Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:

Form on pg 2.
Well done :3

laces @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:31 am

AWMG. He's a hottie <3

foreign-potato @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:14 am

He's beautiful :3

stilinski @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:25 am

Name you will give your Shionnix: Full name: Akira Nickname: Aki

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a friendly Shionnix. Akira means bright in Japanese, the word Akira describes his soul. Bright. He has a bright loving heart and is loyal. He would do anything to protect his tribe with all his heart. Though sometimes he could get a little scared at bad times, he still acts brave. He is responsible and dependable. Selfish but loving. He is independent and works by himself. He has a few friends and the ones who are his friends, are true friends. But one thing for sure is that he will never do anything to hurt his loved ones and his tribe.

History: Out of a litter of 4, only he and both his sister's made it through. While the other, had never survived through hatching. He and he's sisters had a great bond. There we're many fights but one he would never forget, the one that made him be who he is now.


He's mother had died that day, all of the three we're heart broken. They too had a close bond with their mother. Never would they forget their mother's eyes and smiles but most importantly their bond and love. All three we're in a bad mood as they hunted side by side. Aki, couldn't forget that he was standing there beside his mother while she was dying. He kept thinking, that he could of saved her, if he tried more. But it was no use, she was gone. Soon a rabbit ran by, but Aki was still thinking about his mother when his sister walked up. "I know your sad about mother but your making the whole tribe starve!" yowled Astiri (Ast-ir-i) and Sora madly. He had noticed that his tribe had been skinnier then ever and so was he. Aki looked at her "I understand" he said as he nodded and walked to the river with his two sisters. There we're a lot of fish and it was a great day to start fishing but he knew he wouldn't be able to catch anything, not with the thought still in his mind. There he heard something in the bushes both his sisters we're gone, he looked up at the sky and saw it was getting dark. "Had I been sleeping the whole time?" he asked himself as he heard a noise in the bushes. It was a rabbit. Aki was still no mood to hunt but then he noticed he was hungry, really hungry. He heard a noise again in the bushes, still the same noise. He thought it was the same rabbit playing tricks on him. So he got ready to attack. And... And... he attacked. With his claws unsheathed and sharp teeth. He clawed and bit down. But then he realized it wasn't the same fat rabbit, it was his sister, Sora. Aki let go fast but Sora was losing too much blood. "NO!!!" he shouted in pain. "Sora! Don't leave me!" he shouted but she was starting to close her eyes "I... I... am sorry. I can't. You bit and clawed at me too har-" Sora couldn't finish her sentence, she was gone too. Astiri ran to Aki as she heard his Yowl. "Aki! What happened?" she said sadly looking at her said. "It's all my fault!" he said. Astiri looked at him in disbelief, "You killed her?" Astiri said sadly. Aki nodded sadly too. Why hadn't he sniffed before attacking. He was foolish and selfish. If only he listened to both Astiri and Sora, Maybe Sora would still be alive! Astiri took a deep breath "Then you must leave! The alpha's will find you and kill you! Go now!" she said licking her brother for the last time. Aki looked at his sister "You will always be in my heart sister" he said as he ran and ran. Until he reached another tribe. There he started a new life.

Learning, Flying, Stars as a reminder of his family, His true friends, His tribe, rain, clouds and of course his family. He also loves his necklace, his necklace used to be Astiri's but then Astiri gave it to him to remind him "Even if your far away, I will always love you" It was a green feather from her wing. It smelled like her and it was the only thing that reminded him of his family unless your counting his heart too.

Bullys, Know-it-alls, disagreements/negativity and seeing others in pain. Seeing others in pain just reminds him of Sora and his mother in pain.


Extras (items):
None. He is beautiful the way he is! C:

Anything you want to add?:
Thank you for doing this! They are beautiful!

12 replies not shown, show all

Here you go! The breeding of White Wash and Saviours Light!

Queen Vivane @ Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:19 am

That is one gorgeous little foal I adore it <3
Mhm now I have to get to thinkin about Names :D

Arctic⚡️Storm @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:18 am

Thankyou! I had a hard time thinking about how I should mix up the designs to suit ^^

Queen Vivane @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:40 am

I have decided on the name Drifting Harmony <3

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Wolf Pack Adopts Custom based on this drawing by Destrie
by Minirose96 @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:41 pm [Reply]

TuneToTabbys<3 wrote:Username: TuneToTabbys<3
Name: WhiteRaven
gender: Female
Requested artist:Mosseh*Loves*No*Lies
Reference photo or description (preferably photo)

TuneToTabbys<3 wrote:Yes, the dust is supposed to be a desert background and a REALLY hot sun and the white cloak because of the sun the musical note as a tattoo on her leg but it should be silver then a butterfly on a flower next to her her wearing the hair and earring, i will pay if needed because of the detail

Finished at last!!
I really enjoyed doing this tho ^^
Tell me what you think ^^

Destrie @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:51 am

Dude! this is awesome. Great work Mosseh! XD

Minirose96 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:34 am

Thank You Horse_Lover!!!

TuneToTabbys<3 @ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:18 am

Thank you soooo much she is beautful

Nara fox #9 based on this drawing by arabianhorse555
by arabianhorse555 @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:33 am [Reply]

Here we have a female adult Nara fox. She has long fur with pink and purple markings, and she needs a home.

Owned by AngelStarWingz

MoonFlower77 @ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:00 am

Fox name: Sadie
Story: Sadie is a fox that loves flowers & sunny days. She loves to hangout with her two Nara fox friends every tuesday. One day she believes she'll find her prince charming & have a beautiful family. :)

arabianhorse555 @ Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:15 am

AngelStarWingz wrote:Fox name: Sadie
Story: Sadie is a fox that loves flowers & sunny days. She loves to hangout with her two Nara fox friends every tuesday. One day she believes she'll find her prince charming & have a beautiful family. :)

Since yours is the only entry, you win :)

Wolf Pack Adopts Custom based on this drawing by Destrie
by Minirose96 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:32 am [Reply]

me.and.BTR wrote:Username:>>
Name:Image Japanese for Fire.
History (optional):
Personality (optional):
Requested artist (required)don't care ^^
Reference photo or description (preferably photo)
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Kaeris @ Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:35 am

thank you!<3

Kaeris @ Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:36 am

sorry but you forgot the little fire thing in front of him ^^

red bean cat @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:27 pm

Name: imaya (chinese)
History (optional):
Personality (optional):
Requested artist (required)don't care ^^
Reference photo or description (preferably photo)

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Katir Vulpes #14 based on this drawing by Charchar2
by Charchar2 @ Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:39 am [Reply]

Silly and sweet.
Name: Misty
Rarity: Rare
Owner: webera360
Parents: Maple (#1) and Storm (#11)

Lycan Abroad @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:58 am

I would raelly like this. :) It's raelly AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...I seem to be very bad at following directions when it comes to your orders. X3 Not that they're bad ideas--they're good ones. I blame the music you give me. It inspires me to draw; just not what I'm trying to draw. X3
This one fits the form better than the last one, at least, though I got the impression you wanted something more sparkly than this. ^^;
So this one's the same as last time; if you like it anyways, s/he's yours. If not, I'll find him/her another home and make you a new one. ^^

foreign-potato @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:19 am

Calico, you're amazing xD She. is. Stunning!
And wasn't the song a gave you amazing? <3 Spanish Sahara by Foals has to be one of my favorites <3
Thank you so much for her <3

TheCalicoTabby @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:20 am

Glad you like her. ^^

Name of Mithrellian -
Conláed (cone-lye-ed)

Gender -

Age -
497 years

Brief History/Story -
This handsome fellow was born back near the turn of the millennium; the Eye of Horus became a clear marking to discern him from the rest of his family. Having been born in the heat of summer in the ruins of a shrine to the Egyptian gods, he made it apparent that there was great magic still at work in the world. Unlike many of the other Mithrellians, this one was born was a fire-red mane as though to honor Atum-Ra, the sun god, as well as with a strange fire that emanated from the Eye of Horus along his shoulder and neck. At around one hundred and fifty (150) years of age, his biological parents went their separate ways; though Conláed stayed with his mother for another twenty years, her desire to reserve territory for herself caused her to turn on him, and he went on his way. While most Mithrellians are territorial and aggressive, Conláed goes far above and beyond; when bothered, he will not hesitate to attack anything nearby, be it animate or inanimate. It goes without saying that most of his meals end up well cooked.

Jenn the Psycho @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:14 am

He is very pretty, but he would have died during the invasion at that age =P
The oldest M.o.E. I'm allowing for now are 500 years and under.
But I do love the designs and coloring ^-^

sumashira @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:19 am

Ah, apologies, then! I suppose I must've missed (or forgotten) that when I read the Mithrellians' history. I'll change it. :3

Growing Engineered Vulpe based on this drawing by Mihochi
by Mihochi @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:09 pm [Reply]

Female Vulpe named Atalar.

I want to Adopt!
Your username: kitty00829
Vulpe Name: Atalar
Why do you want a Vulpe: cute, fluffy and RP if anyone joins it

``click @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:57 am

Username;; ClOuDy SkY
Vulpe Name;; Cloud
Why do you want this Vulpe?;; It's cute, adorable, and C U T E!!!!!!
I love the colour
I wish Vulpe's like this one were real
I LOVE them!

JBD #120 winner announced! based on this drawing by Hiccup
by ~Jupiter~ @ Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:43 pm [Reply]

Hiccup wrote
What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

to when this little girl just fill out this form:
Code: Select all
JBD name:
favorite food:
story/poem/art: (optional but a booster)

end date: about a week from now

How I judge:
creativitey be fun and spontaniouse!
grammer you can tell quite a bit about a person by the way they type or speak. This tells me how much you want it if correct grammar is used
time if you spend an hour working on your form, and it speaks from the heart verses a for the someone spent five minutes on, the for with the hardest work is more likely to win

Ok guys this has been a great contest and It was very hard to choose between 2 very good forms! Those forms were very good and I needed some help with deciding by some of my friends haha! The creators of the 2 great forms were:


Now that I've got that down, time to announce the winner!
This person did something truly original and I could tell it took a bit f time! This person pet a rap song in the 'story/art' section of their form and I've never seen anyone do that before at all! The winner is...-suspense-

Congrats TheSoulOfEli! Ur the lucky winner!
Hope you have fun with exotic!

wifilouis @ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:07 pm

JBD name:
Favorite food:
Oranges, lemons,peaches, apples and mangos.
Kinda shy and really doesn't have many friends. But thoes few friends he has. Fruity loves them with all his heart. He likes expressing his emotions by painting. He likes to paint sunny bright stuff. He also loves to dance when no one is watching but he doesn't go crazy with his dancing.

chupacabras @ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:20 pm

JBD name:
Favorite food:
plantains :) if you don't know what it is, think a sweeter banana.
she's a little geeky, loves to read, and also is very funny and smart. Also, she's very forgetful;)
Stuffed animals, reading, and animal hats! :)
bullies, sour things, and people who don't respect the environment.
She was an orphan at a young age, owing to the fact that her parents were captured by people who sold wild JBDs for pets. She was raised by a stray cat, who taught her which humans were good and which would throw bottles at you. One day, when Ava was still young, the cat disappeared and she was found by a nice family and now lives with them.

Ava woke up to a beautiful ray of sunlight shining down on her through a bunch of clouds. "Hello, sunshine!" she laughed as the small ray danced across her back. 'This will be the best day ever!' she thought to herself. When she finally got out of bed and trotted down the stairs, she found out that noone was home! ' Why do I feel so good today?' she wondered. She padded into the kitchen and found a note.--> Learn to dance in the rain. And while you're out, why not stop by the store and ask Rosa if there's a note for you?"
"well then, I should get going!" Ava exclaimed with a smile. She raced outside without an umbrella and dashed to the store. On the way there, she was trying to figure out who left the note. but just as she almost thought of who it could have been, her thoughts were interrupted by her arrival at MiniMart. "Hi Rosa!" she said ti the cashier." Is there a note for me here?"
"As a matter of fact, I do happen to have a note, but it happens to be addressed to someone named Ah-va, not A-Va. she winked and handed her the note. Eagerly unfolding the little.piece of paper, Ava read " Well done, and here's your next hint. 'What place has a bunch of arms and legs, but not as many heads and feet? (ask for Kate.)
Ava stared at the note for a second longer, and simply said, " the Clothes Store!" and ran out of the store. Upon arriving at the Clothes store, she asked the first employee "Do you know where Kate is?" "You're speaking to her." she answered. "Do you have a note for me?" Ava asked. Wordlessly, Kate handed her a tiny scrap of paper with the words, 'Congrats, now return to the place where you do all your sleeping.' Springing
g out the door, Ava called "Thanks!" over her shoulder.
When she got through the door of her house, she shook her soaked fur and wearily went up to her room to take s nap.When she flicked the lights on, all of her friends and family shouted," Happy Birthday!" from where they were hiding.
"Oh... that's what I forgot!" she grinned as everyone crowded around her. Today was truly the best day ever!

chupacabras @ Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:38 pm

is mine too long? :(

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JBD #77- Citrus Star based on this drawing by Hiccup
by Shiverice @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:21 am [Reply]

A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

Hex Codes:

Based off of the yummy fruit that I'm staring at XD

On the form, things with *'s are optional.

To win this sweet little girl, you have to fill out this form:
Code: Select all
[b]Art (Mandatory! If you can't draw, then order it):[/b]

Owned by Junsui!

dizzy hurricane. @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:39 am

SO PRETTY! <3 *_*

But I shall have to pry away move my clinging fingers and let someone else have her. I already have one [which happens to be one I made for myself, being a guest artist] and I don't think I should get another one so soon. D:

Whoever gets this beauty is very lucky. :3
Good luck to all!

lolpeaceoutlol @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:58 pm

*first Application!*

Name: Orange
Nickname*: Orangie
Art (Mandatory! If you can't draw, then order it): i made it. viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1022092
Personality Orangie is a flirty little girl. She flirt with any ma wether he has a mate or not. Orangie is very smart though and knows when to stop. When Orangie isn't flirting she is very kind and playful. She likes to hang out with her girl friends and gossip. She is treated like a kid a lot though because she acts so much like one.
Story*: Er.... WIP

Junsui @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:03 pm


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.:Toma:.'s custom based on this drawing by Sable.
by Wolf's Spirit @ Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:26 am [Reply]

.:Toma:. wrote:UserName: Brave Smoke (I used to be The Creeping Willow, incase you needed that for my payment thing)
Main body colour: Dark blue (not too dark though)
Marking colours: White for the dots. White for the part of the feet/legs. And Lighter blue for the markings on his back
Markings: White dots randomly placed on his body, lighter blue markings around his eye and down his back, also, for his legs, could you make the blue kind of fade into the white for his legs?
Tail tuft/inner ears/ gem: Lighter Blue
Eyes and nose: Eyes are Grey and Nose is blue
Payment: This is my second custom.
Feed back: what do you think about Kaneesis's: Adorable!

Here's your order :D hope you like her. Tell me if anything needes to be changed.

Toma. @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:29 am

Sorry I haven't replied, she is perfect! Can I have the code? :)

Zynx adopt based on this drawing by incadence.
by inkyy @ Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:13 am [Reply]

This is for my friend C:
If you would like one of these adopt one right away! C:

PaintLily wrote:Username: PaintLily
Name of mother: Jeniffer (my wolf)
Name of father: James (my wolf)
Reference photo of mother: Jen
Reference photo of father: James
Number of Pups: 4
artist: horse_lover0726 if you aren't too busy, i'll settle for someone else but I figured you'd be best sense you made Jennifer and James.

Pup 2/4 for PaintLily

Inktvis @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:10 am

can i adopt this one?

Destrie @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:01 am

Moorchild wrote:can i adopt this one?

Yeah, just fill out the form that's on the main thread XD

Inktvis @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:12 pm

Name:Gesprenkelten Grünen
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

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JBD #87 based on this drawing by Hiccup
by not here sorry! @ Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:53 pm [Reply]

Sorry,I couldn't resist! ;^; I loved the design and the scarf. imsoselfishwhy
Gosh, I feel terrible. Next time if I get to be guest artist,I'll make sure I don't fall in love with designs. ^^'

Her name will be Minter Solstice, Solstice, or Minter. ;u;

Vayentha @ Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:36 pm

    I never knew you were allowed to make items if you were a guest artist :T
    Oh well, this is soo addurable! ^w^

Zwallow @ Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:08 pm

Woah, you're allowed to add items? Why did I not know this?! Poopy... Cute JBD by the way, the design is very pretty :3

not here sorry! @ Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:24 pm

I'm not sure you can add items,but I can remove the scarf if I'm not allowed. ^^"

EDIT: Oh yeah,and thank you. :3 I appreciate your compliments.

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To adopt, fill out the form below.
Code: Select all
SD name:

Adopted by PaintLily

lemondropkitten @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:14 am


PaintLily @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:52 am

kind of plain, but nice!

lemondropkitten @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:51 am

PaintLily wrote:kind of plain, but nice!


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wolf pack adopts based on this drawing by Destrie
by Coexist @ Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:16 pm [Reply]

fill out form to adopt;
Personality: (optional)
History: (optional)

iRileyWolf @ Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:49 pm

Name: Blossom
Gender: Female
Username: RileyWolf
Personality: (optional) Sweet and Outgoing
History: (optional) She has had a very nice life :)

Coexist @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:02 pm

Blossom is now full grown, if you would like anything changed please dont hesitate to ask.

PaintLily wrote:Username: PaintLily
Name of mother: Jeniffer (my wolf)
Name of father: James (my wolf)
Reference photo of mother: Jen
Reference photo of father: James
Number of Pups: 4
artist: horse_lover0726 if you aren't too busy, i'll settle for someone else but I figured you'd be best sense you made Jennifer and James.

Pup 3/4 for PaintLily XD

Fill out the form on the main thread to adopt this pup!

RDR2Suzanne @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:04 am

Name: Trey (after my son)
User name: shihtzulady
gender: male
Personality: sweet, smart, gets into lots of trouble!
History: optional

PaintLily @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:37 am

shihtzulady wrote:Name: Trey (after my son)
User name: shihtzulady
gender: male
Personality: sweet, smart, gets into lots of trouble!
History: optional

Do you Mind If I use Trey in a Comic i'm thinking about making? it's going to be about my wolves James and Jeniffer, and their pups, And Trey is one of their pups.

Foal adoption based on this drawing by BayloneRose
by Inktvis @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:12 am [Reply]

Any one can adopt these cute new born foals!

Code: Select all
Foal 1 name:
1 Gender:
Foal 2name:
2 Gender:

starry--knight @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:01 am

Foal 2name:

2 Gender:

Inktvis @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:25 am

cool he is yours but you kinda need to adopt the other one too

starry--knight @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:28 am

Oh I thought it was single adoption^^ I'd hate to take both knowing someone might love the other one is all :)

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Vulpe Adoptable based on this drawing by Mihochi
by Mihochi @ Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:50 pm [Reply]

This Vulpe is free for adoption, please visit the Vulpes adoption page to find out more.

Wolf's Spirit @ Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:45 am

I want to Adopt!
Your username:Wolf's Spirit
Vulpe Name:Lua
Why do you want a Vulpe:I love the species and the lineart and I think they are cute. I also like this paticular design

Mihochi @ Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:19 am

Wolf's Spirit wrote:I want to Adopt!
Your username:Wolf's Spirit
Vulpe Name:Lua
Why do you want a Vulpe:I love the species and the lineart and I think they are cute. I also like this paticular design

Please read the rules

Wolf's Spirit @ Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:26 am

oh I thought you sead to post it ON the pet page. sorry :oops:

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Rusl - Nuttmeg based on this drawing by Sketchy
by Sketchy @ Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:42 am [Reply]

*Do NOT post here unless you win the ratlet!

Information wrote:Male, Exotic(Okapi) Markings with black eyes.
Shows and carries the gene Exotic Markings.
Can outrun all his cagemates.
Official Date of Birth: March 10, 2012
Date of Adoption: March 24, 2012

For more information, please head over to: Chitter Squeek Rattery

Image & CSR (c) Stephanie "Sketchy" 2012

Zwallow @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:40 am

Yayz! I promise I will take good care of him <3

Rat Name:
Rusl is very outgoing and active. He loves to mingle with other rats, and his favorite way to do that is to compete, racing being his favorite way to do that. When he races(etc.) with other rats, he can be quite cocky, feeling positive that he will win whatever competition he is participating in. When he isn't competing, Rusl can be a very kind sensitive little male, watching his loved-ones' backs night and day. He's also slightly flirtatios, choosing to hang around females as much as possible, showing off whenever they are near. He is really protective of females, too, if he knows them well or just met them. Overall, Rusl is warm-hearted and vying, and he has a protective side to him as well.
Often times he'll just run around for the heck of it. He loves the rain, but not lakes and such (he can't swim)

Nara fox #3 based on this drawing by arabianhorse555
by arabianhorse555 @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:04 am [Reply]

This male will grow up to have long fur and red and purple markings.

Owned by Stormfire710

Stormfire710 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:38 am

Kit name: Gale
Story: He was born to a big family,then left behind when they were running from threats

arabianhorse555 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:42 am

Stormfire710 wrote:Kit name: Gale
Story: He was born to a big family,then left behind when they were running from threats

Ok, he's yours. He'll grow in a week.

Nara fox #7 based on this drawing by arabianhorse555
by arabianhorse555 @ Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:39 am [Reply]

This female will have long fur with yellow and pink markings.

Owned by Stormfire710

Stormfire710 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:38 am

Kit name: Katniss
Story: She was born and left to fend for herself in a forest

arabianhorse555 @ Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:40 am

Stormfire710 wrote:Kit name: Katniss
Story: She was born and left to fend for herself in a forest

Alright, she's yours. She'll grow in a week.

Growing Engineered Vulpe based on this drawing by Mihochi
by Mihochi @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:07 pm [Reply]

I want to Adopt!
Your username: Nightmaregirl
Vulpe Name: Tari
Why do you want a Vulpe: She is beautiful.
Plus,I have always wanted a vulpe,just was waiting for the right one.

Saber Cat #2 based on this drawing by Chupa-Cabra
by Chupa-Cabra @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:02 am [Reply]

Our second saber cat!
To get her fill out this form. The best one wins!

Code: Select all
What will you name her?
What are you going to use her for?
History(must be detailed):
Art or poem about her(major booster but this is optional):

If your art/poem is good enough then I might add a free accessory of your choice to her.

ouija. @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:43 am

What will you name her? Violet
What are you going to use her for? I will use her for love and companionship. If i have permission i will draw her alot. As a saber cat lover i will show her off in my gallery (With credit to midnight lycan).
History(must be detailed): As a young cub Violet was abandoned. She romed sad and alone for a while untill she found a small cave and slept curlesd perfectally in the back corner of the damp cave. Her glisening purple fur flowed magestically as she stood up the next morning. Violet shook her long fur gracfully. The shining sun made her made her squint as it made it reached her luminus eyes. For years she wandered the thick jungle, winning many battles for survival... now as a young adult she lives strong, wild, and free. A born leader... 8-)
Personality(ditto): Violet is a determined young adult. Her body is strong and she is very witty. Her brain is large and she knows how to get what she wants. Violet will do anything to protect her loved ones and will give her life to save her mate...
Art or poem about her(major booster but this is optional):

By wolf123love

Violet, Violet
Purple eyes shimmer in the moon light
Sharp as a tack and muscles tight,

Violet, Violet
How i love you so,
I will never let you go...
<3 <3 <3

Chupa-Cabra @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:55 pm

wolf123love wrote:What will you name her? Violet
What are you going to use her for? I will use her for love and companionship. If i have permission i will draw her alot. As a saber cat lover i will show her off in my gallery (With credit to midnight lycan).
History(must be detailed): As a young cub Violet was abandoned. She romed sad and alone for a while untill she found a small cave and slept curlesd perfectally in the back corner of the damp cave. Her glisening purple fur flowed magestically as she stood up the next morning. Violet shook her long fur gracfully. The shining sun made her made her squint as it made it reached her luminus eyes. For years she wandered the thick jungle, winning many battles for survival... now as a young adult she lives strong, wild, and free. A born leader... 8-)
Personality(ditto): Violet is a determined young adult. Her body is strong and she is very witty. Her brain is large and she knows how to get what she wants. Violet will do anything to protect her loved ones and will give her life to save her mate...
Art or poem about her(major booster but this is optional):

By wolf123love

Violet, Violet
Purple eyes shimmer in the moon light
Sharp as a tack and muscles tight,

Violet, Violet
How i love you so,
I will never let you go...
<3 <3 <3

Nice! I'll see if there is anyone else who wants this, if nobody else posts by tomorrow she's yours <3
Oh and I really love the poem.

ouija. @ Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:21 pm

YAY!! and thank you!!!


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