Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:

Th third Glowsprite! This one is for adoption, give him/her a name, gender, and find me a beautiful frog image or .gif!

End date will be added once I have at least on entry :) End date is sep. the 9th :3

Owned by Ivara

Ivara @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:37 pm

Name: Dart
Gender: Male
ouo This is a pretty frog.

whoopsydaizy @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:58 am

Winner by default is Ivara :3

Ivara @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:39 pm


ouo will uncover after I choose the winner

.Sweet-Paradise. @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:12 pm

I wonder who it is o.o

. : Milotic : . @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:14 pm

~Loveae<3~ wrote:I wonder who it is o.o

posted them o3o

. : Milotic : . @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:20 pm

consider it unveiled X3

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This lovely boy has primitive leg barring and a skunktail. ^^
First come first served.

Owner: white. horse
Name: Every Little Squire
Breed: Mustang
Height: 16.2 hh
Gender: Stallion
Age: 6 Years
Color: Primitive Dun
Foals: 0
What is he trained in: Cross Country

white . horse @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:01 pm

white. horse
Every Little Squire
16.2 hh
6 years
Primitive Dun
What is he trained in;;
Cross Country

Dia. @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:09 pm

He's yours. :3

white . horse @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:12 pm

Thank you Dia. <3

BHS: Dark Bay Thoroughbred Mare based on this drawing by Barron
by Dia. @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:54 pm [Reply]

Completed a custom. ^^ Hope you like.

Owner: Blue Merle Girl
Name: Luna
Breed: Thoroughbred
Height: 15 hh
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 Years
Color: Dark Bay
Foals: 0

JBD Runner-up for Blueaura~ based on this drawing by broker
by broker @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:08 pm [Reply]

Hope you like her. :D My apologies for the delay. xc

SukarettoYanagi @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:13 pm

Another killer design! Bonus, you truly are the Design Mastress!

broker @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:14 pm

Aw thank you Willow. :'D

Cupid @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:15 pm

ashfbisdvshdvb AMAZING Bonus!!!!!


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AD #4 || Hypnosis based on this drawing by CHERRILOID
by asdfghjkla @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:04 am [Reply]

Sorry, this gal's mine >D

Her name is Hypnosis (Hip-No-Sis)

Hey Guys!
What's Up?

I asked to make her a rare, she is only one colour~

CHERRILOID @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:32 pm

I really need to revamp those lines. xD

Ooh~ Colourful eyes~ o3o

lumpinbanana wrote:
What is a Jewel Mane Dragon?
A Jewl Mane Dragon is a large creature with jewls on their forehead and tail.They eat mostly small mamals such as birds, squirels, and rabbits. The fur on their back,hind, and front legs feel like silk and is very short. The fur around their neck (Their 'mane') and tail is very soft, fluffy, and long. Jewl mane Dragons mostly keep to themselves but when they find someone they like the grow very attached, loyal, and talkitive. They're all slightly bigger than a mustang but some grow to be as large as a elephant. All Jewl Mane Dragons have jewls at the end of their tail and on their forehead. The jewl on their tail is used as a weapon in combat and hunting. The jewl on their forehead is used during mating season to atract females.

Jewel Power List
White = Creation of blizzard and snow
Yellow = Creation of light
Orange = Can turn night into day
Red = Creation of fire and fire breathing
Pink = Can make anything or anyone beautiful
Purple = Mind reading powers and phycic ability
Blue= Creation of water and can breathe underwater
Green = Minipulation of earth and creation of flowers
Brown = Special healing abilities
Black = Destruction and strength

Really simpel to win; fill out the form below. I'll judge after the first 2-3 forms

Code: Select all
Gender: Male
Small personality: (1-3 sentence(s) is fine)
Will you take care of him?:

Congrats to Fail in love!

delani @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:59 am

Username: ~Rue~
Name: Mirou
Gender: Male
Small personality: (1-3 sentence(s) is fine): Mirou is a mysterious JMD, preferring to be by himself. He hates talking and will often get irritated when other JMD's chatter on and on. Although partly a loner, Mirou's friends are some of the most important things in his life.
Will you take care of him?: Of couse :3

. : Milotic : . @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:25 am


Lying_Lilacs @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:28 am


Fail In Love's the name. ^-^

Sea Foam. I think it fits him for the different tones of blue in it and the grey in him that reminds me of the gritty pieces of sand and sea shells that can form into beautiful grey shells and sand that looks silver in the sun.

He's a beautiful Male. <3
He'll be my first one, and I couldn't have found any JMD better for it.

smαll pєrsσnαlítч
Sea Foam isn't much of a talker.. Or an athlete, or anything much for that matter. He's a brainiac that always gets good scores and grades. His reputation with grades means the universe to him. If he ever got any lower than an A- he would have a melt down and go hide under his bed in his room. He can also be shy at times. He will keep his voice down in a light and gentle tone in whatever conversation that may come to him, stuttering and stumbling over his words until a bright blush spreads out across his face. Despite his brainy and shy exterior, most other JMD's think he's quite the looker, making him slightly popular in the JMD community. Everyone seems to adore the way his blue jewl fades into another, lighter blue that almost looks like white and they adore his mane that looks as if the sky could be changing from Dusk to Dawn. He may be a slightly nerdy JMD, but everyone loves him just the way he is.

wíll чσu tαkє cαrє σf hím?
Oh yes! Of course I will! He will be my lovely little boy and my first one at that. I was actually hoping to find a new JMD with a blue jewl like this, as I love the fading look and I think it's quite handsome on him. I would treat him like a prince and I would surely find him a girlfriend and have him show up in the fanclub frequently.

10 replies not shown, show all

        Upon exploring the Amazon Rain Forest searching for the wonders of the world, you manage to find yourself a little list. The map you have with you is not only waterlogged, but it looks as though someone has tampered with it. Panic begins to sink in, creating a lump in the back of your throat. Wanting to scream, you manage to control it for fear of the Amazon's large predators finding you. In aggravation, you pick up a small rock and toss it into the bushes in front of you.

        Something rustles in the bushes and lets out a tiny growl. Taken aback, you want to run but are frozen in place by your curiosity. You swallow hard and take one step forward causing the bushes to rustle and growl again. This time, a small creature appears, bearing it's teeth.

        Seeing this beautiful tiny creature, your eyes light up with brilliance and illumination. It's blue Macaw feathers lining it's back and fanned out tail. It's small beak and lions mane speckled with jaguar spots. Its paws seem to be that of a large jungle animal and its tongue was forked just like a snakes. There is one thing you noticed about this animal, its wings were brittle and crumbling.

        'Are you okay?' You speak to the creature, knowing that it probably doesn't understand you. The creature hisses as it looks at its wings. Sadness overcomes the tiny being's face letting out a small whimper. The creature looks straight into your eyes and sees the kindness in your heart. You feel a warmth growing inside as you come closer to the creature. You stick out your hand as the creature sniffs it. It is not long before the tiny bird like creature hops on your hand. It points to the bushes where it came out of.

        Obedient, you go to the bushes and pull back the leaves and branches. The area is vibrant with the glowing of a small egg, no bigger than a blueberry.

        'Is this?' The creature hops off of your hand and lands next to the egg. She gives it one last comforting nuzzle before her last breath leaves her body. Tears began to form on your eyes as you see the creatures complete body crumble into dust and drift in the mysterious breeze that so suddenly picked up in the thick of the rain forest.

        You take the egg from its resting place and hold it in your hands, careful not to break the fragile shell.

snowyowl379 wrote:reserved
Username: snowyowl379
Name: Cotorra
Gender: Female
Age: Egg
Your Rescue Ending:
What should I do? You whisper to yourself. Part of you wants to take the egg home and nuture it. But another part wants you to leave it here, for a new mother to find it. You think about it for a while, then decide what you have to do. You wrap the egg in the wet map, and start Running. You have to get back to camp before nightfall, or the predators will surley find you. You come to a clearing in the middle of the forest, and see a sleeping jaguar in the trees. You stifle back a scream, and try to sneak quietly out of the clearing. Unfortunatly, you step on a twig, which wakes the jaguar. He looks around, then seeing you, lets out a loud rawr. He jumps down from his perch, and stalks toward you. Panic sets in, and you run back to the path. The jaguar follows, and starts chasing you. An opportunity for you to escape arrises, as you see a gap in a rock wall, just big enough for you to slide into. Slowing down to think about this has let the jaguar claw you in the leg. You let out a shrill yelp, as the rock wall gets closer and closer. When it gets close enough, you kick your legs infront of you, as you prepare for the slide. Your leg smacks the ground, and the clawmarks begin to sting. You bite your tounge, trying not to scream, and slide into the crevice. The jaguar tries to follow you, but it is to big. Suddenly, you know where you are. You walk for a little while, and you are soon back in the reaserch camp. You unfold the map, and see a tiny scratch in the delicate eggshel. You cradel the egg, and hold it close to your face. You feel the warm, smooth surface of the shell, and realize it was pulsing. You smile as you realize the precious bundle inside was still alive. You walk into your tent, and lay the egg on a small pillow. You place the pillow on your desk, and turn on the desk light. Don't worry little guy, I'll never let you go.

Sneky @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:35 am

Username: snowyowl379
Name: Cotorra
Gender: Female
Age: Egg
Your Rescue Ending:
What should I do? You whisper to yourself. Part of you wants to take the egg home and nuture it. But another part wants you to leave it here, for a new mother to find it. You think about it for a while, then decide what you have to do. You wrap the egg in the wet map, and start Running. You have to get back to camp before nightfall, or the predators will surley find you. You come to a clearing in the middle of the forest, and see a sleeping jaguar in the trees. You stifle back a scream, and try to sneak quietly out of the clearing. Unfortunatly, you step on a twig, which wakes the jaguar. He looks around, then seeing you, lets out a loud rawr. He jumps down from his perch, and stalks toward you. Panic sets in, and you run back to the path. The jaguar follows, and starts chasing you. An opportunity for you to escape arrises, as you see a gap in a rock wall, just big enough for you to slide into. Slowing down to think about this has let the jaguar claw you in the leg. You let out a shrill yelp, as the rock wall gets closer and closer. When it gets close enough, you kick your legs infront of you, as you prepare for the slide. Your leg smacks the ground, and the clawmarks begin to sting. You bite your tounge, trying not to scream, and slide into the crevice. The jaguar tries to follow you, but it is to big. Suddenly, you know where you are. You walk for a little while, and you are soon back in the reaserch camp. You unfold the map, and see a tiny scratch in the delicate eggshel. You cradel the egg, and hold it close to your face. You feel the warm, smooth surface of the shell, and realize it was pulsing. You smile as you realize the precious bundle inside was still alive. You walk into your tent, and lay the egg on a small pillow. You place the pillow on your desk, and turn on the desk light. Don't worry little guy, I'll never let you go.

Catastrophic Blend @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:49 am


Catastrophic Blend @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:26 am

Does anyone want to adopt this little Teacup Dragon Egg?

21 replies not shown, show all

here is Cali :D Your new JMD! hope you like her! In the beggining i was like...this is gonna be a fail, but now i think i kinda like her :)

.Eclipse. @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:13 am


Daisy Mae @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:25 am

awe i like her haha

kirill @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:21 am

I love her! Thanks <3

JMD #79 based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by Charchar2 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:22 am [Reply]

Tonic's sister; a runner up for kat754! <33
I really like her. x3
Her name's Tanya <33

. : Milotic : . @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:25 am

er-em-gee! Tonics' inverted sister // twin ;u;

Charchar2 @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:27 am

Xactly. ouo
Hope kat likes her. ;-;

. : Milotic : . @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:28 am

kat wont like her... she'll LOVE her ouo

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Awwee look at this lovely lady X3

Won by TheHorseWhisperer! Congratulations ^^

TheHorseWhisperer wrote:Username: TheHorseWhisperer
Daran's name: Evaísthita (Greek for delicate, sensitive)
Gender: Female
Height: 15.2hh
Age: 4 years
Personality: Evaí is a sensitive, emotional girl. Most think she is very young and accidentally refer to her as a filly instead of a mare. She is very shy and prefers to be alone rather than be around other Darans. She is an extremely dreamy and imaginative Daran and loves anything she thinks beautiful. Some other Darans say that she is nocturnal because she loves to stay awake all night and look at the moon and stars. Moonlight is one of her favorite things and she feels ever so enlightened whenever she sees it. She loves to "dance" in the moonlight, run alongside an ocean at night, go on a midnight run, or just stare up at the beauty and mystery of the heavens in their full glory and splendor. She is not much of a daytime creature and tries to avoid sunlight as she thinks it a harsh and cruel light as opposed to the moon's gentle and subtle rays of silver. Because of her dislike of sunlight, some foolish, young Darans have stupidly begun to believe that she is a vampire. Evaí has never loved another Daran. She is sure she loved her parents but, sadly, they died before her memory came into existance. She believes that when a Daran dies, they turn into a star and live up in the night sky. She often likes to stare at two particular stars that she believes are her parents.
Why do you want her? She is one of the most beautiful Darans I have ever seen. I can't resist her beauty and charm...
1 fact about darans: Darans are herbivores. Their diet consists mainly of grass but they consider many other things as food, including bark, berries, and various plants.

PantheraUncia @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:10 pm

Daran's name: Havah (wind in hindi)
Gender: Female
Hight: 15.2hh
Age: 4
Personality: She is calm and caring. She loves to graze and comfort other Daran. Havah has a pure heart, willing to do anything that has good intentions. She is a little shy to those she doesn't know, but loves to socialize to those she does know well. She hates to be startled, causing her to buck and kick. She also loves to hang out by a small pool of water at night. The water goes down a small waterfall, and pure clean water harbors tons of life.
Why do you want her?: She has a mysterious sense with her swirls. Her mane is seems so soft, like silk. With the silken like tail and mane, in my opinion she is very valuable. She is also a daran, and I absolutely love the species. Her crystal clear eyes are like ice, and her body has a earthen color. The earthen color makes her seem so natural, it is intoxicating. I named her Havah, wind in hindi, because her swirls remind me of wind
1 fact about darans: calves stay with mothers for 3-4 years

alphatoros @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:43 pm

Username: alphatoros
Daran's name: Mystic Forest
Gender: Female
Hight: 15.2hh
Age: 3
Personality: Gentle,curious, kind and loves all living things
Why do you want her? I think she is beautiful! All her colours match and the silver stand out for me.
1 fact about darans: They can live up to 40 years in captivity.

perros1234 @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:08 am

Daran's name: Joureny
Gender: Female
Hight: 15.2hh
Age:5 years
Personality: Journey is adventerous and extremly curious, she usaully lets her imagination run wild. Her curioustly often leds her to trouble. Her love for exploring also leds her to problems. She often wanders off from the herd to purse something. She finds her way back, usaully. Also, sometimes Journey can be pretty reckless. She usaully doesn´t think much things through before doing them. Journey defaintly doesn´t hold anything back, if it´s in her mind, she will say what she thinks. No doubt.
Why do you want her?
I love the colour combonation, it´s not something that you usaully see. I really love how the colours match. Plus I have always had a weakness for spirals and swirls. Also her desgin seems complicated(at least for me since I have no art talent) yet so simple. I abesoutly love her, I would defaintly give her lots of love. <3 If Journey I am lucky enough to get Journey, she will get lots of attention.
1 fact about darans:
Their horns are used for defensel, though they will kick and bite.

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~Bunny Haven~ Owner: Postcard based on this drawing by Pear
by Pear @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:25 am [Reply]

Want to adopt this bunny from Bunny Haven? Fill out this form!
This bunny belongs to Postcard.

Postcard @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:56 am

How many can I adopt? C: Pff, if this is in the rules (which I did read!) ignore this, please! :P

Pear @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:02 am

You can adopt as many as you want, but if someone else who has none wants it too, they have a higher chance of winning it. But if the thing's really good, you still have a chance to win too c:.

Postcard @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:04 am

Username: Postethcardeth ( lol, no. Postcard here! )
What would you name the bunny if you were to adopt it?: Life. C:
Do you think it's male or female?: Female <3
Why do you want this bunny?: Ahahah- well, she's really cute, and I absolutely love the front paws, as well as the green line under her eye. Its quite simple- but elegant.

1 replies not shown, show all

*Do NOT post here unless you win the ratlet!

Information wrote:Male. standard, black(unicorn) and Pale blue eyes.
Shows and Carries basic colouration. Carries the a small tail syndrome with mutations.
Posesses great powers but is only now learning to tame them.
Official Date of Birth: August 14th, 2012
Date of Adoption:

For more information, please head over to: Chitter Squeek Rattery

Colors (c) ~*Oddly Shaded*~
Lines (c) Stephanie "Sketchy" 2012
CSR (c) Stephanie "Sketchy" 2012

tiny @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:24 am

Username: tiny

Ratlet Number: Number 3

Why do you want to adopt? I absolutely love Chitter Squeek Rats, for one. And secondly, when I saw this guy I knew I just had to have him- I'm in love with unirats. I have a hoard of them from the medieval faire (I have around 2800 unirats right now). When SilverKistune mentioned it to me, I saw him and I knew I just had to try for him because he just absolutely makes my life. ; u;
I also want a buddy for my first CSR baby, Alastor <3 Plus, those blue eyes just get me every time.

Rat Name: Equon (pronounced ee-qwon)

(Likes, dislikes, how they react to people, other rats, etc.) He's fairly timid at first and hard to get to know. He often stays away from big groups of others and likes solitude. However, when you befriend him, he's incredibly talkative and slightly power-happy. He can preform magic, but often likes to keep it under wraps because he doesn't quite know his limits yet.

(Little things like "Enjoys sleeping on her back", "Loves hoarding candy wrappers", etc.) He really enjoys doing small acts of magic on things he finds on the forest floor- leaves, twigs, and stones mostly. He likes picking them up with his powers and nothing else to practice controlling his powers.

What do you plan on doing with your rat?
(Roleplay, Make art of, Hoard art of, etc.) Art, and continue my Alastor/Murphy story with him <3 and just love him, really.

If you feel you can no longer care for your Rat, will you return it here to find a new home? of course ; u;

by SilverKitsune <3

more to come ouo

~Bunny Haven~ Owner: No One based on this drawing by Pear
by Pear @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:02 am [Reply]

Want to adopt this bunny from Bunny Haven? Fill out this form!

-This is a free adoption and the end date will happen {1 week after the first form}-
Code: Select all
[b]What would you name the bunny if you were to adopt it?:[/b]
[b]Do you think it's male or female?:[/b]
[b]Why do you want this bunny?:[/b]

JMD#62 based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by lumpinbanana @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:53 am [Reply]

usєrnαmє ~
jєwl mαnє drαgσn nαmє ~
pєrsσnαlítч ~
hístσrч σr stσrч {σptíσnαl} ~
hσw dσєs shє gσ вч usíng hєr pσwєrs? ~
αrt {σptíσnαl вut wíll hєlp єхtrєmєlч} ~
σthєr ~

End septembe 12th

byebye seeyoulater @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:09 am

usєrnαmє ~ .:.:.Paramore.:.:.
jєwl mαnє drαgσn nαmє ~ Minttu: Finnish name meaning "mint."
pєrsσnαlítч ~
hístσrч σr stσrч {σptíσnαl} ~
hσw dσєs shє gσ вч usíng hєr pσwєrs? ~
αrt {σptíσnαl вut wíll hєlp єхtrєmєlч} ~
σthєr ~


slasher // twig @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:28 pm

usєrnαmє ~pandora the wolf
jєwl mαnє drαgσn nαmє ~Kiko ((Pronouced: KEEKOO))
pєrsσnαlítч ~freindly,loyal,artistic, and shy
hístσrч σr stσrч {σptíσnαl} ~ She was treated with love when she was young even her sibling treated them with love so she grew up to be a caring and loving dragon.
hσw dσєs shє gσ вч usíng hєr pσwєrs? ~ She only uses her powers for good things
αrt {σptíσnαl вut wíll hєlp єхtrєmєlч} ~ Image
σthєr ~ I love her design

kim0921 @ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:33 am

usєrnαmє ~ kim0921
jєwl mαnє drαgσn nαmє ~iceing
pєrsσnαlítч ~ kind loving smart funny silly caring
hσw dσєs shє gσ вч usíng hєr pσwєrs? ~ for kindness and healing

if i get her can i get a stamp of her?

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Agghh this design is killing me. ene -pokes jbd- He's being impossible. Dx

Anyways, I hope you like him.. cx

Lorne_Purnima @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:46 pm

:o Wow he looks amazing Bonus!

Caboose @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:48 pm

This jbd is amazing! <~3
(Lol, most of the ones i like are runner ups from this contest x3)

Ruki Ki @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:49 pm

What is with all these beautiful JBDs? INCONCIEVABLE!!!

Congrats lightning :3

14 replies not shown, show all

Shmallg #7 based on this drawing by greysilence
by greysilence @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:41 am [Reply]



Narwhals. @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:30 am


JMD #48 based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by Neforium @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:58 pm [Reply]

It appears that this Dragon has picked out her own name...

~One Direction<3~
Silver Frost

She is a sweet, and very nice to all. She also loves to help her friends when they need it most, but she is not always cheery. She can easily be put in a bad mood when someone is being rude to her, and will have a tendency to yell. But than afterwards she feels bad, and will apologiz to the person she yelled at.
Silver Frost said-
Its true I dont like being mean to others

I hope this isnt required cause I am at all no artist, but if she becomes mine, I will look for people to do art of her for me.

Short Story:
Silver Frost is what you could call a adopted dragon, he parents found her in the depths of the snow wonderland without anyone taking care of her, she at first was scared of them, but after a short period of time she became use to them, and they decided to take her in. They named her Silver Frost, because when they first saw her they had mistaken her scale color to be frost.
Silver Frost said:
I love my adopted parents, am happy they found me

Why you want her:
She is so pretty, and i have wanted a JMD for a very long time now.

What youll do with her:
Well, I probably will get art of her, and mind a match for her so she can breed in the JMD nursery.

No currently

Neforium @ Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:43 pm


~Divergent<3~ @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:37 am

~One Direction<3~
Silver Frost

She is a sweet, and very nice to all. She also loves to help her friends when they need it most, but she is not always cheery. She can easily be put in a bad mood when someone is being rude to her, and will have a tendency to yell. But than afterwards she feels bad, and will apologiz to the person she yelled at.

Silver Frost said-
Its true I dont like being mean to others

I hope this isnt required cause I am at all no artist, but if she becomes mine, I will look for people to do art of her for me.

Short Story:
Silver Frost is what you could call a adopted dragon, he parents found her in the depths of the snow wonderland without anyone taking care of her, she at first was scared of them, but after a short period of time she became use to them, and they decided to take her in. They named her Silver Frost, because when they first saw her they had mistaken her scale color to be frost.
Silver Frost said:
I love my adopted parents, am happy they found me

Why you want her:
She is so pretty, and i have wanted a JMD for a very long time now.

What youll do with her:
Well, I probably will get art of her, and mind a match for her so she can breed in the JMD nursery.

No currently

Neforium @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:56 am

Art isnt required. its just in case you wanted to put any on. ^^
great form though

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JMD#76 based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by lumpinbanana @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:28 am [Reply]

One direction's custom :D
If I may... I suggest the wings black and mane white

~Divergent<3~ @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:49 am

Yes you can make the wings black and the mane white otherwise I love it!:) and I love the suggestion

lumpinbanana @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:57 am

Great :3 I changed it :D

~Divergent<3~ @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:51 am

This is *gasps* its amazingly amazingness!!!!:) *huggles* thank you so much!

        Studying the migrating paths of the Orca Whales, it is your turn to dive in with these magnificent creatures. Your friend helps you dawn your scuba gear and goes through the final checks with you before you descend into the cold deep blue ocean.

        Now completely submerged in the icy waters, you are breath taken by the beauty and agility they have in the water. However, something else catches your eye. To your left, you see the underside of an ice cap. Something is shimmering, stuck to the ice. As you get closer, you see small creatures swimming and playing around. You are taken aback by what you see.

        No bigger than squirrels, you see tiny mammal like creatures. Some with seal bodies, others with Orca bodies and tails. They were hunting little shrimp when they notice you approaching them. They squeak with excitement as they now have someone to play with. They race over to you as a smile creeps over your face. Swimming circles around you, they nudge your arm and tug at your diving suit, wanting you to keep up with them.

        After what seemed like forever playing with them, you breach the surface of the water and take off your mask, resting against the ice cap. You see your partner in the boat across the water, waving at you.

        'Don't Worry! I am alright!' You hesitate in telling her about the little creatures below you. After catching your breath, you put your mask back on and dive again, this time coming face to face with a Killer Whale. The tiny mysterious creatures have all scattered.

        Scared half to death, you freeze, not knowing what to do. The Killer Whale doesn't look too friendly. Panic soon sets in.

All you have to do to earn this EGG is COMPLETELY fill out the form below and Tell the rest of the story!

Code: Select all
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Age[/b]: Egg
[b]How you Escaped the Killer Whale and Earned This Egg[/b]:

Catastrophic Blend @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:48 am


Catastrophic Blend @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:55 am

Needed to make the background more orca like...
OOPS! Dropping hints. :3

Catastrophic Blend @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:49 pm


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KD #1 based on this drawing by Guest
by ege @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:25 am [Reply]

To adopt, fill out this form:

Code: Select all
Art or Story:

LioFotia @ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:38 am


JBD #295 - Over! based on this drawing by Hiccup
by the.kitsune.prince @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:21 am [Reply]

What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

Tablet is working! So enjoy!
I tried to do a short-furred one but kinda failed. Hope you like anyways ^u^;;

-Is a light JBD.
-Is an adult! 21+ age for this one.
-Has YFS B.
-Is a short-furred JBD.
-Symmetrical design.

Colour codes:
Horns = #ffffff
Dark Green = #536455
Light Green = #93b396
Black = #202621
Pink = #e364c3
Purple = #75496b

Winning Form=
Username= Briar Rose
Name= Lazarus
Gender= Male
Sexuality= Pansexual
3 Quirks= Superstitious, loves the color pink, and loves to sleep on his back with arms and legs sprawled in the air.

Tabby x

Toxic Wolf @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:24 am

Username= Toxic Wolf
Name= Kretozo
Gender= Male
Sexuality= Bisexual
3 Quirks= Scared of thunder = He curls into a little ball when its thunder, due to a traumatic experience when he was a child. He was learned to accept it more now, but will still have his moments of fright.
loves candy = Anything sweet or chocolate just give it to him right away. He turns into a little child when he gets something sugary and sweet. Its the most simple way to keep him quiet for a while.
gets easily jealous = If he sees is crush talking to some other guy/girl he will try to join the conversation switching it into something boring or making it akward for both of them.

Kiesen @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:25 am

Username= Smoke-the-Wolf
Name= Franky or Frank for short
Gender= Male
Sexuality= Pansexual its mean it dosent matter what gender your personallity is what he is looking for.
3 Quirks=
Easily able to scare others,
Always is able to make someone laugh or smile,
A child at heart<3

izauura @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:25 am

Username= Monster.
Name= Jason
Gender= Male
Sexuality= Gay
3 Quirks=
loves tires
hates water
loves fireworks

230 replies not shown, show all

Bk: Blue Roan based on this drawing by ~*Waffletastic!*~
by Cougar28 @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:52 am [Reply]

To adopt this boy, I want you to draw ONE piece of art of him. I will judge this one week from now on the 6th of September.

Code: Select all
[b]Owner Name:[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] Stallion
[b]Height:[/b] 17.3 hh

.::Design Without Shading::.

White airbrush on top.
Black airbrush at ends

Lavapony @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:38 pm

Owner Name: Lavapony
Name: Jasper
Gender: Stallion
Height: 17.3 hh
Age: 6
Art: i'll get on it
This guy made my mouth drop open..

Aizui @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:45 pm

Owner Name: Aizui
Name: --M--- (The first letter (M) is used and was chosen by the lead singer of A-ha; Morten Harket)
Gender: Stallion
Height: 17.3 hh
Age: --wip
Art: -- wip
Theme Song: Take on Me by A-ha

blackhoeses @ Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:17 am

Owner Name: Blackhoeses
Name:Rikki Tikki Tavi (Rikki for short)
Gender: Stallion
Height: 17.3 hh
Age: 6
Art: WIP


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blackhoeses wrote:Username:Blackhoeses
Kelpie's name: Mother Soul
Gender: mare
Hight: 12.2 hh
Age: 10
Personality: Mother Soul is wise, caring, a bit of a mother hen and she still has dash of spice even for her age. She takes her guarding duties seriously and has adopted a few human family's that live in the area. Mother Soul keeps a close eye on the children and small animals in the area. And absolutely loves to share her wisdom with the younger bayou kelpies, even if they don't think they need it.
Why do you want her? The calm serenity that hangs around her, the love and caring that just comes of her in waves. Her eyes also spoke to me, telling me I have to try and tell her story and shower her with art.

blackhoeses @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:21 pm

Kelpie's name: Mother Soul
Gender: mare
Hight:7' 2"
Age: 10
Personality: Mother Soul is wise, caring, a bit of a mother hen and she still has dash of spice even for her age. She takes her guarding duties seriously and has adopted a few human family's that live in the area. Mother Soul keeps a close eye on the children and small animals in the area. And absolutely loves to share her wisdom with the younger bayou kelpies, even if they don't think they need it.
Why do you want her? The calm serenity that hangs around her, the love and caring that just comes of her in waves. Her eyes also spoke to me, telling me I have to try and tell her story and shower her with art.

Spare @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:23 am

-- sorry, withdrawing. She's not really the one for me... ^^' --

Soph6297 @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:27 am

Username: Soph6297
Kelpie's name: Julia
Gender: mare
Height: 16 hh
Age: 5 years
Personality: Julia is a very shy girl. When she meet unknowm BK's she trys to go around them and hopes not be seen. She also don't like to talk to unknown Horses. But because of her beauty this often happens - but then she turns away with a whispered thanks. Julia loves everything from the nature - the animals, the plants and every weather. Becaus of her shyness Julia has not many friends - she mostly hang up with the animals of the nature, like the birds or bunnies - they are her best friends. But she not only has these friends - sure Julia has some BK's friends, but not much, only these ones where she know they wont hurt her. Julia sometimes hang up with them in the nature.
Julia can't stand still - she wakes up when the sun rises and the first birds begin to sing. She is a very active and sporty Kelpie- she loves to run through the forest (sometimes with her friends). She always have an eye on her body and her look. She know she's beauty. <3
Julia dont eat the grass that's just in front of her. She is a really gourmet. She mostly loves berries, like strawberries (they are her favorite) and raspberries. To get them Julia don't mind if she has to go a long way. You can also say that she is very adventurous.

All in one - Julia is a very shy but friendly girl who loves to be active and sporty. She know that some other Kelpies wants to be like her, not only from sporty but beauty. <3
Why do you want her? I've been trying to get a BK for a long time. I'm not so godd in drawing thats why I only can try my luck in writing forms. What I especially like on Julia is that she has that long, curled mane - thats what I absoluty love from the Kelpies. Another point is her coat color - pinto. And then a grey-blue one. I love pintos more than all other coat colors and a big bonus point is that its a bit blue in her. You must know blue is favorite color over all. I also love the expression in her eyes, it's like "Come and play with me". I just couldn't resist not to apply for her. <3

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BK: Red Roan Overo based on this drawing by ~*Waffletastic!*~
by Cougar28 @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:30 am [Reply]

To get this girl post a super cute/ super funny gif. Please only post one. I will judge this whenever I think I have enough entries. You may choose her height, but don't make it anything crazy like 10 ft high. Good luck!

KaiKenNatsuki wrote:Owner Name: KaiKenNatsuki
Name: Kayla (ka--yih-lah)
Gender: Mare
Height: 15.6hh
Age: 7

This made me laugh so hard Kai XD

.::Design Without Shading::.

Sayna Jaye @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:49 am

Owner Name: Sayna Jaye
Name: Elvira
Gender: Mare
Height: 16.3 hh
Age: 6 yrs.

Lucky Strike <3 @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:29 am

Owner Name: .:BlessTheFall:.
Name: Isis
Gender: Mare
Height: 12.3hh
Age: 3 years

Tripp @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:58 am

Owner Name: Tripp
Name: Esperanza
Gender: Mare
Height: 17.7 hands
Age: 4 years, 3 months

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