Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Sarill » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:29 am


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Skuro is fierce, and fiercely loyal to his friends and family. He is intuitive, and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. He is smart, using his intelligence to do what pure strength can not. He is fast, relying on speed to outfight his enemies. He never backs down from a fight, no matter how outmatched he seems to be. Skuro is dedicated to his family, and will do anything for them. His determination never to back down from a challenge, along with his helpfulness makes him stand up to any task.

Deo, the little fez rune, was the first recipient of Skuro's helpfulness once he joined my family. He wanted a treehouse, but was too small to build one himself. Alya was too busy to help at the time, so Skuro took the matter into his own claws. Despite not being naturally inclined to building, he set to the task whole-heatedly. He collected a humongous pile of sticks from the forest surrounding the cottage, and got to work. He wove the sticks together to form a floor and walls, working them together to form a solid little building up high in the trees. Skuro and Deo often sit up there together, recounting stories of past battles and adventures.

Planting an apple tree with Lila was another way that he showed his persistence an helpfulness. Despite his lack of digging ability, he managed to find a way. Rigging a shovel with derbies from the forest, he and Lila worked together to dig a whole, planting a small sapling. By mutual consent the tree was an apple tree, a favorite fruit of Skuro's. In the fall, when the apples are ripe and juicy all of the runes have a contest to see who can collect the most of the lucious fruit. Skuro usually wins, due to his size and ability, but is always modest with his winnings. He will add apples to Deo's pile, to make the young rune more proud of himself, occasionally letting the other rune win. Despite his fierce competitive nature he has a soft spot for his friends and family.

Skuro is also a fan of the wide, open sky. He much prefers to be above the ground than on it, and the higher he is the better. He enjoys flying both at night and at day, and if left to his own devices would spend most of the time in the air. Still, he goes down to spend time with his family who must reside on the ground.

His reluctance to back down from anything, much less fights has given him numerous scars. Both win and lose, these scars hold potent memories. One can not win every fight, although Skuro has won many. But what ever the conclusion is, each scar is a powerful memory.

One of the most memorable is the scar across his neck. Skuro has an insatiable sweet tooth, and loves to go after bees nests in order to get the sweet honeycomb that resides within. Now, as a part of Alya's family she gives him sweets, but in his flock sugar was a lot harder to come by. One day he went after a hive like usual, trying to obtain the sweet treat within. He had begun to take the hive when a grizzly bear appeared, better aimed to claim the hive as his own. Skuro would not back down, however, and stood up to the bear. Despite the fact that the grizzly was many, many times his size, Skuro attacked. Using his speed and wings to his advantage, the rune darted each and every way, slashing the bear here and there. Unable to catch him the bear was at the disadvantage. His big, lumbering strikes were powerful, although that didn't matter if they couldn't hit the agile rune. A last ditch effort lead to the strike that gashed the rune's neck, right before the grizzly bear fled, covered in small cute from striking talons. Skuro savored his spoils, enjoying every sweet mortal of honey that he had won.

The second major scar that he received was across his wing, on the opposite side as his neck scar. The cut cleaves the making cleanly in two, and is a tale of success and triumph. Skuro was a fairly young rune when he dough this battle, a teenager on the cusp of adulthood. A strange rune came to challenge his flock, and Skuro rose to the defense of his family. The other skyflier rune was much bigger, and seemed to be half mad with grief. A recent avalanche had wiped out a flock, decimating every member but this one. Now he was on a rampage, his grief driving him insane. Skuro stood up to the rune, and a brutal fight commenced. The stranger was bigger, older, with more fighting experience and much stronger. But Skuro would not back down, and had lithe speed and intelegence on his side. The younger rune dodged and swirled, outflying the bigger rune. Although the stranger was swift, he was no match for Skuro in terms of speed. His strikes were powerful, however, and a claw cleaved across Skuro's wing. That was the only strike the stranger got in before Skuro pinned him on the ground.
Much to the surprise of everyone, Skuro let the other rune up. "You are a fierce fighter," Skuro said. "And it would be a shame for you to go on like this. Would you like to join this flock?" The other rune agreed, and became a part of the flock, an important pillar of the fighting force and the family as a whole. No one had been upset with Skuro's judgement in the matter, and his unusual compassion was not seen as weakness, but as wisdom.

Not all fights can be won, however. The scar on Skuro's tail proves that. The head of the flock ha otter to old to properly defend his family, and had decided to step down. As a respected member of the flock, Skuro, among many others decided to try to earn the position. Skuro climbed high in the competition, until the deciding fight was between him and and one more rune, a female fighter. The two both used speed to their advantage, and the fight was one unlike any other. It was as if the winds fought, or lightning battled thunder. The female rune emerged victorius, leaving Skuro with a long gash down his tail. The scar holds the taste of defeat for him, but also the resolution to work harder, to be able to beat anyone who challenges him and overcome any obstacles that get in his way.

Skuro has a dedication in him rarely seen, either in rune or human. He is fast and clever, but compassionate as well. And if you try to hurt his family, look out. You won't like what you see coming for you...

Why do you wish to have him/her:
The skyflier rune is purely beautiful. His lovely colors are a reflection of the sky, and his wings are amazing. I have always loved wings as feathers (as odd as that sounds) and this rune manages to capture both beautifly. His ears are amazing, and i just want to snuggle with him. I love the fierceness put into this species, and the natural beauty woven in as well. I feel like he would match in perfectly with my rune family!

Where will you keep him/her:
I will keep him everywhere! He will reside in my sig, appear in stories and art, and travel to the new site with me!

Would you like to breed him/her in the future:


Any Quirks:

Skuro is a rune full of quirks. Each of these make him unique and precious, from his love of sweets to his dedication to family. He considers Alya, Lila and Deo his family, and will do anything to protect them. But as far as simple things go, Skuro still has many oddities. On of the most prominent is hs love of sweets. He will do anything to get sugar, from fighting a grizzly to finding Alya's secret stash that she hid in the cabin. One of his favorite types of sweets are hard candies. He loves every flavor, especially groups of mixed types. But his ultimate favorite are butterscotch drops. He will savor the sweet candy for as long as possible before going and asking for more. He also loves apples, and takes great pleasure in picking them from the tree that he and Lila planted. To him, the only think better than apples are apples dipped in caramel. Or chocolate. Or both. Skuro also loves drawing, and uses ink to sketch out scenes from his day. He is wild with his art, and gets ink everywhere when drawing. He is shy about his art, and rarely shows people. He keeps his sketches in a leather journal, ink splattered across the cover. His favorite scenes to draw are those at night, of the stars spiraling in the heavens above and the moon illuminating the sky.



I quietly shut the door, pulling my mittens on as I went. My breath frosted in the air, and the cold worked its way through my lungs. I set out through the snow, my boots crunching with ever step. I dug my face into the thick fur that lined my jacket, trying to warm myself up. "It's not that cold," I told myself. "You are fine, Alya."

I set out on a path, barely distinguishable from the earth around it. I needed to clear my head, and I had figured that a nice, long walk would do that well. Leaving a trail of boot prints behind me I followed the trail to its end, taking a turn that I had not previously had the time to explore. The path spat me out at the edge of a cliff, a small clearing providing a nice place to rest while I looked out. Mountains stretched before me, capped with snow and ice. Pine trees grew in abundance, and I saw a flock of runes up high above.

It took me a minute to place the type of runes they were. Skyflier runes were quite a sight, and I had not had the fortune to see them before. I brushed some snow off of a nearby rock and sat down, marveling in the sight as the cool air filled my lungs.


I soared above the clouds, wind strong beneath my wings. The air cradled me, and I reveled in the beauty of it. I glanced down, spying a small form below. It had been awhile since any humans had come near our flock, and I would not let this one hurt anyone. My curiosity was also piqued at what a human would be doing here on a cold winter day, but defense of my flock took precedence.

I descended, watching the human form grow larger and larger. It was a female, I decided, but I didn't know if she was dangerous. She didn't seem to be. Sitting on a large stone she watched my flock, eyes full of awe. When she noticed that I was approaching, she stood up.


A rune approached me from the air. He was big and blue, scars standing out against the sky colored rune. I stood up to greet him, and he settled before me, large wings beating.

I examined him for a few minutes, marveling at his beauty. Blue and gold melded seamlessly on his form, feathers sleek and beautiful. When he saw that I wasn't going anywhere he landed on the ground, and I settled back onto my rock. "Hello," I told him.


The human didn't seem to be a threat. She was calm, not showing any sign of fear at my approach. I was slightly surprised at that, but also glad. I was a fairly big rune for my species, and many other runes were frightened of me. She greeted my in her human tongue, and I replied in kind, letting out a high pitched shriek that was the greeting of my kind.


The rune shrieked, but I made sure not to flinch. He was big and fierce, and I knew that showing fear would be ill advised. I took the call for a greeting, and replied, "it is very nice to meet you, valiant rune of the sky." He bobbed his head in acknowledgement of my words. "I am Alya, and I live not far from here. Are you hungry? I have some food, if you would care to eat with me."


The female, Alya, began to pull food out of a bag slung over her shoulder. I was intrigued by her. She acted like no other human I had seen, completely unafraid. I decided to eat with her, and investigate her a little longer. She was interesting, and I had always wanted to explore, to go and see new places.

She set food out, bread and meat, pulling an apple out last. I tracked the red fruit with hungry eyes. I had eaten apples before, but rarely. They were not common in this cold, so she must have gotten it from far away.


I laughed as I watched the rune's eyes follow the apple. I gave him the fruit, which he swiftly demolished, a look of bliss on his face all the while. We finished the food, and sat contentedly for a couple of minutes before I reached into my bag once more.

I pulled out a small bag, the contents clicking faintly. "Candy?" I offered, holding out a butterscotch drop. The rune sniffed it curiously, reaching out to tentatively take it in his mouth. He hummed in pleasure, and I chuckled. "Good, aren't they?" I asked, popping one in my mouth. He nodded furiously, eyes half shut in bliss.

"Can I call you Skuro?" I asked. He thought for a second before nodding once more, hopping up to settle on my lap.


This human, no, Alya, was nice, I decided. I would go with her for a time, see more of the world. Explore. Have adventures. I had found a name, and with it, a new family.
Last edited by Sarill on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:41 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby inkydragons » Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:32 am

Dropping out, my art and writing skills will never be enough for any rune.
hi I'm gay and do art, message me if ur interested in examples or commissions
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby ElementStar » Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:50 am

Is is possible that we could have an extension by a day or two? Family problems are making it hard for me to work on my form...
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Ashenjay » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:46 pm

Sorry Element-
But no more extensions.
A winner must be chosen quick so that Bena and Jen can record properly on the site without problems ^^;

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby ElementStar » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:49 pm

Ashenjay wrote:
Sorry Element-
But no more extensions.
A winner must be chosen quick so that Bena and Jen can record properly on the site without problems ^^;

Okay, I will try my best to finish my form!
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[ Just your friendly Element, here! I'm an aspiring digital artist, and
my work is mainly posted on my dA. Contact me there if you are
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Art below by Sixbane, Leodrolf, and TrollishTheTroll on DA ]
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Sarill » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:50 pm

Is the contest closed for judging, than?
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Ashenjay » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:24 pm

No, it will end the 4th ^^

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Sarill » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:29 pm

Oh! I didn't know that, the main post says the second! Yay, I will have some time to get some art done then!
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Ashenjay » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:33 pm

Oopsies what's wrong with me >.>
Sorry for being so weird T.T
Okay, this will end the 4th!

Mostly because the first page was a typo, I thought I typed the 4th >>

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby inkydragons » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:24 am

Never mind, not dropping out.
hi I'm gay and do art, message me if ur interested in examples or commissions
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