Re: #65 Adoption

Postby Joke's On You » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:11 am


Username: Herringbone

Name: Dio

Element: Venom

I guess you can say that Dio has the personality unlike any other. Tons of mood swings and lots and lots of different feelings and emotions. Which also means that figuring out how Dio actually acts can become a bit of a challenge.
First off, Dio tends to have quite the temper. In fact, that temper can lead him to do some pretty reckless things. And being as venomous as he is, it's not only him that's put into danger during his reckless ways, it's others as well. And it doesn't take a lot to make this kid mad. And once he's mad, he either stays in that mood until there is some sort of shift or until you put some music on. Music is the only thing that really makes this kid happy in his life. With just a click of a button to turn that music of his on, he's immediately back into a calm state of mind. Which also shows how much of a passion he has for not only his playlist but for music as a whole.
Going more into depth on how reckless Dio can get, let's just say he takes his tricks to an entirely different level. He plans things out perfectly, showing his smarts. Being the typical goblin gator, he as well likes shiny things. Lucky for him, he has a nice collection to use to his advantage. With his collection of shiny objects, Dio manipulates other goblin gators to come into his vicinity. From there, it may be too late for them, as he inherits the extremely dangerous venom, such as his mother. With Dio's tricks, it also shows great intelligence. Again, every trick, even reckless, is well thought out to be a trap so he can affect one creature after another with his venomous self.
Though dangerous, this troublesome goblin gator can also be as sweet as can be. But there's a catch to that. He's sweet to anyone that's not affected by his venom. As a side note, no one has yet been found to be able to resist it besides his mother and some of his siblings who also inherit the venomous trait (if any at all). In fact, when Dio isn't angry and is in more of his sweet state, he has dreams and goals like your average person. Yes, this kid is in fact humane when he isn't angry. He's not completely insane. He is a tiny bit bipolar and switches from his anger and happines a lot, typically. Now going along with Dio being a sweetheart when he's not angry, Dio is actually quite the charmer. He wants to be able some sort of relationship in the future. That being said, he practices each day go be as much as a gentleman as he can, but also practices his communication skills so that he is able to build relationships off of that.

Starting simple, Duo's very passionate about music, which is expanded upon a bit in his personality as one of the only things that's really ever able to calm him down when he's mad. Yes, he can be a troublemaker, but in reality, Dio really wants one thing in his life, and that's to expand upon his music passion and spread that you to others around him. Dio's dream is to own a place where many other goblin gators can come together as one and enjoy music. So some type of a club, basically. There will be many events that are held there, such as trivia with music related topics, open mic night, or even just a place to meet up and have fun with friends. Afterall, there is no rule saying that a goblin gator with the element if venom can't provide a place for others to hang out and have fun. This kid will do anything in his power to achieve his dream of owning a club where others can come together and enjoy their own love for music.

His own mother, being too venomous, was on the run to find a place where she could reside without any contact with others. However, his father works for the CDC and was on the hunt for his mother so that he may capture her and bring her back for research and so that he may come up with a cure to help those affected by her venom. From what is mother told him, Dio's father is completely clueless that he and his siblings are his. That being said, Dio pratically grew up without a father figure in his life. Sure, he saw his father around, but because he was clueless and only there until Dio and his siblings were hatched and able to leave the nest so that he may take their mother into custody, Dio again pratically grew up without a father. At the time growing up and discovering his own element, Dio didn't realize how dangerous he was. But as he discovered it, that's when he began to notice that great temper that he carried along with him. He got frustrated easily because he had to prsticslly teach himself everything that a father should've taught their young. So when Dio discovered music, everything was more of a relief to him and and found a happy place. A happy place that would allow him to escape from his bad past so far. And in fact, it has helped Dio a lot so far. It has helped him relate more to the world around him, and will continue to do so as he ages.

Themesong: Waves - Dean Lewis


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Last edited by Joke's On You on Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:36 pm, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby Yuroshi » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:24 am

Username: yuroshi
Name: punk
Element: Electricity

Punk. If you asked what sort of Gator he is.... well, his name says it all. He is the most mischievous little guy, and while he is usually sneaky about it, he's the sort of kid who would just as quickly punch you in the face. And he likes to bite... a lot. He can be pretty sweet sometimes, the biggest problem is just that he has these uncontrollable urges to fight things. Why, you might ask?
Frankly, it's simply because he's way too hyper. Punk is a punk, one who is filled to the brim with energy- no pun intended.
He's a big goofball, though, partially because of his naturally hyped state. Punk is a joy to be around, because he rarely acts down, and wants to make sure you're just as excited as he is. All his friends love him.
At least, they would if he had any.
Unfortunately for the boy, at this point he hasn't got a single one. He loves everyone, but for some reason, everyone seems to scorn him. Although he puts on a brave smile, he is incredibly hurt, and doesn't understand why the adults in his life don't care about him. He just wishes they would love him too.
Still, he refuses to let others bring him down completely. He wishes feverishly for a friend his own age who will understand him- and even if they didn't understand him, they could accept him as he was. But more than just wishing, he searches. No matter how long and hard he already tries, he is never discouraged, staying the punk he always has been.
Punk is a punk, and he loves it.
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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby Diamond_Heart » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:25 am

Element: electricity
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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:58 am

icon base by jako-ry on DA and sig art by booplet on TH

N30N - it/he/they
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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby coastalelid » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:54 pm

Username: crowshy,
Name: pipert
Element: venom

pipert is a small little ick, who loves the outdoors and his alone time! he adores bugs and other critters smaller than him always finding them fasinating and cute, especially the flying ones. although pipert loves insects, he despises larger animals and will always put up a fight with them. (may add on later <3
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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby sillies » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:10 am

Element: electricity

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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby corgiboy » Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:41 am

Omg I didn’t even see this guy till today school has been evil
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lemonade - #65 Adoption

Postby Tricksters » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:05 pm


Username: tricksters
Name: lemonade
Element: electricity
lemonade can be considered a little brat at times
he enjoys digging through other people's belongings and strewing them around their homes, in a twisted game of objectual hide and seek. his favorite thing to hide is house keys and wallets. he's not well mannered, but isn't some sort of crash brute either, just an extremely overly energized boy with a loving of the rowdy and electro swing. he uses his electricity to electrify the carpets of homes, then hides himself to watch people step upon the carpet and have their fur go in all sorts of wild places, just for a good laugh. every now and then he'll use his element to force the television remote to change channels from other rooms and to screw with the lights in homes, faking hauntings and blaming them all on a ghost he called Tom, who, really doesn't exist and is likely just an imaginary friend of the young boy.
his personality catches his name quite well, as he can be as sour as a lemon to some, but sweet as sugar to others. he has little friends, despite his boisterousness and his outgoing nature...likely to be the reason however is his snappy mouth. he doesn't hold his thoughts in, and just lets them come from his mouth the moment they pop into his head. he lacks more than a few filters, and despite his promises of being a good keeper of secrets, he'll tell them all a second after being told.
he has an odd love for paint. he's not a good artist in any means, but he loves sticking his hand in the small crayola pallets you can buy for a buck at the dollar tree, and just swipe his hands across the walls of his bedroom. he sometimes uses just his claws to paint. the paintings resemble nothing more than paint-smears on plaster wall, but he's proud of them none the less, yet still blames them on that ol' ghost Tom of his.
lemonade isn't one to be defensive. he tends to take more tactical responses to confrontation, or simply runs away. he's always been very smart, but never physically imposing or impressive to any extent. he's never been super protective of his siblings, and if he felt they had caused the poor situation they were stuck in, he'd leave it to them to find their way out of it and wouldn't offer any help. that doesn't mean he doesn't love them, however. he does, and deeply so. his terms of affection are much, much different than what is considered to be in the realm of normalcy to others. he sees planning comic book stories and star gazing as signs of affection, rather than hugs, unconditional support, or 'i love you''s.
he's not entirely sure what he wants to grow up to be just yet. something he's considered, however, is a comic book creator, or, more out of the realm of realism, a super hero. he believes that he could use his element to fix power outages, stop crime, and the like, when in reality, it's only just weak sparks that he can currently produce, and nothing even close to be considered life saving or power worthy. again, he's really not good at all in terms of drawing but he does have a decent knack at story telling, and is often putting down ideas he has onto paper with the best drawings he can muster as the comic art itself.
sometimes he'll get extremely upset. mainly over minuscule things, and pointless arguments. to take out his anger he tears up the comic books he's created, but once he's calmed down he deeply regrets what he's done and spends countless hours the upcoming nights sorting through the torn page pieces and one by one taping them back together again. once he has a taped up comic book, he hides it with his cereal boxes, so it's in a place he can't reach if he ever get's angry and tears one up again. currently he has 12 taped up and hidden beneath his cereal boxes in the abyss of his bed.
lemonade has a rough time getting to sleep at night. most of the time he can be found with his oversized headphones half-way over one ear, while upside down on the side of his bed and staring off at the television. he's never one to keep the audio on for shows, instead opting for listening to all sorts of tunes through his headphones and making up his own dialogue. he keeps a stash of half-full cereal boxes beneath his bed, mainly boxes of Trix, which he takes out at night to eat, without milk of course because he can't risk getting caught sneaking to the fridge for milk, for he doesn't want to get sent back to bed. after days straight of not sleeping at night, he often crashes, without warning, and will fall asleep on the spot. most times it's face first into his bowl of morning cereal at the dining table.
lemonade tends to wear darker clothes to contrast his bright fur colors. his favorite article of clothing, however, is a very over-sized hooded sweatshirt. it's definitely made for someone 4 times his size but it's comfortable enough for him to wear it practically everywhere. it's got some tears and rips in it's fabric due to how much he's used it, but slapping a bandaid over the tears until they can be sown up has worked thus far.
by the time lemonade grows up, however, it'll fit him perfectly, if not still a little big on his skinny frame.

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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby PuddlebyOnTheMarsh » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:39 am

Username: PuddlebyOnTheMarsh
Name: Ming Flingo
Element: (Venom or Electricity) Electricity
(Alas, I spotted this girl way too late. Still, must have a hand in...)

She's an electronic wizard. Any electrical device that doesn't work, she can fix it. Fair hand in mechanical things too but her specialty is circuits, wires, diodes resisters, tubes etc. Has a weakness for antique televisions and radios which have the guts that are made of glass. Get near her horde of carefully sorted and stored parts and you will probably get a bit of a zap from the security she's rigged up for just that purpose. (persist and you may wake up hours later with a bit of a twitch)

Her cave is very secluded since all the noise and lights would doubtless attract too much attention otherwise.

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Re: #65 Adoption

Postby winkatuck » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:41 am

Closed for judging! Please don't edit your forms. c:
Hey, I'm Wink and I own Goblin Gators!
I'm temporarily active here so if you got a question about them feel free to shoot me a pm!

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