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Answer #1 (CHEEEEEESSSEEEE) based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:28 pm [Reply]

    what's your favourite kind of cheese
    especially from the cheese drawer PFFFF


Rouvin: CHEESE!?
*Disassembles your cheese drawer like a feral animal
refuses to elaborate


Soul: Blue cheese seems nice.
R.D: I like anything BUT that! Keep it FAR AWAY from me!
Soul: Oh, what a shame, we seem to only have blue cheese here and it happens to be getting closer to you by the second <3
R.D: You're disgusting and have no taste!
Soul: I believe you meant to say that I'm not as picky as an angry 5-year-old... unlike some people :3


Jester: Though I do not consider any a 'favorite', I shall eat whatever is available to me... 'tis a bit strange to throw a fit over food that is already so difficult to come by, after all...

pisto pesto pasta @ Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:43 pm

and what caused r.d to dislike blue chese? Lmao

Floofynewfy @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:21 am


Rouvin @ Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:51 am

pisto pesto pasta wrote:and what caused r.d to dislike blue chese? Lmao

It's just yucky... :[
(aka their creator maybe has some kind of sliiiight bias against blue cheese, but uh... who's to say really, will not confirm nor deny such a thing-)

Floofynewfy wrote:CHEESEEEEE


beginning of the building! Welcome to Verdonis, or at least, a portion of the continent Elvor.. Welcome into the dome! The safest portion on all of Verdonis where almost all those inhabiting the planet live.

Outside the dome, nobody is sure what is really out there. Many strange individuals claim to be from outside the dome, but then again, everyone on Verdonis is strange.

page 2. and so it begins. based on this drawing by pecanbaby
by pecanbaby @ Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:58 am [Reply]

So, Blueberry sets off on her quest to find her beloved owner. Despite her already technically having one, Maxine, she is very partial to her prior owner, Neo. She travels to the realm where Wheel resides. She halted Infront of her peering up. ''Wheel?'' Blueberry squeaked, Wheel peered down, her eyes welled with tears. Blueberry frowned, seemed she was grieving a loss too. Poor Wheel. They chat for awhile. Sadly Wheel Hadnt seen him. Wheel asked if Blueberry had seen her beloved friend, Which she had not. So they both moved their separate ways.

Blueberry has been thinking about her dear friend and owner as of late, he mysteriously disappeared one day. she decides to go on a quest to find them, asking around to see who may know where he went.

ill continue the rest later.

question 6. based on this drawing by pecanbaby
by pecanbaby @ Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:57 am [Reply]

a mask surrounded by mystery.


Spiritstar3 wrote:Going to ask another:
Is your mask a wolf, A fox, A dog or a jackal?

''...oh! Its a wolf.. i guess that really wasnt obvious.. my dad made it before he left.. its kind of heavy.. I dont like having it taken from me. then i am just a sheep. ''

this one was particularly inspiring to me, dripping lore here and there. her mask means alot to her.

Spiritstar3 @ Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:14 am

XD cute

I love wolves and foxes.

The lore was great.


pecanbaby @ Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:24 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:XD cute

I love wolves and foxes.

The lore was great.


Thank you! I hope to dive further into her character and stuff later on once more questions are asked. it'll be a little dark at times but uphold a innocent nature due to her cheery perspective on life :)

Spiritstar3 @ Tue Feb 06, 2024 12:10 pm

seals wrote:
Spiritstar3 wrote:XD cute

I love wolves and foxes.

The lore was great.


Thank you! I hope to dive further into her character and stuff later on once more questions are asked. it'll be a little dark at times but uphold a innocent nature due to her cheery perspective on life :)

XD nice
I hope more people will ask questions.

question 5. based on this drawing by pecanbaby
by pecanbaby @ Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:43 am [Reply]

question :

jupiter, wrote:
    whats your favourite colour??

answer :
''That was tricky! I had to mess with my paints to figure out which ones I like most, but, to answer your question... Blue..I mean.. Red? .. Purple!?!? Aghh I cant choose! i like them all.'' - Marcy

Question 3 based on this drawing by pecanbaby
by pecanbaby @ Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:19 pm [Reply]


Spiritstar3 wrote:What's your favorite kind of horse?

''Ooh I love all horses, but my favorite kind is a clydesdale. I even drew you my own picture of a clydesdale! the little guy is my dad. Tibbles is a clydesdale too!''

Spiritstar3 @ Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:23 pm

XD very cute

~bad_cat~ @ Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:07 pm

my fave is a clydesdale to!!

The East Path based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:51 pm [Reply]

I think I said I wasn't gonna post these to my gallery (even though I do plan to continue to do them here on oekaki to achieve the same style/look across the set) but I do kinda have to post this one bc I want to, as much as possible, "color in" in the same path order they'd theoretically be played in, just in case I ever wanted to return to this same game in the future for whatever reason. I think for the rest of them down this branch I can just keep them under this cover & that will retain the organization I'd like.

this isn't my absolute favorite drawing of the game set tbh but I think that could be just bc it doesn't look quite as whimsical as some of the others. :0 it's an equally whimsical path to the forest path, just not as obviously from this first pic.

Clementine Cloud @ Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:53 pm

I want to live inside this picture oh my goodness

Loelya @ Sat Jan 06, 2024 5:04 pm

Clementine Cloud wrote:I want to live inside this picture oh my goodness

I'm so happy you like it! C: thank u so much

Boghound @ Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:22 pm

This is so cozy and welcoming. I love the colour choices!

6 replies not shown, show all

Moon 1 | #2 based on this drawing by Leloiod
by Leloiod @ Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:38 am [Reply]

Oatstar gives Saplingpaw her warrior name, Saplingripple

Moon 1 | #1 based on this drawing by Leloiod
by Leloiod @ Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:03 pm [Reply]

    Moonpaw is named Moonbloom by Oatstar.

Songclan - cats based on this drawing by Leloiod
by Leloiod @ Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:47 am [Reply]

this is not nearly all that cats. these will just be so i can pick through the refs to find the cat i need lol. will grow with time

The Dragon's Egg based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:18 pm [Reply]


It takes you a while - opening other compartments in the craft and searching underneath the mechanics that power the rudder - until at last you snag a worn, lightly rusted wrench and carry it back to to the jammed door cover. You work at it for a time, first prying it one way and then the other, until finally the old metal gives and the door shudders open.

Inside, you find a dragon's egg.

For a long moment, you're left absolutely stunned. Its beauty is mesmerizing, and it glows with a soft light in shades of blue and pink and gold. You wonder if it is wise to disturb it, but at the same time, you know if you leave it here unprotected, the creature inside will not last long at the mercy of the forest below.

With a certain amount of both reserve and awe, you take the egg carefully in hand and feel its gentle warmth against your palms. This tiny life is going to change yours... maybe forever.

A dozen thoughts flit through your mind, but the one you finally settle on is -
maybe it's about time to head home.


Loelya @ Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:18 pm



Thank you sooo much for playing my game!! ;U;

I cannot tell you all how overjoyed and excited I was when this took off! C': <3 This is something I've honestly been wanting to do for a long time now - probably since before the start of this year if I'm remembering correctly. But I kept telling myself I'd be so heckin disappointed if I posted it and no one played lolol. thank you for making my lil big hopes come true hehe

I wanted to give out some prizes as a way to give some rewards for the game itself! ^u^ I've got a few different categories that I've come up with to give out pets/c$ to, and I've even made some badges to go with them! C: you don't have to use these badges ofc but they're here if you'd like them!

Category 1 : All Players!

BlueEyedKite, onion, SunstonePhoenix, BadgerBuddies, Hyperotreti, riverotter, Andano, Zukana13731, Cherrysong2003, LittleMaple, valkyrie,, , nio, Kagome963, Mastema-Rastus, Ephras, gardog, COOLDOGOOO, apricott, skittleswolf, almondkitty, Raptocidic, -Aeris, Lemon Bark, huskyhiccups, Sixx O’Clock, LittleSpud, crowfood, Alphias, okami., ✧V4mp1r3✧, beetleb0nes, michelangelo_, Funkyfandom, DancingEevee, RedtailTheWarrior, RoxyTBDW, blizzard180, Goddess Sword, strangetales, Clementine Cloud, Fallendownut

These are the names of all users who posted or voted at all in the game from start to finish. If I missed you, please let me know! I'm going to host a raffle for this group in 3 days - if you win, you'll get your choice of either 50 c$ or any one pet from this group. C:

I would like to ask you to post here on this thread though to claim your spot in the raffle. ^o^ just so it doesn't end up that the rng picks someone who may be inactive now that the CS advent is done, and unable to pick a prize or accept a trade sent to them. I hope that's okay!

Category 2 : Intrepid Adventurers

BlueEyedKite, BadgerBuddies, Hyperotreti, Zukana13731, Cherrysong2003, LittleMaple, valkyrie,, , nio, Ephras, gardog, COOLDOGOO, apricott, skittleswolf, almondkitty, Raptocidic, Sixx O’Clock, Lemon Bark

WOWWW you guys!! y'all from this group voted on 3 or more pages from the game, you more or less played the whole way through. ;U; I am showering you with love and sparkles. I also want to invite you to pick any 5 pets from either my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups to adopt! but one of the five can be a rare from this group if you like~ C: (If you think I might have missed you in this group let me know!)

Category 3 : Not Like The Other Chickens

Zukana13731, nio, apricott, Hyperotreti, LittleMaple, gardog, valkyrie,, , COOLDOGOOO, Raptocidic

Y'all were Such Troopers but you kept getting overruled by the majority vote! 😂 consider this a consolation prize if you like! You were overruled at least twice and kept going anyways. I'd like to invite you to adopt any 3 pets from my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups, or if you don't see anything you like there, feel free to pick any 1 rare from this group. ^u^ (If you think I might have missed you in this group let me know!)


Category 4 : The Detectives

Sixx O’Clock, nio, apricott, gardog, Hyperotreti, ✧V4mp1r3✧, Raptocidic, BlueEyedKite, COOLDOGOOO, blizzard180, Fallendownut, Lemon Bark, valkyrie,,

This is probably the most subjective category but I really wanted to include it! Y'all in this group made little notes and records of your musings about various forks in the path as the journey progressed, and I loved reading them so much! ^o^ I spent time planning out a branching pathway for every possibility in this game - there were 16 potential outcomes haha! and it brought me so much joy to see you thinking through what could have been. C; Feel free to adopt any 3 pets from my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups, or if you don't see anything you like there, feel free to pick any 1 rare from this group. (Since this group is so subjective, if you'd like to make a case for yourself regarding one of your posts, go right ahead! C: )

Mastema-Rastus @ Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:23 pm

Absolutely would love to claim my spot in the raffle! This was so much fun to watch unfold and to participate in! I hope you do this again someday (and hopefully I'll be able to participate more haha)
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and a happy new year!

RoxyTBDW @ Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:29 pm

oh my gosh this was so much fun! i'm claiming my spot in the raffle, thank you so much for making this, would love to play the other options!

29 replies not shown, show all

The Sailplane based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:59 am [Reply]

As you step onto the flight deck of the sailplane it sways a little but otherwise holds – perhaps steadier than you expected it to be. You see a door to another compartment, maybe some sort of cabin or sleeping quarters, but the pilot's seat's visor has been folded back, and you have a clear view of the tree tops as you explore the craft.

You find the latch for the visor and make a mental note to fold it back up before you leave; it can't be good for the controls to be left open to the rain like this, even if the enormous tree does offer some shelter. As you make your way up towards the rudder wheel, a faint glimmer catches your eye, and you stop, your gaze locking onto a small cubbyhole set into the body of the plane.

After a moment or two of pulling at its cover though, you have to give up with a sigh and resume your earlier exploration; the door is jammed and you don't expect to get it open any time soon without some sort of tool. You gaze over the metrics and dials that cover the dash and feel another prickle of curiosity. You'd assumed this was a sailplane, but there's so much hardware here you start to wonder if there's something more to it after all, other than just the wind. You don't see a fuel gauge, but perhaps it could be something else, something like magic.

You reach out, and your hand brushes the lever in the floor. The propellor at the back of the plane stirs just slightly. Fascinating...

💙 Find a wrench, and investigate the jammed storage compartment.

💛 Rev the propellor.

BlueEyedKite @ Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:02 am

Find a wrench, and investigate the jammed storage compartment

I need to know what's in the safe. Always

Zukana13731 @ Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:06 am

Investigate the jammed storage compartment!

BadgerBuddies @ Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:23 am


19 replies not shown, show all

The Treehouse based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:46 am [Reply]


You decide you don’t quite trust the shadows under the trees, at least, not enough to lay down next to them and close your eyes. You resolutely stifle a yawn, and looking around, you find a tall, sturdy tree just off the path, draped with long, coily vines. You grab one and test your weight, and it holds, so you begin to climb.

Almost as soon as you’re off the forest floor, your head begins to clear and the drowsiness weighing you down fades away. The sun breaks through the leaves as you reach the crown of the tree, and you peer out over the tops of the branches.

It takes you a moment to decide your mind isn’t playing tricks on you — but just beyond your perch, a rickety yet colorful treehouse rises into view, nestled in the crook of a tree so enormous it must be ancient, its tallest branches disappearing into the cloud cover. The house looks abandoned, though it seems to have belonged to someone quite eccentric.

As you make your way to the enormous tree, you start noticing more details about the place that you couldn’t make out from a distance. There’s a little platform at the center of the trunk, positioned next to a series of ladders that must climb to the very top. The door to the house is ajar, but there is little inside beyond a few small comforts and some scattered papers. At a deck next to the house’s open-air porch, a ramshackle little sailplane has been tethered, its wings still folded back from the wind.

Surely it won’t hurt if you look around a little. It seems like no one’s been here in a while...

💙 Climb to the top of the tree.

💛 Investigate the old rustic sailplane.

SmilingKinito @ Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:48 am


almondkitty @ Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:51 am


DancingEevee @ Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:51 am

💙 :D

18 replies not shown, show all

The Forest Path based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:48 pm [Reply]

The air is cooler here, and heavier. The mushrooms that grow along the path you’ve chosen glimmer with light, enough to keep your pace steady. Not far from the path, their vibrance grows dimmer, and you cannot make out the secrets in the shadows that rest beneath the trees.

The further you go, the more a sense of drowsiness begins to cloud your thoughts. You don't feel afraid, but you do begin to feel exhausted. The scents of the forest are sweet, and soothing. It grows difficult to keep your bleary eyes open, and your feet begin to catch along the cobblestones...

💙 Look for a place to sit down and rest.

💛 Look for a sturdy tree to climb, to get a breath of fresh air from above the trees.

valkyrie,, @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:52 pm

quick, climb! 💛 if i rest i might get kidnapped by elves or something, i've seen enough shows to know something's up in this mystical forest...
(also beautiful art i especially love the leaves!!)

onion @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:52 pm


huskyhiccups @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:04 pm

    💙! :3

26 replies not shown, show all

The Son of Evil based on this drawing by 0Zero0
by 0Zero0 @ Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:12 am [Reply]

Story 1: The Son of Evil
In this kingdom there lies a child. A child who seeks to overthrow the throne, and desires only the best at his side.

ArithMedic @ Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:18 pm

(I'll delete if you don't want replies) Is this in any way inspired by that one song, the daughter of evil?

0Zero0 @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:23 am

ArithMedic wrote:(I'll delete if you don't want replies) Is this in any way inspired by that one song, the daughter of evil?

OMG how'd you know xD yeah yeah it is.

ArithMedic @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:15 pm

0Zero0 wrote:
ArithMedic wrote:(I'll delete if you don't want replies) Is this in any way inspired by that one song, the daughter of evil?

OMG how'd you know xD yeah yeah it is.

My sister used to be obsessed with the song and when I saw the first panel I just knew.

1 replies not shown, show all

Answer #2 based on this drawing by Shira_
by Shira_ @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:23 am [Reply]

"Do you have any friends, Aanshi?"

"Actually... Yes. I have two that are, uh... Important for me. But don't tell them I said that."

Yee! After a loong journey called "developing and stopping to deny your own feelings" Aanshi gained herself some that she can call friends. One of them is even more than friend, hehe~

(But they're not mine characters so I didn't make a proper appearance of them just in case)

AAA I was coloring when I switched tabs for a moment and then page reloaded and deleted everything 😭 so this version is kinda rushed in anger, chjdndn, didn't even have energy for lineart again xD I'm too used to autosave

But look! Aanshi's eyes softened a bit <3

Story I [01] based on this drawing by 0Zero0
by 0Zero0 @ Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:13 pm [Reply]

Ai: "Mother!"
"I demand a better servant!"
"This one is broken."

ArithMedic @ Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:18 pm


I love it <3

roadkill. wrote:what is your favorite snack?

"whatever this is.... some people call it popcorn"

✧V4mp1r3✧ wrote:What species are you? :3
(I have a HTTYD Oc too!! <3 I love your character!)

"Im an Indojira-rose hybrid, i guess im considered an Indojira since someone somehow mixed Indojira DNA with a plant? i dunno, human's physics are confusing sometimes..."

Note (for those who are confused): Indojiras are my fanmade httyd species!

Answer #1 based on this drawing by Shira_
by Shira_ @ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:10 am [Reply]

"How do you feel about Rassvet, Aanshi?"

Aanshi gives you a quick glance and growls a bit before answering.
"I despise him. Hate. Loathe. But he's useful... Sometimes. Sometimes he hurts me, then we argue. Annoying."

Ah... I didn't mention she's not very talkative! Well, that leaves some mystery :>

Aaaa it took me too long compared to quality xD

Rouvin @ Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:15 am

Hm, yes something tells me these two maybe are not best friends...
Thanks for the answer :3

Aaaa it took me too long compared to quality xD

hrweoifdsmkl- was a lot faster than my art lol-

Shira_ @ Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:10 am

UnrealReality wrote:
Hm, yes something tells me these two maybe are not best friends...
Thanks for the answer :3

Yeah, they're more like tools to each other, so,, xD

UnrealReality wrote:hrweoifdsmkl- was a lot faster than my art lol-

But I need to be FAST LIKE FLASH hahaha

Zafir's response based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:47 pm [Reply]

Zafir, do you regret anything in your life? 👀

"oh... where to start... I...." It pauses for a long moment, almost as if it doesn't want to talk about this, "I regret a lot of things. My mother, father, sister, husband, daughter, and son are all gone because of... me... I am now an immortal being and can no longer travel to the afterlife to see any of them, and I'm sure that is a bit of my fault as well just because of how that happened. I regret doing everything that led to those events because I know it was my own doing... I-" It interrupted itself with a deep breath, then continued speaking, "... no... I shouldn't go into more detail... I apologize for suddenly telling you all of that, little one. I'm sure you don't want to hear about... that."


Me yet again being unreasonably late don't mind me-

Shira_ @ Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:33 am

Ooh I just saw it, interesting!!

Answer #1 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:36 am [Reply]

I have a question. What is your favorite color and what is your favorite constellation?

Blue, I don't know why but I love blue- pretty much all shades of it as well (though some shades I can't really see, and others do hurt my eyes so I like them less haha)

Also! I don't exactly know much about constellations... heck, this may not even be what you mean, I wouldn't know- but I like uhh... Apus I believe it's called, lil bird of paradise constellation :3
Also today we learned that I cannot draw stars, lol

soo nothing interesting happened this moon but needledusk gifted waspfoot the bluebell she collected and was briefly visited by a shy starclan kitty while on patrol. she couldnt hold a connection with the ghostly lad. and i thought it was cute cuz i love needle

Moose's and Keiran's answer based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:31 pm [Reply]

moose who do you love..... (idk they just look all gloomy)

"Well uh.... I-"

"ME! He's my boyfriend, you can't touch him, all for me~!"

"Keiran please-"


My brain still ain't working so uh- yeah lol- if the answer or art is weird I apologize whreoisfdkml


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