the fallout

Postby doge fruit » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:54 am



• user; doge fruit
• name; Rieka
• name meaning; "power of the wolf" in German
• gender; female


"there's a light coming from a log cabin in the middle of the woods. what happens next?"


Journal entry #55 // 220 days into the Fallout // July 10th ----

I hate the summer and I hate hot. This summer's hot hurts the most. It's so bad to breath, you can feel the heat enter your throat and lungs. Feels like the air is cooking your insides sometimes.

I've been trying to reach one of the Shelters but it feels like I'm going in pointless circles in the forest. This is not good, I need someplace to sit but it's just open trees. I have to find shelter from the Creepers, however, I don't think they hang out in woods. They mostly stick to heavily populated areas for feeding. But that doesn't mean they don't pop up in unexpected places either.

I'm running low on food, just two water bottles, a single pack of crackers, and a bag of dried fruits and nuts. I'm also low on ammo. I've lost my dad's revolver and wasted a good bit of the ammo killing a Creeper about a day ago.

I closed the notebook, feeling that I've written enough for the time being. I can't sit and stay for long, I need to keep moving. I climbed down from the rock I was sitting on, picked up my backpack, and set off to find the next Shelter.

The sun was going down which meant that the night would bring some relief from the heat but also, making you more cautious of your surroundings. Even though my back and feet were beyond sore, I promised myself a few more steps just to see if I could make a temporary camp. I faced myself to walk a few more yards until I felt like my legs were going to buckle and to my great relief, there was a cabin!

It just sat so pretty and untouched in the small clearing, I was a bit cautious to approach but I gave in with hopes of food and somewhere to sleep. The light I thought I saw was really just the moonlight so there was a chance it was abandoned. Carefully, I took out the gun and slowly approached the front door. With a swift kick, I busted the door and was greeted by a dark, little room with messy furniture being illuminated by only the moonlight.

I spent the next five minutes just going around checking the place. It was just a one-room cabin but it must've been a cozy home before the Fallout happened. It seemed so...eerie how most of the things still sat in the same place. There was a small bed in the corner that was all tidy and done, pots on the stove that now contained moldy food. My foot crunched on something and I looked down to see I was standing on a coloring book that was still surrounded by crayons. Picking it up and dusting it off, I could see that whoever the little kid was was coloring a puppy, you could even see the place where it was left unfinished...

It hurt knowing there were families, small children and babies and parents, that had their families shattered. I truly hoped that this family made it out alive. I neatly placed the book back down and searched around some more. I found a shelf of preserved, canned fruits that was still pretty good which was a major jackpot! I also found this radio that surprisingly still worked!

I messed with the dials for a bit until I managed to get a station with some decent connection: a news station. The country was in a state of emergency and they finally declared a state of war just a few hours ago. I grabbed a nearby chair that wasn't completely broken, popped open a can of peaches, and listened attentively to the man's voice over the radio. I barely put a peach slice into my mouth when I heard someone shout behind me.


I tumbled out the chair in fright and saw, to my shock, a guy standing in the doorway with a large knife pointed at me! We were both startled by the site of each other, I was begging to be spared all the way he seemed too nervous about putting the knife down or keeping it towards me. Time seemed to stop as we just stood there, motionless and staring wide-eyed at each other. I watched I'm fearfully until I heard another voice, which sounded like a female...

"Hey...Wolf, where are you?

This lady with a large backpack walked up to, who I assume is the guy's name, Wolf but turned and loudly gasped at the sight of me.

"Wolf, what are you doing? Why do you have your knife out? She's just a kid!, she gasped loudly as she jumped in between us.

Wolf couldn't get all his words and excuses out of his mouth in a nervous tone but she waved him away before excitedly turning to me.

"Where's your parents...or do you have a group? Or are you by yourself?", the lady said in a waay softer tone than her partner. I looked down at the ground, silently to let them know I wasn't ready to reopen those memories but I did say I was alone.

"Awww, you poor thing...Wolf, she's all alone.", she cooed at me like a baby. She reached out and gently stroked my head and I nearly broke into tears at how much it felt like my mom's touch.

"We should start moving. I heard that Creepers have been moving to woods lately.", Wolf said as he entered back into the cabin.

"Well, you heard the man, let's get going!", the lady said as she helped me back up the remaining cans and took up my hand to leave.

And just like that, I found myself with a another group of survivors. It was a bit sudden but it was a lot better than being alone. I just hope I don't lose them again...



"before the fall"

Before the whole country went to shambles, before her whole life was broken, Reika was your average preteen girl.

She went to school. She had friends, crushes, and secrets to giggle about. She went out to the movies and to the park. She had her ups and downs and her confusion fit for any young person. She had a loving mom and an amazing dad as well as kind grandparents. She was your normal girl without much of a hectic life at the time. She never expected it to just...go.


The first week in the Fallout, her dad taught her about basic survival, he was in the army for 16 years. It wasn't easy in the new environment, every building and home stripped and lots more broken and torn. Thick layers of rubble that would reach up to the fifth story of a tall building.

At the place where she would usually go grocery shopping with her mother, she now had to dig through trash and dust for anything edible. And the fighting, man did she hate seeing people fight each other for supplies. Why couldn't they just band together and share out the supplies? She didn't know but she couldn't care.


The Creepers showed up the week after. They were coined as mutated and monstrous animals and people that were caught in the heavy radiation zones. They all looked different in terms of "ugly" but you generally had to keep a weapon close. Always aim for the heart or head, and wash your skin, clothes, and objects afterwards.

They took her mom and grandparents while they were going to the nearby Shelter. Her dad found another group of survivors, folks that were accepting, and left little Reika in their care, only leaving her with his revolver and love.

The group had two girls, about four years younger than her, that became her quick friends. They played, danced, and told stories once they reached the Shelter. They helped Reika become at ease at the loss of her family. And then the Creepers came back. The creatures broke through the walls of the Shelter and everyone panicked. The creatures took most people but not all, like Reika who fled into the woods.

She was alone. Scared. All she had was a pack of ammo, some food, a few water bottles, a notebook, and a pen from the Shelter. She had to find a way to survive, just like her father said.


A girl by herself in the woods, it's a miracle she made it through a whole month with only a few scares and scratches. To her utter shock and surprise, she was roped into a new group in a meeting in a cabin.

A sweet, pacifist lady named Nathaira and her pessimistic partner, Wolfgang. It's nice to not be alone anymore, especially in this current world. Reika sees Nathaira as a big sister role model and even finds solace in Wolfgang's shut-in self. Hopefully they don't leave her by herself again.
Last edited by doge fruit on Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: kal kit ufa

Postby redhorizon » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:32 am

user: Pesagus
why are they scared?: 1000 words max - I took the last cookie,, and now my brother's after me... TO BE CONTINUED
extra: 500 words OR 1 art piece
Last edited by redhorizon on Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: kal kit ufa

Postby .Ginger. » Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:06 am


user: .Ginger.
name: Vera
gender: Female
extra: 200 words OR 1 art piece

there's a light coming from a log cabin in the middle of the woods. what happens next?: 1500 words max
I found myself running, breathlessly through an endless trail of trees, my paws and snout covered with dirt. I don't know why I ended up in a forest, nor do I know of any way to get out, but I knew that I shouldn't be here.
I stopped in a small opening beneath the canopies and caught my breath. The world around me seemed empty aside from the subtle glow of the setting sun. What was I doing and why? And more importantly, where was home?
I rubbed my eyes; they were starting to tear. I took deep breaths and hung my head low.

The sun started to disappear behind the trees, the last bit of light on my ankles.
As the sun bid farewells, I started to run again. If I weren't getting out soon, I needed to at least find shelter for the night. It was dark now so I moved my fastest. In the distance I could see a greenish glow. I ran to the light with panic, oblivious of the roots that started to cover the ground. The path was slightly bumpy, but I continued to run. As I got closer, I could make out the shadow of a cabin. Maybe there would be someone there who could help me. Determined to reach the home, I picked up my pace and got snagged by a great root. The dim stars swung across the branches and I collapsed.

It must've been an hour or so since I'd hit the ground. I slowly opened my heavy eyelids and stood up. My left leg had scratches on it and the cool breeze that blew felt like needles to my fur. I reached for my knee and was greeted by the brush of my satchel. Why had I forgotten about my bag? I groaned in disbelief. I snapped open the button and found a flashlight, a bandage wrap, a quill, and 3 pieces of crumpled up paper. I sat down and tied my leg up in the cloth. I looked back out in the distance and saw the light in the cabin again. Only around 200 paces North to shelter I thought. The wind picked up and a paper hovered out of my satchel, drifting right where I could see it. It read:
Then it blew away.
Now I remembered what I was doing.


I stood less than 10 feet away from the cabin door now.
This is it, I thought to myself.
As I slowly walked up to the wooden door I could feel my heart pump out of my chest. It could've been from all the cardio, but I think it was more about the offsetting feeling of the lonely house and the ominous glow emitting from it's door. I carefully reached out and knocked. Then, I waited.

No one answered.

Determined, I tried again.

"Hello? Is anyone there", I knocked. But still, no answer. I peered through a crack in the door and saw tidy table set with three places. There was a flowerpot at its center and a lit candle to its side, the rest of the house dark. All assumptions would be that a family lived here, but no one ever came to the door and the house stayed dimly lit.
I reached for the door handle, and it surprisingly opened, blowing a gust of warm air in my face. To my disbelief, I was greeted on the other side by a sunny field. The large ball of fire radiated its shine across the dry grass, and all was still, the buzz of dragonflies humming in the distance. I curiously stepped into the veldt and found myself in a whole new world. The feel of the dry grass beneath my paws felt so real, but at the same time SURREAL. It was a reasonably assumed fact that you don't just go walking through doors and ending up in a savanna on the other side. But I could feel it all, the warmth, the vibration, the foliage; it was all there, as shocking as it was. I turned back at the door to see it fading away. So lost in the moment I didn't consciously notice it until the door was almost gone. I ran towards what was left of it and was thrown back as if I ran into a glass wall. The door vanished into thin air and I was left in the swell of the warm air. Shoot. Now what? I thought, as the realization came that I was now stuck in yet another foreign place. Well, I wanted to start over... Why not take advantage of a new place?
I tiptoed through the tall, yellow grass to an acacia tree near a stream. Though so much had happened in a small amount of time, I was still tired, AND thirsty. I limped to the watering hole to meet eye to eye with a family of elephants. I politely bowed my head down before drinking some of the water. It was nice being able to hydrate myself. It felt like I hadn't drunken water for days, perhaps I hadn't and even the brown water of the plains refreshed me. As I drank, I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of myself in the water. I moved over to meet the eyes of my reflection. I stared at the stranger in the water. I had become someone that I never thought I could become. I kept alot of things away from those I love most. It killed me that I shut everyone out like that and I wished I could've been a better person. I put my paw in the water and sent ripples over my reflection. I was going to change, but it would take a long journey to get there. I walked back to the shade of the acacia tree and put my head down on the clay ground. I closed my eyes and dozed off.
Last edited by .Ginger. on Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:05 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby petrify » Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:14 am

this has been extended a week! this will now end next monday
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Postby petrify » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:23 am

    this ends today at 4pm est!! make sure to get your forms done :> if needed i could extend the time a few hours, but today it definitely ends !
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Re: kal kit ufa

Postby Yuroshi » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:41 am

Hey! Could you possibly extend this a few hours please? I won’t get out of classes until 6 but I really adore this little baby and I’d like to give it my all~
If not, I understand, and I’ll just see what I can do!

PM's are always open, no matter what.
Have a wonderful day~

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Postby petrify » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:51 am

    thats fine! ill be extending this until 11:59 pm tonight :>
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Re: kal kit ufa

Postby lunaire » Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:30 am

    Last edited by lunaire on Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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    Postby petrify » Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:51 am

      forgot to end this last night since i was tired! this is now closed, i’ll judge it asap
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    Postby petrify » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:35 am

      hey guys! finally decided who the winner of this kit is going to be. i loved the creativeness in everybody's forms, but there can only be one winner unfortunately,,,

      the winner of this kal is...

      doge fruit !

      take good care of rieka! <3 and good luck in all future competitions to all of you <3
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