Adoptables 2: Closed Species/Communities

User-made adoptables that are part of a closed species or larger community

Forum rules
Reminder: Copying another person's art without permission to reproduce their work is a form of art-theft!
Click here to see the full Art Rules!
  • Gallery display:


    A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored, neat, and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are mostly gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.


    ★JBD sizes (biggest to smallest):
    adult: great dane sized-cow sized
    teen: shiba inu sized- german shepherd sized
    child: cat sized- bulldog sized
    baby/egg: rabbit sized

      ★ JBDs hatch from a jellybean-shaped egg, which gives them their name. The egg shell's color matches the fur color of the baby it keeps inside. A baby JBD is born with no markings, though a week after it hatches, it will start changing fur, and its markings will appear
      ★ Dark-colored JBDs are rare, and have a less social and cheerful personality than bright-colored JBDs.
      ★ Plain-colored JBDs are the rarest kind of JBDs. Unlike the rest of JBDs, their markings don't appear when they change fur, so they have a single fur color.
      ★ A few adult JBDs have Young Forever Syndrome (YFS). This means that it will not develop horns and/or it won't reach adult size.
      ★ When a JBD reaches adulthood, its horns start developing.
      ★ JBDs rarely use their fire, unless it is for cooking something or making a fireplace to keep themselves warm. They never use fire to harm anything or anyone.
      ★ A JBD's tail is as long as its body. In rare cases, it might be shorter.


    ★ Respect artists/mods/etc
    ★ Don't bribe/etc
    ★ Don't steal
    ★ Do not complain if you don't win
    ★ If you do not wish to own your dragon PM the artist who designed it; it will then be put up for re-adoption. You may request for it to go to another person.
      ★ Gift it to someone else
      ★ Have the original artist hold a new competition for it, in which you can help judge
      ★ Do a mild revamp with mod/artist permission
      ★ Give runners up without speaking to Kiley first
      ★ Hold for longer than a month
    ★ Do not claim other's JBDs as your own
    ★ You may not own more than four.
    ★ No spamming
    ★ Please ask questions, but if applicable PM them to the person they belong to
    ★ If you are not familiar with JBDs, please head to the JBD Center or JBD Adopts for more information about the species.
    ★ Do not revamp your JBD without permission from the artist
      ★ You may NOT go over Hiccup's original lines - if you want to revamp, use the official reference or make your own lines
      ★ You may NOT change the design
      ★ You may NOT change the type [floppy/curl/etc]
      IF made before YFS you may change this
      ★ You may have the design simplified WITH permission from the original artist, but it must maintain the integrity of the original design
      ★ You must own the dragon for more than two months
    ★ Do not ask to be an artist or moderator
    ★ Please post links to JBD linearts in the JBD Center


    Simply click the Jellybean Dragon that you'd like to adopt.
    The requirements to adopt each Jellybean Dragon will be stated by its respective artist.
    Please follow the rules for that dragon as well as the overall species rules.


will update soon


    If you break the rules you will receive one verbal warning from the staff, which is documented. If you break them again, you will receive a strike. Three strikes and you are not allowed to adopt anymore. Larger offences, such as severe bullying, stealing, etc. may immediately lead to a strike, or more serious consequences.





    Wolf Blood Song




Code: Select all

By Moonlight_girl <3



Note to artists:
If you have created a JBD and it hasn't been adopted yet, please don't post another one until it is adopted. c: Remember that a JBD's fur can be up to 4 different colors, and they always have at least two stripes on their tail. Dark colored JBDs and plain colored JBDs are rare c: If the JBD you created is a YFS, make sure to say so somewhere. You may create up to 2 custom JBDs for yourself
Don't make sparkle-beans! It's ok that they are colorful, but please choose colors that don't burn people's eyes c:

Thanks to all for your help and support c: <3 If you have suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Hiccup @ Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:02 am

contests or other important information c:

Hiccup @ Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:02 am


Koiley @ Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:02 am

artists collaborate!

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Xenorph Adopts V2
by Spark Platinum @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:17 am [Reply]

New Thread,Same Species

Welcome to Xenorph Adopts

What are Xenorph's?

Xenorphs are horse like creatures with a domed head and long tail, they have Jade stones on their foreheads and are very skinny, they have crystal type objects that float over their back and tip of their tail, these crystals are bound to them by some magic force, their skin is very smooth, shiny and leathery, they usually consist of dark colours, but sometimes have bright colours, and sometimes a mixture of both, they are very gentle and majestic creature, but are also very shy, they are nocturnal but can also be seen around sunset, every full moon all the Xenorphs will gather by Jade river for a sort of dance in a way, they are one of the most beautiful creatures in the forest


. Do not ask to be an artist or mod unless i say otherwise
. Do not claim anyone's Xeno's as your own
. You can only own up to 5
. No spamming
. Please ask me or the mods if you have any questions
. Respect artists and mods
. Don't bribe
. Don't steal
. Do not complain if you don't win
. Do not ask for customs, we are not doing any at the moment


.Me (Agent Cali)
.Will be holding a competition for artists and guest artists


.If you would like to be a mod please pm me, ill only be able to take a few


None yet, please try to keep it this way ^^

Spark Platinum @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:45 am

you can post now

susie. @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:48 am

Stalking O.O really cool

Spark Platinum @ Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:12 am

haha thanks ^^

2 replies not shown, show all

All notices will be in quotes :3

You can only have up to FIVE Mithrellian, seven for staff. Customs do not count towards this number.

Mithrellian are now allowed to be up to 800 years old!

Alrighty, I've been keeping this hidden for far to long, but the orb on the tail of a mithrellian doesn't just show the creatures mood, but it is full of toxic venom, and the tail fur is hollow, but will become filled with this venom when the mithrellian feel threatened or is cornered. The tail fur can become razor sharp, enough that it can leave a gash in thick steel metal, and hard enough to scratch a diamond. This is a deadly weapon, but very rartley does any mithrellian use this, some don't even know they have this weapon unless they were taught as a pup how to use it.

I will NOT be doing customs unless you are willing to place a hefty bribe!
However if any of the artists are willing to do customs, you may ask them.

Sections, in order, after this post
Mods and Artists
Other Lines & Pup/Breeding Lines
M.o.E. Hierarchy and what-not
The Pound

Dragon Winged - Rare
Non-Winged - Rare
Feather Winged - Very rare

About Mithrellians-
The Mithrellian once populated the egyptian landscape thousands of years ago, they were the gaurdians, hunters, and pets of the pharohs. However when new people started appearing, the they were slaughtered for the thin, colorful, and very soft fur coat, and very few remain. The ones without wings are the most common, but still rare, then the ones with the dragon wings are a bit rarer, but the feather winged are the rarest of all, they were hunted the most, and only produced offspring with feather wings when they breed with other feather winged ones. The dragon winged can produce winged offspring with other winged ones, and the non-winged ones.
These creatures are very feirce, and eat strictly meat, and only fresh meat at that. They are about five feet tall, measured from the shoulder to the ground, and can run sixty miles per hour for up to four hours straight, giving them good hunting abilities. They never waste good meat and only eat two-three times a week, which keeps them slim and fast. They are very elusive anymore, but are slowly increasing in number. They can live to be three thousand years old if left unhunted.

Mithrellian age is typically in human years, however in Mithrellian years, 10 human years = 1 mithrellian year.

Revealed Secret wrote:All of the Mithrellian have their own special 'power' in that some can see the future, some can make things happen that shouldn't, ect...

The only physical difference between male and females are that females are about six inches shorter, and a bit more tempramental at times. They are extremly cruel when they have pups though, and only birth two or three pups each breeding, and can only breed once a year. Their gestation period(pregnancy) lasts anywhere between seven to nine weeks. A female will choose ONE male as her mate and a male will do the same, and they will remain mates for life, however if one dies while young, the other will find a new mate.

The eyes and the oval orb on the tail are ALWAYS the same color, and these colors reflect the mood and their is a little glow around the orb that is the same color.
Colors and their meaning:
Bright green- Normal mood
Dark blue- Sad
Purple/violet- In love
Dark green- Happy, excited
Red- Mad/unhappy
Black- Furious
They can have other mood colors, however those moods are unknown.

Coat Colors/Patterns-
This species can have almost any color for their coat, however if it is yellow, orange, red, or blue, the coat will be a darker shade of the color. Patterns are unlimited.

More information can be seen in the Fifth post under this one!

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all



Lineart (c) Metallic Dragon
The one above is our mascot I suppose you could call it, and his name is Rae, which means "Gaurdian" and he belongs to me.
Species (c) Me

Jenn the Psycho @ Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:00 am

These forms can be changed to suit the needs/wants of the artist/mod making the customs or adoptables.

Form for adoptables:
Code: Select all

[b]Name of M.o.E:[/b]



[b]Breif History/Story:[/b]

[b]Why you want to adopt:[/b]


Form For Customs:
Code: Select all
[center][color=#FF0000]I Want A Custom![/color][/center]
[b]Name of M.o.E.:[/b]



[b]Breif History:[/b]


[b]Artist(must be someone who is willing to do customs, will say by their name):[/b]

No longer looking for permanent mods or artists!

Guest Artist Form:
Code: Select all

Reason For Applying:

Art Examples [size=50](you can post the link to your gallery here, on dA, ect...)[/size]:

Jenn the Psycho @ Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:00 am


Current Artists:(we do not need any more)
sumashira - Will do customs if you request one

Arula Nischala
momoply45 - Will do a custom if you ask.
.:Myth Lady:. - Will do a custom if asked.

Guest Artists:

Guest Artist Notice wrote:I may periodically hire 2-4 Guest Artists for one or two weeks. They can NOT make customs, only free adoptables ^-^

If your name has been striked out, you have 1 week to message me on where you stand on whether you will are still going to work here or not. If you do not message me by then, your name will be removed from the coloring list and this post, and if you have made a mithrellian once before and you color that in, you will be reported and your topic locked/deleted. You will get one chance after this happens and if it happens again, you will simply be fired from the thread, I need active artists and mods.

Each artist has different ideas for payment, so if you want a custom from one that is taking customs, PM them about it.

NOTE: Mods will be allowed to color in their own Mithrellian, as will artists. Mods can also make adoptable if they feel the need

Jenn the Psycho @ Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:00 am

This is where the owners and their Mithrellians will go. A blue name means you can have no more Mithrellian
Green means you can have one more
Black means your fine.

Me(Jenn) / Rae & Belle & Eclipse & Feather
Note: Belle and Eclipse are customs.

ƧℓɛɛρʏĦσℓℓσω / Fyre

Nefarious / Jennetta & Ronnie

Nimaine / Facade

The Jøker / S'louch'ai & Revenlord & Nataulka & Joker & Jenner
Note: Nataulka is a custom, Joker can adopt 1 more M.O.E.

Mozzie / Java

.:Aikane:. / Lilani

xoKyrana / Stripes of a Dream

.s u n n i e. / Taylorette

sumashira / Conláed

.:Myth Lady:. / Caerulia

Momoply45 / Sundown & Curse

Pig22978 / Custom & Custom & Custom

OMGTheyKilledKenny! / Custom

Arula Nischala / Unnamed

Jäger / Shayla

Feral Mithrellian:

375 replies not shown, show all

JMD Nursery
by lumpinbanana @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:29 am [Reply]

About JMD breeding
Once a female and male mate they're together forever. NO divorces!
There are usually 2 JMDs in a litter
JMDs ALWAYS have the jewel color of their parents
No twins
You must ask premision from another JMD owner if you want to mate with theirs
You may also breed two of your own JMDs
Payment is one rare.

1.No spam please
2. Respect me, the artists, and mods
3.Use common sense people
4. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or the artists. We won't bite :3
5.Have fun! No negetivity


Fail in love



The Baby

1.You can keep it

2.You can give it away (It'll be put in our adoption center)

3.You can gift it to someone

Breeding Slots


Code: Select all
[b][size=150]Breed Please![/size][/b]
[b]Mom's name:
Mom Ref:
Mom hex codes:

Dad's name:
Dad ref:
Dad hex codes:

Anything the children NEED to have?

If you want to go to the main thread just click the link in my signature :3

Lying_Lilacs @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:44 am

ouo Oh my flapjacks. Look at them. <3 They're so CUTE.
Oh my. Rose needs her a little boyfriend now. :DD

Rose Incense ~ I disapprove. ._.

lumpinbanana @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:46 am

LOL I'll add you to the color in list right away :3

. : Milotic : . @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:50 am

so cute! o3o

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Design Adopts <3 :) based on this drawing by Bellamy
by h.o.p.e. @ Thu May 24, 2012 2:39 pm Attachment(s) [Reply]

**Lineart was made by Taliska *Link I take no credit for the drawing**

Hello, and welcome to Design Adopts (:

It's first come- first serve, so don't complain if you don't get the design you want.

All designs are 100% free, 100% of the time ^-^

If you don't want your design anymore, tell me(or the artist you got it from) and we'll adopt it out again. (:

To get a design, be the first one to fill out the form in a design, and you get it! C:

I'll take suggestions for pre-made designs. ^-^

Thank you, and good luck!

Made by the wonderful iSquid :3

Guys, please do NOT order from someone if their custom slots are full. Ok. We take our time and put a lot of effort into these designs, but if you keep ordering you'll make the artist rush to finish yours, and you will get a less quality design. Also, we have lives outside of CS so somedays we won't be able to work on here. So, I repeat, please do NOT order when their customs are full.

Also, if you guys could edit your forms to have an artist, instead of whoever is available, that would be much appreciated.

h.o.p.e.'s Customs c:
1; ~Dead At Heart~
2; hailey9
3; NCIS122

Merelaaa's customs c:
1; Leolover56
2; White_Fire_Raven
(No more customs will be accepted after these. Please don't ask for one.)

stormiecrazy's customs c:
1; R a i n .
2; wolveswolf16
3; KCX|Tazza
4; VampireKnight<3
5; EmilyRox

w a s t e d . muse's customs c:
1; Rainy Mood
2; TheNightsIllusion
3; .For.The.Win.
4; Comet101
5; BrightHeaven

OdeToMeep's customs c:
1; ☪Nightmare Moon☪
2; Wolf Luv
3; ChristainAnimalLover

BlueAura~'s customs c:
1; •Shadowed•
2; f.a.i.t.h.
3; sugarkitty.
4; Dewey
5; .For.The.Win.

MadWolf's customs c:
1; VampireKnight<3

Form for customs:
Code: Select all
Artist to make it(please, no 'whoever is open');
Hair; yes/no

If an artists customs slots are full, do NOT order from them. Wait for there to be an open slot. Thank you.


Me :3
w a s t e d . muse

We won't be accepting anymore artists at the moment.



Listen to them!^^


*I'll start the designs tonight, but only a few probably, then I'll do more on the weekend

*A thank you to everyone who adopted! ^-^ I'm happy that you guys like them, I hope I can keep making good ones!

*I edited some stuff up there^^ and we have new artists! \o/

*We have more artists now ^-^ I'm not accepting anymore at the moment though, this is good!

*We have a mod now, Dewey. She'll accept/deny all forms (:

ChristainAnimalLover @ Thu May 24, 2012 3:49 pm

Cool!! *Waits for realistic designs*

h.o.p.e. @ Fri May 25, 2012 7:31 am

Thanks (: I could so some real ones first, I suppose

House Stark @ Sun May 27, 2012 4:12 pm

I'd really like to see something more black and violet if youre into the fantasy thing...

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Please lock. based on this drawing by Zax
by Zax @ Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:08 pm [Reply]

Here is the basic form(They are subject to change based on the task for the Itrag adoption):

Code: Select all
Name of Itrag:
Why do you want it?:
(Whatever you need to do to get the Itrag. The task needed is specified on the actual pet adoption page. Use the form there.:)

Useful Links-
-Itrag Archive
-Itrag Pound
-Itrag Official Roleplay


-Do not claim that you drew the design or lines. You may own the character, but you are NOT the original creator.
-Do NOT remove my signature.
-Feel free to use the Itrag anywhere you like. :)
-Limit to 10 Itrags per user
-Do NOT create your own Itrag as the species belongs to myself and ♥♥Raging Storm♥♥
-We are not currently taking artists, so please don't ask. I'll post when and if we need more.
-If you are wanting to be affiliates, please shoot me a PM.


Guest Artists-
♥♥Raging Storm♥♥
die Lille

Other Staff-
fantasygirl -- Archivist

Brief Species Description-
Equitragus Cabiger or Itrags(EE-tr-ags) are a reconbinant species that are a clever cross between a Sable and a Horse. The horse is most prominant in the shape of head, back legs, and tail. The Sable dominates the rest of the body. Every Itrag has two horns on its head, and the facial markings of the sable have disappeared as they were on mostly unnaturally colored Itrags which have now all but gone extinct(They will show up sometimes). Rarely, the Itrags will be seen with a sable tail. The males have beards on their chins for mating season in the wild where the larger the beard, the better their chances of attracting a female. The species is also gaited.


A warm time for flowers to come about, and the sun to rise brightly over the horizon of The Gardens. This is a lively time where foals have now become young colts and fillies that are able to spend time away from their mothers. This is also the time when the mares stop nursing.

Early season: A simple time where the colts and fillies have grown into young Itrags, and are ready to find their own place in The Gardens. Mares and their offspring sever their bond and move on with their lives.
Late in the season:
This is the always the long awaited time for Itrags to find a mate and create more baby Itrags! Mares may reproduce once every mating season, but stallions may reproduce with as many mares as requested.

The herd has calmed down from Summer events and mares are in foal. Foals are usually born during this time when there is still food around to sustain their mothers.

The Winters are very easy in the gardens. With the new foals around, the mares are very busy caring for their young, and the foals are busy running around. Luckily, the air is only cool and does not drop below 45 degrees.

Banners and Stamps


Code: Select all

Sponsored Links


Zax @ Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:43 am

Itrag Shelter

.:Rules of the Pound:.
• Please only put two Itrags maximum in the pound at a time.
• If you want to adopt, you may only adopt two pound Itrags total.
• Itrags from here are ALL FCFS.
• Please do not change the form.

Adoption Form

Code: Select all
[b][i]I want to Adopt An Itrag![/i][/b]

Itrag's current name:
Itrag's New Name(optional):
Will you take care of this Itrag?:

Surrender Form

Code: Select all
[b][i]I want to surrender my Itrag[/i][/b]

Itrag's Name:
Link to Itrag:

Current Itrags Available:


Name: Litiea
Past Owner: Sapheeria

Name: Gondor
Past owner: Sapheeria


Name: Felixae
Past Owner: Sapheeria

-wild- @ Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:59 am

Cool Breed! Will be following!

Zax @ Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:46 am

Thanks! Some fo them will be oddly colored, but I we will mostly stay in the natural color range. :)

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Shionnix Pound
by AtomicMilkshake @ Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:13 am [Reply]

Shionnix Pound Adoptions.

These are Shionnix who have been abandoned. They have no family unfortunately, and so will be adopted out to you loving CS members. These guys aren't custom sadly, so they aren't available for breedings.
Some custom shionnix already made will have litters very soon, who will be customs.

4kcuo @ Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:14 am

Stalking :3

Ovacalix @ Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:36 am

Oh, this is such a beautiful species 8D

I will surely be watching this for some adoptable's ^^

Good luck with them, by the way, but I have no doubt that they will be successful ^^

AtomicMilkshake @ Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:37 am

Thank you! <3
I hope they are! x3

166 replies not shown, show all

Okay. These are horses that are highly-bred and trained, pushed to the limits of all horses. They are limited in age groups in general; usually sold only at the leading age of 2-5. These horses are superior to any other breed, well matured and they live at least 15-20 years longer than any old horse. They come in all breeds, and generally in Dutch breeds (Netherlands), German, Danish, and Arabic. They have been streamlined so most every horse has a unique pattern, or a 'tracing'. A tracing is when it basically has a brand sort of thing, near it's neck, shoulder, flank, or hind thigh. These horses are extremely high valued, and are well known through most of Spain, England, and America. (Not a true breed, I wish this was real LOL)

I want a custom!
Horse name:
Origination: (Such as Spain, Netherlands, Arabia, Germany...)

I want a Pre-Made!
Horse ID #:
Horse Ideal Name:

Oh yeah.. I forgot to add, my hand is aching and about to fall of! :D XD

palindrome. @ Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:57 am


palindrome. @ Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:01 am


Dragon Documentary @ Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:12 am

Code: Select all
Username: Katiehall
Horse name: Angel
Age: 5
Gender: F
Breed: Paint Horse
Coloration: Chestnut Overo
Markings:  stockings, bald face, but with blue eyes and what looks like eyeliner around the eyes (the horse I ride is unusual, yes?)
Origination: (Such as Spain, Netherlands, Arabia, Germany...) um....arabia

Are these free? cause that is the only way I think I would be able to get one :p Thank you so much and have a wonderful day

3 replies not shown, show all

Wolves of Sangaku Adopts
by .:Amber~ @ Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:01 am [Reply]


Q: What is a W.O.S?

A: A WOS is a species of wolf that live throughout various mountain ranges in Southern Japan (Sangaku = Mountains). A WOS is about normal Wolf size, except for they have a few differences. Their fur is extremely coarse and thick throughout most of its body, but much softer around its neck, chest, stomach, tail and cheeks. WOS Wolves also don't howl. Instead, they make a big cat like roar in which they use to communicate while hunting or during battles. One other thing about WOS Wolves is that they have no pupils. Their blank orb _ like eyes vary from any shade of yellow to red, any flawed pup born with a different eye colour would be outcasted. A pup is born with very dark eyes that begin to get brighter as they age. The eyes luminescent glow depends on the wolfs health, brighter if in good condition and duller if bad. The eyes of a WOS only glow at night.

For artists:

A WOS wolf is NEVER a solid colour, nor mainly white. The hex code 'ffffff' is never used as a main coat, only for small markings and tips of ears and tails. There is only white on occasions.

Wolves of Sangaku adopted


orpheus. @ Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:32 am

Dang they're cute. ^~^
Marking for later xP

.:Amber~ @ Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:23 am

Lawl, wanna post a form for the adoptable one?

ZapDog Adoption Center
by my.old.account @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:19 pm [Reply]


What is a ZapDog?

A ZapDog (also known as a ZDA, which stands for ZapDog Adopt) is a doglike creature which has short colorful fur, a skinny tail, small ears, a small head, and an oversized snout. Unlike normal dogs, they are mostly vegitarian, and their diet consists of blackberries and raspberries, and but every once in a while, they catch a fish. ZapDogs usually live any place where it has a moist climate.

List of ZapDogs

my.old.account @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:20 pm


--As of Saturday, November 24th, 2012 at 8:46 PM

Brand new species, come adopt one! Some new ZDA's will be up in about 30 minutes to an hour.

my.old.account @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:20 pm

List of ZapDogs

"Glowing Spots" ZDA #1 - OPEN
"Yellow Stripe" ZDA #2 - OPEN

my.old.account @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:20 pm


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Each uniqimal is unique- no 2 are alike. Each is hand-drawn in a different position, in a different color, and each is a different animal. There is no form for Uniqimalz since they are randomly created- Adopt yours today!

What are Uniqimalz?

Uniqimalz are wild animals that live all through out the world. Some are aquatic, other prefer to spend their time in the sky or under ground. No 2 Uniqimalz are alike. On occasion 2 Uniqimalz will look alike- But they will never be the same. None are! No more than 2 Uniqimalz have ever been found to look alike- so no Trios of lookalikes! Some prefer to show their entire body, while others prefer head shots or closeups. Its a mystery what position you Uniqimal will be in! Each Uniqimal has his/her own personality, but they each want to be adopted and cared for by you.

How can I get a Uniqimalz?

Its simple! Because each Uniqimalz is randomly created, there are no forms to fill out to get one! Simply post what item/pet you would like to trade for your Uniqimalz, and viola! You have just adopted a Uniqimal. You MAY adopt more than one. Each Uniqimal costs 1 item/pet. Which item/pet you choose to trade will NOT effect the quality of your Uniqimal, promised!

I just adopted a Uniqimal and I don't like what s/he turned out as, what do I do?

Well, even though we hope no one will ever be dissapointed in their Uniqimal, we can change them. We are currently working on developing pills and machines to change Uniqimalz. You will be able to purchase these items for UniqueBucks, the currency Uniqimalz use. As of now, we will have to create you an entirely new Uniqimal, and it will be free!

I like my Uniqimal, but not the position its in, can I change it?

Yes, you can! You can purchase a Change Position Capsule in the Uniqimalz Official Store, it is for sale for UniqueBucks.

I want to design my own Uniqimal, can I do that?

Yes! You can purchase a Custom ticket down below in the Uniqimalz Official Store for UniqueBucks.

My Uniqimal looks kinda chilly, can I buy him some clothes in the Uniqimalz Official Store?

Yes! We have developed items that fit to all Uniqimalz. You can purchase them in the Uniqimalz Official Store for UniqeBucks! Happy shopping.

I really like 2 of my Uniqimalz, can I breed them to get the same traits?

Currently, no. Since each Uniqimalz is completely different, we are not sure if they can reproduce together or not. We are experimenting to see if they can. Hopefully eventually a breeding kit will be for sale for UniqeBucks.

How can I get UniqueBucks?

UniqueBucks cost Pets and items. Unlike purchasing Uniqimalz themselves, the amount of UniqueBucks you can buy is based on the rarity and value of the pet or item you trade.

Very Common: 10 UniqueBucks
Common: 15 UniqueBucks
Uncommon: 35 UniqueBucks
Rare: 100 UniqueBucks
Very Rare: 500 points
OMG So Rare: 100,000 UniqueBucks

Very Common: 8 UniqueBucks
Common: 10 UniqueBucks
Uncommon: 25 UniqueBucks
Rare: 50 UniqueBucks
Very Rare: 85 UniqueBucks
OMG So Rare: 1,000 UniqueBucks

Very Common: 5 UniqueBucks
Common: 7 UniqueBucks
Uncommon: 15 UniqueBucks
Rare: 30 UniqueBucks
Very Rare: 50 UniqueBucks
OMG So Rare: 510 UniqueBucks

Very Common: 3 UniqueBucks
Common: 5 UniqueBucks
Uncommon = 8 UniqueBucks
Rare = 20 UniqueBucks
Very Rare = 32 UniqueBucks
OMG So Rare = 350 UniqueBucks


Green Stack of Books
Got a book worm on your hands? Or maybe you like reading? Perhaps this just looks cute to you. Ither way, this is the item for you!

Angel Halo
Awww, look how cute this item is! Perfect for any Uniqimal, because they are all angels!

Red devil Horns
Maybe your pet is the opposite of an angel, so this item is definitely for you!

Adorable Sun Item
Want to brighten up your Uniqimal'z scene? Then this adorable smiling sun is perfect for you and your pet!

Black "Cool dude" Shades
Got a cool Uniqimal with nothing to prove it with? Or maybe you just want to improve your shy Uniqimal'z self confidence.

Star and Heart Shades
For the fun-loving unique Uniqimalz! Become a show-stopper with these stylin' shades.

Nerd Glasses
Got a Uniqimal that can't see that quite well? Or maybe he just looks cute! These are wonderful for any Uniqimal!

Happy, Sad, and Angry Clouds
Look how cute these are! The perfect addition to any Uniqimal'z home, they also go perfect with the Adorable Sun! Choose from a Happy, Angry, or Sad cloud.

Bat Wings
What Uniqimal wouldn't want to fly high with these rockin' wings?

What Uniqimal doesn't deserve this awesome item?

Wanna share what your Uniqimal is thinking/feeling? Do just that with these amazing items!

Our very 1st Uniqimalz T-shirt! Complete with an epic design.

Party Hat
Got a special occasion to attend? Arrive in style with this item!

Possibly the cutest item in the Uniqimalz Official Store, all we can say is buy it now!

Got a ruff-n-tuff Uniqimalz? Then you need the Scars to prove it!

Got an owie? Fix it in style!

Got a sporty guy or gal on your hands? Then this is the perfect item to spend your UniqueBucks on!

Graduate Cap
The cutest item for the cutest Grad!

Is your pet and artist or a writer? Support him or her with this fantastic item!

Our Sponsors

Thumpz Bunny Adoptables


Banners and Icons

Love Uniqimalz? Want to show your support? Copy a link below and show it off in your Signature!


Code: Select all

Wintry Creek @ Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:01 pm

can i adopt here? i will send a trade if you accept? :)

CraZyMiah- @ Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:06 pm

You can adopt here!

Wintry Creek @ Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:11 pm

okay, may i adopt one? when u accept ill send trade xD

228 replies not shown, show all

Shrimps Adoptables based on this drawing by foreign-potato
by Koiley @ Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:42 pm [Reply]


Hey guys, welcome to my design shop. I had such a mess of layers in there I didn't get to post any line examples on the cover. I'll just have to leave you all guessing, haha! I would like to give a GIGANTIC thanks to my love, foreign.potato
(ily tades <3), for making these amazing lines. It would never have been possible with out her because I have troubles designing on my own lines sometimes. Plus her art is SOO cute! Check it out here! Another thanks to her for letting me 'steal' her mini/shrimp shop idea. You can view Potato's and Scamp's mini shop here! :D To clear up ANY confusion~ the adoptables are NOT literally shrimps. It's just the shop name. They are little (thus the name shrimps) linearts I'll color in designs on that people will purchase. Here are the species I have so far~wolf, dog, fox cat, wombat, dragon, gryphon, bird, gecko, and bunny. (also another thanks to Taters for writing the java was being a nub so she fixed it for me. :>)


* You may only adopt one Shrimp per every two days.
* No taking the line art and using it for your own purposes
* No taking/copying character designs and using them for your own purposes
* Do not take offsite without my permission (character hosting sites are OK as long as you link back here and credit me and foreign.potato)
* Do not resell the designs, let me know if you no longer want it
* Do not remove foreign.potato's signature from the lines
* For now, foreign.potato and I will be the only ones designing Shrimps. If I need more artists I will inquire. Don't send me a PM or post on the thread about it or you'll be warned!

* You may edit/change the design but still credit foreign.potato and I
* You may edit the reference photo but keep foreign.potato's siggie in it
* You may breed the character that you purchase
* I will add more as time goes on

How to adopt?

The bank I set up is a point system where you can "purchase" Sand Dollars (fake currency also known as S$) with CS pets. Depending on the CS pet's year, rarity, and other factors I will set a certain number of S$ each pet is worth. You will only be allowed to purchase a certain amount of S$ per every few days. Read the bank rules to find the specifics. I will use this method to avoid people buying a bucketload of Sand Dollars every day. Once you buy them and I accept the trade, I will fill your bank account with said number of S$ you have purchased.

I may not ALWAYS make you pay S$ for the adoptable designs, it depends on the design and how I am feeling. Other methods may be first come/first serve, answer a question, tell me what you'd name it, things like that.


What are Shrimps?
Just a silly name I used for my shop, I didn't want to steal foreign.potato's 'Minis' idea too much. c;

Are the adoptables actually shrimps?
NO! There are a ton of adorable linearts in there of different species of animals. Here are the species I have so far~wolf, dog, cat, wombat, dragon, gryphon, bird, gecko, and bunny.

What are Sand Dollars (S$)?
A fake currency for my shop that I came up with to keep track of how many points people have purchased with CS pets.

How do I buy Sand Dollars (S$)?
Below this post is where the bank is located, read the instructions. xD

What if I can't purchase any Sand Dollars (S$)?
You PM me telling me so and we can try to work something out. :>

Why is a lot of stuff in this post spazzy?
I wrote it at 1:30 AM. :D

(will be added to)

Koiley @ Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:43 pm

Welcome to the Sand Dollar Bank!

Bank is- OPEN

In this point system/bank you can "purchase" Sand Dollars (fake currency also known as S$) with CS pets. Depending on the CS pet's year, rarity, and other factors I will set a certain number of S$ each pet is worth. You will only be allowed to purchase a certain amount of S$ per every few days. I use this method to avoid people buying a bucketload of Sand Dollars every day. Once you buy them and I accept the trade, I will fill your bank account with said number of S$ you have purchased.

Bank rules-

* You may only purchase S$ when the bank is open.
* If you read these, put Machu & Picchu on your bank form somewhere
* You must fill out the form located here otherwise your bank deposit will not be counted
* Send the form in the TRADE MESSAGE
* Only send wish list pets with the exception of ANY 08-09 rare DOG
* You can have up to 100,000 S$ before your bank account will be full
* Don't have any wish list pets/payment? Read the FAQ on the post above!
* Any questions, ask!

Only fill out the parts that apply to you.

Code: Select all
[b][u]# of WL uncommons-[/u][/b]
[b][u]# of WL rares-[/u][/b]
[b][u]# of WL very rares-[/u][/b]
[b][u]# of non WL 2009 dogs-[/u][/b]
[b][u]# of non WL 2008 dogs-[/u][/b]

People on this list are most likely my friends or those given points for another reason. They are granted 10,000 points starting off.

* Chasing Dreams
* cinnamon~toastie
* Ƀlitz
* foreign.potato (unlimited points)
* iceeon
* KaiKenNatsuki
* Glᴑw
* TheScamperPony
* Silver Bullets
* .Vetinater.

(if any of my other friends are interested let me know and I'll put you up here. ^o^

This tells you how much S$ you will get depending on which pet(s) you send me.

WL uncommon-500 S$
WL rare- 1500 S$
WL VR- 2000 (may vary depending on the pet)
Non-WL 08-09 rare dog- 1000 S$ (may vary depending on the rare)
Non-WL 08-09 VR dog- 1500 (may vary depending on the rare)

ANY token from the Summer Event is worth 700 S$!

Bank accounts-
This is where I will post everyone who has bought S$ and how much they have. It is ordered alphabetically.

Order wrote:Username - balance

Alawai - 1700 S$
Ashwyn - 2500 S$
Chasing Dreams - 10,000 S$
cinnamon~toastie - 10,000 S$
*DJ Wolfy* - 1500 S$
Ƀlitz - 10,000 S$
caseyp - 700 S$
foreign.potato (unlimited points)
Flowerdust - 700 S$
iceeon - 9200 S$
Julchen Beilschmidt - 1700 S$
Juliet. - 1200 S$
KaiKenNatsuki - 10,000 S$

Lady Masquerade - 2500 S$
loveTHATwolf - 2500 S$
Lufsta. - 1400 S$
LunarFox - 2500 S$
mikiben - 2500 S$
monkeymahem - 4000 S$
Mordacious - 3000 S$
Mozzie - 200 S$
Mysty Fox - 600 S$
Nightmaregirl - 2100 S$
Иimrod. - 3500 S$
Nuttmeg - 1700 S$
Glᴑw - 10,000 S$
spαrrσw_вlσssσm - 1700 S$
TheScamperPony - 10,000 S$
TheDormouse - 1700 S$
| s h a t t e r | - 7000 S$
Silver Bullets - 10,000 S$
The Darkness - 1500 S$
.Vetinater. - 10,000 S$
wildwolfspiret - 7900 S$
.: fαιℓ ιи ℓσνє :. - 1500 S$
xXxAkumaSoulxXx - 3000 S$
~Casey~ - 1500 S$
Waffle - 1200 S$
Werewolf19 - 1400 S$

Koiley @ Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:43 pm


foreign-potato @ Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:43 pm

reserved for artist crap :3



and I am your lame side kick :D LET THE GAMES BEGIN


128 replies not shown, show all

This is the new outlet for my designs! These Adopt's are Free :) unless stated. I've been having issues with java, so please don't be upset if it seems like I've been gone for awhile.

Rules before anything else
1. Please be patient I can get really busy in the blink of any eye.
2. No fussing over who gets what, You'll have your turn.
3. Please do not steal art.
4. Please do not take WTW off chickensmoothie :).
5. You are only allowed up to 4 WTW's. For now :)
6. Please do not ask to be an artist/mod/etc, I will post when I need them.
7. Please post your forms on respected adopts page.
8. No customs yet.

Ask me about anything you are unsure of!

About WTW's

This is a big work in progress so please excuse me. I had most written down but I haven't quite been able to find where I wrote it XD.

~Worm Tailed Wolves (WTW), are mostly blind nocturnal creatures.
~They see by smell and the use of their many antennas all over their bodies to "feel".
~Each wolf can grow different antennas, but some can have the same.
~Most are bioluminescent.

No one has ever seen a Wtw being born so no one knows exactly where it tail came from. Some theories, speak of curses while others say they've always had them.
~Their tails "the Worms" are like another being entirely and have a personality different then the wolf itself.
~Worms can grow to abnormal sizes and It is very rare to see a short one.
~They can have different masks and even change them if they get bored enough.
~They have long tongues that are used to wrap around fruit and berries high up from where the WTW is standing.
~These creatures are omnivores, and very docile unless provoked.
~WTW are quite small, and are about the size of a sheep.

WTW's love music, it's one quality that they all share, but that doesn't mean they all listen to the same type of music. Each have their own Favorite song, and it's not unsual for mates to be brought together because of having the same favorite song. Everyone know that WTW's mate for life but no one has seen a pup, some think that they may even lay eggs?!

Current WTW's up for adoption!

.Fluffy. @ Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:18 am


.Fluffy. @ Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:10 pm


.Fluffy. @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:47 pm


18 replies not shown, show all

Black Forest,a nature preserve.
Our Motto is..."Where the Wolves come out to play!"
dumb right? creative juices not flowing right now*rolls eyes*
Here, you can adopt as many as 3 wolves[artists and I get 5 and mini mods get 4],and then go here to breed----------------------------------------> viewtopic.php?f=52&t=1191111&p=34045701#p34045701

This isnt all fun and games...we will create rps and such...but for now,enjoy your wolves.

DO NOT remove from chicken smoothie!
Not my lines...[fyi]
Do not claim your wolf...i may give you a link for siggy,but do not put it as your own
I can give you Extra Hair[on wolf above],Bandannas and Collars only,nothing more!
need 1 or 2 more artists and 2 mini mods! pm me to not post that you want to be an artist.
I will make certain wolves who are up here and anyone can rp,or use them as long as the pm me and will be allowed to name change them
if i create a wolf with no owner,i will give it away to the first person who asks.

Artist Hunt,Mini-mod Hunt!


Country_Cutie @ Sun May 20, 2012 9:21 am

[Username-wolf name]
Being Created:

On Hold:

[please do not post if all slots are full

Country_Cutie @ Sun May 20, 2012 9:48 am

Staff/Members wrote:
(Known as staff!)



Guest artists:

Mini mods:

Country_Cutie @ Sun May 20, 2012 9:50 am


Insomnia/Female/Arula Nischala
No name/no gender/Adoptable
Nyxaina/Female/Arula Nischala
No name/Female/Adoptable


~~~~~~~~ Black Forest Wolves~~~~~~~~ ImageImage
Code: Select all
 [b][size=200][url= f=52&t=1190901]~~~~~~~~ Black Forest Wolves~~~~~~~~[/url][/size][/b] [url= t=119090][img] %20id=983952&size=medium&format=png&rev=1[/img][/url][url=][img] id=983843&size=medium&format=png&rev=1[/img][/url]

303 replies not shown, show all

.:Adopt a Striata:. based on this drawing by Verdana
by Halsin @ Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:02 am Attachment(s) [Reply]

What are Striata's? Striata's are striped horses that live in extreme conditions, either harsh deserts or freezing mountains. They can have spots but this is very rare.

Breeding Thread

They are 100% free!

Lines are by Verdana

Customs: OPEN
Guest Artists: CLOSED
MiniMods: CLOSED
Premades: OPEN

Rules: Do not take off of CS without linking it back to Verdana
No fighting
No arguing
Have fun
No coping other peoples ideas
I put the 'Who you want to do your custom' for a reason. do not put 'i dont mind' ect because it WILL be rejected >.<
No editing the premade form personality and gender once chosen by artist.
Personality must be at least 3 words.
Description must be detailed.(You may use a ref)
Do not make the 'why you want this' on the premades too short.

Fighting: 1
Arguing: 1
Coppying peoples ideas: 1/2
Not putting artist: 1
Posting complex items that havent already been made: 1/2
Personality too short: 1/2
Description too short: 1/2
'Why you want this' too short: 1/2


Spotty wrote:Whenever a COPPA'd user makes a post it will have to wait to be approved by a mod before it shows up. The post isn't gone, it's just waiting for approval. It can take some time because the staff is stretched thin right now.

Quail wrote:Oh wow.
Okay it's official.
Quail is stupid.

All Striata's have stripes on them somewhere, whether its their mane, coat or hooves.
They tend to be natural colours but the occasional one is rare and has unusial coats.
They can have spots too but this is very rare.


Code: Select all
Item ideas

Code: Select all
I would like to have a custom
Striata Name:
Ref or VERY detailed description:
Stripe colour:
Hoof colour:
Eye colour:
Mane/Tail colour:
Accessories colour:
Who you want to do your custom:
NEW!: PPS?: (See breeding thread)

(pre made forms will be on the Striata)
for artists only:

Code: Select all
Username: <---- they fill out
Striata name: <---they fill out
Striata Gender: <----- artist chooses
Personality<----- artist chooses
Why you want this:<---- they fill out

Code: Select all
I would like to breed my Striata's
Link to mare:
Link to stallion:
Foal's name:
Foals gender:
Who made the mare:
Who made the stallion:
NEW!: PPS?: (See breeding thread)
Out of those(if 2 different people) Who do you want to make it:

Code: Select all
I would like to be a Mini mod:
Why do you want to be a mini mod:

Code: Select all
I would like to be a guest artist:
Why you want to be a guest artist:
Do you understand you can only make 5:
(If i like your art after your 5 Striata's i may accept you as an officail artist)

* Accessories: Devil Set, Angel Set, Blanket, Donkey carrot thing, Bow(tail), Spurs, English riding hat, Fire Hooves, Bow(ear), Top Hat, Uni Horn, Long Forelock, Mustache, Beard, Bridle, English Saddle, Numnah, Icicles(mane), racing hood, clipped mane, Long mane, Balloon(tail), Docked tail, Tattoos(hearts), Cane/walking stick, Tie, Plushie, Insect wings, Glasses, Monocal, Socks, Bracelet, Bandana, Scars. (more to be added soon Artists may add new items that are really complicated and may change the current ones slightly)

Me: Official Artist, Owner, Does customs,
LiveLoveLaughLife: Official Artist, my official admin.
storm~chasers:D :Official artist, Mini Mod, Does customs
Quail: Mini Admin and Official artist, does customs
SabjeBammie:Official artist, will do customs , Mini Admin
Emotionless: Major Mod
Noe9999: Mini Mod
Kiwi In A Bottle: Mini Mod
Silverwolf113: Mini mod
Rivkah2012: Official artist
Equius: Guest artist(7 left)
Cutelilkitkat: Gues artist(5left)

CUSTOMS AND ADOPTED WILL HAVE NOTHING! Guest artists can also make 1 for themselves which doesnt count towards their 5 ^_^

Rules: Do not take off of CS without linking it back to Verdana
No fighting
No spamming
No arguing
Have fun
No coping other peoples ideas
I put the 'Who you want to do your custom' for a reason. do not put 'i dont mind' ect because it WILL be rejected >.<
No editing the premade form personality and gender once chosen by artist.
No asking SabjeBammie to do customs, shes had enough of customs for now and will only take the ones other artists cant do.
Personality must be at least 3 words.
Description must be detailed.(You may use a ref)
Do not make the 'why you want this' on the premades too short.

Fighting: 1
Arguing: 1
Coppying peoples ideas: 1/2
Not putting artist: 1
Asking for SabjeBammie straight away (pm me for detail): 1
Personality too short: 1/2
Description too short: 1/2
'Why you want this' too short: 1/2
Spam: 1

Warnings(3 warning and you get a strike):
MoonriseWolf: Spamming

Strike list(yes i had to do this 2 strikes and you get banned):


Banned list(yes i had to do this too):
None lets keep this way.

Official mascot: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1238459

DraconisSumeris @ Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:12 am

I would like to be a guest artist:
Username:storm chasers:D
Why you want to be a guest artist:because i love makeing adoptables :D
Do you understand you can only make 5:yes.

Halsin @ Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:13 am

storm~chasers:D wrote:I would like to be a guest artist:
Username:storm chasers:D
Why you want to be a guest artist:because i love makeing adoptables :D
Do you understand you can only make 5:yes.

accepted :)

DraconisSumeris @ Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:15 am

^^ i shall make one now :D

701 replies not shown, show all

Lynafyx Adopt Center :)
by Pine. @ Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:13 pm [Reply]

A Lynafyx is a horse-sized breed of extremely intelligent big cats that most closely relates to a Lynx. They can implement up to 70% of their brain while humans can only use 10% of their brain, which gives them the ability of speech as well as telepathic communication and psychokinesis (telekinesis). Their skin is encrusted in large, crystalline stones that are five times stronger than diamonds and can absorb energy from any light source, so they have no need to eat or drink. They have an extremely wide range of colors and patterns for the fur and usually only have one pair of horns, but they can sometimes have two. I'm still working on some details of the specie :)

These adoptables are free but we do not accept customs
unless you are willing to pay a hefty price

I'm looking for several artists, mini-moderators, and someone who can make transparent backgrounds.


Pineananas :D - Creator/Artist
Chromium Jewels - Artist 1st rotation
Zewarkeiros - Artist 1st rotation
Ayramite- Artist 1st rotation
Nimrod97- Artist 1st rotation
The Purple Martian- Moderator (You'd better show respect :D)
♥Angel♥- Moderator
Doglover37- Moderator
Lilybug97- Artist 2nd rotation
~Raven's Breath~- Artist 2nd rotation
HollowedAngel- Artist 2nd rotation

How to Adopt:
An artist will create a Lynafyx that will be put up for adoption. You will need the fill out a form, probably determined by the artist (some may choose to do a more complicated form, while others will do a much simpler form) My form, personally, will probably be picking a number between 1 and 1000 and whoever's closest will win. Each person will be allowed to have a maximum of two Lynafyx's.

1. Respect mods, users, and artists of this thread
2. Don't try to win a Lynafyx through cheating, bribery, or other such methods
3. Do not use this lineart outside of CS unless you have permission
4. Do not steal the species
5. Please no complaining, being rude, or insult anyone
6. Please do not steal someone else's design
7. Please no spamming the thread! (This includes irrelevant posts, complaining, bumping if you aren't a mod or artist, etc.)

If you would like to be an artist, fill out this form:

Code: Select all
Reason you want to be an artist:
Samples of artwork: (This can be colored in linearts or your own art)

Searching for four artists for the next rotation

Pine. @ Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:13 pm

Current Lynafyxs

Sprite; ~AlphaWolf~'s Lynafyx
Aloysius(Aloy); Stripey's Lynafyx
Rayzre; Codeine's Lynafyx
Coecan; The Purple Martian's Lynafyx
Lynafyx #5 unfinished
Belle; Jenn525's Lynafyx
Babby; ~∂αɢɢɛя~'s Lynafyx
Lynafyx #8; up for adoption
Orion Crius; Waja's Lynafyx

Lynafyx Gift Lines
By ~DoggyTales

Pine. @ Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:14 pm


Thank you Chromium Jewels for the adorable freebie!

Code: Select all

Lillianyx @ Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:11 pm

Don't know if I may post or not, but... eep. ><

Username: Chromium Jewels
Reason you want to be an artist: I really like the style of this art, and I love to color and put my creativity to work by coming up with various designs and such.
Samples of artwork: Most can be found in my gallery or here at my dA
My art: X, X, X, X
Colored in: X, X, X, x

105 replies not shown, show all

PF breeding center
by ~katira~ @ Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:44 pm [Reply]

welcome to the PF breeding center! here you can breed one of your female PF's up to 3 times, PF's can have up to 3 cubs but that doesn't mean that they'll always have 3 and no, you can't say how many they will have or gender. just leave them in my care and in no time you'll have up to 3 new PFs! you can than sell your PF's cub/cubs, give them away, or keep them forever

paradise foxes are a very complex breed and some times wouldn't mate, most of the time your more likely to get a female than a male.PF's start out as cute little eggs too, but i grow them a bit so that you don't have to wait. you could also ask anyone else who has a PF to breed with their's.

PF party (free stuff!)- viewtopic.php?t=1439574

#1- Katira
#2- Saphira344
#4-Princess Whirlpool

form to breed-

Code: Select all
female ref:
male ref:

form to help up! (no more peeps needed!)
Code: Select all
ex of work:

1 wish list or new month pet

Saphira344 @ Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:46 pm

OMG there so cute :)

~katira~ @ Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:49 pm

so are you ready to breed?

Saphira344 @ Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:51 pm

Sure i just need to decied witch two to breed now lol
female ref:Kira
male ref:Aqua Dream
payment:Sending now :)
other:thought ill try breeding thise two first

162 replies not shown, show all

Adopt a Butterosaur based on this drawing by Hiccup
by Koiley @ Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:17 pm [Reply]

Butterosaur are a scientific experiment. They are a mix of dinosaurs and butterflies, only smaller. The biggest Butterosaur could fit in your palm. They are generally pretty sweet but you can occasionally come across a nasty little Butterosaur. Not good luck if you do, they bite hard. They mainly feed on the pollen of flowers and vegetables such as broccoli or lettuce. They also occasionally like a bit of honey.

Usually they are different shades of the same color, but exceptions can be made.

On each Butterosaur for adoption there will be a small adoption like picking a name, writing a story, drawing a picture, or anything like that.


★ Be kind to me as well as other members/mods/artists.
★ Respect the mods and artists.
★ Follow all CS forum rules.
★ All dinosaur species with butterfly wings are mine. (I plan on making other species with wings ie Velociraptor, T Rex, etc.)
★ Do not take a Butterosaur that is not yours.
★ The limit is four Butterosaurs. (artists/mods can have more)
★ Artists are aloud to have runners up in their contests.




- Ƀlitz
- ~Kiwi~
- moonland
- Santinel
- B o y c U T. ♡


- Soy

All Butterosaurs;
Fuba owned by -Kiley-
Unnamed owned by Mordacious
Wasabi owned by KaiKenNatsuki
Kaelin owned by ~RunawayWolf~
Unnamed owned by crhyoyo
Unnamed owned by Ƀlitz
Cream owned by SplashofOrangeJuice

Violenca @ Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:44 pm

I can't wait to see any adoptables of them *-* I wanna have one oO It'll be a goal for 2012 :D

foreign-potato @ Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:53 pm

caps were not purposely used.

Koiley @ Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:08 pm

Violenca wrote:I can't wait to see any adoptables of them *-* I wanna have one oO It'll be a goal for 2012 :D

Haha okay, I'll be making one to put up later. ^^

.Foreign.Potato. wrote:-GRABBY GRAB GRABBY GRAB-
caps were not purposely used.


105 replies not shown, show all

Plague Hound Adoptables
by N/A @ Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:48 am Attachment(s) [Reply]


- - - - - - - - - - - -

Hounds Currently Up for Adoption:
| click | click |
- - - - - - - - - - - -

History of the Plague Hound (caninae pestis):

Centuries after the first Black Death plague died down, cases began to spring up once more. Soon, the whole world was facing certain death as the disease spread. Instead of mere rats scampering around spreading the pestilence, genetically altered mice dubbed 'Death's Door' were the cause. Death's Door Mouse's origin is unknown, but they were nasty and hazardous creatures. These mice could only be slain by large quantities of radioactive waste. Desperate to end their people's suffering, the governments of all the countries came together as one to create a creature that could vanquish the mice.

The result was the Plague Hound.

A report from a German scientist working on the project described the hounds in detail:
These creatures carry the radioactive materials in their bloodstream and saliva. Their skulls are covered under a 'plague doctor' mask, a head covering that was used by doctors in the 14th century who tried to treat the plague. Little is known what lies under their sacred mask. A mutant face? A twisted muzzle? It is unknown. When they bite down into the Death's Door Mouse, the radioactive waste is transferred into the mutant animals veins and they are killed instantly. I believe that this may be the only hope for humanity to survive.

The invention of the Plague Hound was ingenious, but a problem soon arose. The creatures were harmful to humans because of the radioactive material running through their veins and mouth. They needed people willing to lay their life down to guide these creatures to the mice. These people are called 'Saviours'. Few are chosen to lead these hounds, and it is an honour to do so. These people are treated like heroes to their countries and the world.

So the question is, do you have what it takes to become a Saviour?

Notes from a Russian scientist showed more insight to the breeds of Plague Hounds:
There are two types of Plague Hounds: Hawks and Crows.

They are very similar. They both resemble a fox and have the same amount of radioactivity in their bodies. Their masks are always lighter than their pelt, and their markings range from freckled to tabby, a wide variety. They both are very good at their jobs and are focused during working hours. Both Hawks and Crows like attention, and are very loyal. They both will only choose one Saviour in their whole lives. After their Saviour has died, they usually will have the radioactive waste drained out of their bodies and they will work with the plague victims or retire to a life of comfort in a sanctuary.

Hawks are the more common Plague Hounds. They have short beaks and wings that look as if they are decaying. They have a keen sense of smell and are known for their cat-like ears. Their pelts are usually on the lighter tone, but that isn't always the case. Hawks are friendly and kind to all, despite their menacing appearance. They are the size of a golden retriever once full grown, and it can take up to 30 years until they reach full height. They are very loyal to their Saviour, and never question a word that he or she says. Hawks like a good stomach rub from time to time. They live between 74 and 140 years.
NOTE: There have been recent mishaps in the labs that have concluded in the creation of wingless Hawk Plague Hounds. These creatures are extremely rare, for only some can pass the training. There is no way to tell what went wrong when creating these hounds, but it doesn't seem to affect them for the exception of not being able to fly. The wingless are usually put in ground patrols with Crows.

Crows are less common than Hawks. Their beaks are long and lean, and they have large hollow eyes peering out of their head. They have skinny legs and a fluffy tail. They are about the size of a greyhound when they full grown. It can take between 40-50 years before they reach full height. These creatures are known for their fierce loyalty and seriousness on the job. They are friendly only to their Saviour and the sick. They are solitary and do not like to be with other Plague Hounds. Crows prefer darkness to light, and do not like the daytime. Their fur is usually darker than Hawks, but this isn't always the case. If you see a Crow and a Saviour on the street, steering clear of them is your best bet. They live between 122-180 years.

- - - - - - - - - -

Rules for Saviours and Saviours in Training:

- You may never abandon your Plague Hound. It has given its loyalty and its life to you, and you may never break your promise.

- You will never sell or trade away your Hound without my consent and the artist's consent. Trading away a Plague Hound is risky, for sometimes that other person does not meet the PH's needs.

- You may take the hound's design off-site, but always credit it's Scientist and you cannot take the direct lines of.

- Freebies cannot be taken off site.

- You can have up to three Plague Hounds at any given time.

- Do not beg or ask to become a Scientist if the forms aren't open for them.

- You can never use the designs as profit for yourself except if it was a custom.

- Never claim the background information, Plague Hound Adoptables, designs, or anything from this adoptable centre as your own.

- Enjoy your Hound and treat it with respect and care.

- - - - -


Banjolin - Head Researcher of The Project

(does not include customs)
Ƀlitz - Solion
Russells - Urvaye
SilverKitsune - Ocelot | Edgar
Banjolin - Effigy
Meeshabishy - Rosa Deserta
xXxYamiBakuraxXx - Raiza
SplashOfOrangeJuice - Aeolux
I n s o m n i a - Plague Of The Heart | Toxcidica
chosendragon - Amulius
JerseyDusk - Shiver
Jenn525 - Rae Vean | Cemal
flyteck - Olive
Cʏɢиɛт. - Carribio

- - - - -


Sometimes Scientists let the public have a few Plague Hounds of their own. These hounds are the same as any other, except for the fact that they do not carry any radioactive material in their blood stream or saliva. Having no hazardous waste in these Plague Hounds keeps the normal citizens safe, but also happy. These non-toxic hounds are sometimes called DPH, or Dry Plague Hounds. Feel free to request one to be made, but just know that the Scientists may be too busy or too tired to create a pet of your liking. Please note that making a DPH takes time and money for the governments, so they will ask you to pay a small fee of 2 wishlist pets to the head researcher, The Doctor. If there are any questions or complications, send a letter (or a PM) to him and he will gladly answer your questions.

Fill out this paperwork to file a custom request:

Code: Select all
DPH Name:
Reference Sheet:

Custom To-Do List:
- Teardrops In Time with Ragnar

No more orders can be filled at this time!

- - - - -


Code: Select all

- - - -
Code: Select all

Plague Hounds and Descriptions (C) The Doctor

Blitz. @ Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:00 am

Omigosh. This is epic *_* I will probably edit this post into a form <3

Callium @ Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:03 am

I'd love to be a scientist, but I don't get on much. :(

Snowstar12 @ Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:05 am

This is so cool if your going to do customs I will surely order some. :D

188 replies not shown, show all

This Place is CLOSED

-Kiley- wrote:After talking it over with Lilian, we've decided to put the Tempestines on a hiatus. Lilian has said, and I agree, that we would prefer to close them than see them gather dust. They'll be on hiatus for an undetermined amount of time. I wanted to make it clear that it's not lack of artist participation- it's the fact that we seem to be losing interest in them. Some artists have become involved in other species, and some are just having trouble with coming up with designs. (Me being one of them) I appreciate all that they have done.

I'd like to thank you all for your support and I would like to thank all the artists for being here for the species. Those of you who own a Tempestine are free to continue drawing and roleplaying them and such; there just won't be any for adoption. It's not because we need artists, we've just lost interest. PM me about being an artist and you will be given a warning if they ever become open again.

Thank you.

What is a Tempestine?-
A Tempestine is a large, thickset draft horse that can reach heights of 8 feet. They have the ability to live in/on the clouds and are stormbringers. Tempestines also have large antlers and can make electrical currents run through them, releasing bright bolts of lightning while doing so.

Whenever these creatures gallop on the clouds, they make thunders echoe with their hind hooves and pound the water out of the clouds with their strong legs. This is what creates a thunderstorm. Another curious characteristic of the species is that all the Tempestines have a tuft of long fur on the base of their tail, though males have a larger tuft than females. The males also have long fur hanging on their chin, making them look like they have a small beard.

Tempestine tails are really long and flexible, almost feline like, with another long tuft of fur at the end, and their split hooves are covered by a long feathering. Their manes are quite short, actually, while their forelocks are curiously long. Another very noticeable characteristic of the Tempestines is that they almost always have paint patterns on their coats. The second most common markings are roan or appaloosa, but they can have any horse coat pattern.

When Tempestines mate, it is not for life. Stallions can only cover a mare 5 times. Mares can only have foals 3 times. Keep track of how many times you breed your Tempestine! (we may up the numbers later) You may breed your own Tempestines together, or you can request a breeding with someone else’s Tempestine. The breeding will only occur if both owners agree. (the official thread will be set up so artists can have breeding slots to make the foals..we may set up a payment method). Whoever requests the breeding may keep the foal.

-> Do not copy the species or create a Tempestine on your own.
-> Do not copy other people’s entries when entering a contest.
->Do not spam the thread (this counts for irrelevant, small posts. Questions are OK)
-> To adopt, you must have been registered on CS for 5 months, made at least 250 posts, and have made at least 5 Oekaki.
-> Tempestines do not mate with normal horses.
-> Do not use your Tempestine in a non-official RP.
-> You can only have 4 Tempestines, unless you’ve been given permission to have more.
->Do not beg/ask for a custom. (I don’t give customs!)
-> Tempestines cannot be drawn or depicted as anthros.

How to adopt-
You must fill out whatever specifications that the artist has put on the form. The form will be on the Tempestine’s page. The artist can put whatever they want on the form, so don’t argue if the questions seem irrelevant to you. Do not change anything or add anything on the form! Just leave it as it is or you will be disqualified.

Lilian Nightshade
Silver Bullets
Chasing Dreams

None yet..

None yet..

-->Tempestine species belongs to -Kiley-. Do not steal!<--

Koiley @ Tue May 29, 2012 9:59 am

Amazing, Lilian! Thanks so much, I can't wait to make some. <3

Ovacalix @ Tue May 29, 2012 10:00 am



IM excited! I cant wait to adopt one guys 8D Good work!

anomaly. @ Tue May 29, 2012 10:05 am

rle want to adopt!!!!! ;DDDD

403 replies not shown, show all


What is a Lux Phoenix?

Lux Phoenix's are as big as a human, their wingspan double the size of their body so that a human would be able to sit happily on the back of one causing the Lux Phoenix no discomfort. Many believe Phoenix's to be associated with fire but this is wrong, these birds were created by the gods to light their way, many we see as stars but sometimes a lucky human will find the fallen piece of a star.. a star strangely resembling an egg.

Lux Phoenix's take five days to grow.

How Do I Adopt?

To adopt you must fill out this form:

Code: Select all
Your name:
Lux Phoenix Egg number:
Name of Lux Phoenix:
Why do you want to adopt a Lux Phoenix?:
What will you do with your Lux Phoenix?:

The available Lux Phoenix's for adoption will be numbered on this first page. The Name of the Lux Phoenix will be chosen by the owner. Please post the form on this thread not on the Lux Phoenix pages. First come first serve. Lux Phoenix's are free. You may 'bribe' me to make you a custom Lux Phoenix but this will require a wishlist pet as payment. Customs may not always be available.

How Can I Breed my Lux Phoenix?

Owners may now breed their Lux Phoenix's. Litters will hold between 2-5 eggs. The person breeding their Lux Phoenix must chose one of the eggs, the others will be put up for adoption. If two people are breeding their Lux Phoenix's together they are allowed to chose one each and if there are any more left after they have chosen they will be put up for adoption. In this case it will be first come first serve on which breeder gets what egg. If you want to breed with a Lux Phoenix that is not your own you will need to ask permission and put that persons name as the second breeder on the form. Lux Phoenix's may only breed every 14 days.

To breed your Lux Phoenix please fill out this form:

Code: Select all
Breeder name 1:
Breeder name 2 (if applicable):
Parents (please link):
Which artist do you want to do the breeding?:

The Rules

- Do not use a Lux Phoenix that belongs to someone else in any way
- Please do not complain, no one likes a complainer, if you have anything to complain about please message me and I will do my best to resolve your query
-Bumps are not necessary but kind words are appreciated. Please don't spam, if you forget to say something edit your post don't post another straight after
-Take the time to read everything on this post before you ask a question, of course if it's not answered here then please do ask
-When posting a form please do not edit it, any edits will not be accepted and you will have lost your chance to adopt the Lux Phoenix
-Art of your own Lux Phoenix is allowed but please give credit
-You may take off-site as long as it is directly linked back here

The Staff

Mihochi - Head Mod/Main Artist
'.~Void Runner~.' - Artist
Tⓧtheark - Artist
kitty00829 - Mod/Head Mod when i'm not here
f.a.i.t.h. - Mod
Mod Vacancy

Mihochi @ Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:40 am


Dak-Ho - adopted by Nikki6Ashba
Gold, Arima - adopted by StarrySkyCat
Emerald - adopted by Black_Wishes
Shadowfall - adopted by WolfOfNight
Aralia - adopted by Insanity's End
Tesserae - adopted by teddiursa
Sugar, Lelani, Blossom - adopted by me
Zorro, Sinx, Firea, Sierra - adopted by livykitty
Valerian - adopted by Mistah J
Polymia - adopted by Forgotten souls
Silence, Estrella - adopted by Tⓧtheark
Skylar - adopted by kitty00829
Kiba - adopted by ILUVCREATUS
Ariel - adopted by heyyou999
Takoda, Toxic - adopted by ~•MidnightDreamer•~
Amazing Dreams - adopted by awesomehorselover
Cinder - adopted by SunStormGirl
Jewel - adopted by Zone_perfect
Blaze - adopted by Mysty Fox
Asiyah - adopted by *Icetea*
Abraham, Lala, Violet - adopted by f.a.i.t.h.
L.L - adopted by clareiscool28
Shye, Fae - adopted by littlytiny
Starlight - adopted by SakuraStar
Linaly - adopted by RĄVEN
Blitz - adopted by Rani4268

If any of you change your names please let me know.

Mihochi @ Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:41 am

Available for Adoption - CLOSED

Egg 1 (female), adopted by Tⓧtheark: Image
Egg 2 (female), adopted by f.a.i.t.h.: Image
Egg 3 (male), adopted by Rani4268: Image

Mihochi @ Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:40 pm

First Lux Phoenix eggs available for adoption :)

227 replies not shown, show all

We have a brand new artist c:
We have a roleplay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have Breeding!
Here at chubs we value our artists. Here are our amazing people who devote their time into making you free chubs. make sure to be respectful and thank them for their hard work.
.October Rain.
We need your help! A very rare breed called the chub is becoming extinct! We need your help to breed and adopt theese wonderful ponies before they die out! when you adopt a chub you save it from being utanized. The reason why theese ponies keep being utanized is because they can't be ridin so in shelters no one buys them so they have to be utanized sadly to take in new horses but you can help stop the uthanizing by adopting one to call your own
The chub is not a real horse breed just a breed that I made up myself.
About the Chub breed
Chubs are known to be lazy bums and thats just what they are, LAZY! you can't ride chubs because their legs are to short and stubby that they are only strong enough to hold their own body weight. The breed is short only 3 feet tall and they are FAT! Not because they are unhealthy in fact a perfectly healthy chub can weigh up to 1500 at the max! Thats fat! They can be any basic coat color but not usually pinto but only in rare cases and they all have a unatural handprint marking on their rump. Though they can't be riden they are extremely strong and known to pull cargo up to 800 pounds! Whatever you do do NOT let theese horses step on or kick you they can weigh up to 1500 pounds! Making them one of the most heavy horses ever recorded. They eat a lot too! since they are so big they need over 20 pounds a day. This horse is etmely easy going and low temperd but they don't like thunder or loud noises because they are a timid breed and easilly spooked. If you own one yuo must be compasionate,caring, and understanding. They also need a big stall because they don't like being cooped up. They require a lot of special care. Some people may say this horse is useless because you can't ride it but as I said before they pull heavy loads easilly, better then draft horses or Shire horses! Theese horses are good for understanding people who are willing to throw in all this extra care. If you learn to understand them they are a amazing breed to own but due to the fact that the population is EXTREMELY low they will soon become extinct and due to amazing efforts the chub horse will be saved!
Customs are free!
Code: Select all
Horse name-
Horse Gender-
Coat Color-
Hoof color-
Hair color-
Accessories?-(Like saddles,halters,and Bridles)
Were will you put your chub?

Sadly the limit is one custom per user but the premade ones are great too!
If the horse is for sale it will have a adopt me label on it if it dosen't it belongs to someone else.
Please use the adoption form if you see any premades that you like it will be on the pony's topic. SO just click on a pony you'd like and fill out the form. The owner will be chosen using this
The chub horse was 100% my idea so you must either state in the place you put it that I made it or link it back here. Please PM me if you'd like to take it offsite and link it back to here. Online or offline do not steal the chub horse breed.
How NOT to get banned
.Not asking or begging to be an artist
.Not being rude to our hard working artists
.Not tantruming about your order not being done yet

corn nerd @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:22 am

Horse name-
Horse Gender-
Coat Color-
Black, but could his neck be rainbow?
Hoof color-
Accessories?-(Like saddles,halters,and Bridles)
Rainbow saddle
Were will you put your chub?
can he have rainbow swirls all over?

P0CKETKNIFE @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:24 am

Okie Dokie Lokie c:

Shenan_the_cat @ Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:36 am

Username- Shenan_the_cat
Horse name- Dusty
Horse Gender- Male
Coat Color- Smokey Grey with lighter patches around the muzzle and hind quarters, also can his mane be grey almost but not quite white.
Hoof color- Dark Grey.
Accessories?-(Like saddles,halters,and Bridles)- I would really love a version with a navy blue halter and a version with out if this is possible.
Were will you put your chub?- Where ever I can.
Other- Can you breed these? Because I'd love to get a girl and breed it with this one.

Edit: Could you make this one's mane and tail (not fringe please) slightly longer and wavy? I hope you can, thank you.

1090 replies not shown, show all

želva Adopts
by StarSea @ Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:38 pm [Reply]

This is my first ever adopts, so please help me out here. I'm trying to get ideas from the other adopts, but they don't help out a whole lot...

Welcome to želva Adopts!
(želva is Czech for Turtle)


  • Respect the želva team
  • No stealing or claiming as your own
  • If taken offsite, give a link back here
  • When requesting one, use the form or else you'll most likely be skipped over may it be on purpose or not
  • If you'd like to be on the želva team, then PM me the form listed below

Requesting and adopting
To request a želva, fill in the form below and your želva will be made when an artist gets to you. I'm not just taking requests through here, so if you see someone on my list of claimed requests that you don't know/can't find, that's probably because they're on the other site I'm taking requests through. Artists, if you'd like to supply želvas to other sites as well, ask me first. I'm supplying the želvas to the other sight because they are the main reason I made these, but I decided it'd be nice to supply them here as well.
Code: Select all
[center][size=150][b][color=#4080BF]I'd like to adopt a želva![/color][/b][/size]
[b]I want the želva to be based off of...[/b]
[b]The želva's name will be...[/b]
[b]The želva's gender is...[/b]
[b]The owner of the želva is...[/b]
[b]My payment will be...[/b]
[b][color=#FF00FF]Thank you for my želva! [img][/img] I promise that if I ever no longer want it, I will inform you of my decision. I understand and agree to the rules and promise that if I take my želva off site, I will include a link back here.[/color][/b][/center]

Joining the team
You may PM me this form to request to be on the team. When the "Joining the team" is red, that means I am no longer accepting team members. (This is for your personal information. Ie, for 'My terms and conditions are', you'd put what your terms and conditions would be. For 'One rule is', you put what one of my rules are. If you are requesting to be an artist, please send me an example of your work as well. If you'd like to be a supplier, then inform me of the site(s) you are going to supply to. More information on Suppliers will be listed lower down.)
Code: Select all
[center][size=150][b][color=#4080BF]I'd like to apply for a position![/color][/b][/size]
[b]I would like the position of...[/b]
[b]I am usually active for...[/b]
[b]I feel I'd be the proper choice for the position because...[/b]
[b]One rule is...[/b]
[b]My terms and conditions are...[/b]
[b][color=#FF00FF]By sending this in, I agree that, if I am to get the position, you have the right to revoke my position if I am found to be breaking the rules, not doing my job, or doing my job incorrectly.[/color][/b][/center]

Warnings and Bans
Three warnings will receive you a month ban, and two bans will receive you a six month ban, and two six month bans will receive you a perma-ban. I try to give you lots of chances to learn, so hopefully no one will ever have to be put on perma-ban. Of course, the severity of your offence can change how many chances you have of all of those things, but that is the most warns and bans and everything you can get.

No warnings or bans so far, so let's keep it that way!

StarSea @ Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:41 pm

The team
(When a team grouping is in red, that means that no more members will be accepted)

  • StarSea

  • StarSea
  • *Blackberry*

  • *Blackberry*

  • StarSea - FelisFire

Team Forms
(Just the terms and conditions are being quoted as I don't feel much of the rest needs to be...)
StarSea wrote:
My terms and conditions are... I can make želvas for myself whenever because of my hard work and I take on all of the requests from the other requesting site because I know about them and it is one of the main reasons I made this. XD

*Blackberry* wrote:
My terms and conditions are... I can make myself own customs anytime I want for my hard work.

Guide for Artists
Just to make sure that the Artists are all on the same page as to what to do when there is a request posted or they are filling in a request they claimed.
When claiming a request
So that no one's request is accidentally done more than once, or not done at all, I want the artists to 'claim' the request. Ie;
Sally wrote:
I'd like to adopt a želva!
I want the želva to be based off of... this dog
The želva's name will be... Dog of a feather
The želva's gender is... Male
The owner of the želva is... Sally
My payment will be... That dog
Thank you for my želva! Image I promise that if I ever no longer want it, I will inform you of my decision. I understand and agree to the rules and promise that if I take my želva off site, I will include a link back here.

Joe wrote:
Sally wrote:
I'd like to adopt a želva!
I want the želva to be based off of... this dog
The želva's name will be... Dog of a feather
The želva's gender is... Male
The owner of the želva is... Sally
My payment will be... That dog
Thank you for my želva! Image I promise that if I ever no longer want it, I will inform you of my decision. I understand and agree to the rules and promise that if I take my želva off site, I will include a link back here.

Claim! Getting to work ASAP.

When filling a request
The artist that 'claimed' the request then begins to work on it, posting once they're finished. They would...
Title the post as the pet's name in quotes, dash, who it's for. Then in the post, they'd have the requester's form. On the layer named "Tag", you put the number of day on the first line, the number of month on the second line, and the year on the last line. Makes them more 'collectors' edition. :)
"Dog of a feather" - StarSea
(His tag is not shown.)

If you are confused or unsure about something in this guide, feel free to PM me. :)

About Suppliers
Suppliers are members of the team that are also members on other sites such as MagiStream, Dragon Cave, etc who would like to spread the range of želvas. A supplier, if not an artist themselves, will take requests from the site(s) they're supplying to and post them here. Then an artist will take them up and fill them. Once they're filled, the supplier will take them back to the site they're being supplied to and give it to the requester. A supplier can supply to two different sites (not counting Chickensmoothie as they're already being supplied), and there can only be two suppliers per site to keep down on the competition, but to also help each other out. The suppliers must take the currency of the game they are supplying to in case of cross-sight exchange not being permitted. (You could say that this is cross-sight exchange, but I actually don't think it should be counted as that because it's almost just like making an image in paint or some other photo editor on your own and sending them it, except that you have an easier way to do it...)

Supplied Sites

StarSea @ Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:41 pm

Request list

  • None

  • None

Still in need of being claimed
  • None

Extras will be added in when I have time. If there's something you'd like to see added, post it!
Current Extras
  • 'Ocean' background
  • Plain background
  • Bubbles
  • Tag
Extras to be implemented
  • Bathtub background
  • Sky background
  • Costumes (Tell me what costume you'd like to see!)
  • Young/Adolescent želva lines

There currently aren't any banners! Be the first to make one!

*Blackberry* @ Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:17 pm

Bookmarking this, I will creating a few tomorrow^^ could you add me to color in if you haven't? Thanks!

2 replies not shown, show all

Jellybean Dragon Adopts based on this drawing by Hiccup
by Hiccup @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:37 am Attachment(s) [Reply]

Welcome to JBD Adopts!

What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored, neat, and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are mostly gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

JBD Forum- A Place for the JBD Community!
Oh Yes Shiny New Forum

About JBDs
★JBD sizes (smallest to biggest):
adult: great dane sized-cow sized
teen: shiba inu sized- german shepherd sized
child: cat sized- bulldog sized
baby/egg: rabbit sized

★ JBDs hatch from a jellybean-shaped egg, which gives them their name. The egg shell's color matches the fur color of the baby it keeps inside. A baby JBD is born with no markings, though a week after it hatches, it will start changing fur, and its markings will appear
★ Dark-colored JBDs are rare, and have a less social and cheerful personality than bright-colored JBDs.
★ Plain-colored JBDs are the rarest kind of JBDs. Unlike the rest of JBDs, their markings don't appear when they change fur, so they have a single fur color.
★ A few adult JBDs have Young Forever Syndrome (YFS). This means that it will not develop horns and/or it won't reach adult size.
★ When a JBD reaches adulthood, its horns start developing.
★ JBDs rarely use their fire, unless it is for cooking something or making a fireplace to keep themselves warm. They never use fire to harm anything or anyone.
★ A JBD's tail is as long as its body. In rare cases, it might be shorter.

How do I adopt?
Simply click the Jellybean Dragon that you'd like to adopt. The requirements to adopt each Jellybean Dragon will be stated by its respective artist.

★ Please respect the artists, mini-mods and other users.
★ Don't try to bribe the artists
★ Don't steal the species!
★ Don't complain if you don't win.
★ Take good care of your Jellybean Dragon! If you no longer want it, PM me or the artist who designed it, so someone else can adopt it.
★ Don't eat steal someone else's Jellybean Dragon!
★ You aren't allowed to own more than four.
★ Please don't complain on the thread! I know it might be frustrating to become a guest artist due to time zone differences, but there's nothing I can do, sorry.
★ This is pretty obvious, but it has been happening, so please don't spam the thread. If you do, you will be warned by one of the mods.
★ If you have a question, please read the first post. If your question isn't answered here, then go ahead and ask.
★ Edited guest artist forms won't count! Please don't post the form and later edit it to fill in your username; it is unfair to others.
★ Guest artists are not allowed to make runner-up JBDs.

Wolf Blood Song
Tabby Bae

I'm currently not looking for new artists c: (If you are an artist but don't have time to make more adoptables, please let me know so I can look for new artists c:)


Guest Artists

1. Syra
2. Verdana
3. ~RunawayWolf~

Slots are closed and will open again on Wednesday. (slots open when I say so.)
(A group of guest artists will be around for a week, and each guest artist is allowed to create 2 JBDs.)
Please don't change the form. It is easier for me to see it this way c:
Code: Select all
[color=#FF0040][b]I Want to be a Guest Artist![/b]

Please don't post your forms until I post that the slots are open!

Note: if you wish to grab a slot for someone else, fill in the form with their username.

This is how GA slots will work now: You will post your form, as usual. I will go through the first 10 (15? I'm not sure yet) people's Oekaki galleries, and choose 3 based on their designing skills. If you are filling the form for someone else, please link to their Oekaki gallery. Remember you can't be a GA for two consecutive weeks. Slots automatically close after the first 15 posts.

Spread the Love!
thank you for the stamp, moonlight_girl! It's awesome!<3
Code: Select all

Available Jellybean Dragons

(I've moved the list to the JBD Center due to space issues.)

JBD #251; judging
JBD #257; available
JBD #258; available
JBD #262; available

Thanks to Glomp for helping me keep the list updated!

JBD Roleplay
Cake, Lies, and Other Sweets
thanks to Sapphy~ for the RP!

Sticks, Stones, and Soda
thanks to Bonus for the RP!

JBD Fanclub
thanks to LabelMeGold for making the fanclub <3


I dare you to check these awesome species out!

Desert Racer Adoptables
Dox Dragon Adoptions
Hazelnut Squirrels

JBD Archives
Thanks to Blazer.Peppermint for the archives!


Note to artists:
If you have created a JBD and it hasn't been adopted yet, please don't post another one until it is adopted (this doesn't apply to guest artists) c: Remember that a JBD's fur can be up to 4 different colors, and they always have at least two stripes on their tail. Dark colored JBDs and plain colored JBDs are rare c: If the JBD you created is a YFS, make sure to say so somewhere. You may create up to 2 custom JBDs for yourself.

Note to guest artists:
A new group of 4 guest artists will be accepted each week. Each will be allowed to create 2 JBD during that week, no more! You can't be a guest artist for two consecutive weeks.
Guest artists aren't allowed to create rare JBDs (Dark colored or Plain colored).
Guest artists are allowed to make a JBD for themselves as long as they don't own one yet. Please number the JBD even if you're keeping it!

Don't make sparkle-beans! It's ok that they are colorful, but please choose colors that don't burn people's eyes c:

Thanks to all for your help and support c: <3 If you have suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Please post links to JBD linearts in the JBD Center. Thanks.

JBD Adopts will close after the 300th JBD is released.

DJ_X2 @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:03 am

They are cute!!!!!!!! :D <3

Blitz. @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:25 am

Omg, I have been waiting for this my whole life ;u;


mordacious @ Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:38 am

These are going to be so adorable. 0u0

2963 replies not shown, show all

Wolves of Fire! based on this drawing by skyofbee
by skyofbee @ Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:16 pm [Reply]

Something different...

Wolves of Fire (WoF)

"Where did they come from?"
The first Fire Wolves lived in a land consisting only of volcanoes, it was desolate but it was home. The leader of the pack was curious though, he led his pack beyond the land of volcanoes and into the world of man.

"Main traits of a Fire Wolf?"
•Flaming feet, the fire comes from the pads on the base of their paws.
•Flames from an open mouth, the have a fire duct located in between their lungs and travel the same path meaning it also courses through their veins and is how the fire reaches their pads.
•A unique marking, which is located anywhere on their body.
•Base flame colour, is both eye colour and possible fur tip tinting.
•Secondary flame colour, is the colour of their unique marking.
•Long tails, helps circulate blood and fire when swishing.
•When a female is ready to have her pups, she will return to their homeland where she will give birth and on the returning trip is where the pup will learn control and the basics to living.

"Rules with Fire Wolves?"
•No stealing my idea/design.
•For now the limit is 3, may be subject to change, we'll see how/if it gets popular or not.
•Feel free to do with it as you please, but if for some reason you take it off the site please link back here or credit me(:
•How you can adopt will be on the wolf's page ^-^

Lets get adopting!

_echo_ @ Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:28 pm

looks good so far (sorry is you needed to reserve this post, if so, I will delete this)

skyofbee @ Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:19 pm

It's fine and thank you!(:

_echo_ @ Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:45 am

Your welcome!


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