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[017.] ★ viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:34 am

      FOGCLAN !
    user + clan link: lovage + clan archive
    responding to: lovage's last post
    xp stats: [opted-out for death rolls!]
    xx+60XP for writing, + 10XP for patrol sent
    xx+7XP for prey collected
    Tension hung thick and heavy in the air like a dark cloud looming above, demanding of attention and notice. Brief glances and exchanged nods between the lead hunter and lead scout… almost like a silent signal.

    But as the patrols split ways… it dissipated. Vanishing like the early morning mist.

    Flamepaw tossed her head, giving a quick shake of her fur. Perhaps she was imagining it… the earlier tension. The forest was alive, teeming with flora and fauna, grasses swaying and the birds calling. A dense bush overwrought with curls and leaves rustled, effortlessly messy and frazzled.

    “I’m gonna check over there!” Her eyes found the focused, crimson gaze of the lead-hunter. She offered a quick flick of her tail to the bush. “There may be some herbs or something? I could take it to Ambergaze, later.”

    Tawnystrike paused. One beat, then two. And three.

    She tapped her paws along the ground, fidgeting with a blade of grass.

    Squaring his shoulders, Tawnystrike glanced over to his side, offering a vague gesture with his paw to Dustysun. “See if there’s anything in close proximity. Don’t stray too far.”

    The light-furred tom dipped his head in acknowledgement, darting off into the foliage. His pawsteps were silent against the forest floor… almost as if the mist itself, flowing through the trees and bushes.

    Her head tilted. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from him later.

    “As for you, let’s go.” Tawnystrike flicked his tail, beckoning her close. “I’ll accompany you.”


    The bush was… disappointing. She shimmied deeper into the bush, ducking underneath the loose branches. For such a big bush, it was useless. Filled with mountains of leaves and more leaves. And sharp twigs.

    She grunted, pushing aside a branch catching in her pelt. An audible snap crackled through the air, making her wince. Not too subtle, but... wait.

    Her ears perked as a soft chirp chimed close. A bird?

    Tiny, stick-like tracks wove a scattered path to a bundle of feathers dusted with speckles and warm browns. Sparrow. The bird pecked along the ground, a seed caught between its dark beak. This was her chance.

    Carefully, she slunk to her belly, creeping close. The sparrow twitched, beady eyes swiveling to the side. A startled chirp fled its beak, a last, final song. (+3FP small bird)

    “Flamepaw, are you done?” Tawnystrike shuffled about, claws scraping against the dirt. “If you can’t find anything, perhaps we should━”

    “Got it!” She poked her head out, her catch firmly clamped in her jaws. “No herbs, but I got this!”

    Tawnystrike managed a dry smile. “Good. Dustysun’s back, too. We should go.”

    The light-furred tom stood nearby, silent. His quarry hung in his jaws, a larger mirror version of hers. (+4FP large bird)

    xx+0% hunger for each patrol cat (no free posts left!)
    xxxx↳ morning-gaze (0% hunger), jayflight (0% hunger), dustysun (0% hunger)
    xxxxtawnystrike (0% hunger), flamepaw (0% hunger)

    xx+77XP → level 1 (98/200XP)
    xx+4FP large bird, +3FP small bird

    notes; n/a! <3


    Laughter bubbled in her ears, a sweet melody soaring over her head, wrapping her in a cocoon of warmth. Those long nights in the warm shelter with her housefolk, a distant memory ─ an echo of the past.

    She let it go, let the memory drift with the river, letting it fade. The silky waters slipped around her paw like a swath of fabric sliding from her grip. It was… mesmerizing. The ebb and flow of the currents, their push and pull, their dance.

    Movement grazed her paw, tingling the fur next to her claws. A slender creature frolicked through the waters, glossy and long, moving with the currents. Fish.

    She didn’t hesitate.

    Lurching forward, she plunged her other paw in the frigid waters, taking a wild stab. Her claws pierced soft flesh. (+3FP herring)

    Breezewhisper pulled her catch from the waters, setting it onto the riverbanks. A soft clatter brought her head up, ears perking. Something… rolled? Carefully, she inched forward, lightly sweeping the area.

    Her paw caught on some jagged rocks… arranged in a circle of sorts. Lowering her head, she pressed a nose inside the circular formation. Her nose caught on a round object. No, less round. But smooth. Like… an egg. A seabird egg, perhaps. (+1FP egg)

    Dragging the fish closer to the nest, she ran a paw along the bottom of the nest. Soft downy feathers lined the interior, along with… a few pungent scents. Sharp, holding a certain tang. And others… holding a more bitter scent. (+1 thyme, +1 feverfew, +1 lungwort)

    Pawsteps crunched in the snow, an invasion of the tranquil silence.

    “Who’s there?” Her shoulders tensed as she lifted her head, rising to her paws. The winds whispered in her ear, a soothing lullaby as she faced the stranger. Visitors were… uncommon in the tundra. Almost unheard of.

    The cat’s chuckle was soft, almost melodic, but it held a certain edge.

    “The name’s Fennel.” Their paws scuffed against the snow as they neared, touching a tentative nose to her shoulder. “Did I startle you? Forgive me, I mean you no harm. The truth is I’m looking for some help. I hear a storm’s coming and… I’m looking for a friend.”

    A strained chuckle slid from their jaws. “She’s a wanderer with an absolutely terrible sense of direction. Don’t tell her I said that, but... thing is, I haven’t seen her in a bit and─” They shook their fur out. “Do you think you could help me look for her? With your nose, I’m sure we’ll cover more ground. What do you say?”

    Fennel (an npc) is looking for their friend! They require some assistance as rumors of a storm is brewing.
    Does the patrol aid them or turn them down?

    xx+0% hunger for each patrol cat (one free post left)
    xxxx↳ breezewhisper (0% hunger)

    xx+42XP → level 0 (76/100XP)
    xx+3FP herring, +1FP egg
    xx+1 thyme, +1 feverfew, +1 lungwort

    notes; n/a! <3

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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Vinson » Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:03 pm

last explore post | last response received
Rustlingraven purred as she turned to face the rest of her clan, showing off her big catch. The others eyed her with pride - between her rabbit and Crowcrawl's squirrel, they would all have full bellies tonight. Together the patrol set off back towards the camp, simply an old, abandoned warehouse at this point, but it would have to do for now.

Carrionstar motioned for Hiddenpine to take the lead, the lithe ginger and white tom flicking an ear in surprise before bounding ahead and padding along at a respectable pace. Now in the back of the group, Carrionstar glanced around at his new clanmates - they all looked so different! Back in Peakclan, his former clan, all of the cats had had a similar build and fur length that suited their mountain territory. They all had strong hindquarters, long, thick fur, and stocky builds, just like Carrionstar showed. But these cats came from a range of different backgrounds, climates, homes...they were shaping up into a darker colored clan in general, but everyone had such different frames and builds. Some stocky and bulky, built for fighting; some lithe and lean, built for stalking and hunting; some well muscled but slender, built for traveling and pacing. How was he supposed to train warriors here in the city when they weren't all made for the same range of duties? He pinned his ears, trying to think of a solution.

Rustlingraven was clearly a great hunter, Hiddenpine built for running, Soulstealer a natural fighter - what if he divided his clan into these three different types of warriors? It would be no use trying to combine all of these varied professions into a single title of warrior - no, he must have scrappers, prowlers, and runners. He nodded, proud of his new idea, and glad to differentiate his new clan from his old. He would tell his clan of this new plan once they reached their new camp. He knew these three would be his 'senior warriors' in each of the groups, but he was hesitating on where to put Crowcrawl and Tumblinghawk. Based on what he had seen of them so far, Crowcrawl seemed like he might fit in well as a scrapper, but as Tumblinghawk was about to kit, he didn't know where to place the tortie tom. He shook his head - he might have to stay in the camp for a while before he was placed in a profession, after his kits were weaned.

Suddenly Hiddepine stopped, causing Crowcrawl to bump into his hind end and pin his ears, glaring at the smaller tom. "What do you think you're doing?" Crowcrawl growled, fixing his gaze towards where Hiddepine was staring. Carrionstar narrowed his eyes - no, just one eye now - and saw two cats standing stock still in the shadows of a side alley, behind a dumpster. He cocked his head, trying to determine if these cats would be friend or foe, but Hiddenpine was quick to move forward.

"Hello?" He murmured, his voice soft and gentle. "My name is Hiddenpine - we all come in peace. Can we help you with anything?" One of his ears was pointed directly at the two strangers, while the other swiveled back towards the group, as if waiting to hear both responses. Carrionstar nodded. "There's no need to worry - we don't mean to startle you, we're simply passing through on our way back to our home." He knew his voice probably sounded gruff and harsh, and his face must have spooked them as well, but one of the cats stepped forward.

"My name is Scout, and back there is my friend Lily - she's very sick, and I haven't been able to help her. The humans just pass us by," he sighed. "We used to live near each other, but our housefolk left and haven't come back in a long time, so we decided to leave and try to find some food, but neither of us are very good hunters." Carrionstar saw the bony tom lick his lips as he saw and scented the squirrel and rabbit the patrol was carrying back. "Do you think you could help her? And maybe...maybe we could share some of your food?" Scout asked quietly, bending his head in shame. Crowcrawl stepped forward threateningly, sending the gray and white tom scampering back into the alley to join his friend, a skinny and sickly molly - and Carrionstar took pity on the two former kittypets.

"Of course you can come back with us. We don't yet have a healer, but we do have some herbs and can offer shelter, food, and safety," he said, nodding his head. "Can Lily walk? It's not far back to our camp," he tried to encourage them. Scout nodded. "I can try and get her to walk - she may need some help balancing, though," he murmured, nosing the molly gently up into a standing position. He whispered something in her ear, and she huffed, stepping forward unsteadily, but forward nonetheless. Together the band of eight traveled back to the abandoned warehouse, where Lily collapsed on the floor. Crowcrawl and Rustlingraven set their prey down by the other squirrel and small scraps that Rustlingraven had found earlier, and Carrionstar set his new clan to work.

"Soulstealer and Crowcrawl, I want the two of you to go out and gather bedding. Scraps of cloth and pelts, feathers, moss - anything soft you can find that would be good to sleep on." He watched as the two toms padded out of the camp, then turned his attention to Tumblinghawk. "I'm glad to have you join our clan, Tumblinghawk - however, for now I'd like you to stay in the camp until your kits arrive. You were very brave today, helping to fend off the dogs, but I want you to have a healthy litter in the safety of the camp." The tom nodded, padding over to Lily and nosing her fur.

"Me and Crowcrawl used to be in a small clan near the forest, but it disbanded into a group of rogues a while back. I'm no medicine cat, but I might be able to help ease her pain with the herbs we have until we find a real one," he motioned towards the small stock of herbs that had been building up thanks to Rustlingraven's scavenging. "And it would help me to feel useful, if I can't hunt," he murmured, licking his chest fur. Carrionstar nodded and watched as Tumblinghawk began to groom Lily and look for a source of infection.

"Rustlingraven, Hiddenpine. We already have enough food for tonight, so I'd like for the both of you to explore our camp and see if there are any good places to hide, to build dens and nests, and to store our fresh-kill. I'm going to patrol the outside border for a while and see if I can find anything or anyone that might be able to help Lily. Scout - you can either come with me or stay here with your friend."

The gray and white dappled tom pawed at his ear, looking between Carrionstar and Lily. "I'd like to stay here, please. I might be able to get her to eat something so she can regain some strength."

And with that Carrionstar turned and left the camp, padding around its outside borders, trying to find any herbs or plants - or anything, really, that may be able to help Lily. He sighed as he found nothing, returning with only a few scraps of bedding to lay under the molly, who had fallen asleep now with Scout at her side.

As he waited for the rest of his clan to return from their assigned duties, Carrionstar looked up at the roof of the building, where pipes looked like a maze, and decided to try and sit up on one of them to have a better view of the new camp. Bounding and leaping across platforms, pipes, and harsh metal, the tom came to sit on a large pipe, looking down into the camp.

To his amazement, he saw a faint outline of another cat - a sleek blue cat, padding gently around Lily, nosing her fur and making her eat a bundle of herbs. Carrionstar was startled - he had never seen this cat before, but it seemed like she was at home here in the camp. But she wasn't real! She was only a faint, starry outline, almost as if she was a ghost. Carrionstar closed his eyes and opened them again, but she was still there. As he watched, she turned her head towards a the starry outline of a bird, watching it intently, before quickly turning her eyes upon Carrionstar.

"You must find me," the blind cat murmured. "Find me at the Watch - only then will Lily stand a chance of surviving." And with that she and the bird were gone. Carrionstar rapidly climbed back down to the floor of the camp, where his cats were now returning, Crowcrawl and Soulstealer both with bundles of bedding in their jaws.

"Forget about the nests for now - does anyone know of a place called the Watch?" he turned, facing each cat, and Soulstealer's gold eyes widened.

"I do," he said. "It's an old tower built by humans, but they don't use it anymore. Sometimes we call it Bird's Watch. Why do you need to know about it? Is it special?" His muscles and whiskers twitched in anticipation.

"Yes - I just had a vision. The cat who can save Lily is there, and we must go out and find her - soon." He watched as his clan shifted around him, glancing between him and Lily. "Soulstealer, Crowcrawl, Rustlingraven, Hiddenpine, and Tumblinghawk," he called. Whatever instructions I may have given you earlier, you must now come with me to the Watch to help find this cat. Scout can stay with Lily, as they know each other best. Eat quickly - we leave as soon as we can."

[ 1655 words ] [free post 3/3]

--cats on patrol
Carrionstar | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Crowcrawl | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Soulstealer | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Rustlingraven | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Hiddenpine | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Tumblinghawk | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 1
experience: 174/200

inventory located here
custom prey & predator list located here
--items in inventory used
-- active quests:
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby nindroidzane » Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:21 am

A storm is coming? Breezewhisper sniffed at the air, a frown creasing her face. That would explain all of the extra wind recently.

"...Alright." She spoke after a moment of consideration. She would help this strange cat and their friend. She wouldn't want to be caught in a storm up here - especially if she wasn't used to the cold. How could she leave a couple of wanderers to face it?

She didn't see Fennel's lopsided grin, but she did hear their pawsteps crunch away through the snow. She trotted to catch up, paws lighter and more experienced on snow, not sinking in or making nearly as much noise.

It was strange to walk beside another cat. She wasn't sure the last time she had even spoken with one, other than Littlekit. It was probably back in her kittypet days. The soft loping crunch crunch of the stranger brought an odd comfort, even if they were breaking her concentration a little. At least they seemed to be getting a bit better at snow walking, if the speed and volume of their pawsteps were anything to go off of. Maybe they were copying her stride.

She pushed her thoughts of companionship away, focusing on the task at hand. It was tricky tracking things through the snow - it didn't hold much scent, and winds often blew fresh snow over it when it did. But Fennel seemed to think she could do it, and she supposed she'd had a better nose than the other kittypets in the village. Pausing for a particularly strong gust of wind, she bent down, closing her eyes - snow in the eyes was a pain - and inhaled deeply, letting in the few scents that scattered the area. Lemming, salty air from the sea, fox...

She pricked her ears. Cat.

"I think I've scented her, unless there are more of you strange cats wandering around." She turned to Fennnel, another blast of wind bustling her fur.

Their words were carried away by the wind. She flicked an ear, but they were already hurrying away. In the wrong direction. Ah well.

She started off, in the right direction, following the scent of the unknown cat. Fennel noticed quickly, catching up in only a moment. She flicked her tail at them, nose down to the snow. The scent flitted this way and that, likely the fault of the wind, and sometimes it skipped ahead a few paces. But she hadn't lost it yet, and she was confident she'd find this cat soon. Perhaps Fennel and their friend could shelter with her until the storm was over, and then they could return to... wherever they had come from. She paused, lifting her head and turning to Fennel, puzzled.

"What are you and your friend doing here, anyway?" Her paw scuffed at a new layer of fresh, dusty snow. Bad sign for tracking. "Is her sense of direction that bad?"

The wind whipped them both while she waited for them to respond, and she picked up her walking again. No sense in just standing around while they spoke.

The wind whistled lullingly in her ears, soothing her and pricking anxiety all at once. The storm would be here soon.

[ 534 words ] [last free post!]

egg | 1 FP | x1
lemming | 2 FP | x1
stoat | 2 FP | x1
herring | 3 FP | x1

honey | soothes sore throats & infections | x1
tansy | treats coughs & heals wounds | x1
catchweed | fastens poultice to wound | x1
stinging nettle | brings down swelling & induces vomiting | x1
thyme | calms cats & eases muscle pain | x1
feverfew | reduces body temp & eases aches | x1
lungwort | cures coughs | x1

--cats on patrol
Breezewhisper | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N

--items in inventory used
-- active quests: Aiding Fennel

--level 0
experience: 76
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby coffee.berry » Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:35 am

Hey guys!

Faelyn wrote me and I fixed my post up ^^

    hii! i'm aya/vai <3 feel free to shoot me a pm, i don't bite!!
    status: really busy in real life so if i respond late, sorry <3
    © ~ she/her ~ toyhouse
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby xem » Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:16 am

ethium wrote:
elmclan storage - last explore: 6/30 - last response: 7/17 - word count: 570
level: 0 experience: (55/100)

Pikesplash turned her head forward, once again trying to clear her mind. Even the event of something as silly as a kittypet had gotten her heart racing, despite it not being any sort of threat. There always seemed to be an unease in the air, or perhaps it was all in her head. From being safe in the past to suddenly watching your every paw step was still rather upsetting to say the least. She could see how uptight Lionfang was, even though the surprise of the random cat was quite uneventful.

But as she moved to take another pawstep forward, she found her heart nearly leaping out of her chest as the sound of brush breaking on her starboard side sounded off like a siren. Lionfang already had his claws unsheathed, hair on end as his lips quivered into a snarl. “I swear if it’s that kittypet again I’ll-” He started, but his voice stopped as the animal finally made an appearance.

It was another cat, brown in color, with pale gold eyes. They seemed quite well put together, and didn’t seem very fazed by Lionfang’s display of dominance. “Hello there, clan cats!” They said with an utmost positive attitude, taking a few steps closer to them. Perchpaw couldn’t help but grin back at the stranger, “Hi! How did you know we were clan cats? Who are you?” She asked excitedly. But Fadedstone nudged her, in an attempt to make her quiet down.

The brown mackerel tabby beamed at Perchpaw, “Why hello there young one, my name is Fennel! I’m a bit of a wanderer, you see. Used to be a part of a clan, much like this one, but decided a life out on my own would be-” They began to say, before Lionfang cut them off abruptly.

“Enough of the small talk, you’re trespassing. You better have a good reason for it, or I’ll tear you to shreds!” He hissed. Fennel chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll be promptly leaving very shortly. But, you may want to hear me out. I have a bit of a mission, dare I say, quest for you. This may sound a bit strange, but I want you to engage in a fight with a predator. Any predator really, just pick a fight with one. I’ll be around to see the show whenever it happens. And trust me, I’ll stay off your territory until then. I promise.” They said.

Fadedstone and Lionfang exchanged glances, inwardly wondering if this cat was even crazier than the kittypet yelling something along the lines of cheese. Fennel could see their confusion, and dipped their head. “There will be a very nice reward waiting at your paws if you choose to accept, don’t you worry.” They said, moving a bit closer to Lionfang and dropping juniper berries down before him. “And until then, here’s a little gift to your healers. Good for stomach aches and such. Until next time, my fellow clan cats!” They said with the dip of their head, before bounding away.

[ +1 Juniper Berries, +1 XP ]

Before Lionfang could even begin to complain about Fennel, Pikesplash decided she’d had enough with the strange cats for today. “Let’s just get going, so we can get back in a timely manner. We can speak with the others about this later if we want, but now is not the time. Perchpaw, why don’t you carry the juniper berries for us. Gently now dear, don’t rupture them with your teeth.” She said as she watched her daughter do so. Fadedstone gave a nod towards Pikesplash, “Yes, I’ve had enough of this. Get yourself together, Lionfang, it’s time for a real patrol.”

And with that, the cats finally moved their minds to the quiet place of hunting. Perchpaw took up the rear, ears alert, always excited to watch the guardians hunt. Pikesplash was the first to pick up the scent of a rabbit, her ears flicking back in a silent signal. Lionfang and Fadedstone positioned themselves, Pikesplash moving off to the side to scare the rabbit out of the brush it was likely hiding in. Rabbits were rather fast, and she knew it would be wiser to chase it into the paws of the others, rather than go chasing after it herself. And with that she moved forward, small crunches being heard as the rabbit spooked and fled the bush for more cover. But it instead ran directly at Fadedstone, who wasn’t paying much attention. But the rabbit veered away from Fadedstone, directly at Lionfang, who quickly made the kill. But he couldn’t be happy with that, a growl rising in his throat as he looked at Fadedstone. “What were you thinking?! Daydreaming, were you?!” He questioned with a huff. But Fadedstone kept their cool, their attention clearly elsewhere as they began plucking some leaves from the ground. “Lamb's ear, hidden away in the grass. The healers will appreciate this.”

Lionfang sighed, wanting to be furious, but deciding it wasn’t worth it anymore. He looked to Perchpaw, “Can you carry the lamb's ear too?” He asked, his own voice becoming more gentle. Perchpaw nodded in excitement, hurrying over to Fadedstone to take the herb, repositioning them all in her jaws. He then looked to Pikesplash, “You think we should keep going? Or head back home?” He asked, his tone a bit more relaxed. Now that they at least had some fresh kill and herbs, he could at least be happy they had something to show for themselves when returning back to their clanmates.


[ +4 FP (Rabbit), +1 Lamb’s Ear, +5 XP ]

[ +35 XP for 570 Words Written ]
[ +10 XP for Patrol Sent ]
[ +0% Hunger for Pikesplash, Perchpaw, Fadedstone, and Lionfang (1 Free Post Left) ]

[ +51 XP, +4 FP (Rabbit), +1 Juniper Berries, +1 Lamb’s Ear ]

[ You have received a quest from Fennel! Engage in a fight with a predator during any explore post ro receive your reward. Don’t forget to link this post in the active quests section in your next explore reply! ]

Level 0 (55/100) —> Level 1 (6/200)

Level Up! You have received +1 FP of Your Choice and +50 SD!


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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby espen. » Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:02 am

ImageImage Image Image Image

Last Explore Post | Last Response Received
Smokestorm was cautious, his fur slightly raised to prepared him for an ambush. Loners like these usually didn't come into clan territory alone.
"What symptoms is your friend showing?" Goldenblossom asked, her round ears perked. She had washed away her goofy attitude and replaced it with one of concern and professional Healer's willingness to help. The golden she-cat snorted and out came some sodden dirt. Perhaps her goofiness was still there.
Fennel explained that their friend seemed to be sneezing quite a lot. And their head was pounding all most nonstop. Goldenblossom nodded and instructed Olivebranch to leave the feverfew flower with Softpetal and go back to camp to get some sweet-sedge. This would help with the sneezing. The striped she-cat nodded, passed the slightly smushed flower over to Softpetal, and broke out into a run. The Gatherer picked up the herb in her mouth and seemed to protect it like it were her own kitten. The LagoonClan cats eased their crescent formation and found some comfortable spots to sit and wait.
Smokestorm licked Kestrelspeck behind the ears and went to check on Goldenblossom, who was bread loafing on an old, decaying, yet soft tree stump.
"How's that sniffer of yours? I saw you snort out some dirt."
"Oh, heh, it's fine. I might be shooting out brown for a couple days, but nothing too serious." The Healer's apprentice glanced at Fennel, who was sitting on a patch of moss. Smokestorm followed her gaze and glanced back at the she-cat.
"Y'know, Mapleheart would be proud of how you handled the situation. You went straight to helping them." He nodded to Fennel. Goldenblossom smiled and dipped her head.
"I suppose my next challenge would be you, though. How've your eyes been recently?" The grey tom sighed and shrugged. This wasn't too pressing of an issue to talk about right now. The she-cat gave him a look of understanding and let him pad back over to Kestrelspeck.
The calico gave a snort of disgust and refused to make eye contact with her partner. The tom rolled his eyes and cuffed her over the ear playfully. Kestrelspeck got up, turned the opposite direction of Smokestorm, and plopped down with a huff.
"Oh my stars, Kestrelspeck. I was merely asking how her nose was doing."
"You never ask how my nose is doing." He could hear the glare in her words.
"That's because I chose a smart partner who doesn't run into trees without a care in the world." This got a snicker out of the she-cat.

A rustle beckoned the cats from their seated positions. Olivebranch had returned with the herb. The Healer's Apprentice jumped from the stump, checked the herb, and gave it to Fennel. The cat nodded, thanked all of them, and started to head back into the foliage.
"Wait! One more herb. I hate to do this but...You might also need feverfew..." The cat waited for the groans of her clanmates, since they just got the herb, but none came.
"Alright. Just give it to them and let's be on our way. We might still be able to get some more supplies on our way back to camp." Smokestorm flicked his tail, summoning Softpetal and the feverfew. They made the transaction and the LagoonClan cats gathered up to trot back home.
[ 551 words ]

--cats on patrol
Kestrelspeck | HP 100% | HUP 40% | Sick: N
Smokestorm | HP 100% | HUP 40% | Sick: N
Sagefluff | HP 100% | HUP 30% | Sick: N
Olivebranch | HP 100% | HUP 30% | Sick: N
Softpetal | HP 100% | HUP 40% | Sick: N
Goldenblossom | HP 96% | HUP 30% | Sick: N
--level 2
experience: 208/300

Mouse | 2 FP | x3
Scraps | 1 FP | x4
Squirrel | 3 FP | x1
Bird | 4 FP | x1
Shrew | 2FP | x2

Lavender | usage | x1
Cobwebs | usage | x2
Horsetail | usage | x2
Foxglove Seeds | usage | x2
Sweet-sedge | usage | x2
Lungwort | usage | x3
Borage Leaves | usage | x3
Comfrey Root | usage | x2
Dandelion | usage | x1
Mint | usage | x1
Catmint | usage | x1
Chamomile | usage | x1
Tormentil | usage | x1
Chickweed | usage | x1
Feverfew | usage | x1
--items in inventory used
Sweet-sedge | given to Fennel | x1
Feverfew | given to Fennel | x1
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quest #1 (linked)
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[018.] ★ viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:49 am

      MISTCLAN !
    user + clan link: sushifoxx + clan archive
    responding to: sushifoxx's last post
    xp stats: [opted-out for death rolls!]
    xx+75XP for writing, + 10XP for patrol sent
    xx+2XP for prey collected, +4XP for herbs found
    The rain was glorious. A soothing lullaby, reaching into those dark, untouchable parts shrouded in shadows ━ those secrets of the past, words unbreathed from the memory of a fallen soul taken too soon.

    Her name was in the clouds and in the skies, whispers in the cool breeze. A name of the past. Rina.
    But they drowned, whisked away to the crescendo of the rain’s echo around her.

    Echostar lifted her head, letting those gentle droplets fall, descending all around her, showering her in a spray of water. A breath in to release the earlier tension and out… sending those harsh memories away. Far away.

    She shook out her pelt, a small grin touching her muzzle as her deputy gasped, ducking from the droplets scattered.

    You!” Her deputy shook her head, eyes alight. Cometfire’s muzzle curved into a small, softer smile as she nudged her, offering a light chuckle. “At least you’ve returned to the present. I spotted a hollow not too far from here, and━ Is… everything alright?”

    Her deputy’s words were there... but indecipherable, almost like an ancient tongue drowned in the roar of the rain.

    She blinked, shaking herself.

    A tiny creature scuttled through the grass, weaving around her paw. A vole. Fur damp, it settled onto its hindlegs, tiny paws reaching for a broad, dark leaf. The vole tilted the leaf toward it, slurping the sweet dew sliding on the leaf’s surface. A last drink… for a thirsty critter. (+2FP vole)

    Cometfire tapped a tail to her flank, nodding once toward Echostar’s catch. Her head tilted as she waved her over. “Come. There’s a hollow nearby.”

    The hollow was carved in the bark of a twisted, mangled tree, almost doomed to fall over at the crack of lightning. She settled back, head tilted, as her deputy peered inside. “See anything?”

    Her deputy grunted. “Yeah, just… a few herbs and berries.” She tugged a mouthful of leaves out, slowly easing her head from the burrow. “Oh! And a neat looking feather.” (+1 celandine, +1 deathberries, +1 chervil, +1 tansy)

    The feather danced, twirling in the breeze. Rain droplets pounced instantly, dragging the lone feather to the earth, but the color… warm hues with faint stripes. An owl.

    Echostar frowned, searching the skies. A faint hoot echoed in the distance, calling a warning, but... still no sign of its caller. The hollow ─ was it the owl's? A bird of prey capable of wrecking havoc and carrying off kits in its sharp talons.

    “There’s an owl,” she murmured. Her eyes settled on her deputy’s violet gaze. “It’s… nearby, not too far from camp.”

    The presence of an owl (a predator) has been discovered!
    Does the patrol decide to pursue the owl or leave it alone?

    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ echostar (10% hunger), cometfire (10% hunger)

    xx+91XP → level 1 (286/200XP) → level 2 (86/300XP)
    xx+2FP vole
    xx+1 celandine, +1 deathberries, +1 chervil, +1 tansy
    xx-2FP fish (fed to echostar!)

    congrats! you've reached level two and received an additional +1FP (your choice), +1 herb (your choice) and +1 common edit!

    notes; n/a! <3

found by nindroidzane!

    user + clan link: nacl + clan archive
    responding to: nacl's last post
    xp stats: [opted-out for death rolls!]
    xx+25XP for writing, + 10XP for patrol sent
    xx+1XP for prey collected, +2XP for herbs found
    The salty breeze flooded his nose, a reminder of the gentle ebb and flow of the tides, lapping upon golden shores ━ shores stretching like a ring around the island. If nothing else was steady, nor sure, the ocean would always be there… their waves flowing to a rhythm unseen and unheard.

    He let the waters tug at his paws, spinning and swirling around it, before rippling outwards. Almost… like his thoughts. A jumbled mess ever since the clan had been shaken by the missing kits. Yet he couldn’t let it seep into every corner of his life. Not when the tension back at camp hung heavy. Not while the clan needed a steady paw to guide them.

    But he just… needed a moment to himself. One moment.

    Shaking out his fur, he pulled away from the waters, venturing across the shores. His breath caught as he stumbled, sprawling into the sun-warmed sand. A seagull screeched overhead, dark eyes mocking, as it set down upon one of the Ocean Stones.

    He huffed, pulling himself to his paws. What the━

    A small sunken hole peered up at him, next to his hindpaw. Head cocked, he reached inside with a tentative paw, scraping the bottom of the hole. A few lone leaves snagged on his claws, along with a few pale violet flowers. (+1 catchweed, +1 goatweed)

    The seagull screeched again.
    Loud. Obnoxious. Maybe the herbs were his.

    Tallpine directed a glare at the bird, shaking his head. Doubtful. Seagulls hardly… collected things. He dipped his paw inside the hole once more, scooping aside sand. His paws snagged on something hard. A skeleton of sorts. Fish?

    A few scraps clung to the thin, fragile bones, enough for a small meal. (+1FP scraps)

    xx+0% hunger for each patrol cat (two free posts left!)
    xxxx↳ tallpine (0% hunger)

    xx+38XP → level 0 (38/100XP)
    xx+1FP scraps
    xx+1 goatweed, +1 catchweed

    notes; n/a, welcome to explore! <3

Last edited by Vivika on Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby xem » Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:15 am

cujo wrote:ImageImageImage
( clan archive | last post [n/a] | last explore [n/a] | word count: 614)
( post: 001 | level 0 | experience: 0 )

While waiting for the others, Mothstar decided it would be best to scout around, and perhaps gather some food for the time being. They stretched out a bit more in the fresh morning sun, taking it in for a moment before going on their way. The wind was brisk, and even a bit chilly, as the day had not heated up fully yet. It tugged at their pelt, summer leaves whisking in the wind. They couldn’t wait to explore this place fully, find all the best spots for prey, and whatever wonders may lay in this new territory. The cold months were still a bit distant, so they had plenty of time to restock herbs and fresh kill in the meantime. And with thoughts of a fresh start, they took a deep breath and went well on their way.

Not too far into the territory, Mothstar was surprised to pick up on the scent of lizards. They crouched down, spotting three of them, sunning on the rocks. They doubted they could snag more than one, but perhaps if they grabbed one in their paw, and another in their jaws? Mothstar inwardly hoped this plan wouldn’t fail miserably, the lizards were small, but plump for this time of year. They would make a good meal for sure. The leader leapt up from their hunters crouch to snag one lizard in their paw, and crunching down on another one’s body with their jaws. But the lizard under the cat’s paws put up a struggle, and wiggled away with the other lizard to hide within the thin breaks beneath the rocks.

Mothstar sighed, setting down the dead lizard on the rocks. At least they had claimed one trophy from the rocks! And now they knew of a decent hunting spot as well. But one lizard wouldn’t be enough, the territory still needed a thorough look around.

[ +1 FP (Common Lizard), +1 XP ]

Mothstar carried the lizard around with them, knowing they wouldn’t be straying too far from camp, no sense in burying it yet. But they dropped the lizard as a loud branch snap sounded from the left side, causing Mothstar to turn abruptly. The fear however, was short lived, as they realized it was another cat. But it wasn’t any cat they knew. Mothstar’s claws extended warily, “Who are you?” They snapped, watching the strange cat before them. But the cat dipped it’s head, dropping something it had been carrying in its jaws. “I have heard of some wandering cats looking to settle some place, are you one of them? I… I’ve been possibly looking to join you. I’ve lived alone most of my life, but I heard living in a wild group is quite something. If you’ll accept me, of course.” They said, nudging the item they had dropped towards Mothstar’s paws. “A gift, some borage. It’s a useful herb to have around while you’re starting fresh here. Oh, and this. I think you’ll rather fancy this item as well.” They said, nudging something else forward, looking at Mothstar with hope in their eyes.

[ +1 Common MYO, +1 Starburst (Fur Length Edit Item), +1 Borage, +2 XP ]

[ +40 XP for 614 Words Written ]
[ +10 XP for Patrol Sent ]
[ +0% Hunger for Mothstar (2 Free Posts Left) ]

[ +53 XP, +1 Common MYO, +1 Starburst, +1 FP (Common Lizard), +1 Borage ]

Level 0 (0/100) —> Level 0 (53/200)


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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby allynabean » Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:10 pm

    I want to risk death!
    Username: allynabean
    Clan link: moonclan

    I'm picking my own!
    >> my new prey and predators list can be found here!
    Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list? Yes!
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby WolfstormSC » Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:44 pm

Last Explore Post | Last Response Received

I want to risk death!
Username: WolfstormSC
Clan link: Duskclan

(Second time exploring, but I'm going to restart what I wrote since it's been a few years since my last post)

A large brown and white tom sat atop a large rock, surveying the rest of his clanmates in the early hours of the morning. They were all waiting to receive their daily orders from him. Usually, he would have already given them their orders and they would already be on their way. But today, he had something special. He was itching to be out once again, something that he hadn't been able to do in ages. He was always stuck inside the camp and he was always giving orders. For once, he wanted to be able to join in on the action. As deputy, it was easy enough to assign himself to patrol.

He clears his throat, before looking over his clanmates one last time. Who to choose for this excursion? He would have to choose the more senior warriors for this, as he hadn't been in a fight in a long while and he was bringing the medicine cat with them. More capable paws couldn't hurt, he thought.

"Ivypatch needs to gather some more herbs, as her stock is dwindling. I'm sure you're all aware of the importance of maintaining our stock." He nods to the medicine cat, who sat close by. He was concerned over this, as it meant that cats couldn't be treated properly if they were injured. This was something that would definitely be a high priority for them.

"Alright. Timbershine, Mousetail, Infernoheart and Weaselmask, you four will be coming with us. We will be patrolling the territory and looking for any herbs to gather while we're out." He nods to each warrior respectively, who bowed as they were each acknowledged. This was a good team for many reasons. Timbershine was an all rounded warrior with a good amount of fighting and hunting experience. Mousetail was an extraordinary hunter whose work was prided within the clan. Although Infernoheart was fairly young, she was one of their best fighters. Then finally, Weaselmask, someone who was both smart and strong. He nods to himself, happy with his selection.

"Hawkstripe..." A loud voice could be heard from behind him.

The brown tom turned around as his name was mentioned.

"What shall the rest of us do while you guys head out?" A large red tom questioned the deputy. Hawkstripe sighed at his own negligence, realising that he forgot to give orders to the rest of the clan. He was never this clumsy, but he may have skipped some of his usual steps in his haste to depart.

"We will handle the dawn patrol," He nods towards the team he had just picked out.

"Let the apprentices hunt with their mentors. Everyone else is free to do as they wish." He nods back at them, before turning to walk out of camp with the small party that he had gathered.

Once out of camp, the earth felt soft and flaky under paw. The patrol stops to sniff their surroundings, trying to catch scent of anything nearby that could be useful.

[ 500 words ]

--cats on patrol
Hawkstripe | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Ivypatch | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Timbershine | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Mousetail | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Infernoheart | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Weaselmask | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 0
experience: 32/100

Scraps | 1 FP | x1

Celandine | usage | x1
--items in inventory used
-- active quests:

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