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Bat Dragon Adopts V2 - CLOSED; NEW THREAD by flyteck

Artist flyteck [gallery]
Time spent 4 hours, 35 minutes
Drawing sessions 7
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Bat Dragon Adopts V2 - CLOSED; NEW THREAD

Postby flyteck » Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:08 am


~Rules - Below~
~How to Adopt + FAQ~
~Species Information~
~Tack & Equipment~
~Gift Art & Support~

~Combined Species RP~


(hopefully most of these are common sense)

      ►Do NOT steal the species! It's happened once; it better not happen again.
      ►Use common sense. If you wouldn't do something at another adoptable, don't do it here.
      ►Mini-modding IS allowed and encouraged, as long as you know the rules yourself. Don't hand out false information!
      ►Do not steal art from anyone for your entries. Lineart colour ins are not allowed as entry art.
      ►No whining, begging, or complaining if you lose.
      ►Follow all CS rules
      ►Don't spam. You may bookmark or ask questions, but save chat for the fanclub.
      ►Have fun of course :'D
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Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:22 am

► starry-knight
► Rithyrm
► Gerbilfuzz


►Want to be one? PM me~


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How to Adopt + FAQ

Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:53 am


      ►In the "versions of this drawing" section, you can see all bat dragons made on these lines.
      ►When you find one you like, click on it to go to the page.
      ►Read the first post to see if it's for adoption. You might also want to check the last post to be sure it hasn't been won.
      ►If it is for adoption, read the adoption requirements, find the form and fill it out.
      ►Make sure to take note of art limits and end dates.


      ►To make a good form, try using websites like and fontmeme for headers, and free stock images for dividers.
      ►Customize your forms within the limits of the rules. Some contests have a specific or short form you must use.
      ►When doing art, try to do at least one piece on your own. This is a sign you'll likely draw them if you win.
      ►Length isn't everything. Try to make a detailed but not incredibly long form, since some artists don't enjoy reading many forms that are pages long. Try not to make an overly short form either, you want to portray the dragon's character well.


      ►No whining, complaining, or guilting other users.
      ►If you don't win, just be happy for the winner and move on.
      ►If you lose a BD and are upset by it, no need to say anything (nice or otherwise) to the judge or winner.
      ►No bribery. If you try to bribe an artist, you will receive a permanent ban.
      ►No pictures from the internet, except if they are free stock.
      ►Put effort in to forms! I will judge mainly on effort, not just skill.
      ►Have fun!
      ►Don't try for a Bat Dragon just to have one. Wait for one that really grabs your attention.
      ►You may only have 5 bat dragons in total right now.

There's nothing here yet since we haven't had any questions! Will be updated when we get some.
Last edited by flyteck on Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Species Information

Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:52 am

Q. What are they?
A. First off, bat dragons are not truly dragons. This is simply a misconception, similar to how koalas are not bears and red pandas are not pandas. When they were first discovered, people though they were dragons due to their size and ability to fly. They are mammals. Bat Dragons are a large mammal with flaps of skin which serve as wings. They have sloped hindquarters, and are able to walk on all fours using their "thumbs" like front feet. They all have nostrils rather than noses. Bat Dragon's are unable to stand on only their front legs, but they can balance and walk on their hind legs with practice. Although their origins are hazy, it is believed they are descended from bats. Bat Dragons generally range from 3.5 - 5 feet at the shoulder, although some can be as small as 3 feet or as tall as 5.5 feet. There are four different breeds of Bat Dragon, each adapted to feed easily on a specific food source. They generally don't get along in the wild, although they can in captivity (if brought up with the other species, much like cats and dogs). Bat dragons cannot talk to humans (although many can understand their body language), but can communicate with each other and other animals through barks, grunts, and chirps.

Q. Any general habits they have?
A. All bat dragons are naturally diurnal (active during the day) (bats cannot actually see in the dark, and use echolocation to navigate for that reason. They only hunt at night to avoid the majority of large predatory birds.), and they sleep lying down on the ground. A very small few sleep hanging from their tails. Bat dragons do have echolocation and can fly at night, but most prefer daylight. Bat dragons tend to be curious, and most will explore new things without hesitation. Bat dragons are also very trusting, but like horses, can spook. If abused or mistreated, most bat dragons will become afraid of or aggressive towards humans.

Q. How smart are they exactly?
A. Bat dragons are normally about as smart as a border collie. Very trainable, smart enough to figure out problems, and like dogs, smart enough to ask for help when they need it. Bat dragons have an emotional level equal to that of a human, and can read expressions very well. They can mostly understand human words too, although they learn from listening, so wild bat dragons don't know many words right away. The difference between BDs and most people is that bat dragons are fiercely loyal to their owners. Bat dragons are individuals, just like people. They all have unique personalities, and each will have friends and enemies. It is important to remember this, since a bat dragon fight can be very dangerous.They also don't take kindly to being treated as if they are stupid.

Q. Breeding?
A. (Breeding is not currently available.) Bat dragon breeding season is in spring (April - Early June). To court, male dragons (and occasionally, the female) will do aerobatic performances to impress their mate of choice. If the other likes the performance, they will take off and join in. Bat Dragons mate for life, and most will never pair again, even if their old mate dies. They will grieve for long periods of time, and may become slightly aggressive after losing a mate.

Q. What are they used for?
A. Bat Dragons are used much like horses. They are ridden for work and for pleasure. They can walk and run fairly well on the ground, but their best point is in the air. Bat Dragons can carry their riders very high into the air, and can fly for long periods of time. Smaller breeds like nectar eaters can be used to pull carts or ploughs, as well as giving small children rides, although they are normally just kept as pets like dogs.

Q. Being so big, how are they able to fly?
A. It would seem that way at first, but Bat Dragons are built for flight. They have hollow bones much like birds, which reduces their weight. But these bones are strong and hard. Bat dragons all require a lot of calcium in their diets to help keep their bones hard. Most bat dragons will take a running start to fly, but they can sometimes make a standing take-off. They cannot hover, and must flap almost constantly to fly.


    ►Thick, pointed teeth
    ►Blunt muzzle, like that of a bull terrier
    ►Thick, short thumbs with sturdy claws, hind feet with claws
    ►Largest Bat Dragon breed (Between 4.5-5.2 feet, with some abnormalities)
    ►Hunt individually, rarely with a pack of omnivores
    ►Feed on large herbivores + herbivorous bat dragons
    ►Stays to own species (unless with pack of omnivores)

    ►Long, slightly blunt teeth
    ►Long, sturdy muzzle, like that of a wolf
    ►Clawless hind feet, cat-like claws on thumbs
    ►Mid-size (4 - 5 feet at shoulder)
    ►Hunt in small packs (groups of 2-5) or individually
    ►Feed on small mammals + fruit
    ►Sometimes travels with carnivores or herbivores

    Herbivores: RETIRED. Will not be made any more.
    ►Rabbit/Beaver like teeth
    ►Long, sturdy muzzle, like that of a wolf
    ►Clawless hind feet, dog like claws on thumbs
    ►Mid-size (4 - 4.5 feet at shoulder)
    ►Travel in herds (groups of 6-20)
    ►Feed on grass + some fruits
    ►Stays to own species

    Nectar/Fruit Eater:
    ►Long, delicate, pointed teeth for skewering fruit.
    ►Teeth can break if used to eat anything but soft fruit
    ►Hummingbird-like tongue for drinking nectar
    ►Whippet-like muzzle
    ►Clawless hind feet, aye-aye like thumbs, but longer claws
    ►Small (3.5 - 4 feet at shoulder, with few abnormalities)
    ►Sometimes difficult to ride due to size, often is a companion animal
    ►Travel in flocks (groups of 2-8)
    ►Feed on flowers + fruit
    ►Stays to own species, single members may travel with herbivores
Last edited by flyteck on Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Tack & Equipment

Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:20 am

Bat dragon saddles are long, with enough space to sit almost three people on them. The saddle sits between the dragons shoulders on its back. There are at least two straps on the saddle, the cinch (stomach) and breast collar (chest). The cinch goes through the web on the dragon's wing. All domestic dragons have an incision made in the web for this, and many choose to have it lined with metal to prevent the cinch chaffing. Having this incision made doesn't hurt, it's like having your ears pierced. Saddles are not designed to be sat on exactly, but are meant to be knelt on. You use your knees to hold yourself in place, since the wing web prevents you from placing your legs down.Riding for a long time continuously can be a bit painful and hard on your knees. Saddles are normally made of leather with suede seating for better grip. Most do not have a saddle horn like a western saddle, although a select few do. When diving or flying fast, it is safest to hold the pommel or horn so you don't fall off. Some saddles have straps which can be wrapped around the ankles and upper calves, which hold the rider securely to the saddle. These are mainly found on saddles for beginners or saddles for speed. Saddles generally have a soft tree, not a hard one, since the dragon needs to be able to move freely to fly. Most saddles are simple and unembellished, but some have metal and stone decorations. Some also have tie strings and saddle bags for carrying clothing, possessions, and food/water.

Bat dragons bridles vary in many ways. The one thing they all have in common: lack of a metal bit. Bat dragon teeth are not fragile, but being rammed by a metal bar would not be good for them. Most bat dragons are ridden with a hackamore bridle (bitless). The noseband sits about half way up their heads, and is held up by a strap which runs around their ears. Most don't have a throatlatch (strap that goes around the bottom of the head) on them, although some do. Most bat dragons respond well to bitless bridles, but then there are those who don't. They are often ridden with a cloth or leather bit, which can apply pressure without damaging their teeth. That being said, most bat dragons have very sensitive mouths and don't need these. Most bridles have either a leather or rope noseband, with a string crownpeice. But some more "showy" bridles are pure leather and embellished with metal and jewels. When it comes down to it, bridles vary greatly in material and decoration, although the base structure is basically the same with all.

Modifications are made to all types of tack. Some bat dragon saddles can be shorter than normal, meaning the rider's feet and lower leg rest on their animal's back. This is useful for stubborn animals, who can be prodded with the toes when not listening. Some of these shorter saddles have rigid trees, sine they do not have to bend with the dragon's back due to the shorter length. Some saddles have more straps than others, and some have up to five. One breast collar, three cinches, and a tail strap. This keeps the saddle from sliding even a little bit. Saddles can be made from fabric and padded, but this is rare.

Bat dragon bridles do not vary much in shape. But some have browbands, which span the forehead. All bridles have reins, but some have more than others. Most sets have a standard loop around set of reins. But some have split reins, and others have dual reins (mainly those with fabric bits, since some of those have reins for the noseband and reins for the bit). In general though, bridles don't change much from their basic shape.

Bat dragons, when used as working animals, are very good for farming. They can be used to plough fields, water crops, and herd livestock. The basic plough for a bat dragon is simple a yolk with an "arm" extending downwards from either side. The arms hold the plough. The bat dragon flies at a steady height over the field. Some larger dragons have trouble flying this low, and can pull the plough from the ground instead. To water crops, most farmers simply dump water from buckets while sitting on their dragon's back. But there is also a harness with two large canisters for water on it. These sit on the dragon's back, and a hose leads down either side and opens into a sprinkler head on the sides of the harness. Once the sprinkler heads are opened, the dragon can simply fly and a spray of water will sprinkle onto the field until the canisters are empty. Herding livestock is straightforward: the dragon chases the animals from the air, acting much like a herding dog would. The can be given commands from the ground or ridden for this.

Bat dragons can be used to harvest lumber. Once the trees are cut down, a few bat dragons can drag an entire tree to the road for pick up. Bat dragons used for this are not often pets, and are used solely for work. That being said, they are still well taken care of. To pull lumber, bat dragons are equipped with a special harness. There is a collar piece and a strap that sits around the hips, and a v shaped rope links them. This rope is normally about 20 feet long in total. There is a small connecting rope from that one, which is tied to the log. To pull a 18 foot tree, about 3 bat dragons are needed.

No specific tack is used for hunting.

You may design tack for your bat dragons as long as you don't stray too far from the basics. Nothing that you imagine a bird of equivalent size couldn't cary or would be hard for a rider to sit on.
Last edited by flyteck on Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Gift Art & Support

Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:24 am

Here is all the gift art we've gotten. Many of these are from the old thread. Ask to be added and you can colour your dragon (NOT one you are trying for) in the lines c:

A pixel button and two stamps by me c:

Code: Select all

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Make or take a stamp, banner, or button and help support Bat Dragons!
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Re: Bat Dragon Adopts V2

Postby flyteck » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:25 am

Now officially open!

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I'm still on here, but I don't post much.
Feel free to message me if you'd like to
chat! Check my DA for commissions c;

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Re: Bat Dragon Adopts V2

Postby shinjitaro » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:36 am

Im glad that this is now open!


hey, i'm shin.
i've pretty much quit cs, but feel free to
contact me if you need me!
i'll check back every now and then.
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Re: Bat Dragon Adopts V2

Postby rottenmutt » Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:08 pm

I want one omg.<3

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Re: Bat Dragon Adopts V2

Postby parlaymars » Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:24 am

flyteck, these are so cute <333 I will def. be applying for the artist competition c:
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