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[ tiernan - alpha ]

Postby solyn » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:36 am

────── ⊱ 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐍.
name means: irish; lord. image credit here


── name: tiernan. rank: alpha. gender: male, he/him. age: old man (eight years)

── personality: tiernan is everything an alpha should be─ composed, logical and compassionate. his priority is and always has been the well-being of the pack, and he's not afraid to make tough decisions to keep them safe. he is by nature cautious, preferring time to think through a problem before acting, especially because he has to consider the ramifications of each course of action and how that would affect the pack. although he is patient and has a calm bearing, he is exceptionally shrewd and calculating. his trust is not easily given, and the expectations that come with that trust can be hard to bear. he also has an arrogant streak, believing himself at times to be able to outwit even the cleverest members of his pack. above all else he is loyal to the pack and the pack's wellbeing, even to the detriment of his own personal relationships.

── history: tiernan has lived the life a pack wolf is supposed to live. he was born and raised in the pack, seen it prosper and loved it with all his heart. he grew up, found a mate in eliza, settled down and had his pups. he couldn't have predicted the friend of his younger brother ending up as his mate, but he very quickly became enamoured with her, and with her by his side he rose through the ranks and established himself as a great leader of the pack. he has seen many seasons with this pack, and prior to the nuclear leakage he had been considering retirement, now that his pups are grown and a new generation is ready to make their mark. however, with all the strange happenings recently─ including his own body feeling healthier and stronger than it has in many moons─ he believes the pack needs the stability of a tried and true leader now more than ever. his peaceful moons of retirement will just have to wait until he's sure that the pack is out of the woods─ and until he understands the changes he himself is undergoing.

    key = [✓] positive rel. [✘] negative rel. [=] neutral rel. [❤] possible romance. [✦] family. [o] yet to meet.
    orientation: married <3

      ── arcturus. [✓] number one protegee
      when arcturus first joined them, tiernan thought all he needed was a little bit of a push
      to grow into a wolf to be proud of- and he was right. he treats arc like the son he always
      wanted, and has only been too happy to mentor him. he feels a great deal of affection
      for him, which blinds him to some of arc's less... palatable personality traits.

      ── sibylline. [x] requires delicate handling
      further elaboration regarding their dynamic/my thoughts/plotted with rp members

      ── judiah. [=] requires guidance
      judiah is one of the newer additions to the pack, which means he has tiernan's watchful
      eye tuned on him in full effect. tiernan wants to help him integrate into the pack, but
      he's still trying to get his bearings when it comes to understanding judiah. he's friendly
      with him, but their relationship can't be called close... yet.

      ── agathi. [✓] knowledgeable & effective
      although he respects agathi's skill at her job, he doesn't really get it. still, he's not going
      to complain; nobody else is stepping up to heal the pack after all. they don't always see
      eye to eye, but agathi is a good-hearted wolf who is good at her job. after all, she is so
      far keeping his biggest secret...

      ── oliver. [✓] growing into himself
      tiernan respects oliver's work ethic immensely, and wants oliver to feel connected in a
      way that he's suspecting he doesn't, even after so many years in the pack. he often tries
      to dole out compliments and get oliver involved with the other pack members, trying to
      show him that he values him as part of their community.

      ── saskia. [=] high energy
      he's glad that his pack has such enthusiastic young members, and values her as part of a
      generation that will be the future of his home... but he's simply too old to keep up with
      her these days. he does his best to be accommodating and give guidance and encourage
      her where he can, but he can only stomach her in small doses before he's winded.

      ── amalie. [✓✦] the prodigal daughter
      tiernan's eldest is unquestionably his favourite. from the moment she was born, anyone
      in the pack could see how much time her father invested into her growth. even as she
      has grown up, they have remained very close. he is very proud of the wolf that she has
      become, and trusts that she will bring strength to the pack's next generation.

      ── rainier. [✘✦] missed potential
      rainier is tiernan's younger pup, and their relationship has always been strained. rainier
      has often felt neglected by his father, not quite as clever or personable as his sister. he
      has developed into a moody wolf, quick to snap and even quicker to a grudge. tiernan
      has never quite figured out how to repair this relationship, and isn't sure he wants to.

      ── sloane. [=] curiosity kills cats
      one of the newer curiosities, sloane is a loner who hasn't quite dropped the lone-wolf
      mentality since joining the pack. if he could, tiernan would have kept her as an initiate
      for a little longer to figure out what kind of wolf she is, but to his chagrin she has more
      than earned her stripes. he's still wary of her, but can't find a bad thing to say either.

      ── diablo. [✓] promising young man
      tiernan likes diablo well enough- he's always polite to him after all. his observations and
      strategic decision-making are valuable assets to the pack's hunters, and it makes tiernan
      glad to have someone like that working with his daughter. he does hear rumours about a
      potentially less kind personality, but he pays them no mind. packs disagree, after all.

      ── juliette. [✓] a sweet soul
      as a long-term member of the pack, juliette is like a little sister to tiernan. he knew her
      as a pup, and then as the pupsitter of his pups, so he always jokes that she truly makes
      him feel his age, but that's a good thing to him. he feels honoured to have her as part of
      the pack, and trusts her a great deal.

      ── seraphina. [✘] shot to the heart
      nothing could have hurt tiernan more than watching a pup that he'd seen grow up into a
      bright young wolf leave the pack. his priority has always been the good of the wolves in
      his care, and he feels that he failed seraphina... but he isn't quite over feeling betrayal
      at her departure from his life. if she's gone, who else could follow?

      ── elizabeth. [✓❤] wifey - me and my girl don't argue she tells me to shut up and i do
      tiernan's mate, he and eliza have been together for many years now. though they both
      approach leadership differently, their decision making compliments one another. even
      though they've had their disagreements, it's nothing they haven't bounced back from.
      her opinion has always been the most valuable to him, and he's completely besotted.

      ── maverick. [✓] needs confidence
      tiernan sees a lot of himself in maverick, and wishes that he could see his own potential!
      he thinks maverick is a great example of what a pack member should be, and tries hard
      to encourage maverick to see all the good qualities he has. he thinks maverick has a bit
      to learn, but he values his contributions to the pack, and tries to make sure he knows it.

      ── persephone. [=] something's different
      he's a bit too old to have ever been particularly close to persephone, but he's not blind.
      he knows that something has changed, and he has a somewhat paternal concern toward
      her. he's not sure that he's who she would choose to share her troubles with if she ever
      needed to, but he's keeping a watchful eye on her to make sure she's alright.

      ── callon. [=] history never repeats
      tiernan's youngest 'pup' so to speak, he's not so sure that his parenting is getting through
      to him. after the mistakes he made with rainier, he's trying his hardest to change, but
      callon's recklessness and egoism baffle tiernan, and he's not sure how to get the lessons
      about teamwork through to him.

      ── abraxas. [✓] old friend
      abraxas and tiernan have compatible leadership styles, which means that tiernan highly
      values abraxas' thoughts and influence within the pack. in a time of such instability, he
      is looking to abraxas more and more as a cornerstone of the pack, and is glad for the
      bond between. he feels lucky to have such a dependable wolf at his side.

      ── astrid. [o] no relationship yet
      though they're yet to encounter each other, their relationship isn't going to be smooth
      sailing at first. tiernan doesn't want anyone to feel lonely, but that doesn't align with
      astrid's beliefs. he will want to earn her trust, but he definitely has an uphill slog to
      get there. luckily, he's not afraid of a little adversity.

      ── arlowe. [=] a crucial linchpin
      it took tiernan a while to understand how arlowe ticks, but since it clicked, tiernan has
      been quite fond of him. he understands better than most how important a good social
      dynamic is for the pack, and he sees how arlowe fosters that and is content to let him
      do his thing. they're not close, but he is grateful for the role arlowe plays in the pack.
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[ amalie - hunter ]

Postby solyn » Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:38 pm

────── ⊱ 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄.
name means: german; work. image credit here


── name: amalie. rank: hunter. gender: female, she/her. age: four & a half years

── personality: from a young age, amalie's confidence has been fostered by her father. anyone who grew up with her can't remember a time where she was anything less than a hundred percent sure of herself. bold, well-spoken and decisive, amalie presents herself as a wolf with all the answers. she's clever, always ready with a plan when called upon, or witty repartee when conversing with her packmates. she's doggedly loyal and once her friendship has been earned, it's hard to shake. despite her cool and collected front, amalie harbours a deep font of anxiety, trying to live up to the expectations her father has set for her. seen by him as something infallible, she's scared that even the slightest mistake will cost her everything she's worked so hard to build. because she tries to hard to fit this mould she's crafted out of her father's wishes, she can come across as insincere or even duplicitous. she can be hard-headed and has a hard time relinquishing control to anybody else, and often refuses to accept when she's made a mistake, too terrified of the consequences to acknowledge her imperfections.

── history: amalie is a pack lifer, born into the life and raised among her packmates. she's the oldest of tiernan's first litter of pups, and the only survivor. even though the deaths of her littermates could not have been avoided in any way, amalie has even started to pit her survival as a point of competition in the race for her father's affection, which she feels deeply guilty about. growing up in the pack, she's been afforded perhaps a bit more lenience than she should have been, and she enjoys feeling connected to her packmates, who feel like a family to her, to the point where she expects that they share her father's expectations of her. recently, the nuclear fallout has given her the ability to adapt to the landscape, easily amplifying her skill as a hunter. though the uncertainty of life with all these changes have made amalie even more determined to be the perfect packmate, the thing that weighs on her mind the most is the way her coat now changes when speaking to her packmates...

    key = [✓] positive rel. [✘] negative rel. [=] neutral rel. [❤] possible romance. [✦] family. [o] yet to meet.
    orientation: bisexual

      ── arcturus. [✘❤] best frenemy
      for a long time, amalie and arc have had a... complicated relationship. vying for more of
      tiernan's attention has caused deep-seated competition between them, but there's also
      a twisted sense of companionship and understanding. plus, ever since seraphina left, an
      undercurrent of something more has been swirling around, further muddying the waters.

      ── sibylline. [x] can't make heads or tails
      further elaboration regarding their dynamic/my thoughts/plotted with rp members

      ── judiah. [=] could use a friend
      her father would like it if she could get judiah engaged with the pack, so amalie tries to
      do just that! sometimes her attention can get overbearing, given that it's fairly obvious
      that it feels like an obligation to her rather than something that comes naturally. she
      has nothing against judiah, but she doesn't really understand him either.

      ── agathi. [=] seems sweet
      though she has immense respect for agathi, they have little to do with each other. she
      goes to agathi when she needs healing, and otherwise lets her have space to do her own
      thing. though they're not particularly close, they're friendly enough, and amalie is almost
      awed by her skill with something so foreign to her.

      ── oliver. [✓] finding his place
      another pack member who requires a little help to fit in, amalie is always trying to give
      oliver a sense of belonging, even if her efforts come across as a little pushy. she admires
      his work ethic and his loyalty to the pack, but she can't claim to fully understand some
      of his decisions that seem... less than efficient. at least he didn't want to be a hunter.

      ── saskia. [=] lacks focus
      while amalie tries to be kind to everyone, she becomes quickly upset by those who don't
      quite meet her high standards. she knows saskia is young, and she really is sweet too, so
      amalie feels more than a little guilty for having so little patience with her. they mostly
      avoid each other- saskia doesn't want a lecture, and amalie doesn't want to give one.

      ── tiernan. [✓✦] father dearest
      tiernan is her father, and she'd do anything to please him. from the moment of her birth
      she's been chasing his approval. consistently, she's met his expectations, but continued
      successes have only moved the goalpost further and further with every year. as much as
      she loves her father, she's terrified of failing him and losing his trust.

      ── rainier. [✓✦] baby brother
      amalie knows rainier resents her for the way their father dotes on her, but that doesn't
      stop her from caring deeply about her younger brother. no matter how many times he
      tries to push her away, amalie will always come back to his side. she believes family is
      important, and pack is family─ especially when they're actually related.

      ── sloane. [✘] the weak link
      amalie doesn't like sloane at all. she's a big believer in pack synchrony, and sloane's
      personal insistence on keeping her distance from the rest of the pack really grinds her
      gears. even though she tries to be kind to everyone, it's pretty obvious to anyone with
      eyes that amalie is decidedly more frosty to sloane than she is to anyone else.

      ── diablo. [✓❤] we make a great team
      even though amalie knows that he has his problems with other members of the pack,
      she can't help but feel close to diablo. they work together as hunters, and he has her
      back when they're out finding food for the pack. she knows she should be more wary
      of him, but she can't help but crave the reassurance and support he gives her.

      ── juliette. [✓] a safe space
      juliette has been a fixture in amalie's life for as long as she can remember, and because
      of this they have a close friendship. juliette is almost like a big sister to her, but amalie
      still feels the need to live up to expectations she feels that juliette has of her. she feels
      safe with her, but still has to keep up appearances.

      ── seraphina. [✘] traitor
      seraphina's swift departure was as much a shock to amalie as it was to anybody else,
      and it didn't take much for her to jump immediately into shunning her like her father.
      sometimes, a small part of her worries about the missing wolf- they were denmates
      once, after all. could she still revile her if she knew why she ran away?

      ── elizabeth. [✓✦] a mother's love
      amalie has never doubted that her mother loves her, and has always felt supported by
      eliza. even though she knows eliza loves her deeply, she can't help but feel that she
      has to live up to that love as well, expecting that her mother shares her father's lofty
      expectations. she wants to be a daughter that eliza can be proud of.

      ── maverick. [✓] a true friend
      amalie thinks she and maverick have similar ethics, and as such feels quite close to him.
      even though he's quiet, she values his friendship, and finds him to be a superb shoulder
      to lean on when she needs to vent her frustrations. consequently, maverick also knows
      a large deal of gossip about the pack via amalie.

      ── persephone. [✓] all grown up
      amalie has a deep fondness for persephone, as an old denmate and friend of her little
      brother. she thinks persephone is sweet and is proud of the intelligent grown wolf she
      has become, but she can't help but think all this flirting behaviour has come out of
      nowhere. she knows something's going on, but isn't quite sure what.

      ── callon. [✓✦] the innocence of youth
      being raised by eliza, amalie has always acted more like a big sister to callon than a
      cousin, and she spoils him exactly the same way she spoils rainier. he's grown up to be
      a lot like her, she thinks, and even though there's still some lessons to be learned, she
      makes excuses for him often on the basis that he's still young.

      ── abraxas. [✓] worthy of deep respect
      abraxas is someone amalie deeply admires, and who she wants to emulate often. it is
      a great honour to her to learn anything from him, although she does feel pressured to
      live up to his estimations of her. still, she's glad to have him in the pack, and likes his
      company when he can afford it to her.

      ── astrid. [o] clash of wills
      although astrid and amalie haven't crossed paths yet, they likely wouldn't get along all
      too well. amalie's collectivist mentality vs astrid's skepticism of others clashes, and
      both of them are pretty stubborn to boot! astrid wears her patience thin, and amalie
      makes astrid's hackles raise. it's probably good for everyone they're not acquainted.

      ── arlowe. [✘] just cruising along
      arlowe seems dedicated to getting amalie to slow down, but she simply doesn't want
      to, and doesn't understand his insistence on it. she can't understand how he operates,
      and allows that to colour her judgement of him. she thinks he slacks off a little bit,
      which is deeply unlike her, but they're more similar than she thinks.
Last edited by solyn on Sun May 05, 2024 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ rainier - guardian ]

Postby solyn » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:17 pm

────── ⊱ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐑.
name means: german; judging warrior. image credit here


── name: rainier. rank: guardian. gender: male, he/him. age: three years

── personality: when he was a pup, it was easy to dismiss rainier as a belligerent juvenile acting out, but it's much harder now that he's grown and his attitude hasn't changed at all. rainier is grouchy and moody, prone to temperamental shifts as frequent as the wind. he likes his own space and hates being told what to do. he struggles to open up to his packmates, and is naturally suspicious of everyone's intentions. he's tough to get along with, and he knows it. underneath the snippy exterior, he has a natural curiosity for the world and likes to learn all that he can, particularly fascinated by what stories he can get out of the wolves who grew up in other places. he's brash, and oftentimes impulsive, but he has a deep capacity for compassion and has a soft spot for pups, even though he'll deny it with his dying breath. even though he tries to act unaffected by the opinions of others, it's obvious that he craves recognition and acceptance from his packmates, but keeps his heart well-guarded with his ornery outer shell.

── history: rainier is the youngest of tiernan's second litter, born as the scrawny runt. while most though that the pup wouldn't survive his first month, rainier seemed determined to prove them wrong. as he grew up, it was obvious that he wasn't as quick-witted as his older sister, and that his father in particular seemed disappointed by this. soon enough, rainier had decided to cast aside his quest for paternal approval in favour of getting himself into plenty of trouble and sating his curiosity with the world. even outliving all of his littermates didn't land him in his father's good graces, so surviving the leakage hasn't impacted his ego any. he does find it odd that he seems to be one of his only packmates relatively unaffected, but unbeknownst to him it won't stay that way for long.

    key = [✓] positive rel. [✘] negative rel. [=] neutral rel. [❤] possible romance. [✦] family. [o] yet to meet.
    orientation: gay

      ── arcturus. [✘] right-hand menace
      rainier doesn't like arcturus much. there's just something about him that makes all his
      fur stand on end, not to mention the fact that he's so close with tiernan, whereas his
      own son can't get a compliment out of him. for the most part, rainier tries to steer
      clear of arcturus when he can, and tends to be pretty prickly when he can't.

      ── sibylline. [x] sweet but jumpy
      further elaboration regarding their dynamic/my thoughts/plotted with rp members

      ── judiah. [x] long live the outcasts
      further elaboration regarding their dynamic/my thoughts/plotted with rp members

      ── agathi. [✓] brightest soul
      rainier's hard-headedness has landed him in the healer's den more times than he would
      like to admit to, but all that time spent there has endeared him to agathi immensely.
      she's always nice to him, and he's fascinated by the breadth of her healing knowledge.
      he's always eager to hang out with her, and secretly regards her like another sister.

      ── oliver. [✓❤] valued friend
      ever since rainier as a puppy successfully trailed oliver into friendship, he's been glad
      that he had the foresight to do so. oliver is a good friend to him, and rainier feels safe
      to just be himself in his presence. he does his best to act as oliver's stalwart defender
      against any trouble, having grown into the more bold of the two since puphood.

      ── saskia. [✓] pesky little sister
      he might not have wanted to hang out with her when they were pups, but saskia wore
      him down easily. although he might act annoyed by saskia's energetic personality, it's
      pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that he enjoys her company and treats her like he
      might treat a younger sister, but he'll quickly get snappy if anyone points that out.

      ── tiernan. [✘✦] sins of the father
      rainier might not be as smart as his father wants him to be, but he realized early on he
      would never live up to his father's lofty expectations, so why bother? their relationship
      is deeply strained, and rainier resents him for favouring his sister amalie over him, and
      for being so obvious about it. his retirement couldn't come early enough.

      ── amalie. [✓✦] sister, sister
      it's hard always being compared to her, but amalie has always made it known that she
      doesn't look down on him like their father does. even though rainier acts grumpy and
      tries to push her away, he finds it secretly affirming that she never actually leaves him
      alone. he cares about her, but can't bring himself to trust her fully.

      ── sloane. [=] stick to the shadows
      rainier doesn't really mind sloane. she's a new face, and rainier always likes more of
      those around. she didn't come to this pack with the same prejudices as the wolves he
      grew up with, and that's a positive in his book. she's a hard wolf to get to know, but
      so far he enjoys her company. at least she's quiet.

      ── diablo. [✘] public enemy #1
      diablo likes to pick on rainier, and even though he knows he really shouldn't he can't
      help but rise to the bait. it baffles him that others seem to see something in diablo
      that he's sure just flat out isn't there. it also stings that others tend to blame him for
      the fights that break out between them, and that just feeds the dislike.

      ── juliette. [✓] embarrassing auntie
      juliette cared for him as a pup, and as such she has no trouble reigning him in when he
      gets a little too big for his britches. he really cares about juliette, and he appreciates
      that she keeps it secret from his dad when he wants to goof off and play with pups. she
      is practically family to him, which makes him feel guilty when he does snap at her.

      ── seraphina. [=] vanishing act
      it was shocking when seraphina left, but rainier doesn't harbour the same resentment
      as other members of his family. he feels worried for her, out there on her own. even
      though he often feels at odds with the pack, he can't imagine life without them. it's
      been a long time since seraphina was around, but he hopes she's doing alright.

      ── elizabeth. [✓✦] mama's boy
      as a sickly pup, eliza always paid rainier quite a lot of attention. that hasn't changed
      as he's grown up- much bigger than the rest of his family- and no matter how much
      he complains about her treating him like a pup, he feels very affirmed by it. he loves
      his mother a lot and knows she loves him too.

      ── maverick. [✓❤] admirable
      maverick's a hard worker- definitely more of a hard worker than rainier- and a lot more
      mature, but that's something rainier really admires about him. he finds maverick's calm
      disposition and propensity toward forgiveness particularly soothing, and always wants
      to make up with him quickly when they argue.

      ── persephone. [=✓] oldest friend
      as denmates, rainier took one look at her family situation and decided that was his best
      friend for life. unfortunately, fate seems to have had other ideas. persephone has sort
      of pulled back from him a little, an absence that hurts him deeply given his own issues
      with loneliness. he worries for her, but isn't sure where they stand anymore.

      ── callon. [=✦] drifting apart
      rainier deeply enjoyed not being the baby of the family anymore, and loved doting on
      callon as a puppy, but as callon has aged, that relationship has gotten... strained. he
      feels like callon is trying to cut him out a little, and isn't sure what exactly changed,
      or how to fix it, but he desperately wants to salvage their brotherly relationship.

      ── abraxas. [✓] an idol
      although he has issues with authority and might sulk about it, rainier is pretty attentive
      to abraxas' instructions. he has a bit of an idolization crush on abraxas, not that he has
      the introspective skills required to realize that just yet. he might act moody, but he's
      always pleased when he gets praised from abraxas, who he really admires.

      ── astrid. [o] good fun... one day
      although astrid is a stranger to him now, their prospective dynamic as friends is a funny
      one. it might take her a little while to warm up to him, but seeing as how he thinks he
      is the champion of anyone on the fringes of the pack, jumping in to defend her during
      arguments would probably make him okay in her book.

      ── arlowe. [✓] patient & soothing
      generally, the pack is glad when arlowe and rainier are together, because it means that
      rainier isn't unleashing fury on somebody else. arlowe's slower and more relaxed pace
      works on rainier, and because arlowe is so forgiving it makes him feel worse whenever
      he snaps at him, so he tries his best not to, and is grateful for his continued friendship.
Last edited by solyn on Sun May 05, 2024 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ sloane - scout ]

Postby solyn » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:45 pm

────── ⊱ 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄.
name means: irish; raider. image credit here


── name: sloane. rank: scout. gender: female, she/her. age: three & a half years

── personality: aloof and deliberately vague in answering any curious questions put her way, sloane makes it difficult for people to get a read on her. she often seems detached and calm, as if bored by existence itself. even in the year that she's been with the pack, she hasn't shown any interest in becoming more transparent about her past. she's mostly quiet, but when she does speak she has a tendency to be blunt. she doesn't care to mince words─ efficiency is her prerogative and if that bothers you? well, that seems more like a you problem to sloane. she's not the kind of wolf who is caring deep down, her surface-level connection to the pack is exactly what it seems. she's no liar, which means she never says anything she doesn't mean. she's opportunistic and just a tad bit conniving, but she has no designs on hurting anybody. she might have a hard time connecting to her pack mates, not out of any personal failing but out of sheer lack of desire, but that doesn't make her evil. she's just looking out for number one─ herself.

── history: sloane was born in a territory far away where competing packs fought each other frequently. it tore her birth family apart, and before she was even six months old she and her mother were on the move. her mother was gone shortly before her first birthday, leaving the young sloane to fend for herself. for a year, sloane scraped by on her own, learning what was needed to survive and purposefully closing herself off from consideration of others. if it didn't benefit her, she simply decided it didn't matter. it made her hardy and resourceful, but broke her ability to connect with other wolves. when she found the pack a year ago, scrawny and half-starving, she almost moved on out of habit, but tiernan convinced her to stay. she's since come around to the rationality of strength in numbers, but after the leakage she's reminding herself that all things change. the worst one of all is that she's starting to feel... things... and she's pretty sure they're not her own feelings.

    key = [✓] positive rel. [✘] negative rel. [=] neutral rel. [❤] possible romance. [✦] family. [o] yet to meet.
    orientation: bisexual

      ── arcturus. [✘] unsettling
      although sloane isn't particularly close to anyone, being an outside observer means that
      she sees things that others might not, and what she sees of arcturus she doesn't really
      like. luckily, he seems to have no interest in her, and she'd prefer to keep it that way,
      so she doesn't really speak ill of him either, just tries to avoid him wherever possible.

      ── sibylline. [x] wounded
      further elaboration regarding their dynamic/my thoughts/plotted with rp members

      ── judiah. [=] seeking
      judiah is someone that sloane can't really make sense of. prone to emotional outbursts
      while sloane herself is very emotionally regulated, all she knows and wants to know is
      that he seems to need something. she hopes that he finds it- she doesn't want him to
      be unhappy, but she also doesn't really want to be involved in his business.

      ── agathi. [=] skilled
      agathi is her favourite kind of wolf: does her job, leaves her alone. luckily for sloane, as
      long as she makes sure that she shows up when she's injured or otherwise in need of a
      check from the healer, agathi is more than content to stay out of her way, and that is
      exactly how sloane likes it.

      ── oliver. [✓] gentle
      tiernan forced them together in some form of friendship match-making. initially, it
      was mutually awkward, but their quiet dispositions have naturally smoothed into a
      calm and peaceful friendship, although sloane would deny it. deny all she like, she
      would absolutely be beside herself if something happened to oliver.

      ── saskia. [=] boisterous
      sloane understands young wolves, and sloane understands friendly wolves, and she
      also understands that she doesn't really want either type of wolf to be in her space.
      saskia is nice and sloane is polite to her, but she tries to give her a wide berth, lest
      saskia decide sloane is her newest target for friendship.

      ── tiernan. [=] prideful
      don't get her wrong, sloane's grateful to the big boss for giving her a home after months
      on her own, but that doesn't mean she's his biggest fan. she thinks tiernan is somewhat
      blind to the realities of his own pack due to his inflated sense of self. he's nice enough,
      but nice doesn't keep trouble at bay.

      ── amalie. [✘] arrogant
      it isn't hard for sloane to guess what amalie's upbringing was like, and she views her
      mostly as tiernan's insipid hanger on. amalie is cold toward her, and even though she
      doesn't care about the frosty reception, she refuses to be bullied. she's decided she
      doesn't like amalie at all either, so their mutual dislike doesn't bother her any.

      ── rainier. [=] yearning
      rainier is a curiosity to sloane because she's never met a pack wolf who seemed less
      happy to be in one. he's good to her and seems to desperately want to be her friend
      so she entertains him when she feels in a good enough mood. mostly she thinks he's
      harmless and deeply sad, but she has no interest in being the one to change that.

      ── diablo. [✘] disingenuous
      diablo has no qualms about showing his true colours to sloane, which she thinks is a
      little short-sighted of him, but she's not complaining. she's not the kind of girl who'd
      let herself be bullied, and she has no problem biting back at him. she's very wary of
      him and keeps her eye on him, subtly. who knows what he might do next.

      ── juliette. [=] thoughtful
      sloane can see how much the pack loves juliette, and juliette loves the pack. she
      seems to have a good understanding of all the dynamics, which includes sloane and
      her place within the group. juliette isn't intent on forcing her to make friends with
      anyone else, and for that sloane is grateful, but still wary.

      ── seraphina. [o] ghost
      seraphina left the pack before sloane even arrived, but her name floats around like
      she's haunting the wolves sloane has come to live with. she doesn't know her at all,
      so it's hard to form an opinion, even though the mark seraphina left feels tangible
      enough to be its own wolf. she is curious about what made her leave, though.

      ── elizabeth. [=] maternal
      elizabeth seems sweet, and makes a real effort to try and get sloane to connect, so
      she harbours no ill-will toward her. she does feel a little bit guilty in the face of her
      friendliness sometimes, but for the most part she views eliza as tolerable and isn't
      unhappy to spend time with her... that's just as far as it goes, really.

      ── maverick. [=] awkward
      maverick and sloane don't really have much to say to each other. in their own way,
      they've detached themselves from the pack, and as such seem to have an innate
      understanding that neither wants to bother the other. for that reason, sloane likes
      maverick well enough, because she never has to interact more than a polite nod.

      ── persephone. [=] mournful
      persephone is a little bit of an enigma to sloane, and she's more than a little way of
      her, especially since flirting seems to be how she leads when it comes to friendship.
      still, there's something sad in the air around her, and sloane isn't sure what to make
      of that either, but she's not going to press too hard to find out.

      ── callon. [=] learning
      callon is young, and although he has tendencies that can be a bit disruptive, she has
      no strong opinion on him. young wolves are young wolves, and since it's not her job
      to train him, she doesn't think about him often enough to form an opinion. it's not
      as if she's looking for friends anyway.

      ── abraxas. [✓❤] respectful
      abraxas is kind to her, always trying to make sure she feels included while keeping
      well within the lines of her boundaries. although she doesn't want to admit it, she
      actually likes having him around, and thinks the pack is very lucky to have him. it
      feels a little too close to friendship for comfort, but he snuck up on her that way.

      ── astrid. [o] stranger
      astrid is a stranger to her for now, but even once acquainted it's unlikely that they'll
      be close. they're both from loner backgrounds and astrid struggles to open up, so
      sloane's near-instant snubbing would become a sore sticking point after. sloane may
      or may not be a little amused by this. you can't really prove it, either way.

      ── arlowe. [=] unassuming
      arlowe is easy-going and laid back enough that sloane thinks other wolves then tend
      to underestimate him a little. she finds him nice enough to be around, although she
      is a little bit wary of him because he seems like the kind of wolf who could make a
      friend out of you very easily, if you let your guard down.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland [D&F]

Postby Sonder, » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:28 am

    @ rogan & solyn: All characters are accepted, they are all wonderful!
    Feel free to get creative with and drama plot ideas for the RP, each other, or me!
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Postby Furrydogs12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:19 pm


[name] diablo [nickname] don't you dare give him one [gender] male [age] two years and three months
[rank] hunter [scent] ash and smoke [mutation] chameleon fur
[crush] n/a [mate] n/a [pups] n/a


+ traits: Observant | Convincing | Strategic
- traits: Manipulative | Two-faced | Sycophant
Diablo is outwardly sarcastic, he will complain about every little inconvenience - usually in the form of muttered insults under his breath. He has no problem with talking down to packamtes who he views as beneath him… which is 99% of them. Most of the pack's impression of him isn’t very positive and a stranger’s reaction upon meeting him may lead to questioning the sanity of the pack as a whole. Although just how scummy he truly is is mostly unknown to the public eye with the little bit of feigned politeness that he does act out for the sake of appearances and striving for a secure position.
Diablo has no true loyalties to anyone in his life. His goals are all about seeking opportunities to gain power. If he finds that taking an action against the well-being of the pack will benefit himself in the long run, he will gladly do it without remorse. Whether it means making deals with enemies, killing, lying, or stealing, this wolf will stop at nothing to prop himself up as high as he can. He truly believes that he deserves every good thing he gets and everything that goes wrong is a personal slight against him. He looks down on everyone, believing himself to be a genius beyond their comprehension. It’s not often that he finds another wolf whose ego matches his own. In his mind he is without flaws.
However, he is not the type to act recklessly or charge head first into battle - he will give suggestions from the sidelines whenever possible, presenting himself as a “strategizer” of sorts - if push comes to shove he will defend the lives of his packmates to not attract suspicion, but if he feels his life is in significant danger then he’s fine with taking the coward’s way out and running off. Balancing his disdain for other wolves and his desire to be respected is something he often has to grapple with.
As a part of his facade he will suck up to high ranks - buttering them up with charming words and thoughtful compliments. He plays the part of undying loyalty while he simultaneously would stab any of them in the back if he found it beneficial. He would study their flaws and weak points in an attempt to manipulate them, planting seeds in their heads to further his own personal goals. He would try to make it seem like his idea was actually theirs and then praise them for thinking of it.
For example: Diablo would encourage a wolf with a cocky and proud side to raise their confidence - this would be disguised as kindness and praise but Diablo's motivation would lean towards getting them to be as reckless as possible, perhaps hoping that the trash would take itself out. He will goad his packmates into tackling issues more violently. He won’t like it, but he is willing to act subserviently to leadership in order to keep his act up, eagerly awaiting the day that the opportunity arises for him to take charge of others.
Diablo lies constantly, even about seemingly inconsequential things, all for the sake of keeping up his curated image and making himself look better. Though this doesn’t really make up for his sharp tongue and quickness to belittle others… he tries not to do that in front of high ranks. It can also lead to awkward situations where inconsistencies in his various lies are called out, his response to this is usually to gaslight the accuser and say that he never said what they claim he did. This also ties into his liking of manipulation and blackmail as a means of control, any bit of dirt he can find out about someone he will use against them without hesitation.
Diablo isn’t the type to make friends, but if he can manipulate a select few into feeling some sort of sympathy for him, or perhaps convince a naive idiot that he really is as great and smart as he says he is then he’d consider that a powerful asset. If he can manage to get a few loyal goons to follow his whims then they can carry out some dirty work when it may not be the most convenient for him to do it himself.
He is obsessive in his quest for power and social status but that obsessiveness seems to be in his nature when it comes to anything that he wants. He holds no value for the life of others, once he fixates on a particular goal or desire he will stop at nothing to achieve it. Killing and inflicting all sorts of emotional and physical pain are no problem for Diablo. He’s very much the “double life” type as well as being “two-faced”. Almost every wolf he meets will know a different version of him, a personality he puts forward for them specifically.
There is an aspect to his cruelty that can be seen as more “playful”… while he doesn’t usually indulge in childish activities he’s not opposed to pulling an occasional prank for entertainment’s sake or teasing for the sake of teasing. He can lash out verbally when things don’t go his way. Diablo also possesses a more “flirtatious” side… though he’s not really the type for genuine romantic love. He may use flirting as a form of mockery, to get on someone's good side, or even a form of control. Romantic relationships are rare though not entirely impossible for him, but he’d certainly be a very disloyal and difficult partner to put up with.
Diablo view on religion is mostly apathetic, he acts towards the dragons the same way he would act towards anyone of higher status than him (polite and charismatic to their face but would betray them in a heartbeat). Faith isn’t something he spends a lot of time thinking about as he considers it a waste of time - but he could use someone's devotion against them if the opportunity arose.
He doesn’t acknowledge the possibility of having any sort of “weakness” or “fragility”, he’s perfect in his own eyes after all.

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Juliette- Pupsitter

Postby Furrydogs12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:19 pm


[name] juliette [nickname] Jules [gender] female [age] five years
[rank] pupsitter [scent] rose and sage [mutation] empathy [crush] n/a [mate] n/a [pups] n/a


+ traits: alluring | gentle | warm | caring
- traits: hesitant | indulgent| opinionated
Juliette is, above all, incredibly supportive and compassionate towards others. While it may not seem that way at first, she wears her heart on her sleeve so to speak. Her emotions and opinions of others are easy to sort out, though she is not verbally forthcoming. However, she has a very large heart with a lot of room for love and growth within it. She has found that the greatest strength any wolf can hold is maintaining empathy for others. Although she is not perfect in this, and can lack sympathy for some, much of the time she challenges herself to put herself in others' positions first before acting. However, her judgement of others can at times get in the way of this and can make it difficult for her to see the truth once she has been burned. While she may not speak very many words, she speaks with intent, no word from her mouth is a filler, as if she was limited to a certain amount of words per day. Soft-spoken, Juliette never raises her voice; she knows that for a message to be clear it doesn't have to be shouted out, only spoken with confidence.

While some may see her as frail and a pushover, she's far from that. She's willing to speak her mind, refusing to hide her opinions; she doesn't care what others may think of her, knowing that only those who support her are worth listening to. With a heart of gold, Juliette will stand up for those who can't, refusing for others to abuse their power or authority. A great friend and loyal companion, Juliette is loyal to a fault, always staying by her friends' sides through thick and thin. Juliette is the type to love unconditionally. Those closest to her know that she would risk her safety for them. She often puts others first, but this will often come to a detriment. She worries about the safety of her peers. She has his own deep set of morals that she follows; she feels as though all wolves in the pack and beyond are fundamentally the same, and as such, deserve basic kindness unless they show otherwise.

When others are worried, concerned, or upset, Juliette will offer a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. Juliette will listen without comment, giving the other her full attention. She never gives out sensitive information that she gains, respecting the speaker and understanding that they wish to keep things a secret. She takes their trust in her very seriously, just like how she'd hope they'd keep her trust if she tells them anything, though some wolves may not.

Juliette is incredibly organized, leaving no detail overlooked, as she strives for perfection in everything she does. However, this perfectionism often leads her to be self-critical, always pushing herself to do better, to be better. And while Juliette's overprotective nature may seem suffocating at times, it stems from a genuine desire to shield those she cares about from anything that may harm them.
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Postby Furrydogs12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:20 pm


[name] seraphina [nickname] sera [gender] female [age] four years and three months
[rank] loner [scent] vanilla an cinnamon [mutation] regenerative healing
[crush] n/a [mate] n/a, arcturus is ex[pups] n/a


+ traits: confident | kind | caring | intelligent | calm | protective
- traits: stubborn | strong-willed | hot-headed | aloof
Seraphina, an ex-pack member, known for her ability to notice smaller details, is a rather alert fellow. She's grown to be acutely aware of her surroundings in these tense times.
Though she was the youngest and runt of the litter, Seraphina has grown to be very mature, as if she were the oldest all along. She still plays around with her family, but she knows how to be serious when it's needed.
From a young age, Seraphina learned to support others, no matter how bad they might seem. She believes in second chances, and all that comes after it. Though, with second chances, she is more cautious the second time around, never forgetting how she was hurt.
And with her maturity comes responsibility. She isn't much of a liar, and finds it better to face the punishment head on. She often asks herself if she'd rather "live within a comfortable lie, or a comfortable truth", and dives deep into which answer is right for her, ending in a draw most times. When she got bullied in the past, she was known as a snitch for always running to her siblings or parents for help, but she didn't care, as long as she was honest. From a runt to a fierce canine, Seraphina has never been prouder of herself and of what she has achieved
But though she's proud, she's also stern. Seraphina puts her foot down whenever something becomes a bit too much, and knows when someone can't change their ways. And if she can't deal with a problem? she either gives it the silent treatment, or leaves. And more than half the time, she leaves.
As she got older, she learned it was better to hide her emotions, to not give those who hurt her the satisfaction of getting to her. And eventually, they stopped caring for her, so it technically worked. But since she started, Seraphina can't really stop. She doesn't let herself show anger or fear, and instead hides it away behind a mask of aloofness.
She's rather confrontational, and actually enjoys fighting back against unjust and unfair fights, laws, and whatever else needs fixing.
Thanks to her childhood bullies, Seraphina grew up with trust issues that stuck with her all her life. She doesn't fully place her trust or loyalty into a wolf, fearing they'll break it whenever she shows any sign of vulnerability, which makes her seem cold to outsiders.

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Postby Furrydogs12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:20 pm



[name] elizabeth [nickname] eliza [gender] female [age] six years
[rank] alpha [scent] citrus and berries [mutation] bio-luminescence
[crush] n/a [mate] tiernan [pups] amalie and rainer


+ traits: gentle | captivating | motherly
dignified | protective | humble | romantic | warm.

- traits: obstinate| impulsive
indulgent | opinionated | strong willed
Elizabeth is a devoted creature who dotes upon her pack and takes her responsibility of passing on generational stories to the little ones with a severe amount of seriousness. Taking on her leadership with generosity and subserviency, this strong female is often misconstrued as meek or mild-mannered in the way she holds herself. However, this is not the case. She is kind, compassionate, and fiercely protective of those who reside within her pack, knowing the history of all the destruction they had to cultivate into a brighter future in order to survive. To her, all members of her pack matter - from the smallest pup to the largest fighter; he holds the ideal of being a mother figure to his pack close to his chest, rather than being viewed as a "boss". Her people are her family; she cares far more for familiarity and being the true rock for her pack rather than being viewed as an intimidating leader that one must fear. She is forgiving and considerate, every fiber of her being committed to the pack that took her in when she needed it most; she seeks to prove innocence no matter the deeds the accused may or may not have done, though she is reasonable in punishment when she must. She is jovial and light-hearted when appropriate, pursuing a nurtured relationship with each and every one of her kinship in order to hold the highest rapport with those she advises. She will always default to believing the good in others before ever believing the evil can prevail - and while this serves her well in being a humble servant to her pack, it could also very well be her downfall. Though thanks to her mate and pups by her side, supporting her, this is unlikely. Her whole heart belongs to her family. Within her own habits, Elizabeth is an astonishingly consistent individual. She follows a strict schedule, and prefers to stick to such a schedule rather then diverting. She believes that habit makes one stronger in their resolve.

Elizabeth holds a high regard for individualism. She heavily supports those who wish to make a name for themselves in one way or another, however, she is also incredibly moralistic. She believes heavily in true justice, and seeks to raise others to the same standards she holds for herself. She will never push others to hold a standard that is unattainable, however, she truly believes that the standards she holds are neither unattainable nor unbecoming. She views herself as a servant to her pack, and with such an ideal, Elizabeth views herself as a true teacher to all that reside within the pack. With such strictness paired with his overwhelming compassion, she works incredibly hard to bring others to the light - she views failure as a non-negotiable, for a failure within her pack reflects as a failure of her own.

While she may waver on what is right or wrong for less substantial matters, she is an unmoving force when it comes to things of moral questioning. She is quite the extremist in pacifism, and will often find herself lying awake at night when conflict arises.

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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland [D&F]

Postby Furrydogs12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:27 pm

fαƖƖѕ ιη Ɩσνє

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Hello! My name is Furrydogs12, nice to meet you!
I am a roleplayer, student, and artist.

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