Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 3

Postby Eevee55 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:01 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #3!
    Username: Eevee55
    Your ID#: 1033286
    Previous Entry: Here
    Chicoon: Sara
      Food 'round the Fire
      Show or tell us your Chicoon's favorite food to eat while Camping!
    Entry: Sara's favorite camping-specific snack is, without question, s'mores. She absolutely loves the combination of gooey vegan marshmallows with the perfection that is chocolate- Okay, so maybe her main reason for loving s'mores is the chocolate specifically, but still! They truly enjoy making and eating s'mores, it is one of those things they just cannot imagine leaving out of any camping trip. Sara, of course, brought plenty of s'mores ingredients for this camping trip, though being a frugivore like all Chicoons, she could not really eat s'mores exclusively during the camping trip. Even if they wanted to.
    Thus, she had also brought along a variety of her favorite fruits to eat, which she could make into a fruit salad! Pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, and apple slices seemed to be the fruits they had selected for their meal today. It did not take long for Sara to prepare the fruit salad, simply putting all of the fruit into a bowl and mixing it all together a bit. Of course, she was careful not to crush any of the fruit while doing so. While this might appear to be a rather random selection of fruits, Sara thought they tasted great together! They very much enjoy trying different combinations of fruits, pretty much any combination of fruits you can think of, Sara has tried it. Though of course she has a few specific favorite combinations, she is always happy to try something new.
Despite everything,

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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 3

Postby hamkid » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:20 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #3!
    Username: hamkid
    Your ID#: 299978
    Previous Entry: Day 2!
    Chicoon: Jamba Juice
      Food 'round the Fire
      Show or tell us your Chicoon's favorite food to eat while Camping!
    Jamba Juice sat near the blistering fire as it sat over collected twigs, with Zephir and Esper gathered around nearby, the campfire crackling with the embers of smoldering sticks. For the most part, they'd been quiet, or at least as quiet as a creature that communicates nonverbally anyways; Esper sometimes would 'speak' of some reports of supposed cryptid sightings that had been spreading, and Zephir just didn't 'say' anything, period. He just sat there, wings against his head, barely amused by anyone or anything at the moment. It took Jamba 'speaking up' to get a conversation moving, and that conversation just so happened to be about a treat she tried by chance a few days prior.

    "I really didn't think I'd like it at all," she signalled with flaps of her wings. "You guys know how fond I am of tropical fruits and stuff, right? How it's, like, the one thing I could eat my entire life and nothing else?"
    "Of course," Esper signalled back. "I get it, man! I like that too! Trying fruits that aren't as well known as the average apple or orange is pretty rad, you know."
    "Jee, I could never tell," Zephir rolled his eyes a little.
    "Well," Jamba started, "It was a long story. It really must've been the summer heat getting to me for once, and I knew how other chicoons like to enjoy a good s'more every once in a while. I really didn't think it'd be worth my time at all at first, but wow, I was so wrong about that! I just put some graham crackers in a pan, topped it with vegan marshmallows and chocolate, and then finished it off with more graham crackers... And more mini vegan marshmallows... And more chocolate... And then more graham cracker crumbles..."
    "That sounds like a recipe for disaster," Zephir flapped. "A sticky nightmare. You'd never be able to touch anything again after eating those, you'd probably have permanent marshmallow gunk stuck to your hands."
    "I'm surprised it didn't! I— um— totally didn't make a mess after I was done. And I DEFINITELY didn't eat the entire pan."
    Sure you didn't, Jamba.
    "I did find something even cooler I could do, though! When I can't make an entire pan of s'mores... I can just make a regular s'more and stick substitute the chocolate for fruit! It's just as good, I swear!
    And that's when Jamba pulled out a bag of vegan marshmallows from behind her back, as well as some packs of graham crackers, and bags of fruit. It was finally time for everyone to dig in. Even Zephir wound up enjoying some s'mores!

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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 3

Postby blizzard180 » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:33 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #3!
    Username: blizzard180
    Your ID#: 1026652
    Previous Entry: here
    Chicoon: Choice
      Food 'round the Fire
      Show or tell us your Chicoon's favorite food to eat while Camping!
    Entry: Image or Story
Choice loves grilled chocolate bananas, all you need is a chocolate bar, a banana, and a heatsource!
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 3

Postby Just.Peachy » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:50 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #3!
    Username: Just.Peachy
    Your ID#: 955004
    Previous Entry: here
    Chicoon: blu
      Food 'round the Fire
      Show or tell us your Chicoon's favorite food to eat while Camping!
    Entry: Image or Story

    Blu tumbled down into his spot at the fire, plopping in between two of his friends. He had gone to collect the perfect twigs for roasting while the other’s prepared the fire and the food. Hunting down the perfect roasting skills was no easy feat in Blu’s mind! It took a great eye and lots of practice to be as good as he was, and he was always the one to volunteer to do so on camping trips with friends. Even with his speed and precision, he never turned down anyone who wanted to join him on his short walk through the woods. This time, with a little hesitation on her part, Roe joined him to avoid the others while they made up scary stories around the fire. He was quite surprised she had decided to join him as well, she usually stayed in the tent until it was bright enough that the shadows weren’t so scary, but he welcomed her presence. As they walked away from the bright fire, Roe nudged into him, keeping close. The sun had begun to set so the shadows seemed extra spooky, and after cryptid hunting the night before with them, she was tentative to leave the fire. A step was a step though, and he was happy to help her get over her fear while they searched for twigs so they could make his favorite camp special- roasted berries!

    There was something so special to him about roasted berries. It was something he could make whenever he wanted, but the time he shared with friends while making them at camp made them far more enjoyable! It was something he certainly wouldn’t turn down the chance to eat while on vacation from his normal routine.

    He leaned his neck down, picking up a few sticks in his mouth as he passed some that looked fit for the picking! Roe took them from him carefully, a sheepish smile on her face as she offered her help with a silent gesture. He let her and decided to ease her fears by showing her how to pick the good sticks out from the bad. He could tell she was nervous and wanted to make sure she knew that there was nothing to be afraid of. He honked quietly, shuffling around sticks until he found good ones. Eventually she warmed up and started helping him find more to share with the group. It was always better to have too many than too little, especially with a large group like their own. Sticks were always finding their way into the fire or getting a little too burnt at the top to be useful.

    After a while of searching, bundles of sticks in their mouths they rejoined the group at the fire. They could hear them honking around the fire as they approached, their excitement increasing as they all noticed their approach. He set down his bundle next to Roe’s, and quickly started digging in the food pile for some berries to roast.

    The fire quickly heated them as he placed his berries over the fire, and he pulled them away before they could burn. The other’s honked and flapped their wings as they roasted their own, excited to eat! He let his cool for a moment before pulling them off the stick, the sweet taste of roasted berries tickling his taste buds! [563 words]

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Day 3 Results

Postby cinerious » Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:59 am

Wes wrote:

Welcome to The Waypost!

Day 4 is now open!
Check here for the prompt! I will post when I close today's prompt around 8pm est!

Daily Findings wrote:Wes found himself drooling at all of the delicious foods that were shown to him, and quickly left everyone with their daily rocks so he could go find himself something to munch on...

ToraOkami303 - 1 pebble
Ottercola - 1 tinted stone
-roadkill-69- - 1 tinted stone
GreyScale - 1 tinted stone
P3PP3R_c0rn - 1 pebble
Buzz Aesthetic - 1 tinted stone
Cosmic_Dragon - 1 pebble
case - 1 pebble
Cas. - 1 pebble
LittleMaple - 1 pebble
shortstop - 1 tinted stone
.henloimmabirb. - 1 tinted stone
imabanditø - 1 tinted stone
mango531 - 1 pebble
Eevee55 - 1 pebble
hamkid - 1 pebble
blizzard180 - nothing for today, sorry! (min. word count is 50)
Just.Peachy - 1 tinted stone

Wes also wanted to grab popsicles for everyone, but with his hands full of rocks he could only carry one, and handed it to the first person he saw, ToraOkami303.
(+1 Twin popsicle)
Last edited by cinerious on Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 4

Postby LittleMaple » Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:04 pm

I’m participating in Prompt Day #4!
    Username: LittleMaple
    Your ID#: 967464
    Previous Entry: here!
    Chicoon: Raindrop the beloved
      Show or tell us about your Chicoon taking a nature walk! What do they do / see?
    Entry: Story
    Raindrop is in a great mood after going on a fantastic date that Charo was kind enough to set up for him! He had fallen in love at first honk<3 He bounced as he walked around, watching birds nesting and flitting about. He saw a mouse scurry by and honked after it. He came across a small stream and stopped to drink from it, savoring the feeling on his tongue. He hopped over it, flapping his wings. As he continued his walk, he thought he saw a chicoon made of half water. When he looked though, there was nothing there but a beetle! He poked and played with the beetle, honking loudly when it pinched him. He nudged it away and continued on his walk. He finally found a tall tree and climbed up it, making a bed in its branches. His tail snaked through the leaves and wrapped itself around the branch his paws rested on as he drifted off to sleep.
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 4

Postby -roadkill-69- » Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:33 pm

I’m participating in Prompt Day #4!
    Username: -roadkill-69-
    Your ID#: 825808
    Previous Entry: berries
    Chicoon: tea
      Show or tell us about your Chicoon taking a nature walk! What do they do / see?
    Entry: Tea hiked until sunset, and found a nice place to settle down and watch it.Image
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 4

Postby Pepperikorn » Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:01 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #4!
    Username: P3PP3R_c0rn
    Your ID#: 199677
    Previous Entry: Day3
    Chicoon: Meelis
      Show or tell us about your Chicoon taking a nature walk! What do they do / see?
    Entry: Meelis found a set of animal tracks that led to a funny-looking rabbit! She watched the rabbit hop away before continuing the walk.
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 4

Postby case » Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:29 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #4!
    Username: Case
    Your ID#: 108699
    Previous Entry: here!
    Chicoon: Cirrus!
      Show or tell us about your Chicoon taking a nature walk! What do they do / see?
    Entry: Story
    Cirrus was not a huge fan of the woods, but she wanted to get out of her comfort zone. She decided to take a nature walk that she hoped would be peaceful, and not full of spiders, bugs, and snakes. Cirrus realized that she was just walking in a huge circle when she kept passing by the same shaped rock. Maybe she should have packed a compass?

    Cirrus finally decided to walk in one direction, even if it meant trekking through the underbrush. She tried her hardest not to think about the amount of insects she was probably disturbing. As long as she did not find a spider or tick in her fur later, she figured she would be okay.

    Eventually, Cirrus found herself near the lake. Cirrus walked up to the bank of the lake, curious about what she might find. To her surprise, Cirrus saw tadpoles swimming around! She thought that tadpoles were hilarious looking, especially when they began to sprout legs.

    Cirrus' closing eyes betrayed how tired this walk had made her. She laid down and looked up at the sky, falling asleep while she watched the clouds.
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Re: Wes' Waypoints - Day 4

Postby Cosmic_Dragon » Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:20 am

I’m participating in Prompt Day #4!
    Username: Cosmic_Dragon
    Your ID#: 1031466
    Previous Entry: Day #3
    Chicoon: Argus
      Show or tell us about your Chicoon taking a nature walk! What do they do / see?
    Entry: Argus has found an excellent place for a hideaway! That hollow tree is perfectly sized for a chicoon to curl up inside and take a nap after a day of hiking~
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