Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby Burn. » Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:18 pm

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╔═✶ Basics ✶══════════════╗

✶ Username] burninflames
✶ Full Name] Skylar Alexandria Rose
✶ First Name] Skylar
✶ Nickname] Sky
✶ Meaning] "Protection, Shelter"
✶ Gender] Female
✶ Age] 19

P e r s o n a l i t y;

Sky is the strongest Sima not for her size but her mind. Since she is royal she has been taught in ever academic class astronomy, mathematics, art, anatomy, biology, Spanish, French, English, Japaneses, Vietnamese, and many more. Though shes very proud of her book smarts, she's more proud of her streets smart and her ability to talk herself out of close to any situation. Though that's not very important to a royal she feels that every Sima should have that ability. Sky is also very strong with never letting anything pull her down. She always has her head held high even in the worst situation.

Sky is very loyal and will stand by not just her friends but anyone in a time of need. She loves to help, though it makes her feel constricted sometimes. She still will help them for her loyalty and love for people is very strong. Though her loyalty is strong and that may seem good, it is actually quite bad for a person in the line for the thrown. She wont be good at making distinct decisions for the greater good of the kingdom. Though she tries her best it worries her.

Free is the one word you could describe Sky as, even if you'd just met her. She's free, a wild animal that needs to run or it may strike, is Sky in a nutshell. She loves to just do what she wants and run in field of flowers, but that makes it very hard for her as a princess its hard to be free. She's constantly watched and judges, as if everyone needs to be in her life. It makes her very angry and it seems as though she always is, but she still loves all the Sima's so she tries to be as happy as ever and take care of her land but be free at the same time. Though many believe it to be impossible, Sky always finds a way.

Sky is very loving for everyone in her kingdom, for she is about as kind and loving as flower. She loves to see people smile and hear the light giggles of a small, newborn Sima. Though it may seem because she hates the constriction of being a princess she really does love it, more than anything. She loves to know that she can do better for her wonderful Sima kingdom. She also is very loving towards her friends and will do anything for them, which makes her very risky. For she sometimes puts her heart before her head and it has resulted in not the best decisions, but she does try her best to separate those too decisions.

Sky is very independent and likes to do things on her own, not liking when people tell her what to do. She thinks it gets old and tells them that she's not a little kit anymore, and normally gets quite angry at them. Though she does let people put input in decisions all the time, she likes to do it independently for it makes her feel strong and powerful.

Sky loves to go on adventures she loves to feel the adrenalin pump through her veins and the rush of wind through her fur. Sky loves to stand on the top of the highest mountains and feel the first rays of the the sun touch her fur, and warm it. To feel the warmth engulf her, like a big warm hug. She also loves to watch the unset seeing the warm colors of purples, pinks, oranges and yellows, she believes it’s the most beautiful sight in the world. Though she is a princess she doesn't even mind to get a little dirty, though it may take some persuading, for she loves her warm, silky fur. She loves to jump from a high cliff into the gorgeous waters of the sea and swim with the animals that live deep below, to know that everything has a part in this world. That everything helps this earth grow, in magnificence every day.

Even though Sky is a well educated and proper princess she can be very sassy and takes pride in her outrageous comments she makes at some people. Though her parents always hated her sassy side she's always loved it and worn in high on her shoulder. Though she does keep it hidden from other important Sima's, she lets it flow free when she's with her friends and love. But don't be fooled that her sassiness makes her a girly-girl for that's not Sky at all; she thinks of herself as a tom-boy quite often and loves to do all the things the guys do. For a girl can do everything a guy can, even better most of the time.

╔═✶ Likes ✶═══════════╗
Bows & arrows
Gems/sparkling things.
Cool nights where the
moon shines bright

Thunder and lightning
╔═══════════✶ Dislikes ✶══╗
The burning sun
Loud sounds
Being Queen





✶ My prince charming]
Sky's prince charming is Banji. Though many disagree with her about her liking for him, she doesn't care. He may seem like an outcast and vicious, that being what many call him, but to her he’s a true prince charming! He treats her like she's the only Sima in the world, and loves her with all his heart. Though it may not seem like that when you first meet him, that he couldn't love a "preppy princess" as what he called her the first day them met, he does and it scares everyone who knows, especially Skylar's best friend Oceana.
✶ How they met]
To Skylar the night Banji and her met, she will never forget, it was a night unlike any other. Though this night started out like any other. Sky knew it would mean more in the end.
It was a chilly night and the wind blew hard. A normal royal would never be outside on a night such as this, but it was a full moon and Sky couldn't pass it up, plus she's not exactly normally. Sky was about 12 years old when this happened and she still remembers everything as if it happened last night. She was walking up a hill, trying to get as close as possible, and then she heard some off to her left. It scared her but then she saw a Sima jewel and just giggled, for she just thought it was Oceana trying to scare her, so she would go back home. But then she saw the glistening scales and she screamed, for she knew it was a dragon. When Sky trying to run something pulled her to the ground, as if her paws were glued there. Then the animal said something in a harsh voice, "What are you doing out here!" She stopped screaming but then she saw its eyes, they were just black empty wholes, against his brown fur, which seemed to glow in the night. She stumbled when she spoke only being able to mumble out, "I...I...the moon." She then pointed at the moon but couldn't draw her eyes away. The Sima quickly replied, "Aren't you a royal?! Royals never come outside." This scared Sky a little his tone was sharp when he said the word royal, so she had to be careful of her words. This time when she spoke her words were clear and strong, "I like to be close to nature and this night is perfect. Just because I am royal does not mean I can't be close to nature, something so magnificent which I love." The Sima rustled in the bush he was behind, and that made Sky stand with pride for her answer wasn't what he was expecting. “Are you Skyler Alexandria Rose, the princess?" he replied, throwing Sky off guard, for no one called her by full name. "Yes that is my name but please call me Sky." she said trying to hide her wonder of this strange Sima. He coughed, "Sky is very nice." Sky took a step forward but the Sima growled, and she stopped. "Why do you hide?" Sky said. "You will be afraid if I come into the light." the Sima replied. That scared Sky, but she didn't back down saying, "Nothing scares me." The Sima laughed but said, "Ok." He took a step and Sky saw his long glistening claws, the dark brown fur with red gleaming on it. Her breath stopped at the sight of him, as he toward over her like a giant. He lowered his head at how she was scared of him. But then she smiled and said, "You aren’t scary." The Sima lifted his head and smiled at her. "So since you know my name, could I know yours?" Sky said to him. "My name is Banji Jo Klondike." Skylar played with the name, "Banji Jo Klondike...Banji...Jo....Klon...Ji. Ji. Ji.. Could I call you Ji? I like short names!" Banji thought about it then said, "Ji.. Hmm I like it, sure." Sky smiled and nodded, "Then its settled Ji, he-he I like that name. So how old are you Ji?" Ji sat down and thought worry entering his eyes then he spoke, "I don't know." Sky tilted her head and said, "You don't know, how do you not know?" Banji just thought *how long has it been since I left since, I left. Just think of something...* "Ji whats wrong?" Skylar was saying to him, strange look on her face, one that scared him. "I'm 14 years old; sorry just had to think for a second there." "Oh he-he I'm 12," Sky said with a smile. Ji mustered a smile back, having his eyes squint, to see what would happen. Sky burst out in a giggle, with Ji following close behind with a laugh of his own. To him is seemed strange to laugh, he hadn't done it in a long time, but it felt so good to just laugh over something so stupid.
Finally when there laughing stopped Sky stood straight up and grabbed Ji's paw and pulled him along a small path. The sun was close to rise and Sky wasn't going to pass up seeing the sun rise. Ji trailed behind admiring Skylar's strong pull at his wrist and the fact that she wasn't scared any more. It felt so strange having someone touch him, it was a strange that he liked and didn't want her to ever let go. When they finally reached a high cliff and Sky pulled Ji to sit next to her on the rock. Sky just sat there staring at the sunset and she said, "Isn't this sight amazing?" Ji nodded then saw that he was staring and looked at the sunset and said, "Ya, it’s truly amazing." Sky turned her head and looked at Ji and smiled. Then something change Sky looked around they were far away from the castle and the maids would be going to her room soon. They couldn't find that she was out; they would lock her doors and windows. Sky shrieked, "I have to go! They can't find out that was gone all night." Skylar jumped off the rock and started to run for home, she just may make it in time before the maids came to wake her. Ji froze with shock, "But what if I don't see you again!" Sky turned and smiled saying, "Tomorrow I'll come and find you at the same spot, and don’t be late." Then Sky turned on her heels and ran for the castle, leaving Ji staring after here, in shock.
On the run home Skylar's mind raced with thoughts of Ji running through her head. That she just needed to ask him, before she forgot. It was finally dark and she tole the maids that she was going to bed early. They nodded her off and she scurried up to her room. She ran to her window and jumped out, sliding down the vines that ran up the side of the castle by her room. When Sky hit the ground she bolted off to the meeting place.
Finally after about 30 minutes of running Sky finally made it there. She hid behind a bush as she heard the sound of a Sima passing on the grass, it was Ji. Sky put a devious grin on her face as she stalked forward, ready to pounce. Ji's ear twitched and Sky frozen but then he started to passe again and Sky inched closer. When sky was about ten feet away she burst into a run and jumped onto Ji. Ji smirked and moved right in time and Sky fell, face first onto the ground. Ji started to laugh at the sight of Sky hitting the ground as she tried to sneak up on him. No one could sneak up on him. Sky just sat there her face stuck in the dirt. She could hear him laughing at her. She was about to explode in his face but then thought of something better. She slowly got up holding her face, while she sobbed lightly. She heard him stop laugh and ask, "Sky you ok?" Sky shook her head in a response of no. She new it would hurt him that he actually hurt her. Though they only knew each other for two days and at first he seemed viscous. He wasn't he was just a scared little kit. Sky felt a paw on hers that was covering her face. She moved her face away, trying to hide her smile. "Sky, whats wrong." Ji said worry in his voice. "You hurt.." Sky cut off sharply as she was starting to laugh but hid it with a sniffle the best she could. Sky couldn't hear his paws anymore and her neck felt warm. So she whipped around and jumped into mid air. Then she felt something was and fluffy. She collided with Ji and both toppled on the ground, down the face of the mountain. When they finally landed they both layed on there backs looking up at the stars, both laughing. "Nature is so amazing," Sky said, taking in a big breath. "Ya it's amazing.." Ji said trailing off. Sky turned her head to him and ask, "Why were you out here last night by yourself." Ji froze, stood up and walked away. Sky turned on her belly and saw him sit down by a small pond, looking at his reflection. Sky got up and walked over, sitting next to him. "Do you think I'm a monster?" Ji said to her. Sky looked over at him saying, "No, I think you look pretty amazing actually." Ji looked up at her and smile, "Ha-ha thanks, but really be serious with me. Did I scare you when you first saw me." Sky looked at Ji and shook her, "No, I may be only 12 years old but I'm very smart. Though being a hybrid as that is what you are, dragon and Sima?" Ji nodded and sky continued to talk, "It may be hard and many think of it as bad, but I think of it as quite spectacular. A dragon is a creature of pure strength and magnificence. While a Sima is a creature with cunning and wits, not scared of anything. You are both the best of both, but also you may hold the worst. Yes, I may think you got the best of both but others may think you got the worst. Its just how life works not everyone is going to believe in the same thing. That's the most amazing thing about all of us. We may seem to but heads all the time but it's for the best because if we would all work together I'm pretty sure woe would drive each other insane, beyond belief, because everyone would think it was because of them we defeated the enemy. But its all of us working together." Ji just looked at Sky and then smiled saying, "Thanks, you really know what to say." Sky giggled and said, "Ya I guess I do."
They talked for what seemed like forever about everything. Then the sun began to rise and they said goodbye, but Sky knew it wouldn't last forever, for she was coming back to the same spot when the full moon would rise again. On the was back Sky ran into Oceana her best friend. Her friend eyed her heavily asking, "why are you out here by yourself." Sky just froze and looked to the ground. "Sky!" Ocean said sternly not leaving till she got an answer. "I was just seeing a friend," Sky finally got out under the stare of her friend. "In the middle of no where?" Oceania said. Sky thought for a second it didn't seem she knew much about Ji and was determined to find out, but it seemed she might not. Sky just started walking, then jogging then sprinted to the castle.
✶ Today]
Sky walked through the forest looking from right to left, thinking she heard something. Then she heard a loud sound behind her to turned and screamed before she was tackled to the ground. "Ji! I'm going to kill you!" Sky yelled as they tumbled down the hill. When they landed Sky was laying on her back Ji on top of her, catching her before she fell against the ground even though there wasn't much use to sav her from hurting herself now. "Why are you such a meanie?" Sky asked narrowing her eyes. Ji looked into the air pretending to think for a second. "Because I love you." Ji finally replied grinning. Sky just laughed and licked his face before she bolted off screaming behind her, "and I love you too, that is if you can catch me." Ji was shocked but got up and starting running after her as her screamed, "I bet that on my life."
Sky was running when she tumbled into Oceana when she was looking over her shoulder for Ji. "You need to not do that." Oceana said narrowing her eyes. "You know I'll never stop ha-ha." Sky said standing up slowly. "So you out her with that bad-boy again?" Oceans asked looking up at the sky. Sky just narrowed her eyes, saying, " I'm 19 you can't stop me." "Ha-ha I gave up on that years ago, plus he good for you don't worry I won't stop you." Oceana said. Sky smiled then felt something pull on her tail hard. She screeched and turn fast, her nose touching Ji's. he grinned and said, "I knew I would catch you." Sky smiled feeling heat rush to her face, " I was distracted." "No you weren't. Now say it." Ji said grinning from ear to ear. "Ha-ha never," Sky said before she ran off again. Ji just smiled and said, "My prince."




Living a life as a royal is all fun and games. It's not free from worry or pain. Though it may seem better to a common folk life, but its not. For every life has its hardship, which only that Sima knows. For Skylar it feels like a life of work and people drilling things into her head things that were already there. First Sky gets up at 6:00 A.M. For breakfast. Then she gets ready for class. With History first, languages, art, society skills, rules of the kingdom. Then she gets a break for lunch, after which she goes to classes to learn how to defend herself in a way a girl does. Which doesn't involve any of the fun with using knives or daggers, but she's happy they at least let her use her bow & arrows, a gift from her father. Then she gets all cleaned up dressed and pampered for normally diner with someone important, who Sky can never pronounce the name of. Then she is normally free to go but sometime she's stuck into another lecture by a Sima she doesn't know or even care of now or she gets to go and mingle with people down in the village, which she most prefers. Finally Skylar is free from everyone and everything at 7 or 8:00 P.M.
Skylar kind if dislikes her life as its the same thing over and over again and wishes she could live with everyone else, normal. But she feels she would miss the excitement of castle life, the maids and garden behind back. She also loves how she can ditch a class and only get a lecture from the class instructor the next day. Sh also knows that ever life is filled with many challenges and she doesn't think she could take on another set, as she's finally learned how to handle the ones she has.



The royal emblem is very simple Image, yet it shows great power. It was kept simple and
in a circular form so that the king could wear it on a necklace or ring. The two tails represents all Simas which hold up the crown. The crown represents the royals. For without all the other Simas there would be no royals, nothing to protect. Then the image of the sun and moon show that the royals will protect all as long as the sun or moon still shines bright in the sky.The story behind the coming of the emblem, is the story of the four tailed sima. It was long ago and there were no royals to speak of. The world was a mess and needed order, so they put it upon the four tailed sima named Lucifer. She was overwhelmed and many tried to attack her and seize the power she now held. Lucifer who couldn't do it anymore gave her power to two small kits, their names were Day and Night, a female and male. Day had the power of the sun and Night had the power of the moon. They were very powerful Simas and Lucifer knew that they would be good for her kingdom. They both also inherited two tails from her power, which would help them lead with twice the power, for four tails was too many. The kits grew fast and Lucifer fed them all she new, knowing that they would need to be strong. Finally the day came and Lucifer retreated to the forest, never seen again and the kits ruled he kingdom. With the power of the sun and moon, both with two tails. Only a select few of their descendants carried these traits, for Lucifer knew it to grave to give to all.



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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby Qualeo » Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:21 am

Also guys - bonus points if the crush you choose isn't one you own (Of course you have to ask the owner first).
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby ElementStar » Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:21 pm

Username: ElementStar
Sima Name: Circe
Gender : Female
Crush (Must be an existing Sima ; may be female or male whichever you desire):
Royal emblem (You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:

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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby Qualeo » Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:57 am

A few new facts and tidbits about the Sima royals. Bonus to those who incorporate these in to their forms.

Not every Sima royal has two tails. Only the simas meant to inherit the throne next have the double tails. Those who don't are still royalty, but they will not take the throne. Out of all the children a royal may have, which is up to four (If they get twins), only one sima may get the two tails. The others may only have a single tail.

Furthermore, even if the kits are born in the nursery, Sima royals (with two tails)may not have ANY items used on them. You may to change their designs, make them breed early, or make them have twins. They may not be edited in any fashion. They are royals and must remain the same ya they re born. However, this only applies to the Sima born with two tails. Simas born without two tails that are part of the royal family may be edited.

As stated above, any Sima royal with two tails may ONLY have a permanent mate and breed twice in their lifetime. They are royals and fall under rules much different than normal simas.

And for a bit of history, Simas with two tails are said to be born with these two tails because one is to protect themselves and the other to protect their kingdom.
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby puffins » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:59 pm


Sima Name:
Gender : Female
Crush (Must be an existing Sima ; may be female or male whichever you desire):
Royal emblem (You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby Tramone » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:13 pm

Sima Name:
Gender : Female
Crush (Must be an existing Sima ; may be female or male whichever you desire):
Royal emblem (You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:

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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby Cheetawitch » Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:11 am


Sima Name:
meaning simply "royalty"

Gender :

Crush :
This handsome little staff Sima by the one and only Grinning Gothamite is

Royal emblem
(You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby esoteric » Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:32 am

[ drawn by me - this is the royal emblem ]


Sima Name:
Gender : Female
Crush (Must be an existing Sima ; may be female or male whichever you desire):
Royal emblem (You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:

Work in progress
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby malefactor » Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:47 am

Sima Name:
Gender : Female
Crush (Must be an existing Sima ; may be female or male whichever you desire):
Royal emblem (You must design this yourself. You can have somebody draw it out for you, but you have to do the design yourself:
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Re: Sima #350 [ Open]

Postby rottenmutt » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:07 am

I'm dropping, so willing to help somebody. PM me.

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