Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:18 am

Another night I'm barely
holding on, one step away
from being dead and gone.
In my life to die another day;
is this life that I've been
living all that's meant for me?

Every day I'm just surviving;
Keep climbing the mountain.
Even when I feel like dying;
Keep climbing the mountain.

Every time I think I'm over it,
I wake up in the bottom
of it all again.
I'm still surviving;
Keep climbing,
keep climbing
The Mountain.

The higher I go,
the harder I fall.
So I don't look down,
I don't look back at all.
And when I wish it all
would turn to black,
I try to see the light
and push the darkness back.

Every day I'm just surviving;
Keep climbing the mountain.
Even when I feel like dying;
Keep climbing the mountain.

Every time I think I'm over it,
I wake up in the bottom
of it all again.
I'm still surviving;
Keep climbing,
keep climbing
The Mountain.

So if I'm numb,
already too far gone;
and if I feel a pulsing,
I keep carrying on.
When I'm lost and
want to fade away,
I tell myself to live
to die another day...

Every day I'm just surviving;
Keep climbing the mountain.
Even when I feel like dying;
Keep climbing the mountain.

Every time I think I'm over it,
I wake up in the bottom
of it all again.
I'm still surviving;
Keep climbing,
keep climbing
The Mountain.

The Mountain.

xxxThe Mountain
xxxxx-Three Days Grace



Show Name:
660 ARK
The Dark Knight


Female ;; intact.


xxx> Braveheart
xxxxxGiven by Amethyst.
xxxxxxxxWhenever predators encroach on ARR property, Warden is always one of the first on the scene to fend the threat off. She isn't afraid of getting hurt; her main concern is and always will be her charges before herself. This is the reason she earned the name "Warden". Amethyst one evening jokingly called her "Braveheart" for her readiness to leap into action and defend those she loves.

xxx> Ticker
xxxxxGiven by Raziel.
xxxxxxxxRaziel began to call her "Ticker" when he noticed the Sighthound mutt legitimately watching the clock at the onsite vets' office; Warden was studying it, trying to figure out what each moving part meant and what knowledge she could get from it.

xxx> Batman / Batwoman
xxxxxGiven by Castiel.
xxxxxxxxObviously, with a show name reminiscent of the DC Superhero, someone was bound to call her Batman. It annoys her immensely, because not only does she think it unfitting, but Warden is actually quite scared of bats. She avoids them at all cost, and when she's outside and night you can see her watching the skies dutifully.

xxx> Mittens
xxxxxGiven by Nadia
xxxxxxxxThis name really has no reason; Nadia just noticed that Warden looks like she's wearing white mittens on her forepaws, and almost a white "scarf" around her neck. Warden really doesn't like the name, but she doesn't fuss and accepts attention from the other female Kiamara anyway.

Likes: | Dislikes:
Storms | Bats
Tranquility | Unnecessary noise
Rain | High winds
Solitude | Crowds
Working | Questions
Open fields | High cliffs

Her Greatest Fear:
Her greatest fear is being left alone in the dark in any location where there are many bats; she's particularly scared of unlit caves for this reason, though she will tread them cautiously if she has a companion. She suffers from chiropterophobia, or the fear of bats. She's absolutely terrified of the idea of being alone in a cave at dusk, and suddenly the whole horde of bats come rushing out to hunt for the night. Sometimes she'll have nightmares that follow this same path. She developed this fear when she was a puppy and had been dozing outside late one evening. She felt a tiny pain on her abdomen, and when she looked, a rogue bat had bitten her and was drinking her blood. She yelped in terror, and within seconds Logan had come to her rescue. Ever since then she's never gotten over that fear, and if you rub her belly, you can just barely make out the tiny incision where it didn't heal correctly.

Achieving Goals:
Besides being one of Amethyst Ridge Ranch's official Ranch Hands, Warden also loves to compete. She competes in many different sports, including agility, obedience, competitive Frisbee, and dock diving. Her favorite thus far is definitely dock diving, and she strives to one day compete in the Purina Championships. For now she only competes in the small circuits, sneaking in a competition whenever Raziel has time, and she's stunned the crowds wherever she goes.

> Competitive: Warden is highly, highly competitive. She's not mean, or hateful, or a sore-loser, but she definitely strives to win every time. And win fairly, mind you. She gives each and every competition 210%, and trains relentlessly in her free time. She's not fond of the crowds and the noise of the competition arenas, but she lives for the adrenaline when that buzzer sounds and she takes off. It's an amazing feeling to her, especially when she blazes through the finish line, then looks up to see her name on top of the score board. What isn't so enjoyable, though, is watching all of the following competitors and waiting for one of them to pull ahead...
> Fearless : Warden tends to surprise people with how brave she really is. The first night she spent on the ranch, coyotes were heard trying to get into the outer coop; Warden opened the front door to Raziel's private cabin, bolted outside, and chased the smaller canines away before returning dutifully to Raziel's front porch. Since then, she's had free range to wander whenever she pleases, which she only seems to do In the hour right after sunset and the wee hours right before dawn. She's always on alert, though, at the slightest sign of trouble. Amethyst and the other ranch dogs appreciate the extra help, and Warden gets to feel like an integral part of the ranch. The only thing they've found she's scared of is bats; she's always hyper sensitive at night for this reason, and shies away from dark caves. If you need something done or someone protected, Warden is the guardian for you.
> Honest (brutally): She does not and will not sugarcoat anything, unless you're a very young puppy. She tells things how they are the moment she sees them, and expects you to be able to handle it. She's never disrespectful about it, but she just operates under the thought process that you want the real truth, even if it stings a little.
> Human-oriented: Since he adopted her, Raziel noticed that Warden definitely prefers the company of humans/anthros to other dogs. Now he's not sure if it's because she's socially awkward, or if it's because she's just had bad experiences socializing with other dogs, but she's not aggressive or a danger to other dogs. She's just not as good at reading body language and interacting with other dogs as she'd like to be.
> Knowledge-driven: Raziel was very lucky when he found a ranch dog as eager to learn as Warden is. if she's not learning something new or perfecting a skill she already has, then she's not truly happy. She's always ready to learn new tricks, new methods, different way of doing ranch chores, finding new paths to explore, new shortcuts to use... If Warden isn't improving something, then she begins to feel a bit agitated, like she's stuck in one place. When she hits little lulls, she can tend to get a bit stubborn and restless, until she either finally decides to take a break or she actually makes a breakthrough. Usually Raziel can distract her with puzzle treat games or, her absolute favorite, a peanut butter and strawberry jelly filled Kong treat toy.
> Quiet: Warden has always been one of the less outgoing dogs, even as a puppy. She played and acted normally, but when it came to meeting new dogs and people, she let them come to her. Many times she's been called a "wall-flower", but she's not really antisocial; she doesn't mind being around other people or dogs, but she does begin to feel cramped very easily, and as a whole she just prefers only a few people. Or, better yet, just her and her master.
> Relaxed: She's much more laid back than Heimdall; Warden is still very active, and can run for miles when needed, but she really prefers to just lay on the couch, watch television, and chill when she's not working. She enjoys peace and quiet more than anything, whether it be relaxing by the lake while Raziel fishes, or laying out across the couch and watching TV. She can only take so much relaxation, though, before she starts to feel lazy and has to be productive.
> Serious: Warden is very easily the kind of person one would consider "could not take a joke". She's not easily offended, nothing like that, but it would have to be the champion joke of the century to make this doge crack a smile. She has a natural military bearing, complete with piercing eyes and purposeful, march-like walk. Raziel jokes that she is the embodiment of the word serious. In all reality, she loves to hear jokes and watch funny shows and hear humorous stories, she just doesn't always laugh aloud. Or if she does, it's very low, where most likely you wouldn't hear it if others were laughing.
> Strong-willed/stubborn: In nature, many forces shape and meld life around them, both destroying and encouraging life and new growth. One such force Warden's will; this is why here she has two separate traits. Strong-willed fosters new growth and change, while her stubbornness hinders it. Warden is very much a force to be reckoned with; when she makes up her mind to do something, there is almost no way to stop her.
Raziel & Seraph
Raziel and Warden are inseparable, but you wouldn't think that knowing Warden's personality. She's quite standoffish, and not very affectionate in public, but they've bonded so tightly to each other that it's uncanny. With Seraph, the three seem to move in tandem, each one almost knowing what the others want or need to do. They work as a perfect team in whatever job they're doing. Warden is much closer to Raziel than to Seraph, but that's mostly because Raziel is the one with the house and the food. The Jelly Bean Dragon is the one who adopted her, brought her back to health and out of her shell, and for that, she's forever grateful to him. With Seraph, Warden is often found either running and playing with the paint horse, or she's laid out in the grass while he grazes.

Big Daddy
Out of her fathers, she's easily closer to Logan. They're much closer personality-wise, with both of them being stressed and naturally anxious beings. She knows that she can always go to him if she has a problem that needs solving, or just someone to listen and understand what she's feeling. And it's not that Heimdall can't, it's just... he's very emotional, and can't always be as objective as she often needs. Warden has always been very emotional, but she's a "closet emo", as Tobias jokingly calls her. She doesn't like people to see her emotions, just like Logan. She's much more laid back, too, and often can't keep up well to Heimdall's 0 to 90 lifestyle all of the time. So while he's running circles around them, she's just laying back, chilling out with Logan.

Little Daddy
Warden has your typical father-daughter relationship with Heimdall: she loves him, gets irritated by him, and quite often rolls her eyes at his antics. She's very close to both of her fathers, as is only natural for an only pup, but the differences in hers and Heimdall's personalities cause her to be slightly closer to Logan. Warden, being very prim and proper, is often put off by Heimdall's lack of manners, and it bothers her incessantly, though she doesn't ever really say anything to him about it. She loves to run with him, and often uses him as her challenge marker in racing across the plains when he visits. He is by far more energetic than she is, though, and eventually he'll outrun her. She never turns down a race, though, and will still just as soon lay back and cuddle with him. If he can sit still long enough, that is.

Only a tiny crush...
The first time Warden met Tobias, he did nothing but annoy her. The Aussky acts just like her father, Heimdall, but with even more energy. She wasn't even sure that was possible, but seeing how this dog can run from sunrise to sunset and still have energy? It made her tired just watching him. She really thought him obnoxious and overbearing, but as Warden got to know him, she found out how loving and sweet he actually is. It took her a long time to warm up to him, but now they're inseparable friends. He competes in a lot of the same sports, so typically they train together, and often times he'll accompany her on her patrols just so they can talk. More recently, Warden has been even quieter around Tobias; a little bit shy, even. Raziel teases her a bit, because it's painfully apparent that she's developing a crush on the vibrant male.
> their song <

Big Bosslady.

Sitala & [url=link]Nadia[/url]

SASH Infinity Ignition
Just barely friends.
Warden and Infinity's relationship is just a tad bit awkward. Okay, a lot awkward. Warden, never having grown up around cats of any kind is actually quite wary of the giant feline. Infinity, on the other hand, positively adores Warden, and constantly tries to play and socialize with the Sighthound. She's slowly warming up to Infinity bit by bit, but it is still quite intimidating to have a big cat ten times your size trying to nuzzle and rub against you...

I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for.
the first time deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush;

'Cause the possibility
that you would ever feel
the same way about me?
It's just too much,
just too much.

Why do I keep running
from the truth?
All I ever think about is you.
You got me hypnotized,
so mesmerized and
I've just got to know.

Do you ever think,
when you're all alone,
all that we can be,
where this thing can go?

Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath
when I look at you?
Are you holding back
like the way you do?

'Cause I'm trying and trying
to walk away, but I know
this crush ain't goin' away...
Her piece of the Ranch:
Every so often, Warden will just seem to disappear into the forest at the base of the mountain. She's never gone for more than a few hours at a time, but no one could quite figure out where she went. One day, Raziel slipped his GoPro onto her collar before he put it on, then let her free as normal. When she returned that evening, he removed it and began watching the footage. He watched her make her rounds, checking each paddock and coop for troubles. She stopped by to say good morning to Seraph, check the stables and the outer grounds, then she set out for the trails. He watched as she maneuvered purposefully down the trails, checking for encroaching predators or trespassers. It didn't take too long, though, for her to veer off the beaten path and into the wildness of the forest. She eventually came upon a break in the thick foliage ahead
Last edited by SpartanAmethyst on Thu May 10, 2018 4:22 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby drift. » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:08 am



"I'm forgetting who I am, why can't they see I'm not perfect?"


Pet Name; Symphony
Gender: Fae (female)
Age: app. 3 years
Species: Sighthound mix


𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

"You can't just expect me to be fine, but I don't expect you to care.."
A slender fae whipped around and headed right for him. Two magnificent orange eyes glanced down as she slowly drew nearer. He hid his tail between his haunches and shrank to the pavement. Her slim legs were long and she walked with a certain grace, despite her thin and malnourished appearance. Her lip raised as she paused to sniff his small quivering head. "Who is this?" her voice was soft, and her sharp glare melted. "A runt, Delta. One of the motherdogs discarded of him earlier but he found his way back."
a low growl erupted from her throat and teeth clamped around his scruff. Small paws left concrete as the pup was lifted from his sanctuary on the ground. "I'll be gone for a while. Hold the fort down while I'm away." she snarled roughly, padding out of the alley and onto paw worn earth. A growl called after Delta but she ignored it, quickening her smooth gait to a run. The small white pup honed in on the sound of thrumming paws until he dozed off-

Sunlight broke through the trees, and the white male rolled onto his back and stretched his small paws towards the sky, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Where's mother? he wondered, looking around the small grove with an air of confusion. Rolling to his feet, the clumsy young dog bumped into a brindled leg. Curiously, his blue eyes traveled up, a broad chest and slender nose looked back. "What is your name little one..?" she asked gently, leaning down to nose his grimy cheek. "I-I don't know" he squeaked. Delta's brows furrowed as she studied him for a moment longer. "Come with me," she spoke curtly, moving effortlessly through the tall grass. "You will be Blue. An old colleague of mine wore the name proudly when he was a wild dog. No one thought he would amount to anything, he proved them wrong. He was the best in his squad when he was still serving the humans. He was Delgado back then, but when he joined me and the wild dogs, he became Blue; second in command. He was the bravest dog I knew.."
Blue hopped through the grass, trying his best to follow the sighthound, "Where is he now?" he asked curiously. Delta's pace faltered, but she regained herself quickly, "With the earthdog." she spoke softly, and Blue had to strain his ears to catch what she said.


"You made me strong, to know all along, I am the me I used to know"


Characters + collar can be found here <3

◇◆◇ Character storage template made by oakhearted! please do not remove this credit! ◇◆◇
Last edited by drift. on Tue May 08, 2018 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby Placebo » Sat May 05, 2018 10:50 am

New End Date! This competition is now closing on Sunday (May 6th) at 11:59 pm est.

May the fourth be with you all~
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Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby Bluekittyhorse » Mon May 14, 2018 7:09 am

~Common nickname is Blue
~Aegoromantic Aegosexual
~Artist and Writer
~A part of a lot of different fandoms

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Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby Placebo » Tue May 15, 2018 3:23 am

Dominikovs Stalker wrote:
Dominikovs Stalker



This kid's going to Dominikovs Stalker! I really enjoyed the world you built around Roxanne with her owner and snake family (as well as the depth you portrayed with the stories and relationships) and know you'll take great care of her, congrats! If you need any relationships for your new girl, just know I'm always open for it <3

I'll get her collar on as soon as I can~
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Re: SCS Breeding #660 || Up for Adoption

Postby ♡Lady Lesednik♡ » Tue May 15, 2018 7:12 am

Placebo wrote:
Dominikovs Stalker wrote:
Dominikovs Stalker



This kid's going to Dominikovs Stalker! I really enjoyed the world you built around Roxanne with her owner and snake family (as well as the depth you portrayed with the stories and relationships) and know you'll take great care of her, congrats! If you need any relationships for your new girl, just know I'm always open for it <3

I'll get her collar on as soon as I can~

Thank you! <3 I will take good care of her! Join Aywas! Aywas has customs, breeding, and an avatar for you to dress up!
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