Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector

Postby trans » Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:56 am

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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector

Postby corgiboy » Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:21 am

Username: Steampunkvale
Gender: Female
Gender for breeding: female
What do they protect: (Minimum amount of 500 words with no maximum amount)
Their demon obsession
(obsessed with a demon king they are forbidden from ever seeing or being near they cant even touch him without being burned)
She could only watch him from afar as he commanded his tropes for yet another war. She always watched him from afar knowing that if she went near him there would be consequences.
watching beautity from afar
Writing Extras: (Maximum of 500 words for each writing extra; may not be related back to the prompt)
Art Extras:

(x2; may not be a comic or an animated piece)
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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector

Postby Thebattleangel » Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:59 am




Gender for breeding:

What do they protect:
My mind was in complete focus. I knew the controller by heart making it easier to know what to do at one time, my door began to creek open, startling me because of the sudden movement, my father, what some call the devil, stood in my doorway, I looked at him confused as to why he is even here, he avoided eye contact, he opened his mouth,
"Take scooter for a walk",
He said blankly, slamming my door shut behind him,
"Could have asked nicely",
I muttered beneath my breath, I drew a heavy sigh, I turned my attention to my attention to my television that was beside my bed standing on a mini wooden shelf, my game was still displayed on it, hesitant, I reached my front right paw onto the power button of my gaming console, resulting in a small beep which then resulted in the turning off of the console, leaving my reflection in the blank television screen, I let out another sigh, my mane was a complete mess, as usual,
"How long was I on it?",
I asked myself aloud, confused but also concerned, my eyes fell on my window beside my bed which stood sideways to the door, I squinted, there were dark and gloomy clouds present in the window warning that it was going to rain,
"Rain and wind, great",
I muttered grumpily, I hung my hind paws over the side of the bed, Scooter, my little Jack Russell, was by my side instantly, whining with impatience as I grabbed the hair brush from my bedside cabinet,
"Scoots, I will take you for a walk in a minute, OK boy?",
He sat down to the left of my body where he had once stood, his tongue lolled from his mouth, I gripped the hair brush with my right paw, using it to do long, careful strokes, smoothing out my mane with ever stroke until it was smooth to the touch, Scooter was now laying down, he was curled in a ball at the end of my bed eyeing my every movement, curiously but also impatiently, I planted my hind paws onto the ground, I approached my coat that hung on the door, the side that face the inside of my room, it was made of a baby blue soft fabric which my mother used to make this coat, I remembered being in the room while she was making it, the fabric had a very spring kind of smell, like flowers, grass and what not, little did I know thatbshe was making it for my tenth birthday, that, was six years ago, it still fits like a glove, my mother had passed two years ago, it left both of us in wrecks, most of the time I wonder if my father is even on earth anymore, by the way he acts he seems more alien than viscet, ever since that day he had never been the father I remembered, instead, he was a shell of a viscet who still grieved his wife's passing, ignoring his daughters existence, leaving me to fend for myself, Scoots whined again. Snapping me back to reality, he had his focus fixated onto his leash very tightly, I sighed again while shaking my head, Scooter was my mothers best friend, responsibility of him fell on me since dad could not look after him, I miss her everyday, I always feel like if I look deep enough into Scooters eyes I would see her spirit lingering in him, which, as silly as it sounds, makes me miss her less. It helps me know that she is safe.

I shook my head, stopping sudden forming tears, instantly, I hastily grabbed Scooters leash, I dangled it making a clicking kind of sound, Scooter got up instantly, I put a paw to my chest resting it on a cold type of metal which was the present my mother wanted to give my on my fourteenth birthday, before she was taken away from me, I held it in my paws, I clicked the heart locket open with ease, in the locket there was a picture of my mother and I smiling, in the picture I was very young, about two, I cherhed this locket, I always wear it in my mothers memory. Scoots let out another impatient whine, he was eyeing the leash that still swung side to side while I held it up, I stepped forward, prying Scooters neck up I connected his collar to his leash with a load click.

I slowly exited my room in silence. My father was fast asleeo on the couch snoring,
"I have never seen him fall asleep that fast before",
I whispered to myself, light on my feet I opened the door quietly, the wind howled, strong gusts of wind kept coming and going,
"Do I really want to go out there?",
I asked myself shivering as if I already felt the cold of the outside, I quickly pulled on my coat, I gazed outside the door for a second before opening it, I proceeded out the door, closing it behind me.

The air was cool, it smelt a bit like ash,
"He must have been burning plastic again",
I said aloud, we walked to the front of the yard to find puddles of rain water all over the lawn creating a heap of mud, we stuck to the concrete path that went through the heart of the yard, we managed to avoid most of the mud, the rain lightened too, enough to stop shivers running down my spine like I was being punctured repeatedly, the road outside our house was kind of steep but it never bothered me, but, what did was the pebbles that covered the concrete. It is painful. Very painful. We began to walk up the road, though, Scooter is very unwilling about it, this road was always a challenge for me growing up, mother had always said,
"If something is easy it is never worth while",
I live by that saying, when I had never understood what she actually meant by it, as I got older it stuck out like a sore thumb, I constantly remind myself of her quote everyday, the steep road was quickly coming to an end leaving two roads going to two different destinations, one, leads to the forest, the other, leads out of the village,
"Right it is",
I said to Scooter who then tugged on his leash in response, the road to the forest much smoother, shaven sheep roamed the surrounding paddocks chatting in their own language along with eating grass,
"Huh, I thought they would have lambs by now, its spring",
I said aloud causing one sleep to turn to baa at me, me and my mother always went into the forest to walk Scoots, but, I haven't been there in two years, we were approaching the familiar rocky road that led into the forest,
"Well, this is going to be painful",
I said aloud, sighing, my coat began to sway in the passing breezes,seeming like the coat has a mind of its own, causing my blood to run cold, giving me the chills, tugging on Scooters leash I guided the both of us to the left side of the road where grass was which would make it easier on my paws,
"The road is still the same",
I said to myself, Scoots kept tugging on his leash constantly which slowly made me agitated,
"Be patient boy",
I snapped at him, in return he shot a look at me. The gate to the forest was locked tight with a padlock which was not a problem, I unhocked Scooters leash, he made his way beneath the gate while I went to the narrow opening that the gate did not seal, Scooters tongue was lolling along with his tail wagging on the opposite side of the gate, I walked through the entrance joining him on the other side. Trees. Endless rows of trees covered my line of sight.

Stones constantly jabbed into my hind paws as we walked, Scooter was always in front waiting on me, most of the forest was how I remembered it, except for the fact that there was a trail to the left of the road we had taken, along with knocked down trees, it really saddened me, the forest was so beautiful with all of its plants, my mother had adored this place, I remember something she had said a long time ago,
"When my time here is up I want to be buried here, in the forest, so I can protect it with all of my might, I must protect the forests beauty",
Being young I never had taken notice of what she had said or meant, its like she knew that she was going to die and sometime soon, to this day I don't know the cause of her death, it was always shielded from me like I was a little kid, I hate it with a passion, but, I think its best also, so I don't get hurt, I'm only left to guess what had happened to her, there is a great reason I have not come back in here in two years, she was buried here like she wished, if I remember right she was buried near a lake surrounded by tall oak trees with a tombstone in the shape of a daisy with words engraved in the stone, what was written I had forgotten, I don't have an amazing memory, there is only certain things I actually remember, most of them are just fractions, I very rarely remember anything vividly unless my mother is present in the memory, my eyes always focused on the nature that surrounded me, I could feel the presence of my mother but I don't know if its my imagination or not, I kept on walking around aimlessly while Scooter ran all around sniffing everything he could, the trees began to decrease in number resulting in them totally disappearing leaving a clearing completely stripped of the trees that had one stood there, the only thing you could see was a bland grey color symbolising death, in its place,
I gritted my teeth while continuing to look around, the trunks of each tree were laying flat on the ground, my eyes then fell on something, it was nothing like the others, it was a darker grey but it was not a shadow, then I saw the lake.

I carefully made my way down the edge of the road,
"This makes no sense...",
A pain struck my heart as I spoke, the logs of the trees were all stacked near the road making some sort of makeshift stairs, I began to walk slowly, any wrong move they will collapse,
"I swear this is the place...",
Branches were scattered everywhere, all are different shapes, colors as well as sizes, some remains of the trunks of trees layed scattered around the placw , the air was getting harder to breathe in since there was no vegetation was around, fear was rising inside of me, Scooter looked back at me as I took my last step planting my hind paws onto the ground, he looked sad like he knew what I was thinking, this WAS where she was buried. I knew that for a fact, but I need to know for sure, I carefully began to walk over the rubble of the plants looking for the dark gray object I had seen, Scooter was running around sniffing anything he possibly could, something began to tug at my heart suddenly which I had immediately decided to ignore, I frantically looked around for it, its color at least because I don't really know what it is, unless it's what I think, out of nowhere Scooter began to bark at the top of his lungs causing me to jump and nearly fall over, luckily, I managed to catch myself,
"What is it boy?",
I asked him, he started to run, aimed for the left, I ran after him, the tugging on my heart got stronger like I was approaching something I needed to. Scooter halted. There it is. The cement of the flower lost to time was chipped at the sides and a whole flower pettle was no longer present of the five. My mothers tombstone. What I was seeing cut my heart like a knife, the only sign of life in this whole place we were in was where she was, dry, brittle grass stood in her place, tears ran,
I slowly approached her tombstone with care, I began to run my right paw over the engraved words, each word filled me with a piercing pain,
"Here lays Ember, a loving mother and wife, a much cherished part of a lot of peoples lives, an angel sent from heaven who was robbed from the world way too early, she will be missed dearly, October twenty eighth 1992 - February tenth 2015",
I was very careful not to step on her grave while I began to examine each word, Scooter walked over to the left of where she was drooping his head, I slowly went toward Scooter sitting down beside him with caution so I did not startle him, using my right paw I gently stroked his back, I let out a sigh, it hurts so much seeing it this way, my best friend as well as my mother rests here, they destroyed her beautiful memory...,
I looked around, what the heck was that?... No one is there... The voice sounds so much like... Like mum..., I closed my eyes for a brief moment, a flash of an image came and went... What the?... I closed my eyes again, there she was, the mother I love dearly,
I said aloud, the figure of her did not move or speak, she was different now... She had two individual sets of wings, a halo hovering over her head as well as two around the end of her tail,
"You are as beautiful as I remember...",
She spoke finally,
"Is it really you?...",
"Yes Baby, it is",
She smiled as she spoke, I returned it,
"Your beautiful memorial... It's... It's...",
She interrupted, finishing my sentence,
"What happened...",
"I could not protect the one thing I held dear... But I have been allowed to make someone a guardian angel... Which is why I am talking to you now Baby... You are the best thing that had ever happened to me...",
"I know it is too much to ask of you...",
"Mum, I will protect the forest with my life for you... I miss you being here with me...",
"I know baby girl, but, this way you will always be with me...",
"But dad...",
"He... He passed... While you were out of the house...",
I choked as I spoke and began to bawl,
"I will protect this forest",
I managed to say between sobs,
"And all of our memories here mother... I promise...".

My body lifted into the air, I opened my eyes terrified, below me I could see her grave, a bright blue light began to surround me, a sharp pain grew around my shoulders along with hips, the light grew blinding and suddenly bursted with a neon color, I was slowly lowered to the ground, my mother stood right in front of me completely visible, tears were in her eyes, my father was also at her side, I ran up to her, with my arms open wide, we wrapped each other in a hug, we squeezed each other tight,
"My baby girl is now the guardian of the forest".

Personality (1 writing extra):
Baby is always determined to do anything she sets her mind to no matter what it may be, with everything she does you can see her determined face, she is always guarding the forest with everything she has like she had promised her mother, she is always determined to keep logging trucks away along with humans carrying any item of machinery that would cause any kind of damage to the beautiful wildlife and vegetation of the forest which, with her being the guardian has regrown massively looking like its normal state she hadn't seen in a very long time.

Sometimes Baby's curiosity out ranks her brain causing her not to think and make bad decisions when something grabs her attention whether it be unusual or she just has too have a quick look or her brain will explode according to her anyway, she is curious about most things that related to wildlife or specific types of plants that she finds either suspicous or potentially dangerous that will harm others so she has more information and can treat a wound in the worst case scenario that something very bad happens or a wild animal bites other living beings.

Easily angered:
Sometimes the most lttle of things drive her crazy which can cause her to lash out unexpectedly making a ruckus around her, she doesn't mean to do it and instantly trys to stop it some things you can't stop, depending on how her day is going determines how easy or hard it is to tip her off her edge causing hero act out, she does not want to be known for herhr aggression toward others but instead for guarding the beauty of the forest, making it safe enough to camp there even though there are my wild animals in the forest.

Baby can be very judgemental at first glance but there is a big reason for it, she is very protective so it causes her to be very skeptical of some and if she doesn't like the look of them she will watch their every move making sure that they don't cause trouble in her beautiful home which she will never let anyone damage ever again, she sometimes can't help but judge a book by its cover although she knows how bad that may be but sometimes others look very sketchy causing worry.

After her mother passed away she was pretty much forced to become independent and do everything for herselfherself since her father was no longer able to look after her or Scooter, she learned how to cook on her own, she always made meals two times a day for both her as well as her father, although he never really showed appreciation for what she does but she used the fact that she has one breathing parent as a reward so she is not left alone to womder where her life had gone in such a hurry to get away from her.

Meeting Taonga (1 writing extra):
A strange voice called somewhere in the distance,
The strange voice called again,
"Who are you?",
I said in response so I could follow where the the voice came from,
"I am Taonga, I'm afraid I wandered off from the trail I was following, can you help?",
"Silly males",
I mutter beneath my breath, the voice was sharp but innocent in a way, why would anyone be in my forest anyway?, better question, how did I not notice them?, I can tell he is a male by his voice just like I can with everyone, it is a unique gift of mine, I sigh,
"I will be there in a moment, sir",
I made my way to his location using my senses.

"Taonga right?",
I asked the startled red and black coloured viscet who had light pink swirls along with a mane accompanied by a unicornn horn of sorts, his eyes met mine, he was definitely panicked,
"That's right... What are you...?",
"A normal viscet",
I stood proud as I spoke,
"Why do you ask Taonga?",
"You are a viscet like nothing I have ever seen before, that's saying something since I'm in a big pack",
"Oh, I see what you mean, I am the guardian Angel of this here forest you are lost in",
I motioned to my halo hovering over my head as I spoke,
"You must like this forest then",
"You have no idea, I will escort you home out of the forest so you don't get lost again",
I wink at him, he laughs in response,
"Thank you miss... Uhhh... I never got your name",
"Baby. Its Baby. And you are quite welcome",
We began to make the long journey out of the forest to his home, he was not wrong when he said it was a big pack.

"Wow this is big",
"I told you so",
Taonga smirked as he spoke, we were approaching a massive den that stood high that looked like it had many split of sections for maybe individual dens of some sort, another viscetviscet similar to his color and pattern was waiting at the entrance,
"Taonga!, there you are!, I have been worried sick",
The viscet looked to be female because of her feminine mane, she run up wrapping Taonga in a breath taking hug by the look of it,
"Son, where have you been?",
She asked while releasing him from her hug. So this is his mother,
"I was in the forest mother, I got hopelessly lost and Baby helped me",
He said while motioning to me, her eyes filled with wonder at the sight of me, she walked toward me full with curiosity causing me to back up,
She said halting,
"I have never seen anything like you before",
"Your son said the same thing miss",
"Come, I'm sure my mother would like to meet you",
I respected her hospitality and took it, Clara lilium, the leader, welcomed me into the pack with open arms.

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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector

Postby mellow yellow. » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:04 pm


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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector

Postby Yugi » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:57 am

Hey there, everyone! Just posting with a small, important update.

As I'm unsure if I'd be up for judging on the 7th, I decided to extend the competition by a few more days for I don't want to keep you all waiting. Plus I don't want to accidentally misread forms, so I want to make sure that I'm in my tip top shape before I begin judging ^^)b

The new closing date is January 10th at 8:00 PM PST!
Do note that there will be no more extensions provided, so I wish you all the best of luck! I hope this extension can benefit everyone entered in this competition, and I can't wait to see all of the completed forms; there's so many great entries right now <3

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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector (Ends Jan. 10)

Postby Yugi » Thu Jan 11, 2018 5:42 pm

Sorry for the slight delay, yo! >O<

This competition is now officially closed for judging! Please do not edit your form or post any forms after this point. Editing your form will disqualify you from this contest, and any new forms posted after this comment will automatically be disqualified as they were added after the end date.

I'm super excited to read through all of the entries ^U^ Thank you for all who entered and participated in this contest; good luck to everyone who entered <3

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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector (Ends Jan. 10)

Postby SmileChild » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:04 pm

Ah no, I didn't have the time!!
Good luck everyone, tho. I seen some really good stories! :D
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Re: Viscet #2167 - Starry Protector (Ends Jan. 10)

Postby Yugi » Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:18 pm

Alright, thank you to everyone who entered and participated!
There were so many wonderful, thought out characters presented in the entries for this viscet, and I had a lovely time reading through each and every one of them.

For the form to have counted, it needed a 500+ word answer to the main prompt (what do they protect). Forms could also add two 500 word extras (for a combination of a thousand words), as well as 2 simple art pieces to further their character.

To begin, I would like to start out with a shout out ^^ This doesn't award any stubs, but I felt the need to compliment your form.
Shout Outs wrote:/trainwreck/
Cassidy's character idea was absolutely neat; I could see this viscet targeting and absorbing nightmares to protect those around them. The writing present in your form was also nicely done ^^ I would have loved to learn more about Cassidy though, and I hope you're able to use such an interesting concept for another character one day.

Next up, HMs! If your username is listed here, this means that you've won the number of stubs listed next to your username. Please contact archivist staff to have these stubs recorded.
Honorable Mentions wrote:Surroundingcrystals - x2 Stubs
Baby's life story is certainly quite the emotional roller coaster; all of the ups and downs you described that occurred to her in her life helped map out her character as her story progressed on. Learning about how she became the protector of the forest was interesting, especially seeing how her mother planned to be the original guardian when she passed away. The extra pieces of writing and art that you did also help further explain her character and her story ^^

Next up is runner up! If your username is listed here, this means that you've won the option of claiming x3 stubs OR a RU design.
Runner Up wrote:Humerussin
I really do love the literal take that you took upon Corona's character. Her being a guardian angel for spirits that traveled to and fro from the kingdom in the sky made for an interesting occupation. The explanation behind her duties and the tale of how she came to be a spirit herself were all wonderfully written, and I enjoyed reading through each nicely organized part of her story. I also appreciate the relationships you've already built upon; Sahaquiel, Azrael, and Evora all felt like important additions that helped further her character throughout her plot line.

In addition, the singular piece of art that you did of her is absolutely adorable. The soft expression and innocent pose really help convey her personality ^^)/

You may decided between 3 stubs OR a RU design!
If you would like to claim the design, please message me 1 general color of your choice ^u^ They will be designed with items to give them an angel-like appearance and will also have a starry theme to them.
Winner wrote:True Knight
Your stories are always lovely True, and this one is certainly no exception.

Even though I knew Evangeline's relationship with Evanlyn would not end on a positive note (and I admittedly did try my best to brace myself for it), I still felt my poor heart get mercilessly pummeled into the ground after reading the heart breaking conclusion of Evanlyn's life and Evangeline's love. Regardless of how brutal it was to my poor heart, I honestly thoroughly enjoyed reading through the snippet of the angel's life. Likewise, the other viscets that you chose to appear in the story made for wonderful additions as well, as each and every one of them felt important to her life's story. The amount of character building present in your form is spectacular, for sure ^^)/

I also really adore the piece that Lex did for your form as I thought that the small scene captured from the story within it was super cute. I always dig art that relates back to the story line!

I'll go ahead and update the first post with Evangeline's information, as well as adding you to her ref ^^

Thank you everyone for participating! I wish you all the best of luck in any future competitions you may enter, and I hope you all have a fantastic week ahead of you~!

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Re: Viscet #2167 - Winner Announced

Postby Lioashu » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:14 pm

Congrats true! I unfortunately had a nasty case of writer's block during the time I was able to make my form, but it was a wonderful battle. ^^ Can't wait to see what you do with her~

As for the RU, since I won't really be having much time to enter any other adopts I'll definitely take it ;u; I'll pm in a moment~ (Thank you!)
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Re: Viscet #2167 - Winner Announced

Postby Thebattleangel » Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:29 pm

well, that's days of planning I won't get back, lol, may aswell use the idea for another Viscet, but, congratulations true, I would've loved to win them but I read your form and honestly I never had a chance I loved it
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