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Page one of Cat Tails!
by puppyzoey6 @ Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:41 am [Reply]

I was bored so I started a comic. Its called Cat Tails. hope you like! TO BE CONTINUED :)

Chapter 2 of the my story
by iomedae @ Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:23 pm [Reply]

She peked her ears at the sound of thunder. She turned around, seeing a volcano erupting. She tried to run, but this being the first time she ever got up, she walked towards the river insted. The magma traveled quiker than her little feet. the magma jumped on a hill, and touched her tailbone. She yelped and fumbled trying to pick up speed. Her tailbone turned into a tail with a flame on the end. She jumped for the water thinking her tail was on fire.


Chapter one of my new story!
by iomedae @ Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:05 pm [Reply]

Seeing all these other stories inspired me to write one about my fursona! Ok here it goes:

There once were two wolves who loved eachother dearly. They deciced to have pups. They had her, and her sister (they one with the purple. Oh and if you were wondering why they kept her, she's phycic and she changed their minds.) She looked around. She stared at a gray and white wolf. The alphas. then, at the pup beside them. He was beautiful. Then at they light gray wolf. Her mother. Then the white, purple, and black one. Her sister. And lastly, the odd tawny brown wolf. Her father. The healer wolf came up (also her mother) and examined her. "Two other tailbones," she said, cooley. Each wolf came up and said jibberish to her. Her sister had a tear in her eye. But, the apha pup said "Run" she will never forget that wolf. After they were done, they left. The pup looked over his shoulder and stopped, until the white wolf said for him to move along. She layed, scared and alone, knowing she was cursed, and forever will be, until.....

Plz comment!

Sparrow -Chapter 8, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:16 am [Reply]

Chapter 7 --- Chapter 9

Chapter 8 --- In the Dungeon I Cry

Sparrow was just in pure rage. She walked around without the slightest idea where to go, when the saw the cave! :D There was a tail peeking out of it. Did her family come back? She ran to it, then jumped in the cave.
"Mom! Calli! Kayla! Welcome ho--AHHHH!!!!" Sparrow felt the ground beneath her sink, and she felt into this dungeon.
"Help! Mom! Someone! Help me please!" She noticed there was another area to this dungeon. She peered around the corner, and a giant wolf lunged at her. He clawed the tips of her ears off. Sparrow growled, jumping on the wolf's back.
"What are you doing in my cave?! I can kill you easily. ANSWER ME NOW." He pinned Sparrow down.
Sparrow looked at him with huge eyes, then pointed up with her muzzle. "I-I fell fr-from up there. I thought-I thought th-that I saw my mother, b-but I didn't," she stuttered like crazy. The wolf released her. She shook like a leaf. She noticed her paws were all bloody. And, her tail! It was merely a nub on her rear. She looked at the ground, and saw rats and blood.
"Ahhh! Get me out of her!" She jumped as if she was about to fly, but she was forget a few steps. "I forgot how to fly!"

(Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted suspense!)

Rodii © 2010

champeo @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:36 am

Nice story so far, I like the art too.

Rodii @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:09 am

Thanks Champy! :D This is my favorite BG so far, and i think chapter 3 art is my favorite, but the cover page is overall my favorite x3

hi_wraith @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:33 pm

I love this book!

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the wolfs howl-pg. 1
by Percodic @ Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:34 am [Reply]

ok one i my hand righting stinks so i have to type what the dog is saying ok...sorry

jess:"Grrrr why do i always come back to a empty cave?''
jess:"I need a family..i have no one(sigh)..."

Whispers of Colors Comic 1
by C.C. @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:15 am [Reply]

Scene 1:
Edge: *sighs*

Scene 2:
Edge: WHAT, Chui...
Chui: How's the mate?

Scene 3:
Ailoo: *snores*
Egde: *points over to sleeping mate with tail* Ailoo?
Chui: Yes, Ailoo
Edge: She had four kits.
Chui: What're their names?

Scene 4:
Edge: The Green female is Venus,
The Blue girl is Aige,
The Orange male is Tab,
and the Red male is Cohru.

Scene 5:
Chui: OHBOY OHBOY OHBOY! I am an auntie!!!!

Scene 6:
Chui: I'm going to see them!

Scene 7:
Edge: Wait! They're slee-
Kits: *crying*
Ailoo: CHUI!!!

C.C. @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:49 pm

I hope y'all like it!!!

AloisTrancyLuffs @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:06 pm

OMG I luff it! So cute! I'm definately going to follow the story :thumbup: :thumbup: :clap:

C.C. @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:23 am

Thankies :3

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Pg3 of very close friends
by supernovacity @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:31 pm [Reply]

"Mama"Carla said"Awwwwwwwww" said about everybody in the crowd The pitbull rushed to her side."Ladies and gents may i have your eyes" "will anyone like to say a few words about ruby?" "Me."the pitbull said ploping the baby burrow on the blanket."Folks mama burrow was a very good burrow may she rest in peace she never did she her child walk nor will ever unless they meet in the spirit world someday." "thank you for the kindness of saying a few words"

Pg2 of two very close friends
by supernovacity @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:19 pm [Reply]

"what a nice name"The pitbull said "Indeed it is"Said the elder dog The pibull walked up to the mama burrow and asked if she may snuggle up with the baby."You may." Mama burrow never did see her child walk for mama burrow had passed away from a coyote attack the pitbull didn't get there in time to save mama butdid save Carla right then and there she whispered to carla "I promise to keep you safe no matter what the cost Facing death,sacrificing myself,or any thing i will keep you safe."

Pg.1 of two very close friends
by supernovacity @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:08 pm [Reply]

It all dates back to here.The old ranch.A poor rancher bought this place to raise livestock he had a pitbull for a companoin.The pitbull took likeing to the young female burrow just learning to walk.The burrow was spotted white and brown the elder sheepdog who was the rancher's wife's dog said "she was just born last night."the pitbull said "what's her name?""her name is carla."

Starshine Air
by julie-chan @ Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:30 am [Reply]

Page one.

finally a comic that I can actually do... I'm so excited!!

wingwolf @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:20 pm

So cute! ;)

wingwolf @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:20 pm

So cute! ;) I hope you do another one! (Sorry for two....)

julie-chan @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:27 pm

i might... I'm finishing it on Paint 6.1.... so idk
i'm not sure. XD

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Sparrow -Chapter 7, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:56 pm [Reply]

Chapter 6 --- Chapter 8

Chapter 7 --- Opposites Unite

(Worraps = war-APS)

After seeing that there was no Sapphire left, the headed back to the creature. Suddenly, she felt as if something was following her. She turned around, and nothing. She turned back to face forward, and there was a dog that looked like her, but with the opposite colors.
"Um, hello?" Sparrow greeted cautiously. "I'm.. Sparrow."
"Are you sure?" the other dog asked. "Because I'm Worraps."
Sparrow looked at Worraps. Worraps, Sparrow. Worraps was Sparrow backwards! What was going on?
"Well, nice to meet you Worraps. I have to go now.." Just as Sparrow was about to go around Worraps, she was stopped by this cube thing. She tried to go around it, but it jumped in front of her, almost jumping on her paws. She bit into it, and this strange liquid leaked out of it. It got in her mouth and made her cough. She looked for water, and remembered that the lake was pretty nearby.
"Sparrow, the lake isn't nearby. It's very far away!" Worraps barked.
Sparrow looked bewildered at Worraps. He had read her mind! What else could her opposite do?
"I'm a girl. You're a boy. I'm smart, so you must be dumb, right?"
Worraps laughed, then remarked, "Ah, but I am the smart one. Your conscience and you are quite dumb."
Sparrow growled, then lunged at Worraps. Easily, she pinned him down.
"Listen here! My friend just died, and I'm not in the mood. Fine, I am dumb. I should have known ivy from oak leaves. It's my fault she died. I don't need to be humiliated more!" She tore her sharp claws down his side, and walked off.

Rodii © 2010

hi_wraith @ Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:33 am

WHOOOAAAAAAAAAaaa! So cool! More! More!

Sparrow -Chapter 6, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:42 am [Reply]

Chapter 5 --- Chapter 7

Chapter 6 --- Stop

Sparrow looked back at the small camp, then flew off as fast as hew tiny wings would take her. She wasn't looking, and she crashed right into Sapphire, knocking her in a bee hive.
"Ahhh!!" screeched Sapphire, flying out with a bunch of bees chasing her. Then she fell to the ground. What was Sparrow going to do? She ran over to Sapphire and spit on the bees, and they all dropped to the ground dead somehow. She wasn't sure if she should pick up her friend.
"Sparrow, find ivy. Please..." Sapphire choked. "I need the juices from it. Get the poison ivy, please..."
Sparrow was baffled. She grabbed a bunch of leaves with her paw, and squeezed them and some juices fell on Sapphire's wounds. Sapphire screamed.
"Sparrow, you fool..." Sparrow could hear her friend starting to fade. Sadly, she made a terrible choice and few off and look for help.
"Where should I look.." Sparrow sighed. Then she looked up. "What is that?"
There was a white thing glowing and mumbling some words.
"And the birds wings flap... I hear wings." The thing turned to Sparrow with it's eyes closed. "Ah, you're Sparrow. You shouldn't have left your friend."
Sparrow took a step forward and...
"Stop. That is close enough. I know, you're curious. Go back to your friend before that fox does."
Sparrow looked at the creature, and whimpered,"Fox? What fox?"
The thing twitched its ears. Then it made sort of a crunching sound with its teeth.. It opened its grey eyes.
"Pray for the lost soul of your friend. You should have gone back. Never do that again."
Sparrow ran back to where she left Sapphire. No Sapphire. That thing she left. The thing she forgot. Was Sapphire.

Rodii © 2010

powderjr @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:13 pm

noooooooooooo!!!!!! sapphire is gone! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

hi_wraith @ Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:13 pm

Oh no! Please update more!

Sparrow -Chapter 5, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:56 pm [Reply]

Chapter 4 --- Chapter 6

Chapter 5 --- Only in my Dreams

Sparrow woke up after falling out of the tree. She thought she was being held captive, and she was, but not in the forest. She was someplace deeper, inside of her. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? She looked down, and only saw the vast strand of dark blue. And she also happened to notice she was on a cloud. She scanned the area for any more clouds. None whatsoever. What was this terrible place? She could feel the area of cloud beneath her was starting to give under Sparrow's wait, and she was falling through the cloud. She laid down, hoping to spread her body weight out more evenly. It didn't help, in fact, it only made it worse. She was quickly sinking into the cloud. Wait, she was sinking into the cloud? How could this be? How deep is this cloud anyways? But before she could answer herself, she was pulled from this fantasy land, and awaken.

"Sparrow, wake up! Sparrow! Sparrow?" Sapphire was prodding and poking Sparrow with a stick. Then she huffed, "Sparrow, wake up now! We're in a big load of trouble!"
Sparrow heard those words, and woke up drowsily. She looked at Sapphire, and she was all fuzzy. She tried to get up, but her back legs were in pain. They were asleep! How funny! While she was asleep, she had slept in a very awkward position.
"Sparrow!" a familiar voice whispered. "Mind you, we are being watched, but I don't believe they can hear us from up here."
Just as Sapphire said that, the leader turned around, and threw a stick at them. With her bad aim, it hit the knock tied to the tree, and dropped Sapphire. Sapphire flew out and untied Sparrow's net. The two flew off, but they were forgetting something. What could it be?

Rodii © 2010

hi_wraith @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:42 am

Thats really good, i`m already hooked!

Ƥσиιɛ @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:14 pm

aww she looks so cute on that cloud

Rodii @ Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:00 pm

Thanks everyone! :D

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artist comic 1
by Saikiyo @ Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:57 am [Reply]

Saikiyo vs. that annoying guy who won't leave you alone because he can't wait 2 days to get his art :x who will win?

every artist has had this happen to them (probably not this bad)

yes, i know the comic is pretty low quality, but it was fun ^^

sorry about my messy writing...

also some of you who know the character Saikiyo will say that "that looks nothing like her" yes, i know. thats me

needs some editing

Wintaria @ Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:41 am

Don't I know it! haha wonderful job.

Me Stalker? Nooo... @ Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:07 am

OMG thats good!

Saikiyo @ Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:08 am

thanks ^^

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Sparrow -Chapter 4, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:08 am [Reply]

Chapter 3 --- Chapter 5

Chapter 4 --- Talking Bushes

After Sapphire was named, and she befriended Sparrow, the two of them decided to go back to the Butterfly Wolf camp. But, neither of them knew which direction to go, or where the Butterfly Wolf camp was. And would they thank Sparrow for bringing their daughter back, or do something terrible to Sparrow for kidnapping their daughter? Sparrow wasn't sure if she wanted to find out.
"Hey Sparrow, I know which way it is! Follow me!" chirped Sapphire, and she flied in a very awkward manner. Sparrow tried to do the same, but fell on her face. Sapphire turned around.
"Don't try to copy me. I barely know how to fly. All I know is I run, jump, then flap. Kind of like a bird, you know?" Sparrow looked at the butterfly pup. What the heck was a bird? Was it related to butterfly wolves, or even Sparrow's species? "What's a bird?" Sparrow asked shamefully. "I mean, is it like you or me? Or what?" Sapphire didn't answer. She just kept on flying like a monkey. Then, she stopped, and jumped into the bush.
Sparrow asked bewildered, "Where are you going?!" Sapphire whispered something, but Sparrow couldn't make out the speech. She dove in after her. Then, together, they were peeking through a bush. They could tell this was the wrong camp. Sparrow spotted a tall tan dog with an orange circle around one eye. She thought that must be the leader.
"Who are-" she was cut off by Sapphire. "What are you doing?!" she whispered frantically. "If they know we're in here, they'll tear us up! Literally! Look at the pup. What the? The pup is coming over here! Hide!" Sparrow looked at Sapphire as if she had a mustache.
"We're already hiding you nut for brains!" Then she felt an ear touch her wing. "Get down!"
The pup looked at the leader.
"We have something. It's something... weird. I can't make it out. It doesn't quite have a smell. Should I get it out?"
The leader peered into the bush, and smiled, but shook her head.
"It's probably just another stupid bird stuck in there, Zero. We'll get it out tomorrow, if it doesn't untangle itself by dawn tomorrow morning. Then we will feast!" Sparrow couldn't believe the words the leader spoke! A little "bird" to feed those two? It wouldn't feed Sapphire! She poked her face outside of the bush. She saw the leader staring straight at her, as if she was staring right into Sparrow's soul. She popped her head back in.
"It is I, the Great One. I command you to sit!" Sparrow joked in a deep voice. Sapphire looked to see if they were sitting. They were. Sapphire nodded. "Do another! Do another!" Sparrow nodded.
"If you have obeyed my commands, you can stand. Then turn around. If not, you will die." Sapphire repeated herself. They were standing, but they did not turn around.
"They didn't turn around! Try again!" Then she was lifted out of the bush. Sparrow was freaking out. Then she was thrown out of the bush.
"Planning on escaping? I don't think so." said the leader. "Zero, but them in a cage, and in a tree."
Zero nodded, and tried to grab them, but Sapphire flew off.
"Hurry Sparrow! Hurry!" And she sat in a tree waiting for Sparrow.
Sparrow tried her best, and before she knew it, she was in the tree with Sapphire!
"I did it! I can finally fly! Oh goody!" Sparrow spun around, but she forgot she was in a tree, and she fell out of it, and went unconscious...

Rodii © 2010

Rodii @ Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:46 am

They only have 3 legs because they got into a fight and they both lost a leg ;_;

Ƥσиιɛ @ Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:37 pm

I can't wait to read chapter 5 :)

Sparrow -Chapter 2, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:54 am [Reply]

Chapter 2 --- Home Alone

Chapter 1 --- Chapter 3

The next morning, Sparrow woke up in a cold den. She lifted her head to hear her mother talking with Calli and Kayla. The words she spoke were disgusting. She sat up so she could hear better. This is what she heard:
"We have to leave her behind if she doesn't learn to fly soon. It's getting too hot to stay here. We need colder temperatures or we'll burn up and die." said the mother. Calli and Kayla chuckled. Then Calli spoke up.
"It's not like we even need her. She's just another thing to watch over. Forget her. Let's go"
"I don't like her anyway. She's always trying to get attention. And she's lame," Kayla growled deeply. Sparrow could feel her mother getting tense, but there was a deeper emotion that she couldn't quite read. Was it something about her mother's past that no one ever knew about? Then her mother spoke up. The words made Sparrow cringe.
"I've decided. We must leave. Right now. Don't wake up your sister. I'll leave a note telling her what happened, or should I? No, it would be much better if I didn't. Let's go. Now. And if you forgot how to fly, you stay too." Sparrow saw Kayla and Calli give each other an evil irrevocable look, and they jumped in the air together and could fly. Their mother joined them, and the 3 of them flew away. Sparrow popped out of the cave, and watched them fly away. She fell over on the ground and sobbed. Then she thought.

After thinking a while, she decided that she needed help. But where would she find it in the middle of nowhere?

Rodii © 2010

squints @ Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:09 am


Rodii @ Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:04 am

Poor Sparrow :(

Vell @ Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:04 pm

Poor little sparrow.

Sparrow -Chapter 1, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:45 pm [Reply]

Chapter 1 --- Teach Me

Cover Page --- Chapter 2

"Sparrow, wake up! We're going to lake!" called Sparrow's mother. Sparrow was a cute little grey puppy with white ears and chibi wings. She was the runt of the litter of 3. Her sisters names were Calli, a large all grey puppy. And Sparrow's other sister, Kayla, was all white. The three of them were planned on departing for the summer to a little island south of Suriname. To get there, they would have to fly over the lakes and oceans, but the pups were nonplussed to the fact they were unknown to flying. It would be a totally new experience for them. There mother, who had fully grown wings, sat down.
"Sit down with me pups." She motioned for them to sit, and they did. "Okay. The first steps to learn how to fly. Let's see if I remember how I was taught.. Oh yes! The first step to flying is you lift your front legs. The next part is all about timing. You have to jump with your hind legs, but flap your wings before you hit the ground. Would you like me to demonstrate?" Calli spoke for the three. "Yes, please mother!" Sparrow rolled her eyes. Then her mother did as she had said, and she was floating in the air above her pups. Sparrow was in awe.
"That was glorious! Mother, watch me!" Kayla cheered. She put her front legs up in a tucked position, and she started flapping her wings before she jumped, then she jumped and fell into a small puddle. Sparrow and Calli laughed.
"It's not funny! I tried!" Kayla growled. Then she shook off her fur and looked at their mother. "Mommy, how did I do?"
"Well, deary, besides the fact that you're all wet, you flapped your wings before you jumped, and you paused for quite a moment there, didn't you. But I'm proud that you tried." Their mother gave Kayla a lick on the top of the head.
Next, Calli tried. She tucked in her legs, but they were a little floppy. She jumped and flapped her wings at the same time. She went nowhere. She tried again, and fell over.
"Calli, you must rest!" her mother barked. Calli stopped, and laid down. Sparrow was the only one that hasn't tried it yet. She did everything her mother did. She tucked in her legs very tightly, and jumped and flapped her wings at the same time, but for some reason she went nowhere, just as Calli had done. She went up to her mother.
"What did I do wrong? I thought I did everything correct! I just want to fly.." she wailed. Her mother smiled.
"Oh Sparrow, you tried. That's all that matters." Sparrow was vexed. She ripped up the grass beneath her paws, and sat at the edge of the water, watching her sisters practice. By the time it was time to come it, Calli and Kayla could fly, while Sparrow had done multiple failures.
"Mommy, can we just stay here and not so to southern Somenameplacething. Please! I can't fly yet!" she wept. She sisters snickered behind Sparrow's back.
Calli gloated, "Well at least we can fly AND say Suriname! You should just stay here and die!"
Sparrow lunged at Calli, but missed and crashed into the hard rock floor of the cave. She was covered in scrapes.
"Now that's enough out of all three of you! Go to bed. We will discuss this in the morning. Good night!" their mother snapped. Sparrow looked at the 3 of them. She groaned, then laid asleep. Then she murmured to herself,
"Will I ever be able to fly? Will I?"

Rodii © 2010

Rodii @ Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:02 pm

Any comments? :( Where are all those people who loved the cover? Come back! D:

Shai @ Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:19 pm

I love it! Very cute and sad...

Rodii @ Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:29 pm

Thanks Honey Dew! :D

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Sparrow -Chapter 3, Book 1-
by Rodii @ Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:33 pm [Reply]

Chapter 3 --- Little Creatures

Chapter 2 --- Chapter 4

Since Sparrow was in quite a dilemma, she would either have to learn how to fly again and catch up to her family, fly to someplace she thought was safe, or walk to someplace safe. She was in such a bad situation, that she just went in a random direction. I no avail, she ended up lost in a forest. The worse part was, there was a bunch of little sacks hanging from the trees. What was inside of them? She stepped up to a tree with a low hanging branch, and stared closely at the sacks. She could see little bodies inside of them. She was startled. What had put those poor creatures in them?! Then, just as she was about to shake the branch with her mouth, a little butterfly wolf pup popped out and fell on Sparrow's nose.
"Can you hear me?" Sparrow whispered to the thing. "Do you understand my dialect?" She stared at the creature for a moment. She saw it unfold it's wings and yawn. It stared wide eyed at Sparrow.
"Ah! Een reus! Hulp! Hulp!" the little creature yelled. The Butterfly pup was saying "Ah! A giant! Help! Help!" Sparrow wasn't sure if she should shake the creature off her nose, or hide it in her fur. She tucked it in her wing. She could hear the little butterfly pup's muffled screams. She followed her scent back to the cave, and dumped the Butterfly pup in a transparent cup, and flipped it upside down. She peered into the cup.
"What do you want?" barked the butterfly pup. "Why have you taken my as a prisoner? What is it you want from me?! I want to go home! Let me out! Let me out! You can't understand me when I talk in my native tongue. U bent waarschijnlijk zo stom zoals de rest van iedereen ik ken. U kunt niet mijn eenvoudige tong zelfs begrijpen! Ha!" Sparrow could not understand the last part of the butterfly pup, but it meant "You are probably as dumb as everyone else I know. You don't even know what my simple tongue means! Ha!"
"Do you want me to release you?" Sparrow was about to make a bargain with the creature.
The butterfly pup's eyes were glowing. "I would! Please! Let me out! I beg! I plead!" Sparrow nodded.
"Only if you teach me how to fly, or be my friend. Take your pick."
"Can't I just make you a mushroom bracelet or something?" Sparrow was getting irritated.
"No. Fly or friend. Then release." The wolf nodded. "I'll be your friend." Sparrow wanted to be able to fly and get some good help, but a friend would probably give the help.
"Thank you. What is your name?" Sparrow smiled. The butterfly wolf shrugged."I'm not sure. How about..."
Sparrow interrupted. "How about Sapphire? That's a pretty name." The wolf nodded. "Sapphire it is."
Sparrow smiled huge. "Nice to meet you Sapphire. I'm Sparrow."

Rodii © 2010

Rodii @ Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:10 pm

I'll be making little Sparrow pixies soon if anyone wants to put them in there signature for advertisement and Sparrow book fans :D

Rodii @ Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:13 pm

Anyone like the book?

squints @ Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:18 pm

I do ^^

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Page 1 of The WAR
by Deajh @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:58 am [Reply]

page 1

The War: Book 1, Season 1.
by Deajh @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:13 am [Reply]

Cover for comic!
Watch my oekaki for up coming!

Hope Comic #2
by melon @ Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:56 pm [Reply]

So, I think I'll give a brief explanation on what's happening. The mottled brown dog with the dark greenish eyes is called Zolo. He is Sandy's new mate. Sandy is the dog that looks like a golden retriever or a labrador. She's a labrador, if ytou were wondering. Her owner died so she was left to roam the streets. Sandy's first mate died and only one of thweir litter survived. The survivng pup was named Max, after his father. Crow, another stray that supposedly has wolf in his blood, comforted her in her times of need. But he didn't realise his own strength and Max was scared of him. But deep down, Crow only meant good. Sandy chose Zolo over Crow and Crow knew she could do better. Crow knew Zolo was hiding a big secret....

PREVIOUS -> viewtopic.php?f=30&t=219712
NEXT-> viewtopic.php?f=30&t=222746

MiniMonster @ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:43 pm


Lucifer LUX Lupus @ Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:45 pm

i like :D ,whens next one?.

Zoroark Queen @ Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:47 pm

i like your story's :D

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Hope Comic #1
by melon @ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:54 pm [Reply]

Yes, I know it's reall untidy, but Mum was nagging me to do flute practise. This is bad start. Hopefully, I won't rush my next comic page. Oh gosh. Now that I look at it closely, the picture is worse than I remembered.... *facepalm*

NEXT-> viewtopic.php?f=30&t=221611

melon @ Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:10 pm

Well.... I don't know if this is going to work with nobody commenting....

LilEevee1 @ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:13 pm

Not half bad :).It's like the dog version of an Erin Hunter warriors book.I dont want to push you but it would cool if you carried on this comic series.

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: LilEevee1 xxx

melon @ Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:08 pm

Thanks so much. I'm glad somebody likes it. I think I'll continue with it and maybe more people will discover it as time goes on.... I hope....

Uh oh.

For the previous page click on "Based on: Click to view"

The Pyromaniac~ page #1
by ~Ktalinfadri~ @ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:32 am [Reply]

Yup, i decided to make a random comic!
I will make the next page when this gets 3 likes/comments
This is Fief, he is a thief, he will come and smell your feet...
No not really, not the feet part anyway.
He's a red panda who steals stuff.
The next pages will kinda explain this one.
For the next page just click on the colored in picture.

nivvin @ Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:10 am

Good job ^^
Although, I think you should tell everyone what's happening..
This picture is a little confusing. I mean, it's hard to tell the pose of the character, the second leg really confused me. And, I don't really get what's happening, either. Like, what's going on is confusing.

~Ktalinfadri~ @ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:25 pm

Oh. I guess it made more sense on paper.

nivvin @ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:27 pm

XD Well, I just think you should expain what's happening..

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From a wolf part 11
by All Might @ Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:16 am [Reply]

And a small pup is born. This pup is black except a strange marking on its side.-- This marking looks like a wing. Soon the pups mother speaks lovingly she calls her new mate, Shade. He crawls into the den and looks at the small pup. He smiles and his wings fade away. Jewel's wings fade away as well. Now Shadow lays down on a mass of feathers. He looks at Jewel and speaks,
"You were the one. I always knew this but I suspect that Shadow and SilverCoat will still try to win you.." Jewel replies,"They will never." She looks at her tiny pup, the pup is suckling. She blinks once than closes her eyes she thinks to herself,"That time will soon come,the time of..." Shadow interupts her thoughts,
"What shall we name our little one?" Jewel things for a second than decides on a name,
"Angel." Shadow smiles warmly and nuzzles both his mate and his new daughter Angel. Angel makes a small yip sounds than jumps onto her fathers back and crawls onto his head, she falls off. You would thinkshe would of hurt herself but she lands on the soft bedding of feathers,her father and mothers feathers. They had given them up in having her. Angel grins and digs into the layer of feathers than soil she sticks her head into the hole and pulls out a shiny rock. Shadow looks at Jewel and Jewel looks back at Shadow. The both speak,
"What could that be?" Angel barks joyfully and throws the rock it falls and heads for the wing marking on Angels side when it hits the spot Angel Yelps loudly and falls down. Jewel whimpers than yelps back as Angel's eyes close. Angel stops breathing. Shade lets out a small whimper as red tears fall from his eyes they drop onto the feathered floow and the feathers turn blood red. Shade nuzzles Angel but she doesn't get up. both Jewel and Shade begin to cry there eyes turning bloodshot but soon Angel opens her eyes. And she lets out a small whimper. Her eyes rapidly change color but soon they resemble the rainbow-a multiude of colors but she has no Pupil.Angel speaks gently still tearing,
"An-Angel,are you okay?" Angel looks at her mother she blinks once than growls and falls down again. Shade looks at angel,
"The curse." Her whimpers and murmered.

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Black Rhino @ Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:00 pm

It's a puppy!!!xD.

MistCreek @ Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:01 pm

aww how adorable!

All Might @ Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:13 pm

okapi 4ever wrote:It's a puppy!!!xD.


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