Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby mimi26188 » Wed May 08, 2013 12:16 pm

Personality Even tho he loves Thor he is not crazy enough to act like him and hurt his sisters and brothers, Guru is usually wild and sometimes calm when he's excited so he doesn't blurt out, Overall Guru is caring and loves to explore Usually all he finds is rocks dirt and twigs. He hopes to find something good soon.
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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby Novi » Wed May 08, 2013 1:45 pm

    Beloved Kiamara
    Full Reference | Site Page
    Username: prince tsuoubaki, but call me Baka//shot
    Do you already own a Kia?: Nope. D:
    Why do you want him?:
    What will you do for him/use:
    Name: Ironically, his name is Itazura.
    → Origin and meaning:
    Nickname: Loser, Weirdo, and Lock.
    Gender: Male, obviously!
    Breed/Species: Kiamara.
    -- Character Development --
    Background Overview:
    -- Miscellaneous --
    Theme Song(s):
    Notable Characteristics:
    Most Noticeable Feature:
    Interesting Facts/Fun Facts:
    Favourite Songs:
    Other Pieces of Art:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Relationship Status:
    (Optional) Accessories:
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Now that the existential crisis has passed, I'm not leaving! Sorry for the momentary scare, folks!
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Postby PolarAzulTigris » Wed May 08, 2013 2:16 pm



Eye Color:

Distinguishing features:
His blonde mane.
Crystal blue eyes
His back which resembles a red cape.
And of course, a dashing confident smile.

Theme Song:
Pagan Metal - Hringhorni
Skyrim Violin Cover
"Quest for Freedom"

Very boastful
Hits things with hammer
Tends to be a bit oblivious to the obvious.
Tends to be a bit Reckless and aggressive.
Eats A lot of meat
Seeks out a challenge.
Habit of breaking dishes.

He's quite well health wise; but sometimes suffers from stress.
Which causes his chest to tighten up in a anxiety attack.
He also gets tension headaches from time to time.

Horse back riding, Kick Boxing
Fencing, Martial arts, Yoga
Performing arts, Historian,
Exploring the Nine Realms,
Eating and drinking with friends,
Having a good challenging bout,

"I thank thee. But were I to cut my hair, my helmet would fall off."
"Sif. Heimdall. Balder. Fandral. Volstagg. Can your souls hear me?
Do my words find you, in the hearts of mortals? If they do,
then hear this vow. I shall find you, though I comb the four
corners of the earth in my quest. I shall find you. "

Greatest flaw:
In his early years his pride, and being boastful.
This causes him to not see eye to eye and sometimes
lose sight of what is important. He tends to be arrogant,
and seeks out conflict when there is none. Mostly a lack
of better judgement.


Preferred nickname:
Rag, or narok.
Though he has many other names such as Thor.


Equivalent to 25 human years.

December 5th
(This is considered Thor day)

Topaz, Bloodstone, or the Turquoise
December Birthstone poem - the Turquoise
"If cold December gave you birth
The month of snow and ice and mirth
Place on your hand a turquoise blue
Success will bless whate'er you do."
Narcissus is Decembers birth Flower.

Zodiac sign:

Chinese Zodiac:
Earth Dragon

Atum his half brother
Loki the Adopted brother

Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr The Goats
Sleipnir The horse.

Best quality:
His Humanity.
Through trials and errors and conflict he has always had
the gleaming shard of hope in others.
He often risks himself for the sake of others and often
others take advantage of this as well.
Despite this he has become a bit hesitant in others but
finds himself helping in a repeating fashion.


Ragnarök is quite abrasive in his way of thoughts and saying what he thinks rather than always thinking it through first. His first thought is to react and perhaps think later. This does sometimes put him in a pickle but he's true to his word as well.

He is loyal to his people and to his family. Having a sense of pride as the oldest heir to the throne he knows he'll one day embrace. He has a sense of pride and dignity about him and this sense of pride just shines from him.

He loves and takes care of his friends and family; wither they want it or not in the case of Loki. He's very patient to those close to him and often goes out of his way to help even a stranger if they are in need. Often this also makes him predictable and easily fooled as well.

He often charges into a battle with only one goal in mind, thus he also puts the safety of himself and those around him in danger. He's abrasive in his tactics and can often not be deterred in his train of thought; being rather persistent on whatever he plans to see through.

Thor during times though he's rash to act is rather intelligent on the field of battle. He has outwitted quite a foe; but some how can always find that Loki usually is one step further in plans and often lets his own emotions cloud his judgement.

Needless to say he's had an imaginable strength since being only a youngster and has been trained for countless years. Over this time his strength has only doubled and more. He can shift the ground with one swing of Mjölnir; and have the elements at his beck and call.

Meat or Food in General-The Warriors Three- Sif- His brother Loki- Fine Ladies- Heroic Tales- Exploring/Adventure - A good brawl - Calling of the elements - Horseback Riding - Lazy days - Alfheim - Nidavellir

His Pride or Honor being tarnished - Foolish Mistakes - Those that seek out to harm others - Those that threaten Asgard - Frost Giants - Dark Elves - Technology - Those who misuse their powers - Svartalfheim - Jotunheim

Interesting notes

-Fenris Wolf; a giant wolf that is said to be the offspring of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. During Ragnarök Fenris swallowed all that remained of Asgard following the final battle.
-Geri and Freki are Odin's pet wolves. Freki stopped an assassination attempt on Thor's life during a time known as the Reigning when Thor assumed the throne of Asgard and ruled both Asgard and Midgard with an iron fist.
-Huginn and Muninn are Odin's pet ravens. They guided Thor to find the means to end the Ragnarök cycle and again through Hel to find Odin.
-Sleipnir; Odin's eight-legged steed. Thor had eight steeds Firegnaw, Mudbrute, Slaughterbit, Smokemare, Snow Harpy, Stormbringer, Swamptooth and Warhoof. During a famine on earth, some humans ate the horses over Thor's request that they not do so. The God of Thunder took the bones back to Asgard. Using magics, he reformed them into Sleipnir. Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder; two mystical goats that pull Thor's chariot.

Who was your first crush?
I would have to say the great Lady Sif.

What's in your pockets right now?
An odd little thing called the Tesseract.

The TARDIS shows up, do you go with the Doctor?
Who pray-tell is this doctor and what does he do?

What's your weapon of choice?
Mjölnir of course!

Who's your hero?
Odin My father.

Where do you keep your lock picks?
Now I don't know what my brother has been saying but I can assure you I have no such thing. Perhaps you can go check in with him hmm?

What do you value more than anything else in the world?
My father, My kingdom and dear friends.

If you have a power, what is it? And how did you get it?
God of Thunder, and it is quite simple really. I am because I'm an Odinson.

What kind of magic is in your world?
The magic of Gods.

Do humans taste like chicken?
I've heard of this rumor but I've never had the taste for it.

Would you like to rule the world?
Which of the nine realms are you speaking of?

What do you call that hairstyle?

Are there gods in your world? If there are, which on do you follow and why?
There are many Gods in Asgard; we follow our own paths.

If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with?
I am crossed; though I would side with neither.

What is your favorite form of combat?
Hand to hand of course, when they have the strength to do so.

What kind of world do you live in?
A world that did not have a need to know violence.

Is the glass half empty or half full?
I'm not exactly sure but I do know I want another.

What do you see when you look up at the sky?
I see the cosmos and the bifrost which leads to the nine realms.

What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do?
I like to enjoy a mornings sunrise.

Who are your three best friends?
Lady Sif, Balder, Fandral, and Volstagg.

What do you like to eat?
Wild Game

How well do you get along with your parents?
Fairly Well

What color is the sky?
Depends on which of the nine realms you are currently within.

Are you a frog?
I Have been once. It was horrendous.

A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond?
Strike down the tree and bring the stray feline down in the arms of the innocent child.

What is your least attractive trait?
If I had to pick one, it would be when I'm being slightly over ambitious. (aka; chauvinistic)

Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you?
... OH Hmm.. I thought it was just myself again. Of course.

Have you ever ridden a horse?
My horse is my best friend.

Who is your best friend?
To be fair I have more friends than just the horse.

What do you do for a living?
I'd like to think of myself as a demigod.

Favorite color?

You're leaving and can only say goodbye to one person. Who would you choose to see?
I would choose to leave without saying goodbye to anyone; let my actions speak louder than my words.

Ever been knocked unconscious?
There is a poor sod who hasn't been?

In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out?
I'm afraid I rather stick out of huge crowds.

Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone?
Many a time.

Are you addicted to anything (coffee, pretzels, Soda etc.)?
There is a substance that I like that is called Coffee though addicted is a strong word.

What one word sums you up?

Did you follow in your parent's footsteps (occupation wise), or have you made your own way in life?
I see it no otherway; I follow in The all knowing father Odin's footsteps.

Have you ever considered learning to ride a dragon?
I've already ridden one, though I don't think he felt quite the same about the situation as I did.

Magic bean stocks - true or false?
True of course.

What is your most prized possession?

Do you believe in the power of love to change the world?
I'd like to think love could solve all.

Your favorite weather conditions?
Storming, just the right condition.


You ask, how does a God become mortal.

Well I could ask you, how does a mortal become a God?

By all that is good; I am known to many as Thor. But in this realm, in this life I have taken to another name; Ragnarök. My name has stretched far and wide; Thor Odinson. With Mjölnir at my side and thunder at my beck and call I felt immortal. Though as all things go even the Gods are much like mortal men than we'd like to claim; Even us Asgardians.

As much as I'd like to claim otherwise; I am quite flawed. I am brash, and abrasive. Proud and boastful. I would like to think of myself a defender; but my rash actions have served severe coincidences as well. Even as Gods we are driven by human emotion. By that turn we can cause havoc on a grander scale. Worlds are created and collapse among the nine realms; and we stand ready at the guard. This is a tale of many. This is the Tale of how I came to Midgard.

Short Story:
It started like any day. It had began as any other day would. The sun was brilliantly rising up in the east and the smell of dew of early morning could still be felt clinging to the air. Life was good and beaming. Ragnarök was in a den like open structure with his closest friends. The great Lady Sif, Balder, Fandral, and Volstagg. Jesting and laughing among each other as the early morning hours passed. Meat and substance was supplied and they prepared for a heavily busy day. Each would go off to their own training and they would meet up again come nightfall.

Little did Ragnarök know that his world was going to come falling apart. And this little note came to him on the wind. A tattered paper hit the side of his head and he looked down at the ground suspiciously where the crumbled paper now laid. A soft 'pst' could be heard from the hallway and lifting his gaze he noticed the smaller more lithe form of his brother; Loki. Ragnarök raised a brow at his younger sibling but all Loki did in turn was motion towards himself as if beckoning. A clear grin played across Ragnarök's visage as he cleared his throat. "Pardon me good Sirs.. Lady Sif; it seems my attention is needed elsewhere." With a airy chuckle he tucks his arm against his stomach in a half bow then proceeds a half trait towards the hallway where his brother is.

Strangely enough Loki seems to be acting rather oddly himself; grabbing a hold of Thor's arm which is tucked against him and leading him; while looking back and forth to see if anyone is following to an odd little brick corner in a deserted hallway. Ragnarök just chuckled lightly which caused Loki to hush him. Ragnarök linked showing concern as he lowered his voice to a whisper to the young sibling. "Wha-what is it Loki that has you so concerned?" He said with the amusement fading from the lit of his voice.

Loki simply moved aside Thor as if simply speaking if someone were to walk into their conversation though he kept his voice hushed. "Ragnarök." Loki began with a slight pause before continuing? "Tell me Brother... If you knew horrible was going to happen. Would you try to stop it?" Ragnarök gave a bit of a pause to the question but responded almost louder than a hushed whisper. "Of course!" Loki glanced around to see if that had nabbed anyone's attention before looking back to his brother. "Even if it meant losing everything." Loki's expression became worrisome and dour. Ragnarök seemed a bit more flustered but nodded and firmly replied. "Yes, Even then. What is it brother?" Loki waved off the question is dismissal before taking off into a trot like run; calling back after him. "You will see brother!" And with that he was out sight leaving more questions than answers.

Later that day Ragnarök happened to be walking near the edge of Asgard; believing he had seen Loki around ever corner and he was determined to get some answers from his younger brother. He was scheming and nothing good became of those moments. "By all the.." He noticed Loki disappear into the chamber of the Bifrost; a bright white beam expelling forth and then he was gone. "By all the nine.." He noticed something flicker just outside of his field of Vision; and his voice rang back to him within his head. "Have at thee!" He spin around; and deflected what appeared to be Mjölnir as it flew back into. His own hands? He stared back at a perfect revision of himself.

Ragnarök scoffed looking at the doppelganger; his expression becoming quite dour. "Stay thy hand! 'Tis the God of Thunder who doth command thee!" In response the doppelganger seemed just as determined as himself to prove a point; though a grin spread across this copies face. "Thou didst not reckon with the might of Thor, knave!" Ragnarök frowned swirling Mjölnir; the storm brewing over head. Lighting was called forth between the two and exchanged the the bout seemed to last forever. Though as the battle progressed he found the world around them was becoming hazy; and then he stepped off the yellow bridge connecting to the Bi-frost but into a darkness that was unnatural.

When he awake he could not recall except for the battle; and he started to realize he was on another plain of existence. This was not Asgard. He shook his head and felt that he himself felt quite different. He shifted as he noticed his body had changed and in his confusion he couldn't help but fall over his two front legs. He stayed like that for a moment as he could hear hoof steps coming closer to him. His face was covered in his blond locks and only one eye could peer upward at the horse. Sleipnir stood before him but with four legs instead of eight. "In all the nine realms.. where did Loki se-" A laughter on the wind; Loki.

Ragnarök shifted to sit up as he looked upon Midgar. Something was very wrong; but he couldn't understand what yet. What were Loki's plans and how did this suit accordingly? He huffed looking skyward. "If I could have only seen the fire in his eyes.."

Lighting Striking Mjölnir

Me and my Thor Fandom:
I normally don't write out something for myself in most adoptable but I just wanted to say that so don't take this to heart when you read it.
(Also I don't know the owner of Loki; the Kia. So anything based around Loki is based around Marvels Loki; just adding that for clarification.)
I started reading Thor back when I was about three or four. Or more like they were read to me by my mother. She had always been a fan and at the time during the 1990's the avengers were also introduced into the story arc of Thor.
My favorite issue is issue 207. Which was a Halloween special at the time. Though that one is a bit before my times as well. I stopped reading for some time and trying to get back into the comics again. I know this was a bit boring but I hope you understand my dedication to marvel and the Thor series. <3

I know its a bit long but please forgive me. I really love this concept and I hope my form was at least entertaining to read.
Polar Out.
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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby GrayStar51 » Wed May 08, 2013 3:49 pm

    Sweet mother of Pie...need I say more? He's gorgeous. Good luck to you all!
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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby ---Delete Please! » Wed May 08, 2013 4:51 pm

Chshhxhdhbdhcbdjbd OMG ITS THOR!!!!
Please delete this account, I want to start fresh.
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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby Zeee » Wed May 08, 2013 5:21 pm

every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day

Username: Zinovi
Name: Thaddeus
Name Meaning: Heart or Courageous Heart
Nickname(s): Thor, Deus
Gender: Male

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the mighty chazak

Postby Rivkah » Wed May 08, 2013 11:06 pm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




hello, I'm Rivkah c: I'm an active Kiamara owner,
artist, roleplayer, and overall geek on this site.


well, Thor is the strongest Norse god, so I named
this handsome boy something similar;



Chazak means "mighty and strong" in Hebrew, and
I think it's a very suitable name for such a gorgeous
Kia such as this one. ^-^ You can tell just by his
expression that he is strong of heart and of brawn.


Zack is his only nickname cx


obviously male, he can't be a she c;



he's only interested in the ladies ^-^


as an adult Kiamara, he is six years, equivalent
to six human months old.


born on july seventh, making him a cancer c:





Lo - older brother

romantic relationships:

none at this time, but he's definitely looking
for a girl to spend all of his time with c;

theme songs;

because I needed this, sorry I know it's cheesy

Breaking Benjamin's "So Cold"

reason: I think of this as a reference to the rather...
awkward relationship that he has with his brother,
seeing as they don't always get along, obviously,
but they most definitely are family and care
about each other regardless of this fact.

Linkin Park's "What I've Done"

reason: no, he isn't really the evil type, but he
learns from his mistakes and that's one of the
biggest messages in the song, is that he's moving
on from the past and doing what he thinks is right
without letting himself drown in what he hasn't
done correctly. It suits him in an odd way.

Breaking Benjamin's "I Will Not Bow"

reason: okay, I'm sorry for picking more than
one song of the same band, but I think this
indicates just how much he will go through and
how he won't back down if he thinks he needs
to stand up for something, even if it means
disregarding himself and everything except
those he is protecting. o3o


writing and art


short story;

"Really little brother, you must stop being so all over the place."

The silver-tongued, snide words of his older brother Lo had no effect on Chazak as he bounced about the clearing, leading the way as they walked aimlessly through the forest. "Oh come on," Zack said cheerfully to his sadistic sibling, "lighten up, Lo Lo, it's fun to explore!" However despite this, he did calm himself down a bit, knowing that if a female were to see him it would disgrace his need to be calm and presentable at all times. His brother merely rolled his eyes, smirking softly at the change in the younger Kiamara as he looked around, intrigued by their surroundings.

"Perfect baby brother," taunted Zack's sibling, and the Kia merely ignored him as he shook out his blonde mane. "I can't be that annoying, can I?" laughed Chazak as he glanced back at his brother before bounding forward. "Stop being such a sour puss and come on, I haven't been to this part of the forest before!"

"Believe me, Zack, you have no idea," drawled Lo sarcastically as his green eyes rolled up to the clear blue sky. It was a lovely day and the spring breeze that ruffled Chazak's fur in just the right way sent him into another bubbling spurt of good mood again. His grin bigger than ever and his blue eyes sparking, he stopped at a burbling brook and sat down once he had taken a drink. "Aw come on, Lo Lo," he teased, using that nickname again, "stop being grumpy. You're not going to ruin my mood no matter how hard you try, so have a bit of fun, okay?"

Snorting softly, his brother laid down neatly beside him, whereas Zack proceeded to sprawl out. Of course, if he had been in the presence of someone other than his sauntering, mischievous brother, he would have been much more conscious of how he looked. It was an honor thing for him, something that Lo often laughed at him for, but he had certain rules, such as never be disgraceful in front of females, or don't embarrass someone in a slovenly way. Even when he did insult people, it was in the politest way possible, and with the least vulgar vocabulary that he could find. It wasn't the same with his brother, however.

"I don't know why you even wanted to go on this little... expedition of yours anyway," sneered his brother, and Zack rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, mister I can't bear to leave the solitary confinement of my den, it's good to get some fresh air and sunshine now and again!" he said cheerfully, always the optimistic compared to his brother.

Nothing more was said, but the both of them knew that despite their never-ending quarreling, there were a few good things that had come out of this walk. However, neither of the two was willing to admit this, Zack because he was not in a mood to bicker any longer, and Lo because he did not want to damage his glorified pride. But the two of them could agree without any verbalization that their teasing was not going to stop, though not much harm other than sibling rivalry could come of it. It had been like that since Zack was born.

-- word count: 553 --

how he earned his feathers;

As you all know Kiamaras get their feathers when they come an adult, either by finding them or having them passed on down the generations. Well, his parents had given them his feathers, but they weren't any other's before him. They're from a red lory, a member of the parrot family described as a very intelligent and flamboyant bird. As his parents believed that he was the more outspoken and headstrong between himself and his older brother Lo, he was the one to receive the feathers because they accented his personality well.

-- word count: 92 --



↷ courageous and bold ↷

Like his name tells, Chazak his a very brave and strong-willed Kiamara. Not many things frighten him, and even when they do, he doesn't back down. He may seem superficial, but he's got a strong heart to match him headstrong personality, and he's always there for those who need him. Zack is out-spoken, and if he doesn't think something's right, he won't let the injustice go unnoticed. He has a strong sense of personal honor and a set of rules and justice that he abides by. If something isn't chivalrous or honorable, he will not participate in it, not wanting to disgrace himself in front of those who he cares about.

↷ charming and flirty ↷

What can he say? He likes the ladies. He enjoys being chivalrous to females and never will he do anything dishonorable in front of one or for one. He believes that women should be treated as goddesses, and while he does enjoy being teasing and goofy, he will always treat them with the utmost respect. Etiquette is important to him, even if it is a bit silly to follow by such rules as in "ladies first" and things of that nature. But he holds no shame in it, and while he is a flirt, he knows when he finds the right girl he shall have eyes for her and only her ; he is not the unfaithful type.

↷ loyal and friendly ↷

Zack is not the closed-off type of Kiamara. He enjoys social situations and he can't stand to be isolated for more than a couple days at a time. He's very friendly and upbeat, caring about everyone and being very loyal to those who are close to him, whether they be friends, family, or whatever mate he will have in the future. He's always the first to say hello if he can help it, and his never-ending calm and cheerfulness make it seem as though it is impossible to get him angry. He is very level-headed and thoughtful, putting the needs of others before himself. It would be an understatement to say that he loves to be around others. In fact, while he does like the occasional quiet, he's really more of a company type of character, enjoying other Kiamaras even just being near him.

-- word count [not including the adjectives]: 372 --

strengths and weaknesses;

Chazak isn't really afraid of much, but even when he is frightened, he still has the courage to stand up against injustice. As you know, he's very bold, and this makes him a great speaker, and he isn't afraid to get up, even if it embarrasses him. He's not easily humiliated, and doesn't fall for the egging on of bullies, remaining calm when under pressure.


On the other hand, it's his soft spots that bring him down. He's a charmer, enjoying spending time with females, and often that can make him a bit prone to losing his dignity in order to impress them. He's also very attached to family and friends, and if any harm comes to them it can bring down his never-ending calm in an almost superhero-like way, because you can always expect him to come to their aid.

-- word count: 141 --

interests and aversions;

Chazak does not hate much, he's pretty laid back when it comes to his preferences. He's a great lover of food, especially good meat, rabbit being his favorite. As mentioned before, he is quite one for the ladies and loves to spend time around them, though he always treats them with respect. He enjoys the great outdoors and the more space, the better. Activity is a big part of his life and he would be nothing without his walks on nice days or his games to get him the exercise he strives to keep on a daily basis.

While there aren't many things he hates, there is one thing that he loathes more than ever - dishonorable things. As he follows a strict moral code he feels that anyone who does not keep themselves in some sort of honorable mindset should not be proud of themselves. Such things include being rude to females, cheating, lying, or anything that does not put themselves in a good light. He feels that everyone should be respectful to one another and anything rude is considered disgraced to him. Even when he insults people he does it in the politest way possible.

-- word count: 197 --


[ thank you to Clu for letting me include Lo in anything needed for this form ^-^ ]



with his thor hammer ; by myself -


a pixel I made ;u;

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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby Jun. » Thu May 09, 2013 2:15 pm

Username: Flightless raven
Name: Sorren
Gender: Male
Yo, I'm Jun--I'm into cats
pomeranians and kpop
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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby ElementStar » Thu May 09, 2013 4:03 pm




Zander is on the sky side. He prefers talking to his few close friends than with a buch of random Kias. He speeders friends with similar hobbies, and not girls. He gets even shyer around girls. He doesn't have a crush yet, but he feels like he isn't very well liked among the females... which isn't true.
Zander is smart, but he isn't the most outgoing. He likes to try new things, but prefers being under the radar, so to speak. He likes supporting others in their endeavors, but he will do a brave act everyonce in a while.
Zander is an athlete. He takes his health very seriously and will not eat oily food. He can seem a bit stuck up because of this, but he just wants to stay healthy.

As stated before, Zander doesn't have a crush. However, he knows the perfect girl will come someday. He is looking for a brave, kind, and beautiful girl with a sense of humor.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwe watch from the stars
[ Just your friendly Element, here! I'm an aspiring digital artist, and
my work is mainly posted on my dA. Contact me there if you are
interested in my work! Art above by Peace&Colby and foreign.potato
Art below by Sixbane, Leodrolf, and TrollishTheTroll on DA ]
[ links tbd ]

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Re: Kiamara #264 - Thor - Open!

Postby Bluepup429 » Fri May 10, 2013 11:33 am

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