Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby JerseyDusk » Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:51 am

username: JerseyDusk
try out for: #4
show name: Love Bites
barn name: Bugatti aka Bugs
gender: Stallion
halter: Black with small pink hearts and white gold buckles. The cheek piece has 'Love Bug' on the cheek piece.
age: 10 years
height: 14.2 hh

Q - What do they think of the Valentines holiday? What makes them think that?

For the longest time, Bugatti was indifferent to the various human holidays. As a colt raised on a stud farm, to be a stud; Bugatti didn't have 'his own' human for the beginning years of his life. His mother taught him very basic information about the two-legs and she didn't spare much time for the ways of their customs; rituals that many horses found comedic. Though there was one ritual that his mother seemed to like, something to with Valentines or a Valentine Day... His mother, a gray minimal tobiano, spoke highly of the day in which "the stalls were lined with pink and red hearts and streamers; and the humans give out sweet little treats to each of the horses." His mother claimed she liked it because she admired the human concept of 'love' and often told Three that she 'loved' him. Bugatti was uncertain of this human emotion, and was pretty sure that his mother just liked the Valentine Day for the sweet treats and the pretty pink and red colors. (He had noticed that she was drawn to the colors red and pink, and he thanked his lucky stars that his coat was reddish! Since that must be why she 'loved' him.)

Bugatti only ever thought about Valentine's Day with sentimental thoughts of his mother, and his heart warmed with love for her. But it wasn't until many years into his life, after he had been passed to many different owners and homes that Bugatti developed a real opinion of Valentine's Day. He was trained as a hunter jumper prospect and passed from various farms and owners that tried to increase his talent but he never seemed to be up to their standards. He spent many months at a sales farm when the Valentine's Day decorations appeared on the stalls again, and Bugatti once again thought about his mother. On the 'day of love', Bugatti had visitors waiting at his stall after his afternoon training session, two adult two-legs and a small female. The small female came up to his face and Bugatti held his breath; he wasn't used to such small two-legs. The little girl smiled at the rose grey horse and stroked his nose, saying "You don't look much like a Bugatti, more like a Love Bug!" Bugatti nickered as he liked the small human and he nuzzled her hand, which made the girl laugh. After about an hour the family left and Bugatti figured he'd never see the girl again but two days later she was back with a halter that he'd never seen before. It was black with small pink hearts and a name scrolled on the side, 'Love Bug'. The girl put the new halter on him and led him to a trailer.

Now years later, Bugatti, lovingly known as Bugs, still lives with his little girl. And he is now much more fond of Valentine's Day, since it reminds him of both, his mother and of his favorite human in the world. Valentine's Day reminds Bugs of the first time he ever saw the girl that gave him a forever home, and it warms him when she strokes his nose and calls him 'Love Bug'.

extras: With Halter
Last edited by JerseyDusk on Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby crumpled wings » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:41 pm

      jk jk we back
      for #4 lets see if i remember how to write mah frend

      username;; crumpled wings
      tolt name;; regretting rosé // hækkaði
      gender;; stallion
      halter colour;; dusty rose w/ light gold hardware
      what do they think of the Valentines holiday? what makes them think that?;;

      The bumping of a club filled his body, his location only a brief afterthought as he danced, eyes closed and dusty rose-tinted hair sticking to his forehead. Eventually, he tuned back in to the rest of the world, music sharpening and the push of bodies around him again realized. He pushed his way off the dance floor and returned to his seat at the bar, the bartender already placing his drink down in front of him. "Just another night, huh?" the man asked, leaning in on his elbows "no hot date?". Hækkaði chuckles and sips at his drink, eyes playing across the room before he answers, "Nah, you know me, its just another day. Although, it looks like you've got a good amount of turnout this year". Valentine's day, after all, was simply another day to him, even as everyone started posting love-gushing posts and mushy anecdotes. A regular in this club, Hækkaði had been coming for years to get lost in the bass beat that dragged from the subs, surrendering to the primal pulse of the bodies in the room as they all came together, hearts fusing into one beat. Today was no exception, but the feeling was tarnished with more than a tinge of desperation. Valentine's day always dragged more people into this room than usual, looking for companionship, someone to share the strain of loneliness on the day that tended to make everyone acutely aware of what they were lacking.

      Although he sat alone now, those that were in the room looking for a companion knew not to approach him, whether from experience or some sense of premonition. Maybe even pheromones. Whatever the case, every person in the room realized that he wasn't here for the same purpose that they were. He had no use for the half-realized desperate attempts to fill an internal void on holidays like these, the case was the same for almost any other holiday that drove the lonely to clubs like these. Valentine's day just happened to be the worst of them. His bartender returned, back from having filled someone else's glass. "Do you have plans tonight other than dancing?" he asked. Hækkaði shrugged "Maybe, I was thinking of going to the shore possibly". "The shore? It's practically snowing out today. Did you forget?" Hækkaði hadn't forgotten, it was uncharacteristically cold this year, flurries of snow had been teasing the sky before he arrives at the club, and the shore was sure to be an extremely uncomfortable destination. "No, I didn't forget, just one of those moods you know. Besides, I brought an extra jacket so I'm prepared" he replied, tapping the side of his temple conspiratorially. "If you say so" the bartender laughed, "But be careful, if you need someone to come with you, I get off work in about an hour". "No it's alright, I know you need to get home as soon as you can, I know you miss your girl." The bartender laughed in agreement "You're right, she'd probably be mad if I ditched her for a regular. But she'd also understand. You are a friend of ours you know, even if you don't see us anywhere but here." Hækkaði nodded "Yeah, I know, sorry about that. I'll be okay though, I'm not planning on staying out long" His bartender nodded, eyes softening, "I know, we do this every year. Still gotta try though. Be safe out there. Call if you need me to come get you". "Will do, thanks, I'll catch you later" Hækkaði smiled.

      He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair and slid it on, making his way towards the door and out into the town. It wasn't a huge city where he lived, but it wasn't a small town either. There was enough life in it for there to be the dim constant hum of living, the sound of cars and music, the occasional peal of laughter. Making his way down the street to the shore, he hummed some tunes under his breath, watching the his breath curl in the air. After some time, the concrete gave way to wood boarding as he stepped up onto the walk, leaning on the rail and gazing out on the water. He could see a handful of bonfires down the shore, brave souls who decided to try their luck outside tonight, but their attendance looked like they were dropping out fast. Jumping over the railing Hækkaði walked over to the edge of the water, watching the waves push and pull, not dissimilar to being in the club.

      Standing there with crossed arms, he reflected over the past years; his relationships, friends, accomplishments. Each valentine's day he's reminded that many of his connections to this world are impermanent and fleeting, occasional hold-fasts as he drifted along. Regardless of their ephemeral nature, he found the most beauty in their short existence, brief flashes of light, the occasional long glow. Valentine's day was a day for him to remember all the people that had touched him before, all the moments in life he had experienced that made it more worthwhile. He couldn't follow along with most who give this day to just one of two people, not when there are so many others to care about and thank. Instead, he spends each of them alone, so that he can appreciate each of his friends more fully when they see each other again.

      Sharp peals of laughter again pull him from his thoughts, a small smile gracing his lips as he spots a group of people running around one of the bonfires. Life, plain and pure as it is, that't what this day is truly about. The base emotions that make up who we are, giving us drive and substance. He only wished that maybe more people saw it like this, and not just as a day of chocolates, cards, and flowers. Either way, he would end this day feeling warm, despite the chill damp air the sea was throwing up against him, knowing that whether he had someone or not in this moment, his experiences would remain and continue to support him. Taking one last deep breath, Hækkaði turned and left the shore, making his way back home to his small flat and texting his friend to let him know that he was safe. When he walked in the door his cat wove around his feet, blind eyes begging for attention. He scooped him up, and smiling, said "maybe, for you, I'll make an exception: happy valentine's day."

      extra #1;;
      extra #2;;
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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby buckskin. » Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:43 am


    username: buckskin.
    show name: temptations galore
    barn name: passion
    age: 9 years
    gender: stallion
    height: 14.1hh
    halter colour: white w/ red buckles
    prompt: Who do they love? Give me some history

    Passion is as passion does and as name suggests, he is a very passionate creature by heart and can't help but love who he loves even if his deep feelings aren't reciprocated. In his mind, the love of his life is Fletcher; attracted to his bright coat and brighter personality, Passion has a hard time pretending that all he wants is to be friend and often day dreams about finding out that Fletcher feels the same about him. It didn't seem that far fetched until you learn that the vibrant chestnut sabino has already found the love of his life and is very happy with what he has at this point in time.

    When Passion first came to TBS, he was introduced slowly one by one to each member of the herd in order to find someone he could buddy up with to make his transition easier; the first tolter the shy stallion made any connection with was Fletcher, who was patient and kind when it came to getting to know the chimera, allowing Passion to find his footing and feel as if he could rely on someone when he was finally added into the herd. Passion and Fletcher quickly became close friends, spending their days hanging out as 'bros', and at first thats all that Passion wanted and needed, a friend; someone to rely on. But slowly the stallion found that love was a very complex concept, for he could love his friend but they were no longer platonic feelings and this scared him. What could he do, he had never felt like this about someone else so he did what anyone would do and ignored the feelings. Infact, he ignored them for so long that it allowed his secret crush to find someone of his own, silently breaking Passion's heart into a billion little pieces.

    As Passion and Fletcher remained friends at the beginning of the chestnut's relationship, Passion slowly allowed himself to drift further and further away as he felt more secluded and couldn't help but feel left out for not only had he felt he lost his best friend but also the love of his life. It was at this point that he started reminiscing on those short few years he spent with the other stallion; playing rough, swimming in the dam, even being taken out on trails a few times. All the time he spent with Fletcher condensed into some of the best days of his life, his life with the one individual he trusted most in this world, the individual he spent the vast majority of his day with, the individual he felt he could truly be himself around. He honestly loves looking back on the stories they shared but something about remembering Sætur (CrumpledWings), Fletcher's mate, only made him feel worse about himself. Passion spent endless hours feeling sick and worrying about why he wasn't good enough, making himself angry thinking about how he couldn't have just fessed up about how her felt and then jumping straight to "whats done is done". This rollercoaster of emotions in private made it even harder for him to retain any major social connections, often leaving him to find himself on his own. But one good thing came out of Passion's self rejection, he learnt that sometimes it is okay to love someone even if they don't feel the same, you cant help how you feel.

    extras: 2 art pieces
Last edited by buckskin. on Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby Half Tree » Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:33 am

I'm going to add some extensions since there aren't as many forms as I'd love to see.

1, 3, 4, and 5 will be getting a three-day extension (March 3rd). I want to give more people time to enter without punishing those with completed forms. c:

2 will be getting a seven-day extension (March 7th) because there isn't a single completed form yet.

Since I haven't seen any interest for 6 and they were my favourite from the set I've decided to keep him instead of waiting for interest. <33

I love what I've seen so far guys and I hope the extra time will do some good in finishing touches. ^u^

EDIT: I've posted little previews of their tolter selves. c;

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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:46 pm

SprtanAmethyst + SATO Ghosts Forgotten + Ghost + Mare

Ghost is frustrated because she wasn't forgotten. Because of past heartbreak, Ghost actually quite hates Valentines' Day, and stays as far away from romance as possible. Despite this, there's always this one stallion who continually brings her flowers, treats, gifts; anything he can do to try and win her favor. He does this all year round, but on Valentines' Day he seems to be more focused; he's calm, never pushy, always gentle and elegant and tasteful, and she hates it. Ghost wishes she could snap at him, or have a reason to be angry, but he's always so nice... and she'd be lying if she said that she actually didn't like him. She finds him very handsome, kind, always makes her feel safe... But she doesn't trust him, can't trust him, even though she wishes she could. And she fights with herself time she receives something new, because her heart wants to say yes, but she's too scared to open herself to him. At least, not yet. Maybe one day.
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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby ImogenEquine » Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:42 pm


Trying Out For:


Show Name:
True Love's Kiss

Barn Name:
Beso (Spanish for 'Kiss')


(May I please decide after seeing the tolter?
If not, something inspired by one of these
pattern swatches


Tolter-Specific Prompt: Who does he love?
He loves Beignet.
Long summer days for Beso, as a colt, were filled with the regular activities of a youngster. He listened for rooster calls and licked the dew off of blades of grass in the morning, then he filled the rest of the daylight hours racing the other horses and chasing the butterflies that flit about the paddock. He’d slowly fall asleep gazing at the sparking heavens every night.

He easily fit in with the other few fillies and colts around, though his best friend was a petite mare named Beignet. While he was quite confident and decisive, she was more timid and gentle. Beignet was grateful for Beso’s friendship, since without him, the little mare was often pushed around by the others, left out of games, and pushed to the end of the feed line. Beso was almost like a little bodyguard for her at first - soon enough, the other youngsters learned that they couldn’t mess with Beso’s friend, and began to welcome her as openly as anyone else.

Everyone knew that the two were inseparable from the start - from the time he was a colt, Beso would cause a scene if he had to leave the paddock at a different time than her. He’d snort, stomp, and whinny until his demands were met and he was brought into the stable alongside her. As they grew older, their bond only grew stronger. All the barn workers even knew it... You couldn’t take one on the trails without the other, nor could you trailer them in separate trailers. You couldn’t even leave them in stalls that weren’t in sight of each other without both of them getting worked up.

Eventually, after a few years passed, Beignet started to notice a change in Beso’s composure. While she’d grown slightly more confident, the once extremely self-assured stallion began to act how she used to. He drew away from main group and picked up more and more antisocial tendencies. Beignet couldn’t understand what was going on with her best friend. He still maintained their friendship, but over the course of a few months, he practically cut off all his other social ties. While the other horses were too busy in their own endeavours to notice or care, Beignet became deeply concerned.

She tried asking him what was wrong, but this only caused him to begin to block her out too. She was heartbroken by his reaction, as she only wanted to help him, but couldn’t bear the thought of loosing their friendship. Despite her fear of pushing him away, she continued to inquire until one day, he finally decided to give her an an answer.

“Beignet! Have you really not noticed?!” he snapped, in an irritated and aggressive tone. It startled Beignet and she recoiled out of fear. It was enough to make her feel small and afraid, just as she used to be without him. He softened slightly in response to her reaction - he didn’t mean to lash out at her. “Look, I’m sorry... Sorry. I’m just dealing with a lot okay?”, he continued, only receiving a tilted head and sympathetic stare from Beignet. “Look at me Beignet. Look at my eyes. Beignet, I can barely see... my vision... it’s almost gone”, he explained. She cautiously approached him and looked into his eyes. Sure enough, they looked strange and foggy. They certainly weren’t the clear, sharp eyes she expected to see staring back at her. “I... I never knew, Beso.”, she began gently, “Beso, you know I won’t treat you any differently now right? You’re my best friend, and that’s never going to change. I’m never going to leave your side.” Beso was flooded with reassurance at her words. All along, he’s feared that she wouldn’t want to be ‘held back’ by a stallion who couldn’t see, and couldn’t do everything all the other horses did. Beignet wasn’t finished though - “If you go blind, you can just stick with me. You can walk with me forever Beso. Sure, maybe racing won’t be something we can do anymore, but so what? I’d pick your friendship over racing any day. Beso, again, we’re best friends. You stuck by me when I needed help, and now I’ll stick my you. It’s what best friends do. You’re my favourite, Beso.”

From that day onwards, Beso stuck quite literally right beside Beignet at almost all times. His vision faded to nothing rapidly, and he needed her constant guidance. They walked together to the water trough all about around the paddock when let out together. On trails, he kept his nose touching her shoulder - he flinched at every sound at first, but trusted that she would warn him if trouble was truly headed their way.

All the time, to keep his memories of what the world looked like as sharp as possible, Beignet would describe their surroundings. Beso loved this, as she described the world with incredible detail, and you could tell she really did see beauty in everything. The only thing Beso wished was that she could understand her own inner beauty - he couldn’t imagine any kinder of a soul, and he wondered if she really knew just how wonderful she was.

Last edited by ImogenEquine on Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

you don't have to say 'I love you' to say 'I love you'

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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby Half Tree » Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:40 am

I'm going to close this in approximately 13 hours from this post (around 10pm my time).

Also because I realize it wasn't clear enough the extras are all OPTIONAL. I put it as you 'can' use them but I realize that might confuse people now.
The prompt is the most important part!

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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby Half Tree » Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:01 pm

1, 3, 4, and 5 are now closed for judging!

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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby Half Tree » Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:43 pm

The tolters will be going as follow. I enjoyed every one of the lovely forms guys. <33
#1 - aray17
#3 - m a r t y r .
#4 - JerseyDusk
#5 - OutdatedBoombox

c r u m p l e d w i n g s will be getting an RU based on #4
SpartanAmethyst will be getting an RU based on #5
(winners of RUs also count as already winning a tolter of the set and cannot enter for the remaining one)

Thank you all for entering!
RUs will be completed in a day or two, they will be counted as part of the set and will be able to pass hearts with the others. <33

edit: designs will be revealed with halters, for now, the desired halter colours will be added soon cx )

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Re: #6699-6704 Box of 'Tolt'lates

Postby JerseyDusk » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:42 pm

Thank you so much! Bugs is definitely one of my dream tolters! And congratulations to all others!
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