Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby theymightbetod » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:56 am

Sky Is The Limit

Owner Name:

Name Of The Greek Gods' Messenger


Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Hero's are not JUST Heroic,
But love others and care for others too.

Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Bold like a dragon's heart,
Nothing will get past you- Words or Actions don't weaken you.

Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Trust is one of the most strongest things,
In all worlds, Without Trust, there is no good.

Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Loyalty is,
Being able to not let somebody down on a deed you have been asked to do.

Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Why have negativity in this word,
When there is positivity?

High Achiever
Hermes' Words Of Wisdom wrote:Achieve as much as you can,
As many can go Sky high.

Why do you wish to have him:
Not Pleasure or happiness,
But to have a new member of the family whom I will love and cherish for as long as I can.

Where will you keep him:
Practically everywhere I can-
Signature, Character Thread, Drawing,
And Especially in my Heart.

Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
If he finds the right Rune Dragon,

Waffles wrote:Hermes' has a 'thing' for waffles...

Every Sunday and Saturday,
I make waffles for me and Hermes'
But, He tends to sleep in a lot.
So, I leave his waffles on the
kitchen bench. In about 5 minutes,
The sweet aroma of maple syrup
fills the house, Including Hermes'
Room. Hermes ALWAYS wakes up
when he smells maple syrup and
fresh waffles... so, without a sound,
he sneaks out of his room...
Shoots into mid-air,
snatches the waffles and flies out
the window.
Sometimes I even prank him,
And close all the windows in the house...
so he splats on the glass,
But he isn't very happy after.
Mail n Rails wrote:Hermes', Is very helpful around the
house,Especially when it comes to
Normally on Tuesdays, the mail comes,
at about 8 am, So, I ask Hermes' to go
get the mail for me... And, He will do
it happily. But as he goes down, people
have said his peculiar quirk, which is...
He takes the stairs instead of the elevator,
and goes down about 30 floors on foot, well,
I thought he went on foot anyways, but, I
did find something in his room...
A large, solid piece of bark. The next day,
After I found the bark, the mail came,
And Hermes' went down to get it...
He took the bark out of his room,
and headed for the stairs...
I thought he didn't like modern items!
But turns out... Hermes' uses the bark
and SLIDES down the stair rains.
It does look very fun though...

Pretend Play Mate wrote:Sometimes... I have noticed that
Hermes' is a bit Lonely,
And one day, I caught him doing
something... 'odd'.

It was about 12 pm in the middle
of the night, and I woke up to a
moaning mumbling sound coming from
the bathroom... So I pushed back my
sheets and got out of my bed.
The light was on in the hallway,
and the bathroom too...
I put my ear to the door...
It was Hermes', I heard him say...
"Your Not Alone Soldier, I will help you
no matter what."
So, I opened door, and to my surprise,
It wasn't locked...
Hermes' was on the sink looking into the mirror
with his helmet and sword.
He hadn't noticed me yet...
So he was still talking-
" To Battle my good fellows...''
He turned his head,
And saw me in the doorway,
he stared at me in embarrassment.
Than he hopped off the sink, turned off
the light and headed back to bed like nothing happened.

Goes With Quirk...
Hermes' Armour.
Last edited by theymightbetod on Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:56 am, edited 9 times in total.
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im not really active on cs anymore, but if you want to check out updates and art then id reccommend going over to my deviantart

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Melonbread » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:19 am


Owner Name:

Why do you wish to have him/her
1.I loved the colors and design of this dragon
2. I am still hunting for a rune to call my own, and I loved the lines on this
3.After I read his description, I wanted him even more, as I knew his abilities, habits, habitat, and adaptations

Where will you keep him/her?:
My sig if I can fit him, If not, a character thread or trading rules
Will you want to breed him/her in the future?:
Probably, of course, I'll have to find him a suitible mate first!

Nimbus is loyal and competitive. He is very stubborn and sly, but he never drops down to cheating. Nimbus dislikes large crowds and extreme heat, but he is able to cope with a controlled flames, preferably at a distance. Nimbus loves to fly, and he works hard to exersize his wings, making sure that his pace is easily controlled. Nimbus won't give up on something unless he is forced to do it, or unless he absolutley has to. Nimbus does not trust other with is friendship and affection very often, but if you are lucky enough to have earned it, Nimbus will give you undying loyalty and friendship.

Favorite season?:
Probably spring, when everything thaws and new life blooms.
Nimbus really likes iceicles for some reason. He breaks them off of whatever they're hanging on, inspects it carefully, then he plays around with it, then he eats it like you would eat a popsicle. He also spread his wings when he is on the ground, exept when perching. Maybe it helps him feel more at home, feeling even a breeze in his feathers.
Favorite Food:
Well, he likes to eat iceicles, but I think his favorite human food is... well, honey!He loses all his dignity when he sees or smells it. He gets all messed up in the sticky stuff....
Other:(the stories are from when he was a young wild rune living in the mountains)
Morning Flight
Nimbus perched on a frozen ledge of rock, scanning the skies. He was watching the clouds, gathering information about the wind and weather. Nimbus shuffled his feet, opened his wings, tipped forward, and plummeted strait down. When it seemed that he was going to break his neck on solid rock, Nimbus beat his wings once, twice, and he was rising on an updraft. Nimbus soared over the mountains, enjoying the cool wind ruffling his feathers. He cocked his head and emitted a loud call, then he dove, killing his prey as it ran for shelter. Back at his nest, Nimbus quickly gulped his breakfast down, straintened out his feathers, and leaped out into the air once more. His silvery blue feathers caught the light of the sun, reflecting a thousand silver beams of bright light across the snow-capped mountains. It flickered over the clear lakes, and made the rocks gleam like polished diamonds. Nimbus breathed in deeply, and proceeded to carve circles in the air. It was a perfect morning, and Nimbus soared without a care in the world, enjoying the sun and the sky.
Attack on Silent Wings
A flock of Skyflier Runes huddled together to get through a night that was cold by even moutain-top standards. All was silent, and the wind howled, whipping around rocks and tossing the snow about. The runes were quiet, breathing softly, some of them snoring a little louder, but not much. Nimbus was near the edge of the group, in the second layer from the outside. His long ears pricked, and he sleepily opened his eyes. He looked around, but he saw nothing. Puzzled, Nimbus put his nose to the wind. No good, the wind was too crazy tonight. Strange, I swear I heard something moving out there...Nimbus thinks to himself. Shaking his head, Nimbus fell asleep again. Not long after, Nimbus heard something hard strike ice, creating a tinkling sound. This instantly woke up all the runes in the flock, and the proceeded to attack the invaders, some kind of unknown rune. Nimbus was struck several times in his mask, but he was able to strike back, sending an enemy rune wheeling off into the night. Then, as soon as it had started, the battle was over, and the flock was safe once more. There were no serious injuries, as the enemy seemed to have been unaware of the protective mask. Nimbus was shaken, and stayed up the rest of the night, finally closing his eyes at dawn.

A feather drifting in the wind

The mask of a deceased elder. Better respect it.

Nimbus being his usual dignified self



Tell Me What the Rain Knows (Wolf's Rain)
Heaven's Not Enough
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Melonbread » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:56 am

The font/logos that I used for the form doesn't count as breaking the rules right? Tell me and I'll change them to normal text.
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby philocalist » Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:06 pm

Note: These are entries in Airron's journal, with him writing down certain information and tidbits about Aeolus.

November 7, 2012 wrote:Image
His Bearer's Name:
Airron Weatherford
Two feet tall, 3.5 feet long.
3.5 pounds.
Theme Song:
Castle in the Sky- DJ Satomi

Owner Name:
November 7, 2012 wrote:Name:

November 7, 2012 - Now
I once put him in a cage. I was cooking steak while he was screeching I told him"this is what you get for scratching up my favorite book!" What he was doing was working he was distracting me while he picked the lock with his talons.He picked the lock flew out took the steak and made a quick getaway with the steak.
He was once starving but he had already eaten 5 mice 8 grass hoppers and 2 pumelos (chinese grapefruit).He was still hungry so he put on his best cute give me food face.I couldn't reisist it. I had to give it to him, so I rolled a few grasshoppers to snack on. Suprisingly he took it off scuttled and ate his little snacks.
I have always tried to get him to talk but he only does on rare times. He has always been very quiet and stealthy like a ninga or scout. I was talking to him like showing him what he wated to eat for dinner, steak or pork(he does not like chicken).He would just glance and he wouldn't screech for either one. I told him"
if you don't pick, your getting chicken!" That got him he scratched at the steak and I turned the oven on and started cooking.
I was walking through the forest with Aeolu when I heard rustling And I saw a big form looming in the air. I took out my knifes from their sheaths (I also have a 4 feet bow and 3 dozen arrows) and got in a good stance and waited. The creature was a bear. I landed a few cuts and Aeolus flew and started scratching him with his talons. In the end the bear realized we were to much and he ran away (smart bear).
From time to time I sometimes I lose Aeolus (very commonly). He always seems to disappear but comes back when I need him.I was once looking for him and I couldn't find him. I found him a few hours after ad told him that if he didn't give me my knives back he is not getting pumelo for dessert.He thought for a minute ad then he showed me them in a place I would have never found them.
Aeolus has always had a air of supieriority to him and he always acts like he is the one in charge.I never take full control of him but its like he owns me.I was walking around untill Aeolus came up. It looked like he was ordering me to do something..I told him no and then he pointed his wing at me like how dare you talk to a god like that! I told him to go do something else and he scuttled away angrily.
Aeolus once wanted his own tree house with a perch ad tv and everything.I promised him if he can find a way to chop a tree by himself I would make a tree house ad I would let him help.there is a flint quarry near our house ad there is vines and sticks everywhere.He went to the quarry found a ramp like piece of flint a thick stick and some strong vines and found 2 more twisted then together.then he put them all together and made a makeshift axe. he found a small dying tree chopped it down and showed it to me.After that I built his treehouse with the help of him ad put a balcony perch and tv with a talon safe remote.

Any Quirks:
He will sometimes bring home "gifts". (A.K.A. dead animals.)
He sometimes flies around the house for no apparent reason.
When he wants food, he will start scratching at my legs.
He will screech randomly like he is trying to protect me from something.
He will race against his records to try and get faster.

Why do you wish to have him/her:
When I first saw him on my sisters phone, my first thought was "Oh my gosh, I want to try out for him!" He looks like a Valkyrie, and I saw he was a warrior of the skies. I told my sister " your thanks will come later."He was described as falcon like ,and falcons are my favorite bird.When I saw him I felt something that made me want him very very much (I like a lot of runes but it takes a lot to get this feeling.But I loved the design and that gash left me in total mystery!I loved his coloring like how you might not see him while he is flying and since they only said certain things about him I wanted to fill in th gaps. (and I do not have one of my own)
Where will you keep him/her:
I will put in a char thread and a maybe a picture in my sig and in the rune roleplay if its still there.
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
Yes, but only if he can find a perfect girl.
Other:How Aeolus got his scar.
Aeolus was walking in his mountain home.He was from a family of great warriors.But Aeolus had to prove his worth by slaying a animal called the jabberwock.Its meat was suppose to be the most delicous meat in the world. Nobody knew what it tastes like, because the last one was killed many centuries ago.Aeolus was quivering in fear but he had to keep his family name as the best warriors the same.He set out on his quest and the monster wasn't just the only dangerous part the journey was twice as dangerous!He went out to down the mountains and into the perilous desert where he almost passed out.He went to the forest where he almost got killed by mole foxes.he went to the caves where he almost died by drowning in a underwater lake with the most delicous fish! He finnaly got to the dungeon of he jabberwock.Bones littered the sides of the cave and a pool of rotting flesh.As the jabberwock slowly arose out of his slumber to reveal a 30 ft tall monster.Aeolus screeched and they engaged in combat.Aeolus made the first move and started flying in the air scratching at his eyes.The jabberwock fought back to though he tore a great deal of flesh from his neck.Aeolus obviosly underestimated the speed of it so from then he was much much more careful. he started going to the soft underside of it trying to get a neck scratch but the jabberwock saw this coming!He smaacked him on the wall with such force it almost broke Aeoluses back. Aeolus thought he would be like the others just another skeleton but then he thought about what a hero he would become!He suddenly got up with more energy before zipped with new speed to the jabberwocks heart and the jabberwock passed away after that move. it took Aeolus three years but with the help of some new friends he managed to get to the mountain.The Skyfliers runes praised him and they all had a huge feast with Aeoluses new friends.

The murder
Aeolus was walking around at night until he heard a scream.Aeolus ran over to the cave with the leader in and then he saw it.A wraith rune.He ran up and tried to kill it but only maimed it.It ran away but he had blood on his claws.The guards ran to thier and took Aeolus to the cave of truth because it looked like he was the one he killed the cheif.He told them that a wraith rune killed the chief but thy didn't bellive him.They said that wraith runes are not real!He told them they were but the guards said that wraith runes are only from fairy tales.He said ok ok just put me in jail and get it over with.They said fine and put him in the jail cave.

How Airron and Aeolus met.
Airron was wandering around. He was extremly lonely and bored.He set to find the perfect rune.He first went to the forest but he didnt't find one that connected with him.he went to the desert the ocean and the sky but didn't find one!But the he went to the mountains.He found Aeolus imprisoned and felt like he was the one.He asked them if he could bring him home with him but they said only if you get us the steel tooth of Gairon.They said the Cthulu was the keeper of it and lived in the moutain lake not far from them.they gave him a knife and set him off.Airron got to the lake and saw the giant Cthulu.80 ft tall long slimy green muscular arms andlegs with devilish spiked wings. He blended in with the shadow so the Cthulu couldn't see him.But this was the monsters domain and he knew exactly where he was.The monster broke one of his arms one of his legs and his foot.Airron was limping towards th monster and the Cthulu had obviously tured his back on him.Airron ranas fast as he could to the monster got himin the head killed him and the battle was over.The lake seemed to decrease its water level and the tooth rose.It was as big as a full grown man but it weighed as much as a toddler. Airron took got back up to the top of the mountain.He presented it to them and they were amazed!He was the first living thing to get it. they let him keep it and eplaind the properties of it.It is naturally poison and if you throw it it come back to you.Airron picked to make it his battling knives and arrows.Aeolus went to him and looked at him for a short time.aeolus realized that this person was a great warrior like him and they went home.Airron showed him around the house. gave him a toy that could be scratched and bit and would not break and showed him the plans for his nest.Aeolus loved it all they realized that they were supposed to be friends not just owner and pet.they did a lot of stuff and became the best of friends.

Thanks to my sister, Rufioh Nitram, for helping.
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby zugzwang. » Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:53 pm

Username: {showjumpingdreams}
Rune Name: Soarin

Gender: Male

I chose to name this little boy Soarin because he very much reminds me of the pegasus from my little pony, friendship is magic who is in the group, the wonderbolts. I noticed this right away and because that show was once, one of my favorites, I just had to try out for him. I think it suits him so well and probably would have chosen it even if I had never heard it before.

Would you like to breed him in the future:
yes! Well, I will if you guys re open.

Why do you wish to have her:
As this dragon reminds me of one of the side characters in my little pony, I have grown to love this little boy in a small amount of time. I find him so cute and I just couldn't pass up the chance to try for him. I love flying and often watch birds and bugs as they soar through the air. Honestly knowing that I would never be able to fly on my own, I have dreamed many times of leaving the ground without large pieces of machinery. I would love to have him because it would help me to later in life, be inspired to create a semi-natural, human powered devise to make myself and possibly others fly.

Where will you keep her:
In my signature next to Electro. He will also be moved to the new site when I join. This cool guy will be in a role play or two when I get time to join and may help with my trades when again I get time.

Soarin is uh, very interesting when it comes to his personality. He is always exited and super anxious to get started doing pretty much anything.
He is very smart and when challenged, will sort the situation out logically instead of physically. He always takes the smart way out instead of they way where people get hurt.
Soarin is also very elegant. His manners are incredible but his beauty is priceless. He always makes sure his actions are graceful and beautiful.
He is also very hyper and crazy and will run and fly around the house like the caped avenger and literally ruin almost everything I own that is fragile so most of my items are plastic. Soarin has quite the character and as the above is his main personality, he can be shy and quiet at some times and it is honestly very scary when he does because it means something is wrong.

Any Quirks:
Who doesn't have a few little odd things about them.
This little boy is very hyperactive and has odd, sudden sparks of nastiness and oddly a way of smarts when you try to calm her down. He is very protective of her personality and will never let anyone change who he is.
Soarin also has a thing for slowly flapping his wings back and forth just enough so that he stays on the ground but still has air being pushed so that you can feel a breeze about ten feet away. He does this almost every moment that he is awake. Nothing stops him from doing it and the push of the air is very powerful.


My Dragon And I
Inseparable We Are
Forever We Stand

Race of the Century... A story told by Soarin
My heart raced as I waited at the line. The crowd roared around me. I looked down the line of other dragons any saw many others, lined up and waiting. Waiting for the starting bell. Waiting to defeat the others.
There were very threatening runes and I was very nervous. A few times, I thought that I should just drop out but then corrected my mind with telling myself that I had worked my butt off for my whole life to get here. I had to try.
The gong sounded and we were off. 100 runes competing to be the best flyer. I flapped my wings as fast and as hard as I could but I just wasn't going fast enough. I was falling behind. I fallped as hard as I could but just couldn't do it. I never should have entered this race in the first place.
I dropped. Fell out of the sky and hit the path that the race followed. I curled up and began to cry. I would never reach my dream now.
I sat there for a very long time. It was almost dark when i felt a breeze. I stood up, startled and found myself face to face with a rune spirit. The spirit of my mother.
"The easiest Path is not always the truth." She whispered before she vanished. Blown away into the wind.
I knew she would have wanted me to try. After she crashed and lost feeling in her wings. permanently. She would want me to continue for her. to pursue and finish the dream that we shared for many years.
I got up and powered my wings up and took off. I flew as fast as I could and even when I felt as though my wings would fall off, I kept going. I could still catch up. I was almost at the night camp-out site when I remembered something.
A very old dragon once told us young ones that in the great race, there was a path. It shortened the race but was very dangerous. I would have to fly through the night. I decided it was the only way. I swerved down the wooded path and dodged trees and bushes as the sun appeared behind the hills. I emerged from the path. I had done the impossible.
I looked behind me only o see a rune whip out into view. Skylight he was called. I beat my wings and took off towards the finish which was now in sight.
We were neck to neck Skyflier and I. it would be over soon.
My wings beat like the wind and i pushed myself forwards.
All of a sudden everything began to slow. We were two inches from the line. I beat my way forwards and heard the gong sound.I looked around only to find them crowning Skyflier.
I walked sadly away but was stopped by a girl of maybe sixteen. "Its okay" she soothed. Just as she spoke a voice came over the loud speaker.
"Sorry folks, but there has been a mistake. It looks like Skyflier cheated. He was equip with a turbo engine. It appears now that Soarin is the winner!"
My eyes brightened and I ran forwards. I was given a medal and a trophy.
A helicopter landed and invited me to get in and go back to my home but I declined. this was my home.
I walked over to the girl that stopped me. I flew up and landed on he shoulder.
This was my human and that, was that.
Last edited by zugzwang. on Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage: "black is in zugzwang".

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby inkydragons » Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:28 am

{Owner Name
{Name reason
He was born with feathers sharp as blades, so he was named Bladewing for his knifelike wings.
--Bladewing is very smart and shows it off very much. He used his smarts for strategy in anything, from Capture the Feather to battles.

--Bladewing is very patient. He will wait for hours for his friends and not be angry. This is helpful in pretty much everything.

--Bladewing will fight for his friendship. He will never give up on his friends.

--Bladewing has many insecurities. He is seen as an all around happy, but inside, he wonders many dark things about himself.

{Why do you wish to have him
He's a definite fighter. He looks like the kind of rune that would do anything to keep his friends close and well. That is something I like.
{Where will you keep him
He would go I my sig, along with the rest of our oddly assorted family.
{Would you like to breed him/her in the future
Yes, please.
{Any Quirks
Bladewing loves to cut food with his wings while he's cooking. "It makes me feel like a ninja," he says.
(Writing a small story or showing artwork may give you a better chance!)
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby KNIGHTofSPACE » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:42 am

Azure wrote: "Though I may be small in stature, my heart is larger than any other."

Azure wrote: "In the face of the greatest enemy, one does not run, but stands to fight."

Azure wrote: "I'll never give up! I'll never be put down! No matter how many times I fall I will stand up and try again!"

Azure wrote: "My motto is: "No matter how large the opposition, never give up!"

{ I do not own this image. }
{ One foot seven inches }
{ fifteen pounds }
{ March Eleventh }

Owner Name:
{ kyle in wonderland }
{ Azure }
[ Pronounced: Ash-ur ]
Azure was named for his coloration and affiliation with the sky, Azure meaning"Sky Blue" or in some translations: "Blue Sky" I also chose the name because it sounds powerful and strong like I imagine Azure to be. }

{ Male }
{ Azure is a very proud and dignified dragon who would never back down from a challenge, wether it be racing or a simple staring contest he will give it his all to win, no matter how trivial the trial is. Another thing about Azure is his compassionate and highly protective nature over those whom he calls his friends, someone he doesn't even know, or even his worst enemies. Azure is a very forgiving rune but is type of creature who wouldn't let you know he's already forgiven you until you prove to him that you are in fact worthy of his forgiveness, then he'll tell you flat out that you are forgiven. By far this rune's best trait is his undying loyalty to those he deems worthy, he will follow these people to the ends of the earth and never leave their side unless commanded to. This doesn't mean that Azure is obedient though, he is actually a free spirit by nature and loves to fly about and spread mischief all around. }
Why do you wish to have him/her:
{ What drew me to Azure at first was his color scheme and design, I always liked the colors white and gold together and not to mention the baby blue which just really makes everything about this Rune burst to me. The second thing that really drew me in was his proud and dignified posture which shows that he his a noble rune and a loyal companion. Why I want this particular Rune isn't a real big secret really, I've been looking to start a character family for quite awhile now and this little fellow here really appeals to me as he seems like the perfect life long companion for me.}
Where will you keep him/her:
{ I will keep him in a Character Thread, He'd be my first! ^^ }
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
{ I would love to breed Azure in the future! I believe that if he ever had any children they would be adorable ^^ }
Any Quirks:
{ Azure has a strange obsession with artwork and stares at it for hours at a time if he likes it, if he doesn't then he will look away and try not to share his dis-like of the painting with it's artist. Azure also hates the number four and will go out of his way to make everything that only has four have five, say you have four oranges? Azure will fly all around town until he get's you another orange so that they're are five instead of that accursed number four. The final little quirks about Azure are his competitive nature, which makes him fly around looking for any kind of good natured challenge to compete in, And his fear of the dark. Azure can not stand being in total darkness and will usually stay awake through half the night unless he is accompanied by at least five of his friends or until he passes out. }
{ Friendly Competition }
Azure stared into the eye's of his arch rival, the rune Crimson, and raised his wings above his head in good natured teasing as he saw the other rune's eyes begin to water. Azure and Crimson stood centimeters apart and their eye's were locked in a battle of endurance as they attempted to stare each other into submission, Azure wouldn't lose this time! He couldn't! Crimson had beat him yesterday and he needed to recover from such an embarrassing defeat! "Give up yet Crimson?" He asked the other rune who was red and black in coloration. "In your dreams Azure!" said the equally competitive creature as the two continued on with their staring contest, which had been going on for around thirty-minuets now and had caused both Rune's eyes to feel dryer than the driest of the Eldamoren desserts. Azure felt his eyes beginning to go against his will and close but he fought it all! He would not allow him self to lose twice in a row! Azure forced his eyes open as wide as they would go, his puple eyes holding a new found strength and determination as he continued the staring. Crimson could take no more and shut his eyes. "You win!" He squawked out. "You are the ultimate champion of the staring!" Azure couldn't help his triumphant grin as he held out his wing to the other Rune. "No," He said as Crimson touched their wings together. "Now we're just tied, I'll see you tomorrow to see who is the ultimate master of the staring contest."
Image I've decided I am going to TRY to start rping again. I just have to make sure I don't get overwhelmed with them again.
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby Star Fox » Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:31 am

Owner Name:
Azure (sky blue)
he is mostly shut up in his own little world inside his head, where he is a fearless and mighty dragon, a king to his imaginary kingdom, although in our world he is a sweet, shy dragon who likes to fly around and enjoys other Rune Dragon activities with the few he can call friends
Why do you wish to have him/her:
i really like the simplicity of this dragon, alot of designs I don't try out for because I don't think I would be able to draw it in the future, I also really like purple eyes, sky blue, and armor X3
Where will you keep him/her:
most likely I would keep him in my siggy and in my character thread :3
Would you like to breed him/her in the future:
no... I don't think I would :3
Any Quirks:
whenever he goes to his kingdom he unconsciously starts pacing
Last edited by Star Fox on Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby maliy » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:21 pm

Reserve <3 ouo

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Re: Skyflier Rune

Postby maliy » Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:07 pm

{ owner name.}

{ name.}

{ gender.}

{ personality.}
Thorne is sharp, and keen. He is most great in battles, usually overtaking the enemie. Though, he can become intimidated, which he tries to hold that in, in attempt to not making him look like a fool, or coward. He loves little runes, especially the 'clueless' ones because they are more fun to be around because they tumble around and have lots of fun. Adding on to that...He is protective about his loved ones. He definitely would do anything for them, so they stay safe and healthy. Off duty, he is a prankster. Thorne tries to be as joyful as possible as can be so no one is sad, everyone enjoys a happy community! No rune is perfect, Thorne sometimes wanders off into 'space' also meaning he gets out of the picture for a moment, that could become a horrible occurring... in battle he could start staring at one thing and just wander around meanlessly, which would be a dangerous situation he could get snuck up on very fast. He can somewhat come off boastful, for example: winning a battle he might say, "We won, you didn't!" which will ruin a runes day. He can apologize quickly, which they find understanding that it's just apart of his nature.

{why do you wish to have him?}
I love Runes, I think the concept of this species is magnificent. I love the simplicity put into them, but then again they can be complex as can be. All the runes are thought out and made with love. Thorne drew me because of his simple design, I also loved how you threw in a gold mask and a flowing red feather. I've always had my eyes on rune's, only a couple of days ago I looked if any where for adoption, none. I was sort of bummed. I thought that you artists were working hard and I didn't always have to be sad because you where working hard on making new ones for the CS community. I checked and I instantly fell in love. He is gorgeous, and I would do anything for him.Yet again, his design is just simple, and that's the way I like it. Hard and complex don't do it for me, as I get frustrated and want to give up, but not for Thorne. I'd draw a million pictures for him. I love how you sneakily popped purple in to make it no to boring, just perfect.

{ where will you keep him?}
I would try to squeeze a few drawing here and there in my signature, and you'd even see him in my avatar from time to time. I would make a character thread for him, so the Rune community can get to know him better and he isn't forgotten. He will also be roleplayed, I love to roleplay. Especially with a rune, they'd be fun to communicate with/learn about them.

{ would you like to breed him in the future?}
Oh yes, of course! I'd love to see his off springs. Thorne would need a specific special lady though, as I'd call him my baby.

{ quirks.}
He absolutely loves chocolate milk. His theory is that he think a goddess brought it from "coco land" and brought to the humans, and then the Runes came and took it, locked it up in able to keep it as a treasure. *shrug*
It was lunch time, and Thorne wasn't sitting at the table. He is always anxious for lunch. I was confused, what had happened to him? "Thorne?" I yelled softly, "Mmmmhm..." I heard small grumbling coming from outside. I walked quietly, and I started bursting out laughing, "Thorne?!? Is that...chocolate milk?" He had a milkstache, all the way down to his chin. He had dozens of boxes. After that day he was hooked.

He has a knack for very fuzzy things, he really enjoys soft things.
I woke up and darted my eyes to the left, I saw a blue gloop of color in the corner rubbing its head in the fresh laundry. I got up and squat. He was like a cat, rubbing and purring. I giggled, and let him continue, the whole day. Rubbing the softness

When he gets nervous he often starts to talk to himself.
I was prepping Thorne before a battle, a bigger one more than usual. He hadn't show signs of being nervous whatsoever. So I was very confident for him...Until I went to get his mask I heard muttering. I walked over spying, " Ehhh." I felt a lump in my heart for him, "Are you okay Thorne?" "Hmm....what?" I heard him look up at him, "I-I'm scared maliy." his eyes twinkled largely, "Aww." I picked him up and cuddled him, "Its okay, wether or not you win, you're always my warrior."

{ art.}
Zoning out into space. Hehe he looks so clueless ouo <3. By me.
Soaring through the the sky...(story coming soon!)
"...Strong and agile...."

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