Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby Bleating Ram » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:11 pm

Name ;; Oro (Spanish for gold)
Traits ;; A little greedy, adventurous, willing to work to get something, fun loving, playful, not very loyal it seems
Favorite food ;; Chinese food, specifically Sesame Beef
Favorite place ;; Canyons Image
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby PerfectWorld » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:56 am

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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby Emris » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:38 am



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Prince Tao Renshu

Postby Check the PO Box » Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:42 am




Check the PO Box
I, for the first time ever, have decided to try out for a Character in a first-person view point of
the character. I hope you enjoy, and that I didn't do too badly! <3

My traits.. Well I guess I consider myself a bit Childish, and I don't really care that much about politics and
all with the kingdom or anything, so I'm Unpolitical as well. I get bored really fast with very nearly everything;
it's really hard to hold my attention, so I'm definitely Easily drawn to boredom. I don't really take responsibility for
my actions and I kind of leave everything to the kingdoms servants and maids so I'm rather Irresponsible, and I am
Terrible with time management. It's almost impossible for me to be on time with anything and I'll get distracted and
end up sitting around playing games or watching the sky for hours when I really need to be gettings things done, or I'll
spend way too much time on one things when I need to spend more on another. I think I'm pretty Trustworthy, or at least good at keeping secrets, so you can tell me even your deepest stuff and I won't let it slip out. I'm a quiet talker though,so I have to repeat myself a lot in meetings or else people don't hear me. I'd like to think myself at least fairly optimistic, as I like to think the better of things even in the worst of situations, but I'm a bit reserved in big
crowds and my family
, I'm not claustrophobic or anything but it makes me feel a bit socially
awkward and not want to talk to anyone.

Childish ► I'm incredibly Childish. I get excited over the smallest and most insignificant things, eat loads of candy, crack lame jokes, the whole nine yards. Most people look down upon it but I think it's funny so it doesn't really matter.
Unpolitical ► My family is always lecturing me and taking me to these meeting to talk about the Empires politics. I find it really boring, and even though that kind of attitude isn't going to help me when I'm king, I'm not king yet, so I've got time. The whole thing though, taxes and all, really boring.
Easily bored ► So just got this really cool super expensive thing. I'm super hyped about it, and I play it for about 2 hours give or take. I'm done with it now, It's not fun anymore. And that is basically the story of my life. Nothing can entertain me for longer than a couple hours at best, unless we are talking about eating of course. Heheh.
Irresponsible ► I leave stuff all over the place, I don't take responsibility for my actions, I lay around all day doing absolutely nothing. That, and because I leave things all over the place they get broken a lot. mostly from getting stepped on, or spilled on. But I can always just buy another..
Bad Time Management ► This is probably one of the things I'm worst at. I'm always spending way too much time on one thing, and not enough on another, or I will spend an hour cleaning one tiny spot and then thirty minutes on something else that should have more time spent on it. I don't know, it's hard to explain. It's just something I'm horrible at.
Trustworthy ► You can tell me anything. Really, even the deepest secrets. I won't tell, I promise! They'll never get out, I'm not into gossip. And if I say I'll do something, I really will do it, I hate lying about anything, even white lies make me feel really guilty.
Quiet Voice ► I don't know why, but ever since I was super young I started talking really quietly. Like to the point I am often asked to speak up or to repeat myself. It's kind of irritating, both to myself and to those around me, but I do try to talk louder. It just seems like my voice only wants to work around my closest friends, which consists of basically no one since I live a sheltered life of royalty.
Optimistic ► I've always been more of a half glass full kind of Pseudo. I like looking at the more happy things in life, even when stuff gets really bad. I don't know if I do this for my sake, or for others, or for maybe a little of both, but it sure seems to make people more happy when I say more optimistic things rather than negative stuff.
Reserved and Nervous in public ► Even though I don't try to be, or even really want to be, I always clam up whenever I'm in groups consisting of more than two or three people. Like around my Family, in Royal meetings, at the market. Places like that. I can't even order food without stuttering or ending up just staring at the waiter.

Orange Chicken
I remember the first time I tried orange chicken. I was very young, and we had gone out to eat with
some of my parents royal friends to the nicest restaurant in China. The trip was very long, and I was starving.
My Parents, my mother especially, was always pressuring me to try new foods of my culture and not to always just
get the same old 'Sweet and Sour Chicken', that nearly every shop in China had, and to maybe try something I'd never
had before. Mustering up enough will power to close my eyes and point at something random on the menu then order
it, much to the pleasure of my parents, my pointed claw was pointing right at 'Orange Chicken'. I wasn't sure if this
was going to be something that I would like, and judging by the description of the food it seemed even more odd.
However, keeping my self-made promise to try whatever my claw had landed on, I politely ordered the meal and
refrained from holding back a look partially of discuss and partially of confusion from the peculiar dish. Hesitantly I
picked up my Chop-sticks and picked up the smallest bit of meat I could find and drew it near my mouth, sniffing it
suspiciously. Surprisingly, to myself at least, it actually smelled good! Unlike most of the other things that I had
attempted to eat by the means of force from my family. Plucking it into my mouth, it felt like fireworks of delightful
tastes had gone off, and I nodded happily in the questioning looks from my parents and their friends, eating up the rest
of the plate before anyone else could finish theirs. To this day, Orange chicken remains my favourite dish and I eat it
every chance I get.

Yatos Shrine
My favourite place is slightly more hard to answer than the previous question. I like going to lots of places,
lots of places are fun, and my room is oh-so-comfortable, yet my favourite place would have to be Yatos Shrine. Yes,
yes, a religious thing I know. Kind of lame. Despite what you may assume, I'm actually fairly religious and by all
means this specific shrine would have to be my favourite. In my family, when you reach a certain age a large ceremony
is held and you are expected to pick your 'guardian', which is basically a god that you will pray to in order to bring you
up into the world and to rely on through your younger years. It's kind of like a coming of age thing. Most of the Royal
family picks very well known gods, famous ones, and ones known for good fortune who have millions of followers. I on
the other hand.. well, I picked one of the least known gods that are so obscure that there was complete silence when
I announced it, and from what I could here in the whispering that followed, most of them didn't even believe that it was
a real god, or that I was just joking. It took my parents intervening to get them to applaud and support my decision,
though clearly fake support it was. It was always like me to pick the things that no one else really wanted, but I'm okay
with that. There's a reason I do it, what that reason is however, not a clue. But to this day, the only shrine dedicated to
Yato in all of China, would have to be my favourite place.


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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby Direwolfqueen » Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:13 am

Username: Direwolfqueen

Name: Samir
(Arabic for Jovial, Entertaining or Pleasant companion)

Energetic Charming, Sarcastic, Determined, Persistent, Impulsive, Hard-Working, Vain

Samir has most commonly been described with comparison to a ferret. That's due to the way he likes to slink, or in most cases bounce energetically across the floor, reminiscent of the wriggly creature he didn’t even know existed.

When around other pseudos, Samir is often considered by many a very charming, attractive male. He always seems to be in a good mood and usually has a kind word for just about anyone... even though he tends to be quite sarcastic when it suits him, sometimes to the point of wearing anybody else's patience thin. Nonetheless, it's still very hard to get on his bad side as he takes everything with good stride. Another notable trait of Samir's is his determination. Once he sets a task to mind, he will work hard towards this goal without letting it escape his grasp. He simply refuses to ever give up... no matter how many times he may fail, Samir will always get up again and whole heartedly resume trying.

While his persistence is impressive, Samir tends to be rather impulsive as well. He tends to take harsh decisions without thinking it through, and it's in moments like these that, even though he is hard-working, his determination only ends up causing him to get in very tight spots(sometimes more literally than figuratively).

Samir’s biggest Flaw is his vanity. This young male can easily spend hours just making sure his crest and feathers are "just right”. As vain as this may be, he easily ignores anyone else’s judgment over how his looks. Instead he chooses to stay arrogant about it and silently brushes their comments off, convinced that's simply their own bad judgment over style.
Favorite food:

Samir has quite a peculiar taste, for he absolutely loves cacti. Whether it is a dish or drink, Samir will jump at the occasion to gulp everything down. Since he lives in a somewhat arid environment, he has also been known to eat cacti raw if he finds any. It's always a good way to keep himself hydrated as well as a tasty snack. Probably his most favorite dish to be made out of cactus is its candy, which is made with prickly pear cactus “fruit.” The girl who used to have Samir as a pet would always sneak a candy or two into his tank, and he has always help a deep passion for the treat since then.
Favorite place:

Samir’s favorite place is a Desert Oasis. He was once brought there in his youth by his owner when she and her father were on a business trip, the group had stopped in the area to take a break from the heat and look around. The small area had a rather noticeable difference in temperature and humidity and the two immediately ran around with gusto. The amount of green that surrounded the spring surprised him as the scenery beforehand had consisted mainly of sand and more sand. He had been getting rather sick of sand at that point and ran around energetically with his girl climbing up trees and jumping down on her playfully. The natural spring there was by far his most favorite of the area; the water was crisp and clear giving him a refreshing break from the hot dry air. The two swam around in the spring until they were pulled away by her father; break over, to continue their trip.
A Memory... this was nothing but a simple, ordinary memory.

Yet it somehow held such importance to the little pseudo, and he made sure to always hold it very close to his beating heart. It was nothing but a faint pawprint in the history of his youth, some of its details also long dimmed by time, making them fuzzy and indistinct.

Years ago, in a small town built on a place of considerably arid weather, a little girl, who was daughter of a very well-known seamstress, was gifted a fragile pseudo hatchling by her father. It was a matter of minutes for her to fall in love with that tiny creature, creating a powerful bond not many have had the chance to witness. In no time the girl had named the pseudo Samir. She absolutely loved the way that, even while somewhat fragile looking, the little thing still managed to cheer her up with his endless energy and playful demeanor. It seemed his bright, almost electric colors did justice to his personality; after all... he never failed to make the girl smile.

... A smile that would always hide her true condition...

Unfortunately, Samir's owner was a rather sickly girl, prone to boughs of illness which would keep her in bed from days to weeks, with only her tiny pet as companion. As they grew up together, Samir learned uncountable ways to grab her attention and amuse her whenever she was too sick to get out of bed, one of them being this funny "dance" of his, where he rises to his back feet and bounces up and down in circles. Those always made her giggle.

Every time father returned home from business trips he would bring his daughter a gift, usually souvenirs from the places he visited. When she was too sick to get up, though, she didn’t usually know her dad had just come home, since her room was on the other side of their house. With time Samir learned a pattern... the way every time her father returned he would give her a gift, especially with the fact his perked ears always caught the... different sound the front door made when that man opened it. Due to his strength and build, probably, the door held an odd tone to its screech, which wasn't present in any other moment.

With this, Samir started to jump off the bed and run to greet her father every time he came back from a trip, and once finding him, he would find whatever object the man had brought with him, take it in his mouth and run back to his weakened owner... almost like a dog. Even when the object was too big for Samir to carry, he would actually take the time to drag it all the way into her room. The silliness of such habit made the girl laugh so hard she brought herself to tears, as she would gently pick him and her father’s gift up onto her lap and hug her father when he came into the room too. Soon this interaction became very common between the three of them as Samir would hear her father arriving even before she did... while her father started getting the present out for Samir to drag it all the way to his daughter whenever she was too sick to greet him in person.

If there was anything that girl loved more then Samir, it was dancing... and as long as she didn’t push herself too hard her parents would always encourage her, as the bit of exercise could do wonders for her health. She also learned from her mother how to make her own outfits and jewelry, which was a very relaxing activity to do whenever she was sick... after all, staying on bed could be terribly boring.

In fact, with a bit of help from her mother and materials from her father, she crafted the two pieces of jewelry that Samir wears to this very day. Her mother had large amounts of beautiful fabric pieces which she could make dancing outfits with, and Samir even “helped” her pick out colors. He was partial to golds, and sometimes she would even use him to measure out a piece of fabric for cutting, giggling.

Samir’s owner only ever danced for her family and for him, although she was mostly just practicing and having fun. Samir would always watch her dance for him and pick out her mistakes by either throwing some nearby object in her direction, such as a tiny cushion or a button. There was a moment when the girl was practicing her favorite types of dancing and kept messing up her arm movements, and once Samir noticed how frustrated she was, he quickly jumped over onto an arm. This fixed her stance, but in order for him to not fall off he had to jump from one arm to another. This ended up pleasing him greatly as it turned out to be really fun. The girl also seemed to enjoy him joining in, as well as noticing the way his actions had placed her arms back into a position that kept her from tripping herself.

With this the two began to practice together more often, and Samir’s owner would constantly find ways to change her own dance to allow him to join without hurting himself. Samir would also try to find various ways to twirl and move differently in between his jumps, allowing him to land safely on her arms. Samir and his owner simply couldn't be happier... those two shared such a bond, it seemed like something much more than simply a relationship between pet and owner. They were true best friends, and right then Samir doubted anything could ever separate them...

... oh, how wrong he was...

Samir still remembers that day with perfection... the day the girl's parents entered her room with a dark look on their faces. By then the girl's health had been deteriorating a lot, in fact there had been various moments when she was taken away to a hospital for weird things the humans called checkups. That specific day, however, her parents had pure sorrow written in their features and sat down on her bed to have a very serious conversation. Samir was curled up on her lap and heard everything, though he couldn't understand much... he heard strange words never mentioned before, things like "tumor" and "cancer"... he wasn't sure. All he knew was that the girl was in tears in the end, and her parents soon followed, too... while they all shared a hug, with a very confused little pseudo lying right in the middle.

Later that week her parents took Samir away from her, leaving the little pseudo to his own devices for days at a time, also depressed and lonely, as her parents only came to refill his food and water and check up on the house. Every day he would just stare at the glass of his tank, waiting for his girl to eventually come home and play with him again... but that day never came.

One night, instead, her parents finally returned home for the final time bringing only their daughter's belongings. Puzzled, Samir quickly ran to them and expressed his confusion through screeches and whines. He ran around them, clearly displeased at the way they hadn't brought the girl with them... and then, for the first time since he had been given to the girl, her father picked Samir up and walked over to the couch, placing him on his lap and hugging him tightly as he cried.

Samir had never seen that man cry. He could only stare, confused, as the person who had always showed so much strength and love for his daughter collapsed right before his eyes, almost like a lost child. After minute simply watching his sorrow, it finally dawned on Samir what that all really meant...

... she was not coming back.

Of course, the second such thought crossed his mind, the young pseudo snorted in denial. He convinced himself the couple was sad for something else... his girl simply couldn't be dead. With this in mind, he quickly jumped off the man's lap and ran back to his foyer, ready to resume waiting for his owner's return with hopeful eyes.

As that week passed, Samir became more and more dejected as he stubbornly held onto the thought that his girl would return, that at any minute she would burst through the door with that lovely smile of hers and hug Samir with all her might, ready for another dancing session. It wasn’t much later that her father gathered him up and they went on a trip. Samir was once more puzzled, but also really hopeful. What if they were going to visit the girl? Maybe he would finally see her again!

On the other hand, the idea of him going on a trip without her by his side also made Samir very restless. He made sure to loudly voice his concern at her father, but it was all in vain. The two traveled in the man's car for hours before they finally stopped, Samir having long fallen asleep by then, and as the man stepped out of the car he grabbed the crate Samir was in and walked forwards. Suddenly the air conditioner of the car was replaced by a powerful blast of hot humid air, a change drastic enough to stir the little male from his slumber. Confused, he smashed himself against the door of his crate to look outside at his surroundings.

Green. That was all he could see. Such a sight confused Samir, who chose to stay silent as the cage swayed silently to the man’s slow footsteps. Eventually he halted his steps and opened the cage's door, allowing the restless pseudo to jump out and turned around to shoot an annoyed, questioning look at the man. What was all that for, after all??

He received no answer, however, and Samir did nothing as he watched the man slowly crouch down and run his thick, hardened fingers through his soft feathers. “I’m Sorry” The pseudo heard him mutter, right before the man's free hand turned to his pocket and pulled out a small handful of cactus candy Samir loved so much. He silently set them on the ground in front of the lizard, who was quick to leap at them and chew on the tasty sweets. That was a treat only his girl ever gave him, something that gave him so many dear memories after not seeing her for days... words couldn't describe how happy he was feeling right then. Maybe it was true, they were going to see the girl again... only she could have given the candy to her father, right?

Licking his lips, Samir looked up to face the man again, ready to thank him for the treat and question where his girl was... but it was too late. The man was long gone.

Samir was alone. Abandoned in a strange and completely unfamiliar environment... and he had never felt more alone than he did at that point.
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby Snowheartsx » Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:15 pm

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    she/her • adult • audhd & chronically ill
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby freybugg » Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:54 pm

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DACS CharactersToyhouse
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby ❌ DYNAMIGHT ❌ » Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:37 am

silent weeping as I mark <3
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ toyhouse ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
my uncomfortable habits <3
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby saarebas. » Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:26 am

{{ If one were to simply look at me rather than gaze upon me, they would realise that my name is faux.

H O W . D I D . O N E . C O M E . U P O N . Y O U ?
Name Origin ;;
Naghi was promptly dubbed as the 'Golden Eyed.' at a young age, having keen vision and the striking knack for locating precious items with little foreknowledge of their whereabouts. To clear things up however, he is no adventurer. No quests will find him and he certainly will not actively seek them out. After all, he finds joy in being identified as what he is; a thief.
The name was granted to him after a few years of working the underground. A snide comment thrown loosely in his direction with no intention of sticking. Stick however it did, as if he were made of honey, (something he seems to think he is.) It soon changed from the brief 'The Golden Eyed punk.' to the far more satisfying 'The Golden Eyed' 'ill get you through.' before becoming the sharp, personal favourite mutter of 'That Golden Eyed runt escaped again.'


M A N . I S . N O T . W H A T . H E . T H I N K S . H E . I S , H E . I S . W H A T . H E . H I D E S.
Traits ;; Favorite food ;; Favorite place ;;

Deceptive. This act comes almost naturally as breathing, his trust is impossible to gain and deception is his safety blanket.
Captivating. He would never admit that he is so without being prompted, for he is not vain. Rather, he knows his appeal to others comes from his material appearance and fair looks. He does not flaunt. Unless necessary.
High-minded - Dogmatic. Having neglected the rules of society, Naghi has set out a firm set of rules that he himself abides by. These rules he follows religiously and has yet to share with another, for they're his and his alone.
Non-authoritarian. As if it weren't clear by his selected living ethics, Naghi is not overly fond of biding by rules that were not forged by him, much to the disdain of extended family.
Witty. A silver-tongue has saved him countless times in the past and he does not doubt in its ability to further guide him onwards.
Crass. Living life surrounded by ruthless, foul-mouthed thieves was never the best influence, and habits are hard to shake.
Loyal. Although the countless he has cheated would be quick to deny it, Naghi is in fact devout to an extremely narrow selection of others; namely family, however there are some outside of blood who peak his interest enough to captivate him and earn his word.
The Golden Eyed's favourite food and most frequently eaten food vastly differ. His favourite meal cannot be argued and there is no gleam of hesitation in his answer. Although usually perceived as a peasants dish (and Naghi views himself as anything but despite harsh up-bringings) Naghi is always satisfied by a simple vegetable and veal stew. For one, stew is impossible to steal, so having a bowl of it signifies that you bought it, albeit with stolen money, but the semblance of normality is there. As if he were any other Pseudo, not the renown Golden Eyed. As if he had just finished his rounds at the mines rather than leading a rag-tag group of looters through well known secret tunnels for a some-what decent pouch of shinies. Due to the whole, un-stolen aspect, stew can be savoured and enjoyed, rather than crammed down his throat whilst praying not to choke. No matter what the flavours are rich in comparison to his typical 'eat now-chew later' technique, and Naghi finds he rather enjoys treating his pallet on occasion. Not to mention, blowing bubbles is fun to indulge in when alone.

Castles he's not supposed to be in, the rush makes him feel good and value his past idk man fight me oh man i should be doing art hw right now

O R G A N I S E D . C R I M E
why he steals ;;

-ugly sobbing- wip wip! i know you probably intended for him to be a prince or something i'm so sorry
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Re: Pseudodragon #282

Postby Master of Nothing » Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:27 pm

Name ;; Ahab
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res .3.
quitting cs soon, as soon as I get all my characters rehomed
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