Re: Viscet #2628 : Readoption

Postby Mint Chip » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:14 am


This Viscet is being put up for readoption as the competition itself never had any true qualifying forms. You are free to reuse the concepts of your forms, but you must post after this official readoption post to qualify! The prompt will stay the same from the competition but the minimum won't be quite as large. However, you will still be required to do a minimum amount of effort to qualify.

Code: Select all
    [b]Gender for Breeding Purposes||[/b]
    [b]Prompt|| "Lock and Key"[/b] (minimum of 500 words or 1 piece of art)
    [b]Extras||[/b] (optional: 2000 words and 4 pieces of art)

    • The minimum required for your prompt to qualify is 500 words or 1 art piece. You must answer the prompt "lock and key", feel free to be creative and interpret it as you'd like!
    • Maximum for prompt is 1200 words and x2 art pieces.
    • Optional Extras: You are allowed 2000 words and x4 art pieces.
    • Prettying up is allowed and encouraged!

End Date
    November 24th, 2018 @ 8pm CST
    *no extensions will be granted. Good luck. c:
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Gadgetrocks » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:17 am


Username|| Gadgetrocks
Name|| Agrabon
Gender|| Male
Gender for Breeding Purposes|| Male
Prompt|| "Lock and Key" (minimum of 500 words or 1 piece of art)
Agrabon sat in his small cabin, making a cup of tea over the small fire stove, he heard the other viscets immerging from their homes to walk to the village center, where the village officials would choose the next poor viscet destined to guard the village from harm. Agrabon hated the tradition, though it only happened once a thousand years, history had transcribed plain for any viscet to see the horrors of what happened, though he knew the cheering viscets outside wouldn't have read any of those books, of course not, they though this was all in good cheer and sport. Some even had raised their viscetlings saying it was an honor to be chosen, though it wasn't, it was internal imprisonment, a thing none of the viscets who acted like it was some sort of holiday would like. He heard a loud cheer outside as he sat down with his tea and started to flip through one of his beloved history books. "They must have chosen the next guardian." Agrabon thought lazily, sipping the hot herbal tea as the dusty smell of an old book washed over him, he sighed, flipping to the page about the Choosing, rereading the events that had unfolding a thousand years prior. Bang, bang, the noise of paws beating on a wooden door. Wow, he thought, I'm getting really involved in this book, I can hear the viscets coming to steal the one away.
"Mr. Agrabon! Open the door!" Oh gosh, there really were viscets banging on his door. He opened the door, and stared in suprise as the town guard slapped shackles over his paws.
"Just a precaution, we can't have our chosen one running away, can we?"

The town recorder looked up from his books, looking sadly towards Agrabon being pulled towards the town square. He'd always had a soft spot for Agrabon, wanted to mentor him if he hadn't been taken, but he almost knew that Agrabon would be. He flipped back to the page where he'd written about Agrabon so many years before and read it; "Agrabon is a sweet and shy viscet, very quiet, but a very good story teller and an attentive listener. He's very book smart, as well as studious, and loves history with a passion I've never seen another viscet in this town have. Unfortunately, he's very disapproving of town culture, especially the ceremony of choosing a Guardian. Due to these traits, I fear he may be targeted.", of course he was, the recorder looked back down at the page, the big red mark labeling Agra as a threat scarring the crisp white paper. He looked up in time to see Agrabon make a startled noise as glass crawled up his body. The recorder looked away. All that was left was an extremely life-like glass statue, and some tea, still cooling next to a dusty book, left to be abandoned.

-----Chapter II-----
Arga's eyes blinked open, adjusting to the shocking brightness of the room he was in. As he stood up, he admired the craftsmanship of the detailed pillars near him, the were hewn from a foggy white crystal, carved with scenes of viscets going on adventures, using magic, fighting dragons, surviving mass floods, seeking the Underworld, exploring vast libraries. As he looked around, he noticed the whole room was made from the white crystal, even the heavy doors which stood at either side of the room. He pulled them open, walking into a large palace of a place, huge windows that stretched high into the towering domed ceilings, more crystals doors and corridors stretching out from the main hall. He gazed out a window, surprised to see odd rock formations of the crystal, with a few sparse white wooded trees, beyond that, the sky was a dome of starry blue space.
"Where in the world am I?" He whispered to no one in particular.
"Limbo." The voice cut out clear and strong, the voice of a confident viscet, "Everyone chosen comes here till they leave, this is a place above the heavens but below the stars, even the Life God, Curio lives here. Just so you know, I'm the keeper of this place, as every time someone arrives here they're confused, so Curio made me so I could help 'cets like you." Agrabon turned around to see a misty blue viscet hovering there, about five feet off the ground.
"I'm Ezra, and I'm here to help with anything you need, Mr. Agrabon." Aragon started at the foggy ' cet for a bit, before thanking it.
"Anywhere I can get some food Ezra?" Ezra nodded, floating down the hallways, Ponting out various rooms to Agra. There was a large libary, multiple stories tall, multiple nice bedrooms, though Agra and Ezra were the only people there, and many more crystal motifs and carvings. Ezra lead Agrabon to a large room, glass panes in a curved dome letting in twinkling starlight. Ezra said he'd make some food, so Agra sat down, noticing the huge book besides him.
"Ezra, what's this?" The book was huge, papers and other things sticking out of it at all angles.
" Um. Well, that's the book every guardian can use from whatever they need, spells, a diary, and cookbook. I've only ever looked in it a couple times. "
Aragon tentatively opened the book, worried it might crumple to dust in his paws, the worn leather creaking. The flipped carefully through the old, thin papers, taking in the spells, stories, drawings, and history that greeted him. He looked over at Ezra, his friend. With this many books and stories, and an amazing friend, being trapped for 1000 years with no way out, might not be the worst thing in the world.
[959/1200] words

Extras|| (optional: 2000 words and 4 pieces of art)
Extra 1:
About a week after arriving at this mysterious place, Agrabon had tried to take his first step outside, but Ezra watched in amusement as Agra practically leaped back into the building his whole body shivering and his teeth chattering. Ezra made him some hot chocolate and left to organize the library, leaving Agra with the stack of books he'd been reading before trying to leave, some hot chocolate, and a very frozen tail. He opened on of the books, a book of maps another guardian had written long ago. Most of the maps were of places he'd seen, the areas surrounding him town, the neighboring villages, one was a map of the Had Mountains, a place he'd wished he'd have been able to go to. Then, at the end of the book, two pages were stuck together. He grabbed a cup of warm water, dipping his paw into it. He put his paw on the page and rubbed the two pages until the came apart. What lay before him was a map, few sparse trees inked onto it, the only other things on the page a white smudge. He looked closer at the page, and the smudge looked more like a castle. And then he knew what it was. Opening on of the other books he flipped to a page on of the other guardians had written. It had a detailed drawing of a white viscet, with grey eyes and glowing wings on the sides of his fur. It was Curio, the god of life. The page was basically a diary entry of when this guardian.
"I was bored and Ezra was out, doing who knows what that ghost does, so I grabbed a coat from the closet and headed out, not going exactly where. It was cold out there, but I was used to the freezing winters in town, so it didn't bother me too much. I walked for a while, not going anywhere in particular, but after about two hours, I got cold and started to walk back here, to home. But I was lost, these white mountains and white trees all look to familiar. I stumbled around for a bit my paws kinda numb, but I eventually spotted a white castle like thing in the distance, I walked over and knocked on the door, not knowing who lived there, just hoping they'd let me in to defrost my toes. I think my heart almost stopped when Curio opened the door. I never thought I'd be in the presence of a god, never the God of life. He was kind, and a pretty goofy viscet, I was the one being akward, and quickly dismissed my self once he told me how to get back here. I 'd recommend anyone looking for something to go visit him, he must be lonely sometimes. " Agrabon shut the book, taking the map book up and running to the closet. Grabbing a thick winter jacket and a satchel to slip the book into.
"Bye Ezra, I'm going to go exploring. And I am taking a coat with me." He hefted open the huge crystal doors, Agra noticing that more motifs of viscets covered the outside of the building. He walked out, his paws touching the airy white dirt or snow that covered the ground. He kicked some up and it stayed in the air for a while before it drifted back to the ground. He pulled the book back out a followed the map, weaving through the sparse white trees and over the white powdery hills. Finally he made it, a castle of pure white marble looming in the distance. Agrabon took off towards it, slipping down the powdered hills. Finally he was here. Knocking on the door, Agrabon was nearly vibrating with the thought of meeting a god, the god that had given the gift of life to nearly every viscet in Oderiegn. The door creaked open, a white viscet stepping out, his fur nearly glowing with magic.
"Hi, who are you?" Agrabon bowed to Curio, "I'm Agrabon, the newest Guardian."
"Oh, well welcome! I hate that you guys are forced to come up here, but it is nice to have some visitors who don't want to steal my magic. Come on in." Agra sat down on a white plush couch, curio sitting in a chair across from him.
"Why did they send you up here, Agrabon? All the other guardians I've met have had some interesting stories."
"Well, I studied history, particularly my towns history, and of course, they didn't like it. I knew too many dark secrets and if you know that the choosing isn't necessary, then they'll get rid of you. And I was the first viscet to try and study history for a long time, since years ago." Curio nodded sadly.
"Well, maybe in the thousand years you're here it'll change. Have you tried the srcying room? You can open a small invisible portal to see wherever in Oderiegn you want to see. You need to have a specific place, unless you want somewhere random in that general area."
"No, haven't tried that yet, I'll have to try to use that soon." Curio and Agrabon chatted for a long while, as the sun set over the white horizon.
"You don't want to walk home in the dark, it get's even colder out there." Agrabon agreed and Curio teleported him home. After telling Ezra of the adventures he'd gone on, Agrabon walked to the second story of the glassy palace, nearly collapsing into his bed. Agrabon fell into a happy sleep, happy to have made another friend in such a dull, cold place.

Extra 2; Art (Above ^)
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Imagine_Ink » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:49 pm


Gender for Breeding Purposes||
Prompt|| "Lock and Key" (minimum of 500 words or 1 piece of art)
Extras|| (optional: 2000 words and 4 pieces of art)
this is a work in progress.


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Twas A Thanksgiving Eve- Entry For Viscet #2628

Postby Fudge » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:19 am

dropping out! gl to everyone entering! <3
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Knickknacks » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:15 am

A mark for this cute spotty kid <3

Username|| Knickknacks
Name|| Jesper guess who read Six of Crows recently oop
Gender|| Male
Gender for Breeding Purposes|| Male
Prompt|| "Lock and Key"
Jesper liked to think of himself as charming. His confident, easy-to-smile demeanor and smooth talking had helped him to worm his way out of some tight spots before.

The guards hauling him along now, though, had decidedly unswayed by his charisma. Jesper wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of this one.

- - - -

The day had started out pretty well- Jesper had had no expectations of getting caught and hauled off to prison. But a fumbled pocket-picking job had landed him here.

Jesper wasn’t a fighter. He preferred to make his way through life on wits and charm versus sheer strength. So though he walked along agreeably with the guards, his mind was whirring at a million miles per hour, taking in as much information as he could and trying to figure out a way to escape.

Two guards at the door. Busy street outside. Wooden doors, metal bars- too bad I’m not a fire mage, haha- and wait- Jesper’s ears twitched slightly as he picked up on a clinking sound somewhere to his right. He risked a glance, trying not to turn his head too perceptibly, and caught a glimpse of- perfect- a ring of keys dangling from the belt of the guard clutching his right shoulder. That- that would be the key to his escape.

Jesper returned his gaze to the hall in front. They had to be getting close to wherever he would be stashed; the guards probably wouldn’t stick a petty thief in a high-security cell (he hoped). So Jesper seized his moment and stumbled dramatically, pretending to have twisted his ankle.

“Ow! My ankle! Owww!” He yelped dramatically. The guards let out startled cries and grabbed his shoulders again, hauling him back to his feet.

“What was that all about?” The one on the right insisted, giving his shoulder a small, displeased squeeze. Jesper tried to hide his grin, forcing an apologetic and pained expression across his face.

“I- I must have stepped wrong, or something. My ankle hurts- ow- really badly,” He said, glancing mournfully down at his left paw. The other guard bent down to squint suspiciously at it.

“Doesn’t look sprained or broken or anything,” he mused. “You’ll have plenty of time for it to heal while you’re under lock and key, thief,” he continued with a chortle. The other guard looked more sympathetic, silencing her colleague with a disapproving glare. Jesper almost felt bad for stealing the keys off of her belt.

“You okay? Think you can make it down the next hall?” She asked, peering at Jesper’s ankle herself. He nodded, with another exaggerated wince that allowed him to tuck the stolen key ring farther under his arm. It was small enough that he could mostly hide it, and with luck the guards would be too distracted by his limping and moaning to notice their absence.

One hallway- and much exaggerated limping- later, Jesper was bustled into a spartan jail cell. He gave the guards a pained half-smile as they departed. As soon as the door clicked shut, Jesper drew out the stolen keys and grinned widely. This would be a breeze.
527 words
I had a piece of art, but my computers are out of commission and imgur on my tablet is being a butt. So no image uploading for me tonight ^^"
nevermind the fact that the door would lock from the outside. I was almost done writing this and realized that massive flaw. heck
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Mint Chip » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:32 pm

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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Vampire Adam » Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:25 pm

Dropping out. Good luck, everyone!
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Tordier » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:21 am



Gender for Breeding Purposes||
Prompt|| (minimum of 500 words or 1 piece of art)
Extras|| (optional: 2000 words and 4 pieces of art)

Lock and Key

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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Mint Chip » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:32 am

ending in 4 days!
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Re: Viscet #2628

Postby Mint Chip » Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:54 am

Ending tonight!
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