Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Chara Dreemurr » Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:30 am

Name you'll give it:Achak (spirit)


Reason you want it: This would be great as a first tracker. I would love to get him because he is awsome looking, has wings, is unique... well I just really love him. Yes, I really do think that he is one of the most awsomest (is that even a word?). I do not have another tracker. I would never give him away. Lovely, Nex, what you can do for trackers!And the lines on his ears and arms-paws are awsome, and I like the way he looks dark. Him and I both love flying, too! This is worth an OMG! so rare!

Personality:despite his evilish apperence, he is really a sweety. He will be loyal to his master 'till the end. He will always be around to help, and will never betray his owner. He likes flying around, but he dislikes rain, as it means that he can't fly. He is also very intellegent and graceful. He will do anything to protect Rose. He is quite intellegent, and likes to use his intellegence for traps for criminals. He is very protective, and always plays with his strengths, not his weaknesses. Like a knight, he protects the weak, not battles them. He had tons of spirit, and will never give up. If something is going wrong with two people, he will try to reason it.
He is really sweet, as a cookie c:

Purpose: He is mostly used to catch murderers, drug sellers, gangs and theives, but he also does other things, like bodyguarding people and such. He mostly guards prime-ministers, and other important people. Every night, he patrols to see if everything is alright, and if there are gangs, murderers and such, he tries to go capture them. If he fails, he goes back to the police to report it. He remains ever loyal to his duty. He is one of the first with wings.

Describe its owner:would it be me that I need to describe? I think I got it. His owner is a Canadian police officer called Elizabeth who recently moved to New York city. She has pretty electric black hair, and semi pale skin. Elizabeth is thirty-eight years old. She has a daugter called Rose, and she is eight years old. Achack is often seen around her, protecting her. Rose likes Achack, since he is really different. Elizabeth is kind, patient, but short-tempered and stubborn.

Other info:

(It's mostly what he does every day, and an act of heroisim)
I flew. I could not see any movements. yet I knew something was going to happen. I saw some movement. And I smelled rain. Bad combination. Fear. What to do, loyalty, or light wings?
Obviously, I chose loyalty. Even if I hate rain, I am bound to my loyalties. I flew to the movement. It was nothing but an ally cat. I kicked myself inwardly for having been so paranoid. The rain started. I yelped quietly and ran for cover. I really did hate it when my wings where heavy, and now they were.
I found cover close to a doorway, but I did not stay there for long. I had suspisions, and they had to proven right, or wrong. Finally, after what seemed to be a long time, I picked up some movement not so far from here. As I was ever loyal, I went to see what was up.
I saw a street 'gang'. I growled low to myself. I hated gangs. They were often a danger to the comunity, but how was I going to catch them all by myself? There were about four to eight. I then got an idea.
The gang member had most likely heard about tracker dogs. They probably knew that they were intellegent, and the gang most probably did not want to be found out about. So I was going to use bait. They are going to follow me, and I lead them into a trap. They were going to follow me to break me, or worse, so I could not report them.
I counted them. There were seven. Four of them were going somewhere, so only three were left. I ran loudly to get their attention. They looked surprised then angry to see me. One of them, whom I think was their leader,said "get here right now filthy mutt!". His voice was angry. Of course, I was not dumb enough to follow them and get badly hurt. So I looked surprised to see them. They fell for it hook, line and sinker. They started to run after me. I ran too, but I could have easly beaten them, but I wanted them to follow me. I was going to get the four later. It was dark, and I hope they could not see well in the dark.
I led them to the police station. I ran inside and they looked surprised that I had led them there. They must have been to busy shouting swear words and trying to get to me. My false scared expression turned triumphant, and their angry expersion turned angrier. I looked up at the police, who in turn looked surprised. They took the few gang members to do whatever they do with them, And I went to get the others.
I did the same thing for them, and as soon as I got them, the police congraguated me on a job well done, and I resumed patrolling, even if it meant having heavy wings.
As soon as the rain stopped dropping, I unfurled my wings to dry them. It takes awhile to dry, but not as long as could take.
As soon as they were dry, I flew to the highest place I could find and selttled down to look around for any signs of danger. After all, I had got a name that mean spirit, because I do have some. That's the spirit, some police say without even knowing what my name means.
Next Night
I went back to see if there was anything left where I saw the gang yestereday night. It is misty today, so my wings got slightly heaver, since mist is kind of wet. I walked there, since I was not taking any chances with the mist, and found some bottles. Drug bottles, most likely. I was going to find who sold is. I sniffed the bottle for some scents that might lead me there. As soon as I had sniffed all the bottles, I put my tounge on the ground to search for the seller.
The scent was leading me no where, which here means everywhere, so I decided to follow one scent. I followed it but found nothing. The next and the one after ether. I was about to give up when suddenly I thought "They are smarter than I thought. They are leading me on a wild goose chase." I took my red tougne off the ground. They had put the scent of the drug everywhere to lead me off my trail.
I looked in the places where I least expected it,such as in a house, or anywhere else where you would not hide something illegal, and guess what?
I had found the person selling it, and all of the drugs. He had not seen me yet. Good I thought to myself. I flew above him, then striked in a way that would make him dizzy (rarely) or unconsious. That meant striking him on his head. I took a chance for flying. I went up high, then fell down on him. I had succeded in making him unconcious. I took him on my back, and slowly when to the police station. He was heavier than I had expected and his hand trailed on the ground.
Job succeded.
I had succeded in finding a gang, and the drug seller in two nights.
I went back "home". I had been adopted and I lived where my adopters lived.
Rose hugged me and said "did you stop evil people?" I nodded my head as a yes. It was good to be home.
* * *
I needed to strech my wings. I went out by the back door. The mist had gone, but it was still dark. I ran for awhile, then went on top of the house, and patrolled to make sure no one came to hurt anyone. After three hours of waiting and watching, the sun came up. I was slightly nocturnal, so I took my rest during the day. I would wake up and patrol the area, as every other day. But now I would rest.

I got a dream that day.

I was walking through the cold night. Everything was clouded in mist. I could not fly. It was cold. I shivered. Everything was quiet. I could not detect any movement. Nobody was here. But still I walked, my wings heavy on my back. It smelled weird, like sawdust, but with something else. I did not know what it was. I heard far away yelping, but I did not know where it came from. I ran around. I was getting more and more worried by every second. My wings grew heavier and heavier until I could not stand it anymore. I laid down to take a breath, calming myself. As I took deep breaths, my heart rate returened to normal, and my wings grew less heavy.
I waited, and closed my eyes (sorry about the not having eyes things. He just 'emptied his thoughts' kind of thing.). When I opened them again, I was somewhere different, yet so familiar.
Of course, it was a city. My wings now light, I took off. The cold fall air met my face, making it comfortably cool. I loved flying. When I was flying, I could vent my anger, calm myself, and think clearer, and suddenely I realized it. I was not awake. I was in a sort of 'dreamland'.
I flew on, thinking about why I was here, and how to get out, but I did not want to go just yet. I wanted to find out more of why I was here. So flew on, looking for clues. After a while, I flew to the nearest tower and folded my wings behind my back. I was going to take a break. I heard the cars go by underneath me, yet I waited.
For a second, everything was normal, then a wind came, and took me somewhere else. The place would have been a happy place, if there were no blood stains. I got terrified as I understood the meaning. This was my house. Someone was going to die, if I don't prevent it. I yelped in alarm and flew, then I heard a conforting voice say " wake up, wake up...

Wake up!". I Woke up looking in Elizabeth's hazel eyes. She looked worried. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "you were twiching and half-yelping a lot. That was not normal and I decided to wake you up. Besides, it's night."
I went outside, and forgot all about my dream. As every night, I did the same thing. Patrolling. Everything was okay. Yet something was not right at my house. I could feel it. I went back to my house, and nothing special was going on. Elizabeth urged me to go back, yet I was not leaving them alone. I waited an hour for something to happen. Nothing did. I went back patrolling. I had only flew a short distance before hearing quite a loud scream for help. I jumped, surpried that someone screamed, tilted my wings to go to the other derection and flew the quickest I could to the sound. I was surprised to see that it came from my house. I was first scared, for my owner's, then angry. No one hurt my owners without answering to me. I would help my owners the best that I could.
I went inside. It was eerily quiet. I turned a corner and I first sensed sensed the presence, and then saw, a dangerous man, with a knife to Rose's throat. Rose looked terrified. I could not stand it.
"Dun't move, or else s'dies" he said threatningly. He had a weird accent from some place I did not know. I would have glared at him if I had eyes. I would move, or even if I didn't, she would die anyways. I growled, a low and threatning growl, which would have made most full grown men run to their mommys (as some people say), but he simply laughed and said "try'n ta scare me now, mutt? While he laughed, a bitter laughter, he had slipped his guard. Before he came back to his senses, I had bitten him on his leg, to prevent him from running away. "Hey!" he yelled angrly as he fell to the floor "Yeh as'd fer it, Mutt!", but that was only an empty threat. I had heard his leg bone go cruch as I had bitten him. His eyes looked pained. Just then, Elizabeth came back from the grocerie store, a store far from here, and said "Oh my...". She quickly rushed to the telephone and called 911. A few minutes later, the police arrived.
"Good going, Achak!" declared a police by the name of Mike "You just successfully stopped a dangerous serial killer. We had been searching long for him. He had been once been arested, but he ran away from prison by unknown ways. He had killed many people, from what he says, for fun. He was mad."
I looked at Rose who looked proudly at me and said "He's a hero isn't he?!"
Elizabeth simply replied "yes he is."then turning to me, she said "you are the best tracker i've met. And I have met plenty."
I truly feel like a hero. I had saved the lives of many to come, but there are many people out there that will turn bad one day, and it's my duty to stop them. I will never stop until no one is bad anymore.
But sometimes you just can't control it.


Fur texture: Soft and silky, yet hard to bend.

Age:two years old

Experience: He has one year of experience at being a tracker

Height: His height is about the same as a normal dog

History:His history is pretty much the same as a normal tracker's. He had been in the 'lab' until he had fully matured, then he had been given a home with a police.

Strengths: flying, running, riddles, seeing movement, gliding, darkness, speed, movement and seeing movements

Weaknesses:rain, water, people who are way more intellegent than him (rarely happens), not being able to fly.

Likes:flying, rock, bats, skyscrapers, ravens, Stephen King, peace, love, recycling, darkness, arresting bad guys, the statifying feeling of acomplishment, protecting people, COOKIES!, cake, icing, red cherries, cheese, Rolling Stones, The show must go on, riddles, puzzels,being liked, being a hero, mad world, rush, Jethro Tull (band), pretty much every kind of music I listen to,

Dislikes:gangs, murderers,sereal killers, water and rain, not being able to fly, having weaknesses, cleaning himself (as he needs to wet himself), bad stories, arguments, war, evilness, spiders, scorpions, arachnids, flying bugs(especially when he is tasting the air in flight!), gnats, people who show every sign of fear at seeing him

Advantages:He has an advantage in darkness since he can pick up movement, and he does not need to see. He also has an advantage in flying, since he can calcuate wind speed and such, so he can insure a safe flight.

Other intresting facts:
Achak means spirit
His name is Achak because of his spirit.
When his wings arn't wet, they can be lighter than a feather
Despite his bad apperance, he is as sweet as a cookie (COOKIES!)

He would have a home in my character page, and I would draw pics of him, if I could draw, but I will attempt to do the headshot turtorial that you made (by the way, could I get a cookie? Your handwriting is very neat, so I can read it!). I hope it's not harder than it looks... but it probably is, since you draw so well!
I will get art for him, even if it costs a rare-very rare pet! I saw the anthro that you made for Hrr, and I would LOVE to order one for him!

Edit: I attempted to make the head, and it actually looks close to mildly alright, which means it still sucks o_o. I drew it on paper. All I need to do now is the inking, which I will probably fail at.

Please do not copy my idea (weaknesses, dislikes, experience, height ect.), even if this is over D:<.
I put the whole text smaller because it took up so much space

And, don't worry about me not taking care of him. He will never be ignored.

(This is what i'm like:OH NO! I missed a tiny detail that no one would ever notice!!!! *goes edit*)

Hope I this is enough :D ! This is the most effort i've put into anything in CS
Good luck, everybody!
Last edited by Chara Dreemurr on Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:48 am, edited 64 times in total.
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Twitchy Squirrel » Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:52 am

Name you'll give it: Rivit
Gender: Male
Reason you want it: i love him! He would be my first tracker, even tho i have tried to get others, I love the Design and the wings. He is very handsome and I BELIVE he is the best yet!

Personality: Rivit is strong willed And hard working, loving nothing more then to scale large buildings and jumping down to scare random people. Hunting mostly at night, He had been used by an american sniper, the was retired at a very young age. He wants nothing more then to be able to go back on the prowl, with a new, younger partner. But under his hard layer of manly toughness, he loves to be hugged.
Describe its owner: Damien, Hard core daredevil, Climbs buildings freehand for the fun of it. he Loves tracker dogs and has been trying to get one from the government for awhile. With his dark eyes, dark hair, and his love of black clothes, he is naturally a night owl, a perfect compainion to this shadow of the night.
Purpose: A climbing and Hunting partner, that will sit and sleep at day, but become fully active at night

Other info:

Rivit Stood at the top of the s kyscraper, His light wings flexed, making a light flash on the street below. His head moved silently, gazing across the cityscape. He lifted a paw and placed it on the edge of the building. Tensing his muscles, Rivit leaped the 40ft gap to the other building. Rivit saw an oldman had cornerd a young boy with a club, and was threating the little boy. Rivit jumped to the other buildings wall, and did that with the other building, so that he was climbing down. Hitting the bottem of the ally, he began to creep forword. The man was still watching the boy, when the young boy started to scream, the man turned around to look right at the large tracker. The guy turned pale, and mutterd a small cure. Rivit lifted his lips and growled deep in his throat. The man ducked beneath him and ran off. Rivit quickly Sent a notice to the police department, using the chip in his ear. Rivit turned to look at the boy. The Boy, Damien was crying, he was teriffied. Rivit nosed the boy, and wagged his long tail. Damien, at the age of 10, looked up and pet Rivit's head. Rivit again wagged his tail as the police pulled up. Officer HamBurgmer Looked down at the boy and tracker.
Damien started to explain how the poor man had wanted all his money, and had threatened to beat him if he didnt fork it over. Officer HamBurgmer told Damien if he needed a ride home and he nodded. Damien started walking, when he Turned around and ran back to Rivit, who was now sitting, thinking of what to do next. Damien ran up to him and hugged him around the neck. Then he turned back to walk back to the car. Rivit, sat confused, he had never been hugged before, and, he thincked he liked it.
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby WalkerNom » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:41 am

This is amazing Nex!!! If only I would have thought of that when making Sai, Awesome really, you outdid yourself on the 100th Tracker!!! Woot!
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Nathifa » Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:05 am

Name you'll give it: Volar (To fly)

Gender: Female
Reason you want it: Well honestly it's design is incredible and inspiring, I'm planning on making her a nice long story maybe including some of my other characters. And wow I can think of many ways to draw her x3
Personality: Reserved, Quiet, Fearless, Loyal.
Purpose: Tracking down particularly stealthy and difficult criminals, she is basically nocturnal.
Describe its owner: She is owned by the police force, but her main carer and trainer is a man that everyone calls "Officer Brown". He is a fairly quiet and unemotional man, always serious never showing much affection but Volar has much respect for her master.

Other info: A story..
It was a fairly cold and windy night in the city, I was on the pursuit of a car hijacker. He had gotten away with stealing cars before, well before the police force had gotten me.
Officer Brown had told me the criminal was armed and dangerous but it didn't worry me, I was highly trained and extremely swift.
I leaped from building to building waiting for the police force to corner him so that I could make an attack.
The wind was picking up making it harder for me to fly across the tall buildings, looks like I needed to go along on foot.
I swooped down off the tops of the tall buildings and onto the cold hard pavement.
I loped through the alleyway and to the other side of block where my target was driving 10ks above the normal speed limit. And he obviously hadn't realized the entire police force was after him. I heard the loud siren go off before the criminal did, it was time to make my move.
I inched toward the stolen vehicle as he started to increase speed. Just then dozen police cars started to come from in front of us.
We had him now.

He suddenly screeched to a stop and sprinted towards the thick woods on the other side of the road.
He had no hope of getting away from me. I took off into the sky.
Gliding over the top of the tall, half dead trees. I could not see him although I sensed him. I flicked my tongue around smelling him.

I also smelt the rain, I knew it was coming. I felt extremely frustrated, he was already getting away.
I sensed him starting to climb as the rain started to sprinkle down, I flew through the dark forest and all of a sudden my body started shuddering.
I couldn't understand what was happening to me, I looked down to my legs they were flickering. I was going transparent. I felt a jolt and suddenly the criminal 's face was right in front of mine.
I froze for half a second wondering what had just happened, I'd been imagining being right with him when all of a sudden here I was. We were half way up a massive pine tree. He squealed in fear. I bared my teeth, hackles raising from my shoulders, I growled loudly from deep in my throat. He was going no where, I had caught him.
I saw him swiftly move into his pocket, I knew he would pull out his gun.

I pounced at him sinking my teeth into his hand. He yelled out in pain and fell back onto the trunk of the tree. He shot the gun twice at me, I let go of his hand to dodge them.
He took the opportunity to start climb down the tree.
He really was a fool to think he could escape me. I pushed off the rough trunk and dove down toward him.
I grabbed at the bare nape of his neck trying to pry him him off the tree. He let go grabbing at my muzzle at his neck. He started to slip backwards into the air, I grabbed him by the shirt. He would easily be killed falling from this height.
It was starting to rain heavier, making my wings almost useless. I had to try. I stepped off the branch, flapping my wings with all my strength. It barely made a difference, the mans weight pulled us down faster. I let go of him, he landed with a load thud. I gabbed a nearby branch to help slow me down, I landed easily onto the thick wet shrubs.
The man was unconscious but alive. I sensed more movement a few meters away from where we stood.
Perfect timing.
4 police men and Officer Brown emerged from behind the bushes. I barked at them and went over to show them the criminal.
"Ah, good girl Volar". Officer Brown said flatly.

That's all I'll do for now, I hope you don't mind me adding in another power.. just trying to use more of my imagination ^^
I really hope I get this dog, but good luck to everyone else.
This dog is quite something!
Last edited by Nathifa on Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:22 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby EmberWolf » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:34 am

Name you'll give it: Dakarai
Gender: Male
Reason you want it: Because its awesome design, and Ikera's getting lonely by himself :3

Personality: Serious about his work, yet at the same time he can be loose, sarcastic, playful, and a fun tracker dog to be around, but when its time to work, he focuses on nothing else
Purpose: Used in large cities, Dakarai soars stealthily between buildings, looking for criminals from the sky. His extra sensors help with finding criminals on the ground from high above. Best at night missions, his wings are silently, not as silent as a feathered wing, but yet ever so quiet, sometimes in the dead of night its almost eerie to watch him soar by, not a sound coming from his flapping wings. If he does spot a criminal, he swoops around in a circle, sending a signal for the authorities that he has found something, and then slowly swoops down to the location of the criminal, so as the authorities can see where he is headed. If it happens that he gets to the criminal alone and the police didn't see where he landed, he will fly back up and circle until they've spotted him again. During the day, he is mostly a house dog at the police force, loved and sort of owned by everyone on the city's police force. His residence is at the police station, mostly in the staff room. Most of the time he is in an unopen room so he can't be seen by anyone else, which could break his undercover night watches if a criminal were too see what he looked like.
Describe its owner: Part time between the police station, as explained before, where he resides during the week with the officers and such, on weekends or slow weeks without much criminals, he stays with Ember. Sometimes Ikera is there as well, but Ikera spends most of his time with the chief guard of the warehouse. At the police station, everyone sort of 'owns' him. He is like part of the staff, not only a dog, but more treated as one of the police. He is loved, yet also taken seriously when work is to be done.

Other info:
Likes: Working, happy humans, flying, doing silly things that make the entire police force laugh, working... again, playing with other tracker dogs
Dislikes: Long periods of time without any work, depressed humans, being confined to small spaces, birds that get in his way when he's flying, traffic

One of the cases he's done... (short story)

With the tilt of his wing, Dakarai changed his coarse to the left, swooping around a tall sky scraper. It was silent, he soared rather than flapped his wings, gliding in the air. He was barely visible in the night sky besides the reflection of light off of his wings and sensors. It was an important watch tonight, though he had seen nothing yet.
The tracker gave a single flap of his wings to keep him up, but spread them out once more so he smoothly flew around the city. Keeping to a certain area where the criminal was last spotted, he scanned the ground for any suspcious activity. Often, he would fly above two buildings close together and look down into the alley ways, not finding much most of the time. His main mission was less of finding criminals, but more of keeping silent, and staying invisible.
After a while, he flew around the same building he had before. There was nothing to be seen, and he was getting a little bored. He wondered when the next time he'd see Ember and Ikera, but that wasn't often. Or at least, he'd only seen Ikera a few times before- as Ikera seemed to always be working. Not that Ikera was very playful or fun to be around like Dakarai, all he wanted to do was work.
Another graceful swoop, another nothing. Dakarai was thinking of flying back to the police station with nothing to report. He had been at it for hours, but he hadn't seen a thing. But he paused, his sensors picked up something. He flew over two close together buildings and looked down into the alley way. There were two men there. They weren't the criminal he was looking for, but whatever they were doing was definetly suspcious. They were exchanging something, he had to alert the police before they left. He flew out into the open, seeing the usual police car stationed near where he was searching, he swooped in a circle. The police car gave a small pip of the siren, signaling that they had seen him and he should go down to the location of what he'd found. They drove out onto the street and headed to where Dakarai was slowly descending. He landed, folding his wings, by the alley way. The two men were still there, but they looked like they were about to leave. As one of them headed down the alley way, towards Dakarai, the other the opposite way, they paused as they spotted the tracker dog. The man cursed under his breath and ran the opposite direction, and the police had finally made it, and caught a glimpse of the man running. They quickly were driving around the building to the opposite end, and Dakarai was off running after them.
He wasn't much of a tracker dog of pursuit, but he could run. His wings unfolded instinctivley and for a moment he was in the air, trying to gain ground on the two men. He landed back down quickly and ran. When he reached the other side, the man skidded to a stop and nearly ran straight into the cop car, and he was quickly caught. But the other man was still running, so Dakarai ran after him. He was hard to see by now, but the dog's sensors helped him find him. Once again he was galloping down the side walk, spreading his wings, and flying into the sky. He was low to the ground but he in the air.
Dakarai wasn't gliding over the air anymore, he was flaping his wings quickly, his paws running wildly in the air. He was catching up, but if he got to him, what would he do? The police were busy with the other one, they probably barely noticed he flew off anyway. So he flew up high, circled once, and returned to the chase.
The man was getting tired of running, so he tried going into a tight space between two buildings. With a daring fold of the tracker dog's wings, he tilted his body so he went into the alley way side ways. The man had already run into a different alley way, to the right, and Dakarai was forced to land or he wouldn't have made the turn. He skidded into the next alley way and was off again. The man was tiring more now, and started to stumble over trash and other things strewn around in the alley way. Dakarai was getting a little tried himself, but he was defiently getting closer to his target.
As he reached him, he tackled him to the ground, and the man hit the concrete hard on his face. Dakarai stood on his back, wings stretched out meancingly, as a warning to stay down. Dakarai waited, the man struggled, but every time he did, Dakarai would dig his sharp talons into the man's back. He waited, and waited, and no police came. Eventually the man passed out from fright or tiredness, and Dakarai stood there. Loyal and obedient he was, he was thinking of leaving the man behind and heading back to the police station. But he didn't, he didn't want to lose the criminal.
Eventually, Dakarai was sitting on the man's back rather than standing, his wings neatly folded up, listening to the cars go by. There weren't many, being as it was past midnight, perhaps nearing morning soon. But then his sensors picked up the familer police car. He stood, waiting, flapping out his wings, hoping they'd see him if they passed by the alley way. And they didn't. He saw them go right past, so he sat again. They went past many times, looking for something. He flapped his wings each time, and finally, finally as the sun was starting to rise, did they stop and head into the alley way.
"Dakarai," one of the police the tracker dog was familier of. "Finally. Good boy." They had been looking for him, but they hadn't seen him until now. Two more cops went and got the man into the squad car and the one cop patted Dakarai's head.
"Good boy," he said again, and Dakarai gave a wag of his tail. He let the dog ride in the police car, taking him back to the police station, where throughout the day he slept most of the time, and then a few times he'd get up and say hello to everyone. He was a social dog, a loyal dog, and most defiently a tracker dog.
"hi, i'm G.B., one of Ember's real life cats.
just so you know, Ember is just a site artist, she
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please submit a help ticket if you're
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"hey, i'm Ember's other cat, Rosie.
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just want to chat. she does not
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Ranua » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:35 am

Oh man even Ember's going for him! XP
Ill have to work hard...
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby EmberWolf » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:39 am

halloweendude wrote:
Oh man even Ember's going for him! XP
Ill have to work hard...

Yes, even Embers going for him XD I might spice up my form later, but my creativity is used up right now. X3
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take commissions anymore.

she/her | adult | full-time artist

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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Ssilnah » Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:21 am

Name you'll give it:lara (lisenced assult rescue dog)
Reason you want it:because its really awsome and i have never ever adopted one of these before

Personality: she is fast and is a daredevil that would put people she cares about before her. she is very obedient and is really good with people.
Purpose:spy dog
Describe its owner:caring and careful and has lots of energy to take her for lots of walks- or maybe sprints! :lol: She would put lara before her.

Other info:she is an exellent tracker and can sense things from 7 miles away! She values her energy so she goes at the right speed at the right times
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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby Agent Shark » Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:08 am

Name you'll give it:Hashim
Meaning: Destroys eviI
Type of name:Arabic
Reason you want it:
I have a traker dog and i want a nother so she has a friend of her own kind to atack evil with and i think she wants a traker dog friend

Hashim is some times hardheaded and stubern when working,if the bad guy trys to atack him he will bite first ask questions later, he will do the same thing with crimanals that are very violent. but at home it is calm and waits for his next job, he is also protective of any bilding he is in, he is mostlly obediant but is great wth nice people
Purpose:track down crminals and grard bildings like big banks
Describe its owner:she is some times shy tords now people but is she feels tretened she wont be afriad to do any thing to protect her self and she usally has a protection dog with her but hers has resentlly died and so she is in need of a traker dog to train her new puppy and she also wants a friend for glaceri. she loves bike iding and she has made a spiashil bike so she can take them on runs

Other info:Oh ya! the story *glaceri in cludded XD*

"hey glacier were will we be working doday?" he asks "i duno now please lets rest we have a long plane flight" glacier told him befor she layed herhead down but only for a second and she stood up the her kennel, she knew that sent, the mass muarder had goten out of jail again and was on the plane! "Hashim!, its time we broke out!" glaceir wispwrd and she staretd to bite at the lock till it broke Hashim broke his two and by time ge got out glaceir was already stalking the killer and she motioned for him to block the way out of the stiorage part of the plane.Hashim nodded and he went to block the exit and he 'watched' and waited, but there was more then one! and they had gunes he herd the scream of a man as glacier took him dfown and he her a click of a gun and he charged anbd leaped his wings gliging him in for the awack and he knocked the gun out of the mans hand and pined him and he looked at glaceir who nodded and they waited for sunny "good job guys!" sunny said as the slight blep of her tracker dog thing told them glacier and Hashim had cought a bad guy and every one on the plane that day was happy, we traker dogs were even sloud in the cabin "well done" they told us and they plane landed safelly .
Last edited by Agent Shark on Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flight Tracker

Postby The Owl » Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:17 am

Omg, 100th Tracker Dog??? Now I have to go count them.... :lol:
Love the design, btw :D
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