Re: anniversary kal 2023 | indochinese green magpie

Postby Discontinued » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:41 am


    username & number; Discontinued + 145884
    name; Eugene Sinclair
    gender; male
    journal entry; (746/800)

    September 9th, 20☆♢ wrote:
    Journal, I'm going to be honest with you - I didn't think this adventure through. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have opened the box that clearly said DO NOT OPEN on the front... But it smelled of adventure, and I really need to prove to my dad that I can be a successful adventurer like him! Anyway, I should've packed better than I did. Sure, I have my magical flashlight and plenty of snacks to get me through the next few days, but really, couldn't I have remembered to bring some cash or something? Mom always said I'd be responsible for my own death. I'm still not entirely sure what she meant by that, but oh well. No use spending brain cells on that thought!

    Well, I better get back on my feet and work my way to the treasure! I'll write again soon, so don't get too lonely! =D

    September 10th, 20☆♢ wrote:
    Hey Journal, I'm back again with news on my quest so far. No sign of the treasure yet, but I DID find a rather interesting looking necklace a few hours ago. I showed some of the locals in town to see what they'd think of my shiny new accessory, but they all cowered in fear and began to bow down to me, so... Yeah, it was weird. Maybe they worship jewelry or something there. I heard one guy call it an amulet before he ran off, but I don't really know what that means. Maybe it's French for 'pretty' or something? Idk.

    All I know is that it looks good on me, and I feel like I have an extra spring in my step, so I'm pretty happy about my find. Oh! I also forgot, I finally have some money again! While I was in town, some of those weird townspeople started throwing money at me. They sure were generous people! Now I won't have to sleep outside again! Maybe this adventure is turning around for me! Anyway, talk to you later!

September 11th, 20☆♢ wrote:
Journal, I've been offended today. Somebody called me... What was it again? Oh yeah, a himbo. I'm so upset! Why would somebody call me Bo? I clearly said my name was Eugene! Maybe they were just hard of hearing?

Anyway, according to my calculations, I should be getting closer to the treasure. Like, REALLY close. I'm thinking I should be able to dig up that bad boy in a day or two! Boy is my dad going to be proud of me! Oh, and you remember that necklace I found? I've been having insane luck ever since I found it! I'm calling it my good luck charm at this point. Or should I call it a lucky token of the universe's love for me? Maybe that's too dumb. I'll just stick with calling it a good luck charm. In the meantime, I'm going to be enjoying the coconut that hit me on the head earlier. I'm really thirsty, so as soon as I can figure out how to open this thing, then I'll be set! TTYL!

September 12th, 20☆♢ wrote:
Journal, I'm too tired to keep going. I decided I'm done looking for the treasure. My feet hurt, my snacks are all gone, and everyone keeps giving me weird looks. I think I'm ready to just go home and say I gave it the old college try. I mean, dad should still be proud that I at least tried, right? I'm sure he will. I mean, he's my dad! Plus, I can show him my nice new amulet! Ooh, maybe I should start learning French. Just writing the word is fun!
I'll write again when I get home. Bye!

September 14th, 20☆♢ wrote:
Journal, you will not BELIEVE what I'm about to write. Just hold your breath, this is a bombshell! When I got home, I told my dad about my adventure and he laughed at me. But that's not the news! The really awesome thing is that after he laughed at me, his eyes lit up once he saw my necklace! His mouth opened real wide and he just looked like I showed him a million bucks! I'm not really sure why, but I made him proud of me in some way, so I'll happily take it.

Anyway, it was a fun adventure, even though I didn't end up finding the treasure. Maybe I'll try again next week. But for now, thanks for listening! Bye Journal!

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Re: anniversary kal 2023 | indochinese green magpie

Postby captain dude » Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:57 am

    username & number; captain dude 1003555
    name; Elora
    gender; female
    journal entry; Image
    (787/800 words!)

    Explorer's Log

    Day 47: Planet's Surface

    Greetings! As you know by now, I've been absent from both my academic and personal records for quite a while now but I’m afraid the long span of space is not much to write about, unfortunately, other than perhaps the long rations of beans, hard tack, and nutrition bars. Seeing the planet's surface today has been a great relief from the crowded confines of this tin can and its crew.

    The first thing I noticed about this planet was the thickness of the cloud cover on the descent. And the turbulence! I would be lying if I didn't admit I clutched the Captain's tail once or twice as the ship descended towards the planet's surface. I emerged the ship to a red-yellow streaky sky and thick, misty rainforest foliage. The air hung, humid but aromatic with floral scents, like a the crew. Breathable. That was a relief, considering warm blanket over me and that I was banking on the eggheads back at home to hopefully be right. I marveled at the jungle around me, alive with vibrant colours and a variety of calls from the life within. And yet... standing here in the clearing freshly made by the ship, I couldn't shake the feeling we were being watched. I adjusted my jacket to hopefully better cover the large patch of shine that adorned my back, suddenly wishing they had send someone less conspicuous to EKS-241. We stepped out, moving as a tightly bunched group along the forest floor, only getting about half a mile before being spotted.

    An enormous creature with four eyes, armor, large fangs and tusks let out terrifying caterwaul before charging us from behind. Giving little heed to the ship or her crew, I scattered from the rest and took off down a jungle trail behind me, hearing its resounding footsteps behind me. The trail hit a dead end at a large river. With the creature still in hot pursuit, I grabbed the nearest vine and swung into the deep, churning water. Swimming hard to get away while still keeping my head above the water, I watched as the beast pawed the ground at the river's bank and let out a deep bellow that shook me to the core. As I let myself drift down the turbulent river, I found myself silently praying the rest of the crew escaped the encounter. As the river took me through its rapids, I quickly realized I needed to get out as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'd be risking losing track of how to get back to the ship. As I dragged my drenched body out of the river, shaking out my waterlogged fur and backpack, I was suddenly met with another Kalon's face about half a meter from my own. Startled by the close proximity and the realization that the was not one of the crew, I backed up a few paces, tripping over one of the rocks in the shoreline. The other Kal, a dark teal blue with vibrant orange-red markings, held out a paw, which I accepted with much thanks. They beckoned me through the rainforest, dancing over gnarled tree roots and pointing at specific plants, which I assumed to be poisonous and avoided. When we stopped, I realized where we were. This Kal's home. It was a remarkable wooden home in the canopy far, far above the forest floor. They shouted up to a friend, who lowered a giant basket pulley, and lifted us up. It was when we were halfway up that I realized something.
    “Hey, we can understand each other!”

    The blue Kal laughed. "Yes, but with the Fithian out stalking the forest, do you really think I wanted to have much of a conversation?"

    When in the beautiful treehouse, I explained everything to my hosts, who graciously made me a cup of the most delicious tea I had ever had. I explained. Who I was, Elora Ranha, with the Interplanetary council, looking for new societies to join our ranks, how I had landed, been chased, swam ashore, and was now very wet, tired, and cold. After fetching me a blanket, they explained I was on a world called Tai’al, found by Sanaa, and that my visit was the first of its kind. The green Kal looked eager to ask more questions but Sanaa spoke up.

    “I think our friend needs some rest… we can talk and look for your, um, spaceship, later but for now, I think you’ve had enough of a day as-is.”

    (So now I am writing this on a bedroll on a waterlogged journal. I hope this dries in time for the next entry!!!)
    — Elora R.

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Re: anniversary kal 2023 | indochinese green magpie

Postby magpie! » Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:52 am

    thank y'all so much for trying out and your patience with me judging!!

    the winner of this kalon is...
    your entry made me laugh out loud!! congratulations!

    and I'd like to give honorable mentions to:
    cyrano + 887402
    Ucanthandleme + 809102
    Knickknacks + 815546
    captain dude + 1003555
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Re: anniversary kal 2023 | indochinese green magpie

Postby Ucanthandleme » Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:41 pm

Congrats Discontinued feel free to keep my art just credit if taken offsite, and thank you magpie! for the Hm!

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Re: anniversary kal 2023 | indochinese green magpie

Postby Cyrano » Mon Jul 17, 2023 3:27 pm

Thank you
used to be: smith(ers) & s-simplicity| | my kalons
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