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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby allynabean » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:40 am

    username;; allynabean
    clan;; moonclan
    prompt #2 response;; cinnamonstick found one of the twoleg's glowy light ropes while out patrolling!! maybe it fell out of one of the cars? or someone left it behind on accident? either way, it still seems to glow bright and colorful and she's excited to bring it back to the caves!! (she's being careful, dw!! when she was a kittypet her twoleg used to string these up on their house when it got cold, and she's seen how they can shock people who arent cautious!!! )
ally || she/they || adult
stars || fcats || moonclan
art by nio

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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby Sunlitsecrets » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:28 am

Username: Sunlitsecrets
Clan: Fallwick
Prompt#2 response:
Marshstar found a bow - now she can pretend to be a present!
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby SilentMelody » Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:29 am

    Username: SilentMelody
    Clan: Shoreclan

    Prompt #2

    Cloverflame was wandering through the territory, trying to find some "herbs". In reality, he just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the growing clan. It was beginning to become hard work to care for so many cats. He was only lucky that he had his medicine cat apprentice Yolkpaw to help him. However, the young tom still had a lot to learn and often made mistakes.

    He was also secretly feeling depressed. Around this time was supposed to be when the Twolegs would celebrate something called "Christmas". Although he didn't understand it much, Cloverflame missed the company of the odd and loud creatures. It had been many moons since he had left the ship. He hoped to travel to his secret place and be alone with his thoughts instead of being interrupted by various cats.

    Little did he know, little Yolkpaw had been following him through the territory. The tom was smart enough to know where the wind was blowing and keep his scent from reaching Cloverflame.

    Cloverflame traveled a familiar path for him, walking through the forest with various twists and turns. Eventually, he came back to the shoreline, but this wasn't where the camp was. Instead, they must have been many fox-lengths away from camp. Perhaps even from the territory in general. Yolkpaw had never seen this place before. It seemed to be deserted and abandoned.

    Yolkpaw remained in the bushes and foliage of the forest, craning his head to see what Cloverflame was doing. The older tom stood on the sand and began... digging?

    The apprentice frowned. Cats only did that when they caught prey and needed to store it. But Cloverflame was the medicine cat and didn't need to catch prey anymore. The stories that Yolkpaw had heard of his mentor's past life also hinted at the fact that the cat had not ever learned how to hunt.

    Cloverflame finished digging and pulled out a white object. It was covered in sand, and once it was safely aboveground the tom began wiping it off. The sunshine from overhead glinted on the pretty item and sent rays across the area. A flash of light momentarily blinded Yolkpaw, and he blinked rapidly to deter the dots that were beginning to form in his vision.

    Once the dots had disappeared, he was able to look at the object somewhat better. "What is that?" Yolkpaw murmured to himself. It looked like nothing he had ever seen - certainly nothing that a cat could make with their paws. Not even if they dedicated the careful craft to their claws. It was honestly too beautiful, in a way. Although he had no idea what the creature of the statue was supposed to be.

    Cloverflame smiled softly at the familiar object. "Hello, my angel. I know you've been watching over me. I hope I've been good enough for you? I know I haven't been with the Twolegs in a long time but... it's still nice to keep their traditions. Don't tell them, but I stole you off of their ship before I left. Does that make me a bad kitty?" He settled down on the sand and held it closer to his chest, almost cradling it like a kit. The older tom even started purring and licked the top of the statue, like a mother in the nursery grooming her little ones.

    Yolkpaw tilted his head to the side and frowned again. Why was Cloverflame doing this? What was so special about this object? From the words that he picked up, he assumed that this was something from his mentor's past life. A momentum, of a sort.

    His expression softened when Cloverflame began humming and bobbing his head to his own beat. The older tom may be weird to Yolkpaw. But everything made sense to Cloverflame. Yolkpaw shook his head and smiled, knowing that his mentor would always have his odd traditions, songs, and dances.

    "I shouldn't have ever followed him," Yolkpaw whispered softly to himself, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. Now he had gotten more of a look into Cloverflame's traditions and holidays, as odd as they may be to a cat who has never had any experience with... Twolegs. He had heard and learned plenty about the tall creatures from his mentor, but everything else that described them was weird. They had no fur (other than on their head and face), pink skin, wore fur from other materials, and traveled on a wood "ship"?

    Cloverflame shifted and stood up, stretching momentarily. He picked up the white statue and trotted over to a wooden dock that connected the shore to the sea.

    He raised his head and inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent of the sea. Cloverflame set down the statue for a moment to speak to it again. "Goodbye, my angel. I know this is such a sad parting, but I have a new life. I'll always keep you in my thoughts and honor your traditions. I promise I'll be good for you. Will you continue to watch over me?"

    The statue never replied. Yolkpaw knew that his mentor often muttered to himself or spoke his thoughts aloud, but he had never seen him speak to an inanimate object. It didn't make much sense other than the fact that it was sentimental.

    Cloverflame pushed the statue into the water, and droplets of the sea splashed up from the sudden volume being pushed through the waves. He watched the white figure sink down and down, faster and faster until it disappeared into the blue depth. Maybe someone else would find it a long time from now.

    He turned and began taking the path back to camp, meaning that he brushed by Yolkpaw. The young tom stiffened and held his breath, hoping his mentor hadn't seen him.

    Cloverflame hadn't even noticed. Or he pretended not to. He didn't want to speak of this experience to his apprentice and try to explain any further, especially because he was trying to push these memories aside. What he said was true - he had a new life now, one that didn't include any Twolegs, and he realized he had a duty to all of these cats now. This was his new home and his new job.

    When he got back to camp, he continued to pretend his ignorance when Yolkpaw returned to the medicine cat den a while later. The apprentice's jaws were empty, and his chest was heaving with the struggle of taking in deep breaths. He settled down in his nest and placed his head on his paws. Yolkpaw closed his eyes, exhausted from the long journey that he had to take so fast. In his rush, he hadn't tried to cover up the fact that he had followed his mentor, and there was obvious sand stuck to his paws.

    Cloverflame decided to let it go again. Except for one thing... "You forgot to get the herbs, young one."

    (1,161 words)
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby Cinxer » Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:28 am

Day 2 prompt has officially ended! Prompt #3 is up! Your rewards will be shown on the first page.

Those who wrote 100 or more words were given 10EXp for the attempt. Any with less than that were not included in the rewards :(
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catlender prompt #3 response

Postby tula! » Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:52 pm

    username: tula!
    clan: the cats of the red trees

    prompt #3 response:

    Prompt#3: Do you still feel the same way about the holiday season as you did when you were a kit?

    Expires 12/10 @10:45am CST

    wip !!
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby sunny-skies » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:44 pm

Username: sunny-skies
Clan: valleyclan
Prompt #3 response:
it all would have been better, for her, maybe if she wasn't so lonely.

peach pie paced in front of the door, her ears alert and searching for the sound of footsteps. she was waiting to be let out of the small room she was being kept in, but so far she was having little luck. after all, this had been the second..? no, third day, that she had been cooped up. the door would open on occasions, of course, but only long enough for her twolegs to refill her food and water dishes. really, that was the most that happened in her life for the past few days. besides that it was just her and her thoughts, which most of the time cycled back to how much she wanted to get out.

it had started when she noticed her twolegs putting up decorations around the house. things like glowing strings of lights- which she wasnt allowed near- and shiny, round objects- which she also wasn't allowed near. they even had a wide, large tree adorned with pretty things she didn't have a name for.
one day, curiosity got the best of her and caused her to investigate the tree, climbing inside of it. that was a mistake. after some shooing and angry yells from her owners, she made sure to stay well away from it. she hated it when they got upset, especially when that aggression was directed at her.

despite the new decor around the house, things had been more or less the same. at least, that was before peach pie had been put in the room. at first she had tried scratching at the door in hopes of being let out- maybe they had just forgotten that they had left her in there? no luck, it had only left to loud, angry responses from her twolegs. she had tried calling for them as well, but that had just been ignored. she knew that they were there, she could hear them! not just them, she heard many other unfamilar voices as well.

peach pie couldn't deny that she was upset- she really did like her owners! even if they weren't the nicest to her all of the time, they still took care of her. they must understand that she didn't want to be locked in. she was so used to roaming freely around the house, and although her twolegs had never really paid much attention to her to begin with, at least she had more to do.

her only friend, chai, would visit from outside on occasion. peach pie liked chai and enjoyed the conversations they had through the mesh window screen. right now, with the windows closed shut to keep out the cold air, the other molly was nowhere in sight.

for a short amount of time, she had found ways to entertain herself. there wasn't much that she could do though, the room was empty. it seemed like anything that she could have used had been taken out. she did, however, leap from shelf to shelf, trying to reach the slowly-rotating fan above. she never did reach it, but it was amusing to try nonetheless.

she also would spend time perched on the window sill, gazing at the foresty area outside. everything was covered in a thick layer of snow. peach pie always liked watching the snow and seeing the white, fluffy stuff fall from the sky. she had always found it so pretty. but even that got boring after a while. now, it felt like all she could do is wait for them to finally open the door.

for a while, peachblossom still wasn't all too fond of the holiday season. although she had joined valleyclan and was now far away from her old home, peachblossom still looked back on that time with dread. it was hard to forget how miserable she had been. when the temperature started to drop, the she-cat couldn't help but feel some anxiety about the upcoming season. it reminded her all too much of her past experience of being cooped up and left alone for what had been almost an entire week. part of her felt embarassed and foolish for worrying, she was finally away from her twolegs and wouldn't have to think about them or her old home again. after all, that was one of the main things that she appreciated about valleyclan. having always been kept indoors for most of her life, peachblossom enjoyed her newfound freedom.

after some time, though, peachblossom began to grow more relaxed about the wintertime. as the coldest season drew nearer, her clanmates seemed to be in higher spirits. unlike her, they seemed to have more pleasant experiences with the holiday season. she enjoyed hearing the winter stories they would tell from their younger years. since valleyclan's members came from different backgrounds, they each had their own unique story to tell.
she tried to ignore the envy that part of her felt towards her clanmates- what she wouldn't give to look back on those times with nostalgia!

but when some of the cats started to introduce some of their old holiday traditions, she couldn't help but feel kitlike excitement. her clan didn't have anything major for the holidays, it was all just a small, quiet celebration. but that was fine with peachblossom, almost anything was a major improvement of what she had gone through. she felt like she was experiencing everything for the first time, as all of it had been something she never got to do as a kit.

sure, it would still be somewhat associated with bad memories of hers, but the holidays had turned into something new for her. while she would always remember how the holidays were before, peachblossom would remember her new winter experiences with valleyclan as well. although it hadn't been the best time for her as a kit, the winter season had improved for her as she grew up. the excitement her clanmates felt, the stories they would tell, all of it just made her so happy. it became something that she would look forward to, rather than something that she dreaded. overall, peachblossom was glad that she had something positive to look back on for a change when she would think about the holiday season.

[ 1050 words ]
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby Sunlitsecrets » Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:06 pm

Username: Sunlitsecrets
Clan: Fallwick
Prompt#3 response:
Some things change, and some don't. Marsh doesn't think she'll ever stop being fascinated by snowflakes.
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♡ -- prompt three

Postby faelyn » Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:05 am

username: faelyn
clan: the shore of dreams
prompt#3 response:
a thousand dreams had come and gone.
it was a beautiful melody. pure and perfect. but, even so, every lyric, every chord, every word had been forgotten. lost forever. as a child without a care in the world, she would’ve danced across those fields adorned with silver. would’ve sang on the peak of a gently rolling hill.
she would’ve dreamt about walking among the stars, kissing each comet that dared to fall.

it stung. she could feel it, the gnawing prick in her heart.
for all these seasons, she tried to forget. tried to chase away the nightmares of the groom. the one who wasted his time away just for her. to keep her company while she reached, pointing to the skies above, embellished with countless constellations.
his spirit haunted her. a whisper in her ear that reminded her so much. too much.

the wedding was underneath the beautiful scarlet of a dwindling autumn.
but, their honeymoon never stepped foot into reality.

under the light of the silver of a new season, they would’ve had their first night as newlyweds, together.
with pearly moths gently falling over them and seashells cupped to their ears, everything would’ve been perfect.

but it wasn’t.
the alluring petals of periwinkle flowers were weaved within the locks of gold falling from her back, and a feather braided at her ears, she could barely wait. flakes of ivory were draped lightly over the angelic essence of the sky, and the stars shone as brightly as ever.
where was he?
he had promised her, he would come soon, didn’t he?
maybe, he was just late. after all, he always had his head up in the clouds. a light giggle was sweet on her lips as those enchanting memories laced her heart. if time would curl back by a year, they would’ve been catching snowflakes with their tongue and pressed up against each other, locked in a tight embrace to keep the other warm.

she adored him. his bright eyes. those wisps of fur wavering at the tips of his ears. it was a-

“cypress, you took so- nevermind… petal, is something wrong?”
those waves of swirling pastel colors were nothing close to the tom of her dreams. her eyes were a soft green, unlike the softly burning amber that twinkled in his, her voice a melody, instead of the gentle boom that glistened like a forte in a song.

“i’m sorry..”
“”for what, petal? you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“cypress is dead.”

agony came first.
tears second.
then, the ache in the center of her soul.

“no. you’re lying.” her voice was a desperate shrill. a sob trembling in her chest., her heart screamed as if a part of it was being shredded to pieces. it couldn’t be. she felt too numb to feel. too frozen to run. cries rose in her throat, wavering with a distress that she would’ve never imagined to ever feel in her lifetime.
if only, it was just a nightmare.
but, it wasn’t. “cypress isn’t dead!” her scream tore through the air, like a beast roaring in the precious gleam of winter. “he can’t be..” her voice softened into a fit of whimpers as the twinkle of the moon winked at her as if it knew all along where this path would lead.
“we.. we..”
“look up at the stars, canary. he’s dancing up there, for you.”

no. she would never again look up at the constellations. never again dance in an angel’s blessing of silver fragments. it was all too much.
she had fallen, with no hope of rising from the dust.
she had fallen into a pit with no light.

she was a bird with broken wings. a bird who couldn’t sing. not since that day.

cruel were the ones who lay in the throneroom of paradise.
they had everything they could ever wish for. but, because of their selfish desires, they decided to take him, instead. how dare they? he was her only flame to light up the darkness. he was her star in the night. he was the one who would rock her to sleep, when it was cold at night.

she missed those days of wild dreams, of being the careless child she once had been. the child that knew no hurt. no sorrow. no shame. the child was so innocent, and for so many nights, sang on the shores and danced in the winter cold, alone. and for awhile, it had once been enough.

but, loneliness was a sword through her heart. and with no one to ease her aching soul, it stung for so, so long. until she met him.
beneath the light of a million stars, he reminded her who she was. told her she was beautiful, gentle and kinder than anyone he had ever met. he helped her fight the voices in her mind that had once poisoned her from the inside.
he meant everything to her..
and still did.

“i miss you, cypress.”
tears that had been held back for seasons fell, a beautiful dent engraved against what seemed like shining pearls. “i don’t think... “ throat closing in as if to slow the tempo of her lyrics, she couldn’t think. she was lost in her sobs, distress and desolace. “i can’t do it anymore.”

“darling, of course, you can.” she could hear him. the gentle voice in her head, the one that had haunted her all those times when she tried to forget the one she had lost.

“i can’t live without you.” blinking away those hot, furious tears from her eyes, the gentle sonata of the wind choroused in her ears, a soft essence that soothed the dull throb in her heart. “i.. just-”

“breathe, canary.”
wisps of a starry existence caressed her cheek, a gentle kiss overwhelmed her with such vibrant emotions, ones that she couldn’t explain. what hurt the most was that she had almost forgotten what it was like. how much she loved him.

even now, she could hear him. with the familiar drum that thrummed an alluring rhythm in the middle of his chest, the feel of his calloused paws against hers. she had missed him so, so much. .

a soft smile was beautifully woven across his lips, glistening with the lovely light of stars. “please, cypress.” tears kissed her cheek as they fell, silent, for they had screamed in frustration when she held them back. it had been that way for so long. “stay. don’t leave.”

“oh, sweetheart. i hate to leave you, but i’ll be there in the constellations and in the snow when it falls.”
she couldn’t lose him. not, again. she opened up her heart to vulnerability as she laced him into a longing embrace. she had no words, just tears.
“you used to love the snow, when you were younger.” he was an angel, and she was his song. his precious, little bird.

“love it, once more, like you had loved me.”

(1165-ish words! <3 prompt features canary & petal!)
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby beebun » Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:47 am

Username: Coraly
Clan: [url]FoxClan[/url]
Prompt#3 response:
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Re: STARS catlander event prompts!

Postby Lex. » Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:14 am

Username: Lex.
Clan: Thistleclan
Prompt#3 response:
reserve! I'm going to try and draw this for the rare trait cx
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