Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Gael » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:35 pm

Owner Name:
Rhythm of Love
Days after my first time scaling a treacherous volcano, I was back in my cottage in the middle of the woods. I was filing my own journals about the nearby herd of Zephrylliya that kept popping in and out of my sights. Tsalagi sat nestled snuggly in my lap, resting away. That seemed to be her hobby nowadays. I breathed a sigh. Tsalagi sneezed and rolled over, almost falling off my lap and onto the floor. I quickly caught her and placed her on the floor, in a pile of blankets designated as a temporary bed until I could go into town and get one. I inhaled and smelled an intoxicating aroma. It was almost hypnotizing. I got out of my chair and placed my papers on the desk, almost tripping over a few things on my journey to the door. It was as if I was being pulled in the direction that the aroma wanted me to go.

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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Mihochi » Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:56 pm

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Feeling crestfallen at having lost sight of a rune dragon I decided to carry on traveling in hope that maybe she would appear to me again. Making my way across the mountain wasn't easy what with having enough trouble standing up and keeping balance on flat ground. Before long I came to the bottom of the mountain again, feeling a bit better now because I had at least seen one and been able to make a drawing, but still feeling down that I had not been able to catch her. At the bottom of the mountain was a tropical forest which I had made my way through to get to the mountain and feeling rebellious I decided not to walk the path but instead to walk through the foliage. As you can imagine before long I was lost, no sense of direction and lack of a path made it inevitable really, but something I was not all that worried about. This part of the forest seemed strangely peaceful, just the soft sounds of birds and water in the distance.

Awe spread through me as I walked into a clearing full of huge and bright tropical flowers, in all colours but oh so bright, with a beautiful combination of smells. Leaning down to large yellow flower I inhaled deeply, the scent being so wonderful, yet a sudden overwhelming sense of tiredness fell over me. My eyes soon closed and I knew no more.

Waking I found that it was deep night, small flying insects lighting the area which had changed completely from when I was awake. The only reason I knew it to be the same place was from the shape of the clearing, all the beautiful flowers had disappeared. I rubbed my head which felt groggy and shifted slightly, feeling something shift in my lap I looked down, a feeling of surprise and excitement taking over me. Laying in my lap was an egg, an egg which had the same gorgeous yellow flower I had smelt but much smaller on it, a grin spread over my face. I knew that she was meant to be for me and I would take care of her always.
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:55 am

Owner Name:

Fiore (blossom in italian)
I am a traveling artist. Walking through the mountains, I stumbled across I large pond. Being an artist, I stopped and sat down on a dry and started to sketch out a group of lilypads with big white flowers on them. When I was done, I stood up and my brush fell out of my small bag and rolled down into the water. I sighed and rolled up my pants and sleeves then waded timidly into the water. While sifting the mud at the bottom I stopped paying attention to where I was headed and kicked a hard shape about a yard away from shore and crashed into the water. Frustrated, I reached down into the water to grab what I had tripped on. It was covered in mud at the time so I carried it back to shore with me. Having no luck finding my brush and soaked, I hung my clothes out to dry and put on trench coat I had left on shore and read a book until my clothes had dried enough so that I had deemed them worthy of wearing. Remembering the muddy object I picked it up and took it down to the pond to wash off. Slowly I could see start to see a small flower and the shell of the egg, after I was finished cleaning it and observing it I realized what it was and quickly slipped it into my bag and headed of in search of this place.
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Ovacalix » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:25 am

Owner Name:
Silver Bullets
Maylea means Wild flower in Hawaiian. The reason I chose this name was because when I first saw her, I thought of Hawaii, and reading that she has special connections with flora and fauna made me want to give her a name tied with earth.

Let the earth guide you.
I was simply strolling about one fine day, the sun was shining birds were chirping, there was not a cloud in the sky. It wasn't too hot, if it was, it was dry heat and the faint breeze that danced around me was covering it up. I was walking near a mountain side, thick tree's and bright meadows where surrounding me. The only thing missing was my companion, who voted to stay at our hideout while I took this fine walk. It was really pleasant, a perfect day if there was such a thing.

One blast of wind raced passed me, and what rode on its back was the sound of a faint hum. This was odd, so I decided to follow the direction of the musical rumble and wind. I began to feel as if I was getting closer to whatever it was when the scent of tree sap grew stronger, it flooded the air around me. I walked around various tree's the foliage becoming thicker with every meter I walked, the air grew tight. I could literally take a breath of fresh air when I found my way into a very circular meadow, an willow tree looming in the middle. The light beautiful hum was louder here, I began to walk towards the center.

When I got to the willow tree, the light breeze was almost constant, it was toying with my hair and the strings of leaves that hung from the willows branches. I looked around, then separated the thick willow leaves to walk in and look around, what I found was sacred to say the least. Inside the small gazebo of willow leaves rested a small blue, and almost glowing pond completely coated in shade, inside here was cooler air. I looked inside the puddle, following the rhythmic hum's lure, and inside, I saw a small pink oval. Curious, I reached my hand in and touched it, the tip of my finger burned with warmth, I quickly drew away from the egg. Now knowing this was an egg, I pulled it out gently to investigate further, I soon found this was a rune egg and cradled it in my arms. Suddenly a Yellow flower fell and landed on top of the egg, and then it came to me "Your name will be Maylea" I huffed, and then came to you.
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Bananaturtle » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:35 am

Owner Name:
Lileaf, because it's a mix between Lily and Leaf! :)
I was playing in my favorite meadow, not far from Niagara Falls, when I heard a splash, then another! So I went close enough to see what was going on.There was a tiny ledge with a HUGE pile of eggs! I couldn't believe my eyes! All of the eggs had flowers growing out of the egg!I knew those eggs were special, so I couldn't just watch them fall to their doom!So I started to jump from rock to rock.My heart was beating so loud I thought it would pound right out of my body!When finally I reached the ledge my heart was ready to burst!By then all the eggs had fallen into the rocky water except for two.The part of the ledge my left foot was on slipped!I barely got my foot away in time!The whole ledge was falling apart!I dropped onto my stomach and crawled toward the last egg. I grabbed it and hopped across the rocks as fast as my legs could carry me.As soon as I was in the meadow again I plopped down and the egg rolled into a patch a sun.I looked at it, and a little rune popped out! I stood up and it looked at me.I guess it liked me cause it rubbed against my legs then we walked home.
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby Temperance. » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:40 am


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{A name of Greek origin, means 'beautiful'}

Yes, I'm aware that I also used this name for the first mystery rune egg, and while I do generally dislike using the same name twice...I dunno, this name just seemed to suit her even better. I just think that this name especially suits her, and while the green egg seems to be garnering more attention...I just felt that Calla called out to me much more, more even than the first egg, to the point where I'm actually glad to have lost <3




I walked thoughtfully through the marketplace, I had managed to acquire a small pouch of coins on my recent sojourn with Falanon and Zade, and had been given leave, by over-protective Falanon, to spend them here. It was a rare treat to be sure, and the hustle and bustle of humanity made me smile a little. To be honest I really missed this, all the time spent in the woods had made me so isolated from other people that even this small town seemed disorienting and somewhat overwhelming, yet also made me long for a place I could settle in as well. Shaking my head to dispel my train of thought, which appeared to be getting far too gloomy, I turned abruptly and walked into a curious little store. An old man appeared suddenly out of nowhere, with wiry silver hair and a pair of round glasses, "Why hello there miss! Looking for anything in particular?" Startled I took a few steps back before quietly clearing my throat. "Umm well, I don't really know....anything you'd recommend?" I wasn't exactly sure why I asked him about there being anything he would recommend, after all, he seemed, and I had actually planned on leaving. Still, I found myself rooted in place as he stared at me for a long moment with his beady eyes before grunting and nodding. "Actually, I think I have JUST the thing for you. One moment please." And the man trotted off.

I stood for a long moment, feeling slightly at a loss as to why I was still here and what I was even doing. But before I had the opportunity to leave, the old man returned again, this time with a piece of parchment clutched in his hands. Curiosity tickled me, particularly with the guarded look he was giving me, but slowly the man cleared his throat and spoke, "I believe this map is meant for you, and I only hope that my instincts are correct." He gave me yet another beady eyed and soul-searching stare, "For you I suppose I can sell this for seventeen Denarii" I cringed slightly, that would take up all but one of my coins, still, something drew me inexplicably to the map, and sight unseen I sighed heavily and handed over my seventeen Denarii. The man shot me an odd smile then and handed me the parchment, dipping his head he nodded, "Goodluck."

A few hours later I was standing on the edge of a vast cliff, the map clutched in my hands. My brows drew together in great confusion as I hesitantly peered over the edge. A few feet below me there was an outcropping covered in thick and vibrant plants, odd, given that this was a dry canyon with little to no plants anywhere else. It also appeared to be the place that the map indicated, though that made very little sense to me. Huffing with frustration I leaned farther over the cliff edge, the map clutched in one of my dangling hands, as I tried to get a better glimpse of that outcropping. Suddenly the map pulsed golden and disintegrated, the pieces fluttering down to scatter themselves among the out-of-place plants. "No!" I cried out in horror, instinctively finding myself compelled to crawl down to the ledge where the pieces had fallen.

I had only taken a few steps down when a voice seemed to reverberate through me, Hello? Who are you? I've been alone for so long....are you here for a friend? I do certainly hope so....hurry down! Confused and intrigued I did as the voice had instructed, landing with a 'plop' on the ledge, yet when I looked around for the source of the voice, a gasp escaped me. Sitting there, enthroned by fern leaves, sat a beautifully elegant pink egg that I recognized as a rune dragon. Awestruck I reached out with my hand and ran it along the smooth shell, "Why, you're beautiful!" I breathed out in wonder, astonished when a giggle seemed to sound melodically in my head, Why thank-you! I don't often get compliments....trapped here as I am. The feminine voice trailed off for a long moment before starting up again, this time quiet and somewhat plaintively, Are you here to take me with you? Please? I-I feel so lonely here.... Her voice trailed off once more and I felt my heart melt for this poor abandoned egg, so with little forethought I let a small smile split my face and spoke. "Of course I will, but before we leave, what should I call you?" Her mind-squeal of excitement made me laugh softly, and when she spoke again with a bubbly and excited voice, I couldn't help but grin, Thank-you so much!!!! And you can call me Calla.


Well, I may not be much of an artist, but I tried doing a traditional illustration of the part where Kat hops down to the outcropping where Calla is resting XD Sort of sad the colours look so washed out in this but...I tried <3


{I know you aren't judging anything but the story Bena, so please ignore the stuff below, I'm just trying to figure out her personality and see where Calla would fit in my rag-tag group, should I have the honour of being the one to take her home XD}

At her core Calla is a soft-spoken, charming, and somewhat bubbly individual. She adores vegetation of all kind, and has been well noted for her amusing ability to get dreamy-eyed and almost delirious with happiness when encountering new flora. She loves nothing more than to cheerfully chant the names and abilities of any and all plants that she comes across. Admittedly her overly cheerful enthusiasm and tendency to point out plants puts her at odds with Falan occasionally, but Kat never fails to step in, thus preserving Calla's cheerful and innocent mannerisms.

Last edited by Temperance. on Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:20 am, edited 3 times in total.



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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby KingTulip » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:32 pm

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Anyone could tell something was pulling. It was not physical, but more had to do with my auma. Something was calling, and I had no clue how to find it. Whenever I tried to draw, my single muse was the hibiscus flower, which was odd as i dont draw flowers often. In my dreams, it seems like something was leading me toward it by using a trail of these flowers. Finally, not able to stand not knowing anymore, I called Nebula from his duties, explaining to my friend's horse (and Nebula's best friend), Astro, what needed to be done. Riding my dream walker (Nebula) I was able to at last follow the trail. As we got nearer, he seemed to get more enthusiastic, proving my point that whatever lay at the end of this trail was very special. At last, we came to the egg. It seemed beautifully lavished, with grace and elegance filling its auma.

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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby ruse » Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:15 pm

Owner Name:
Majestic Rose
"Mom! But they do exist! I'll bring you a real rune dragon just to prove they do exist!"
With those last words, I leave, slamming the back door and hastening to the forest.
"But Rae!"
I hear my mother say.
My name is Rachel. Or, Rae for short. I am 14 years old. I believe that dragons exist. Especially rune dragons. My mother thinks differently. I wish she could understand. I daydream and dream about them all the time. They make my heart race. Like me running right now.

Tears flow down my cheeks as I run. My teeth are clenched, as if to block out my frustration. My legs ache. I stop at an oak tree and collapse beside its gnarly roots. I give out. More tears. I wonder why she doesn't believe me. I let out a frustrated cry between sobs. It sends the birds flying for their lives. I hear the abrupt rustle of branches in a nearby tree as a bird soars away. Suddenly, a loud thump sounds. I grow curious and pause my sobs. I slowly crawl to the nearby tree, seeking a prize. A colorful egg of many colors and a magenta flower shimmers in the little sunlight peeking through the leaves of the tree. I am drawn to the egg with the flower.

"Hello, little egg."
I usher in my hoasre, over-used voice. The leaves above ru
rustle as if to answer. I begin to feel as if this was meant to happen. My stomach twists as I think of the ugly fight between my mother and I. I shake of the ugly fight between me and my mother. I quickly take off my jacket and smuggle the floral egg. I run off to my house. My stomach urks as I past the kitchen. My mother is silent. Like usual. I uncover the egg in its Abercombie jacket. I smile and whisper.
"My little Flower."
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby teleport » Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:26 pm


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I'm not one for things of the girly, impractical variety. If anything, I despise things of the sort. When I first heard about the Rune Dragon's existence, I thought nothing of the appeal of having company around, or a pet to enjoy. I wanted more of an assistant. Something to get places where I couldn't go. To see things in places where I couldn't fit my head into, and otherwise go unnoticed. And so I very tentatively joined the ranks of those searching for the elusive Runes. One night after a long while of searching for a fitting Rune with no luck, I found myself sitting down to a meal at a local bar, dejected. I was very close to giving up my search at this point. While I had seen many Runes throughout my search, I had found none that I could picture with me, and to tell the truth, most irritated me too much for me to even imagine having them as a companion. Staring down into my bowl of tasteless soup, I saw out of the corner of my eye a tall, white-haired old man sit down at my table.

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" he croaked, raising his lips in a slight, wrinkled smile. I rolled my eyes a bit- obviously he didn't know what kind of girl he was dealing with. "What do you want?" I replied in an irritated tone. He softly gestured to the sketchbook my fingers were lightly drumming on. The open page was covered in quite a few quick sketches of some of the Runes I had seen along my recent journey. He looked me in the eyes. "You looking for Runes?" I tentatively nodded, still carefully placing a scowl on my face. He broke into a wide grin, revealing yellowed, chipped teeth. "Well, I've got Runes all right. Tons of them. Eggs, even. Raise 'em from the start, you don't have to worry about any bad habits- shape 'em how you please. Well, if you can get 'em to hatch." He raised his eyebrows at me, noticing how my attention span had quickly risen up. "I'm interested." I casually murmured back to him. He hoisted himself up from the crude wooden bench across from mine and gestured for me to exit the bar with him. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I followed the man out into the fog and dark. He led me through the mist down the road a bit, and then branched out onto a barely visible trail. My hiking boots were sinking into the mud, making a squelching sound when I pulled them out. Still, I continued, the mist slowly turning into rain.

Finally, after what seemed like miles, the man stopped at what looked to be a small pile of boulders. He gestured to a small opening in the rock, leading deep into the underbelly of the pile. "They're in there- I've been keeping the eggs and storing them for quite a while now. For people like you, looking for them." He smiled and handed me a small candle- I had no idea how he had gotten it to light in the rain, but he had. "I'd go down there myself, but I'm an old man. Can't do nothing anymore like I used to. You're gonna have to go down there yourself and see if any call to you. I'll hold onto your bag- there's no way you'll be able to fit that thing down there." Pulling off my bag, I threw it to the man and got down on my knees, wriggling into the tunnel. It was deceptively small and in less than a minute I had army-crawled my way to the center. And what I saw amazed me. Eggs. So many eggs. Piled around the walls of the small hollow underneath the boulder pile, they came in tons of different colors and designs. While many I surpassed almost immediately, such as a small pink egg with a flower on top, many others were tempting at worst. After a few minutes of glancing around the "cavern", I decided to settle on a simple black-grey egg in the corner. It looked perfect, it would hatch for me, it just had to. Reaching out for this egg, I suddenly realized something. How would the eggs have been placed and ordered here if the man couldn't get down into the cavern? Slowly crouching upwards, I listened to the tunnel to hear a faint clinking sound. I knew from experience that he was searching through my bag. Taking my money. And probably everything else.

"Hey!" I shouted. "You don't know who you're dealing with, you freaking s-" My curses were cut off when I heard him get up, his squelching footsteps getting closer. A grunt. I moved back into the center of the hollow, predicting what he was going to do. And I was right... A rumble started, that turned into a full-out roar from my position as the rocks caved in. Something smashed into my leg, pinning it against the ground and sending waves of pain up my thigh. The thief had probably gotten away now, with my money, my personal belongings.. my life. Blinking dust out of my eyes, I looked around to see the eggs. All of them... smashed. Shattered. Broken by the rockfall. Only a thief either terribly desperate or terribly crazy would kill so many innocent creatures for a bag. Everry single last one of the eggs had been broken. Except... one small egg was nestled in the crook of my arm, somehow protected from the fall. My leg still stuck under the boulder, I twisted around to see the single whole egg. It was a pale pink color, with a small golden flower on top. And it.. was warm. From itself or my body heat, I didn't know, but it drew me to it. The same egg I had scoffed at only minutes ago was now pulling me towards it. "Guess it's just me and you then." I muttered, staring at the pearly object. And so I twisted myself into a more comfortable position, waiting for help to come.

Last edited by teleport on Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mystery Rune Egg #2

Postby moonlight_girl » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:18 pm

Owner Name:
floralibus( flora for short)
If i get her, i would like to write more of this story (:
Add more stuff i learn about her and how our friendship will grow

Ever since i was a litle kid i used to run around in the forest, and this is how i came to find this egg.

I awoke with a start, and felt the sweat running down my forehead. Just another night with nightmares, filled with things I could not explain to anyone. Things like dark magic and odd creature I had never seen before. I sat up in Sangem and noticed the time was not more than four in the morning. I got up and put on my coat to take a walk.
I always can go back to sleep after a long walk.
I walked along a trail in the woods that I've always known to but not followed some time earlier. My grandmother cultivated tell that it had strange things in this part of the forest and we could not go there, but it was at that drew me in that direction and I was curious and started walking.
I felt watched and persecuted, I turned around but saw nothing there so I went on. It was terribly dark in this part of the forest. Usually when I'm out in the woods and go so I tend to notice different sounds and the birds' beautiful song, but here everything was quiet and dead.
Suddenly I hear a clear cry of a bird, ijag can hear it flapping around looking for a place to rest.
I'm starting to consider to turn around and go home again, but it is something that is calling me deeper into the forest. So I need to know why I feel as I do.
I am going further and further into the forest and it starts just as the woods in my nightmares that make me wake up every night.

As i'm coming further and further into the forest and begin to see the glimpse of a pink glow, and the closer I get the more I feel it is precisely that which calls me.
I'm starting small run and I reach the light, and where I find an egg, with a bright pink glow that shines ever stronger as I get closer. I bend down and put my egg him on and feel how cold it is. I look around to see if there is any parent of the egg but I see nothing as far as the eye can see. I'm picking up the egg in my arms and puts it under my jacket.

I run all the way home to get it into heat and when I'm home at last the sun has already begun to rise in the sky.
I walk into my room and crawl into bed again, but this time with the egg close to me.
I whisper to the egg:
- Do not be worried little friend, I'll take care of you
And after I fall asleep and start dreaming about the day the egg will hatch and show himself to me, and I hope that I have found myself a new friend.

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