Re: Re-Adopt [OPEN! - Extended!]

Postby Birdy » Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:24 pm

Sorry to post so late, but this is now closed. Any forms submitted/edited past this point will be disqualified. Please allow some time (a few days to a week, most likely) for judging. :)
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Re: Re-Adopt [OPEN!]

Postby Birdy » Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:49 pm

Cervidae wrote:
username: Cervidae
kalon's name: Sveta (Svet)
kalon's gender: female
personal notes: okay wow, i can't put into words how much i love this kal?? i mean, i connected on sight oh boi. they're the kiddo of probably one of the prettiest kalons i've seen in awhile. thank you for the opportunity <3
(all art is by myself - laptop touchpads are not my friend)

What does this kalon's home life look like?
Svet lives the arguably unfulfilling life of a college drop-out. Well, it wasn't purposeful.
Now, she's intelligent enough to at least manage a high-tier scholarship to a fairly decent university, but due to her 'issue' stated below, her lack of focus caused her grades to drop, and with it, her impressive scholarship. Oddly enough, this didn't cause Sveta much in the way of grief. Without the pressure of school, exams, or forced interaction, she's able to live quite comfortably. A centered off cafe was understanding enough to take her in. It wasn't far, so she could still easily keep in contact with her few school friends. Although she doesn't bring home much, the relationships she's been able to form there give her the leverage she needs to support herself.


Sveta calls a considerably small apartment her own. The complex is close to her previous school, and naturally has the on-campus wonders that come with it. A quaint library, an all-necessity store, even a parkway that provides access to the outside. All of which can be happily seen from her window. Inside the room is basic furniture. A mattress on the floor, with her favourite blanket draped across it. A small, rounded off table, soft pillows in the place of chairs, and a petite shelf. It looked to be more of a child's room than an apartment, but considering it was her end of the place, she did with it what she could. Under the extreme influence that comes with her workplace (more info below!) her decorating choices mirror it slightly. It's a little heccing spooky™

What is this Kalon's biggest flaw?

Most consider flaws to range among
simple things - terrible character,
a decrease in esteem, even trivial
habits. Sveta, however, is a
different story. She cannot remain
grounded, mentally at least, and
is beyond spacey. She can dedicate
her focus to something, but once
broken, cannot retain a single
thing she had done. She could have
an object in hand, space out slightly,
and then spend her entire day searching
for where she misplaced it. Though
attempting to find some way to deal
with this has led to a few helpful
alternatives, she still cannot be fully

She's always wanted a cat, but knew very
well she wouldn't have the mental capacity
to care for it, and instead carries a small
plush wherever she goes. Stroking it's
fluff has proven to be a stimulating
activity anyways!


"Riverside Welcoming"

Sveta is the willing employee of a considerably odd cafe, 'Riverside Welcoming.' It's roughly a thirty-minute drive to almost a 'ghost' town. Remnants of what was bustling life lay in ruin, and the cafe itself seemed to be the only form of life for miles on end. Sveta's employment came from Akuma, who knew of a particularly close workplace. Naturally, even though precisely following the directions, she was lost. Like many before her, she wandered in. Short conversation broke, and upon explaining her situation to the owner, she had herself a job.

The interior of the place is oddly Halloween themed - which was no worry for Svet considering she adored the holiday. It has an odd feel, to say the least. But she embraced that. There weren't much in the way of employees, and those who even were in the cafe seemed, 'off.' Nothing but a thick cloud, molded into additions to the crowd. Svet was hesitant, but after seeing Caleb refer to them in such a usual fashion, she was fairly certain it was all in her head.

An ex-criminal mastermind, Akuma, displayed rare kindness to the newly-dropped out Sveta. Considering he too had gone from a future to being left to fend for himself, he directed her to not only a place of work, but also potential living quarters. Though they don't keep as in touch as before, she still trusts him as an illegitimate guardian - so to speak.
"Wh-Who are you?" Fear was present in the kal's voice. She stifled her quivering, trying to regain her composure. "The name's Akuma. Y'er a bit out, huh, kitten?" Originally, she refused to make eye-contact, hoping her suspicions of being followed was just irrational thinking. But now, she whipped around, facing the presence. She was met with someone far more physically in-tune then she'd ever hope.

The owner of a distanced cafe " Riverside Welcoming, " and Svet's boss. Though a tad eccentric, Caleb is arguably the closest to a home she has. His strange behaviour is more reassuring if anything; proof to the fact there's a life outside of campus ideals.
A ghost town.. That's all that could describe the place. The streets seemed tattered, empty. Void of any life, and void of any comfort. There was one light, however. An open sign, such as the type that often is attached to older diners. Such as the type with an off-colour authenticity. The sign was locked in an eternal bout of flickering; hypnotizing. Before she really knew it, she was inside the diner, perched on a plush stool.

As a layed back animal enthusiast, as well as nurse, Phae is a brother among brothers. Before Svet departed for college, they were undeniably close. They'd care for his birds (whether willingly or not,) exchange stories, and care for their grandfather. Though once Svet ecstatically brought forth her letter of acceptance, a what was her unending happiness turned to a bittersweet goodbye.
She couldn't bear to tell him what had happened, and is putting off actually informing him of her failure for as long as possible.
"Phae, Phae!" an overjoyed kalon approached her sibling, stifling squeals of delight.. "I-I got accepted!"

Yaris, her grandfather, and caretaker. Despite his gruff appearance, he's proven to be the most gentle and kindhearted soul she's ever had the pleasure of meeting. She knew well he'd give up everything if it meant they could have a future, and it broke her heart to leave him behind. But, Phaeton was more than qualified to keep him in check!
"I won't be around much anymore. You know that, right? You have to promise me you'll be okay, Phae'll take care of you! R-Remember to take your medicine, don't feed Peanut too much, I'll visit, I swear!"

Peanut Butter
A page of relations wouldn't be complete without them! Sveta's group lives in a heavily wooded area, naturally, they have plenty of frequent visitors. Peanut was introduced into their lives when Yaris had returned home from busywork, with the minuscule opossum tailing him. This was common, and they never thought much of it. That is, until it couldn't seem to leave. Sveta sat close to them, a jar of creamy peanut butter in hand. After it hung around for much longer than one would anticipate, they caved in and adopted it as their own.
    Image Actually wears glasses, but loses them all the time. Caleb's trying to work on this with a policy that she must have them on her person in order to be payed.
    Image Has a very light stomach, and cannot consume large quantities, or heavy foods without becoming ill.
    Image On Halloween (even though at her workplace, every day is Halloween) she dons witchy attire. Of course, her stuffed cat is in on the holiday as well.
    Image She's actually a huge klepto! And keeps everything she nabs in a drawer close to her bed.
    Image Due to living with her grandfather away from much in the way of society, she doesn't really understand appropriate time, and place. Oftentimes she'll accidentally slip a smart remark and end up offending someone.
    Image Only likes sweet things. It's a bit of a problem, she's unnecessarily picky.
    Image Used to roughhouse with her brother, and therefore can somehow (and somewhat) handle herself in a fight. In high school, there were plenty.
    Image Hard to let go of grudges. She loathes one of her instructors for giving her a lead role in their elementary school play - which she was absent for the majority of rehearsal. Absolutely barbaric!
    Her dreams are a bit unsettling to her, so naturally she tries to avoid light sleep. By chugging cup upon cup of coffee, she stays up to the point where even when she has to succumb to sleep eventually, she's exhausted to the point where she's sleeping too deeply to dream.

Dreams and Hallucinations

Though she's been told it's the result of an overactive imagination, Svet has what could be labeled as hallucinations. (Usually from a lack of sleep.) Though it is considerably severe, and her idea of reality is a tad askew because of it's presence, she doesn't seem to mind, so she doesn't consider it to be much of a problem.
The dreams however, are a bit different. It's always the same setting, over and over. She's left to face a large creature, eyes glowing with curiosity and a desire to understand. She can't make out what exactly it is, but it always tries to speak with her. Of course, it's continuous gibberish, but it seemed to be very intent in getting it's point across. It becomes agitated, thrashing about and quickly turning to be quite more dangerous than it would appear to be. She wakes up before anything too intense happens, but it's both terrifying and emotionally draining. It takes too much of a toll on her to be honest.

Sorry it took so long, but I'd like to announce the new owner of this kal! Congratulations <3

Thank you everyone who entered! I was really impressed with some of the forms c:
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Re: Re-Adopt [WINNER!]

Postby cervidae » Fri Jun 23, 2017 3:11 pm

I'm squeaking !!
Thank you so much! I'm speechless,, can't wait to develop this gorgeous kid aaah <333
everyone did so well with their forms tbh!! it was really breathtaking to watch,, again thank you so much ! <33

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Re: Re-Adopt [WINNER!]

Postby huddson » Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:53 am

If you ever want to re-adopt or trade them, PM me!
Good luck developing them!
Cecil/Ffwsia - two-spirit, it/its, aspec polyam vincian - autistic + others
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