
Postby Diddlebug » Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:44 pm



Short Personality:
Popcorn is just like a popcorn when you meet him. When you meet him, he seems to pop to life. He is the most lively bean you will meet, and he will surely make you smile. Popcorn loves and enjoys the company of other beans, and does not like to be alone. He loves to have fun and have a lot of energy, but he can also be a true gentleman when needed. You will find that he will always be there for you. Whether it is to cheer you up, or whether you are in need of some help. Popcorn may be wild, but he sees the up most importance in trust, and he will always stay true to his word. Overall he is a great bean to be around.
Popcorn wrote:Just watch out for my jokes, they're a little corny!




Seasalt Taffy

Best Friend:

Favorite season:
This season is full of fun in the sun. This gives Popcorn the perfect opportunity to have fun with his family. He absolutely loves to go to the beach with his two kids. When you think of summer, you smile because you know how fun it is. Also, it is the perfect time to go to movies and eat popcorn, or go to the beach and eat popcorn.

other Stuff:

Being with others
Having fun
Colorful things
(Only Upbeat songs!)
Making Friends
Waking up
(A new day is awaiting)
Making People smile
(It makes him smile even more)
Actual Corn
(It is not as fun as popcorn)
Being Alone
Quiet places
Someone being upset
Gray things
(He will never own anything gray)
Scary Movies
(They scare his kids and they are so predictable.)
(Unpredictable can be fun)

Well as you know, Popcorn loves to eat popcorn, but he has to prepare before he eats it. Popcorn absolutely hates those kernels that don't pop when you pop a bag of popcorn. When he pops a bag of popcorn he must go through the whole bag and sort out all the un-popped kernels before he eats it. One time when he was at the movies, he found a kernel in his bag of popcorn. He started poring the popcorn onto a napkin and sort through it. He did this until he was sure there was no more kernels but by this time the movie was almost over!

Popcorn has a very unique gift. He is ambidextrous. When he was growing up, it was just natural to use both sides of his body. When he writes he will change which hand he uses all the time. He always falls asleep on his right side, but wakes up on his left. He will constantly switch which side the popcorn bowl is on, and what hand he uses to eat.

Popcorn is in no way a picky eater. He loves all food (He just likes popcorn a little more), but when he eats he has trouble deciding which food to eat first. To help him decide he uses the rainbow to help. he eats in the order of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. M&Ms are a perfect example, she eats the red, then brown, then orange, then yellow, then green, and blue last. She eats anything this way, like in a bowl of fruit, she would always eat the strawberries first. Now as for white food he just puts that after blue (saving the best for last).

Popcorn is always happy, but when someone makes him really happy, or he becomes really excited, he will puffs out his cheeks as much as he can. He looks like he is about to burst! I don't know why he inflates is cheeks like a balloon, but when he does you can always see a smile in his eyes to let you know how happy he is!

Popcorn's Phobias wrote:Phobias:
Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

What's in a Pouch?:
Every bean keeps something different in their pouch, objects individual to him or her. These are things that bean likes to keep close and hold dearly, so here are a few things Popcorn normally has with him.

Marbles- There are so many games you can play with marbles, so to keep himself entertained, Popcorn always makes sure he has some with him!
Loose Change- It's always good to have money with you, so whenever Popcorn finds change lying around, he picks it up and saves it for a rainy day in his pouch.
A Popcorn Ball- Of course, Popcorn loves popcorn, so instead of having loose pieces floating around and getting squashed in his bag, he keeps a caramel popcorn ball with him at all times to nibble on throughout the day.
Lost Puzzle Pieces- When Popcorn finds puzzle pieces around the house, he puts them in his pouch for safekeeping until he finds the puzzle they belong to, even if he never does.
A Book- Popcorn enjoys to read, so he normally has a book with him to read when he becomes bored with playing marbles.

How I Met Popcorn:

Excitement built as I inched along, ever-so-slowly getting closer and closer to the front. I had been waiting in line for over an hour for the ride of a lifetime, and was only a few people from the front, there were maybe ten or so people ahead of me. They let in five more and the line lurched, I was so close!

The ride was a roller coaster; I had never ridden a roller coaster before, so I wanted my first to be absolutely fantastic! Before I knew it, the line moved again as five more people entered, leaving me at the front. I bounced with excitement, squeezing my hands in fists to contain my squeals.

A sudden delectable smell reached my nose, a smell completely irresistible to me, and I turned my head to see a concession stand selling the food I hold most dearly; popcorn. I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled, savoring the delicious scent. I leaned against the ropes, trying to get closer; I looked silly, but I didn't care.

The stand seemed deserted of business until a little blue bean, a jelly bean dragon, that is, approached and put his paws onto the counter, drooling on the glass of the popcorn machine. The man selling it stood from his lawn chair with a look of happiness on his face. "Hello, what would ya like?"

The bean blinked out of his popcorn trance after a moment and replied: "I'd like a small bag of popcorn, please."
The man smiled and scooped some fresh buttery popcorn out of the machine, putting it into a red and white striped bag.
"That'll be twenty-five cents."

The dragon scrambled for his pouch pulling it open and dumping the contents on the counter. Out of his paws fell a marble, a dime, a piece of string, a penny, and a seashell. He dug frantically, but that was it. The marble rolled off the counter and the man caught it, placing all of the dragon's objects in his paw.
"Sorry sonny, I'm afraid you don't have enough."

The bean slowly, mechanically, put his things back into his pouch and put it back around his neck, hopping down from the counter. He turned away and his eyes watered up. He stifled a son and ran, tears spilling down his cheeks. The man came down the stairs and asked for my ticket, and my attention was snapped back.
I looked at him in a daze, and he repeated the question.
"Ticket please."
His face was sullen and grumpy, and I still couldn't comprehend what he was saying, I wasn't focused at all. I waved in dismissal and lifted the rope, going under to get out of line. I walked over to the concessions and pulled out my coin purse, looking up to the sign.

"I'd like a small bag of popcorn pl..."
I stopped as the man reached for the bag and reworded.
"I'd like one of the mega bags of popcorn, please."
The man smiled and picked one from the top, grabbing it off the clip.
"I hope this'll cheer that little guy up, he looked so upset."
The man smiled at my remark and handed me the bag; it was cumbersome in its size, and I struggled to wrap one arm around it. I reached it my bag to find some of my dollar bills. "How much?" The man didn't respond and I looked up to see him pulling out his wallet.

"Free of charge; tell the little guy that I'm sorry for ruining his day, I hope this helps."
He put five dollars into the money box and I stuttered a grateful reply.
"Oh my, thank you so much, that's very kind of you, sir. I will make sure he knows."
I smiled and headed the direction I saw him go, following the messy paw prints in the dirt. I hoped they were the right ones, because that little bean looked mighty upset, and I knew exactly how he felt, being deprived of delicious popcorn when it was so close.

The tracks were getting closer together as I went, and they began to blend together, showing he was slowing and beginning to drag his feet in misery. I came around the corner of a large tent to see him sitting alone on a wooden crate, bawling his eyes out pitifully. I sat down the bag and walked up, and he didn't even noticed when I gently sat down and laid a hand on his bag. After a moment, he looked up at me through moist eyes, and I booped him on the nose. He giggled and snorted, and I wiped away the tears.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth, what's your name?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, slowly trying to collect himself.
"My name's Popcorn."
A brilliant smile stretched across my face, and I looked down the realize what the pattern in his fur had to be.
"That has to be the coolest name I have ever heard of in my life."
He giggled and shied away, glancing down at his paws.
"Thanks, I like it because of my favorite food."
I smiled and stood, reaching for the bag while he was still looking down.
"I'm gonna take a wild guess on what that food might be."
I dragged the bag up in front of him, and his jaw dropped. A grin spread from ear to ear on his face and he looked up at me, his eyes lighting up.

"I love popcorn too, so I got this giant bag. I'll never be able to finish it, so do you think you could help me?"
Popcorn's grin got impossibly wider and he nodded spasmodically, reaching out with eager paws. I laughed and cracked open the big bag, and we snacked on it all throughout the day as we went on all the rides together, thankfully, I didn't have to split up the bag for the both of us when the carnival closed up for the night because Popcorn went to the new home he would share with me forever.

Why did I Decide to Help Popcorn?:
I have never had the luck of befriending a Jellybean Dragon, but when I saw that bean so sad I had to help! I would regret not helping that bean smile. I never planned on befriending him, but after we shared that Popcorn there was no doubt. We had become instant friends. If you let me be his best friend, I promise I will always be an active friend with him, on the website and everywhere else (He already covers My Deviant Page!).

How Popcorn Received his Favorite Popcorn bowl:

Popcorn wrote:I was very young and naive when I found my popcorn bowl. I was hungry and I walked to go find my mother to ask her for something to eat. It was getting dark, and i wasn't sure where my mother was. I walked by this one bean and saw that he had this white fluffy stuff in a blue bowl. He then starting eating this stuff. I walked up to this bean an asked, "What is that your eating?" The male bean looked up at me with a confused look, and said, "Why, this is popcorn. Here have some." He then nudged the bowl towards me. I looked at it for a second and then took a bite. It was the most amazing I ever had. I thanked the Jellybean Dragon and ran to my mother.

I finally found her, and she looked at me and asked, "What do you need?" I looked at her an put on my best begging face and asked, "May I please get some popcorn?" She looked at me and said, "Go find and bowl and then I will get you some popcorn." So I was determined to go find a bowl. I wasn't sure where to get one and it was getting late, so I decided to wait until morning to find a bowl.

The early sun was just waking up when I set out on my path. I headed into the thick forests, for I had no idea where to start. I walked through the woods for an hour or two looking under every rock and up every tree. I was about to move on to the next place because I had a long way to look, until I heard a cry coming from the other side of the woods. I had to keep moving if I was to find a bowl by nightfall. The cry roared through the trees, hitting my ears. I had to go check out what was going on. I ran to the cries as fast as I could. As I neared the shrieks the creature came into view. It was a Burrowing Owl. I only knew this because we would sometimes run into them when searching for food. We would never eat one of these, and they were great friends to us. This Burrowing Owl had her foot stuck in the root, and it seemed to be badly injured. I walked out of the bushes slowly, trying not to startle her. "Who are you?" She immediately asked when she saw me. "I have no means to hurt. I want to help get you out." I said calmly. I wasn't sure how I was going to get her out without hurting her foot. I decided to try to chew the root apart instead of putting pressure on her foot. I slowly walked up and started to bite at the root. It took a couple of tries before I finally manage to get it weak enough to break. The Burrowing Owl slowly pulled her foot out. It took her a second before she could put weight on the her claws, but she soon was able to walk normally. There was "Thank you," she replied. "Please follow me I want to treat you to dinner as a thanks for saving me." She said as she started to walk.

On our walk she told me she tripped and got her foot jammed into the root, and had been yelling for help for almost an hour. She then asked, "Why were you in the woods?" I replied with "I was searching for a bowl to put my popcorn in." She looked at me for a second and asked, "Oh, you lost a bowl?" I was a little confused on the question, but I replied with "No, I don't own a paintbrush, but I want to find one." She looked at me with a curious look and laughed a little before replying with, "Well you won't find one out in the woods." She said this like it was common knowledge, so I decided not to reply and just laugh with her. We finally came to her home. It was a underground and I barely made it into the hole. once I manage to go down the hole the rest was a lot bigger. She suddenly had a worried look on her face. "Is something wrong?" I asked. She turned to me and said shaking, "My children are gone."

"Wait, isn't their father with them?" I asked. "No, he was going hunting the rest of the night and wouldn't take them with him." She said worried. We both quickly crawled out of the hole. She started calling for them by their names. We decided to split up and search for them. I was walking around, calling their names, but no answer. I had no clue where to look or where they were. I finally heard some whimpering which reminded me of when Cognium and I was separated. I ran as fast as I could. I felt a rush of relief wash over me, as I laid my eyes on these two baby Burrowing Owls. "i am friends with your mother, and I am here to bring you home." I said to them. I called out to their mother as loud as I could. It was not long before she met up with us. She hugged them and could not stop thanking me. "Please come back with me, I have a gift for you." She said to me. We reached her home and she went down the hole, and when she came back up she had a pink bowl in her mouth. "This is to thank you for all your help. " She said as she laid the bowl in front of me. I was so excited, and I thanked her for the amazing gift. "I guess you can find bowls in the woods," She replied jokingly as we waved goodbye.

It was dark by the time I returned, and when I returned I saw my mother waiting for me. See looked to me and said, "Where were you? You had me scared." I looked up to her and I replied with, "I went to go find a bowl for my popcorn." I grabbed my bowl and laid it in front of her. When I showed her my bowl, She smiled and said, "When I said get a bowl, I meant from the house silly." I was mad that I went through all that for nothing. I then realized that I changed someone's life, which made the journey worth it and not for nothing. I would never forget them, and they would never forget me.


By Me:

An Avatar
Popcorn with popcorn
A Lineless
Pixel of Popcorn
Bouncing Popcorn Pixel!
Popcorn Popping!

By Others:

By Sweetypie:

By Paradox ;
Pixel Animation

Cute Pixel!
Laying Down
Group Picture!

Cool Pose

Cute Pose
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The Author

Postby King D the Magnific » Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:40 pm


Enid Bagnold wrote:Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything. … It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.


Finnigan A. Williams (he prefers to be called Finn)

Finn is a very complex guy to get to know. He is disciplined but whimsical, he doesn't tolerate any guff from anybody but he can be very imaginative and has a huge creative streak. Finn being a family man, he bases quite a few characters in his novels on his cherished family members. He is constantly distracted with one idea or another and always keeps a notebook tucked in his pouch and pencil behind his ear in case a brilliant idea would strike him at an inopportune time. (The idea for his latest best seller came to him while out camping with his family in the heart of the Sierras!) Some people will misinterpret this as jumpiness, but in reality, his mind is just teeming with thoughts. His family misses him a lot because he is constantly abroad somewhere for a conference of some sort. When he does come home, it is a very happy occasion for all involved parties. Not being very social or out going, Finn is somewhat of an introvert and has a small circle of really close friends. His hobbies include story telling to his boys, bird watching, hiking, reading scifi books, and watching Star Trek.

His favorite season is winter, because it is dark, chilly, and he has plenty of time to write. He enjoys playing with his kids during the summer though. The feeling of seeing his breath waft out in front of him and evaporate away is amazing. As is the crunch and bitter bite of new snow under his paws. Being able to talk to Qui in front of a crackling fire and the little ones playing at their feet is also a feeling that he cherishes.



F - Father

Finn is a father to two strapping young boys whom he loves dearly. His favorite things to do with them is fill their heads with brilliant stories of knights, dragons, and aliens before sending them off to bed, resulting in very exciting dreams! He enjoys sharing his love of nature with them and teaching them how to treat the earth respectfully. The look of wonder that spreads across their faces at their hard work, standing in the unrelenting heat of the sun, and several mile long hike to the top of the mountain pays off when the rare Mountain Plovers poke their heads out of their high-elevation nesting spot.

I - Imaginative
He has a very active imagination, teeming with new ideas for vast worlds and advanced alien civilizations. It is almost a necessity for his job, being a science fiction author requires you to have lots of original ideas swimming around in your head! Sometimes when he is very bored, like on planes in transit from place to place, he has a leather notebook that he fills with elaborate stories about knights in shining armor, damsels in distress, and a handful of evil villains that plague the land. Finn hopes to one day, reveal his notebook to everyone and hopefully turn it into a series. He has a tribble sitting on his desk.

N - Nurturing
The boys wriggle into their beds and cozy deep into the blankets. They wait their turn patiently as their daddy finishes up his story, the cliff hanger ending followed by some pleading to go on, and not to make them wait an entire other day to hear the rest. He gently quiets them down and hugs each one good night, tucking their covers up to their chin and planting a soft kiss on their forehead before moving on to the next one. Once both of them are all tucked in, he makes his way to the door and stands by the light switch, waiting what for, he didn't know! They each sighed and rustled around a little in their beds, trying to get comfortable, he clicked off the light and said in a soft, comforting voice, "See you in the morning!"

N - Notable
Finn is a very distinguished writer and his works are widely read all over the place. And they are also enjoyed by several high-ranking officials in all sorts of different fields.

I - Intelligent
He is a very bright bean with Physics degree and a minor in Creative Writing. His head is filled with useless Star Trek trivia and odd bits of sciencey tidbits that only come in handy on Trivia Night with his friends. He knows a bit of Klingon, not much though. Finn is very sharp witted and is always rapid fire with witty comebacks that come from the deep ravines in his brain.

G - Gallant
He treats everyone equally, as it should be. He is one of your typical gentlemen who holds the door open for people and pulls the chair out for a lady before she sits down. Finn has very good and well-refined manners, his father instilled those in his son at a very young age. In turn, he has caught the attention of quite a few ladies, but he wears his wedding ring proudly, much to their annoyance. He loves Qui very much and is steadfastly loyal to his family.

A - Adaptable
Having to travel abroad quite frequently has its advantages! In is few years bouncing around from hotel to hotel, conference center to resort, he has learned to cope in several different environments and gets along well with many different classes of people. Instead of using his time in the air, or in transit to just stare blankly out the window, he instead relishes the time and uses it wisely by brainstorming ideas. Once, he was on a train and there was a grumpy old man sitting across from him and he was making snappy remarks and gave everyone who dared look at him the hairy eyeball. What do you know! His next book had an evil emperor just like that!

N - Neat
Finn's workspace and his side of the bedroom are meticulous! Why? He's just a very neat guy! It rubs him the wrong way when he sees clutter or he finds something out of place. He has a knack for organization, even his handwriting is neat! Void of any stray scribbles, it consists of straight, precise lines and some small rounded edges.

- Hot chocolate with Irish cream -
- Highland Games events -
- Riding downhill on a bike -
- Taking long hikes -
- Doing neat and thoughtful things for Qui -
- Star Trek -
- Fencing (but he's really bad at it) -

- Hot weather -
- Over cooked vegetables (to the point of limpness) -
- Loud people -
- Non-working escalators -
- Stinky fish -
- American Idol -
- Dramatic people -


^^ Finn after getting beat up by the training dummy... That is how bad he is at fencing.

^^ Finn and his boys finally seeing the elusive Mountain Plover

All art done by Carbon
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Marmoset » Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:43 pm

Name: Popcorn
Short Personality: Popcorn is fatherly, gentle and humorous. Wip
Favorite season: Autumn, it reminds him of his dear mate Qui. Of her orange pelt, it reminds him of autumn leaves.
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Used to be Marmoset
<--- Left Sorbet art by Lilelith
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby AustrianAce » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:54 pm

Name: Popcorn
Short Personality: wip
Favorite season: Summer, because this is the time of year when he does not take classes at university, and he gets to watch movies and pop popcorn.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Muttz » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:58 pm

Fullname;Marshmellow Sundae
xxfull name ; Popcorn
xxnicknames ; Pop
xxpronunciation ; Pop-corn
xxgender ; male
xxsexuality ; straight
xxage ; 24 years old
xxtyping style ;
xxtheme song ;
fullname; Marshmellow sundae
Short personality
Kind | Shy | Peaceful

Being an kind gentleman,he's always bound to be the kind man that supports and cares about you dearly.He makes sure he includes everyone in all activities,so no one feels left out.This personality trait stole his mate's heart right away.

Often Popcorn is too shy to go up and greet anyone.So instead,people greet him instead.He tries not to blush when greeting people.But,one way or another he often ends up blushing.

Popcorn hates noise.He tries his best to avoid any kind of anoyying sounds.To avoid himself from making lots of noise,he tries his best to be peaceful.So,he doesn't disturb anyone.


]Name: Popcorn
Short personality
Favorite season: Spring
Huge Wip c:
Bottom babe UFA!
      I'm always here to help and happy to do so my lovelies. I'm generally
      approachable and friendly, and I love chatting to new people frequently! ♥
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby byebye seeyoulater » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:55 am

who are you;;
a description of himself, his loved ones, in his own words.

name ;; flinn.
pronunciation ;; as you would expect.
gender ;; male.
sexuality ;; straight.
family ;; seasalt taffy - his older son -
colton - his younger son.
mate ;; the beautiful qui.
age ;; twenty- eight.
typing colour ;; 40bfbf {sample}

a little about yourself;;
his personality in his own words.

likes ;;
dislikes ;;
short personality ;;
phobias ;;
food, season and object ;;
hobbies ;;

let's see that smile;;
song ;;
favourite artist ;;
most beautiful object ;;


My friend and I will be sharing a different account on the 223rd of November. But I will still be using this count for a while to transfer everything to somewhere I can still get it, and use, my art.

I really want to make a fresh start, and this account will be deleted at some point. It may be delayed, though,If I havent got everything moved and sorted out by november. The longest I will keep this account alive is until June next year. A lot of time, I know, But I've done a lot of things in my time on CS. I won't respond to PMs much, unless I want to give you my new account username.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby forecast » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:19 am

- name ;;
Popcorn. I cannot remove this name from him, it just suits him too well c:

- breif Personality ;;
Kind | Bubbly | Fun | Street Smart | Easy

- favorite season ;;
Winter, because it turns dark early and he gets the right atmosphere at night for watching movies.

- best hobby ;;
He isn't an active bean, but he loves to watch movies. Loads and loads of moves

- what will you do with him? ;;
Draw him, roleplay him, the lot! ^-^ He's a very nice bean.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby slurm » Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:29 am

Possible reserve!

Hailey, Winifred
Horizon, Tadpole


Look at my precious children look at them
Oh no she is blinded
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby mimi26188 » Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:34 am

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Butter <3 His nickname is Poppie.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Short Personality: Butter is very "Neat". He's a bookworm! everywhere he goes there's a book in his hand.He's very passionate and confident. Butter not willing to give up for anything! no matter what put's him down. Butter worries a lot to and he can't just put the weight down he HAS to do something about it whether it's risking his life for a friend or putting himself in danger, Overall Butter is very unique and not the average JBD you see walking down the sidewalk everyday. It's easy to spot him cause he will ALWAYS have a book in hand while walking.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Favorite season: [winter,spring,autumn,summer] Hmm... I'd have to say Autumn. It's nor That cold as winter or hotter then summer. It's in between and he love's it. He just cant resist going outside to be awakened by a brown,yellow and red colored morning But, Autumn isn't the perfect season for him though, it has some deafult's. Well number 1 it's windy outside and that could disturb his reading. and 2 there are leave's everywhere! so he sit's on a bench to read. Although it has some minor issues Autumn will always be his favorite <3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Autotomy » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:19 am

Name:: Popcorn – I couldn't possibly remove this from him, as I've always admired how well him and his name go together from the get-go. <3

Short Personality:: Popcorn is a little bit of a maniac – electrically. There is no place he would rather be than inside a museum, too; he is horribly obsessed with brilliant inventions. Despite being a huge realist, and loving to debate politics and start civil arguments, Popcorn is actually extremely shy and keeps to himself 90% of the time.

Favorite season:: Spring. Popcorn loves it because of how the colors pop – just like his namesake. c:
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