Story Clips

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Re: Story Clips

Postby Tala Lakota » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:28 am

(for this RP: ... ?tid=26358)

“Doesn’t seem that unhappy to me,” Uriel muttered as he watched Du’an.
“Well of course not,” Nirvana said, leaning against a wall, “he hates it when people worry about him.”
Uriel snorted, still annoyed by what he felt was Du’an belittling his loss earlier.
Nirvana sighed and said, “You’re watching him but you’re not really seeing him, look closer.”
“What?” Uriel looked away from Du’an to Nirvana, “What are you talking about?”
Nirvana looked at the deity, then turned back to her brother and nodded towards him, “Really pay attention to him and you’ll see it. You’ll see how that ever present smile never reaches his eyes, you’ll see how every time he thinks no one’s watching that smile vanishes and he sighs with a far away look, you’ll see that despite usually having perfect swordsman’s posture, his shoulders are always slumped while he’s here.
“You see Uriel, as bad as your loss was, and no one’s saying it wasn’t horrible, but as bad as it was, Du’an’s had worse, and he’s had it every second of our ever so short life. He’s the youngest of our siblings, and our mother died while he was young so he never got to know her, and before he fully started to understand the depth of our curse our oldest sister and our middle brother died from it, soon after our oldest brother, he was about ten then and had gotten very close to Agro, his was at the time one of the hardest deaths on him. He soon grew to realize that something wasn’t right with our tribe and when he asked our father about and found out about the truth, he cursed him for having children and forcing them to the same fate. Dad died before they had a chance to make up and he still hates himself to going off like that. Since then he’s been intent on finding a way to end the curse, but as far as I can tell the only way is to kill Belail and even that probably won’t work. Anyway, he’s fallen in love twice, and as a direct descendent of the man Belail cursed, not only he, but the people he loves can be affected by it, the first woman died the day they were to be wed, as such, he kept himself from getting that close to the second woman, but it didn’t work, she died as well, and he blames himself for both of their deaths despite everyone trying to convince him otherwise.
"So you see before you a man who desperately wants to love someone, and have a family, but will not for he knows what will happen to them. You see a man that is in constant pain, not just physical, but mental and emotional as well. A man that wants with all his heart to find a way to save a people that don’t deserve the fate that has been wrought upon them. So you see Uriel, if there’s any mortal who can understand what you feel, it’s him. As the last direct male descendent of Mephistopheles, he has it worse than any other member of our tribe, but he never complains, never gives up, and never shows his pain.” She sighed and turned to leave, walking away from Uriel to let him think about that a while.
Last edited by Tala Lakota on Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Postby Tala Lakota » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:18 pm

(for this RP: ... ?tid=26358)

“Du’an, what’s wrong with you?” Nirvana asked as she caught up with her brother.
Du’an didn’t seem to notice her as he continued his pacing and near-hyperventilating while muttering to himself, “No, no, no, I can’t do this, I’m such a horrible person . . .”
“Du’an!” Nirvana said loudly as she grabbed his arm and hauled him roughly to a stop, forcing him to face her, “What is your problem?”
Du’an stared at her wide eyed, as if not really seeing her, then he looked away and choked out, “I think I’m falling in love with her.” A pained look crossed her face and he pulled out of her now weakened grasp and started pacing again. “I can’t do this to her. I can’t hurt her like this. I can’t--”
“Du’an,” Nirvana said as she grabbed his arm again, “maybe it won’t happen again. Maybe since she’s a deity the curse won’t affect her, maybe it’ll end the curse.”
“You want me to risk her life on a maybe?” Du’an asked in nearly a yell. She could tell he desperately wanted to take hold of that hope, but wouldn’t let himself. “You want me to even contemplate putting her through that much pain just to see if that might work? Even if she was okay with the risk, I couldn’t handle having that happen again, especially to her. I’ve already caused her so much pain as it is, I can’t put her through more.”
“Stop it, Du’an,” Nirvana said in an angry tone, “that wasn’t youe fault and you couldn’t’ve prevented it. Even if you had never spoken to her or even seen her in the first place, Belail would’ve found her, and then she’d’ve been all alone and had no one to save her, or if she’d escaped, to comfort her afterwards. It’s because of you she can still smile and you have the ability to keep that smile from fading. You have to--”
“No!” he snarled pulling away from her again and shaking his head, keeping it bowed as he did so she couldn’t see his face, “I can’t do it, I won’t let her die so I can have a few minutes of happiness. If I have to hurt her to keep her safe I will, it would be better for her to have a little hurt now then find someone else that can take care of her. Besides, she’s a deity, she doesn’t belong with a mortal.” Before she could respond he spun away and ran off through the village.
Nirvana frowned as she watched him go, then shuddered and let out a heavy sigh, she wished she could help him.

“You don’t know Navi, you don’t know what it’s like to watch the person you love, the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, die. To see them in excruciating pain because of the curse you bear. You don’t know how it hurts to watch them scream in pain for hours, or even days just because you loved them.” Du’an turned away as he felt tears slipping down his face, “To see the fear in their eyes and not be able to do anything to help, no words can give any comfort. To taste their tears when you kiss them for the last time. To feel the tight grip of their hand go slack when the life finally slips out of them and you can’t help but feel relieved that they're dead and no longer in pain.” He leaned his shoulder against a tree, feeling like he’d fall to the ground without something to support him as he saw their pained expressions and heard their screams again. “And there’s nothing you can do for them, no spells to ease their pain or put them out of their misery work. Any wound heals in an instant without even a drop of blood being spilled. The ones that have been able to talk have said it feels like their insides being shredded apart and then melted, or that it feels like they’re being eaten alive but won’t die, burning and freezing at the same time. All you can do is sit there, sit there and watch as writhe in pain, and it’s all my fault, they didn’t deserve that, they deserved so much better. They deserved long lives with the right men and good kids but instead they got me and they got pain and they got death, and it’s all my fault. I should’ve known better, I should’ve kept to myself and never associated with them, I should’ve walked away as soon as I felt anything for them, but I didn’t ‘cause I’m weak, and I’m a horrible person who didn’t deserve them.” He leaned his back against the tree and slid to the ground, burying his face in his hands, muffling his words, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, it’s always my fault, I can’t do anything right.”
Last edited by Tala Lakota on Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Postby Tala Lakota » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:51 am

“I’ll be right back,” Du’an said, his voice breaking as he did, “I’ll be right back, it’s going to be okay, I promise.” He kissed Navi’s forehead then straightened up. “I’m so sorry.” He spun away from her and ran out the door, not able to keep his choked sob in before the door closed behind him.
Uriel’s brow furrowed in anger and confusion and he followed the mortal out. “Where are you going?” he yelled out at Du’an’s back, trying to cover his terror and guilt with anger.
“Leave me alone,” Du’an said without looking over his shoulder or slowing down.
Uriel broke into a jog to catch up with him. Grabbing his arm the deity growled, “Where are you going? She needs you right now.”
Du’an twisted and pulled out of Uriel’s grasp, he glared up at him angrily, tears already streaming down his face as the memories of the two women this had already happened to assaulted him once more, but this time it was worse, much worse. “You said this wouldn’t happen,” he yelled furiously, “you told me he wouldn’t let this happen.”
Uriel took a step back at the unexpected rage in Du’an’s expression and his own anger melted away and he shook his head and said softly, “No, I said only he wouldn’t let the curse kill her.”
“Great!” Du’an snarled and spun away, “So now she can writhe in pain endlessly until he finds her, that’s wonderful.”
“You think I don’t know how this feels?” Uriel yelled after him. “She’s my dau--”
“No,” Du’an shouted back, spinning around to face him again, “you don’t know how this feels. The woman you loved died for a cause, she gave her life for something worth it. The two of you had years together, she didn’t get just a few days with you and then die for nothing. You also haven’t gone through it twice before, and it was not your fault. You can’t for one second know how this feels.” He then left Uriel standing in the street as he stormed into his house. The deity stood there a moment, staring at the door before turning and going back to Navi.

Nirvana looked up from where she sat in the fetal position on the couch as the door slammed opened and Du’an stormed in. “Du’an, what are yo--”
“I’m not going to let this happen anymore,” he replied before vanishing into the study.
Nirvana jumped to her feet and ran to the door but it was locked. She pounded on the door and shouted through it, “Du’an, what are you doing? Talk to me!” There was no response but she could hear things falling to the floor she knocked again, “Du’an.”
“Leave me be!” Du’an shouted back, she couldn’t tell if his voice held more anger or fear, but anger at who was her concern.
“Please talk to me Du’an, what are you doing?”
There was a moment of silence before the door flew open and Du’an pushed passed her saying, “I’m ending this.” He ran up the stairs and into his room where he dropped the spell book he’d carried from the study on his bed. Nirvana followed him and stood at the doorway and watched him scoop up the tiny dragon and mutter something to it, she couldn’t hear what he said but that didn’t make her less worried.
“Du’an, I don’t know what you’re planning but it’s a bad idea,” she said quietly.
“How would you know?” Du’an asked as he placed the dragon in his pocket and grabbed a pin which he dipped in some ink and started writing on his hand with. “You don’t know what I’m planning.”
“Exactly,” Nirvana said pointing a finger at him and stepping in his room. “You always tell me everything, the fact that you’re not means you’re about to do something stupid and don’t want me to talk you out of it. Listen,” Nirvana started to talk faster as Du’an finished whatever he was doing and started to blow the ink dry, he didn’t appear to be listening, “we can figure this out together, we’ve always gotten through things together, don’t push me out of this.”
Du’an didn’t reply as he turned toward the book on his bed, he flipped through it and then ripped a few pages out which he folded neatly and put in his pocket. He then looked at her, she shuddered as she realized as his expression had gone totally blank, and she knew he was doing his best to not listen to her. He walked passed her and back out of his room without a word.
She followed him down the stairs and outside continuing to try and get him to talk to her but she was running out of things to say and he wasn’t responding. She stopped following him when he went back into the building where Navi lie.
Du’an rushed to Navi’s side, avoiding Uriel’s hard gaze, and took her hand while giving her a soft smile. He gently brushed some hair off her sweat-covered brow and said, “It’s going to be okay Navi. I’m going to fix this, I promise, I’m going to make this better.” He closed his eyes and turned his head away for a moment before he turned back and continued, “Navi, you have a really bad habit of not listening to me, but this time, of all times, you have to listen to me now, you have to do what I say, otherwise you could get hurt very badly.” A few tears started to slide out of his eyes, “If you see me again after today you cannot trust me, I know it’s confusing, but I won’t be the same person. Don’t listen to anything I say, if you see me just run away.” He squeezed her hand and looked down at the floor a moment, “I’m so sorry I let this happen to you Navi, I shouldn’t have ever come to your house, I shouldn’t have let you love me. I shouldn’t have loved you back, but I do and it’s only brought you pain and I can’t bear to let this happen again. Especially not to you. You’ve always been perfect Navi, never let what other’s do change you, you can’t be a better person.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the enchanted dragon and pressed it into her hand as he released it. “Here, I know how much you like him, he’s yours now.”

He realized he was about to loose his will to leave so he leaned forward and kissed her forehead again, then slowly moved his head down and pressed his lips to hers for a moment, a couple of his tears falling on her face before he pulled away from her. He spun away and ran out the door, knowing that if he went any slower he wouldn’t be able to go through with it. When he got out of the door the threw it shut then leaned heavily against it, breathing hard and wiping away his tears with his sleeve.
“Du’an,” he looked up to see Nirvana staring at him angrily. “Du’an you cannot just leave her--”
She stopped talking when he suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, “I love you, Nirvana, and I’m sorry.” He pulled away from her then muttered, “Pugna, Du’an.”
Nirvana saw his hand start to glow and she reached out to try and catch him, “Du’an no!” But he’d place his hand on his chest and vanished before she could reach him. “You idiot,” she whispered staring at the place where’d he’d been.

“You just don’t know how to listen to me do you?” Du’an ask, a smirk of pure evil curling his lips. “The first time you don’t listen to me you get hurt by Belail, the second time you don’t listen to me a house nearly falls on you, and the third time . . . well, the third time I get to teach the lesson personally.”

I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do to make up for what I’ve done to you, I’m not even sure why you’re taking the time to read this if you are. Anyway, I just thought I should let you know that I’m leaving so you don’t have to worry about seeing me around anymore. I don’t know where I’m going, I’m just going to leave, get lost I guess. I figured I’d write so that you’d know, but I didn’t think you’d want to see me or hear my voice. I don’t expect you to forgive me, I don’t know how you possibly could, I wouldn’t if I were you and I know I won’t anyway. I’m sorry, I can’t say it enough times and I know it probably doesn’t mean a thing, but I’m so very sorry. I love you, I always will.

“Where are you going?” Nirvana asked icily as she walked up behind Du’an.
Keeping his back to her, Du’an slung his saddle up onto the back of his svine and started to tie the straps as he replied in a drained voice, “I don’t know, west somewhere I guess.”
“There’s nothing out there.”
“Exactly,” Du’an replied as he grabbed his saddle bags and started to tie them to the saddle, avoiding her gaze as he moved about the barn. “Everyone I love hates me, and for good reason, so why should I stay here? If I leave it will get me out of everyone’s hair and no one has to look at me anymore.”
“And Navi?”
“You think she wants me around? You think she wants a constant reminder of the pain I put her through?”
“Did you tell her you were leaving, did you ask if she wanted you to stay?” Nirvana’s voice had taken on a condescending tone now.
“I left her a note, she’s a god, if she wants to find me she can. All she has to do is talk to the animals, they’ll know of my passing.”
“A note? Really? After all the two of you have--”
“Do you think she wants to hear my voice right now?” He leaned his forehead on his saddle as if he couldn’t hold his head up anymore, “You think she wants to look at me? I can’t change what I’ve done, Nirvana, and there’s nothing I can do to make it better, but I can at least remove a constant reminder.” He pulled himself up into the saddle and walked his svine out of the barn. Still avoiding her hard gaze he said, “I’m sorry for what happened, to you and to Navi. I hope you can forgive me but I don’t see how, I will always hate myself, possibly more than you hate me. I just hope you can let go of the hate so that you can be happy again.” As he rode out into the sun he looked up to where Uriel was standing on a roof glaring pure hatred at him, “Even if you can’t forgive, I hope you can forget. Being angry forever will only do you harm.” He then lowered his head and looked straight ahead as his svine broke into a slow canter. Nirvana followed him out of the barn and leaned on the door as he finished talking then watched him ride off. She gave a heavy sigh and shook her head before returning to her house.
Du’an kept a blank face as he rode out of the village, doing his best to ignore hateful glares and a few angry shouts. He’d nearly made it out before Fetz stepped in front of him forcing him to pull his svine to a sudden halt. She made an irritated noise and Du’an reached forward and patted her neck to calm her down. “What do you want Fetz?”
“Running away like the coward you are?” Fetz asked in a mocking tone. “Can’t handle--”
“Save it,” Du’an said, looking at him, Fetz was surprised when the sunlight gleamed off a line of tears on Du’an’s cheek, “nothing you can say can make me feel any worse than I already do. I’m leaving so I can’t hurt anyone ever again, I’m not even going to another town or village, I’m just going to get lost somewhere.” His svine started forward and went around the older man, “I’m sorry for what happened with your sister, but had it not been for the curse we would’ve been very happy together.” Du’an looked over his shoulder once as they left the village then turned away when his svine broke into an all-out gallop. He hoped to return someday, but he knew he probably wouldn’t.
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Re: Story Clips

Postby Tala Lakota » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:10 pm

(edited to fit things that have happened since i orig wrote it)

(for this RP: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=844959#p21493892)

Ramiel stooped down and pulled Ivar to his feet saying, “I’m so sorry Ivar. I’m so sorry I got you into this.” He suddenly stumbled to the side as pain blossomed across his face.
“Why must you defy me at every turn?”
He barely heard his father’s snarl through the ringing in his ears as he turned back to glare at the vampire, “This isn’t about you. It’s about me trying being happy for once.” Ivar backed away from them, joining the ranks of nearly a hundred other soldiers that were there, that had been assembled short notice after he’d learned of Ramiel’s betrayal readying them to attack Ramiel’s new family.
“Lair!” Merikh shouted, slamming a foot into his son’s stomach, sending him flying across the room till he slammed into a wall and fell to the ground coughing, his stomach protested the blow and pushed it’s meager contents up Ramiel’s throat, he could see and smell his own blood in the vomit on the floor in front of him as he gasped for air. “It’s always been about me. All I want to do is make a better future for our kind, and I wanted to bring you glory by letting you be a part of it, but you seem so intent on being as selfish as you can and rebelling against me every chance you get. You should’ve killed her the first time you saw her, she gave you every reason to but you had to go against me and bed her.”
“I never wanted that life,” Ramiel said slowly getting to his feet and forcing himself to not grip his aching stomach. He stood up tall and looked hatred into his father’s eyes, “All I’ve ever wanted was to have my own life, I would’ve stayed completely out of your way, and if you would’ve let me do that I probably would’ve never met her. So technically this is all your fault.” Ramiel had never actually talked back to during one of the beatings, but he figured one of them would die here so why not?
The comment brought out an outraged roar as Merikh slammed the heel of his hand into Ramiel’s chest. Already against the wall he couldn’t move with the blow and it brought the first cry of pain as his sternum shattered. “Don’t even try that you ungrateful, little leech. This is the last time you disobey me. I will see to that. You wouldn't have life if it weren't for me!”
"I would be okay with that!" Ramiel shouted in a strained voice. “You’re a rectal orifice you know that? You can’t handle the thought of anyone being happy since you can’t can you?” Another blow to the side of his head, snapping his cheek bone and sending him stumbling to the side again, but he didn’t stop there. “I just want to know, what is it that makes you so obsessed with controlling everyone around you? Is it because you couldn’t control the loss of her?”
Merikh stilled and narrowed his eyes as he glared at Ramiel, “What are you talking about?”
Ramiel leaned against the wall for support and returned his father’s hard gaze, “How many times have you told us--no, warned us to never love anyone? Warned us like you’ve warned us to never loose our heads in a fight.”
“Love makes you weak,” Merikh snarled, “it clouds your mind and gives your enemies something to use against you.”
“I’ll tell you how many times,” Ramiel said, spiting a wad of bloody mucus to the floor, “you’ve told me enough times that I’ve realized, and I think I’ve known this a while now and just didn’t really think about it, I’ve realized that you’ve loved and lost.”
He’d struck a nerve, he could see it in his father’s face, unfortunately his father also struck a nerve when he slammed his fist into Ramiel’s solar plexus, drawing out another cry of pain as he slid to the floor. Ramiel lay there coughing a moment before he was finally able to let out a pained laugh, “Ah, so I was right. It’s surprising how much you can figure out about someone by just paying a little attention. So what was it?” He looked up at Merikh, “Did she leave you? Did she break your heart and go to another? Or was it that you couldn’t protect her? Did she die for you, someone use her against you? Or did you loose the werewolf you loved in a battle against another, one stronger than even you?”
Merikh roared in anger and slammed the toe of his steel-tipped boot into his son’s side, flipping him over. Ramiel could feel two or three shattered ribs, he couldn’t breath, collapsed lung. He started to get dizzy as he couldn’t get enough oxygen and his vision went blurry. This was it, he was going to die by his father’s hand and leave his child alone and parentless. His life flashed before his eyes, not the one he’d already lived but the one he was supposed to live, the one where he helped Vix raise their child and they had a happy life together. A tear slipped down his cheek and he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Merikh dropped to one knee and grabbed Ramiel by the collar, “You will be an example to everyone here, and all those that come after. You get your wish, son, I will allow you out of my army, and glory will never see your name. And to make sure your example runs deep I will find this girl, this mongrel, and I won’t even give her the pleasure of meeting death. I will punish her for forcing me to kill my own son, and then I will give her to Lamia. Her pet scientists would love to have her and your bastard child. A what, three-quarters wolf and a child with all three species in it? Oh yes, they’ll have some fun with them.” He didn’t know what had happened.
NO! Ramiel pursed his lips and spit a wad of blood into his father’s face, making him drop Ramiel and curse as he wiped the blood from his eyes. NO! Taking his chance, Ramiel gathered the last of his strength and rolled to his knees yanking the knife Vix had given him out of his boot and throwing it at his father. “No.”
Merikh hissed his rage as he yanked the blade from his chest. Good, directly in the heart, maybe the poison would work faster. “You really think something like a silver blade can kill me?” He flung the knife back at Ramiel, but the half-breed had been expecting it and he was able to knock it away before it hit. He winced as he felt the blade bite into his hand and he looked at the thin line of red coming out of his hand. Five minutes. Five minutes for what? He doubted there was any kind of antidote. He looked back at Merikh and said, “You know. She might still love you. Your wolf. You should’ve let go of your rage and found a way to win her back. She’s a very kind woman, and I would’ve loved to have had her as a mother, but I can settle for her as a grandmother. As she’s the grandmother of my mate and the great-grandmother of my son.” He had no clue what had happened to Vix's grandmother, just as his father had no clue what had happened to Vix.
Merikh hissed, enraged that his son would get the life he’d missed out on, Ramiel would leave it so that he didn't know his mate was dead, letting his father die in a jealous rage. Merikh started to lunge at him again, but it became just a stumble and a smile crossed Ramiel lips, it was already taking effect. The vampire shook his head and tried again but this time just fell to his knees
Ramiel got to his feet and glared down at him as he could see his father dieing, “My love for her has not made me weak, it has made me stronger than you will ever be, and you will die knowing your empire will fall to ruins and your ‘dreams’ will never be realized.”
He stared into his father’s eyes and watched the angry life quickly fade from him, Merikh fell the rest of the way to the ground. The poison had already taken enough effect for him to be too weak to struggle or even yell angry words, but he was able to whisper, as he stared up at Ramiel, “You will have what’s left of my army, my true soldiers, on your tail from now until eternity. Sooner or later one will kill you or her. And when your son has no one to raise him he will become just like me.” He smirked as he saw that his words hit home with his son and then gave up and let himself die. Ramiel stumbled back a step and fell to his butt, the world suddenly spinning as blood and oxygen loss and the poison all took their toll and he couldn’t concentrate enough to heal himself. He saw a blur of a shape standing over him just before everything went dark.
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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:49 pm

There's a pain
There's a pain deep down in my heart when I look at you and you don't return my gaze
There's a pain in my chest when I speak to you and you do not hear what I want to say
There's a pain that consumes me when I know of how you deserve far better than you have received

There’s a knowledge
There’s a knowledge in the back of my mind of how you deserve everything you’ve ever wanted
There’s a knowledge that nags at me that you could never trust one such as me
There’s a knowledge that consumes me that I fear I could never deserve you

There’s a fear
There’s a fear that quells me when you leave and I know you might not come back
There’s a fear that one day you will know of my feelings for you and shun me for them
There’s a fear that consumes me when I think that you may always bear that heavy pain

There’s a pain in deep down in my heart at the knowledge in the back of my mind of the fear that quells me from speaking to you of how dearly I love you.
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But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:34 pm

Akos stopped in his tracks the gun went off. He tried to breath but couldn’t get the air in. Looking down, he gingerly touched his stomach, when he brought his hand away the bright crimson blood appeared as a strong contrast to his white skin. He looked up and let out a small, terrified sounding, “Rissa,” before his legs gave way and he collapsed to the ground.
(other writer's post)
Akos looked up at Amarissa, clutching her hand tightly, his grip weak. He could barely see her, his vision was blurring badly. He could feel the silver spreading painfully through his system as his blood flowed out through his fingers. "I-I'm sc-scared. I d-don't-t wan-t to d-die." What was wrong with this cruel universe? All his life he'd wanted death, preferred it over his pain filled life, but now that he wanted to live, now that he had had a few days of happiness and had something to live for he was dieing. She had done so much for him and now he was going to leave her.
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But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:52 am

Amara looked down at his hands as she took them and lifted them up between them, cupping them together as if she was going to pour water into them. She ran her fingers over his palms and said quietly, "These hands, these strong, yet very gentle hands, they hold my heart. It's been broken and destroyed and I've only just finished putting the pieces back together. It's fragile, but as long as these hands protect it, it will beat for you and you alone and it will strengthen with time, as will our love." She looked up into his eyes, her own shining with love for him. She wrapped her fingers around his hands and leaned in to press her lips to his. This was different than any kiss they'd shared before, there's was more than just passion in it, there was an unspoken need in the contact. She was ready for him and she wanted him now.
have pets? going on Vacation? find a great sitter: (promo code: 1342920 get $20 off ur 1st stay, you can use the code no matter what sitter you choose)

But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:34 am

Dion looked up from his homework when he heard a pounding on his door. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he slipped off his bed and stood up. The pounding was repeated before he made it across the small space that was his apartment. In hindsight that was a good warning that he shouldn't open the door. He didn't actually have a peep hole so he had to open the door to see who it was, but he only saw the feared and hated face for a split second before a beer bottle crashed down on is head and he cried out in surprise and pain as he stumbled backwards.
There was an enraged scream of: "You ruined my life!" before pain exploded in his stomach and the force of the blow sent him to the floor coughing and hacking. "Everything was fine till you came along and made her leave." The man slammed his foot into Dion's chest, receiving a very satisfying crack and cry of pain. "All the money and time I wasted raising you and you repay me by throwing me in jail?" This time his foot connected with Dion's head. "Should've just given your mother's stomach a good punch and ended you before you existed!" He picked Dion up just to throw him into a wall. "Bet your little whore left you as soon as she realized how useless you are, you little fagot," he added as he slammed his fist into Dion's stomach, sending hims to the floor once more.
have pets? going on Vacation? find a great sitter: (promo code: 1342920 get $20 off ur 1st stay, you can use the code no matter what sitter you choose)

But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:54 am

Althaia smiled as she watched her son playing with his toys. Feeling a little thirsty she got up and left their room then headed for the kitchen. To save electricity she had turned the AC off and since it was a little warm she was just walking around in pajama pants and a sports bra. She went into the kitchen and filled Cronos's sippy cup with apple juice before pouring herself a glass and heading back through the house. She only made it about half-way through her living room before the front door practically exploded off it's hinges. She let out a startled cry as she dropped to the floor and covered her head to protect herself from debris. Then only a second later a large hand gripped her hair and yanked her head back painfully, forcing her to look at the face she feared and hated more than anything else in the world.
"Thought you could just run out on me did you?" he slammed the back of his hand across her face, not releasing her hair as he did so her face took the entire force of the blow without being able to move with it to reduce the impact. She cried out in pain and raised her arms to block any more blows but he just grabbed her wrist in a painfully tight grip and yanked her to her feet, the force snapped her wrist like a twig, eliciting a scream of pain. "After all I did for you? After all I gave to you? You could've been Alpha Female! Our son could've had everything!" he yelled as he tossed her across the living room. She slammed into the coffee table, shattering it and receiving several shards of broken glass into her flesh. She sobbed in pain and fear, knowing this was only going to get worse.
have pets? going on Vacation? find a great sitter: (promo code: 1342920 get $20 off ur 1st stay, you can use the code no matter what sitter you choose)

But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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Re: Story Clips

Postby ThatPersonWithaFace » Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:28 am

Cavan snapped, he'd been keeping his mouth shut as much as he could to avoid this, but couldn't any longer. "Ever thought maybe part of this is your fault?" he snarled as he spun towards the Alpha, toward the man he used to be good friends with. "She was upset, she was afraid. Don't tell me you didn't know that because any mate who is as bonded as you claim to be could tell when their mate is troubled. I went to her to comfort her, to make sure she was okay, maybe if you'd done the same instead of sitting around your nice warm fire she'd've fallen into your arms instead of mine." His gaze went towards the cave where she was and his tone and expression softened, "I've loved that woman since the second I met her, but I've never made a move towards her, she is yours and I've always respected that despite how I feel. You can't imagine how much it hurts to watch the woman you love love someone else for years. And you want to know the best part," he added with an unamused laugh as his gaze flicked back to Blake and his arm shot up to point at the cave. "There's a woman in there, just as perfect as Rox, who loves me and is already mine, but no matter how much I try I can't make myself love her instead of the one who's already taken. Trust me, I hate myself for that a hundred times more than you ever could, and I always have. No matter what I do I just hurt everyone around me, including myself. So I'm sorry that when the chance for one small moment of mutual happiness came to me I didn't reject it. It wasn't just some moment of lust." He angrily brushed away a tear that had slipped down his cheek and spun away. "I don't care what you do to me, kill me, banish me, punish me any way you see fit. It won't hurt more than having her ripped from my arms."

"I'm going to look for my brother," Cavan snarled, "in case you haven't noticed through feeling sorry for yourself, some of your pack hasn't come back after the storm."
have pets? going on Vacation? find a great sitter: (promo code: 1342920 get $20 off ur 1st stay, you can use the code no matter what sitter you choose)

But in the corner, at the cold
hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with
rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth,
leaning against the wall--frozen to
death on the last evening of the old
year. Stiff and stark sat the child
there with her matches, of which
one bundle had been burnt.
"She wanted to warm herself,"
people said. No one had the
slightest suspicion of what
beautiful things she had seen;
no one even dreamed of the
splendor in which, with her
grandmother she had entered
on the joys of a new year.
Pet's name: The Little Match Girl

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