Comics and series

For creating comics and stories with an ongoing theme or storyline

About this forum
by Nick @ Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:46 pm [Reply]

Welcome to the Comics and Series Oekaki Board!
This board was created to separate the awesome comics and stories users were creating from standalone art, making it easier for viewers to find what they were looking for. Here, you'll find comics, stories, and series with an overarching theme.
This board is for your covers while the pages of comics go into the subboard "Pages."

What is this board for?

    - Creating comics and stories with an ongoing theme or storyline
    - Creating single-page installments with an overarching narrative under one cover (i.e. "Ask my character," tutorials/"How to draw...," motivational images, etc)

What this board is NOT for:
    - Storage/WIPs/Sketches
    - Sketchbooks
    - Memes/Challenges where each image stands alone (i.e. "Draw 100 Pokemon," "Draw all my characters," etc)
    - Random standalone images without an ongoing theme/storyline

If your drawings are not connected by an ongoing story or theme, they should be sorted into their respective Oekaki category (i.e. animals, humans, landscape, etc). Please keep in mind that mods may use their own discretion to determine if your drawing belongs in this board.

Please try to sort your drawings in the appropriate Oekaki board. Repeated and purposeful misuse the Oekaki boards may result in moderator action.

Updated August 23, 2020

  • Gallery display:

Ask Rouvin(s) anything based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:15 pm [Reply]

Wanted to do one of these again, but uh... the previous one did not only include these guys and at the moment I'm really not interested in my other characters- so now we're doing this! One specifically for these guys, I'm trying to develop the differences between them and such so... I figured this would be a fun way to do it :3

For a lil bit of context, these are all different/alternate versions of the same character- mostly for AUs and such- and they do all have a different personality despite looking like the same lil guy with a few different outfits lol (also yes the mouse counts as their own character that you can ask questions completely separately, they may be smol but they're just as important)

Characters (please tell me which one(s) you are asking):
Jester (will be drawn as a mouse for most of these)
Floof (new!)

You can ask any amount of questions to any amount of characters; go crazy >:3

superstars ☆ @ Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:17 pm

    what's your favourite kind of cheese
    especially from the cheese drawer PFFFF

ArcticWaterDrake @ Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:42 pm

R.D: What is your goal in life?

Soul: What does your collar mean?

j1ngl3t0wn @ Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:07 am

reggie: i remember i became your friend in 2020!! how are yall!!!!!!!1

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buzzardclan | clangen artlocke!
by puckmother @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:43 pm [Reply]

insert lore blurb

floodclan | clangen artlocke!!
by puckmother @ Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:14 pm [Reply]

will fancy this up later. i prob wont draw EVERY chara or moon but i want to record the cool stuff and things i personally find art worthy

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟

proper lore here later ajdlkjfljd but basically floodclan was founded by a ragtag group of former farm cats that were flooded out to the woods by the rising river after a particularly unfortunate winter. the private property they now reside in is riddled with terrifying wildlife, ferocious rogues from nearby settlements, and the twolegs that visit. the surviving clan of marsh-adapted cats are out for vengeance.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟

allegiances wrote:leader
medicine cat
queens and kits


puckmother @ Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:01 pm

allegiances wrote:leader
medicine cat
queens and kits


so basically nothing of importance happened for the first 4 moons except cute interactions and apprentice appointing but by MOON 5 (yes i want to draw this i just have been severely burnt out for the last like 6 months) we have scalding tea involving kinkfox (connections to the dark forest) having kittens out of wedlock?? with CICADASTAR?! they had 3 little kits together i'll have to post their sprites and profile stuff when i make their official little sheet or whatever on here

puckmother @ Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:04 am

allegiances wrote:leader
medicine cat
queens and kits


again nothing happened until like moon 9 but needledusk found hatchflick and her kits olivekit and petalkit (actually both of them were named olivekit so i had to change one)

ref sheets for canine characters
by coffee.berry @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:49 am [Reply]

    this is for all my canines that need ref sheets!!<3

    if any of my friends want to use it, feel free to
    comment here and i'll add ya :)

COOLDOGOOO @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:40 pm

omg this is super cute??? 👉👈 would i qualify ?

coffee.berry @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:44 pm

COOLDOGOOO wrote:omg this is super cute??? 👉👈 would i qualify ?

    YOU QUALIFY!!!<33 (added, tysm for your interest dogooo!!)

Ask Aanshi!
by Shira_ @ Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:57 am [Reply]

Hey! I decided that I want to give a try with something like... Q&A!

Meet Aanshi, my absolutely favorite fixation (and a horrible person, really) let's see if you'll like her too!

Here is her toyhouse with massive amount of art, some canon and some not,, hehe. Ask anything within CS rules~

Answers will be drawn on oekaki, so probably will be messy xD

Rouvin @ Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:35 am

Hi I am... very late to this so if you don't want to do this I understand haha

How do you feel about Rassvet, Aanshi?

Shira_ @ Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:11 am

UnrealReality wrote:
Hi I am... very late to this so if you don't want to do this I understand haha

How do you feel about Rassvet, Aanshi?

Don't worry, it will be always open for questions!!
Done <3

Shira_ @ Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:32 am

Bump! (Nooo I absolutely didn't forget that I have this q&a)

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ask Terzo anything!!
by crowfood @ Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:02 pm [Reply]

base lore:

crowfood wrote:

please tell me the lore I need to know

okok basically he's a bounty hunter in this like.. fairytale-esque land, think pib the last wish kinda vibe!! and he hunts monsters and sometimes people if they have a bounty and occassion takes on things like delivery jobs and other small jobs for money. he lives alone and he's from.. somewhere else. a place that's more magical.


How did he get that gem/staff?

i'll just continue my rant here because it's staff-related

I LOVE HIS STAFF. the gem is just a little magic gem, you need to keep it near you to create magic and where Terzo is from these gems are quite common. the staff was made by him, but you definetly don't need a staff for magic. some people have lockets or earrings or rings too. you just need the gem. in his homeland the gem floats on its own and his magic is strong, but where he is now the magic is muddled by all the wild creatures (like many devices slowing down a wifi lol) and too few gems, so he tied the gem up with a string and mostly doesn't use the staff, instead picking weapons like knives n stuff for his work.

as a person, Terzo is very stern and cold, he doesn't like people or talking and is only really interested in going about his own business. i'm still developing both his story and personality, so if you can, please ask more about this!! everything will be responded to with a drawing ofc :3

Infohazard @ Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:48 pm

Already asked but-

Does the cloak have any significance? Does it hold any memories, value?

boondogggle @ Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:29 am

What were your hardest and easiest bounties?

jaybirdsong @ Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:43 am

Omg the baby

What's in the b a g

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Demand of them anything
by Happily Wrathful @ Sat May 11, 2024 1:32 pm [Reply]

so like i need something to do when im bored but just want to doodle quickly

so heres an ask/dare/demand whatever of my cryptid guys. most of the time these fail but hopefully with my new follower count ill get some questions to answer from time to time

okay first lets start with the gang;

moth is a unknown juvenile creature whoes egg ended up somehow in a hen's nest. said hen raised her until she grew too large to hide from the farmer and so she had to go off on her own.
she is very friendly but can not speak aside from loud screeches, chirps and chitters.
she likes flowers, light, her friends and bugs
she dislikes people being scared of her, the CIA, and cryptid hunters

grey is well... a grey alien. hes the only one in the group who can pass for a human because humans are dumb. he often goes into the city to get juice boxes and other necessities.
personality wise he acts like an annoyed teenager and is the general brother of the group, majorly to moth as he feels strangely protective of her. Grey is very lonely being so far from his home and often can be found brooding alone.
Grey likes; moth, juice, video games, people watching
Grey dislikes; being alone, being on earth, bug lamps [they attract moth and she has gotten injured before]

benny is a Fresno night crawler and is the youngest of two brothers despite being the taller of the two.
Benny is incredibly friendly and very naive, he will follow anyone anywhere regardless of their intentions and because of this Tom the elder brother is very protective of him.
benny has a huge crush on moth of which moth is oblivious of, benny often writes her love letters despite her inability to read. she typically just eats the paper which benny takes as a sign of affection.
benny likes moth, his brother, reading books he finds in abandoned buildings or ones grey brings him.
benny dislikes people being mean to moth, bullies and deep water

tom is the eldest of the night crawlers and despite being incredibly short he is also the oldest in the group. Hes the dad of the group and often has to be the "bad guy" to keep the kids out of danger. tom has a perpetual glare but isnt always unhappy. His main goal is to find a suitable place for the gang to live so they dont have to keep wandering from state to state.
Tom likes; his brother, the gang, peace and quite, staying hidden.
Tom dislikes; humans, the kids running off without permission, dogs, grey going into human cities

Butter fly;

okay now mutant bat gang 🦇

The bat gang is a group of anthropomorphic bats who escaped from a evil lab and now roam the night terrifying humans on accident.

The dad of the group, bruce is the oldest and smartest of the three. He speaks fluent English and can even use some human tools and machinery. Bruce is very anxious and suspicious of everything, most of all humans. he lacks any trust in them and has never met a kind one. He is overbearingly protective and obsessively watchful.
Bruce likes; cuddles, fruit, flying, his family being within line of sight
Bruce dislike; being seen by humans, cages, day time, blood.

Lab Rat;
Lab Rat is the most feral of the 3, despite having the ability to he doesn't speak human at all, he hates walking on two feet and will absolutely maul someone if they approach. he was the most experimented on as he was deemed a failure and so he is on sight with humans, its only Bruce who is able to get control over him so she doesnt end up killing someone. Despite all of this He is extremely loyal if his trust is gained and very happy to get head pats.
Lab Rat likes; Head pats, gifts, kindness, crawling on jungle gyms
Lab Rat hates; humans, scientists, experiments, loud noises

Timothy is the youngest of the group, around 4 years old, he is a sweet and curious little bat with very little experience with the cruelties of humanity. Timothy is the most likely of the trio to be curious about a human much to Bruce's horror so the little one often find himself stuck to Bruce at all times. Though hes not against sneaking away to explore, timothy is quite smart and is quickly learning how to talk.
Timothy likes; slides, cuddles, being carried, chasing frogs, human candy.
Timothy dislikes; loud noises, sharp objects, yelling, cars

next up the TWINS
The trouble makers used to be normal housecats before their scientist owner took them to work one day and they, like cats typically do, got into something they shouldnt have. Now their poor owner has two humanoid felines to take care of and its been going as well as you would expect.

As her name suggests she is a feral bloodthirsty beast despite being given human intelligence, she consistently brings dead birds to her owner, throws things off the table, destroys furniture and refuses baths. she will only speak in broken English and its always accompanied by hissing. her owner has no clue how she keeps escaping.
Magpie likes; dead things, watching her owner sleep, murder, terrifying the neighbors, chin scratches
Magpie dislikes; Her annoying brother, the mail man, the vet, shots, T H E C O N E, baths

Prince is the opposite of his sister, Hes sweet, wants to sit on your laptop, hates dead things, puts his paws under the bathroom when you are using it and wants belly rubs. Hes the e boy of cats. He thinks his sister is a heathen and they often get into spat fights but not real fights because Prince would never get his claws dirty. Prince just wants to cuddle you all day and laze around in the sun. If he knew how to use Instagram he would probably be an influencer. despite all of this he is very stupid and would probably get kidnapped without noticing.
Prince likes; being clingy, following his owner everywhere, treats, watching birds, sun spots
Prince doesnt like; His disgusting sister, dirt, having his fur messy, dogs, cucumbers

and last but not least;
This is the final incarnation of an old morrowind oc who went from purple khajiit to this abomination
This is Rart the grape, master assassin, goldfish loving, eldritch, scp, thing

she or he or it is a massive unknown, she appears to be some kind of cat but her body can seemingly morph and expand or shrink with no limit.
personality wise she appears to be chaotic, dense, ravenous, murderous, or downright goofy.
she is uncontainable and any attempts to contain her will result in her mysterious escape, all with one exception; strangely she lacks the ability to remove herself from cardboard boxes on her own.
she can be bribed and tamed temporarily if one offers goldfish
her mouth typically appears to be a full face Cheshire grin but do not be fooled as this grin can quickly morph into a gaping maw with thousands of sharp teeth, beyond those teeth a seemingly endless void.

anyways yeah shes a goofy idiot with unspeakable power at her pawtips

Hawk WillowWatcher @ Sat May 11, 2024 3:22 pm

I throw a cardboard box at Rart lol

Fredlord999 @ Sat May 11, 2024 7:06 pm

what's Greys favorite juice

Happily Wrathful @ Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:43 pm

answered both ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Shayn response #l based on this drawing by j1ngl3t0wn
by j1ngl3t0wn @ Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:39 pm [Reply]

response to Coffee.berry

Ziancryin @ Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:32 pm

Love drawing

inmate #160734 is a very powerful being, he was the canine imbodiment of a very evil energy. he has no parents he was a science experiment. hes locked in a realm and is all alone.. or as he thinks! he has yall!!! and no one else.... right?

ask away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coffee.berry @ Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:44 pm

    does shayn consider himself pure evil or is he disgusted by the thought?
    would he like friends??

ask my WoF oc's!
by coolrat @ Sun May 19, 2024 4:36 pm [Reply]

what it says on the tin, ask my Wings of Fire OC's

gonna add more characters at some point, but right now, you can ask Ray (cover dragon) and his best friend, Shard

(Rain/Seawing, male) - 7 y/o son of Cowrie (Fathom and Indigo's son) and a Rainwing, animus, blind

(Sandwing/???, female) - 7 y/o runaway assassin, some kind of hybrid but unsure of her father's tribe

they're living about 20 years after the events of Legends: Darkstalker in the rainforest

so yeah ask em about anything, their friendship, families, favorite color (well, maybe not Ray...), etc

no guarantees about my response time

kageyenova @ Sun May 19, 2024 7:39 pm

    shard, what are you most afraid of?

COOLDOGOOO @ Sun May 19, 2024 10:57 pm

ray, how is it like to be a blind animus? and why don't you just make yourself unblind or something with your powers??

ItsAsher0 @ Mon May 20, 2024 12:36 pm

Shard, what's hard about being an assassin? Let alone, a Runaway assassin? Is there any hardship you have to overcome?

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You enter an abandoned tunnel...
by Loelya @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:58 am [Reply]

Previous CYOA Game


- - - - -

You took a different path home today than you usually do. As your walk grew longer, you noticed a shadowed opening under the bridge that loomed overhead. When you went to look, you realized it's an abandoned tunnel, falling into disrepair and strewn with leaves and litter.

You hesitate at the threshold, unsure if it's safe to enter. But tempting curiosities lie just ahead; for one, the entrance to a maintenance tunnel is densely overgrown, filled with bright greenery and dancing motes of light. Further into the darkness you think you can make out the shapes of a discard pile and some old machinery. You can't explain it, but you feel drawn to something there, as if something beyond you is tugging you forwards.

After a long moment, you step into the tunnel so your eyes can adjust to the light. Once you no longer have to squint into the shadows, the path ahead seems much more welcoming...

💚 Investigate the greenery

🧡 Investigate the discard pile

- - -
(optional: discord chat)

LittleMaple @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:09 am

💚 greenery!!

sosadtoobad @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:10 am

💚 greenery! (also i remember u doing something like this back in december, glad ur doing it again!)

Cherrysong2003 @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:12 am


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caldor reference sheets + more!!
by coffee.berry @ Thu May 02, 2024 12:00 am [Reply]

    hi there, chickensmoothie people!! i've started a story "universe" of my own last year in the
    late spring that i'm extremely proud of - caldor.

    it's made up of five main characters: wisteria, levi, aura, brooke and dee.
    (all of which are animals, because drawing them is my strong suit)

    last year's references are.. a bit rusty, so i'm hoping to use this post as a cover for the new
    and improved reference sheets! i will, most likely, not update THESE in a long time. i hope.

    anyways - here we go!! my goal is to have these down by june 30th haha (artfight reasons)<3
    i'm STILL in exam season, so i'm going to be using my whole week studying, but i'll STILL
    draw whenever i get the chance!!<3

    (love y'all so much<3)

COOLDOGOOO @ Thu May 02, 2024 12:32 am

thats so neat! i cant wait to see them! <3

coffee.berry @ Sat May 04, 2024 12:58 am

COOLDOGOOO wrote:thats so neat! i cant wait to see them! <3

    i'm glad!!<3 heheh be prepared for chaos..

ask... ebony!
by pecanbaby @ Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:24 am [Reply]

woah! its ebony!
rules :
keep it cs SAFE!
be nice.
ps: there might be more than meets Image

ebony | she/her | married
  • note 1 : ebony works at a hardware store! she loves hardware stores!
  • note 2 : ebony goes to 7/11 often with her lover for slurpees.
    It's a lot more sentimental to them than to most!!
  • note 3 : ebony used to be a popstar way back but quit after releasing a few top charting hits

  • note 4 : ebony has very very vivid nightmares. ''will I ever really escape him? im so afraid.''

    ebony is a sassy woman, but
    she's truly just very loving.
    her and her husband had a 'enemies to lovers' arc.

    relationships :
    corbin (husband)
    avery (sister)
    joseph (disliked mutual)
    diana (friends)
    dominick (mutuals)
    roma (acquaintances)
    crimson (acquaintances)
    ...? (''please, please dont hurt me.'' - e.e)


pecanbaby @ Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:42 am


pecanbaby @ Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:59 am

opened to posting! ask away!

pecanbaby @ Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:58 am


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The story of Rowan
by qtip @ Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:02 pm [Reply]

welcome to the story of how my oc Rowan came to be! it is currently a wip, please be patient!

qtip @ Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:09 pm

boom, cover

qtip @ Wed May 01, 2024 12:25 pm

never gonna finish this btw

ask me how to art?
by That's Offensive @ Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:45 pm [Reply]

hey so, Im not a teacher and Im pretty bad at giving instructions but I wanna try anyways because I might end up helping someone and it's worth a try. so hit me with some art questions, they can be about anything art related, need coloring tips? ask for 'em! lining? heck yeah! even the most basic art questions are welcome, nobody will judge you because we all have a learning stage and you need to learn it somewhere! wanna learn about character design? go for it! I'll try my best to answer most of these even if I'm not entirely sure myself.
specific questions about my style are welcome as well but the answer to most of them is "I accidentally did this once and it looks good" or "it just feels right" because I dont think very much about what Im doing at all 99% of the time...

Nex @ Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:46 pm

    How do you do those hand outlines? Do you use guidelines or do you just go for it?

L U C I F E R @ Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:50 pm

Okay, hair. How do you make it look natural and yet simple (the outlines you've got going on)

That's Offensive @ Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:50 pm

Nex wrote:
    How do you do those hand outlines? Do you use guidelines or do you just go for it?

I just go for it, to me it's easier than drawing a proper hand ^^
basicly imagine the pinky finger, ring finger and middle finger as one big lump finger and then draw a hand outline based on that if that makes sense? thumb and pointy-doo are induvidual fingies but the others are not? ^^"

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squishmallow jae
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:05 pm [Reply]

      gonna do a little series where i make all my furries into squishmallows,,,
      first, the wolf ever, jae!

Nyarlathotep|Nathan @ Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:56 am

Stopping by to say these have been very cute to see 💜

by Placebo @ Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:20 pm [Reply]

i was on my walk earlier today and realized how chilly it was compared to earlier this week 😔its the middle of the week so i still have work to do

Celcius gang dni begone with u

edit; i dunno today's sorta been draining with what's happened today, just tryna clear my head

mongrel @ Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:21 pm


    A-MWAH! (italian accent)

Placebo @ Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:22 pm

doggface wrote:

    A-MWAH! (italian accent)

//smooches u tenderly on the cheek
wAA i have something i plan to do so i will be back for a bit!! glad to see u again dude :3c

Foxil @ Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:24 pm

It snowed where I'm at o _ o

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Scourge! from warrior cats!
by Sharkiezzz @ Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:57 am [Reply]

Im drawing with a mouse rn and im really proud of this! :D

Im really new at digital art and im really excited to start!! :lol: >:3 i love this peice!!! :D :D :D

ask mutt!
by pecanbaby @ Fri May 05, 2023 3:06 am [Reply]

ask mutt some questions!

: she's living in 1997.
she is 6. You can show her things from the future such as
''how do you feel about : item and then an image''
she's kind of feral, she's very curious and loves mustard and horses. She likes MLP too, somehow she knows of the existence of FIM and SOMEHOW can watch it. (timetravel frfr)
She doesnt like water. You're free to ask anyhow.

BlueEyedKite @ Fri May 05, 2023 11:13 pm

What is your favorite thing you own? ^^

pecanbaby @ Tue May 09, 2023 1:37 am


Maxella Roe @ Wed May 10, 2023 4:36 am

What's your favorite kind of mustard? Do you like Dijon Mustard, spicy brown mustard, honey mustard, or is just plain yellow mustard?

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Ask My OCs anything!
by PheonixThunderslayer @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:50 am [Reply]

inspired by columbina!

Emo lookin lion: Taylor
plain farm doggo: Jackie
boring purple fox: Lavender
me: Mintlynn (not her actual name but her real name is my name so uhh)

PheonixThunderslayer @ Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:29 am


phrophetical @ Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:45 am

What's their favourite colors?

PheonixThunderslayer @ Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:28 am

phrophetical wrote:What's their favourite colors?


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Patient luck as below
by Penkil @ Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:59 pm [Reply]

Part 1 || Next>>
Daniel walks from his school, going through the wooded shortcut.

Ask them anything!
by Columbina @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:46 am [Reply]

Ask these four characters anything no limits at all :3
Top left- Aki
Top right- voidbug
Bottom left- kiki
Bottom right- smile

Hawk WillowWatcher @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:15 am

Aki - do you know Coconuts are fruits?

Columbina @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:48 am

Hawk WillowWatcher wrote:Aki - do you know Coconuts are fruits?

Your question has been answered :3

PheonixThunderslayer @ Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:33 am

Kiki- did you know that bananas are berries, and that rasberries are actually not berries but something called a compound fruit? keeping it going with the fruit facts.

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pannel#1 shayn journey
by j1ngl3t0wn @ Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:58 am [Reply]


by ♥ mizu @ Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:55 pm [Reply]

it's really weird to deal with these feelings so i figured i'd write them out. i'm not necessarily looking for comfort/pms but fire away if you have warm words or somethin haha

1. i've posted so many times on here about my mother and all of the things that she has said to me. i tried looking for the posts but i can't find them. i know i've mentioned her as early as 2022 i think. can't find the comfort corner posts tho but she threatened to do things i can't detail on here multiple times and was generally awful to my entire family. she's a backstabbing, mean spirited woman that is full of hate but she disguises herself as a sweet, spiritual woman.

2. i've mentioned that she's suffered severe medical complications. dad says she may not make it because it's so serious. she's back home now but she still had a stroke and continues to have fairly high blood pressure. she is quite disabled now and has declined sharply since summer. she used to be able to walk and now she's not very steady on her feet.

3. she is still a hateful person and continues to be incredibly racist to a specific group of people whenever she sees them on TV. keeps call them the most hideous group of people and thinks it's "free speech"

4. all that she ever does now is sleep. she needs 24/7 care and dad and i were forced to take her or else she would've died.

5. she still gets a bit controversial with me.

6. i just don't know how to feel. dad is upset that i am so apathetic towards her. her entire disability is her own ignorance, though, because she was too prideful to go to the hospital and didn't go for decades even when she KNEW she had chronically high blood pressure. and now we have to take care of her. so, on one hand, she is a deeply hateful person. but on the other, she is a harmless old woman with severe brain damage caused by blood pressure.

7. as i've said, she may die soon. it's just. i feel so much deep resentment towards her. i don't want to forgive her. i don't hate her, i love her, but i really dislike her. she fills me with a lot of anger. all of my issues can be traced to her. i am her nurse. i should be her daughter. she's taken so many of my best years away from me. i just want her out of my life, but i don't want her to die. i went and told her i loved her last night and she did that whatever and then turned it into a lecture. but anyways i did it again today.

i feel bad. i feel guilty for resenting her but she has hurt me so much. she took my childhood away from me so, so early. she caused me so many tears. i remember praying to god when i was younger that my mommy would magically be kinder the next day.

coffee.berry @ Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:23 am

    omg bliss im so sorry :( it must be really hard for you right now</3
    i really hope ur mom gets better. i may not have the same experience
    but like you said, everyone loves their mom no matter how much
    she makes them feel bad

    i cant say anything for sure because i dont personally know your
    mom but im sure that she loves you a lot<3 even if she doesnt say

    again, sending lots of hugs to you because i know you're feeling
    down and i really hope both of u feel better<3

♥ mizu @ Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:33 pm

coffee.berry wrote:
    omg bliss im so sorry :( it must be really hard for you right now</3
    i really hope ur mom gets better. i may not have the same experience
    but like you said, everyone loves their mom no matter how much
    she makes them feel bad

    i cant say anything for sure because i dont personally know your
    mom but im sure that she loves you a lot<3 even if she doesnt say

    again, sending lots of hugs to you because i know you're feeling
    down and i really hope both of u feel better<3

thank you vai <3 it's just so weird because i KNOW she loves me. she used to say it often. she's shown that she loves me in some of the most toxic ways possible. she would die for me, kill for me, whatever. she's given up a lot to have me. it's just so... like. i didn't ask for any of it. and she's hurt me in so many ways. the only thing she seems to genuinely feel love for is me and she is such a bitter woman. how can i respect somebody who treats others so poorly, y'know? i've tried to show and explain to her that it isn't right but she refuses to listen and lashes out. and now she's obviously not going to change. heck, she's sitting in the living room with my dad rn complaining about liberals lol.

anyways. thank you vai <3 you're so kind and i really appreciate you :)


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