Re: Rise | #0545

Postby .Lyrebird » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:22 am

    username: .Lyrebird
    link to clan: Galeclan
    cat name: Lynxpaw
    gender: She-cat
    rank: Apprentice
    age: Ten moons
    Lynxpaw adores deer, they fascinate and intrigue her to no end with their long legs and big ears and short, fluffy tails and those weird branches on some of their heads. She tries her hardest to befriend all the young fawns of the season and teach them the cat language. Sadly, this never completely works, though this doesn't dampen her spirits! Her closest hooved friend, a young buck named Antlers Reaching At Sky ( deer names are weird ) knows the most of her language, enough that the two can usually hold conversations.
⟨ Kitty/Lyre ⋆ She/Her ⟩

i miss you little dragon
real life is hard again
may be distant

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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:55 am

username: Ravenshadow17
link to clan: AuroraClan
cat name: Lynx Lynxclaw
gender: Female
rank: Warrior
age: 22 moons
AuroraClan's territory is home to many predators, including lynxes. These large cats are normally a threat to the clan, however to the shock of one patrol, they stumbled upon a mother lynx and her three cubs. Now this wouldn't be odd, except that one of the cubs was a kit. One of their own kind. Yet the little she-cat was living and learning with lynxes. The clan monitored the situation, and one day when the mother lynx was killed by a poacher, the clan tried to approach the young she-cat. Lynx was curious about the cats that looked like her. Her mother had told her about them before, so she was willing to talk. She told the clan that she had been raised by the lynxes after her birth family was lost to a rockslide. She introduced herself as Lynx, she had been named so because even if she was not one of these large cats physically she had the attitude and strength of one.

Ravenstar told Lynx that if she wanted, she could join the clan. Lynx stated that she would stay with her two sister lynxes, Snow, and Ivy, until they were of age to gain territories of their own. Then, and only then would she join the clan. After a few moons, a now grown Lynx approached the clan and became a warrior after a short apprenticeship. She had already been trained by her family so she mostly need to learn about clan life and not warrior skills. Lynxclaw was a welcome addition to AuroraClan. However, she never forgot her unconventional upbringing. She is still close with her two lynx sisters. The two large cats live in nearby territories that overlap with AuroraClan. This is because female lynxes sometimes share pieces of their territory with other females. They are more than happy to have overlapping territory with their smaller sister. The three cats can often be seen racing through the forest and playing together.
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby Yuroshi » Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:18 am

username: yuroshi
link to clan:Oddclan
cat name: Calmriver
gender: male
rank: warrior
age: 67 moons

Calmriver sat, tail tucked neatly around his paws, head facing upwards. The light of the half moon illuminated him in his empty surroundings, close to the mountains. He blinked his glowing eyes, gazing intently at the sky, then caught a flicker of movement. It was more a blot of black, by all appearances, a stain on the silver surroundings, an imperfection blocking the light of the moon. But to Calmriver, it was so much more.
The moment the tom noticed those ting wings ripping furiously through the night sky, he shot to his paws, head still raised and staring, somehow more intently than before, towards the moon. He was waiting for something... and he wasn't disappointed.
Within moments, the sky was nearly blocked out by a sea of dark, wings pounding in the air as the winged-rats poured from an unseen cave somewhere in the mountains beside him. To Calmriver there was nothing more relaxed than these waves of teeming darkness, and within seconds, he was off. In those places where no light reached the floor, the silver tom raced, lunging and twisting through the growth around him, thoughts consumed with utter nothingness. He remained firmly beneath the cloud of bats, which sometimes dropped to glide above and around him, knowing he was safe.
The bats swirled through the air, and the cat ran with them, until complete exhaustion set in. Calmriver's paws thundered upon the ground, while the wings above him tore through the air, and the mass of comforting darkness returned to their home, leaving the sky in empty light once more. As the last lone bat fluttered once around him before flitting into the cave, Calmriver turned, head low from exhaustion, and left the brilliant light of the clearing to head into the shadows of the forest.
As he made his way into camp, the tom made a promise to the now empty sky that he would return at the next half moon.
Just as he always had.
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby Tinkpetz » Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:45 am

username: Tinkpetz
link to clan: wip
cat name: Jayfoot
gender: Tom
rank: Deputy
age: 24 moons

"I hope you were planning on asking nicely for that food."
Louie froze, mouth agape over the dog's dish. He was tensed to bolt as the shadow of the huge Rottweiler swung closer and closer. The massive canine chuckled at the sight of the startled, disheveled kit.
"Tell ya what, you can have one bite. But if you want any more, you better stay and talk a while."
The hair on the kit's neck slowly smoothed as he scarfed down the biggest bite he could manage, looking up at the beast with wide, curious eyes.
The dog thumped his rear end down onto the ground. "Alright, kid. What's your story?"

Jayfoot leaped nimbly to the top of the wooden fence, careful to avoid splinters. The old dog on the other side lifted his ear and then his head. Jayfoot smiled as his friend shuffled himself into a seated position. "Long time, no see, Louie."
"I figured my good friend Buck could use some company."
Buck laughed. "I got plenty o' company. The master's grandkids been playing leapfrog over poor old Buck's back!"
Jayfoot studied the gray hairs on the Rottweiler's muzzle. There were more than last time. And was the fur on his shoulders getting frosty? Jayfoot really should visit more often.
"But Louie, how's it been with that gang o' yours?"
"It's Jayfoot now, Buck. And it's a clan, not a-"
Buck interrupted, "You really gonna lecture an old dog, Louie? Come on, share me your troubles."
Jayfoot sighed and looked at the ground. "Well, Buck, I got me an important decision to make." Buck nodded, his eyes sharp and focused as he read the young tom's expression. "And I don't well know what I should choose."
The dog's face softened and his voice lowered. "Come on over here, kid. Tell old Buck your story."
The tom felt very small again as he padded across the soft earth and curled up on the porch, though the big black figure beside him was now a trusted friend. And this time, he skipped the food dish.
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby doge fruit » Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:30 am

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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby legolas the elf » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:53 am

username: Mistyleaf - she
link to clan: viewtopic.php?f=103&t=3756509&p=117331719#p117331719
cat name: Dapplefang
gender: she-cat
rank: warrior
age: 38 moons
prompt: One day, close to when Dapplefang joined the clan, Dapplefang had been walking when she heard a wail. She bounded towards it, thinking it was a kit, but when she found it's source, she was surprised to see a dolphin very close to shore. Dapplefang bounded to the bank of the shore, and the dolphin, seeing her shrieked and thrashed. That is when Dapplefang realized the dolphin was stuck in shallow water. She soothed the young animal with reassuring purrs and stepped into the salty water. Once she was up to her belly, the dolphin started thrashing again, and Dapplefang realized it was trying to get somewhere, not away from her. "Calm down" she soothed. The dolphin slowly did. Dapplefang wrinkled her nose at the salty, fish, cat-like scent of the dolphin as she got to it's side. The salt clung to her fur and she winced, thinking about cleaning it out later, but knew she had to help the stranded calf. Slowly, slowly, she dug around his sides, as he smelled male, and soon the sand was loose. Dapplefang was able to free him by night fall, and he chirped his thanks and dove off, releaved. Dapplefang sighed. SHe felt like she had started to bond with the baby. Now, 8 moons later, the dolphin comes back to play every half-moon and Dapplefang is always there. She has named the dolphin Saltwater and has kept him a secret, knowing too many cats would scare him. Saltwater sees Dapplefang like a second mother and they currently have a happy relationship.

(260 words)
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby MichelleP224 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:58 am

374 words!
I had almost 1000 words, but I compressed a TON. I hope you like!
I absolutely love this character design! Perfect match for my girl Kestrelpaw.

username: Michellep224
link to clan: SeaClan
cat name: Kestrelpaw
gender: She-cat
rank: Apprentice
age: 8 moons
prompt: Meeting an American Kestrel

Kestrelpaw slinked through the undergrowth. She was alone, in the marshy part of SeaClan territory, against Hailstar's rule.
Kestrelpaw had always been hesitant to perform in front of other cats, but now she would prove how good of an apprentice she was!
Tasting the air, she smelt a shrew. She dropped into a hunting crouch, like she was taught. Cautiously she made her approach as her quarry was shuffling some damp leaves near its den.
The apprentice, a taillength away, stopped and prepared to spring, when a flash of blue swooped down and snatched the shrew away!
"Hey!" Kestrelpaw cried, furious. "Bring back my shrew! I need that!"
Surprisingly, a voice replied to her."I'm sorry, young cat! I need it too!
"You can talk?" Kestrelpaw asked. The bird landed on a branch. above her. She had never spoken to any animal besides a cat!
"Of course!" the bird chirped, holding the shrew with talons. The bird was the size of a kit, was blue and brown in color, and had a sharp beak it used on prey.
Kestrelpaw tipped her head and asked another question, "What kind of bird are you?"
"I'm a kestrel. We share the same territory, and hunt the same prey." The kestrel replied matter-of-factly, taking another bite of shrew.
"Wow! My name is Kestrelpaw! You're really a kestrel?" the tabby could barely hold her excitement. Kestrelpaw had forgotten about her hunting mission.
Maybe the bird will come down to talk! Kestrelpaw thought hopefully.

"Yes." the kestrel replied. She thought it was sweet that the cat was interested in her. The kestrel finished the shrew and glided down, safely, but close enough to talk.
"I can only stay a moment, Kestrelpaw." The falcon chirped. "I have a nest of hungry chicks to feed."
"Ohh!" Kestrelpaw breathed. "Is that why you needed the shrew?"
"Yes," she replied. "And I wanted you to know how special it is that you payed attention. You should always be open to learn, Kestrelpaw.
I've watched your clan. You are a talented hunter, and you should show them how much prey you can catch. Don't hide your gifts. You'll make a great warrior."

With that, the kestrel flew, leaving Kestrelpaw staring, reflecting on what she had experienced.
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby dimi. » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:16 pm

dimi. | silentclan | lilypaw | female | warrior apprentice | 10 moons
The sun had set, and the sky was a dark navy, the ground lit up by the vibrant white light shining off the moon. It was late New-Leaf, and the weather was beginning to heat up, the river to the north of Silentclan's camp flourishing with floral and animals. It was this time of year that the most intriguing of creatures would come out. Among them were snakes, frogs, dragonflies, and one special creature that only one cat in Silentclan knew of it's existence.

Lilypaw ran through the forest, her golden eyes frequently changing direction to keep an eye out for any incoming obstacles. The rest of the cats of Silentclan were asleep, but Lilypaw was wide awake. Her friend would be here tonight, she had a gut feeling. The wind against her ears made her heart pound more anxiously as she pressed on.

She emerged from the trees of the forest, the river before her. White light reflected off of it, the pattern of the stars above against the water. Lilypaw crept forward, crouched down towards the ground, her nose pressed firmly against the grass as she tried to pick up the scent of her seasonal companion. Her ears then pricked forward as she heard a low, slightly loud grumble, like a snore from across the river. She perked her head up, and there he was.

On the other side of the river, there was a large animal. He was hidden beneath a large shell, which alone was almost as big as Lilypaw herself. He only came out when he caught a brief whiff Lilypaw's scent. Lilypaw looked at the creature in amazement, and slowly backed up before running forward, leaping onto a rock in the center of the river. She gazed at her friend in amazement, then made one more leap, landing before the creature. She gazed up at him, and smiled.

He was a large tortoise, towering over Lilypaw. She had found him one day while out on a hunt, and has been visiting him every night during New-Leaf and Green-Leaf ever since. He bowed his head down, and Lilypaw leaped up onto his shell, sitting on his haunches. "You know, you're bigger than all the cats of Silentclan." He let out a low grunt in response, one that seemed humorous. Lilypaw laughed, and the tortoise moved forward, beginning their journey around the river of the night,

Stars Clan // Art Comp
i'm dimi.! i love cats
and writing.

Lights Off!
[LOLO in PM title, pls!]
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby spideysense » Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:07 pm

      Not entering, so many good entries already <3
      {I'm looking at you, Ajax.!}
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Re: Rise | #0545

Postby Neon sparks » Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:13 pm

username: Lieutenant sparks
link to clan:
cat name: Webfoot
gender: male
rank: warrior
age: 15 moons
webfoot liked to chat with crows. the plateau above the gorge was home to many crows, they don't understand him and he doesn't understand them but he will talk to them if hes alone in the forest. they caw back at him when he speaks and it almost sounds like a conversation despite the fact that neither has any idea what the other is saying. one crow, in particular, is fond of following him around and having fun 'let's be loud' chats with him.
xXXXXXXXXXXzzzxxzXXxxxxxxUsed to be Lieutenant sparks


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