Postby epimetheus » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:29 pm

not trying, but if you want help (or a bean to use as a friend), pls pm me!! i'd be overjoyed to help someone win this babe ;; v ;
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby henley » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:36 pm

haitus until September 20th

not well, so sorry.
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hello, i'm merrill! and i'll be your distraction!

Postby sarapkm » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:36 pm

      hello! my name is sara. I'm sarapkm on both here and the jbdhangout, though i used to be peperonie babie on here. I am active with my 2 lovely beans, often talking about them or roleplaying them. I love to simply look at their refs and squee in joy. I constantly think of them. ever since i first saw the brenalt twins months ago, I instantly fell in love and I wanted so desperately for one to ufa. since then, I've been watching the brenalt couple and their babies being born, all the while never losing hope that I would one day get the chance to get one. when the ticket for makar was posted, I was so excited - and I stalked the nursery until he was born. when I first saw makar, I squealed - I fell in love, and he instantly became a dreamie. just a few minutes later, after jumping and squealing in the kitchen (my dog stared at me weirdly), I began thinking of his personality. I instantly connected.

      if I win makar, first I would jump in joy, cry and become so excited I'd be shaking. then, I would start roleplaying with other beans to develop him either further as a beloved bean and talk about him constantly - I'm sure my friends would get annoyed eventually, but I don't really care. makar is very important to me. I'd order art, sure, but art isn't how I mostly show my affections. roleplaying is how I do so with characters.

by x

    zodiac - pisces
    birthdate - march 11th
    voice - american accent, low,
    matter-of-fact yet soft



      name - merill makar
      nickname - kitten, makar
      gender - cis male

      I named him merrill makar because it suits him. it has a nerdy, uncommon tone to it. merrill means "sparkling sea", sparkling as much as he does. also, video games are one of my most important hobbies - they keep me from feeling negative emotions, and the game Dragon age II is one of my favorites. I named merrill also after merrill from dragon age because she's one of my favorite characters - so young, so innocent, so ambitious yet hides away some parts of herself for the sake of people, just like merrill the bean. merrill's second name, makar, is named after makar from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The bean prefers to be called this name, as he finds it suits him better.


        cobalt isn't very close to her son, makar. It's not that he dislikes her or anything - it's just that they've never had that bond, since makar is always hanging out with his father than cobalt. however, the few moments they are together are treasured in makar. every memory that makar has involving cobalt is unique. usually, cobalt remains distant from makar, but always knows how to make him feel spoiled. for example, when he's feeling sad, it's as if by magic that cobalt will take out a present makar has been wanting for awhile. Cobalt has good memory and intuition involving makar, which the young son doesn't really understand since he's convinced himself he's good at hiding his emotions (when really, he's mediocre at it since he's too honest).xxxx

      by x
        out of everyone present in makar's life, brendan is the closest to him no doubt. makar absolutely adores his father and admires him greatly. his father is so warm and affectionate and shares just about the same interests. makar feels as if he could tell his father anything. his father is very accepting, which makar appreciates since it's very hard for him to open up to people in general. the only thing that bothers the young bean about brendan is when his father is being immature and touchy-feely, but he tries to shrug it off every time it begins to annoy him. he loves his dad very, very much and idolizes him more than anyone else in the world. brendan's the only one that can call him kitten.

        makar's usually the one at the dinner table pointing out marcely's dependence on their parents. they don't really get along, as responsibility is very important to makar and it isn't to marcely, and they get into arguments often. it's not that makar hates marcely - it's just that marcely's lack of responsibility and seriousness irks makar. sometimes, though, if makar is in an incredibly good mood, he'll also play with marcely. this only happens once in a blue moon. otherwise, they barely talk to each other in order to avoid inevitable arguments.

      by x
        mairin is rather close to makar. he likes how unsociable she is, as that makes them both closer, in a way - especially in awkward, social situations, where he can try to understand her anxiety and calm her nerves by at least a small amount. of course, there are times where he may be a bit harsh and can't really help her - it's inevitable when he's so young and it's hard to understand, but he seeks to learn more about her anxiety. they have a calm, understanding and gentle relationship where silence is as comfortable as talking.

        martin is more of a quiet bean. makar likes that part of him, except sometimes the other bean can get on his nerves. there's a certain martin tone uses when he speaks - almost snobby, yet still in a mumble but the snobby's not quite there sometimes. it irks him a bit, since he doesn't understand why. of course, he tries to get over them and continue discussing random topics and only getting mumbles in return, which sometimes gives him a headache, and results in makar puffing his cheeks and getting cranky, then leaving. And occasional glaring, but it's pretty clear martin doesn't really care about that. Martin and Makar have an awkward distance between them, and makar is beginning to give up on actually having a relationship with his older brother.

        makar respects michael, and even occasionally helps him with his harmless pranks despite calling them "ridiculous" and "pointless". despite that respect, makar can't stand having a debate with him as it always turns into an argument, and absolutely hates it when michael acts selfish with him. makar has learned to take measures to avoid michael's selfishness and pranks - always checking around the corner before turning, hiding his precious belongings so michael can't take them, etc. other than that, they don't really get into arguments or anything - they're not very close, but they still act like family. sometimes, when they need to, they vent about whatever bothers them to each other. it helps ease frustration and stress.

        lionela gets a bit on makar's nerves sometimes. she's dreamy, gullible, clumsy, and super oblivious. socially, he's almost as awkward as her so he doesn't judge her on that - but she is the type of person that makar can't stand to work with. with makar being a sarcastic person, lionela never understands this sarcasm and it frustrates him time after time. plus, she can't work on anything without getting distracted after a short while, which also makes makar frustrated since he maintains concentration so well and for so long. it's not that makar hates her, but he just prefers to not be partnered up with her on anything or to talk to her, since he knows with her they'll get nowhere together.

        ishimaru has a lot in common with makar. they're both seeking to understand the most they can in the shortest time possible, have less social skills than the normal bean and prefer studying than playing outside. makar is rather close to ishimaru, despite both of them being more reserved. it took lots of sudden courage for makar to actually walk up to ishimaru and start a conversation with the other bean which started their friendship. makar is fond of ishimaru and goes to him if he doesn't understand something; sometimes, ishimaru works so hard that they end up finding out together. ishimaru is definitely one of the beans makar is closest to outside of his family - they have so much in common and absolutely love to learn new things together.

        satsuki and makar aren't really close, per say. they're both pretty awkward socially, so they usually avoid even more awkward conversations. there are times, though - times where someone brings up the subject of maths, and both makar and satsuki's eyes shine in excitement. they both join in, taking the dominance in the conversation over others, and begin rambling about everything they love in the domain. the awkwardness pretty much evaporates and they're talking about everything involving maths that they know of, sometimes skirting in the domain of science and programming.

        ji-hu is like a parental figure to makar. of course, it's not a relationship where makar thinks that ji-hu could be one of his parents, but it's more of a relationship where makar really, really looks up to ji-hu. you can tell by the way makar looks up to ji-hu with that shine in his eyes - admiration. often, makar thinks rather lowly of people, so this is a really unusual relationship that matters very much to makar. he asks ji-hu's advice on trivial matters, or really specific social situations and what it would do in his place. they get along well - makar opens a part of his vulnerable self to ji-hu, and ji-hu accepts it. under makar's standards, a vulnerable part of himself is, for example, simply asking questions or advice that he thinks "other people may laugh at him about".

        makar despises neptune kadan. they're like opposites - neptune is outgoing, talkative, and way too cheery. it almost causes makar to groan and cringe all the time. makar prefers to stay away from neptune at all costs. plus, although makar would never admit it, he never understands neptune's jokes. it's embarrassing. also, neptune likes to be the center of attention. makar doesn't. it's more of an jealousy situation: neptune has great social skills, and makar wishes he was better with people so he'd have more confidence for himself.
        aria has always been makar's favorite babysitter. she does her job, and she usually doesn't "overstep her boundaries" unlike other babysitters. she understands he needs space so she gives him some, all the while watching him. he enjoys that unspoken agreement they have between them. sometimes, though rarely, makar will make small conversation with her and ask her about a few things. the conversations are always lighthearted, though it lets makar learn a few things. also, it lets him become slightly better at being social.xxxx

      by x

      also by ^^
      perfectionist - serious - logical - honest - ambitious
      makar's a perfectionist, there's no doubt about that. he seeks to understand everything and be one of the best. just by the way he walks you can tell. not only that, but he's a very serious bean and always thinking logically. he's an INTJ. plus, he's incredibly honest or in other words, blunt with everything except anything involving his emotions. he never thinks before he speaks, which sometimes causes people to get the wrong message. it's not that makar wants to be rude, it's just that he speaks his mind with almost no hesitation.

      shy - timid - quiet - easily irritated - reserved - prideful
      makar almost always tries his hardest to hide his emotions, especially positive ones for his pride. the only time he'll really show his emotions is when someone gives him a thoughtful gift, but will always deny that he's happy about the signification of the gift. he's a very reserved bean and never admits anything. if someone absolutely forces him to admit something, he easily loses his composure and gets flustered. he's that type of child that's always quiet unless spoken to, or when comfortable. when comfortable, he speaks loudly and happily, but it is very rare to see him speak like this unless he's around his father or the topic involves his passions, which is astrology, physics and maths. he thrives to correct people or simply educating them involving those subjects he is passionate for. otherwise, he's easily irritated by other people - especially loudness. small details, too, like his name pronounced wrong irks him and makes him puff his cheeks for a few minutes until he can recover.



      -puffing his cheeks when angry
      -ears flatten when scared/alert
      -tail gets into the shape of a question mark when happy
      -telling people how he feels about something;
      even when they don't ask for his opinion
      -tends to correct people on their facts

      weird quirks

      -telling people "fun facts" all the time
      -randomly does research on random topics
      -when severely annoyed, he will groan loudly
      as long as he can just to spite people
      -likes to hide under his bed to do homework
      where no one will bother him


      -video games
      -experimenting on things
      (his father had to stop him from hurting himself)



      -knowing about zodiac signs


      -people correcting him
      -people invading his privacy
      -losing his composure
      -romantic tv shows/movies


      -people seeing him as weak
      -not being able to understand something
      in his favorite subjects
      -earwigs, ticks and millipedes



    by x
      as a child - makar will start opening up to others, but not too much - he begins opening his eyes and realizes that he isn't as special as he thought he was, but has to work to make himself special and unique. he tries his hardest to begin a few friendships despite his awkwardness and lack of experience, and works the hardest he can at school or even at home to satisfy and impress himself.

      as a teenager - he begins learning about himself and what he wants for himself. his pride begins to die down and he's no longer too afraid to ask questions. he educates himself on everything he can, as he knows he's reaching the end of his dependent life with his parents and after that, he'll be considered independent. in his mind, independent means having lots of knowledge. he starts mentally preparing himself for his post-secondary life, yet still tries his hardest to enjoy all his time he has remaining with everyone, especially his family.

      as an adult - after going to university in astrophysics, makar begins to enjoy his life - he thrives at work and is generally a much happier person despite still being impatient and easily irritated. he continues to learn everyday at work, and tries his hardest to educate people about his work. he researches, with a team of other astrophysicists, about the stars in the universe. he's more laid-back as an adult and less perfectionist about everything. he's still shy at this point in his life, but loses his composure much more often - which causes him to get flustered, puff his cheeks and let out stubborn remarks because of his pride.


      there it is, he thought excitedly as he peered through the telescope with a smile. he was observing the different planets in the galaxy because even the thought that he may one day study their different gravitational pulls excited him beyond belief. right now, he was observing mars. "one day, I'm going to step on that planet," Makar said to no one but himself; when a familiar voice that belonged to his father responded back with a "sure you will,", Makar jumped in surprise, losing both his composure and his bird's eye view on Mars through the telescope.

by x
      "DAAD! Why'd you have to scare me like that?" Makar let out a loud groan, then puffed his cheeks out in irritation. While his dad was laughing at his son's reaction, Makar wasn't at all amused. He was embarrassed by his reaction. He sat there, puffing his cheeks and glaring at his father. "I was doing something important." Makar stated in a voice thick with annoyance, and his father could only respond with more laughter and "I know I know, I just didn't expect you to get so scared." A blush ran across Makar's cheeks from the reminder at his embarrassment, and his composure once again fell. He whined, "daaaaaad, stop teasing me!"
      Once Brendan finally stopped teasing his easily irritated son, they stargazed together. Sitting together in the backyard, on the grassy terrain, staring at the bright lights above them in comfortable silence - occasionally, one of them would point out a constellation, or a satellite and they'd both gasp and share the sweet moment together. Makar's tail was shaped into a question mark the entire time he sat. This was how they became so close - if Brendan didn't try so hard to be there for his youngest son, there to talk to him even when Makar was telling him to leave because he's trying to concentrate on something, he knows his son would be terribly lonely but wouldn't ever admit it.

by x
      That's why they're so close; neither have to speak about their emotions to know what the other is feeling, and they do small things to slowly raise up each other's spirits. But now, as they both think of these sweet thoughts, it is late and Makar has to go sleep since he's still young and works very hard at school. "Hey," Brendan poked Makar on his shoulder and said softly, "you should go to bed now. C'mon." Makar reluctantly got up, about to protest that he wasn't tired when his father answered, "don't worry, we'll do this tomorrow. I know you're tired. You always are at about this time, I can tell by the way your tail slowly comes out of its question mark form." A small bashful smile formed on Makar's furry lips, and he finally agreed to go to bed.

      Sometimes, he swore his dad could read his mind like an open book, yet that didn't really bother him. He was excited to spend more time stargazing with his father; another night spent in happiness.
          xxxby x
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Tatzel » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:53 pm

edited out; will send to contestants. :>
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby - poppeh » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:17 pm

    { note!! sorry of you've already started judging and don't see this but i don't feel like my form should be taken into consideration as much as the others. i have kinda lost a connection with him than when i first started my form and i believe he deserves a better home than me. }

by it's cover

name;; maddox
nickname;; maddy, dox
age;; five years old
gender;; cis male, he/him
birthday;; march 11
zodiac;; ♓ pisces

this little bean's name is maddox, meaning son of madoc and madoc is a welsh name meaning 'fortunate'. his nicknames include, but are not limited to maddy and dox which he absolutely despises though. he is six years old, being born on march 11 making him a pisces. he also identifies as a cis male with the pronouns he/him.


the ship has sailed

mother;; cobalt
father;; brendan
siblings;; marcely, mairin, martin and michael
orientation;; panromantic demisexual
relationship;; none
children;; n/a

maddox's mother is colbalt and his father is brendan. he has a pretty good relationship with the both of them, though sometimes he feels that his parents don't understand his antisocial personality. maddox would much rather be alone but his parents always nag him to go make friends. though it is more his mom telling him what to do, brendan is more laid-back about everything. he has four siblings, marcely, mairin, martin and michael. he feels that he relates to mairin the most and really looks up to his sister even though she is much older than him. but the one bean he does like he feels that marcely always wants mairin's attention. maddox knows they are the twins but still. he doesn't talk to martin much and michael is quite mean to him. well, more roughly playing but doesn't realize maddox's size and sensitivity. his sexual orientation is panromantic demisexual. he is not in a relationship right now and obviously doesn't have any kids.


who's that pretty face

size;; cat sized
height;; 10 inches { 25 cm }
weight;; 11 pounds
eyes;; #7f7d9e
fur;; #110187,#0d0166,#080145, and #fffa63
voice;; soft, childish
art;; art by x

maddox is quite small for his age, only house cat sized. his height, is only about twenty-five centimeters or ten inches. he weighs eleven pounds, even sometimes was picked on for his small size. the color of his eyes and fur is listed to the left. his voice is soft and childish, quite high and timid. all art is listed to the left with the artists.


second glances

fears;; amaxophobia
likes;; astronomy, silence, being alone
dislikes;; socializing, yelling, being in a moving vehicle
hobbies;; stargazing, reading, painting
job;; none

maddox has the fear amaxophobia, which is the fear of being in a vehicle, which is also something he strongly dislikes. he makes him terribly motion sick and has realized it triggers panic attacks, which is a time he'd rather not talk about. his likes include astronomy, which he loves studying, silence and being alone. he savors this time greatly, as he is introverted and rather be alone. some of his dislikes are socializing { if you're someone he doesn't know of course, if he knows you he's quite happy to talk }, yelling and being in a moving vehicle as stated before. maddox is a very creative bean and his hobbies include stargazing, reading and painting which are all very calming to him. he does not have a job, as he is only a little bean.


too deep now

positive personality traits;; intelligent, loyal,
accepting, creative

negative personality traits;; sensitive, escapist,
lazy, pessimistic

maddox is very intelligent and always catches on to something very quickly. for example he talked at a very young age. if maddox likes another bean for some reason, he will attach himself to them. he has anxiety and can be very sensitive and fear he will be rejected or left. though he isn't very social, if he is close to you anything important you tell him will be taken very seriously and will be accepted as best as possible. as maddox is alone most of the time, which is perfectly fine with him, a lot of thinking and ideas are created in that brain of his. he likes painting and stargazing which are both very calming to him and eases his anxiety. some of maddox's less liked traits are that he can be very sensitive, which will make him angry or upset. both seem to scare off other beans though. he can be a pessimistic, is always expecting the worst. though if the worst does happen he will make a big deal of it, then promptly ignore it and blame it on something else. if something does not have a high priority to maddox he will be very lazy and procrastinate about it.

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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Venatici » Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:18 pm


gong to be helping someone u w u




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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby wolf ;; » Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:38 pm

Mark. Not entering, but I'm gonna be offering my help to someone! I'll be offering some art, and my beans as friends/enemies for the first person who pm's me c: I'll strike this out once its taken.
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Deadly Nightshade » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:25 pm

What a cutie! c:
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Jean. » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:05 pm

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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Evils » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:38 pm

Marking with name Memphis! <3
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