LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby ilhdc7 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:08 pm

dropping out - won't have enough time with spring sports starting

good luck to all who enter!! <33
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby broken* » Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:40 pm

    loc #8 - purple rain<3
    Username - broken*
    Name - Casimir
    Name Meaning - "Destroyer of Peace"
    Affiliation - Oasis
    Rank - Guard
    Themesong - Purple Rain by Prince
    Gender - Male
    Age - 800 y/o
    Height - 15 feet
    Build - Thick, Brawny, Stocky, Fit

Element - Sound Image
A lion with the gift of Sound can:
~create high and low frequencies to harm or kill enemies.
~used like echo location to see enemies in dark places.
~can manipulate nearby sound to mask movement or create movement somewhere else.

Oddly enough, Casimir is known for using old-fashioned attacks, using his strength, claws, teeth, etc to fight.
●Siren Song - This attack allows Casimir to emit sounds that are practically irresistible to anyone that hears it. These sounds act as a lure, drawing the opponent towards Cas. Casimir finds this a very unique gift, one that can be used for very manipulative purposes outside the battle field. Casimir himself has only used this attack during battle, considering himself as having too much honor to cheat his way through life with this.
●Death Note - Casimir does not find joy in killing, but he will do what he must for the Oasis' safety. The most commonly used of any Sound elemental's attack moves, for it causes the most harm in battle. A very specific sound, at a pitch so high it does not often occur in nature, is emitted by Casimir. The sound can cause a variety of health issues, most commonly death, although if learned how to control more specifically, the pitch can cause stroke, hemorrhage, heart attack, deafness, etc.
●Echolocation - Casimir is able to determine the exact location of objects and/or other lions based on the emission of sound waves and paying close attention to the echoes reflected back. This ability is not one used very frequently in battle, although at times it can be used before the fighting commences to try and see the approaching enemy early on. More commonly used for search & rescue type missions.
●Containment - Typically, this attack is used in two stages/steps. Sound Containment is the ability of a sound elemental to trap a specific sound within a specific container, and then release it at a later time. Casimir will trap a sound long before a battle takes place, and then let it out on the battle field to affect, in some way, the opponents.
●Nullification - Basically causes a wave of deafness, temporarily, to overcome everyone in the area that the attack is projected onto. Casimir himself still has the ability to hear despite the effect of the attack on those around him. Used as a form of confusion towards the opponents as well as stopping any other sound-related attacks to be used. Can also be used to remove the targets ability to speak, either temporarily or permanently, which Casimir has only used when he was young and full of vengeance.
Brute Attacks
●Casimir is known for being a large, physically able lion. He tends to mix strength-based attacks in with his elemental moveset when he is fighting, brawling, or even just training. Some of these moves include a Tackle/Slam of the opponent to the ground or a nearby hard surface, a Vice Grip that can cause them to pass out from lack of oxygen, and Triple Strike where he combines the use of his fangs, claws, and tail in one brutal and piercing move.

Personality -
sincere & honest
While not necessarily something favored by many lions, Casimir is known for his brutal honesty, at least in most situations. There are certain lions, mind you very few, that have managed to weasel their ways into his heart; to them, he would try to soften the blow of his words; mind you, this does not mean he would lie or change the truth. He would still be honest to them, but he would be more careful with his wording. However, towards the majority of lions, both from the oasis and from other places on Lochren, he does not attempt this. Casimir is known for being sincere, at least among the council. He may not do or say things the right way every time, but he does/says them with good intentions in his heart. Casimir believes that sincerity is one of the highest forms of respect you can show to another being, and also believes that his sincerity is one of the reasons why Mitus gave him his second chance.

dedicated & loyal
If there is one highly positive character trait about Casimir, it would be his undying loyalty, either to what he believes in or who he cares about. Even those who don't fully trust or like Cas would begrudgingly agree to this if asked. Casimir's dedication lies within the Oasis. He does not care about the war very much, but he has heard the pride's Alpha state that if left unchecked the rebels would attack the Oasis after the Pride fell. While many don't believe this statement, Casimir does, fully and completely. He saw the one rebel that killed his brother somehow track them into a place that was supposed to be untraceable. Casimir is not afraid to fight to protect his Oasis, his way of life, and those living within it; even those who dislike him. He would lay down his life in battle if that meant that, ultimately, peace would reign again.

calming & soft-spoken
There is a side to Casimir that very few lions/lionesses get to see. That is the gentle, soft-spoken side. While unknown to most, Casimir has an empathetic heart underneath his rough exterior. His years in the rebellion helped him learn how to tune it out, but there are a few lions who have found their way past his cold exterior and slipped into the cracks of his heart. Some examples are Lyra, his dearest friend in the rebellion, Valhalla, the pride lioness who has him confused about his feelings, Mitus, his 'father'/mentor figure, and the little oasis cub Setekh, who he sees so much of himself in. Casimir is able to speak in a soft, calming voice, and use his element to make his words come out in a very peaceful way, giving off a very calm aura to the atmosphere. It takes a decent amount of concentration to change his voice to this level, which is why it is not very common of him to do.

attentive & tuned in
Casimir is the type of lion who is incredibly aware of everything that goes on around him, whether it relates to him directly, indirectly, or not at all. His senses are all very heightened, thanks to his element of sound, and it is rare for him to be completely still, without either his ears swiveling, nostrils flaring, or his eyes moving. Casimir is tuned in to his surroundings at all times, and notices the little things that other lions would brush off as unimportant. Maybe he learned it from always being on edge during his time in the rebellion, although there's no way to know for sure. Cas is aware that, although living in the Oasis gives him the chance to live forever, at any moment of any given day he could still die. He could be attacked by an enemy, slip and break his neck accidentally, or get sick and pass on. Anything can happen to anyone, and Cas does his best to be prepared for every passing moment.

serious & stern
Casimir takes his job very seriously; when he is on the job he is completely against joking/fooling around. Rarely is Casimir seen smiling, and even less common is it to see him laughing. His typical facial expression is rather blank or stoic, although at times he has been told that he has RBF (resting b face), he tends to shrug it off. Casimir doesn't much care what other lions think about him, aside from the Council that is. They are truly the only lions that have his full, complete, and undying trust, respect, and loyalty. Especially Mitus. He is, due to this serious outlook, quite likely to snap at a younger lion who tries to distract him or others from doing their jobs. He has gotten talked to by elder lions before, telling him he needs to show more patience towards the youth, but not much has changed. To him, there is no greater honor than protecting his home, the oasis and the lions living within it.

History -
~~Background Knowledge~~
Danica was a very lithe lioness with the gift of Sound, who could sneak her way into practically any situation. Her fur was majority a light, icy blue in color, but there were various pale purple markings scattered here and there. She held the rank of a Wanderer, traveling constantly to and from the Oasis, and relaying any/all information she learned back to the council. Due to this career choice, Danica spent much time crossing the bridges that connected the Oasis with Lochren, and made friends with almost all of the Gate Keepers. Andrik was an Earth elemental who was one such Keeper; he was a massive, muscular lion who was a mixture of deep plums and black. He was not, however, a very social lion, having a gruff, sort of grumpy attitude towards most other lions. Danica and Andrik, much to the surprise of others, seemed to click with one another right off the bat. Neither was expected to ever take a mate, both being so firmly dedicated to their jobs, and yet around a hundred years after first meeting, they went through with the Mating Ritual Ceremony.

Two hundred years after the ceremony had taken place, Danica and Andrik's love for each other had faded away to nothingness. They felt nothing for one another, but they remained together as mates anyways. Separation was not an option; they had made a commitment and they would stick by it no matter what. The pair eventually sought help from the Council, trying to find a way to rekindle the spark they had once felt. Council Member Oryx suggested to them the possibility of having cubs. Cubs would give them something to love, and allow them a reason to be close to each other again. Neither of the pair had ever planned on being parents, not exactly being the most motherly/fatherly figures in the Oasis. But Danica and Andrik, after many months of discussion, decided to give it a try. Soon enough, Danica fell pregnant, and her sister Monica was a Life elemental, who was able to determine that Danica had two male cubs in her womb.

~~Early Life~~
Time passed by rather quickly during the pregnancy, and before long Casimir and Milos were born. Even from the day of their birth, Milos more resembled their mother, and Casimir more resembled their father; physically that is. While they were not conceived on accident, Casimir always wondered if his parents held his birth against him. His name meant destroyer of peace; did that mean they felt peace until he was born, and thus disliked him because he destroyed their lives?.. From day one, the two boys were extremely close, showing each other incredible amounts of affection, almost as if they were subconsciously trying to make up for the lack of attention that their parents gave them. Danica and Andrik were not the best parents, truly. They tried at first, but as the years passed, they became more like teachers/trainers/guides to their cubs, rather than actual parents. The twin boys slept in their family den, often alone with just one another, for their parents commonly slept in their old dens from before they were mated.

As the years went by, the two brothers grew even closer than ever before. as they began their training, they came to the conclusion that they wanted to follow similar but different paths. Milos wanted to become a Knight, learn how to fight other lions, and Casimir wanted to be a Guard, protecting the lions of the Oasis from dangers. They used each other for target practice, learning how to attack with their elements and with their bodies. The boys made a game of tackling one another and wrestling around until one could pin the other down; they called it 'pinning'. Adults would often get frustrated at the pair, who would randomly go to tackle the other at the most inconvenient times. Milos and Casimir were not necessarily troublemakers, but together they didn't exactly follow the rules or do what the adults told them.

When the time came for their Dawning of Light ceremony, the boys were 97 years old, and their parents were actually quite excited for them to go out and experience Lochren, become real adults. Sure, it probably stemmed mainly from the fact that once the boys grew, Danica and Andrik wouldnt have to give them the time of day anymore; not that much was given to them growing up anyways. The two cubs left the Oasis with their two mentors, their father being one of the lions who opened the Gate for them. All of the awe and excitement of the celebration vanished in a second when they crossed over and the dimensions changed. Milos seemed thrilled at the mystery filling their future, but that reality shift slapped Casimir in the face abruptly. They no longer had the safety of the many lions surrounding them and giving them attention. It was Casimir, his brother, and two adult lions, who were their only protection. The plan was for them to be gone for approximately three years, although they had been warned about how time passed much more slowly on Lochren than in the Oasis.

His first thought was "What on earth have I gotten myself in to?" Luca, who had been Casimir's Guide since he was a tiny cub, looked down at the purple boy with a knowing look on his face. Nudging Cas gently with his large head, he gave a sort of silent comfort. Casimir couldn't remember ever feeling this way before; this knot in his stomach could be nothing short of fear. Because his brother Milos wanted to be a Knight, the pair were told they needed to see the affects of war head on. The best way to do that was to visit the Graveyard, where so many battles had taken place over the years, where so many lives had been lost and so much blood shed. To get there, the four Oasis lions had to cross over half of Lochren, sneaking past the rebel campground and trying not to be seen wandering too close to the Pride lands.

The days turned into weeks as the four traveled the planet. The two cubs were much smaller than the fully-grown lions, and couldn't walk as fast or as far without more frequent breaks. Finally, the small group made it to the Graveyard, and Casimir felt absolutely sick to his stomach the entire time they spent there. The two cubs guides made them spend several weeks there, soaking up the pain and death that occurred, trying to make them understand that war was an awful thing. Milos seemed to be getting the opposite feeling; it was as though he were angry that so many lives were lost, and he wanted to avenge them. Casimir never stopped feeling ill, the sight of the bones and stench of rotting flesh almost too much for him. It had been almost three weeks by the time Luca told them they would start the journey back home. Time passed by both quickly and slowly, for nothing of much interest happened on the journey back.

~~Tragedy Strikes~~
They were almost home; his fur was practically standing up on end, a mixture of the excitement running through him and the electricity of being so close. Luca seemed rather nervous for some reason, his ears perked, his tail swishing rapidly; it was as though he knew something bad was going to happen. Quickly, he made a deep humming noise, and the two cubs watched the large, flat stone slowly jet out towards them; the bridge. Milos' guide began to walk towards the stone, and the next few moments passed by so quickly they were barely more than a blurr. A pale yellow lioness appeared out of no where, and grabbed Milos by the scruff, dangling him over the edge of the pit. "Where's the Oasis? Is this some trick?" She snarled out, clearly confused by the rock that appeared to just be floating. They had not yet crossed through the dimensional border, so the full bridge and the arch could not be seen. Luca and Rafi (Milos' guide) were incredibly tense, looking back and forth between each other and the lioness.

Rafi crept around to the side while Luca tried to distract her. But she saw him coming. Rafi leapt at her, trying to grab Milos, but as she tried to duck to avoid his attack, and she lost her footing. Casimir let out a scream-like squeal, his eyes widening in horror as he watched the lioness fall over the edge, his twin going over with her. The cub tried to run towards the pit, desperately clawing out to try and save his brother, but was grabbed roughly by his scruff by Luca who tore off down the bridge. Casimir growled and thrashed about, trying to fight his way down, but Luca would not let go. He was thrown harshly through the arch, and when he landed in the Oasis, he had no time to process what was happening before he was surrounded by the gold dust and went through his transformation into adult form. He was being congratulated from all around and everyone was asking him what he was feeling, but the celebration turned to fear as Luca and Rafi came through, yelling for the portal to be closed. Casimir followed the pair to the Council, as was tradition, but he was practically a shell. He requested to be a rebel wanderer, to learn what he could to avenge his brother's death. Permission was granted for this.

~~The Rebellion - A New Path~~
Casimir left within a few hours. Part of the reason he claimed to to want to leave to first make sure that no other rebels had followed the first, and managed to find the oasis. In reality, not only did he want to avenge Milos' death, but he also wanted to get as far away from his parents as possible. They did nothing to hide their disappointment that he had been the one to survive; Milos had always been their favorite son, being the brave one, the courageous one. Danica and Andrik could barely look at him anymore. Even when he returned, many years later, to the Oasis, they didn't talk to him. They haven't talked to him since he was 200, so over 600 years have gone by now.

Casimir managed to pick up on the rebel's scent, and managed to track it back to the edge of the rebel's camp. He could have gotten himself killed, just walking straight into the heart of the camp the way he did, and yet he manage to prove his worth. The leaders, Aerona and Arknon, made him brawl with at least a dozen other lions to show his strength and dedication. His element was rare, and they liked how well he used both it and his brute strength to attack. Casimir made up a bull backstory about his parents being nomads who were mistaken as rebels by the pride and murdered. He was raised by a random lioness back in the pride who was forced to take him in and didn't want him; he was very good at acting, and very good at using his hatred for the rebels to come out as his fuel, pretending to hate the pride instead.

It just so happened that the informant Lyra was back in the rebel campgrounds for a few nights, and so she was asked to confirm his story to be true; she was, after all, living within the pride as a spy. Casmir felt his life flash before his eyes, sure she'd deny him, and yet she simply nodded in agreement to his tall tale. Later that very night, however, Lyra confronted him in, although why she pulled him aside privately and didn't just flay him out in front of the rebels to die, he'll never know. She claims she saw something in him, something that reminded her of one of her brothers, and so she wanted to give him a chance. It was then that the pair's close friendship began.

Casimir spent the next two hundred years, give or take a few, living within the rebellion. He never took part in any actual battles, never let any pride or nomad see his face. He remained within the campground, known as one of the hunters, and one of the guards, keeping outsiders away. With his element of sound he could tell when any lion was coming just a bit too close, and after watching them for a few minutes to determine their loyalties/reasons for being in the area, would send out sound waves to distract them and made them go the opposite direction. Cas never in all of his years there killed a single lion for the rebels. To Lyra, he even feeling guilty the first time he killed an amani for food, although he got over that quickly, realizing the rebels did not allow empathy within their ranks.

"I never wanted to be your weekend lover;
I only wanted to be some kind of friend.
Baby, I could never steal you from another!
It's such a shame our friendship had to end..."

Casimir, thanks to Lyra, became a trusted member of the inner circle of rebels who were the most valued by Arknon and Aerona. Not only did he learn the ways of the rebels, but he also learned many of their secrets. Their battle strategies, their future plans, their cruel mindsets... But that wasn't the only thing Cas learned over the years. He learned not to trust lionesses so easily, for he fell for one that broke his heart. Edlyn was a beautiful, cream colored lioness who had first seen him during his brawling that night he joined the rebels, and was quite impressed. She came up to him about a week later, and was incredibly flirtatious, practically all over him. Unused to that kind of attention, Casimir found himself loving the affection finally being showed him, and fell for her, fast.

Lyra tried telling him from day one that Edlyn was bad news; that she used others to her own advantage, and then left them as quickly as she arrived when they outlived their usefulness. But Casimir wouldn't listen. He couldn't. But everything came crashing down one day, by sheer coincidence or dumb unfortunate luck. Casimir was heading for their normal meet up spot, but found Edlyn was already there. But she was not alone, she was with her mate Ezra, whom previously she had claimed she wanted to leave to be with Casimir. But the way they were acting, the way Edlyn was all over Ezra, smothering him in attention and licks... It broke Casimir's heart, made him realize that Lyra had been right.

~~The Realization - Returning Home~~
It was then, when things went south with Edlyn, that Casimir first began to realize he was not where he belonged. Shortly after his heartbreak, he watched a group of rebels strike down a litter of cubs who were sickly due to being born prematurely. Instead of showing them love and trying to heal them to grow with strength, they were snuffed out before having a chance to live. Casimir saw older cubs being beaten down by their 'mentors', and the cubs' parents treating their own blood with shame at being so disgraceful.

Staring down at the rebel camp ground one day, Casimir finally realized this was not his home. He had been biding his time for far too long. A wanderer was supposed to return every so many years with information for the Council about the outside world. It had been around 200 years here on Lochren, and with the difference of time over in the Oasis... He had been gone for far too long. Casimir waited until Lyra returned from the pride one day to tell her he was leaving, and she kept a watchful eye out for him until he was a safe distance from the rebellion.

Casimir returned to the Oasis, although it took him days traveling. When he arrived at the portal, his father was the one who opened it. He looked his son up and down and did not say a word, simply closing the portal behind him and then walking away. It stung, but Casimir simply walked on with as much confidence as he could muster, making his way past the prying eyes and whispers surrounding him. He went into the Council and they had a private meeting. Casimir explained where he had been, what he had learned in the rebellion, and why he had returned. He was meant to be a guard, protecting the Oasis, not a rebel fighting for someone else's cause. No one said a word, they all just stared down at him.

Mitus was the first to make any movement. The massive gold lion approached him in silence, and Casimir felt his body twitch nervously, awaiting his fate. Mitus leaned forward, placing his head against the forehead of the younger purple male; he was accepted. From that day for around a hundred years, he spent as much time as he possibly could with Mitus. He tried to convince the older lion to allow him to become his Sentinel, but time and time again was refused. Mitus knew that, while Casimir's loyalty was true, in his heart Cas was meant to be a guard, and he knew that. He trained for it as a cub.

Casimir has, over the past several hundred years, truly blossomed into his true self. He has grown more mature, although he does still have a bit of a grouchy side. He has learned to never doubt himself, no matter what others think of him, and learned to be intensely loyal to the Oasis, to the last day of his life. While there are days he is reminded of his brother Milos, under the eye of his new father, Cas had learned to control his emotions, not allowing them to dictate his actions any longer. He has grown into himself, truly, and has become a lion that he believes Milos would have been proud of.

There are days he wonders about Lyra; if she ever left the rebellion, started a family with her partner or not. He wishes he could travel and see her, but he knows better than that. Since the arrival of the pride, he has learned she is still living with them as a healer, meaning she is still a double agent for the rebellion, and it breaks Cas' heart to know this. Looking back, there was a time when Lyra may have loved him, wanted to be with him, but Casimir was too caught up in Edlyn to notice her feelings. He often wonders what could have happened, but has heard rumors she found a mate, and is quite happy for her.

"Honey, I know, I know,
I know times are changing;
It's time we all reach out,
For something new, that means you too.."

Affiliation(s)/Opinions -
Image oasis
Casimir is, nowadays, completely loyal to every member of the oasis, from the council to the artisans. he isn't necessarily against the war, although he does tend to side more with those who wish to remain neutral, as it doesnt affect them precisely yet. within the oasis, there are those who still doubt his loyalty, due to how deeply he went into his undercover job as a wanderer. he does his best to show those lions respect but still ignores them when needed. ultimately, he would lay down his life for the oasis, even those who dislike him.
Image pride
well, Casimir is very unsure about whether or not the oasis should offer aid to the pride. while he does see them in a positive light, far more positively than the rebels at least, he still isn't sure about them fully. Casimir doesnt know enough about them to know whether this positive aura they give off is real or just very well rehearsed. He has met a few of the pride lions though, and so far he has nothing against them. they truly seem to just want help, to end the war so their families can be safe and they can once again live in peace.
Image rebels
well, if we're being honest, it is a bit complicated. but truly, after everything that Casimir went through in the rebellion, his view on them is far more negative than anything else. He would much rather never have to see another rebel, or step foot in the rebel camp ever again. While living in the rebel camp, Casimir experienced the most brutal and darkest sides of a lions soul that he didn't even know existed before then. While he would much rather stay out of the war than take part in it, he would be far more likely to fight for the pride, against the rebels, then ever be 'on their side' again.

Relations -
Image Mitus - Truly truly I say to you, if it were not for this Council Member, Casimir would likely have been so emotionally distraught he would have wandered Lochren until he starved to death. Mitus was the first oasis lion to see a future in Casimir when he returned from his time as a wanderer. He took on the role of the father-figure that Casimir had never before experienced, and in Cas' eyes, Mitus saved him a life, gave him a future. He made Cas strong, a fighter; he gave him the thick outer shell he has now, where he ignores the rumors and the hatred being spread behind his back. Many of the lions of the oasis didn't trust Cas after his two hundred years in the rebellion, but Mitus did; he gave him a shot at getting his life back together, and Casimir will spend the rest of his days trying to make that up to him.
Image Edlyn - Ah yes, the lioness that completely shattered his heart. Poor Casimir was oblivious to the fact that Edlyn already had a mate when they first met, for she played him from the beginning. She made him believe that she had feelings for him too, and even when the truth came out about her having a mate, she lied; claiming she was only with Ezra because she was afraid of him. If not for a chance encounter, call it fate perhaps, Casimir could still be living in the rebellion, being played a fool by the cream lioness who he was head over heels in love with. It was actually Lyra, his one true friend in the rebellion, who had told him since the beginning not to trust Edlyn.
Image Lyra - As crazy as it may sound, Casimir would trust this lioness with his life. He knows all of her deepest secrets, from the death of her brothers to her treachery to both the pride and the rebellion. Casimir was the first lion Lyra confided her unhappiness with the rebellion in; the first one who knew about her escape plan, should she ever find a partner and get pregnant with cubs. She would not raise them in the rebellion. Casimir has, to this day, not told a soul about Lyra's secrets, nor does he ever plan to. He loved her, although she is more like his sister than anything else, and he still misses her every day.
Image Setekh - Casimir is by no means a cub guide, he is not very good around cubs, for they tend to make him feel awkward and uncomfortable. And yet there was something about Seth that drew him to the cub as soon as he first saw him. Much like Casimir's own life, Seth had parents who were not very, well, parently; who hadn't really wanted cubs. Also, because of his element of hatred, Setekh struggles with anger, and all of his emotions really, on a daily basis; exactly the way that Cas was when he had first lost his brother and joined the rebellion. Because of these similarities, Cas feels a strong connection with the cub, and has taken on the role of a sorta mentor, with Setekh being the mentee.
Image Ezra - Oh god, how badly Casimir would love to rip this lion apart, limb by limb. He does not hate easily, but he truly despises Ezra with every fiber of his being. If someone were to ask him who his arch nemesis is, he would not hesitate to respond with Ezra's name. Ezra was aware of Casimir's love for his mate, and found it funny to watch her play the poor purple male's heartstrings. At first Casimir just saw him as a rival, another lion vying for the attention of his love, but when the truth came out, the only thing that kept Cas from attacking Ezra (likely getting himself killed) was, yet again, his friend Lyra.
Image Valhalla - She is such a sweet, and yet broken lioness. Casimir found himself drawn to her the second he first met her, obviously first by her glowing appearance, but also for the unsure way she held herself. She had a mate, who he found out with later conversations was clearly the reason she had joined the pride, leaving her family's nomadic lifestyle behind. But things for them weren't going well. They were falling apart, and Val confided in Casimir that she was afraid she would once again become unstable, like she was in her early years of life, unable to control her element because of her emotions. Cas took the time to show her every aspect of the oasis that he could; teaching her their ways, seeing the way her eyes lit up and her confidence soared when she was learning. She has become his closest friend since the pride arrived, and there is a part of him that hopes she won't leave, that she'll stay, maybe with him..
Last edited by broken* on Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 51 times in total.
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby dragoncool97 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:28 pm

Marking just to watch :)
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Hobbit Geek » Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:40 pm

Marking to watch <3
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Squirrelspirit » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:32 pm

Username - Squirrelspirit

Name - Malvolia

Meaning- Of ill-will

Gender - Female

Age- 375

Element - Disease

Height - 13' 5"

Rank - Wanderer

Alliance- Oasis


Disease is the control of microorganisms, how they spread, and the damage they do. Lions with the element of disease can spread or cure diseases of their choosing. These diseases affect lions biologically, and a lot of the damage happens over time. Depending on the disease given, it can lead to destructed bodies, death, or perhaps plagues if not careful. But a lion with the element of disease is diseased himself with something incurable. Only from their own disease does the lion draw power.


Infectious Blast- A blast of air filled with pathogens that once become airborne, seek out the nearest living being, targets their immune system and causes them to become weak and fall ill. The strength of this attack varies depending on the state of Malvolia's health. This attack is also used as a stepping stone for deadlier attacks.

Disease acceleration- Once a lion is infected with the minor illness that comes from being hit with in infectious blast, when close to them, Malvolia can increase the rate in which the pathogens grow and spread through the body. This move can be used at it's full potential when Malvolia is at her weakest which will then sped up the process leaving the victim with a life threatening illness.

Total organ failure- A very lethal attack that can only be used when Malvolia is at her weakest. Whether delivered by a bite, slash of her claws into an open wound, this attack causes a rapid death of cells in the tissues of organs and results in body-wide organ failure and death.

Healing touch- While at her strongest, it is easier for Malvolia to cure a lion who is ill by simply removing the pathogens that plague the individual and absorbing them, allowing them to recover faster. This of course means she will then take on the sickness and leave her feeling weaker, but her element stronger.

"I'm not alone I'm just focused in my zone"


Curious | Loyal | Self-assured | Persistent | Perfectionist| Ambitious | Remorseless

Malvolia is a curious lion by nature, whether she is curious of her own potential or that of others, you can be sure to find her lurking around listening. While her ease dropping isn’t done out of malicious intent, Malvolia tucks away any interesting information she overhears to keep for herself. Even though she isn’t the sort to sell information to the highest bidder, should anyone ask if she knows a thing or two, she has no problem with giving information in exchange for coin.

To Malvolia actions speak louder than words, as she knows words are easy to twist and manipulate to suit ones needs. It is why she has vowed to never do harm to those who call the Oasis as home unless provoked. Through experience and trial and error Malvolia knows just how powerful she can be which is why she pledged to never use her element while in the safety of the Oasis. It would be wrong to spit on the council’s act of kindness by unleashing a deadly plague on its inhabitants.

During her cub years Malvolia knew she was capable of being a force to be reckoned with and it was all a matter of learning how to control her element and grow stronger. Or rather to understand that for her, to be weak is to be strong. Something it took her all of her cub years to learn. And even now, Malvolia discovers new abilities that she never knew she was capable of. It’s a never ending learning experience. Because of how easy it would be for her to loose control, for every new ability she learns, she spends up to years making sure she has control over it. A move is not perfect until she can control the severity and effects of any sickness she inflicts upon a lion at will. With an element like Disease there is no room for mistakes, only perfection.

Given how her time spent in the Oasis is spent never using her element, once outside in the Unknown Lands Malvolia has no problem with unleashing her powers on unsuspecting prey. Her desire to grow stronger and learn consumes her, and she becomes a different person. Quite and mild mannered in the Oasis, but remorseless and cruel in the Unknown Lands. To Malvolia, the only way to test her abilities is to hold nothing back. Anyone and anything around her becomes a test subject. For outside she is free to do as she pleases with no consequences.


History -

"And I fall, fall, fall when it all comes down"

Malvolia doesn’t remember much of her parents. Sometimes she finds it hard to remember if she even had them. Most of her memories regarding her childhood were filled with stomach pains and always being hungry. It was hard growing up in the Unknown Lands as it seemed like her parents were always coming down with some sort of sickness that made hunting harder.

Malvolia remembers waking up one morning only to find both her parents still, wheezing and barely responsive. At this point she had no idea what to do and settled between them, doing what little she could to comfort them. With whispered words of love at their last breath, Malvolia knew she had to leave them. But first she had to do one last thing for them; give them a proper burial. A task that would be difficult for a cub of only 50 years, but one she was determined to complete. The sky shifted many times before the cub dug a ditch deep enough to push her parents in and cover their bodies with dirt. Exhausted, covered in dirt, and hungry, Malvolia left the graves leaving long scratches from her tail blade in the dirt as a marker.

Leaving what was once her home, Malvolia knew she needed something to eat. But with how weak she felt, the tasked seemed nearly impossible. Still she pressed on, searching out the small blue and purple prey she knew could be found if one knew where to look. It took longer than she would’ve liked before her ears picked up on the quiet skittering sounds of the Amani. Crouching down near the entrance to the small den, Malvolia waited as patiently as one could being as weak as she felt. Between waiting and feeling so hungry, Malvolia dozed off more than once, jerking awake with a quiet gasp which caused whatever Amani that were near the entrance to hide further in the borrow. With a growl of desperation the cub put forth what little strength she had and began digging. She growled and huffed as already sore claws dug into the dirt. Little did she know that every wheezing huff was letting out a cloud of pathogens that were targeting and weakening the Amani. And by the time Malvolia managed to drag a small critter towards her, the last of her strength left her.

When she woke up next by the smell of sickly flesh, Malvolia was left confused until she identified the source of the scent. Under the paw laid the body of the Amani she managed to catch. Unconcerned with the state of the prey, the cub finished off the small meal with a few quick bites. Now with some actual food in her belly, she now had the strength to keep digging, finding Amani after Amani until no more could be found. Now full, the cub was left with nothing to do but think. What had happened to the small creatures? Was it her own doing? Was it her element finally manifesting? The idea brought joy to her after heart that was immediately followed by sadness. If only her parents were there to see that she had been born with an element, she was just a late bloomer. With no one left around, Malvolia had no choice but to learn how to control her powers on her own.


"And I won't be crushed by the weight of this town"

For ten years Malvolia wandered the Unknown Lands, surviving, learning, growing. By now she understood the basics of her element. In order to unlock it she had to forfeit eating, something she was very reluctant to do. Her parents died from lack of food, and now here she was burdened with an element that relied on the state of her health. What a cruel twist of fate. But determination and the will to survive pushed her forward. She couldn’t be afraid of what was essentially apart of her nor fear the untold powers she could learn to possess. After that first incident, that first taste of power, Malvolia knew she could use her element to do more than survive, it was just a matter of learning balance. To choose between eating and starving, sickness and health, learning and failing. And pushing past her own fears. Her parents would’ve wanted her to live on. She wanted to live on. There was a long life ahead of her, 40 more years until she’d reach adulthood, and Malvolia was not ready to give up just yet.

It was during a time when Malvolia decided to test her limits. To see just how sick she could allow herself to get and in turn see the strength of her element. It was hard, resisting the urge to try and hunt, to ignore the sounds of small prey running around, and to just let herself fall weak. But it was gonna be worth it. She would learn her limits, become stronger, better than before. But she had taken it too far and the next thing she knew she found herself collapsing where she stood. Malvolia didn’t know how long she was out but when she woke up, the cub the realized that she felt better, much better than she had felt in a long time. She couldn’t even remember a time when she felt so free. No pain, no wheezing, she was still hungry but that could be easily taken care of if the smells in front of her were anything to go by. Before Malvolia could tear into the piece of meat, movement out of the corner of her eye stopped her. There was a stranger, another lion with rich brown fur patterned with yellow flowers and stems, who seemed to visibly glow. It had been so long since she’d seen another lion, and for a moment she was convinced that she had died and this was the afterlife. Small claws unsheathed as Malvolia let out a wary growl. While she was grateful for the help, she wasn’t sure if the stranger could be trusted. The male then introduced himself as Bran, a nomad healer, who found her and brought her here. Relaxing the cub decided that eating was more important than speaking. Once her stomach was no longer empty she tentatively questioned her rescuer, wanting to know just about everything about him. Luckily for her Bran had no problem with indulging her curiosity.

While staying with Bran was nice, Malvolia was itching to get back out. She still had to learn how far she could push herself without passing out and still be able to use her element, and she’d rather not accidentally hurt the nomad in the process. She still barely had any control. Not to mention the full effects of her element were still unknown to her. There was no telling what sort of sickness she’d inflict the next time she was weak. It could be a mere cough or something far worse. It was a risk Malvolia wasn’t willing to take. She had to figure this out alone. With a goodbye and a promise to stick around for awhile the next time they crossed paths, Malvolia left the comforts of Bran’s side to face the Unknown Lands once more.

It was a test of will and persistence to willingly choose not to eat, to hunt and take down prey only to not touch it but to study the effects her element had on it. More than once Malvolia put her well being over her training. She didn’t like the hunger, the sickness, the weakness. It was frightening. She knew it was necessary if only to learn how to protect herself but why did she have to be cursed with such an element. It wasn’t fair.

It was during a time when the cub sat in front of a scrawny and sickly Amani. The cub frowned at it. Eating meat that she herself infected did more harm than good. While it did sate her hunger it also made her sick. And ever since she left Bran’s care that’s how she felt all the time. It was frustrating. Too small to hunt bigger prey with her teeth and claws. Her element too deadly to kill any prey without infecting it which in turn made her sick and then made her element stronger. And to not eat only made things worse. It was an endless and vicious cycle, one she was getting tired off. Maybe leaving Bran was a bad idea. But how would she even find him? They had only met by chance. Growing upset Malvolia knocked the Amani away, curling up and cried. She cried for the lost of her parents, for having an element that made her and others sick, and cried for being alone.

The sky shifted many times as Malvolia laid there miserable and unwilling to move. At some point she nibbled on the sickly meat, if only to keep her hunger at bay but when there was nothing left but bones, Malvolia couldn’t not find the will to search for more. Letting herself fall into a restless sleep, the cub’s large ears twitched at sounds that vaguely sounded like soft paw steps. Ignoring it, she was unconcerned with it until she there was a soft thud that landed right in front of her. Opening her eyes Malvolia jerked back in surprise at the sight of a slab of meat. Meat that did not smell like anything she had come across before. Suspicious, the cub glanced up to see a lioness standing a few feet away. Not wanting to overlook the stranger’s generosity Malvolia was quick to eat the offered meat. While she was eating the cub paid no mind to the lioness who took advantage of this to use her element of life to heal her. When Malvolia asked why the lioness decided to help her, the stranger only smiled and beckoned her to follow. With nothing else left to do, it didn’t take much convincing for the cub to follow after her.

They walked in silence for the whole journey, only stopping to eat and rest. Then without much of a warning the lioness placed her tail in front of Malvolia, indicating that she wanted her to stop. Before she could ask why, the lioness let out a strange call before a large stone was called forth. Malvolia was nudged forward until she got the hint, stepping into the stone that lead her to a long bridge that was positioned over a massive chasm. Not wanting to look down at the strange moving and figures down below, the cub quickly trotted across the bridge, all the way to the through the arch. Malvolia only had a moment to marvel at lush and bright place she found herself in before the stranger from before nudged her forward again. Never had she seen such a place so full of life and colorful. She was left to wonder just exactly what was this place. And if it weren’t for her guide’s tail which laid gently on her shoulder, Malvolia was sure she would’ve gotten lost from all the gawking she did. Too busy taking in all the sights, and other passing lions, she paid no mind where the stranger was leading her until she stopped her, whispering for her to wait there.

Sitting down, Malvolia patiently waiting, at least up until she heard voices, multiple ones coming from the chamber ahead.

“...strange element to make others sick. Could be dangerous if we allow her to stay.”

“... rare and there has been only one known lion with such an element. She can not stay here.”

It didn’t much for Malvolia to realize that they were talking about her. If controlling her element was all she had to do to stay, then she was willing to go through the pain all over again. She couldn’t let them send her away. Jumping up, the cub rushed into the chamber heading straight for large male with a mane that seemed to move on it’s own.

“Please let me stay. I’ll be good, I’ll control it. I won’t hurt anyone, I promise. I just want to stay. Please,” she begged, tears streaming down her face. She was tired of being alone. Tired of the hunger, sickness and pain. Tired of the suffering.

Perhaps it was luck, or maybe the male felt pity for her. But in the end he agreed to let her stay, making her promise not to use her element to harm others while living here. A promise Malvolia was more than happy to make.


"I fall from the sky but I won't fall forever"

Life in the Oasis was for a lack of a better word quaint. Compared to the struggles of the Unknown Lands, everything was so peaceful. Life was easy. There was no struggle, rarely and hardships, and no suffering. It was a paradise. And yet it was dull. After awhile the newness of it all began to fade. Sure it was nice having friends, living comfortably and learning about the history of the place, but it was rather lack luster. She couldn't train with her element with the other cubs. She instead had to learn more physical based attacks. Which wasn't a bad thing. It just left her feeling singled out. There was no where new to go. Malvolia had seen all that there was to the place, and yet to leave and go back didn't appeal to her either.

It was why she set her sights on becoming a Wanderer. It would satisfy her need to get out, to use her element once again, and allow her to return to the comforts of her new home. Despite not having to worry about difficulty of controlling her element, seeing the other cubs master their own made her think. She shouldn't have to fear her element, the Disease, as it was called. Even the cubs who harbored Death as their element were given the chance to practice safely, and they were just as dangerous as she was. It wasn't fair. And yet, that was the terms of her stay. But Malvolia knew that pretending that she had no element would get her nowhere, not if she wanted to be a Wanderer. She would have to fight, hunt, defend herself. Such things could be possible with only her claws and fangs, but it would be even more effective with the usage of her element. And if she was honest with herself, the more time she spent not using her element the more she found herself thinking about it.

The Council didn't even know much about Disease as a whole. They knew just as much as she did and then some. A Wanderer's purpose was to gather new information. Her element was new. Malvolia then realized that she could fulfill her further role in life and at the same time continue learning about her element. Mind made up, Malvolia knew what she needed to do once it was time for The Dawning of Light. While Malvolia was not able to participate in the element based parts of her lessons, she did pay attention. She listened carefully to what the Guides told each cub, tucking the information away for later. There would be a time where their teaches would come in handy.

During the ceremony Malvolia spent more time mentally preparing herself rather than joining in the fun. While a year wasn't a lot of time to teach herself anything new, it was why she was going to focus more on herself. It was a journey of self discovery after all. She would find a motive, a drive, a reason to go through with it all rather than just sit back and live a comfortable in the Oasis. Once it was time to leave, Malvolia stood with the other cubs, completely focused and ignoring the chatter around her. Sparing the quiet lioness, her guardian, a glance Malvolia gave a small smile before stepping forward and through the arch. Once the cub stepped foot back into the Unknown Lands, she was left with a sense of dread and fear that seemed to overcome her. She felt like she was suffocating, feeling phantoms pains in her stomach before she managed to bring herself out of the daze. Shaking her head Malvolia moved forward. It was only one year. She had survived much longer than that before, an advantage she had over the other cubs. And now she had training, she knew how to use her tracker ears and claws to aid her survival. There would be no need to fear. Feeling giddy with confidence, Malvolia set her sights on making a temporary den. Where she would test her new found skills and all that she learned while training with the Guides.

Once the halfway point of the Dawning of Light passed, Malvolia knew what she wanted in life. To prove her loyalty to the Oasis, to learn all that there was about her element of Disease, to become stronger, and to over come her fear of her element. After spending so much time being unable to use her element, when she sent forth an infectious blast to a cluster of plants Malvolia couldn't help but watch with pride. She was free to infect any and all that she choose. She hadn't realized how caged she felt while in the Oasis. There was no one to stop her, no disappointing stares from the Council members, nor was there any risk of hurting her friends. There was nothing holding her back. The sense of freedom was addicting, and it surprised her to see how much she enjoyed it. Sure the suffering that came with it wasn't any better, but at least now she knew that she wouldn't have to always suffer. The Oasis was her place of rest, while the Unknown Lands was her own personal training ground. Malvolia was only disappointed in herself that it took her so long to realize that.

Returning to the Oasis after a year helped to quell a worry that had been festering in the back of her mind. Closing her eyes, Malvolia stood still as she allowed the gold dust to surrounded her as she gain her adult form. Once the process was complete, the newly formed adult took a moment to admire herself. She was taller, thin, just a couple steps above what would be considered malnourished, but given her methods of training this did not surprise her. And now it was time to become an official Wanderer and assume her place among the others of her rank.

One of the things that was stressed was to be wary of Rebels. Just about everyone knew who and what the Rebels were and what they stood for, but even then there was still things they did not know. And Malvolia was more than willing to gather more intel. She had never crossed paths with a Rebel, let alone a Pride member. Malvolia figured it was now time to seek them out rather than avoid them.

Knowing that one could not identify a lion's faction just by mere appearance, Malvolia knew she would have to watch any and all lions she came across. She also knew that one could easily lie and say they were one thing when in truth they were another. It was a challenge she was looking forward to. Rumors and stories were one thing, but the lioness wanted to see for herself just how corrupt the Rebels were. The first pair of lions she came across were busy locked in a vicious battle. One was more violent than the other, ripping into the weaker lion who pleaded for mercy. Hidden behind a rocky outcrop, Malvolia silently watched, one part amazed at the brutality of the fight, another part curious. It was easy to guess that the violent lion was a Rebel, and the other a Nomad or a Pride lion. Their reason for fighting would forever remain unknown to her, but that did not stop her from continuing to watch until the very end. It sadden her to see that the Rebel was unwilling to spare the other's life. Was mercy not a thing that was taught?

Frowning, Malvolia watched the victor walk away before an idea came to her. Before she had always used her element on prey animals and the occasional plant, but how would her attacks effect another lion? Curious, and knowing that she may not get another chance to test out a growing theory, Malvolia crept forward, drawing forth her power and letting it pool at the tips of her claws and fangs. Just as the other lion turned to acknowledge her presence, she struck quick and fast. While the fight was a short one, the lioness could easily see how weak the other was growing. The fighting was sapping his strength faster and faster until he finally collapsed. Large ears perked forward as Malvolia cautiously stepped forward, listening to his raspy breaths until all was silent. With a tilt of her head she used a claw to poke and prod at him, taking note and examining the effects the illness had on him. It was one thing to see the effects of her attack on a Amani, but to see them on a larger scale was enlightening. She had to know more. To target and test on more lions. And what better group to use than the Rebels. It wasn't like anyone would miss them, and she'd be doing all of Lochren a favor.

"I fall but when I rise I'll be stronger than ever"

Years later everything fell into a comfortable routine; Malvolia would leave the Oasis to gather information, train, and if time allowed it take out a Rebel or two before returning home. It was the same thing everyday with a few variations here and there, but Malvolia was happy with her place in life. Things were fairly predictable until one day a group of strange lions entered the Oasis. The lioness remember the Ambassador and their family leaving to go met the Pride some time ago, she just hadn't expected the Pride leader to agree to whatever terms that had been set and make the trip back to the Oasis. A bit of questioning and sneaking around here and soon Malvolia learned of Ethreal's plans; to ask the Oasis for help.

Part of her frowned upon the idea of the Oasis being dragged into a war they had no part of, not another part of her knew that should the Rebels win they would set their sights on finding and invading their home. It was quite the dilemma, but no matter the out come the lioness would stand by the Council's decision. In the mean time, she wanted to take advantage of the Pride's visit and get to know a few of the warriors and their opinion on the war. It would be a good learning experience, and if she was to fight along side these lions Malvolia wanted to be sure she could trust them to watch her back.


The Oasis

Given how dangerous her element is, Malvolia is more than grateful that Mitus allowed her to stay. While the gold dust keeps her healthy, she is still able to use her element. And even though any of her attack will not be as strong as it might be while weak, they could still prove fatal if left unchecked. Nothing but her own sense of loyalty to Mitus keeps her from using her element as Malvolia would much rather protect the Oasis rather than destroy it. She owes it to the Oasis for providing her a home where she can live comfortably and without fear of losing control.

The Pride

The Oasis is her home, her safe heaven, and the only place she can be without worrying about her element consuming her. To lose her safe place is to loose a part of herself. And because of this she sees all the visiting Pride members as a threat. Whether or not the council agrees to help their visitors, in the end they will no longer be able to stay a neutral party in the war. It wouldn’t take a genius to know that once the Rebels learned of the Pride quest for help they would make increased efforts to find and invade the Oasis. And should it come to that, Malvolia is more then willing to take on every Rebel in order to protect her home.

The Rebels

Before speaking with a few lions who have lived with the Rebels, Malvolia just saw them as a group of lions she could test her element on freely. They were already putting themselves at risk by fighting in the war, not to mention the proved to be a future threat to her home. To her there was no reason not to pick off a few stragglers. She'd be doing a Pride a favor. But after knowing what she does now, she pities them. Malvolia feels sorry for those who were lured in by the promise of change and are now trapped in what is essentially a prison. And she pities those who enjoy the fighting and bloodshed. Those violent individuals aren't fighting for change, but simply fighting because they can and they enjoy it. Those lions are ones Malvolia feels no one would miss should they cross paths. As aside from changing their views, there was no way to save them, they are a lost cause, forever trapped in their own twisted sense of justice.


Image Mitus- While it wasn't said directly, Malvolia feels she walks a fine line when it comes to Mitus. He can never know about the trouble she gets into while outside the Oasis. While her promise was to behave while in the Oasis, nothing was said about outside it. Still, as grateful as she is to him letting her stay she'd rather not test him and give him a reason to revoke that act of kindness.

Image Bran- Malvolia owes him her life. His act of kindness is what saved her that day all those years ago. Now whenever she leaves the Oasis in search of new information, she keeps a look out for the ghostly healer and strike up a conversation with him, telling how much she's grown, and how she isn't as reckless with her element anymore. The fact that his element is so strong that it manifest in a soft glow helps her to feel relaxed around him. She know he need not to worry about getting sick near her. One of the few individuals Malvolia can be completely comfortable around.

Image Ethereal- To Malvolia Ethreal had the means of ending the war before it could have progressed so far. He could've initiated a change to where one's physical traits didn't define a lions path in life. Doing so would've prevent a many of Pride lions from defecting. Alas, Malvolia can only hope the Alpha learns from this war and pushes for change that his people so desperately want.

Image Heineken-As the first Rebel she had ever come across, it was easy to see how Heineken was not what she had been expecting. From all the rumors, Malvolia expected every Rebel to be violent, crude, and always on the lookout for a fight. Heineken is the exact opposite. Something that greatly piqued her curiosity. After questioning the male, Malvolia learned that the Rebels prey on one's self of justice and helplessness. Enticing Nomads and Pride lions a like into their ranks with the promise of strength, change and protection only to then keep them from leaving, in one piece that is. The Rebels as a whole seem like a cult to her, one with only one way in and no way out. A prison with invisible leashes. For Heineken's sake, Malvolia hopes the Pride wins the war and makes a change to its traditions.

Image Sakae- Knowing that the Rebels have members who don't believe in their cause anymore, Sakae's change in alliance wasn't much of a surprise. What did surprise her was how the female was still alive. While she had been previously unaware, Sakae revealed that Arknon's drive for revenge turned into a hunger for power. That weakness was not tolerated within the faction, and cross fraction romance was frowned upon. Such a thing was the reason behind Sakae's own defection. Despite being Rebel born and raised, Malvolia applauds Sakae for breaking away from the chains of the Rebels, and seeing the corruption with her own eyes. Malvolia wishes her the best, and hopes that more Rebels see the light and escape from their caged life if only so they don't get caught up in the cross fire.

Image Viu- While taking refuge within the Pride as a means to recuperate and regain her strength, it was a surprise to find out that a former Rebel, a known killer, lived within the Pride. It was clear how the other lions went out of their way to avoid the male that made him stand out to her. After taking the time to talk to him, Malvolia was left feeling intrigued. To think that a harden warrior would switch sides over to the enemy all because of an act of kindness. And be able to deal with both the guilt and judgement with squared shoulders? Maybe the Rebels weren't such a lost cause after all. But that was only the minority. There were still many others who blindly followed Arknon, and those were the ones that would end up perishing in the end.

Image Ruvik- For a Pride lion, Malvolia did not expect such a serious and no nonsense point of view on the war without seeming violent. Ruvik believes that the Rebels are foolish and that they should go take over some barren part of Lochren and live there peacefully. The warrior wants a swift end to the fighting as he realizes that Arknon needs to let go of an old grudge. Malvolia finds that his points make a lot of sense. She knows that the war started when Aeon was Alpha and with his death the war should've ended, and yet it progresses. This makes her realize that this only continues because the Rebels fight just because they are violent and thrive on carnage.

Art: Smoke Headshot and Sickly by Starry, Grump headshot by Pengu., Fullbody by Alaric Glockner
Lions: Starry, Dragoncool97, Oblivion, Willow
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Queen Vivane » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:00 pm

The Lady Of Disease
Username - Queen Chrysalis

Name - Allura

Gender - Female

Age: 900

Element(s) - Disease

Infest - With just a simple touch or small gesture, a lion with the element of Disease can purposefully infect another lion causing them to quickly sicken. This is a relatively weak attack even when the lion is weak and disease is strong, the infection will not kill a healthy lion. Merely leave them feverish and unable to move for a couple of days. There is no chance for this ability to re-bound and affect the disease wielding lion.

Plague - This is the strongest attack a Disease wielding lion can muster and must be used in an area frequented by others. The loc gathers his/her strength and directs a vicious disease to attack a large number of enemies, this attack is not visible to the naked eye. It has the strongest possibility to be utterly devastating. Friendly lions are warned before the attack goes out and those who choose to stay on the battlefield run the risk of getting the plague. The attack has the possibility of killing those it hits and greatly weakening the lion who uses it. So it must be used with great caution.

Jagged Infection - The lion allows the power of their element to coat their claws and the next wound they inflict with their claws will have a 100% infection success rate. The infection will lead to severe muscle paralysis, leaving the wounded lion useless until their system can fight off the infection.

Curative - If the lion does so wish, they can choose to remove a disease from a friendly/neutral lion and absorb it into their element. This ability can only work on one lion at a time and takes longer depending on how strong the disease is. The stronger the disease is the more chance some of it will leak from the element and affect the lion who wields disease.

Thoughts on her element: I barely use the thing and why would I? I cannot leave this place I call home without ending up dead and I don't fight very often at all. So I am strong while my element is weak. Was I not trapped forever in the oasis perhaps I would be highly different, maybe some sort of glorious fighter who wielded her element to its max potential. My element will probably never see any kind of use. Perhaps if I had been born with sand and not disease, I might have been more useful.

Rank - Oasis Merchant

Personality -
"You wanna go toe to toe with me pretty boy? Korra - the legend of Korra

A lioness with greater dreams than she can ever achieve. Allura is an incredibly proud lioness, taking great pride in the goods she sells and the amount of control she has over her element of course. A little too proud one might add, as she is prone to being rather arrogant about some subjects. Usually about how great she is and the quality of her goods. Wicked smart though she generally tends to project herself as having a lower level of intellect than she actually has.

Never dances around a subject of conversation, simply gets straight to the point as what is the point of messing around if it's something direly important. Rather clumsy when it comes to things like friendship so tends to push others away with her arrogance and always regrets it later. Always willing to show off just how talented she is to anyone who will watch and or listen. While she got into various fights when she was a child, Allura is fully aware that violence is a complete and utter waste of her time. She prefers more silent tactics that won't leave a trace that can't be followed back to her.

Craves attention and acknowledgement from others. Hates being criticized by others and will publicly dismiss them. Though once in private will actually think on whether or not their claims have any validity

History -
When I was a child only a few months after my element manifested I was told that my eyes marked me for immortality, I didn't understand what that meant. It was explained that if I ever left the safety of the oasis, I would die instantly. What a terrifying thing to tell a child.

The small form of a cub sat a few feet away from the great archway that marked the bridge leading to the outside world. Yellow eyes gazing longingly out across the bridge. Allura knew she couldn't leave the oasis but that didn't mean she couldn't dream and dream she would.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" came the question causing Allura to try and tilt her head back to try and see who had spoken, the cub ended up flat on her back for her efforts. Her yellow eyes fixed on the knight and she smiled sheepishly up at him.

"Dreaming of things I can never do" Allura uttered in a soft voice, a fair sized sigh escaping her not long after. "Are you going to send me back?" The tawny cub asked.

"Don't worry kid, sit here and dream all you want. I won't send you back, got no reason to" the knight replied with a shrug as he gently ruffled the fur on top of her head with a paw. Much to her dismay. With a noise of annoyance, the tawny female batted at the larger paw in an irritated manner until it was removed from atop her head. He chuckled and moved away leaving the cub to return to her dreaming.

And for many years the cub could be found staring out across the bridge until one day she just wasn't there anymore, her dreams had been forgotten. She'd been forgotten and that was perfectly fine with her.

A frown crossed the small face, she'd been trying to figure out what to do for the better part of an hour, she wasn't against the idea of practising. The question of just how was the part that was making her draw a blank. The groan of frustration that left her lips was loud against her quiet surroundings. Her body slumped to the floor and she grumbled nonsense to herself in an irritated manner. The tawny female lay there for a few minutes sulking until she pulled herself up off of the floor. There was nobody to teach her. Well, she'd just have to figure things out by herself! Allura would train her hardest to try and master disease.

Though she could not leave the oasis, that did not mean that she could not learn to wield her element to devastating purposes. Determination filled her small form and the cub began planning how best she could she train. Maybe she could sneakily test her skills out on others in order to try and improve.

The lioness nudged the small sculpture away from the edge of her stall, gently moving it to a more desirable section of the pale surface before taking a few steps back to admire her handiwork. Simple carved figures and shapes of various sizes stood spread out across the stand, the light catching the few glittering precious stones adorning them and sending their colours dancing across the bazaar.

With a pleased noise, the lioness went and sat behind her stall and waited for the customers to start rolling in. A young lioness, a warrior of some sort, going by the sleek shape yet muscled shape of her body and most obviously an outsider. She browsed for a while examining the statuettes in detail until finally, she caught Allura's eye.

"Can I help you with something" she posed in her best customer friendly voice, yellow eyes focused on the other female.

"Yes, how exactly do I know that these are of the best quality I could possibly find in this bazaar?" She questioned the Tawny merchant who merely blinked in surprise.

"Why, simply ask my suppliers of course. I pay them to find me the best and only the best materials. Anything less than the best is used for practice runs on design ideas" Allura replied smoothly. Pleased with how she had managed to keep her cool. The other Lioness seemed to consider Allura's reply and after a few moments seemed satisfied and picked out out a sculpture. One of a LOC mid-battle, their element swirling around them in a deadly spiral and ready to be thrown at nonexistent foes. Allura accepted the tokens happily and the customer went on her way.

More customers came and went, some asking about the quality and others simply buying a sculpture or two. The last customer of the day was yet another one to send Allura's temper burning. The spiked lioness hissed quietly in displeasure, how dare yet another outsider question the quality of her goods.

"I assure you, my goods are of the finest quality one could possibly hope to find in this accursed place" Alura practically spat through gritted teeth. She was sick and tired of these filthy outsiders and their rude questions. How dare they question her. They had no idea how long it had taken her to learn how to properly shape the materials without ruining them or injuring herself.

"There is a nagging feeling that tells me you're lying" the male spoke causing Allura to physically bristle. With a noise that was almost a growl she stood and padded stiffly around to shove her face into his.

"You wanna go toe to toe with me pretty boy?" Came the wicked snarl.

"I wouldn't recommend it! Allura may not fight much but when she actually fights? She brings her opponents down hard and fast"
called one of the merchants, causing Allura to preen under the compliment.

Extras -


Malachi- The two loc's clashed easily what with Allura's arrogance bouncing off of Malachi's defence. But, Allura seems rather fond of the council guard enjoying their small clashes of words whenever they bump into one another. She appears amused by his quick offers of advice to others and extreme hesitance to listen any given to him in return. She has a certain fondness for winding him up, almost childlike in her glee in seeing she has once again irritated the male.

Amaterasu- A quiet one much to Allura's ecstatic joy. The tawny female quickly understood that Amaratsu tended to tire quickly of the company of others so took as little time as possible to politely introduce herself and welcome the blue scout to the oasis. Still, the two seemed at least have no unfriendliness between each other and Allura appeared to be intrigued by the scout.

Art: Image
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby olivionary » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:17 pm

-slams form down for #12-

Username -
Name -
Gender -
Element(s) - floofiness
Rank - queen of curls, like damn
Personality -
History - her entire life has been being groomed to perfection
Extras -
edon & shania pixels by syntheticfox - vern by loafhound - vern and laith pixels by rayxray

olivia. she/her. feb 14.

"You're as subtle
as a wrecking ball."

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Stonefly » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:13 am

"Best viewed on Firefox is possible"

Username - Stonefly
Name - Talibah

xxOrigins: Africa
xxMeaning: seeker of knowledge

Nickname - Tali
Gender - female
Element(s) - colour and light
Rank - Oasis Knight
Age - 5,118 years








"My elements are those of Light and Colour."
With Light one can: Illuminate dark places, blind
foes, create distractions, create balls of
With Colour one can: take away or add
color as they so choose. Painting the world
how they would like to see it.



Colour Morph - She has the ability to morph
the colours around her, change a blue to a yellow or
any other colour she wishes. She wields a 15 foot radius
around her were colours are altered, anyone within 15
feet of Talibah sees the colours she does/changes.
She will always have a 5 foot circle around her that
changes the colour purple to what she would imagine
it would look like. She was born without the ability
to see the colour purple and is just gray for her.
This is what purple looks like to her link and no
matter the colour while using this colours morph
and change like the gif.

Aurora Polaris - Much like the Northern lights
Talibah can light up the sky with colourful images
and patterns. This is mainly an entertainment use of her
element and is most visible during the night. This light
affect only lasts for 2 hours before it fades into the
sky vanishing until she uses it again.

Colour Absorption - With her ability to create
colour she is also able to strip an area of colour. Much
like colour Morph she can create a perimeter around her
and anyone within that area will only see black, grays,
and whites. Or if she wants she can pick a certain area
and remove all colour from there and the affect is
visible to anyone. If she is every feeling really
depressed she will turn off her colour Morph and have
this running instead
Light - To cast a light, she has the ability
to touch small objects(e.i rocks, armour pieces) and the
object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 20 feet. If she desires she has the ability
to change the colour of list she casts.

Dawn Burst - all creatures in the area glow with light
equivalent to a torch for the duration of the ability, making
hiding difficult and even revealing the location of invisible
or hidden creatures.

Dagger of Light - During combat she can create a spear/
dagger type shape of light and launch it at other lions or
enemies. This is a great attack for piercing armour but
the bigger the creation of light the more energy is consumes
from Talibah.

Shield of Faith - If Talibah ever finds herself in a tight
spot she has the ability to create a shield or force field
of light that surrounds her and keeps enemies away from
her. Again this is another move that take a great amount
of energy so she will only use it if she is in grave danger.
Those who try enter the shield of light will burn themselves
and be given damage.


+ Loyal
+ Hard Working
+ Respectful
+ Scholar
+ Motherly

= Confidential
= Quiet

- Dislike of Change
- Stubborn
- Dull
- Depressed
Talibah is a very loyal and dedicated member of the Oasis. Even if she has yet to see any kind of battle she takes her job as an Oasis Knight very seriously and will do what ever she can to prepare herself to protect the Oasis and its secrets. With Rumours about the Oasis joining the pride and fighting against the rebellion it worries her because she thinks it gives the rebels and their leader a better chance at finding their safe place. Most of Talibah's time is spent training, working, or learning new things. She strives to become the better version of herself. She is also aware of her role within the Oasis and is very respectful of lions who out-rank and out-age her. Talibah loves knowledge; her all time favourite saying is "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." When she first arrived and started learning about life within the Oasis, Oasis Councilor Arabella became a great teacher and grandmother-type figure in her life. She loves to listen to her, and other lion's stories and histories about life outside the Oasis. She covets those who have the ability to see and use the orb and dreams to see the knowledge from it. Because she lost her cubs at a young age she never got the chance to experience her cubs grow and age and she has this desire and dream to have cubs in her life again. If she gets the chance to be around cubs she would take it in a heart beat.

Ever since her mate Barin left the Oasis a lot of her time is focused on keeping herself busy and keeping her emotions and problems to herself. She is not one of those lions who likes to share personal information about herself. There are only a few lions who remember how she and her mate arrived, or how the whole situation really effected her even now after all those thousand years later. She does not open up well to others and there are only a few select lions who she feels comfortable with and knows how she might be feeling any given day. After all her life events and losing those closest to her it still hurts Talibah, the fact she can’t wake up to see her cubs doing what they should have been destined to be doing. Emotionally she’s hollow inside and to avoid these feelings she pushes herself into her work and learning. From time to time she has the need to leave the safety of the Oasis, but she could never push herself to actually walk out back into Lochren. Barin was her rock and foundation and he was the lion in her life that would always listen to her, so talking about personal things with new lions is hard for her. Talibah also does not talk much in general, between her shy nature and the fact you can not learn new things when you're the one talking, so she prefers listening. She also has a small problem with listening into other conversations that she is not part of.

Even thought she seeks knowledge she hates change; She likes her everyday life to stay the same. With the pride coming into the Oasis she is uncomfortable with the sudden change in her routine even, if they are a gold mine of new information. Because of her dislike of change she is very much hard set in her ways and routines. She is horribly stubborn about having to change anything in her life. These are one of the few occasions were she is not afraid to verbally fight: to keep something the way it was before. Conversations with Tablibah can be rather dull as well, she has a very dry, quite, and monotone voice and her topics of conversations can lean towards the boring side for other lions.



Talibah was not born within the Oasis, she lived along side a small pride of lions many years ago. Because of her parents views she spent her the first half of her childhood learning, her time was spent with her mother and the other cubs in lessons teaching them survival techniques and tricks. She was near adulthood before the she and the other cubs her age were taught how to fight and defend themselves. Most of their training with combat was paw to paw, because of her elements they had no real use during a fight.

Talibah found her one true love not long after she reached her final adult form. They were from two different nomadic groups and they had accidentally stumbled across one another during a hunt. She was never one to believe in love at first sight but the moment her eyes laid on Barin she instantly know he was the one. Within a short period of time they quickly became inseparable and they did everything together and went everywhere together; it wasn't long before they had their own cubs together. they lived happily together as a family until one day Talibah and the cubs fallen ill. It only took a short amount of time for the three to get super sick. It was as if fate didn't punish them enough their cubs were the first to die and Talibah would quickly soon after join them if they didn't get any help. With all this bad luck Barin and Talibah expected her to die soon and leave Barin alone without his family. Although their luck had seemed to changed and another lion had came across the two and was kind enough to rescue Talibah and carried her into the safety that is the Oasis. With the use of lions who were graced with the life element they worked on her and healed her of the illness that plagued her. I was never able to figure which lion it was that saved me and Barin, I wish that one day I will learn his name and finally be able to put a name to the face.

"Over the years I never really knew what to do with myself, the sickness that plagued me left me weak and with very little energy to do anything over an extended period of time. I was unable to do anything with myself, I couldn't work or start my training for my new role within the Oasis.
I really had no idea what to do with myself, so I quickly figured out the Oasis was a vast never ending bowl of knowledge. I loved all this new information I now had access to. I spend hours listening and learning, spending times with lions who had been living much longer than I have. During this time I was physically bored and jealous that Barin had started his training for his job as a guard, but mentally I was always busy and taking in everything I could. Oh my mother and Sonja would have loved to have seen this place, and to have learned a fraction of what I have.
When I was ready and healed enough they had assigned me my new role and my training had begun. I enjoyed the work, and it was fun working with Barin again, sparring and practicing some of the things we learned. The only downside about the training we spent less time together, unlike our time wondering the unknown lands. It took me a while to get use to it but once I did I cherished every single moment I had with him.

Many years passed during their time within their new home, they lived happily with one another balancing work and family time together. The idea of leaving the Oasis and going back to their families were brought up every now and again but they both had this new found loyalty to the Oasis and felt wrong with actually leaving. The whole family situation did cause stress between the couple, the idea that they both were still outliving their children and always would if they stayed in the Oasis caused some distress between them. Both of them have a desire to see their cubs again one day, but the idea of willingly taking her own life was something that she couldn't fathom
Talibah is actually intrigued the idea of being immortal, all those years she could spend learning and seeking knowledge. She knew though that Barin, was not as interested in the idea, he missed his family and dreamed to be reunited with his cubs one day.

Together they stayed in the Oasis for about 2,000 years before Barin decided it was time to leave, he wanted to be with his parents and cubs. He just could not take the stress of knowing he was going to out live his two children forever, he needed to be with them again.

"I remember that day all to well, the ground was covered with a thin dusting of snow and Barin the love of my life decided he wanted to go back to his family and cubs. I attempted to talk to him, get him to change his mind and not to do it and think about me and how I would feel once he left me? I am still regret that I ever did that, I'm haunted knowing I tried to black mail him into staying with me. I should have accepted the fact he wanted to go and be back with his past loved ones once more. I wont lie, sometimes I think I might be jealous of him, knowing he it out there somewhere together with our cubs and knowing they are happy and together again.
Together we walked towards the gate entrance of the Oasis, stopping just before the final threshold to look at each other for the final time. His final words to me broke my heart
"Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you, until we meet again." We stood there for a solid five minutes before he gave me one final kiss to the forehead and started walking towards the portal back into Lochren, that was the day I lost Barin and a part of myself.
The pain lasted for weeks, I almost couldn't handle knowing I had lost everything close to me. When I slept I dreamed about Barin, Vivi, Sonja, my parents and it broke me every time. It took time and with the help of those close to me I was slowly able to rebuild my emotional state and go back to a normal life.

Ever since Barin left her Talibah has never been the same, she became withdrawn from other lions and accepted little to no help She has trouble sleeping as every night her dreams were filled with a familiar face of lions taken away from her. Years after this event anyone could see she was not the lion she was once before. She drove herself into working harder and focusing more on work and training. When given the chance she would take any job offered to her. She accepted the fact she was just numb to everything around her and her own emotions. Lions tried to help her, even a young Oryx noticed her troubled and tried helping but she continued to push them away.
Slowly at the years went on she slowly got better, she wasnt as withdrawn from everyone but she still pushed herself into her studies and training. She started to accept the help of others slowly and the feeling of numbness was not as strong as it once was. With the arrival of the pride it has aloud Talibah's mind to shift over to them, keeping busy and occupied. Now granted Talibah just doesnt wander around the Oasis with her tail dragging on the ground. She is like every other lion out there, just sometimes her moods can really hit her hard. When given the chance she loves to talk with with Nox or other lions who are willing to hold up a conversation. she even has pushed herself to talk to some of the new pride lions that are visiting.
the one thing that never seems to fail when she is feeling really down with herself is surround herself with cubs.

Designed by Alaric Glöckner
When I lived with my parents I was gifted a set of armour much like this one, but I had to leave it behind when I came into the Oasis. During her time in training she commissioned this set of armour, describing the best she could to the crafter. It was made light weight enough that it wouldn't cause a burden with flying or waste extra energy but with the right amount of detail.



| Barin | Nomadic Lion | Deceased NPC |
Next to me
Barin was my rock and foundation in life, he was my everything and I've lost him. He had helped me through so much during my early years of adulthood and finding the person who I really wanted to be. At night I still dream about him being back with me, and I am curled into him for warmth. I owe Barin everything, without him I doubt I would be here or the lion that I am today. It still breaks my heart when ever I think about the night he decided it was him time and left the Oasis, I'm still guilty that I tried black mailing him into staying. I should have never made it about me and have respected his decision. It will always be one of the darkest memories between us.
Barin would want me to move on from his death, but I am just not ready to give him and his memory up. Maybe one day I will be ready but he hold something so special in my heart its hard to let it go. It hurts me to know how disappointed and heart broken he would be in me right now with my current mental state. Right now I think its just impossible to move on, I miss him way too much and can't wait to see him again.

| Sonja & Vivi | Nomadic cubs | Deceased NPCs |
Gone too Soon
These two little angels were my light and hope in life, when they came into my world I'm pretty sure I was the happiest lion alive. The gods had granted me with two perfect little girls.
Sonja was my little spitfire fire elemental and Viv was my brave light elemental baby. Between the two of them were was not a moment of darkness in our lives and family until they fell ill. The first one to pass away was Sonja, she fought so hard but lost a battle there was no hope of winning. It was only a week later when Vivi followed her sister and left us. My angels fought for their lives and I will always be proud of the effort they put forth. I wish I could have been with Barin when he sent our angels to the lake, but with myself so sick I was forced to miss the chance to see them in their final resting place. when I am not dreaming of Barin I dream of them beside me, running around, playing and living their lives as cubs. I wish I had the ability to give them a second chance at their lives, it was unfair that the gods would give me them only to take them away so quickly. They never had a chance to live their life or to even find love. I can't wait until one day when I finally leave the Oasis when I can be reunited with my family again.


| Nox | Oasis Council | Owner: Mechanic Drone |
Nox came many years after I came to the Oasis, She was an interesting lion to meet. When she fist came along I wasn't sure how I felt about meeting her, I was never one to introduce myself to new lions. When I finally pushed myself enough to meet her I am glad that I did, she is a warm and welcoming lion to be around. In general I really like Nox and she is definitely one of the few lions I enjoy holding a conversation with. When I learned Nox achieved a Council Member seat I was beyond happy to hear and I wish her the best on what ever the job might bring her. If there are every moments in my day where I need to talk to someone about unusual or difficult topics Nox is normally my first go to lion.
She was also a lion that was fun to watch at first, her coat changing and morphing in front of my own eyes. She was one of the first lions I ever ran into who is mainly purple so seeing her at first confused me quite a bit. Although it took me a while to get used to her changing I actually enjoy sometimes just watching her. Its something I don't plan on telling her that's for sure.

| Farren | Pride Field Healer | Owner: myself |
Farren was the first pride lion I met when they arrived within the Oasis, and he was one of the only healers in my life that offered to try fix my colour blindness issue with purple. Even though his attempts were futile I still appreciate that he took the time to try. The first time I met Farren was rather entertaining, with his coat being primarily purple he would be constantly be morphing colours.
What really got me interested in Creating some type of relationship with Farren was his past, its something no one wishes to ever live yet he survived and is now the lion he is today. The fact that a family member would be able to treat one of their own like that will always confuse me. Since he was also a lion that was interested in knowledge it was easy to talk to him, and it was actually kinda nice to find someone easy to talk to and tell of my time in the Oasis. I hope when he goes back to Lochren he will find himself a good mate and that is soon to be siblings are born healthy and live long lives. Its a shame he will be leaving because it would have been nice to keep in contact with him. I simply can only now wish him the best of luck with his life.


Odd quirks/habits
This is not much of a habit or quirk, its something that kinda just happens? when Talibah gets really stressed the slight sparkles that are always there get brighter and there are quite a few more covering her body. She hates when this happens and tries her best to make sure her life is as stress free as possible.

Her worst habit that she needs to stop, but really doesn't is her ease dropping on other lions conversations. She loves the information she learns from doing so. She tries to avoid listening in on generals or the councils but sometime she just cant help herself. With all the new pride lions she enjoys hearing what they have to say about their home life and how the Lochren is doing now a days.
It has of course gotten her into a lot of trouble, she has been caught by Vanya once, and now will never do it around her again.
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Penultima » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:54 am

Username - Penultima
Name - Hatshepsut, "Hattie"
Name Origin - After the Pharaoh featured on the smaller, granite sphinx statue in Egypt.
Gender - Female
Rank - Artisan


Elements - Sand & Fire
A lion with the gift of Sand can: foresee future events, often times thousands of years in advance. Creates shapes, make soldiers that become solid when created and will fight to protect the user. Can also use sand to blind or disorient foes.
A lion with the gift of fire can: Manipulate the shape, change the fire's temperature, thrust it with great force, set things ablaze or prevent things from being caught on fire. Can create fire on their own. Don't need a source to take from.

As an artisan, Hattie makes almost constant use of both of her two elements. Her predominant element, Fire, is what she uses to effectively and easily craft the most high-quality and intricate metalworks. Although an element that she uses regularly, with extreme precision, and especially as the main source of her role in society, Hat has a love-hate relationship with the element of fire. Her own fire is a comfort; it keeps her exposed skin warm during colder or wetter days, doesn't burn in proximity or contact, and is the source of her job that is her pride and joy. However, fire that is not hers, what she likes to call "rogue fire", is something she is anxiously fearful of. It can and does burn her, and her bare skin blisters easily if she comes too close. The light from the sun itself will leave sunburns on her pale skin, and she often with wear a fabric cloak if she decides to venture far during the broad daylight.
Her sand element is much less temperamental, although also less useful in her daily life as well. Sand is not common at all, and Hattie personally does not know anyone other than in her family who knows much about its usefulness. Her father, the scholar, uses its future foreseeing qualities almost exclusively, but Hattie prefers to "get her paws dirty" so to speak, and consented to experiment on her own with how to physically manipulate sand for her artistry purposes, making her the only sandstone sculpter in the Oasis.

Fire Abilities -
Control Flames:
The most basic of Hattie's abilities is the power to manipulate fire. This ability allows her to alter the flame's heat, location, behavior, and size. She uses this ability daily in her role as an artisan, carefully manipulating the flames to heat the metal she works with in the most precise way. Because the fire she creates won't hurt her, she can stick her paws right in the middle of the heat and shape the metal by hand, using her claws as tools to work with the most tiny details.

Inner Heat:
As a bare-skinned lioness, Hattie uses this ability fairly often as well. The sun itself is a danger to burning her sensitive skin so Hat often keeps her skin covered, and warms her skin with an inner heat she produces with a sort of "internal flame". Sometimes, this inner flame can be seen physically flickering around her skin, like a harmless flame dancing around, especially if she is really in need of the additional heat. Because of this, she rarely is cold, even in the more extreme weather that the Oasis sometimes experiences, which is something she considers a blessing and is very thankful that if anyone had to be born without insulating fur, it would be someone like her who can keep themselves warm.

Sand Abilities -
Movement of Sand:
With this ability, Hattie can shift the individual grains of sand from one form into another. This can happen firstly as moving loose particles of sand into a solid form, pressurizing the quartz crystals until they compact enough to form solid sandstone in a form that she desires. Secondly, this ability can work in the reverse, where she de-consolidates a solid sandstone to release individual grains of sand, effectively carving out the stone into a shape she wants it to be.

Alteration of Sand:
In addition to moving the sand particles around, Hattie also has the power to alter the sand crystals themselves at their molecular level. She can compact the crystalline structures to form extremely strong Quartzite rock, or space out the crystals enough to turn the stone into soft sandstone with beautiful lines and textures. Mixed with her fire ability, she can melt the sand into glass, and carve designs into it by sandblasting. As an unique artist with the sand, she has developed and learned many personalized techniques to using the power of sand alteration.

Foreseeing the Future:
This gift she inherited from her father. Although he uses this ability almost exclusively, Hattie has little use or even the desire to use this ability. If she were to break this ability out of the dusty corners of her memory, she would be able to see the pattern of future events play out as if grains of sand falling through an hourglass in her mind's eye. This way of seeing the future is not the most clear or reliable, as each event play-out flashes by pretty quickly, and as anything that happens in the future, is liable to change if someone involved with that event makes a sudden decision change. This power is also only observatory, and she cannot use it to manipulate future events, one to see them as they would play out from their current point in time.


- Introduction to her Everyday Life -
She is physically strong enough to work with metal and leather crafting. She also has a strong knack for attention to detail, and is highly artistic and creative. She has a large imagination, and although strong, her skin is very sensitive due to her hairlessness, and because of its pale color, she can develop soreness from long close proximity to fire and bright light. One of her elements is fire, which even though it can burn her easily, she uses her elemental ability to control the flames during her artisan crafting in a way that keeps herself safe and also to focus the heat and direction of the fire to achieve the most beautiful creations. She's very dedicated to her work, and very proud of it, and only allows the most beautiful and well-crafted products to leave her forge and go into the world for others to see. She's a respected worker, but bears a self-induced sense of shame that she's frail in an uncontrolled outside world environment, so she hides herself away, even though she is still proud (even to a fault) of her craftsmanship, and many Oasis lions know of her handiwork. She specializes in jewelry and other more decorative works, but will readily make beautiful armor for customers at their request.
She also, as more of a side hobby, enjoys crafting smaller trinkets and sculptures out of sandstone. Her creations are exquisite, from majestic miniature replicas of both real and fictional rock formations, complete with arches and ravines, to tiny busts and decorative pieces that lions can use to decorate their merchant stands or cave dwellings. Many lions come to her with requests of sandstone statues of their beloved family members to keep in their burrow, or as talismans, or even as gifts to give to others. Her sand elemental ability is greatly in part of how she can achieve such impeccable artistry, manipulating the stone itself from the inside out, and it allows her to be extremely attentive to detail. She is also able to re-attach broken or chipped sandstone creations, and is sought out by previous purchasers who need their sculptures repaired, which happens quite often because of the fragile nature of that type of stone.

- Personality -
Protective, Proud, Detail-oriented, OCD, Self-Conscious, Creative.

- Hattie's protectiveness is a proud sort of protection, a dignity, if you will, for the value of what she's protecting (similar to the guardian-like tendencies that both Egyptian and Greek sphinxes do in mythology). If you try to double cross a friend, you can rest assured that she will see justice done.
-Her pride plays off of her protectiveness. She's proud about being strong, physically and mentally. She can hold her own in a tussle, as well as a game of wits. She's a sharp thinker, with an even sharper tongue, and can eloquently lash back with any kind of intellectual comeback to stump her opposer or heighten her ego. She's also proud of her artistry, and will readily correct anyone who claims otherwise, although there aren't many who would.
-She's very detail-oriented, in her life and in her work, which are virtually one in the same. Everything is immaculate, and has it's own very specific place. She takes great care in details, and everything must be completely perfect for her to be happy and proud of it.
-This leads into her OCD-ness. This attention to detail tends to also make Hattie go overboard, and become obsessed with the other details in her life. She has a fair bit of control over this tendency, but everything she makes in her artisan's forge must be even, symmetrical, and immaculately precise. She will not allow a single imperfect creation to leave her shop and go on to be sold in the market place. She also tends to have a ritual of sorts when it comes to creating. If she's hitting a bit of metal with an anvil, it needs to be done a specific number of times, or if she's creating fire to heat the metal, it must be the exact same temperature for every piece like it.
-Hattie also has a bit of a self-consciousness problem. She's been told her artistry is of the highest make and quality, and her time and attention spent on her work is flawless, but she can't seem to shake the gnawing doubt that she's not making it good enough. This makes it's way into her psyche sometimes, and she begins to anxiously worry that she herself isn't good enough to be a top-notch artisan, or that she doesn't deserve the praise she receives. Because of this, she tends to hide away in her forge, sheltered from the heat of the day and from the eyes of those she worries may judge her. She works best in solitude, and she's quite independent because of it.
-Being alone allows Hattie's thoughts and imagination to swirl and dance in her mind. Her creativity is shown in her work, and the most peculiarly, awe-inspiring work also feeds into the praise and amazement her patrons have at her handiwork.


- History -
Hattie always knew she wanted to be an artisan. She came from a family of lions who were both scholarly and physically strong, which meant many of her early role models were guards, knights, or ambassadors. She grew up in a strong, close-knit family unit, where sharing each other's views, talents, thoughts, and ideas was extremely important. Although her family was collectively quite similar to one another in most respects, she always felt slightly like the odd one out. Her parents already had fur on the thinner side, sleek and shimmering, but somehow the genetics for a smooth, shiny coat lost out on her, and her bare skin left her sticking out like a matte thumb in her family's shimmering troupe. Her sister was gifted with a particularly reflective coat, her fire element seeming to dance with golden sparks off of her coat, day and night. Hattie always claimed that her sister stole all of the shininess for herself, and even though Hattie could hardly blame anyone for her short-end-of-the-stick genetics, she yet had that inner sense of being just a little bit out of the ordinary, which she carried out into other parts of her life, not just within her family's genes.

For one, while she imagined she could have made a strong knight, her exposed skin would be much more susceptible to injuries or infections during battleground training, or even just from too much rubbing of metal or rough leather. Her other alternative, while sticking to those close-knit family values, was to become a scholar and a diplomat, and follow her father's side of becoming as wise and knowledgable as possible. Although like all Oasis lions, she already had this thirst for knowledge innately in her being, simply learning and pondering was too much of a bore for her. Hattie knew that she liked to use her paws, and work hard. Her solution came to her in the form of an older Oasis artisan lioness, whom she had know as a family friend who visited occasionally.

She trained under her mentor for a long while, learning all of the tricks of the trade. Her family was somewhat taken aback by this rift from family tradition, but after seeing her success and that she was happy, they decided to support her in her new trade. She quickly became an expert, and started her own forge near the common marketplace. Her creations are generally custom-made to order for lions that place personal requests, for there are many who do so, but if she has the free time, she will make her own creations for the fun of it, and exchange them for other goods with merchants to sell and trade in the main marketplace.

- Worldviews-
The Oasis:
The Oasis is Hattie's beloved home. She loves this place, and thinks it is the most beautiful and intriguing place in the universe. She of course knows the tales and stories of the outside world, and experienced some of it during her childhood Dawning of Light. She didn't experience much as far as lion-to-lion interactions outside of the Oasis, since she needed to stay out of the sun for fear of burning her exposed skin. Most of this self-discovery was done intrapersonally, and she felt like she was able to grow and figure out who she was with limited outsider interactions. She learned a ton about their customs and their armor designs from an observer's view, and when she returned to the Oasis for her guiding ceremony, she immediately knew how to improve what she saw in her own artistic talent and by blending it into the already spectacular designs on the Oasis traditional garb. She would never leave or abandon her home, the place where she is safe and lives a comfortable life.

The Pride:
When she was observing the pride as an adolescent cub, she saw them as intriguing, yet often barbaric. Many of them, sure, were of high status and intellectually interesting, particularly their Alpha and his cohorts. However, they still opted to make rash decisions, especially when driven by desperation. They also had less respect for impeccable craftsmanship or a healthy thirst for knowledge for Hattie's liking. When they arrived at the Oasis, the lioness was curious about their motives, and sympathetic to their desperation, but still held them at an arm's length. She didn't like these rebels, who were the worst-sounding sort of lions, but the Pride should be able to handle this issue on their own instead of disrupting the Oasis' clockwork way of life.

The Rebels:
Oh goodness, those rebels are heartless monsters! No respect whatsoever for any kind of fine arts, beauty, music, knowledge, or talent, unless of course it is a talent for murder. Hattie despises their lack of civility and culture, and the disregard they have for anything that is beautiful and comfortable. She isn't opposed to a fight, as long as it's well-intentioned, fair, and just. What these rebels have driven the poor Pride lions to is totally barbaric. At the very least, they could respect another lion's livelihood and schedule, the nerve! Hattie would prefer to stay out of such a messy fight, if she can. However, if it's true that her safe and comfortable home is at risk, she could swallow her disgust and fight for the pride and beauty of her home, if absolutely, dead-last necessary.

Color art by: Alaric Glöckner
Line drawings by: Myself
Last edited by Penultima on Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:37 am, edited 28 times in total.

She/Her - Bi - Biologist - Artist - Nature-lover - Master's student - Progressive - Unitarian


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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Vraska the Unseen » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:36 am

Marking to watch, if anyone would like to use my lions that went/my two oasis men shoot me PM here or on the Discord!
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