the monarch of Kestrel commissioned him to kill them.

What a couple of nutcases, those two. A pirate who swears to wipe out the kings, dictators, theocracies, and other regimes of the archipelago, and a monarch who funds their own assassination.

The secret hasn’t gotten out for why Kestrel funds these pirates, so most people assume it’s just to delay their eventual destruction at the hands of Captain Arcturus. It gives a lot of credibility to his threats. If the most powerful island is bowing to this pirate, then everyone else knows that he can’t just be shrugged off.

His goal sounds farfetched, but Arcturus has gained the reputation to back it up. Arcturus and his crew have killed their way through some of the fiercest tyrants the islands have ever seen. Different rulers have taken different approaches to their impending doom, but very few are wise enough to step down. Arcturus doesn’t mind. It means more time and effort on his part, sure, but this is what he signed up for. He can only hope the bloodshed will discourage future targets from meeting the same gruesome end.


These days, there’s not a soul who doesn’t recognize Arcturus’s name.

Even though he’s a folk hero, entire towns fall silent when he walks through. Rarely is anyone brave enough to talk to him unless spoken to. His cold, cunning disposition always stands in stark contrast with the colorful characters that hail from his crew. The more social sailers are able to ease the tensions in whatever tavern they’ve stopped by and can chat up the locals, but everyone still gives the captain a wide berth.

They call him the Last Prince for two reasons. The first comes from the rumors of him being the third owl prince, and the only one to escape Eostrix. The second reason is a bit more chilling: an extrapolation of his threats. One day, when he finally kills all the rulers of the islands and successfully hands the land back to its people, there will be only one prince alive: the great-horned owl who roused the Kraken.
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby arctuurus » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:58 am

Username+ Usernumber: arctuurus + 428287
Name: Waka
Prompt: The Legend of the Midnight Oracle

"Have I told you the story of your ancestor, little one?"
You peer up at your grandfather from your spot beneath him, nestled comfortably against his chest with a warm fire blazing a few feet away, and scrunch your nose up in thought.
"My ancestor? No, I don't think I've heard that one yet..." You sit up abruptly, an excited twinkle in your eye. "Who were they? Were they cool? Did they - !"
A rumbling laughter startles you to the point of stopping your questioning.
"Hush, darling. I'm certain that you'll find all of the answers you're looking for if you just let me tell the story." He nuzzles you back down to the ground and waits until you're settled before he speaks again.
"Now then. This is the story of your ancestor; the Legend of the Midnight Oracle."


"Long, long ago, the beautiful city of Leyene was suffering at the hands of fate. Once a month, on the night of the full moon, a great misfortune would befall the city. Be it a sickness that swept through the whole town or the death of a single innocent kit, Leyene could not escape the cold grasp of karma."

"Wait wait wait, what? Karma? What crime could an entire town have committed to be punished as severely as that? That's crazy, why would everyone be punished every month?!" you lamented.
"Little one! I've only just started. If you are so intent on interrupting me at every small detail, I'm afraid it will take all night to tell you this tale. I'm going to need you to be extra quiet, listen very closely, and surely any questions you have will be answered along the way.
Let's continue."

"The Leyene citizens were seemingly an innocent group, but their dark past said otherwise.
Once a month, on the night of the full moon - sound familiar? - the townsfolk would come together to vote on and haphazardly cast one member out of the town and bar them from ever returning. Said it was to control the population, and the town officials always tried to explain away any sporadic protests of it being an immoral tradition.
After years of exiling blameless citizens, one of the officials passed unexpectedly during a full moon. Then the next month, also while the moon was full and shining brightly in the sky, an entire field of crops withered away before the townspeople's eyes.
And this trend continued month after month, eventually preventing the prior 'banishing ceremonies' from occuring once everyone started to realize that they were being punished on the exact dates when they used to do their exiling.
Once the connection was made, the townspeople did everything they could to change their obviously twisted and damaged fate. But no matter how hard they tried, no amount of good deeds could let them be forgiven and put an end to their monthly misery...
Until one night, when the so-called Midnight Oracle appeared.
Though the Oracle mostly kept to the shadows, hiding beneath his extravagant cloak as well as the cloak of darkness itself, he was immediately noticed by the town. In fact, adults and kits alike feared this new addition to their home and stayed as far away from him as they possibly could.
It wasn't long before questions began to swirl around this newcomer's sudden appearance. Why would someone want to join such a town; one where its people only ever experienced immense sadness and suffering? Where did this stranger come from? Did he want something from the townsfolk?
Their questions sat unanswered, only serving as more kindle to fuel the fire of their constant anxiety. Their fear heightened as the day of their monthly misfortune grew near - they could only sit and wonder what the Oracle would do in response to the event that occurred.
A couple days before said event, the Oracle disappeared as quickly and quietly as he had appeared. Everyone assumed he must have heard of the terrible misfortunes and fleed before they could affect him as well, but the next night he came slinking into town with a roughed-up kit trailing not far behind him. He, of course, vanished back into the shadows, but not before gently nudging the kit closer to the gathering crowd.
All eyes were on the poor, frail thing as he shook and whimpered, looking unsure of what to do in this odd situation. Suddenly he fell to the ground and the medic of the town pushed past the people and rushed to the kit's side, calling for help and guiding them to the clinic for some much needed medical attention. Other townsfolk finally began moving around and rounding things up to help the kit. Some brought herbs and other supplies, while others brought toys and snacks to cheer the kit up.
The clinic staff and the rest of the town worked tirelessly through the night to care for the kit, not even realizing that it was now the most feared day of the month: the day of the full moon. But when someone finally pointed it out, everyone was puzzled. Why hadn't anything happened? All townspeople were accounted for, no items were gone, the crops were all as lively as ever... Were they missing something?
They cautiously continued on as if it were a normal day. Nothing mysterious happened. The next day went fine as well, and the next, until almost a month had passed without any problems.
The Midnight Oracle, as illusive as ever, had been stalking around until leaving abruptly and then returning the night before the cursed full moon. Again, he brought someone with. This time it was an elder who happened to be a past member of the town and had been exiled for no reason at all. He was met with tears of joy and everyone huddled around him to apologize and welcome him back home.
That next day turned into one of happiness and celebration, and just like last time, no misfortune occurred. The months went on like this, with the Oracle bringing new people to the town, a celebration being held, and nothing bad would happen on the previously horrible day of the month. When the townspeople caught on to this pattern, they took over the Oracle's job and went out to find unfortunate, wounded, or lost people once a month and lead them to the town to be helped and then join in the festivities.
A year passed without any incidents and the town was forever thankful to the Midnight Oracle for helping them overcome their curse. Rather then steering clear of the dark figure in the shadows, they would greet him and give him gifts often to show their appreciation.
One night, when the Oracle deemed his work at this town was finished, he shook his cloak off his head and walked to the entrance of the town. He turned around, bowed deeply to the townsfolk, and then silently walked into the night.
Those who were there to witness this moment couldn't believe they had finally fully seen the Midnight Oracle; the one who had helped them through such difficult times. Whispers throughout the town revealed that he was a fascinating sight to behold. A long, dark mane -"

You smile at the gorgeous brown locks cascading down your grandfather's back.

"A flank that held the entire night sky in all of its whispy darkness; the stars, moon, and all -"

You sigh happily as you trace the patterns of the constellations on his side with your paw.

"Two curling, pointy horns atop his broad head -"

The smile on your face falters. Your eyes trail upward to the horns that you've always enjoyed gnawing on and playing with since you were but a wee kit. You blink in stunned confusion.

"And the most striking thing about him was his eyes. Dark, cat-like pupils framed by piercing red irises."

A loud gasp erupts from your throat and you bolt upright, facing your grandfather. A pair of dark eyes with uncanny red irises stares back at you fondly. You shout in both excitement and dismay, "Grandpa, you're the Midnight Oracle?!"
He chuckles and taps you on the head with one of his horns.
"Looks like I've been found out! That's right, your old grandfather is the one and only Midnight Oracle. Hard to believe an old man like me was once the savior of a little town, huh?"
You can't help but beam with pride as you think about him helping a group of people he didn't even know, for seemingly no reason at all.
"Someday, I wanna save a bunch of people just like you did. I'll be the next Midnight Oracle, just you wait and see!"
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | WINNERS

Postby faunsie » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:50 am

Hello! I have stepped in to judge this competition. Thank you guys so much for waiting!
Going through all of your stories I can see there was a ton of effort put into each one.
I saw so many different ideas and creative takes that it made this competition hard to judge,
However, three of them stood out to me the most. Between those three is was honestly
hard to choose however I decided to pick the one that I felt matched the prompt the most.

deerbroken 641378

Reading this story I felt hooked, I was very interested in the town and Ascalaphus's tie-in to the myth.
I can see more of a universe being built around the character and I'm excited to see where you take it.

I'll be awarding two runner-ups already done by Baylin!

Ill be awarding runner-up one to Meridiem 866190.
I feel like this runner-up is fitting for your story! I love the connection
of the crew and the guardian. I'm excited to see you build on this world as well!

Ill be awarding runner-up two to arctuurus 428287.
Reading through this I could see how he is perceived as a legend. I
was interested in the development and the storytelling aspect

And the following will be awarded HMs- mid-life, 76heart, and FluffyBirdie

Thank you guys once again!
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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby FluffyBirdie » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:57 am

Thank you so much for the HM! Congrats to the winner and ru winners!

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Re: Anniversary Kalon '23 | It was supposed to be an owl

Postby Meridiem » Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:42 am

Wow thank you so much! I loved this comp and can't wait to add another pirate to the team. Congrats to the main winner, the other RU winner, and all the HM winners. You guys really put in so much effort <3
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