Re: JBD #680

Postby Fox ! » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:19 am

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Re: JBD #680

Postby Wind Frost » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:17 am




I run
As far as my heart can take
Trying to get away from the trees' listening ears.

But I know
That there's no hope for me now.
What's the point in running any more.

So I lay down my head
and make a sweet bed
of leaves.

As I listen
The trees, they sing in the dark.
Banishing the light that's in me.

And the moon,
She shines so bright through the canopy
I'm blinded even though I can't see.

The mist of shadows
Has shrouded my vision complete.
I know there's no point running, there's no point anymore.

So I lay down my head
And make a sweet bed
Of leaves.

As I listen
The trees, they sing in the dark.
Banishing the light that's in me.

I can hear them,
The birds that once loved me so.
Singing me a sweet song of goodbyes.

I can feel them
Beneath my wet paws the fish they swim.
Giving me the strength that I will need to carry on.

As I listen
The trees, they sing in the dark.
Banishing the light that's in me.

As I Listen

Lyrics © me
Tune © me

►►►► U S E R N A M E
Hi! My username's Wind Frost and I want to become more of the JBD community and have not yet won my first bean. When I saw this bean, I fell in love and could not resist going for him. He is just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

►►►► N A M E
I just laid eyes on this baby and would name him Luca because it was the first thing that came to my head and I knew I couldn't let him go without a fight.

►►►► G E N D E R
I would have no doubts about Luca being a male. I was firstly going to try to get a female but I had to go for this beauty and he looks nothing like a female.

►►►► A G E
I reckon Luca would be about 14 years because he doesn't look too young but he certainly isn't old!

►►►► P E R S O N A L I T Y
Shy Lonely Frightened Caring

Although Luca often wonders outside of his hollow to adventure or do other things, he is very good at hiding that he is shy about meeting other creatures. When he sees new creates he has not yet encountered properly and they talk to him, he replies kindly, but inside he is very shy and just wants to run away.

Luca is very rarely somebody to travel with another someone. Due to his shyness he finds it hard to cooperate with other animals and therefore does not travel with anybody else other that himself, the trees and the wind.

Luca is often very scared and afraid when he goes outside of his comfort zone, but if there is the slightest thing he does not like, he over-reacts and gets petrified and runs as far away as possible. He does't look like the type that can get sacred easily, but don't judge book by its cover!

Even though he is shy, Luca still loves to help out in any way he can. He can't stand it if another fellow is hurt both physically or mentally and he loves to lend a hand although it's best not to talk to him or touch him.


►►►► L I K E S
Any other creature
Helping out
The colour green
Being solitary, although he, rarely, enjoys a little bit of company
The song of the wind
Mice, snakes and all the animals the average person hates (I love them!)
Coffee and apple all in one

►►►► DI S L I K E S
Others or himself feeling pain
Being touched
Being unexpectedly spoken to
Horses, simply because he was trodden on by one when he was just a baby (I love them)


►►►► P H O B I A S
Haphephobia~ Fear of being touched
Nychtophobia~ Fear of darkness
Agliophobia~ Fear of pain

►►►► H O B B I E S
Star gazing
Making friends (a great achievement due to his fears)
Exploring the physics of flight
Riding animals except horses and wolves
Teaching younger animals about how to live a good life in the wildness of the forest.

►►►► A C C E S S O R I E S
A small golden locket around his neck
A white scarf
A rainbow coloured band around one quarter of his tail

►►►► P O E M
I've often wondered
What it's like to fly.
When I've pondered
I feel sky-high.

The likelihood of me
Going to space
Is about as likely
As me winning a race!

So when I look
To the stars above,
I often wonder,
"Is that what I love?'

Then I lower my head,
Close my eyes,
I often tell myself,
"I will rise to the skies."
►►►► A R T



►►►► Story

I remember the day very clearly when it happened. I was just a young dragon, playing with my friends and woodland animals. Then it came. Darkness came and claimed my land, but I could not see in the dark as well as my friends, so they ran home to our little family group and left me, in the middle of a forest, in the pitch black night. Luckily, I had some light. The moon shone brightly as the sun through those shadowing willow trees as their leaves draped over the grass beneath it, nearly touching the soil itself. I could see no stars tonight, so I out all my hope into the moon, but it did not move or speak or do anything. It had abandoned me, too, and I quickly became terrified of what was to become of me in this everlasting kingdom of fear and blackness.
I called out for my mother, but no sound returned my cries. Again and again I called until my jaw could no longer move. I was petrified of all the sudden movements and noises in this night that I closed my eyes and refused to open them. But what did make me open them was a desperate cry, a cry of sheer terror and nothing but it. Although I could not see, I smelt my way round the first, following my friends's scent trails. I opened my eyes and fearlessly ran as fast as my stubby legs would carry me until I reached the boulder mountain where my group was making home. I could see all the others of my group on the boulder hill, except my brother Evan, and my mother.
I ran towards the rest of the group and they were all staring in fear and shock down the mountain, and when I looked down too, my brother was scrambling for his life at the boulders, and my mother was carefully but speedily making her way down to him. Suddenly, as she moved out the way, I saw what Evan was trying so hard to get away from.
I gained a feeling of terror so vast my world seemed to shrink behind me and I could not even feel how frightened I was. I stood in panic at the top of the boulder mountain and looked on to my brother. I am terrified of wolves, and have been since that night. But i knew I couldn't stand there and watch my brother die, so I leaped down the hill, scattering mini stones across the place and slid down to where Evan was, "Help… me… brother… Luca…!" Evan breathed in a voice to scared it trembled enough to break a rock in two.
I though nothing of it, apart from to save Evan, and I grabbed the nearest sturdy boulder, hooked my hind claws in tight and leaned over the ravine where Evan was scrabbling the rocks "Grab my paws!"I screeched. As the ravine wasn't very steep, although it was slightly steep, Evan would have merely broken a leg if he fell, but with wolves down the bottom he would have be shredded to pieces.
Evan grabbed my paws and mother leaned down to grab my legs as I could feel myself slipping, so she did it, and pulled me up with my brother clinging on to my legs. When we were at the top of the boulder hill, we collapsed in a heap and then reunited with our group.
The tiny female bean squealed, and as she could not speak yet, we turned our heads to where she was squealing at.
A wolf was sneaking behind mother!
She realised only too late, because when she saw the wolf, it was already leaped onto her back and was tipping her backwards. I screamed and raced to grab her, then Evan clawed my ankles, and when I tried to squirm off him he cried quietly, "If you try to save her, you'll only be taken down with her."
When I looked back my eyes were watering and I was crying out to her. She looked at me, and smiled, "I love you all, thank you." And the wolf made a final bite to her before its weight tipped her back too far and she was plummeting down into the ravine, where at the bottom when she landed, I heard a huge crunch, and realised the boulders were rolling down the ravine! I ushered my family out of the way, and we saw the boulders roll into the ravine, crushing all the wolves, but mother, being old, had passed beyond into another life.

I swear, a few night ago, I'd seen her silky shadow, a beautiful silver outline tainted with gold from the rays of the sunlight. She said goodbye to me, and that we would meet again, but childhood memories stay within my heart until the day I, too, will pass on beyond the living. And until that day, I will treasure the days of when my family was complete in my heart.

Last edited by Wind Frost on Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:22 am, edited 8 times in total.
Tiny Little Boxes wrote:W I N

My Charden

I iz bored
Shut up millie you're always bored
Imma dig hole and die now XD

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Re: JBD #680

Postby qraphic » Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:38 am




The generic things;
ImageName; Myles
ImageGender; Male
ImageAge; 20

ImagePlayful Things
ImageBeing Outdoors
ImageGoing On Adventures
ImageThe Color Orange
ImageClimbing Things
ImageHaving Company

Doesn't Prefer;
ImageCold Weather
ImageMean People
ImageBeing Indoors for a long time

He's that special guy...
ImageWhat separates Myles from his fellow JBDs? Why is he so unique? What is it about him that stands out among the rest? Well, I'll tell you what. Myles is the most playful, goofy, fun-loving JBD you'll ever meet! His constantly cheery attitude keeps him active as a total social butterfly, and he is incredibly lively. Going on adventures is more like a religion than a hobby for him. Myles is extremely athletic and talented when it comes to doing daring, brave, and once-in-a-life-time activities. Every time an opportunity for fun comes around, he takes it without hesitation. There is never much hesitance in Myles' actions, but he always tends to make the right choice. Though Myles is athletic, active, lively, and extremely cheerful, he's determined to no extent. Once he gets his mind set on something, there's no getting it off, especially when it comes to helping others. Whenever Myles see's someone in need of anything, even if its just as small as getting something for someone who cant reach it, he instinctively helps them.

The little Cons
ImageBut even so, as perfect as Myles sounds, he's got his little quirks. A lot of the time, Myles can get very hot headed and stubborn. This especially happens when he does not complete something he started and you try to pull him away from it, etc. Sometimes, his determination blocks out everything else. Other times, he acts carelessly, and the results aren't nearly as good as he expected. His may be intelligent, but he lacks distrust. If someone tells him something that makes even the slightest sense, he will easily take it as the truth. But despite all his hardships, Myles stays strong and cheerful through it all.

Last edited by qraphic on Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: JBD #680

Postby Savage Shepherd » Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:42 am


How she got her name:
Ruthy was the name of my fathers German Shepard from when he was a boy.




I shiver as the rain pours down from the sky, wishing for it to stop soon. I crawl under a bench on the sidewalk and curl my tail around my paws, as a white vehicle pulls up and I see a man step out in an odd uniform with an umbrella in his hand. He squats down and looks at me as I try to avoid eye contact. He pulls a Ziploc bag out of his pocket and takes out a piece of food, holding it out to me. I haven't eaten in days and decide to give in, taking the food from him and gnawing on it. "Poor thing." He says as he picks me up and walks over to his vehicle that says "Police" on the side. I don't retaliate because his intentions seem good. He sets me in the front car seat, not seeming to care that i'm soaking wet. He closes the door and closes the umbrella, putting it in the back seat and proceeds to the drivers' seat. He starts driving, as to where, I have no clue. I stare through the window and watch the rain fall as my eyes follow the windshield wipers. He parks at a building that has the same word on the sign as the side of the car, "Police". He gets out and takes me into his arms, closing the door with his elbows and walks into the Police Office. "Pretty bad weather out there, huh Cullen?" A young looking man says, chuckling at his soaked uniform. "Cullen" or so the man says, takes me into a small room with a desk and a few pictures on it. He dries me off and sets me on a dog bed. "You can sleep here, we'll find you a good home." He says with a smile as he walks out of the room and shuts the door.

Teen Years:
"Sit.", "Heel.", "Guard." The police officers commanded the dogs to do. Officer Cullen was instructing a tall, muscular dog, I laid my head on my paws and watched intently, wondering what it was like. Officer Cullen would leave with for hours at a time, usually with one of these dogs. I wished so badly to come with him, but he never gave me the opportunity to accompany him on his missions. The only thing we really did together was take car rides, like when he scooped me up and took me in when I was young. After the training is over Cullen and I walk back to his office and I spot a collar with a star, what Cullen calls a "Badge". It's like the ones that the dogs wore. I stand on my hind legs and pull it off of the desk and unto the floor. It's supposed to fit adult K9s, so I slip it on easily over my my head. I look up happily at Cullen, my tail swaying back and forth. "Oh, you wanna train with the big dogs?" He smiles at me approvingly. "Training starts tomorrow."

First mission:
This is what I have trained for. My first mission. This is my chance to prove myself to Cullen. We walk up to the apartment building and take the elevator up to the fifth floor. "532.. 532.. Ah ha!" Cullen looks up from his paper and knocks on the door, drawing his weapon ready to defend himself. No answer, he knocks again. No answer. He kicks the door down, and I can smell a strong scent of some substance. "Freeze!" Cullen says as he points his gun at him, watching him attentively. The man in the apartment meerily snickers and throws some foreign object at Cullen, and that's all I remember.

Meeting new family:
After finding out that the blow to the head with the object killed Cullen, I had to go to a different home. I would never forgive myself for what happened that night, I always feel like I could have done something. The young Police Officer took me into a apartment building, eerily looking like the one Cullen and I had went into a few months ago. We went into an a apartment and a male that looked like he was in his mid-twenties stood there, with a giggling baby on the ground."Doggie!" The baby giggled. "This is your new home, girl."

I now live with Carver and his 5 year old son, Koda.

-Learns new things quickly
-Loyal, but weary of strangers
Last edited by Savage Shepherd on Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: JBD #680

Postby Koujaku; » Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:58 am

Teasing his friends
The smell after rain
Building blanket forts
or barricades

Losing People
Selfish People
The dark

He keeps himself
drunk constantly. He's afraid of
death, yet he welcomes it. He's
sad about the state of things,
but also finds humor in giving
his friends a hard time about
being in love. He teases all his
close friends constantly, and is
definitely the life of the party.

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Re: JBD #680

Postby PrincessZelda » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:09 am






All About Lula
Lula is probably the happiest, friendliest bean you'll ever meet. He's also very silly at times.
Beans will often mistake him for a girl when they see or hear his name, but that doesn't bother him at all.
Being mistaken for a German Shepherd dog in his younger years, he carries the traits of one. When in the most serious situations, he'll be mature and resourceful, but at other times he's a free spirit. He loves running around, playing fetch, and being the best at everything. When beans lose an item, he's the bean they call to help them find it. He can locate anything from a mile away based on it's scent.
With his laid-back dog-like personality, he carries along some traits that some other beans find strange. He was raised by a German Shepherd when he was young so he acts as he was taught. He loves to run around and sometimes he'll bark at mailmen and cats. He never likes to be alone, so he'll always be travelling around with another bean or even a dog friend wherever he goes. Sometimes he'll make the strangest compliments, but everyone's used to it by now and understands what he's trying to say.

Some Facts About Lula
- He was raised by a German Shepherd as a younger bean
- He loves the smell of the outdoors, but he especially loves the smell of skunk
- He claims to have been the fetch tournament champion, but no one has ever verified this
- He made himself a little dog bed and usually sleeps in it
- If he gets bored, he'll chase his tail for long periods of time, the longest some claim being 2 hours straight
- He doesn't sing, but howls to his favorite songs.
- He has 50 different collars of 50 different colors and patterns, and is still collecting them.
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Re: JBD #680

Postby Blitz. » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:05 am

Since I've extended my other contest, I'll extend this one as well. uwu

You have until this Friday (the 14th) at 12:00 AM EST!

Entries are allowed until 12:00 AM tonight.
After that, no more entries will be allowed.
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Re: JBD #680

Postby Kojoten » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:51 am

Good luck all!
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Re: JBD #680

Postby Shep. » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:27 am

    ohmigosh its the most adorable thing ive ever seen in my life!
~ Shep ;;

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Re: JBD #680

Postby PPr:Kut » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:29 am

Good luck fellow competitors!!
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