Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby Virixin » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:37 am


    xxusername; lady lightwing.
    xxname; Kanoa
    xxgender; Male


    "And you see here, my little minnow, that every chief before your father had a marking, and in some cases like yours, a tail shine quite similar to that of a koi." Kanoa's mother explained softly, lifting her paw from the old scroll; which was etched with the lineage of the chiefs - it began with the current chief, and ended at the very first. Each had a different marking of a koi. But one thing stood out; the first chief was small and dainty, adorning both the marking and a tail shine that resembled the koi. Kanoa quietly rested his head on his paws, before peering up at her, ears perking forward. Just like any kit at this age, he was quite curious even after she explained it.

    "So, does that mean I will be chief one day?" He lifted his front leg, peering at the koi marking on his side, which was proudly marking his fur with it's beauty. Kanoa's mother smiled, and nuzzled his forehead with her muzzle.

    "Why, of course it does. Anyone born to the chief that bears the marking, will take the title as chief one day. And you my love, have the marking, and the tail shine." She spoke, peering at him, pride warming her eyes. Kanoa moved his gaze down to the tail shine, which seemed to be winking up at him in the warm light of the torch.

    "Hopefully this means you'll be a great leader, who leads with pride and compassion. I believe this will mark the moment our tribe will go through a change." She spoke, Kanoa turning his gaze to her, eyes wide. He then turned his gaze to the scroll, the paintings on the scroll seeming to dance, their eyes filled with wisdom peering back into his. Kanoa turned his gaze back to the markings and for a moment, he sat there. Not moving. Breathing softly. This marking. This tail shine. All defined his future, stemming from a tradition from the first chief. He felt something ball in his stomach, and a small smile shaped his lips.

    Yes. This was all fine by him. He would be the chief to take his father's place, and would take the reigns of leadership. And one day, a child of his own, bearing the markings or the tailshine, would take his.
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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby QuIT; » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:38 am


Wulvey - Amarië Forrest - Female

Calm eyes laid on the wonder in which they had received. Small teeth nibbled at the blanket that hugged it's
smooth fur. A loving breeze tugged at the pelts of a mother and daughter. Two identical eyes glowed togeth
er in the pale moonlit forest. Snap! a new heart beat entered the serene midnight atmosphere. As a th
ird pair of eyes joined the two. Covered the tender pair with a loving, and protective embrace the woods co
ld grasp no longer bothered the figures. As they tenderly embraced and lay quietly on the spongy moss, the
stillness was broken by a cry. Wrinkling her soft face the mother looked at her husband in distress. Taking th
e child carefully the father rocked it in his arms and the mother sang sweet tones to lull the child. Drifting
into a heave sleep the parents discussed,
"If eldrid found out we would both be hung..."
    "Don't fret my dear, we will be fine, rations are few and far between but we will get by. We always do."
"I suppose so. But we can't keep our secret forever!" the mother shuddered and her eyes filled with tears.
knowing what his wife was thinking the husband comforted her,
    "Lets not dwell on what happened to Maxwell. It's impossible to forget but we must forgive."
Looking at the pond near where their child was birthed a single fish flipped its tail, and the moonlight gliste
ned perfectly off of the face of the water. Hope was found near that pond where they hid the child in a bask
et as it grew. It seemed fitting that the kit took a likeness after the calm ripples and peaceful fish. And
brought a refreshing quality's into the small family.


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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby ibolya » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:39 am

username: cicamicu
name: Virgil
gender: female

what's behind all the koi?

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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby mikey » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:41 am

    From the day she hit three years of age Alena was glued to a small koi pond near her home. At least twice a week she visited the pond. Once she turned 15 she visited the pond more and more often. Patterns of beautiful koi started to slowly appear on her fur. Very faintly, but they were noticable. Her parents noticed this easily. They told her off and asked her where she got these markings. She told them she didn't do anything, but visit the lake. She told them that the b
    eautiful koi fish in the pond gave the markings to her.

    Her parents had forbidden her from setting paw anywhere near that pond again. She was upset about it but agreed knowing how she could get back to the pond. She continued to go to the lake and begged for them not to continue marking her. They agreed somewhat. It was the day of her 17th birthday. She made her wake to the pond and stayed there for most of the day. At the end of it she noticed a small pile of leaves floating along the water towards her. She widened her eyes and took the pile out. She gasped as she pulled out a beautiful aumulet of a koi fish. It sparkled and shined, it was truley amazing. She quickly slid it over her neck and smiled lightly. "Thank you.." She whispered to the koi. Her fur glowed and the faint markings turned brighter and more vibrant. She grinned and looked at them.

    She made her way home proudly and her parents jaws dropped, their eyes had angry written all over them. Alena didn't mind though. She thought the marking were marvolous. Ever since she moved away from her home to her own she visited that pond. She felt a special connection to it since her 17th birthday.

Last edited by mikey on Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby ♡♡♡♡ » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:41 am

username; Destiel
name; Katea - Kaht-Yah - Kat
gender; Female
prompt; Katea sat at the pond, letting her paws dangle into the water. Small tears drip dropped into the water as Katea covered her face in a whimper. Soon she heard a rustle and a paw settle on her back.


The young kalon lifted her head, "Mum? I-I"
The mother hushed her daughter, "Whats wrong my sweet girl?" she asked her child.

"The boys.. They made fun of my hair" the child responded, undoing her short braid.

"Why, those boys have no sense." whispered the mother, adjusting a flower in the crying kalons hair.

The pond started to bustle with a new life, and koi started to swim around the young kalons paws that where submerged in the water. They danced, their scales shining with a new beauty that Katea had never believed existed.

She managed a small smile, "T-The koi!" she coughed, looking up for her mom, whom was no where to be seen.
Katea never saw her mother after that day at the pond, but Katea still keeps a small flower in her hair and visits the koi pond every day. Eventually she had her beloved friend Vincent give her a beautiful koi tattoo as a reminder that life is a beautiful thing, even if things don't always go the right way, she is still blessed.
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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby iBrevity » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:44 am

what a beautiful babe !!! oh my goodness gracious

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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby vee. » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:48 am

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      username; vee.
      name; Noortje (pronounced NOR-tyah, Dutch form of Eleanor)
      gender; Female
      prompt; In the Chinese culture, koi fish symbolize a great many things. Some of these things include good fortune, power, prosperity, courage, wealth, balance... and they're all things that unfortunately elude our dear Noortje. She has horrible luck. She is a super coward. She is not rich by any means- she works part time as a florist. And she's also impossibly clumsy! But despite all her shortcomings, Noortje always stays positive and can always find humor in her life. She's definitely one to make jokes at her own expense, even when she's just stumbled and spilled her watering can all over herself, just ten minutes into her work day!

      Her uplifting positivity, even in the face of all the terrible things in the world and her own disadvantages, has earned her a favorable view in her community. She may not be prosperous and poised, but she is always in a cheery mood, and is always looked upon with fondness! Even her boss can't stand to be cross with her, no matter what she does. It's unlikely she would be promoted to a manager position, but she's also not likely to be fired. She just always has such good intentions in every aspect of her life, that all her mistakes seem trivial. Anyone who knows her tends to share this same fondness for the ungainly girl, and it's difficult for even the grumpiest old kalon to be in her presence for very long without cracking a smile. She may not be rich in monetary terms, but Noortje's optimism even in the face of adversity has earned her a rich and thriving social life. And as some may argue, happiness is the real measure of wealth and prosperity!


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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby nebulavery » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:48 am

username / nebulavery

name / Amira

from Arabic, meaning "to rule"

gender / female
she/her pronouns

prompt / 399/400 words

All her life, Amira's been swimming upstream.

Sure, she may look put together, but her loose bun hides greasy hair she hasn't had time to wash, bangs draping in front of weary eyes, polite smile concealing exhaustion.

But this is what she wanted, right?

After all, not everyone gets into medical school. Some never even pass the examination. But here she is, doing a clinical rotation at some ungodly hour, shaking from the amount of caffeine in her system and somehow still fighting to stay awake. Amira can't afford to sleep – her patient still needs care, and she still needs two pages of observations by the end of the shift.

She'll be fine, though. Amira can deal with physical exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion is an altogether more grating feeling - sitting in the worn plastic chairs of the high school guidance office and being told that while becoming a physician was an admirable goal, it wasn't feasible with her current "money situation," writing infinite scholarship applications, baring her soul in an attempt to scrape her way into receiving enough money to afford any college at all, receiving back a waterfall of rejection letters, wondering if she'll ever escape the fishbowl.

Swimming upstream.

Camping herself outside the med school dean’s office with a bag lunch and textbook day after day. Waiting, taking a bite, reading, and more waiting, always waiting. It kills her to be still, feels like she's being pushed backwards by the current, but it's the only form of action she has left. Waiting, waiting, until finally the dean can't ignore her anymore and invites her in, tells her that her perseverance has been noticed. Waiting until the school takes a second look at her application, considers, debates, argues. Waiting until finally, finally, she's in, over the waterfall, a koi gasping for breath and finally finding it.

A little sleep deprivation is nothing next to that. Anyways, there's time to sleep later. For now, she squats by the young Kalon in front of her, noticing the way he quivers seeing the stethoscope glinting around her neck, and does her best to distract him while checking his blood pressure.

"You see the fish marking on my side?" Amira asks, careful to keep her tone light. "That kind of fish is called a koi, and it's very special. One day, as the koi was swimming along, it came to a waterfall..."
Last edited by nebulavery on Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: kalon #801 - koi cantaloupe

Postby zakuro. » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:49 am

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Postby starbitee » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:50 am

AhHH nevermind. ; o ; Good luck everyone!!!
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